6 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Tuexday, November 1, 1949 "now what can ee ta7!nsI Ianna a sot 'tj i 'v I U BLKSSimf IIKJzSTa 6IL50L0N&'.'-ILL WOP I F&CM THE ijf F&l I lEMtl-' MY EMILJl J!KflTfl It. " 5 F TO SEEP WITHOUT THS r:A C.i""ary hfjlmAfWi !FT" Tl -i5iilMjJLI ( Li 1 BOOK IP HE DOESN'T HURRVW 1 I 11 I "iTajAiff U I H I i J 1 llZVU'l I W ! RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness PO' TUESDAY P.M. KGW G eht prl able T up 1 tie I W wtra nav; Am Tl thro was by . towi D. one prin gion orti ham ciall new drer S and Vi iri yeai eonl 111, 29, acrt ad i day B ed. by PEGOY OhaDtar 1 The eeoot looanad out of tha fo, Martin parkaa uw r ana an Muncul had "o alotur In." Martin appeared with luagagf "Ulnar Oaltrin. ha run onto eonie klnlolk," the ehaulftur reportad. M ask aan wi take Umm home?" Tha "klnfolk" (ht waa "some thing with the government") chat tad with har. They'd haard ao much about har: har newapaper photo graphs dWnt do har Juetloe. And while they chatted Arlela'i mind ran In frantic circles. Cal had changed. But no. it waa the pret ence of thla couple Imposing a re atralnt. Ka waa looking at har In auch a strange way. No, aha waa imagining things; how could she fathom his glance In this gloom? And than the klnfolk were left at tha Mayflower and the car waa heading back to Virginia and Cal vin waa apeaking to Martin. "Martin, think you can find the club field in this fog? I left my car there." And to Arleta he said. "I want to drive back to tne snip In tha Biornlng. Came down in an emergency field and I don't trust tne service there. She asked all of the proper ques tions. Had he had a nice trip? He hadn't. It was no time of the year for areas -country flying in a small shlD. Oh, he'd made good nouarh time. Then ha had spent the full two weeks at the ranch, she thought. "Couldn't you atop for dinner, cai7- He'd left his bas In the ship Ke would like to aat home. Then did he mean to send her back with Martin? she wondered. He didn't. He dispatched Mar tin. tucked Arleta Into his car, got In himself, but made no move to ward starting the motor. And then he said in a terse Toice. "The ranch is out Of course she'd known It the moment she'd caught his first scrut inizing glance. "All right." Her voice was mere whisper, and then It began to swan witn eagerness. But ten me about it. Oal. Waa It so bad so completely run down, the house?" "I didn't go up," he replied. "Flew aver. There was no pasture, the place Is a masa of greasewood, take "But, Cal, If you don't go in He'd said up; that meant he must know it waa high on a plateau. "Talked to some men who'd been hunting. But look, Lata, let's not discuss it. If we do we'll quarrel. You're carrying a glorified image af tha place you knew In your ehildhood. I understand. "Let's forget that. Uncle Jack' yacht offer is still good. I want to settle that tonight. Well take a few friends with us.' He painted a word picture of long, golden days on a purple blue sea of close friends to break the snonotonv; of putting Into small porta, hiring horsea for trips Inland, or stopping over at quaint nostelrlea. And, perversely, her thoughts Sainted a picture of long green avs bristling with activity, of their awn mounts, end riding where she'd ridden as a child. "I aeem to be two persons," she affered apologetically: "the East ern one, the Arleta you know; and the Western one. Ohips " "Chips." Tha word seamed to some from between his teeth, and then ha spoke again, quickly. "So I'll phone Uncle Jack tonight." Had he shown anv tenderness Had he. once they were alone, kissed har, even aat with his arm about her. He hadn't. He'd aat as a stranger making a business proposition. "Well?" It waa Chips and not Arleta who answered. "Well, what?" aha re torted. "You aeem to be mak ing the decision. Shall we sun noma? It's oold and Aunt Leta will be worried." They made the trip In silence. He too her aa far as tha door. "Ill call you tomorrow about five. I want to get uo to the ship in the morning. I'm due at Miami the next day; I told you about that two-week fishing trip." The door opened as Arleta nod Jkd. "Have a grand time and may "wt au oe Dig ones. ' She thoueht. ''What's arvt-tsr aflfu Sw ranch? I know It's there. I R2860 O'MORE A.P Nawsrattra know It'a mine. Why do they keep me from going back?" At first she had been too young to travel alone. And then there d been tha wartime transportation problem. And then her father had been killed in mat nuniing acci dent. And before she'd recovered from that, her mother had died. Bhe had not known of either death In time to make the lour nay West. Yet her sister Arllne had known, had coma from the Islands to attend tha final rites of both parents. Of course Arllne was older than she. ten years older. And Arltna had a husband, and now children. And Arllne had been named executor of the estate. She didn't mind Arleta inheriting the ranch. She did mind her refusal to sell. Whv? She stood up. The fire flared by the sweeping swirl of her skirts, ngmea tne irame or a photograph on a low stand. Big China, her fa ther, waa staring at her with what nis men called nis "to neu with it" expression: the very look he'd given her when she'd thought she neara a rattlesnake in the gar bage pit. "Take vour nistol and find out If you don't you'll never be able to go near It without fear." Arleta stood up. stretched aa though she were bursting bonds and then smiled at the photograph. "Thanks, Chips," she said. "I'll do mat' (To Be Continued) MAT 29S2 UZtS 10, II, 11 HI.Sle.lss. I la. BlutaJ .bleat . suspender top plut a smart little wcikii, Bwii ejiyie appeal in any IltMe grirl'si vruahiiUn a Ai - Ileal. scotch cud to make the whole thing peneci. i itvo separate patterns). No. 2W6 Is cut in slaes 2, 4, 6, and It flimM A raWllllraaai 1 L. rts OS l t .skirt; H yd. 35-in. for wesklt; and 1U vHm qft.ln ! r.1ii.. D1A.... 4 embroidery de&lfrn Included In pat- VCl II. No. M62 (hat) Is out In head sls 10. 10 91 tavnti M Anv eyf thati .1... require yd. 18-in. Wmtlrf nil lllrs. In .... . M11el.. I of more than 160 other pattern svyiwif ajiui inciuae tne fall-WIN -ter FASHION BOOK In your pat tern order and you'll be delighted wiwi wie wiae selection or designs for all size and sue groups, and All fwranirma Vmill alu -VM.a e-.naj gtt IllBllt ISlWlTMtlmiB fnr aaaeillir ew.B. le. that will stretch your Christmas umiKvi,. rrice 01 dook to cents. Send 2fc for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State sine dfn.irri Address Capital Journal. 114 Mis aiuu ot., pan rTancuco 6, calif. flew - Km a w fi a T,,.nH n-t decorated with gay embroidery ; , . " ",l lul '""nion-nunaed glrU from 4 to 1 years. The lump- uuiiuie qih"t in me sum mer as a sunback drras Pattern tovelope No. R2860 con- " iiiwiie paiirrn, sirra a, a. a .lewlnir and f(rt.t,l,,a rflwiu,.. Iron transfer lor embroidery, stitch iiusiiauons ana emorolderlng In structlons. To obtain una pattern, send JOr in uiina giving pattern number VOUr name tririrM. unrf mnnm ber to Peggy Roberts tit Mission lo.reet. out rrancisco a, caul. l (shine i I i r ''r- i vrrw ii 1 1 1 wi iim rca ran u m O ltlHirtrfc..- Mhkm W but weu. keep eajsi wofrtw. s3 B hmmco t3SI3 the WsSiiSM&gS I f-H t I HUSBOND3MO HS tJfS SffiO JUST flBOUT I i UP-flH-H-THERE'S I Ht. DOC? H S0T ANV CEAS, BOYS? lmi 9:30 ta I GcrrHOUffTH'BOI)se-- HELPLESS- J H TJfi WS. MPC BOND- -jSiliSal t?TS3l i iim rs-iaM i m xwwm 11 :w i t f SUREe.UT Kl HAVE TO COVER UPTHIS'Q ' WWV, JOMIORI -R-HA.VE I PLEASE EXCUSE ME FOgJI I f& MOW COME? HAIRCUT SOME WAV- 1M I WHAT'S THE IDEA) A COLD, LAU&HINQj BUT ivej 3.00 . , .rtD, slVOU HAVEKl'T ASHAMED TO BE SEEM Ji OP THE FUNNV j DOMfJA-J NEVER SEEN VDU fTHATS i- 3:15 T VOUR ui TCP?)) WORW A aj LWITH IT-- ffe W ?T "" ira HAT BeFOREOKAy.VOLA ;.Jo your MAT PQpg1 UA,T ltJ av i?T-rA I i , r TTTlT iTwl ljmTWK SEEM " 1 1 rirM-iiii w ( mi& 'Vg&Xw') rClP) l&ttigJ n-t-QdA irwiT-M'riFApY voufeg . .. " -J POVOU X CERTAINLy . i .,k... ITT ,' ' i MV WOMANLY k-wiu, u;ua-tN t t.o.. suKe. V - wm-il-t .n . . -Wne , nt shb faaaaaaaa-iaaaiaariaaaaaaaaa ay ,swUilM. IN Tn dd?7b BT l.vg..7" TE PIOFESSOeS tupt-ourwmiti I -aaaa- aa B1a IL LEAD THE WAV '' 7 ""Sl TWE PEARLS t?E "V le A MR.SANPBAL-AND THE FISH' IS PBACV TO ABOABP. AS SOON AS THAT'S VvWSRE THSV EP THElt! 60LLV P f NOW Wt MAt?SW IP DB-OUINN WILL BE 60, MONK. WHAT ABB THE SANPBAL 6ETS HERE, LITTLE SUBMARINE - BI6HT IP THEV " vSS-JS'lto R16HTBEH,NPyO0 PLANS? V 'WW TOMgJ OUT ACROSS THE COVE . .ta IK. 1 .- hMMi 6 THl ASl THt KtTCHtS I HAO ( I 11 . .AN0 0 Will THI WEtTll6HT J . rt , tSlWKSI MARTIN M'KEE1 AN ARTIM 00 HCS R-RtTLV-, , lovr TM COMPANV COMMKilON-HUNORV 77 ijKm, '5:4S-JV!. I" ONWMfOf THt NEWCAKM. A MARTV' J AIEMN! WD0UN6 0UI1 ytTtioi TnApZbOff ViSABlkaN ; I K0IN no cbs KEX 110 ABC 20 NBC Id Knoi Manning Greea Littlo Know Kralur blof itireen M ! Jnl Bop UttM Bo llap Llark Nrt Jack irireflfhtcrt Heme tdltton MdHtln It't M Belief Mc(t aft Holly McG Malljr ll.lffl Wita Lutfl LIfaWHa J.ulal II tt tha Jackpot Hit tha iarkpst Kip't Musis Counterspy Counterspy Res Maupia KeiMaupln HolIrwajAai Th. Pc. are) Fn P. ft Funny Inatrt. Ktnl. iVauibn Monroe jVauibn Monroe Low. Thorn aa LUtt Smith Defense Ntwi f World Defense Time Town Meetlai Town Mootloc Towa Meeting iTswa Mooting Newt jWa Car Cavvftlcad Cnraleada Ranald CaUa'n iHanald Calem'n BlK Tawaj Mr., Mrs. North Mr., Mra. North, IMvaUnr Then. IMyaterr Tbn citlaB tub 1ft B.I Tow Ham Haxaa Star Final Richfield Biptr Mori, Downtr You World Intermesio 'Kporta rasa iBand WBfoa ilrtlo Orchestra Concert Concert Contort Concert N'rwa ISerenade iH'ai Mimm Hai Mattel ra IsifO Off Orchestra treasury Band tews Silent fXtra WEDNESDAY 6 Hodga Fodia Newt Farm Time Kara Tint News KOIN Klork KOIN Klock KOINKlock KOIN Klock" Farm Keep Keep Keep Newt Agronskr Rob Hsiea News News Fred Beck leke Eddie Albert Eddie Albert Consumer News; Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Breakfast Club Mildred Bedell News Grand Slaaa Jack Bereb Saga Bldera Rosemary Wendy" Warren" Aual Jenny Helen Trent Second Cub Second Cup Hometown era Today's Art Art News Our Gal Sund'y Marriage far I torn Lawtoa Big Sister Me Perkins Jack Galen Drake My True Story My True Story Betty Crocker Hostess House Hostess House Vi, Dr. Malone GuidingLlght Double or Notb. nd Mrs. Burt'a Double ar Notb. rrry Mason iKiders T'day'a Childon Norah Drake .Brighter Day N westerners N 'westerners Llgbt af World Life Baaatlfal News Pepper toang jllapplneaa Baukbaga Coma gf Get It News Bright Light Victor Art Baker Meet Backstage Wife Barny'd Follies Breakfast .In Stella Dallas Lorensa Jones Wldder Brown Garry Moore Garry Moora Hollywood Kay West Kay West Newspaper Newspaper Meet Missus Meet Missus Girl Marries Jay Jay Por. Faces Life Just Plain Bill Fr. Page Farrell Bride Bride jTunefutly Yo'rs 'Welcome Tra. 'Welcome Tra. Aunt Mary iLote Learn INewa Talk Talk Art har Godfrey Arthor Godfrey Arthur Godfrey Be Ted Woman's Secret Arthur Godfrey Mod. Mod. IRoad of Life Dr. Paul Sunny Bide Arthur Godfrey; Curt Massey Squirrel Squirrel K. Murrow: DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 Chldren'a The.tr.l S:IS, Od tbt Up bcatl :. Sport. Clabi SiOO. N.w.1 :. Orsaai e:SS, 'K.ani tat Campflrei 1:H, ETtolos Tarsi Boari S:0, OSC Mailei S:l, V. N. Ei.wi :!. Sonm S:4S. Nwi snd W.atheri :M, Ma lta Thai Endareil Bvenlna Medlla- tlonai 10:00, Slfn Off. Eastern Star Dance Held at Woodburn Woodburn The Halloween dance, sponsored by the Social club of Evergreen chapter. Or der of the Eastern Star, at the Woodburn armory, was a decid ed success and attended by a large crowd. Tha hall waa attractively dec orated in keeping with Hallo ween and a fortune telling booth and wishing well by the Rainbow Girls added much to ACROSS t. Two-footed a. Spantah ctoaka IL Coylj aedata 12. Thought 14. Beginning la. Happen 16. Recelva 17. Cooka 19. Ancient Qrek letter 10. Mala deer 22. feara of ona'a Ufa 22. Dlipatehed 24. Having thras lobaa 27. Fold of elota . Wore dla- oourtaous 12. Nota of tha acala 21. Too lata 27. Brother of Odin 22. So. Amarlcaa Indian 40. Mensurea 41. Klp'lng character 42. Rvlls 44. Harden 46. Italian Bum mer resort 48. Mu.lo dratnaa 4B. Grower 60. Cylindrical SI. Ornaments 62. Condition 53. Clva W.' Ia I3 s W1L r Is I' l' WA : ii jfai '3 m S77 5S" JTJa ST rv' n w 35 ffg3 sl " iii 1 i ' ' I t A Menrieoruret ROOM AND 60ARD DA JUP5E WAS TWINKtN' J ABOUT fiCTTl'YUH A MATCH f Si5N WE UP-' 1 With A LOCAL FiGWTtN' 7 --I'veBESM VWpT FIR.E-WAN CALLED FOuR.- FROSTED BEFORE I ALARM FOLEY-- BUT WES T&LLM I J 5MAKY ABOUT STARTIN' DO.MT WANT A wiTW A MONSTER WWO MAS SQUARE DANCE J 9 V PASTED 29 VICTIMS IN FOR MY S "'--'- .--1 sVaST 1 KSLM UN uac K0C0 14M Ktt. Horn! llftralfht Arrow K by that Bancb Kbytbsa Baack Hornet Slralcht Arrow ArmttroB MldntgbtjBlag Craatty Amfttroai iCapL Midnight iBuainaaa ISawa tGabritl Heater Candle!' B L Nortbw'ol NWB: CaadlaJ't SU. News Biaah Walim ta feopli Telia TMl Mualfl (Drama af Mad. palming Strings Vat O'Brtaa QduslaaJ J'ekpeH UMdere la Sky iEvelya Kaiahl fttdara ta Sky Speaking Spts. Tint Coanl M. Crista Track 14M Track UN Count M Carta LMusIa hTraek UM tMusta JTrack IaM Newa fTraek I4M rrraek ItM (Mu.te 'avorita Stair Mew Favarita Starr Uaa Oaraar Faltoa Lewis flet. Laa. Newt N'ewa Franttar Towa iFrontlar Towa Hoar Hoar Hoar Hoar Mas. yaa Waal Mas. ya Want tMuaia Lava Mralerr Nactaraa Nocturne Noetaraa Here's Ta Vets Morgan Or. i . Morgan Or. j Nocturne Boar feign Off Hlrm Off A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. News Smiling Smiling Smiling iMorn. News piusls. Tlmk'pr. March Tlmt KOCO Kltek KOCO Klock News News Br'kfast Gang Rise and Sains Top Trades fTos Bitter News at Sparta Tap O' Moraine; To O' Moralng Manners Barg. Counter Rle a Rhino Bible Instltole King's Crasadrs King's Crasadrs West. Meiodtas Bible Institute Fiesta Time LNorthw'st News! for Melad Start Uuti Club Time for Mel'dy LInkletter LInkletter Pa e; tort Call Walts Tltno wtars aing is. Ch. Thomat Norman N. W. News Gospel Singer Musis Walts Beren. Ladles First Ladies First Mem'rmble Mas, (Tune Tlasa teS Keys Mnslo Mart Musle Mart Jan Garboff Vocal Varieties of Sage jQueen for Day jQaeen for Dsr Top Trades lHoUyw'4 Masts News Hotlrw'd Maslt News Davs Dennis tlndlahr N'orthw'st Neva Meajous Eberlr Show Tell Neighbor Mac's Melodist iMae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodlea Harvey Harding Organ Reveries IB log Sings Stewart Stewart Melody Matinee Mae's Melodlea Mae's Melodies (Mac's Melodlea Mac s Melodlea Melody Matinee it Groom Groom Tenn. Jamboree Tcnn. Jamboree War Oat Way Out Aab Paola Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Bob Pools News Seated Maloaa Songs af Times plac' t Melodist Romances Romances Fulton Lewis jMoTletlma Friendly B can ba Beaat. Lb eaa ba Beaut. Hemingway Cage Cage Behind Story News 1 f a f " Wednesday A. M. 10:0. New IXVaMV and Weather i 10:15, Espec ially for Womeni 11:00. Oregon School af Alrt 11:15, Concert Haiti 12:00, Ncwsi 13:1!I. Noon Farm Honri 1:M. Bids 'Em Cowboy; 1:15, Oregon School af the Air, This Day; t:00. Freedom ta Crew, t:SO. Memory Book af Music i Dra gon School of the Alrt S OO, News) 1:15, Musle of the Masters i 4:00, Oregon Re porter) 4:15, Kera Sloop; 4:S0, Homes on the Land, 4:15, Song af tbt Islands. . the pleasure of the evening. Miss Patricia Houseweart, worthy advisor of Rainbow at Woodburn, was in charge of the fortune telling booth and was assisted by Misses Carleen and Caroline Helsel, Irene Layne, Loris Larson, Phyllis Roberts, Eileen Rogers, June Polly and Gwendolyn Kay. Mrs. Lois Gaviola was general chairman. Mrs. R. E. Harper was in charge of the refreshment stand. Excellent music was fur nished by Hermie Grindland'i all-girl orchestra and in all the dance was one of the outstand ing events of the fall season. Solution of Veaterday'e Puzzle DOWN 1. Flat can . Copr Kind of dof Goddsaa ol discord Partalnfns! ttt tha tatii Thread spun by a apldar Monkeys Fruft ttona Aromatic scad Typa of car Feet: slant Smalt de pression If Bnatch Ornamental button Short newg. paper story Metric land measures Advance DMa wars Indiana Apparent Sttnjf f conaciencs) Holder of leass Devoured Group of four Watchful African brea4 Measure of surfaca Wild anlmaj PlJimesa ooLb BuaU By Gent Ahtrr, fsa r--l-lNlTl1wIMtnBlAII bieIt a nuisne n a to A.8-B elli,e;.B E C stjl w ciu pTbt u N Afjaio . Hlfl SHI TjEjgfR J M h slgpja a TpjpjR i y e Sag la TTeisgiA v w SjTjRIA PaTlOgS! A;W;A S HBoiEidl TIEIP R ii flT ?1 ? X f AsiEsUsYElJgjpEN