P0( Gl chec prlM bis n up il tic 1 w: were navy Anil Tk throi was by c towt Dt on prim gion aorti hanc elall new! dren St and W greg year cont 111, $29, ere d a dayi B d. P a n a C 12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, November 1, 1949 r- r . ; T : Oregon Military District Name of New Area in State By MARGARET MAGEE November 1 marked (he formation of a new military area, the Oregon military district. It li one of four districts to come under the northern Subarea, which until November 1 was known as the northern military district. The new Oregon district, later to be commanded by a general officer, now has Col. Karl C.- Frank as the acting chief. Frank if the senior army instructor for Oregon and has his office in the U.S. courthouse In Portland. It will be the duty of the chief of the Oregon Military District to assume the administration and supply duties previously performed by the organized re serve corps senior army Instruc tor for the Army Reserve Corps, only. Coordinate and supervise ORC, National Guard and ROTC affairs within the state that are the responsibility of the Sixth Army commander. As far as the National Guard is concerned the chief of the Oregon district will have charge of the regular army instructors and will make recommendations aimed at co ordinating the National Guard land Reserves training program. In addition to this he exerciser command over all -ORC nflits tn the state; command of profes sors of military science and tac tics at each educational institu tion having ROTC units and represents the Sixth Army com mander on reserve public rela tions matters. While relieved of some of the duties he had as commander of the Northern military district Brig. Gen, Robert A. McClure as commander of the northern Subarea still commands the four states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. His main functions will be to assist the Sixth Army command er on matters concerning the civilian components within the area; conduct inspector general annual army inspections as di rected by Sixth army (this for merly was done by teams out of Sixth 'army). Numerous other "duties -will also Tall to him as the army carries on its pro gram of Improving and strength ening its support and coordina tion of the activities of its sev eral civilian components. Adult Instrumental Group Is Organized Stayton The Stayton adult instrumental group will meet each Tuesday evening in the high school at 7:30 o'clock. Any one who plays any type of mu sical instrument is urged to join the group. Dwane Burgess, music in structor for the schools is direc tor and he believes there are many here who play instruments who would enjoy meeting each week with a group to work as a unit. ed at the Grand Hotel In Nuernberg, Ger. He had left Prague at the request of the Czechoslovakian government, after It had labeled him and an embassy clerk as spies. Patch also served as vice-coun-sul at Prague. (AP Wire-photo) Adwrtuemtnl Checks In Isaac Patch, Ji., U. S. embassy attache at Prague, shown as he register- CT7nTuTC MTMM StJUl VOWrEIEIS FIND CUti FOR MISItT DUI TO NASAfc CONGISTIOM. SUPPLY RUSHID HltU RcJif at ImI froa torture asnaa, tatarrh, ud hay fvr 4ua to iiul oat. Horn m Mn today is raporta at imn wiU (omul which baa tha pomm to nadua i aaami ooci-Mioa. mwm ana waauaa vita cmMdi aiaua baadaehca, elow4 atoatrfla. aaracba. hawk in mod MaasJag Baiaaiy tad of nlaaaad relief attar alt It KLORONOL oata M M. but aottaidarinc ran ha, thta ta aoi axpanair. imoaiU to ly aaamtaa mm I Am KLORONOL (tautta. aaa wmtr m arnla!) aoai with BMV-att. aamvwito mg achaefer Drai, I Prrry Drni, IZft 'Ordrrs Pllk. IftA Na. Caai German Church Belli Workmen in the Schilling plant at Heldalbrg finiih blli turned out to replace those taken from churches for guns and ammunition during the war. ANCIENT HEBREW SCROLL DISPUTED Goat's Search for Greener Pastures Led to Discovery By HARMAN W. NICHOLS Washington, Nov. 1 (U.B) Some of our leading scholars have ex pressed doubt whether the Hebrew scrolls, found in a cave south of Jericho, are the real thing. The sacred writings, believed to be over 2.000 years old, now are on display at the Library of Congress. They are insured for half a million dollars. Dr. Lawrence Marwick, chief of the Hebraic section of the lib rary, Is one of the believers. He says the greatest doubt as to the authenticity of the scrolls comes from Prof. Solomon Zelt lin of Dropsle College in Phila delphia. The professor came here and had a look at the scrolls and said he thought they were of much later origin than supposed. He cited, among other things, the condition of the parchment. Alittle history: The exciting story began when a particularly hungry goat Jump ed the fence in 1947 looking for a fresher pasture. This was In the foothills of the northwest shores of the Dead Sea, south of Ain Feshkha the area pres ently claimed by the Hasimite ruler of Transjordan. This goat was followed by his Bedouin shepherd, who want ed to get It back in the fold. The billy led his master into a small circular opening in a rock faee and thence into a cave. The goatherder's eyes popped at what he saw. There, on the earthen floor of the cave, were a number of large earthen Jars overed with an ancient script. In all, four complete manu scripts were found. Three of these are among the display here. The fourth requires expert handling before It can be un rolled. Most valuable of the group Is the virtually complete scroll of Isaiah the complete text. Dr. Marwick says the cave in which the writing were found recently was excavated by two of the leading authorities of archaeology In Palestine. Pottery found there is said to be characteristic of the Mac cabean age, before the time of Herod the great In the years be fore Christ. That cinches the authenticity so far as the lib rary of Congress expert is con cerned. It is Interesting to note that In addition to the complete manuscripts discovered, frag ments of some ZOO others also were found. While the debate goes on, the scholars admit there Is a touch of mystery about the whole thing. How did the scrolls hap pen to survive? Since all were made of the same tough parch ment, how come there are some whole manuscripts and only torn bits of others? The cave which the ancient curator selected for the deposit turned out to be an exrellent hiding place, anyhow. It's en trance can't be seen from the plain below. Dr. Marwick says that it has been established definitely tlwt the cave was entered around 200 A. D. Within, besides the scrolls, the scholars found a later Roman lamp, which dated itself by what the students knew of other lamps from the some period. So, Dr. Marwick concludes, It is possible that other scrolls may have been removed at that time. Whatever happened to them if there were any more nobody knows for sure. What catches the eye of the people who visit the library of congress exhibit Is the 24-foot long script of Isaiah. It is writ ten in the Hebrew characteristic of the second century B. C. It is therefore recognized as the oldest existing manuscript of any portion of the Bible in any language. It is more than 1. 000 years older than the earliest previous ly known Hebrew manuscript, dated after S16 A. D. Engineers have worked It out so that two television stations operating on seperate channels can use the same antenna tower. iW "': lS fi En Route to 11. S Kinuyo Tanaka, Japanese movie star, arrives at Tokyo Airport to start her tour of Honolulu and U. S., by permission of SCAP, U. S. occupying authority. HARD OF HEARING You'vt Wailed for This I HERE IT IS! NO RECEIVER BUTTON IN THE EAR! fOOT? Retieot With KIIIT STARTS M I T9 IS MIIHJTIt SUMMTHB Oft VMM HMIT SACS On Sale at All QO FRED MEYER DRIGS yOC Jt MRS WUl The Phn(o. mold combined with the Ik Icon llrarins Aid assure! you of uniurpmed heiring qualiryfor both lone and volume. But be it of alt, even your friendi woo l notice thai you art wearing a hearing aid. You owe it to yourself to tea thii newest hearing improvement and convince yourself that now for the first time you really can conceal your deafness. Drop in today and see it. Mean while, All out coupon for JTvs tree hook. falter W MONO-PAC ONI-UNII NIAIIN Alt James N. Toft AND ASSOCIATES ii Oreton Bldg. . Salem, Ore. ifcMiiiiliii J P NNlh Ji S SHOP AND SAVE PLENTY! 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II MAIN FLOOR J ' ' GIRL'S PLASTIC RAIN CAPE FOR THESE RAINY DAYS IN BLUE, SILVER, WHITE SIZES: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 WITH HOOD SECOND FLOOR 1 00 BETTER DRESSES REDUCED HIGHER PRICED LINES PRICES SLASHED! ALL BEAUTIFUL DRESSES SECOND FLOOR (n)(n) WOMEN'S RAYON GOWNS DAINTY LACE TRIM RUFFLED YOKE CREPE AND JERSEY LOVELY PASTEL SHADES MAIN FLOOR 1.98. 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ALL SIZES IN 80 SQUARE PERCALE FABRIC CHOICE OF ASSORTED COLORS, PATTERNS DOWNSTAIRS STORE 2.79 WOMEN'S CORDUROY SUITS SOFT, UNLINED PINWALE CORDUROY GREY, GREEN, BROWN, RED SIZES 10TO 18 SECOND FLOOR 10.00 PENNEY'S - OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 P. M.