Ch tent r Of, ttte my, ton, uld its hat In ve ire ler WOCUS ON CANCER: if " - til AIM Model of patient's bead is aligned for treatment owder Concern o Locate in KF Wilmington, Del., Nov. 1 W) rTne Hercules Powder company announced tonight it will build pilot plant at Klamath Falls, Ore., for study of the chemistry of western woods. It may be a forerunner of extensive expan sion in the west. Property of some 50 acres was bought for the project from the Weyerhaeuser Timber company. It includes several small build ings, a powerhouse, railroad sidings, fire lines and a water tower. Hercules has been conducting research on western woods for two years and further process research is planned at the new location. "The western woods contain number of interesting organic ph.micals," A. E. Forster, a di rector' of the company said. "These include some of com mercial value. "'Hercules will make use of ex tlon of chemicals from pine tepsive experience in the extrac weod gained in the southeastern Ubited States. Depending upon the results of the pilot plant w6rk in Klamath Falls, Hercules may require, at some time in the future, substantial manufactur ing facilities in the ' western states." rilM Salt Arthur R. Van Wykt of Los Angeles, finan cier, and an associate filed a damage suit In Los Angeles federal court asking (72,100, 000,000 from an oil company and various Individuals. He charges a metallic lubricant In which he is Interested was adulterated, resulting In hug losses for tha product. (AP Wirephoto.) Yevr Dexter Sponsored ModUat mud Hospital Servke Man Offers Bread Coverage at Modest Cost Oregon Physicians' Service citoict Sponsored and Approved by Oregon State OtieON I i r O la ri-i Medical Society By HOWARD Chicago The University of beam of X-rays the shape of a This is something new in beams of any kind. Other beams are fan-shaped. This beam is from a betatron, a new high-energy electrical machine producing 25-million volt X-rays. The rays are invisible, but photographic film reveals their peculiar formation. The betatron is a box, higher than your head, sheathed in me tal, none of the inner works vis ible. Shoulder high on the beta tron face is a round hole, big as your wrist. A yard in front of the hole Dr. John S. Laughlin sets up a target, a sheet of pho tographic film. When the film is developed shows a round, black disc, the same size as the hole in the be tatron's face. The edges of the black spot are sharp as if cut by knife. The X-rays went through bunched, as rigid as if they had the form of a long, round pole. ... This betatron beam reaches a cancer with the accuracy of a surgeon's knife. The rays drive so hard that they pass through skin and sur fs c e tissues without causing much damage. As they hit the tissues the rays produce elec trons, but these too travel so hard and so fast that they cause little surface damage. The greatest burning effect is deep below the skin. This makes the pole-shaped beam a new cancer tool. Aiming this invisible beam Is difficult. The target is an unseen place inside the body. The bul lets are invisible. Only the pa tient can be in the room when the betatron fires. Models of the cancer patient have to be made for aiming. To date marksmanship has been only on heads and necks. The model heads are exact re productions of the patient's lines and contours, perfect enough to be prize-winning sculptures. The model is set in the position the patient will occupy, and sur veying fixes this position down to the smallest fraction of an inch. Phantom heads are made of scores of thin layers. Between each layer is a sheet of photo graphic film. The beam is shot into this phantom, and the film records the X-ray strength and damage at every depth. The patient sits or lies In the measured position. He feels no pain. In fact he doesn't feel the ray at all. But he cannot wear a collar button. He must not wear his glasses. Because either metal might become radolactlve. Occasionally when these 25 mlllion volt rays strike some thing they are captured some- CHOICI OF PLANS. Choice of doctor and hospitals. Prepaid medical and bos. pital protection for employed workers available at modest cost, on an Individ ual, family and group basis. More than 120,000 Oregonians have O.P.S. mem bership. Wbj ion'l yom join Ibtmf Use coupon for literature. uu s. w. sisnt, MariANo ttt MY STSIIT, S1IM Mteeose tuiieixo, Mioroee or nMt . tvsirr res iirranrusr MVSKUNS' (ISVICSt rum Mil flMrmn. at hM.,im4 M Mimirf I. O.r.S. Wot.'.) ('. . mm thMb -.) mmmil Q mmmlm Q Qmm tarii POLE-SHAPED X-RAY IS NEW GUN Dr. D. W. Kerst, inventor W. BLAKESLEE Illinois College of Medicine has a pole. used to treat cancer and comes what like a billiard ball in a cor ner pocket. In this capture they often transmute the atoms they strike. This is the same transmu tation as done in atomic piles, and creates the same kinds of radioactivity. Because of this the walls of the betatron room are covered with materials that do not trans mit readily. This induced radio activity is no risk to the patient, I but ,could interfere with accur- acy in the instruments. Dr. Roger A. Harvey, radiolo gist in charge of treatment, re fuses predictions. Four persons' have been treated. The first was at the University of Illinois, Ur bana, where Dr. Donald W. Kerst, inventor of the betatron has several of these machines. There a 22-million volt beam was focused on a deep brain can cer upon which conventional X- ray surgery had failed. The pa tient died of another cause be- 'tVk3 fi YWW 1 Wi - f ll PA V A It W k -r t v rf M ' . I it In n 'II 11 come to PARAMOUNT'S ' . WOMEN OF SALEM! (J J J i SELECT YOURS NOW A - T T From our regular stock of famous brands! If V5 Ti?!) I JL Walkover ... Paramount ... Natural Bridge 33l$Pw ( lrC I L ... Friendly Sports! Dress ... Sport ... Play S) J YOU CAN'T AFFORD A'j T A ) I i WW0 T0 MISS THIS GREAT ifvvSf ) ) X S I cS ijpjLl MONEY-SAVING Xw hJSy J&! OPPORTUNITY! 5 p' ' 'iprCIXSS HERE IS THE GREATEST SHOE BUYS IN YEARS! x g5 Values to 7.95 to 12.95 NOTHING RESERVED! DON'T HESITATE! ACT NOW! ?&p 1 I V j j I BRING YOUR FRIENDS PROVE TO YOUR SELF YOU CAN'T V J f PO I- BUY MORE PER MILE OF WALKING SHOE COMFORT ANY- X. I WHERE! BUT AT... ffflSlX y L L Paramount Shoe Store Tk ) V A j- I Paramount! Meon the Best in Footweor CoUft Ot Liberty (VjJ TREATMENT of betatron, looks It over for the treatment was complet ed, but an autopsy showed the cancerous tissue almost com pletely destroyed, without ap parent damage to surrounding tissues. Festival Scheduled For Salem Heights Salem Heights The annual harvest festival of the Mother's club of the Salem Heights school will be held at the Sa lcm Heights school Friday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock, along with open house. Each room at the school will participate in the festival along with the Salem Heights Worn an's club, the Little Garden club of Salem Heights, Boy Scout troop 19, cub pack 19, Camp Fire girls and Bluebirds, and the Salem Heights Community club. The Mothers' club will have charge of the kitchen. This is open to the public and all parents and friends are invited. The adult frog breathes by swallowing air and has no ribs. Farmers' 1950 ic - . - i.J cl By DILLON UKAIIAM Washington, Nov. 1 Farmers' realized net income may drop IS per cent next year, government economists say. Agriculture department economists checked over crops and prices and trends and come up A 15 per cent decline below drop as occurred this year, the department's report said. But, it cheerfully pointed out: "This still would be more than two and a half times the aver age 1935-30 net income." And "Lower net Income probably would be offset in part by some what lower living costs in 1950." Of special Interest to Iowa. where most of the hogs are raised (and whose farmers lead the country in income) is the forecast for: 1. More hogs. 2. Lower prices for pork and hogs. The report also said: Farm costs in 1B50 are likely to decline moderately, but more than this year. The cost of lab6r, expendi tures for feed and livestock, de preciation charges and rents may be lower. But other outlays, such as taxes, - farm mortgage interest, and fertilizers, may be about the same or even a little higher. There'll be more meat but IT'S Ta iasie that counts... Count on Calvert for Better Atk your friends why hW? witched to Calvert. They'll toll you It's becouse Calvert afwayi tanx batter. Calvert Rkservk Blended Whiskey -86.8 Proot-65 Drain Neutral Spirit. Calvert Distillers Corp, New York Clt; Net Income with this prediction for 19S0. 194V would be almost as big a lower prices for meat and meat animals, milk and dairy prod ucts, chickens and eggs. Feed prices may average a bit lower. The output of fats and oils from domestic materials prob ably will reach a new record between now and next Septem ber. Exports of wheat may be a bit smaller. Lower farm incomes are like ly to be reflected in further declines in land values. morning, afternoon and evening UNlliD tiWHLMR RIGHTS $av0 hours... even days.., of travel time! ri Afternoon and evening flights NORTHBOUND UAVI 2:55 P.M. 7:50 P.M. ARRIVI 3:25 p.m. Portland 8:20 p.m. 5:10 p.m. Seattle 10:S5p.m. 1 1 V,Ai&sW. Airport I .... . - , . Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, November 1, 191!) 1 1 "Farmers' actual expenditures "Farmers' net cash available on buildings, machinery and: for family IWing, after deduct- other equipment are already de clining in 1949 and are likely to be down substantially in 1950," the report said. !6?M" GREEN STAMPS ARE EXTRA SAVINGS FOR BUSICK'S MARION STREET MARKET Commercial and Marion Sts. Start 8aving today for a Lovely Gift. United con take you to almost any major city in the country, east or west, in just a few hours. United offers, in addition, famous "Service in the Mainliner Manner." Fares are often less than 1st -class rail plus pullman accommodations! Tort, luxurious flights to "all the fast" e e e tOK SPtID, DtPtND ABILITY AND tCONOMY, FLY UNITED AIR LINES Terminal. Coll 2-2455 or, l. an authorised Ing actual cash expenditures for production purposes, will show smaller declines in both years than their realized net incomes." YOU Morning and afternoon flights SOUTHBOUND UAVI 10:05 A.M. 3:15 P.M. ARRIVE 2:35 p.m. San Francisco 7:50 p.m. 6:05 p.m. Los Angeles 10:10 p.m. It travel aaent Ml M 0.F4. M tmttimM. mmlmm m MM!,