T One Killed; Two Kurt in Crashes One man is dead, another in Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October 31, 19499 ' the lint meeting, Mrt. D. Dick- J tiont. ley, Mrs. C. L. Reynolds, Mrs.) William Xleen, Mrs. Mildred Hammer, Mrs. L. Chamberlain, Mrs. Emory Goode and Mrs. Howard Miller. Miss Ann Bergholz, assistant county leader spoke of the work each group must do and the rec- Use a graham cracker crust lor lemon pit nd op Kith whipped cream. a critical condition ana one in jured as a result of t series of CnonovX week-end accident. George Engle. about 80, of If If fcV.t 1 Lebanon was killed by an au tomobile driven by Perry Schrock, Albany Rt. 1, on the outskirts of Lebanon Saturday night. Schrock told state police that he was passing another ve hicle when he struck the elderly 4 ords they must keep. She also COLDS program to be held at Bush school the night of Nov. 10, i -when special awards will be 'made and program will be igiven. .Mrs. Cage served refresh ments tor the social hour using Relieve distress in ftcandi when you use VCKS it in steam, toot man on highway 20. He was dragged almost 60 feet. A niece in Ohio is the only known survivor. ,lki"' '.Jam. oi .& Sr J- v ' W" ' it T- w-VTHi 3 rvVU - .i - riMt.Ms .. ere;'--''' ,j V. VML In i - Rescuers Free Trapped Child After nearly five hour of unceasing labor, rescue workers pull three-year-old Bobby Gow from an eight-inch well casing Into which he fell while playing in the back yard of his home Just outside Austin, Tex. Workmen chiseled a hole In the metal casing directly below the timber brace to release the boy. He suffered only a "slight skin abrasion." (Acme Telephoto) Two Infants Are Burned to Death Centralia, Oct. 13 W) Two in fant boys burned to death in their beds early yesterday de spite the heroic efforts of their mother and a baby sitter to res cue them. The victims were John Dickey, 3, and his brother, Billie, 2, sons of Mrs. Jean Dickey, daughter of the Centralia postmaster. Mrs. Dickey and the young baby sitter, Dessie Tunell, 18. were forced by the flames to jump 14 feet to the ground from the boys' bedroom window. Both suffered first degree burns when their nightclothing caught fire. The girl's condition was re ported critical, the mother's ser ious. Neither could be ques tioned because of their burns. Fire Chief Walter Ryckman said an overheated wood stove in the living room probably caused the blaze which broke out about 8:40 a.m. Building Permits In N. W. Show Drop Seattle, Oct. 31 Despite a three-quarter million dollar ARE m FifiO ON 1000 "'2300 Wm j Mm 4 rmt -tw That's right 1 N other ear h Meretsry's prte class gives 70a tilt) (ucar valo of tko big, Slew Mercury t For owsmts say Momry sJosm otTen yon ill this vain 1 It's the hllooking ear on ths rood a . . eosiest-to-handl . . . imoothM-to-driin , , , and Iivefiesl-in-tui $ut that's oot tilt Th big. bsmIvs tn )lf 3 drop in Seattle, building permits in Washington and Oregon for September were almost $2,000, 000 above the same month last year. The September, 1949, total was $20,274,531 as compared with $18,340,708 last September, according to Construction News Bulletin. Portland's $4,368,225 total gave it top-ranking among the cities for total and amount of gain. The figure was $859,000 over that of a year ago. King and Pierce county areas outside Seattle and Tacoma ac counted for nearly a third of the Washington state total, the re port said. Seattle reported per mits of $3,002,750. Principal Oregon gains were marked up by Baker, Bend, Cor- vallis. Hood River, La Grande, Oregon City, Springfield and Tillamook. Washington's substantial gains were recorded in Aberdeen, Bel lingham, Centralia, Clarkston Ephrata, Everett, . Moses Lake Pasco and Yakima. Copter Misses Goal Alameda, Calif., Oct. 31 u-M A navy Sikorsky helicopter was forced down by stiff head winds here last night 250 miles short of its goal on an attempted re cord non-stop flight from Seattle to Bakersfield, Calif. FW mi NEXT NEW MR? William F. Lensch, 75, of Brooks, is in a critical condition' in an Oregon City hospital after being hit by an automobile driven by Maurice Walker, 28, of Salem. Lensch was standing in the fog Saturday night on the roadway near SE 82nd ave nue and Sunnyside avenue in Portland. According to state police Lensch had stopped to get his location at the intersection with his automobile was hit by the Walker car. A third vehicle driven by Daniel McDonald Sandy, in turn struck Walker' car. While the three drivers were discussing the accident a fourth car, driven by Jack White, Mil waukie, struck one of the stall ed cars and then hit Lensch, who was knocked over an em bankment. Lensch received a skull fracture and two leg frac tures. Robert M. Cable, 370 S. Elma, is in the Salem general hospital with a sprained back and bruises received Sunday evening near the Totem pole on the Pacific highway north of Salem. His car and a pick-up truck driven by Nester K. Johnson, Portland, collided as Johnson turned onto Chemawa road. Another ve hicle, driven by Anson F. Poley of Portland, was involved. Cable was the only one injured and was hospitalized after receiving first aid treatment. A one-quarter pound bar of butter is equal to one-half cup of blue cheese with two table spoons of prepared mustard; spread the mixture over the top and sides of meat slices and broil until the cheese is bubbly and brown. 5ask SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Croi Cabinet Frame Ph. 3-5953 eery Is aeraaHy on of the thriftiest ears on tht road (ires yon axirs mileage on every gallonl And don't forgot Msrestry't gramter safety . , , greater 4pndakiUw...an& oontiMwitty higher, resaU vsJim Yes In every rty yooU ilnrf It psrt to matra your next car Mrrcory, too! Com in for a den enatratioa todayj ...IjUk Gold Seekers Work by Lantern Light So eager was this group of unidentified prospectors to get to work in seeking gold, reported recently discovered at Fishwheel on the Yu kon river in Alaska, that they took to panning at night by the light from a gasoline lantern. (AP Wirephoto) East Salem Church Group Has Middle Grove Program East Salem, Oct. 31 The Woman's Society lor World Service of Middle Grove community held an all-day meeting in the home of Mrs. Harry Phillips. In the morning the devotion were given, followed by program and business meeting. In the after noon bandages were torn and rolled for an overseas hospital. Sewing at the next meeting will be on layettes, for Red Cross I wiu be witn MrJ . Leonard Mim. work. I , , , jwrs. ,,w" Mrs. John Cage has again or oresident. led devotions, stress- . . . . ,, mg the duUes of Christians and how their faith should be renew ed at this time and all work have a definite purpose. Mrs. Emory Goode spoke on "Prayer and It's Interpretation." Mrs. William Scharf tor stewardship gave a short review with the highlights of the messages given at the WFWF fall rally held at the United Brethren Evangelical church on Tuesday, which sever al of the members attended. Mrs. Cleo Keppinger gave a world travelogue of mission ata-1 tions with help in locating the missions of this church, and em phasized the vastness of the pro gram. There were 13 members and Mrs. Anna Jess, a guest, present. The November meeting SHUT OUT DRAFTS Keep cold drafts from home, retain heat more easily in your rooms, with our window - insulating Storm Sash. Amazing, how they cut down heating ex pense. Because they scien tifically place a dead-air-insulating "armor plate" between winter and your rooms.1 yob IN MDrCWy FM AS LOW U 'MK OOWN oh. CH MAKE yOUR NOT CAf OIEROJRY tirst classes were neld lor or ganization at the school house. Members of Cooking I will be Lorlei Holman, Sharon Cham berlain, Doris Reynolds, Rose mary Slimak, Sandra Dickey, 4 9 Your Fur Moths J J WiU B Fueling JL Mighty Low! 4 When you Ukt your fun to 1 STANDARD Cinen end 5 Jr Dyersl Ye . . , your but . tti&uranc tgtirut math fm L ft U to TAftve STANDA-RD I M proper) r eWn thtm bifort 1 yk tdu tor thfjinl Tot lut I c' vickup aervlca DIAL 1-I77H M d W Girt g B Orttm tUmpt ? Standard CItonsrs and Dyr 'For Bttr Appearance I6t North Commercial can own im F SvaarvaVfan laftaM ftou, Hcrtc 0k Mt CWm. Julia Slimak, Deanna Dickey, nd Marilyn Page. In Cooking JI will be Yvonne Jfilier. Su zann Anglin, Margaret Cham berlain, Denna Lou Kleen, Gay Blackman and Marie Hammer In Cooking JJJ will be Yvonne Goode, Shirley Page, Joanne Fabry and Janice Schdvf. Officers for the group will be president, Deanna Dickey; vice president, Marilyn Page; secretary, Julia Slimak; and song and yell leaders as a team, Margaret Chamberlain and Gay Extra re for the next TJ We will make you an EXTRA SPECIAL ALLOWANCE on your present Ponliac, Dodge, or Oldsmobile. Here is your opportunity to own a ts making automobite history. So before you decide on any car at will pay you to gel our EXTRA ALLOWANCE. Fir UNITED up and back the game day TO PORTLAND OR SEATTLE-TACOMA! Lv. Salem , , 8:35 am Ar. Portland . 9:05 am Ar. SeanU . 10.20 am Also convenient afternoon and evening departures, flights to California and "all the East." (standard Tlmai) UNITED AIR LINES Airport JtvmifyeK Coil e Special to all Ml Ul 11111 owneirs Hurry! Drive in today! WARNER MOTOR CO. Lv. Seattle . 6:00 pm Lv. Portland ,7:13 pm At. Soltm . . 7.45 pm mm rnvthmrb vl ffNit Offer days! , which any price it SPECIAL V WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 North Commireiol Phono 2-2A87 430 N. Commercial Salem, Oregon