Capital Edited y MARIAN 6 Capital Journal, Salem, Luncheon And Bridge Party Friday One of the larger parties of the week will be the luncheon and bridge afternoon for which Mri. Gordon O. Leonard will be host cu on Friday. About 90 guests are invited, the party to be at Chuck'i Steak House. Mri. Leonard and daughter, Lianne, are leaving November 13 to Join Mr. Leonard at Santa Rota to make their home. DeMolay Mothers Woodburn Mri. Clarence H. Ahrens hai been elected presi dent of the Mother'i circle of DeMolay. Other officeri named are Mrs. Amoi Bonacker, vice president; Mrs. J. B. Gay, sec retary: Mrs. Raymond Davis, treasurer; Mrs. Howard Leighty, chaplain. Standing committees appoint ed Include: Social, Mrs. Harlow C. Dixon, Mrs. L. E. Keller, Mrs Archie Murphy; membership Mrs. George Rogers, Mrs. Phillip LaBarr, Mrs. Arthur M. Burt; publicity, Mrs. J. B. Gay, Mrs Lester Henn and Mrs. Tom Stampley. Mrs. George Rogers presided and 14 members were present. Mrs. G. B. Ackerson of Donald was welcomed as a new member. Refreshments were served after the DeMolay meeting to IS boys, L. E. Keller, Harlow C Dixon, C. H. Ahrens and Arthur Burt of the advisory board and G. B. Ackerson and George Rog ers who were guests. The serv ing committee included Mrs. J. B. Gay, Mrs. C. H. Ahrens and Mrs. George Rogers. At the meeting of DeMolay plans were made to hold a Hal loween party at the Masonic hall November 1. The next meeting of both De Molay and the Mother's circle will be held November 10. Re freshments will , be served by Mrs. L. E. Keller, Mrs. Amos Bonacker and Mrs. Archie Mur phy. THE SEVENTH birthday of Anne Louise Lenhart, daughter of Mrs. William Lenhart, was observed this afternoon with a party at the Lenhart residence. Following games the traditional birthday refreshments were ser ved, including a Halloween birthday cake. Guests honoring Anne Louise included Barbara Roth, Kathy Fallin, Kay and Becky Minty, Beth Needham, Joyce Yeater, Linda Bleckert and Diane Neel. IN PENDLETON this week are Justice and Mrs. E. M. Page, the supreme court being In ses sion in the eastern Oregon city this week. AT TIMBERLINE lodge over the week-end were Mrs. Earl Snell, Miss Alene Phillips and Mrs. Sncll's cousin, Mrs. Alta Chambers of Portland. OREGON Grape camp. Royal Neighbors of America is to meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Vet erans of Foreign Wars hall. Froaen halibut steaks may be broiled before they are thawed if time necessitates. Place the steaks in the broiler as usual and lengthen the broiling time. (iolng Places Nubby knit dress of wool chenille, with Dior tollar, wide belt. Women L0WR1 FISCHKB Ore Monday, October 31, 1949 From South America Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Macom ber, 41S1 Macleay road, have received word that Miss Mabel Macomber, sister to Mr. Macom- ber, has arrived in Washington D. C, from South America where she has just completed a two-year assignment in the em ploy of the American embassy at Caracas, Venezuela. She is expected in Oregon soon for a visit at the ranch home of her mother and brother, Mrs. E. M. Macomber and C. W. Macom ber, near Albany. Legion Auxiliary Mt. Angel The Legion auxl liary heard talks by members of the County Health committee following a short business ses sion at Memorial hall. The com munity health program was ex plained and a movie shown on the work carried on through the TB Christmas seal fund. Present from the health de partment were Mrs. Bessie Ed wards, office secretary; Mrs. Ruby Bunnell, executive secre tary; Mrs. Bernice Yeary, chair man and Mrs. Jean Wright, Mar ion county health nurse. Local committee chairmen on the health program entering in the discussion were Mrs. Rose Butsch, general chairman, and Rev. Damian Jentges, O.S.B., social hygiene chairman, Miss Ann Erwert. tuberculosis seal chairman. Mrs. Alois Keber gave the report for Mrs. Ernest Crowder, chest X-ray chairman Assistants were Mrs. Leo Schwab, Mrs. J. J. Penner and Geo. Schmidt, president of Mt. Angel Business Men's club. Mrs. Dale Plummer, president of the auxiliary was in charge during the business session and explained about the gift shop at the Veterans hospital in Port land. She stated that all gifts must be in by December 1 and visitors are invited to attend the open house there on December 11. Honor Glenns Independence State Senator and Mrs. Dean Walker are to be hosts Wednesday evening for an informal at home to honor Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Glenn of Cor- vallis. The Glenns are leaving soon to make their home in Berkeley. Mr. Glenn, who has been professor of engineering at Oregon State college, is to take a similar position at Uni versity of California. He for merly was with the state high way department in Salem. Guests have been invited from Corvallis and Salem to call be tween 9:30 and 8 o'clock at the at home, Wednesday, at the Walker residence. RETURNING home this past week from a trip to Texas and Mexico were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Paxson. They went first to Austin, Mr. Paxson attending the national meeting of highway officials; then went with the convention group on a trip Into Mexico. Arriving back in the capital Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Baldock, who also atttended the meeting in Texas, then va cationed another week before re turning to Salem. ST. AGNES guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church Is to meet Tues day evening for a no-host sup per in the parish house at 8:30 o'clock. PLANNED for Wednesday is a meeting of St. Paul's guild of St. Paul s Episcopal church, a no-host luncheon to be served at 12:30 o'clock in the parish house. , C'HADWICK chanter Order of Eastern Star, Is meeting in reg ular session Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Masonic temple. Llvtsley Butldinc hone 4-2223 390 Cross-Briggs Ceremony Sunday Afternoon Event A wedding of interest to many day afternoon when Miss Beverly Eriggs, daughter of Mrs. Myrtle Briggs of Los Angeles, was married to Travis Cross, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cross of Salem. The First Congregational church was the setting for the service, Dr. Daniel Schulze of- Willamette university reading the vows at 4 o'clock. Pink and white chrysanthemums with some of the blooms in fuchsia shades; and candles decorated the church front for the wed ding, and the first few pews were tied with white bows. Miss Grace Ashford was soloist for the ceremony, Miss Minnie Mae Miller playing the organ Miss Barbara MacDuffee of Battleground, Wash., and Miss Winona Dillard, Seattle, both Pi Beta Phi sorority sisters of the bride, lighted the candles. They wore mist-blue gowns, Sister Attends M. E. Johnson of Great Falls, Mont., uncle of the bride, gave her in marriage. The bride was charmingly attired in a white moire faille gown, fashioned with long, pointed sleeves; a ruf fie forming a bertha around the low neckline; a ruffle peplum extending in front to the sides; and a train. The fingertip length veil of net was edged with lace and was arranged from a tiara of the net with orange blossoms in front. For her flowers the bride carried a bouquet of large white chrysanthemums, arrang ed in fluffy style with net, small white chrysanthemums being caught in the streamers. Mrs. Donald Larson of Great Falls, Mont., was matron of hon or for her sister. She wore a pink satin gown, designed with sweetheart neckline and a row of buttons down the back, i criss-cross pattern of the mater ial forming the short sleeves. In her hair she wore an arrange ment of net matching her gown and flowers, and she carried a bouquet of American Beauty colored chrysanthemums. Young Miss Bonnie Mae Mil ler, niece of the bride, was flower girl. Her dress was a duplicate of her mother's only in American Beauty shade, and she carried a small bouquet of pink chrysanthemums. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Briggs wore a navy crepe afternoon dress with navy acces sories and white gloves, and a corsage of pink roses. The bridegroom's mother was in navy with matching accessories and corsage of pink roses. Richard Page, who came north from his work at Stanford university for the wedding, was best man, and ushering were Mark Hatfield, Theodore Man- kertz, Jr., Robert Skopil, and William Juza of Lebanon. Assist at Reception The reception also was at the church. Miss Evelyn Johnson invited the guests into the re ception. Mrs. Otto Skopil, Jr., and Miss Yvonne Simpson serv ed the cake. Mrs. Daniel Schulze and Mrs. Theodore Man- kertz, Jr., poured. Others as sisting at the reception were Miss Dona Adams of Cathlamet, Wash., Miss Diana Arpke, Miss Nancy Adams, Miss Bettie Ol son, Miss Lois Mulcahy, Miss Kay Stark and Miss Martha Benard, the last named playing the piano during the reception. Miss Addyse Lane passed the guest gook. For going away the bride wore a teal blue gabardine suit. the jacket in double breasted style; a copper velveteen beret and copper colored scarf and deep brown accessories. The couple will be at home at 360 Leslie street. The bride is on the staff in the county wel fare office and Mr. Cross is di rector of alumni affairs at Wil lamette university. HOSTS last evening at a pheasant dinner were Dr. and Mrs. Lynn M. Hammerstad and Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Bodmer. entertaining at the home of the former. The two couples recent ly'returned from a hunting trip to Ontario and Nyssa. Guests for the dinner includ ed Dr. and Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wood, Dr. and Mrs. William Crotliers, Dr. and Mrs. Morris Crothers, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Loucks, Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill. CLOCK REPAIRS ANY KIND FROM AN ALARM TO A GRANDFATHER All work dona by skilled crafts men, and guaranteed fait service. Stat Salem, Oregon friends was an event of Sun Amaranth Event Cherry court, U.D., Order of the Amaranth, met last week at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall for a social evening. After dancing and cards a sound movie of musical skit was shown by Glenn Slentz. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Wood, Nick Coulter, Ed Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wat kins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Cabe, Mr. and Mrs. Ota Bingar, Mr. and Mrs. David Toll, Mr. Stark and Mrs. Etta Hasbrook. Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weidner, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Canfield, Mr. and Mrs. Howard J e n k s, Mrs. Louise Stark, Miss Evelyn Stark. Flow ers were brought by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyer. Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Slentz, Vern Walser and Lyle E. McCauley. ... HUBBARD The Hubbard Women's club was co-hostess for the Marion County Women's Clubs' semi - annual convention in Aurora at the Lutheran church, Friday October 28. The Hubbard club took care of the registration and identification cards and were responsible for the entertainment numbers from Canby. Corsages for tfie officers were made by Miss Frances Weaver of the Hubbard club and flowers were supplied by other members as well. Present from here were Mrs. A. J. Smith, president, Mrs. Julius Stauffer, Mrs. A. Fobert, Mrs. A. F. dcLes pinasse, Mrs. Edward Schoor, Mrs. Lester Keller, Miss Weaver and Mrs. L. M. Scholl. PAST PRESIDENTS' club of the American Legion auxiliary, Capital Unit No. 9, met this past week at the home of Mrs. James H. Turnbull. Mrs. Helen McLeod, immediate past presi dent of the auxiliary, was in itiated. Old-style clothes were model ed by Mrs. McLeod. Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Mrs. Malcolm Cameron, Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, and Mrs. H. H. Henry were assistant host esses for the meeting. Twenty eight attended the gathering. KEIZER Ladies' Sewing club has planned a meeting for Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Roy Melson, 4400 North River road. The meeting will be an all-day one, the group to do quilting. There will be a no-host lunch eon at noon. Mrs. Tom Hill and Mrs. Elmer Ideen are co-hostesses with Mrs. Melson for the meeting. MEETING Thursday after noon are members of Chapter G of PEO Sisterhood, the des sert at 1:13 o'clock to be at the home of Mrs. Melvin H. Geist. Assistant hostess will be Mrs. Charles Paeth. This is the reg ular semi-monthly meeting of the group. HOSTESS on Thursday after noon for the Raphaterians will be Mrs. Carle Abrams, the group meeting at 2:30 o'clock. Here's a Pretty Letter Paper That's Perfect for Your Extra-Long Letters Your Postage-Conscious Airmail Eaton's Crystal Sheer Crisp, lightweight, CRYSTAL SHEER writing paper with envelopes tissue-lined in chalk-white to guard the priv acy of your messages. In delicate pink and blue, or white. 60 Club Siie Single Sheets 30 Envelopes, Tisiua-Lined $1.00. P. S.: EATON'S CRYSTAL SHEER will be a welcomed gift, too! GIFT SHOP MAIN FLOOR Shower for Miss Klein Honoring Miss Dorothy Klein, bride-elect of George Folz, Mrs. Leo Folz was hostess last eve ning 'for a miscellaneous shower and party. Feting Miss Klein were Miss Betty Folz, Mrs. Joseph Sabrow ski, Mrs. Emil Folz, Mrs. John son Smith, Mrs. Clarence Klein, Mrs. Ernestine Lindblom, Mrs. Burnetta Hanthorn, and the hostess. Guild Event On Wednesday, November 2, the Woman's Guild of First Con gregational church will meet with Mrs. George Rossman, 910 Capitol street, according to tra dition of many years, for the No vember thank offering. Mrs. Gertrude Acheson, YWCA exec utive secretary, will speak. Mrs. C. A. Ratcliff will preside over a brief business meeting at 2. The Guild executive board will meet at 1:19 in the church. All women of the First Con gregational church and congre gation are cordially invited. SILVERTON Mrs. Arthur Gottenberg entertained mem bers of the past presidents' par ley of Delbert Reeves unit No. 7, American Legion auxiliary. Two new members went through the initiatory fun pro gram, Mrs. Fred Lucht and Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham. Mrs. Hig- inbotham was also presented a birthday remembrance of cards and handkerchiefs. Present were Mrs. Beatrice Libner, Mrs. Clifton Dickerson, Mrs. Roscoe Reeves, Mrs. John Demas, Mrs. Frank Powell, Miss Ina Harold, Mrs. Lewis Hall Mrs. C. E. Higinbotham, Mrs George Towe, Miss Jeanell Got tenberg, Mrs. A. J. McCannel Mrs. Arthur Gottenberg, Mrs. S A. Pitney, Mrs. Fred Lucht, Mrs Ernest L. Starr and Mrs. Thomas Blundell. WOODBURN Dr. G. Herbert Smith, president of Willamette university, will be the guest speaker on the education week program at the November meet ing of the Woodburn Woman's club Wednesday, November 2, at the library club room. The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. and the public is invited to attend Mrs. J. B. Gay is chairman of the hostess committee for the afternoon and will introduce Principal L. E. Keller of the local high school who will pres ent Dr. Smith. Other members of the committee are Mrs. Mark Thompson, Mrs. Arista Nendel, Mrs. Frank Purdy and Mrs. Guy Graham. Each member attend ing is asked to bring a guest, ... HUBBARD T h Hubbard Woman's club will meet Wed nesday, Nov. 2, at 2 p.m. In the home of Mrs, L. M. Scholl. Cobie deLespinasse will speak on "Ore gon's Educational System." Roll call will be answered with "An Outstanding Event of My School Days." WATCH - CLOCK REPAIRING Workmanship Guaranteed Good supply of parta for all makes. JOHN'S WATCH 8HOP 3025 Portland Rd. Ph. t-5270 Ly'4 J 2' i fw -a'jtr.wii 'A State President Mrs, Jen nie Erixon, Portland, state president of the American War Mothers, is to preside at the two-day state convention of the group opening in Sa lem, Tuesday. (Photo Art Commercial studio, Portland) MISS AMANDA ANDERSON was awarded the "oscar" for her speech, "Political Puppets," at the regular meeting of Salem Toastmistress. Mrs. L. W. Wirenius gave a re port on the International Toast mistress convention held in St. Paul. The 1950 convention will be held in Pasadena, Calif., in July. The anniversary of the founding of the Salem club was observed with the I.T.C. found ers' ceremony. Mrs. Roy Lockenour was in charge of table topics on "Your Worst Fright," Miss Ada Ross acting as toastmistress. Other speakers were Mrs. Grace Hartley, Miss Maxine Her- ringer, Mrs. Edward White, Miss Juana Holmes. Mrs. Wirenius was general evaluator. Five new members who were inducted were Mrs. Lyle Baynes, Mrs. M. E. Clemens, Mrs. James H. Lu cas, Miss Alma Schroder, Mrs. Howard Hunsaker. Mrs. Sue Booch was hostess for the evening. IN SAN FRANCISCO for a week's vacation are Miss Janet Bower and Miss Mary White. Year Round 1 1 VL X 1 77 J l A i J -vTn Choic '"srf.ltfN 1 of This & I more ." , " v j .d Silv T I 'Sterling' '1 suits... y h'yw 1 vAVvKV $AQ95'ltV 8 Circles Set Meetings Circles of the First Presbyter ian church are to meet Wednes day at the following homes: No. 1. Mrs. C. O. Wilson, lead er, meeting with Mrs. L. R. Springer, 1393 Fir street, dessert to be at 1:15 o'clock. No. 2, with Mrs. Hubbell Young, route 8, box 3981, des sert at 1:15 o'clock, Mrs. O. H. Kent, leader. No. 3, leader, Mrs. B. M. Ben, nett, meeting with Mrs. David Bennett Hill, 2195 South Church dessert at 1:13 o'clock. No. 4, Mrs. John Raphael hostess, meeting at 1713 Yew street, dessert at 1:15 o'clock, Mrs. Robert Hutcheon, leader. No. 5, meeting at home of the leader, Mrs. J. F. Ulrich, 1225 Chemeketa, dessert at 1:15 o'clock. No. 6, Mrs. J. C. Singleton, leader, meeting with Mrs. Harryl Johnson, 529 North 23rd, dessert at 1:15 o'clock. No 7, no-host luncheon at the home of Mrs. L. L. Laws, 2960 South 12th street, Mrs. W. D. Pugh, leader. No. 8, meeting with Mrs. La verne J. Young, 1794 Court street, dessert at 1:15 o'clock, Mrs. M. H. Hawk, leader. WOODBURN The Triple Link club of the Frances Rebe kah lodge at Monitor will hold a bazaar starting at 8 p.m., Wed nesday, November 2, in the Monitor IOOF hall. A fish pond will be featured, candy and pop corn will be sold and a lunch will be served. The public is invited. FIREMEN'S auxiliary an-' nounces a meeting for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in Mayflwer hall. m. IIIII1K lyiiiwi wme Mix is thvt finest cake mix ion' atlak nnlrna' i'nil'iv ur Mri. K. W. CotMr. Soil l. Suit Success JL W W X X Lincoln Goodwill Club Lists Officers Lincoln Election of officers was featured at the first fall meetinj of Lincoln Goodwill club at ih home of Mrs. H. D. Burns, with Mrs. W. M. Brog, Mrs. Chris Yungen and Mrs. Robert Yungen assisting. Mrs. Chris Yungen led de motions and Mrs. W. M. Brog, president, presided. The nom inating committee was composed of Mrs. Eva Purvine, Mrs. Anna Hackett and Mrs. T. L. Hicks, i and the following officers were nominated and elected: Mrs. I Robert Yungen, president; Mrs. Lois Crawford, re-eieciea sec retary; and Mrs. Edward Schlegel, treasurer. Mrs. H. D. Burns spoke on the need for iron lungs and was nnninted to eet information pertaining to iron lungs in Polk and Marion counties. Mr Bnhert Young presided after election and announced a sewing and membership contest and selected ber captains. Also announced was a rummage sale to be held Nov. 10 for Lincoln community center association. In charge will be Mrs. K. J. Meissner, Mrs. Robert Yungen and Mrs. J. P. Smart. Various plans were discussed at a round table and the group decided to hold short devotions at the beginning of each meet- in Offering their homes for 'meetings were Mrs. T. L. Hicks, Mrs. W. M. Brog, Mrs. Anna Hackett, Mrs. H. J. Neiger and Mrs. H. D. Burns. Hostesses for November will be Mrs. Eva Purvine, Mrs. Jeff Williams. Mrs. Edward Schlegel. the meeting to be held at the Purvine home. The club voted to donate $2 to the Community Chest fund. Standing commit tees will be announced at the next meeting. rI,l v. Gly. UK I ... lltlVy XVJL-y KJ GABARDINE SUITS- Gentle detailing offer hand some wearability in these YOUTHMORE SUITS every month of the year. Two-tone jackets with con trasting plain skirts . . . pre sent ultra smart styling. Brown and green toned-down shades . . . autumn rust with its contrast, brown and grey, etc. You must try them on to note the sleek, easy, comfortable fit! Sterling's Gabardine Suits Sterling's half sizes for the hard-to-fit woman are here in this special group in black, navy and wine . . . three of the sea ion's most popular shades. Also a beau tiful hunter's green in this dressy group. IN THE NEW FASHION FLOOR