Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 31, 1949, Page 18, Image 18

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18 Capita? Journal, Salem. Ore, Monday, October 31, 1919 RCOT OF TROUBLE
P It ipQ
Early Xmu for Leukemia Victim Three potential Santa
Clauses visit five-year-old Donna Rita Harrison, a leukemia
victim, in El Paso, Tex., to learn what she would like for
Christmas, since doctors give her only two months to live.
She couldn't think of anything she wanted. Santa Clauses
are, left to right: Warren Hoyt, Sgt. Emanuel Smith and
Jules Cuen. (Acme Telephoto)
Fund Completed
For Willamina
Willamina Members of the
Willamina Civic club's com
mittee which has been raising
funds for the completion of the
VFW Veterans Memorial build
ing, met at the home of Lois
Durham to discuss the success
ful completion of their drive and
to talk over plans for compiling
a report to be sent in to General
Federation of Women's clubs
headquarters. . The report will
be combined with two others,
the cemetery clean-up commit
tee and the park committee,
and will be submitted to the
General Federation of Women's
clubs' contest for civic improve
ment. The VFW fund committee had
already turned over $S0OO in
cash to the building fund, as
well as the cancellation of a
large number of obligations to
business firms. The treasurer's
report shows $2480.57 still re
mained in the committee's
hands. The treasurer was in
structed . to turn over $2000
more to the building fund, and
hold the remainder until a com
plete financial accounting could
be made.
A $10,000 donation from As
sociated Plywood Mills, Inc., has
already been turned over to the
building fund as a result of the
committee s success in complet
ing their drive.
Following is a fairly conv
plete list of the funds raised:
Associated Plywood, $10,000;
Shodeo June 5, $504.08; dances,
$612.39; $100 donations, $300;
VFW Building Bricks, $1570;
basket social, $50.51; Amy Lee
concert. $59.25; Plywood & Ve
neer Workers' union. $1500;
hotdog stand at Softball games,
$80.89. Cancellation of obliga
tions included the Willamina
Lumber Co., $1500; Taylor Lum
ber Co.. $200; Ralph Lawrence,
contractor, $100, and Shetterly
Hardware, $63.
Members of the VFW commit
tee are Mrs. Virgil Heider, Mrs.
Rurik Hendrickson. Mrs. Emery
Dentel, Mrs. George King, Mrs.
Navy's Quarrel With Other
Services Stems from New Act
Washington, Oct. 31 ii The quarrel between the Navy and
the other armed services has its roots in the unification act.
Congress first passed that ret in 1947 and then tightened and
toughened it this year. It has this purpose:
To make the armed services work together better as a team,
produce better planning, savc
money on purchasing equipment, Johnson's head. So he's top man
and so on. of all.
This is a brief explanation of j-ne OI,iy one wno can over
how the act and the trouble rule nim on questions of the
Brew: I army, navy or air force is the
Until 1947 the army and navypresiden, wno commander.
were completely independent of in-chief.
For example: Navy Secretary
each other. The air force was
part of the army.
Each had two heads, military
and civilian. This way: Army,
Francis B. Matthews may think
Johnson is wrong in wanting to
drop 50.000 navy men and of
chief of staff and secretary of;ficerg from tncir jobs and he
may tell Johnson so. But if
Johnson still says they're drop
ped, they're dropped.
Something else was added by
the unification act. That's body
called the joint chiefs of staff
(JCS). It's made up of:
The army chief of staff (Gen
eral J. Lawton Collins); the air
force chief of staff (General
the war department; Navy, chief
of naval operations and secre
tary of the navy department. In
both cases the civilian heads
were over the military chiefs.
Further, the two secretaries
operated independently and each
was a member of the President's
cabinet. This meant they could
go directly ot the President with
Female Shoplifters' Tricks
To Be Revealed in Pictures
,tt'ni,H ,,u Hnllvwood CorrwpoDdPDtl
Hollywood, Oct. 31 u.R Female shoplifters in Hollywood are
going in for "booster boxes," slit dresses and baggy bloomers,
a pretty lady cop reported today. And the amateurs are getting
pretty good.
Especially the housewives, says Mrs. Gladys Young. And
when she tells you she s on ; - -
the men are getting ousier it a
about 50-50 this year."
She's picked up children, too.
They get "sticky fingers" Just
before school opens and around
"But I guess there aren't any
Fagins in town," Mrs. Young
said. "We've never caught any
child on a second offense."
meir proDiems or complaints, Hoyt S. Vandenberg; and thei
against each other. chiet of naval ODerations. Thisi
This set-up was changed byii0h was held bv Admiral
the unification act of 1947 and B. Denfeld until President Tru-!
further changed by the revised man fircd him Thursday). j
law passed this year. This is There's a fourth top man in
the set-up now: jaci the top military man of the
Three Baby Sisters Dit in Flaming Truck Three baby
sisters, aged 5, 4, and 2, were pinned in the cab of this smok
ing truck and were burned to death at Spokane, Wash. The
logging truck and a private car collided on a railway over
pass and burst into flames. Dolores, Donna and Marlene
Martin died. They were riding in the truck with their
parents who were burned and bruised. The driver of the
car was not hurt. (AP Wirephoto)
The air force was separated
from the army. Now there are
country in the JCS. He's the
chairman (General Omar Brad-
three military agencies: tneiev). His lob is to act as n.nrf-
army, navy and air force depart-'orator. He has no vole.
Each has its own top military
man: army chief of staff, air
force chief of staff, and chief of
naval operations.
And each department has its
own civilian secretary. But
power was taken from the sec
retaries. They no longer are
members of the president's cabi
net. That's because congress cre
ated something new:
1. A department of defense.
The army, navy and air force
department are all parts of the
department of defense.
2. A secretary of defense
(Louis Johnson) to head up the
whole show. He's a member of
the president's cabinet. He's boss
over the three civilian secre
And those three civilian sec
retaries cannot carry their com
plaints to the president, unless
Johnson approves. And they
can't go to the President over
Robert Pinnick, Mrs. H. A Par
rett, Mrs. Roy Durham, Mrs
Ray Morrison, Mrs. Floyd Ed
miston and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis.
What final authority do the
members of the JCS have? Sup
pose the army and air force
chiefs think the navy strength
should be cut down, although
the navy chief disagrees. Is that
2 to 1 vote final and is the navy
cut down?
No, says Secretary Johnson.
He told congress the JCS mem
bers have final say-so on noth
ing, that they can only recom
mend what should be done. He
makes the final decision.
The admirals squirmed but
were unable to block decision
after decision to cut down navy
strengtli and ambition.
Before unification, it had been
able, as an independent agency,
to do its own planning, subject
only to decisions by the Presi
dent and congress.
Finally, unable to do anything
under the unification law to get
what they wanted for the navy,
the admirals finally protested by
making their feelings public.
Every month of the year,
wheat is being harvested in some
part of the world, according to
the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Dallas Woman Nearly Buried
For Washington Man's Wife
The remains of Mrs. Victor Godfrey, 39-year-old Dallas woman
and mother of seven children, arrived in Salem by train Monday
morning after she had almost been buried Saturday in Yakima,
Wash., as the wife of another man.
Mrs. Godfrey was killed Monday night when she and Howard
A. Wright, 48, of Naches, Wash.,
were Struck by an automobile! vestiffatini? the accident that the
woman was Mrs. Wright.
Besides her husband, Mrs.
Godfrey is survived by four sons
and three daughters, all of Dal
las; her father, A. C. Christen
sen, Rexburg, Ida.; two brothers
and a sister.
led Young Republicans
For Profit-Pensions
driven by Mrs. Newlyn E. Mc
Donald, of Naches. Wright, who
was slightly injured, was re
leased from hospitalization
Tuesday and had completed fu
neral arrangements for the wom
an whom he said was his wife,
Mrs. Tillie Wright.
Investigation of Wright's ef
fects by the district attorney
Wright's apple orchard cabin led
to check-up with Godfrey at
Dallas and he and a son were
called to Yakima where positive
identification was made and ar- St. Helens, Ore., Oct. 31 (jT)
rangements completed to bring The Oregon Young Republicans
the body back to Oregon for j executive board favors labor
burial. Services will be held pensions paid from industrial
from the Henkle and Bollman profits.
chapel at Dallas Tuesday at 2 A pension resolution, voted
o'clock. Saturday, followed a speech by
Wright, who is being held in James Collins, Salem, a nation
the Yakima county jail, has de-!al committeeman of the organ
clined to say why he identified ization. He said the policy of
Mrs. Godfrey as his wife. He ad- Big Steel industries in the cur
mitted the true identity of the rent strike is "biased and
woman after being confronted wrong." j
with the Godfrey identification.! The supporting vote was un
He had also told state police in-animous.
undercover" duty for the L. A
police squad, she means just that
You have to undress your sus
pects these days to catch 'em
with the goods.
Mrs. Young, who's shapely
enough to obtain a screen test
herself, reports for duty at Universal-International
studios to
teach Andrea King and Mona
Freeman a few trade secrets for
Officer Young guaranteed to
iuo 11 111 mrtre rddy icssumb. uui
h UatJ t U a nmn rlannctmont
IIRU HIS f 'I f ....-.
scurrying around for a lot of
fancy equipment.
They gave up on a "booster
box" and built it themselves,
complete with false bottom and
hinged flaps.
i "This," explained Mrs. Young,
"is a common tool of the shop
lifting trade. You can scoop a
lot of valuable articles off a
counter into the top. Then you
hide them in the false compart
ment." She also ordered studio da
signers to whip her up a volu
minous black satin dress with
slits around the hips. Then she
produced a huge pair of bloom
ers. "This," said Mrs. Young, "is
the latest wrinkle in the racket."
Seems the female theives are
snatching everything from dia
mond necklaces to high-heeled
shoes and caching the stuff away
in their panties.
"The trick is simple," the lady
dick explained. "They just shove
the merchandise through the slit
and drop it into a corresponding
pocket in their bloomers."
So don't worry if the Misses
King and Freeman look like
they're putting on a little weight
lately. They'll just be practicing
with their bloomers on.
"Housewives are the greatest
amateur shoplifters," Mrs. Young
said. "If their husbands won't
buy them the luxuries they want.
they go out and steal them."
Last year, she added, down
town department stores lost over
half a million dollars to these
Detty thieves.
. "Nearly 1.000 shoplifters a
year are picked up in the down
town area alone." officer Young
said. "Until last year. 75 per
cent of these were women. Now
Priest Jailed
Montreal, Que., Oct. 31 U.R)
A Roman Catholic priest began
a two-year jail sentence today
for selling narcotics.
Rev. Joseph Arthur Taillefer,
curate of St. Madeleine D'Out-
remont church, pleaded guilty
to the charge Friday. He also
was ordered to pay a $3,000 fine
or serve an additional year in
.M" ( notanotuer
Our finer dry
cleaning restores
colors and
patterns to
sharpens slvle
cletails! Save
on clothing
bills dry
clean now!
SS5 Highland Ph. 3-4821
SsA . f. f -. "Classic D'Orsay" . . .
VL. ceee ' Extreme Shell Dorsay . . . fully 1 Jf'-J
a- " hCe' BlaCkP '
"Palmer House" .. . ffi
... Dainty filigree vamp . . Hi (II Jl
v- riding strap . . . cocktail hi heel I l'
. . . "Jet Black and Suede" . . .
.... . vrfr
m ....
V "Dare Me"...
i Y -J-lNi - . . Plateau last sling . . in -25 SoS JT
V I VW ' v Black of course . . . also Red Stf .jiS6 .et ' ' iV X f I z
D V .;r. Green ... Brown. .- VssS
La ..a
I'W ' v'- W'i"
. of,c. ; vi
'Dare Me
. . Plateau last
Black of course . . .
, . Green . . . Brow