At AUTOMOBILES m Tuesday Spot Special AT Center and Commercial is 1941 Packard Sedan Radio and Heater. New Paint Very Clean $695 HERE'S THE CAR FOR YOU! MARION MOTORS ; 337 Center FINANC .AL FARM 'AND CITY LOANS 4VJ-, and 6 XOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within re mod Cash for Real Estate Contract and Second MortKaica CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 101 Pioneer Trust Blda Ph MIBlr PRIVATE MONEY flpeeitl Rate and Term On Larger Loan , Long and Short Tim Payment ROT H SIMMONS t3 South Commercial St Pbooa 1-9181 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREUn CO. 1B3 6 Church Parking a Plenty Ph. I-245T Lie No M-159 B-1S4 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. ' 1980 Fairground Road .Next Door to Bank Fret Parking Phone 17033- -Lie N M369-S291 Floyd Kenyon. Mgr t' FOR TOUR SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy real estate first mortgag-'s. properties Salem & vicinity. Make your own se lection, nets you 5 percent. We take care of all collection If desired. Amounts 91000 to several thousand dol lars. See or call us for particulars STATE FINANCE CO. 198 8. ftlgh St. Tel. 34111. r SEE OS FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4M.T. INTEREST I to 40 Year and No Commissi on Leo N. Childs, Jnc. REALTORS 344 State St Phone I-SIWj GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie- S-133 and M-221 and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercial Rt Tel 3-9161 TRAILERS TRAILER space. S10 month, with all con venienc. South side of Pauliu Bros. Packing Co., 1740 Oxford. Roth Trailer Court. wea SINGLE axle dual wheel trailer, vac uum' brakes, Rood 10-ply tires, train box, 1175.00. Ph. 4822. 607 N. Madison, Silverton. Ore. .269 rArTonv-Blill.T trailer house, exc, cond.. sleeps 4. Very reasonable. Fir Crest Trailer Park, North River Rrl, DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All make used machine sold, rented repaired Roen 464 Court Phone 3-4773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair eenrlce new appliances Tinces Electric moui Free estimate Tiade-in accepted on 3-9239 157 8 Liberty St o AT IR DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1220 Center. 3-6833. o ALTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phone S-9280 Nlint 2-1804 S3" Center Mike Pane. 275 8. Comi. Ph. 3-3161 Brake and wheel aligning specialist 0259 BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, rroalr tnat home now Term No down payment Phom 2-4850 a BULLDOZING Lot., grnd. clear'g. carryall wk. Ph. 42383 or 31264. Geo. Worth, 840 Plymouth Dr '2T4 Bulldozing, leveling, road bid., clear lnz. teeth for brush Vlrgli Huskey. 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146. Salem. 0265 Dean Robinson- Ph. CASH REGISTERS The National Cash Register Co. Cash Re Inter - Accounting Machine Sales - Service - Supplies 625 Gaines Street Phone i 4i Ins tarn delivery of new RCA east, reglatei At mete soid rented, re na 'd Roen 4ffl Court Ph S-6773 o" CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new reuelr of foundation sidewalks driveways pstic euro wall ato Call 2-4.150 CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace dilmncya vacuum denned Ens!ey Vil 6 3Ut Ph 3-711 o359 CONCRETE WORK If it made of concrete, let ua bid on yout work. Ph 3-1136. o264 PRESSMAKISf. Dremakn7 A: al if ration. Wurk giur an teed I? 30 N. 24th. Ph. 3-7885. o274' ji ect hi c" a tc q n" t r act, s n 1 Vine' Electric for electrical wiring, contracting repairing 157 S Libeni EXTERMINATORS Hrei-.henot fnt tower ate' 3-3173 r FrRNAf'E A CIRrri.ATOR SERVICE IIOt'SFHOLD PRODI CTa i R Walkine Co products Pr,. de. ver, 1717 Center Ph 3-3333 3N IT3TION lo'w. Manville Phone 3-3743 JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning l.n tot fe-vKe Floor Waxing B itld' ies Paetorles Hemes ."ir.,te Without OBlltallon AMERICAN RLDO MA1NT CO. Ph Sa.ea 3 3113 I ISIiM APT Nl RgERT (Wrfler k Son. Ornamental. UC Lif,i!'i tr at cot Ph I-till l'.Li'X srrtVE MTF Laundry 143 f Tor St Pione 23452 Journal Want Ads Pay lAUTOMUBlLli Phone 3-9286 SALEM MARKETS Completed from report! of Salem dealer lor the guidance or capital journal Readera. (Revised dally). Retail Feed Prices: Egg Mash 4. 80. Rabbit Pellets 14. 30 Dairy Feed 13.70 Poultryi Buying prices -Grade A color ed hen 22c. trade A Leghorn hen and up, 27-29c. Grade A old rooster. 15c 18-1 He; grade A colored fryer, three lbs 26-29c. Eggs Buying Prices Extra line AA. Me: large AA, 53c: large A, 60-57e: medium AA, 40c: medium A. 38-44c: pullets. 33-33c. H bolesale Prices Eel wholesale price t-lc above these prices; above trade A ftcne rally Quoted at 62c i medium. 49c. Botterfat Premium 86c: No. 1. 64c: No. 2. 58 -60c. (buying price). Butter Wholesale grade A. 68ci re call 73c: DIRECTORY LAWNMOWERS Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers Call Harry W Scott 147 S Com'l St 0259 MATTRESSES Capital Beddlcg Phone 1-4069 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish & Hawaiian Guitar. Mandolin Banjo, etc, 1523 Court St. Pb 3-7589 0286 OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, flies and filing auppne safes, duplicator and supplies desk lamps, typewriter stands brief case 9Iere Wire Recorders, Roen 45 Court OIL BURNER SERVICE We guarantee our work. Ph. 2-8662. Eve. 4-2424. o275 Exp. Interior painting. Wilson. Ph. 2-9732 0281 Hfatrom'e are equipped to do roui painting Phono 2-2493 o PAPERIIANOING Expert Paperhanilng and painting. U J. Wood worth. Ph. 1-5868. Free est. o279 PAINTING A PAPERHANOING Painting & papering Free eat Ph 2-2608 0281 Painting and paperhanting done expert ly and reasonably. Ph 2-8019 o268" Painting and paperhanxlng Free esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Sh piping. p266J PLUMBING Fisher. 844 Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. PICTURE FRAMING Picture framlna Rutcheon Paint Store Phoce 1.6861 o REFRIGERATION SERVICE SAND A GRAVE!. Garden Soil crushed rock. Shove and dragline exeat it In g Walling Band ft Oravci Co. Phone 3-9249 o Valley Sand ft Qravei Co Silt, sand A I'll dirt Excavating 10B shovel ft eats Trictor scoop ft trucks for dirt moving Ph office 24002. res 3714A o Salem Saw Writs. Ph. 3-7603. 1293 N 5th 0381 SEWERS AND RErTIC TANKS El eel ile Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patem Rasor ibrp Ste' Cu'tlna 81art- Clean Sewers, Drain. Tank. Ph 2-5327 o 5E WI N GM AC HINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. All makes. W. Davenport, Ph. 3-7671 0381' SEPTIC TANKS K P. Hamel. Septic tank cleaned Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work 1143-8th St.. West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o275 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service. 9445 Slate St. Phone 2-0134. o Mllce'i 8ptle Service T.nlu elHn4 Roto Rooter Service, on Sewer 107S Elm It W. S.etn Pb. S-B46S. 1-5327 011- SKWlNtJ MACHINES Rep.lri guaranteed all makea. Ph 3S9R9 lovl Bdaewater. West Salem. 0264 AU makea repaired, tree estimate Sincer aesrlni Machine Co 130 No Commercial Ph 3-3913 n TYPEWFITMS Smith Oorona, Remlnetno Roval, Onder. wood portables All makes used machines Repairs and rent Roen 4.1 Court o' TRtNSFFP a STORftOt jcal A Dlftanee transfer atoiace Burnei oils cost A orluueu truces U Portland dally Aeent for Brklna House hold eoods morcd to enrwhere In 0 S o. uenada Lermer Transfer a, Storale Ph 1-3131 0 VENETIAN BLINDS 3aiem Venetian Blind made to ordel t.i refinlahed Relnhaldt li Lewie t-3633 Elmer The Bllndman. Ph 37333. VYEA THERSTRIPPINO. Tree ut:mor T PULLMAN Ph S-59n WELL DRILLING Fred Wrmnre. Rt 1 Bol 317 Ph 1-3133 0385- tV'NDrm SHADES Aeshtol. Roller Made to order I Da Oei RclniinlJi A Lewie PB 33333 . WINDOW riF.ANTNO Acme i indow Cleaner Window. vaUs At woodwork eleened Floors cleaned waled and polished Ph 3-3337 347 Court Loncdoo CuloeMaoa end Metner WOOD A SAWDCST West 8alen Fuel Co. Ph 1-4031. WOODSAWINO Atkins Cross. Ph 3-3974 or 3-3173 LODGES l O OJ" meet tverj Wed' BtnrjRw nlRht Visitors wei cime ' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 1 A at iw'ewuWtF K? aBwffi:fc' "flinia.t Crashes After Takeoff The wreckage of an amphibian lies strewn on London airport, after the plane crashed and roared into flames on a takeoff in a fog. Co-Pilot Earl Oscar Sivage, 33, of Los Angeles, Calif., was the lone survivor of the crash. There had been six persons aboard the plane which was owned by a Los Angeles concern. (AP Wirephoto via radio from London) Steel Stocks Also Advance New York, Oct. 31 MV-Steel shares ran counter to the gen eral downward trend of the stock market today. Most of the leading steels were unchanged to slightly higher. while the remainder of the mar ket added small gains or dropped away by fractions to more than a point. The volume of trading was at the rate of 1,200,000 shares for the entire day. Motors turned definitely down ward. Chrysler, which added nearly 4 points In the past two trading days, fell to the minus side shortly after posting a new high with a small gain at the opening. Rails also were backward throughout the day. Stocks going lower included General Motors, Studebaker, Santa Fe Union Pacific, Nickel Plate, Goodyear, American Tele phone, Anaconda, Montgomery Ward, Allied Chemical, Union Carbide, and Parabount (old). Getting ahead were Bethle hem, Youngstown Sheet & Tube, Woolworth, Dow Chemical, American, Standard Oil (NJ), and Johns Manville. United Airlines Starts Winter Schedules Tuesday TTurf Air l inos Tuesriav will start its winter schedule, which removes two flights that have "1.iSmjI?Ij irnn. ho crherinle and the return flight from Seattle to Medford. The schedule has also been revised to bring planes into this area at the hours that landings may be possible when winter weather sets in. Southbound stops now will be made at 10:05 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. The morning southbound, origi nating in Portland, formerly stopped here at 9:05 a.m. but now stops at 10:05 a.m. A through flight to Los Angeles and a DC3, the plane arrives in San Francisco at 2:35 p.m. and at Los Angeles at 6:05 p.m. Oth er stops on the flight are at Eu gene, Medford, Eureka, Monte rey and Santa Barbara. The afternoon southbound flight stops here at 3:15 p.m and arrives at San Francisco at 7:50 p.m., making stops before that at Eugene, Medford, Sacra mento, and Oakland. In San Francisco connections are made .with DC6 going into Los An geles and Into Burbank. The one going to Burbank leaves San Francisco it 8:30 p.m. and ar rives at Burbank at 10:10 p.m Ultramodern Church This is the main altar in St. Mark's church, ultramodern Roman Catholic church near Burlington, Vt. The altar is of native black-veined Vermont marble. A side altar, pulpit and choir are at rear, right. Crucifix over the main altar hangs from the central dome of the church. ' -c k rsB , , - trfta, w. "stw.,i STOCKS By the Associated Pr eai American Can 97 Am Pow & Lt 12 S Am Tel A Tel 144 Anaconda 28 Bendlx Aviation 33'i Beth Steel 3iH Boeing Airplane 2I'i Calif Packing Canadian Paelf! 13 Case J I 40i Caterpillar 3- Chrysler Comwlth At Son '- Cons Vultee . 10 Continental Can 15 Crown Zellerbach Curtlss Wright nan da Aircraft 9"lt Dupont de Nem CT'm Oeneral Electrlo 37 H Oeneral Food 1 General Motors Ooodvear Tire " Int Harvester Int Paner 63 x Kennecott . Libbv MrN ft L Long BeH 'A" S3 j Montgomery Ward fH Nash Kelvlnator H Nat Dntrv 35 Ni NT Central Northern Pacific J' Pac Am Fish - Pa Oas ft E!eo 3- Pa Tel ft Tel - - Penney J C rtacilo Corp " Rayonler Rayonier Pfd 3n Revnolda Metal " Richfield "J Safeway Stores jBH Sears Roebuck Southern Pacific Standard Oil Co. W Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining -7 Transamerlea Union Oil Cal 2fl Union Paclf.c r United Airlines U S Steel Warner Bros Plo "H 1 Woolworth "H been making Salem stops during is the Medford to Seattle flight The plane going to Los Angeles leaves San Francisco at 9 p.m, and arrives at Los Angeles at 10:45 p.m. Formerly arriving In Salem at 3-25 p.m. in the afternoon the first northbound flight stop ping here on the new schedule gets in at 2:55 p.m. and origi nates in San Diego. Leaving L,os Angeles at 7:30 a.m. It stops at Oakland, San Francisco, Eureka, Medford and Eugene before ar riving in Salem. The San Fran cisco stop is at 10:25 a.m. The evening northbound stop instead of arriving in Salem at 8 p.m. Tuesday starts In coming in at 7:50 p.m. It originates in San Francisco at 3:10 p.m. but makes connections with a DC6 out of Los Angeles, which leaves that city at 1 p.m. and arrives in San Francisco at 2:45 p.m. non-stop. Before landing in Sa lem stops are made at Oakland Sacramento, Medford and Eu gene. V t4 A' -CO Ai Salem Butter Prices Higher Butter and buttcrfat prices were a cent higher on local mar kets. Monday, following similar boosts in Portland markets over the week-end. In the new quo tations, buying prices on butter fat are listed at 66 cents on pre mium; 64 cents on No. 1 grade, 58-60 cents on No. 2 grade. Butter prices are now listed at 68 cents, wholesale, and 73 cents, retail. Eggs showed little change Monday, following cuts right and left last week, top grades remaining unchanged here, al though some firms listed med iums and pullets down a cent iienerally, wholesale prices Monday, listed the grade A at 62 cents, the mediums at 49 cents. Other produce markets con tlnued unchanged here through Monday morning. 1 pm Til y Zjmn ff. 1 pfw fit Where's That Birdie? The 13 -month -old Leal quads of St. Celle St. Cloud, near Paris, France, pose for their picture but appear to be having trouble locating the photographer'! old standby, the birdie. Shown in a nursery at Boulogne Billancourt, a Paris suburb, are girls, Marie Therese (left, rear) and Jacqueline (right, rear) and boys, Robert (left, front) and Jean. There has been some talk that the youngsters may appear in a forthcoming British motion picture. (AP Wirephoto) Road Maintenance Costs Pyramiding, Says Baldock By JAMES D. OLSON Road maintenance costs are state of the Union Including Oregon, thus cutting down on ex penditures for new road construction, according to R. H. Baldock, state highway engineer, Monday, Baldock returned to Salem Sunday after attending the annual meeting of the Highway Official association, of which he is past president. The meeting was held Grains Ease at End of Dull Day Chicago, Oct. 31 ) Grains eased a bit toward the close to day, ending a dull session with most contracts lower. The nearby deliveries lost some ground in relation to de ferred months. This was particu larly true in December wheat, which fell about a cent at times. Wheat closed unchanged to 2 cents lower, December $2.12 'i , corn was unchanged to J8 lower, December $1.16H, oats were V lower to H higher, De cember 72 V4, rye was unchanged to Vj lower, December $1.42 v4, soybeans were unchanged to i higher, November $2.23-2 23 V, and lard was 20 to 28 cents a hundred pounds lower, Novem ber $9 97. MARKET QUOTATIONS alee Livestock Market (By Valley Packing Company Lamb 119 00 to 120 09 Feeder lamb 113.00 to 616.00 tewe.1 f. u to H 00 Cutter eow .17.00 to t9.r$ Fat dairy eow iio.oo Bull 111.00 to 116.00 Calve, good 1300-450 lbs) 115.00 to 117.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) top.... 117.00 to 121.00 Chimin Livestock Chtcauo, Oct. 31 aim IUSDA1 Live stock market: liozs: Salable 13.000. steady to 23 cents lower on all hoas; butchers closing slow at full oi'Cline; top 17.75: bulk goud and choice 180 to 300 lb. butchers. 17.25 to 17.63; mostly 17.25 to 17.50; few good and choice 160 to 180 lbs , 17.00 to 17.40: mouit good and choice sows, 425 lb, down, 16.25 to 17.00: 450 to around 600 lbs. large ly 15.00 to 16.00. Sheep: salable 3.500: Slaughter lambs 50 cent or more lower; slow: practical top 24.00: most good and choice offer ings, 33 25 to 24.00: yearlings 50 cent tower; good to choice, 20.00 to 20.75: sheep steady; alauahter ewe.s, 8.00 to 11.00. Cattle: Salable 12.000; calves 500. Slow: slaughter steers steady to 50 cents low er; cows and heifer steady to weak: bull and vealers steady; most choice fed steers, 85.00 to 39.50; few choice to prime loads, 40.00 to 40.50; load or so held hlB her: good to low choice fed steer. 26.00 to 34.50: medium to low-good grades, 10.50 to 35.30: load hUh choice. 1004 lb. fed heifers, 37.50; most good fed hell ers, 26.00 to 30.00; practical top. 19.00 on good cows: common and mrdtum beef cows, 13.75 to 16.25; cannera and cut ters, 11 00 to 13.75: medium and good tausaae bulls 18.50 to 20 00; bulk medium to choice vealers. 25.00 to 29.00; few choice 29.30 to 30.00; stock cattle slow, opening weak, scattered sales medium and good feeding steer and yearling. 19.50 to 23.30. pyramiding in virtually every Oct. 10-14 in San Antonio, Tex. Following the meeting the state highway engineer, in company with his wife visited in Mexico on a two-work vacation trip "The paramount problem pre sentcd at the convention wan the incrensed cost of road mainten ance,' said Baldock. "Vastly in creased traffic, together with the constant rise in cost.; of materials and labor, addicts to maintenance costs, presents problem to all hichway officials throughout the nation difficult of solution." Baldock said he found the roads in Mexico surprisingly good. Most of the highways are oiled and he found that the roads were br-ing oiled on spe cifications almost identical with those uicd in the state of Ore gon. The most spectacular stretch of road he traversed was that portion of the Pan American highway which rises from a coastal elevation to 9000 feet in about 50 miles. "This stretch ot roadway," he said, "has been well located and provides one of the most scenic routes I have seen, rising from tropical flora at the bot tom to temperate tones at the top where wheat is grown." He added that corn, the staple agriculture product of Mexirn is found growing everywhere in tht nation. fapUul Journal, Salem, Ore Purtland EasUide Market Ureen onion sold for SS to ffs rant a doien bunches on the Portland Easuide rarraera Wholesale Produce market to day Spinach was offered at 11.2ft to 1160 an orange box. Cauliflower was 11.73 to 19 00 erate. Looac packed golden delicious apples brouiht 1175 to 13 00 a box with Spitl- enberi. 11.26 to II 50 and Newton 1115 to 135 Carrot were quoted at SO to 60 cents a dfrn bunches. Lettuce sold up to 11.00 a crate. Zucchini squash wa 15 M a lug. Some cantaloupe moved at 15.00 a crate. Part I and Pregeee Bsiterfal Tentatrve. suBteet to nmt dlate change Premium quality mail mum 33 to l percent acidity delivered to i Portland 63 -86c lb., 92 score fll-84e lb, 90 ! score. ftT-soe. 99 score, 55c Valley route and country points 2e less than first natter wnoiesai rots euik cuoes so wholesalers, grade 93 score, 83 c A I 91 score. 82c; B SO score. 6.0c lb., C 89 xcore. 51c. Above prices are serlctlj nominal C'heetrF Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oregon singles 39-40c; Oregon 6 loaf 41-43c: trloleU 14 Us than tingles. Est-a (Te nbeletatrra) AA grade large 61i-3i; A medium. 49-50Wc; a'ade B lane, 82-54c; small A grade, 42c. Portland Dairy Market Ratter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints. 88c: AA cartons. 89c: A prints, 68c; A ear ton 69c; B prints, 6Sc. tilt Prices to retailers: Oradg AA larae. 62c dot.; certified A large, 63c; A large, 60c: AA medium, 49c: certified A medium, 46c; B medium, 42c; A small, 42c; carton 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland Oregon singles 39-43c; Oregon loaf, 8- lb loars 44,t-45e lb.; triplets, .1 cents less than singles Premium brands, single; smt Ib.i lost, 6S Vie. Ponltrv live Chickens - No. 1 quality FOB Plants, no. i Droller unoer i ids. ao-.c lb. fryer 2-3 lb.. 26c. S- lbs.. 27c; roaster 4 lb and over. 31c: fowl, Isi-muirn 4 lbs and under lfl-20c over 4 lbs 20c; colored fowl all wetghta. 22-23c: roo'trrs, all weight, 17-1 8c. Turkeys Net to irower. 31'ic on toms: 43'c on hens; sales price to retailer, torn, 30c; hens 50c. Rahblta -.eiage to growers, live whites. t-5 lbs., 18-20C lb ; 5-6 lbs.. 18-18e lb.: colored 1 cents lower: old or heavy does, ind bucks, 8-13c; fresh fryers to butchers 40c. t'ountrT-Kllled Meats VeaL top quality. 30-32e Ib.t ether grades according to weight and quality with poor or heavier. I2-2HC Hogs Light blocker, 25-27c; sow, 22- 25c. Lambs Top quality, springers. 3J-38c mutton. 33-36C. Beef Oood cows, 20-23c Ib.i canners cutters, 19-20c. 1'ret.h Oreaafd Meats (Wholesalers to retailer per ewt 1; Beer ateers good 500-800 lbs., 842 48: commercial, 135-39; utility, $31-34, utility, 127-26. Cows Commercial 131-31. Utility. 127 30: canners-cutters, $23-28 Beef Cuts I Oood Steers! : Kind quarters 155-58; rounds. 152-55: full loin, trimmed f 73-78; triangle. $30-32: square chuck, $39-41; rib $52-55; f or r quarter 034-38. Veal and calf. Good. 837-40: commercial. 133-35; utility $28-32. Lambs: Good-choice Spring lambs, 141 46: commercial. $38-40; utility. I3J-35. Mutton: Good, 70 lbs. down. $16-18. Pork cut: Loin No. 1 6-11 lbs.. 150-82: shoulder 18 lbs. down. $39-40: spare ribs, 147-50: carcasses. $33-33: mixed weights $3 per cwt. lower. Portland Miseellaneoaa Caseara Bark Dry 12c lb., green 4e lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair - 35e lb on 12-montb growth. nominally. Hides Calves, 30o lb., according to weight, kips 35c lb., beef ll-12c lb., bulls 6-7c lb. Country buyers pay 2a less. Nut Quotations Walnuts Franquettea. first quality jum bo. 34.7c: laree. 32.7c: medium. 27 2c: second oualltv lumbos. 30.2c: large. 2B.2c: medium, 20.2c; rjaoy, 33. ic; sort sneii, uw quality large. 29.7c; medium, 26.2c; sec ond quality large, 17. Jet medium. 34.7c: baby 22.2c. i-unerts Jumoo, sou id.i large, ibc; medium. 16e; small, lie. Portland Grain Portland, Oct. 31 (AP) caan grain: oats, o. 2. 38 lb white. 57.00; barley. No. 2, 48 lb B.W.. 55.00: No. 1 flax 3.90. Caah wheat ibtdl: Soft white 2. 19 Hi soft white (excluding rex) 3.194; white cun 1.1BV. Hard red winter: Ordinary .19.t 10 per cent 2.19': 11 per cent 9.19 ner cent 2.20. Today's car receloLs: Wheat 20: barley 8; flour 22; corn 27; oats 4; mill feed 31. Portland Llvestoek Portland. Ore., Oct. 21 WW Livestock: Cattle Aalable 2750: market uneven; slaughter steers fairly active, steady to trona; asking strong to higher for ail grade cows; very few early sale: me dium grass steers 20.00 to 23.80; average good 1240 lb fed ateera 26.00: Common steers down to 16.00: few medium heif er.. 17.00 to 19.00: some held higher: wry little done cutter dairy type ste.-s and heifers: asking steady to strong eanner and cutter cows at 9.50 to 11.00; asking 12.50 to 15.00 or above for common and medium beef cows: bull xtrong: top 50 cents higher at 16.00: common and me dium sausage bulla 14.00 to 16.50. cal vet salable 800: good vealers fully steady at 23.00 to 23.80; good heavy calves 20.00: very alow on common and medium calve and vealem. Hoga salable 900: market active: ground .00 below last week's high; good and choice lflO to 280 lbs mostly 30 00 ; 245 to 375 lba I " 00; good 130 to 160 lbs 18 00 to 16 60: several lots to feeders! sows around 50 rents lower: good 350 to 550 lbs 13 00 16 00: Ushter weight to 16.50 asking to 20 f0 for choice light feeders; good 530 lb stng 14.50. Sheep salable 1350: market active, adv: wi strong; early top 50 cents hiaher: good and choice slauahter Iamb 31 00 to 22 00: medium and good 19 00 to 20 50: good feeders 17.00 to 18.00; yearlings scarce: good (m 6 50 to 7.00; one lot 7.50; commons down to 4.00. DEATHS Dnrlnda ..arret I a Brooke Dorinda Lucretla Brooke, at Uie resi dence at route 1, box 111, Brooks. October 28. at the ace of 62 years, survived or htisbiind. Qrover Brooke of Brooks: six rhildren, Ivan Brooke and Silas Brooke of Kansas City. Kansas. Mrs. Robert Huston of Brooks. Vernon Brooke and wuiara BrookF of Springfield. Mo., and Mrs. Troy Swlmley of Stockton, Calif.: three sls- tr. Mr. H. Buchanan, Mrs. William Murray and Mrs. Cynthia Duncan, all of Fresno. Calif.: four brothers. E. O. Wallace of Llndey, Calif , J. 8. Wal lace and B. J. Wallace, both of Ava. Mo., and T. A. Wallace of Bogota. N. J.; and 15 grandchildren. Member of the Plrst Nazarrne churrh ot Salem. Private serv ices wrrr held at the Howell-Edwards charel Saturday and shipment has been mad to Ksnias City, Kansas, for serv Ices and Interment. Ulle Ann Griffin 'Leslie Ann Griffin, at a local hospital October 2, Infant daughter of Mr. ind Mrs Thoniaji Orlffln of Burns: grand- daughter of Mr and Mrs. fluy Chandler nrd Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Griffin, all of B'.rns Shipment has been msde to Burns by the Howell-Edwards chapel for serv ice and interment. Mr. Airenelh Trace Mrs. AFnFth Tracy, late resident or route 3. box B06. SaUro. at a local hospit al. October 29 Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Eve yn V. Stu and Mrs. In" Heed. both of Salem: a son. Elbert T. Tracy of Siilem: seven grandchildren and 13 great arsiidchtldren. Servlres will b held at the Clnunh-Barrkk chap Tnwrtay, Novem ber 1. at 1 SO pm. with Interment in P-!- rret MTnnral park. Rev. Lout C. Kir- by will officiate. Mra. lter HarrMt Crume Mrs. Hester Harriett Crume. at the reridenee at route 2. Turner. Monday, rxtober 21 Sister of Mrs. Beatrice Ott of ftotehurt. Mrs. Carrie Mitchell and Mrs. m-xheth IViiitefer of Turner and Albert MKay of Pendleton. A!o survived by aev- I eral nieces and nephews. Service will be , held at trw Virml T. Golden chapel Wed- i iiexiay, November 2. at 2 p m with Inter ment In the Twin 0-w cemetery at Tur- i ner. Mr. Millie Mnrrta Mrs. Millie Morris. Ite resident of Mul- inn, at a local hospital. October 29. Sur- : vived bv son. le Thfmj. Salem: brother. Ivan Mnlzan, Portland: sister. Elsie Oraves. Beaver Creek, and one grand daughter. Service will be held Tuesday. November I at 180 am In the Canby Funeral home. Interment in Canby ceme- To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Monday, October 31, 19 19 17 terr under the direction of the W. T. Rl don ehapet. Berl Reral Pltrher. Ir. Bert Royal Pitcher. Sr.. late resident of Eugene, at Lebanon, October 31. Stmlvrd by mother. Mra. Louise Glbba, Seattle;'1 daughter. Hflene Powers, Eiume: r. 1 Richard L. Pitcher. Portland, and Bert It. Piteher. Jr., Corvallls; sisters, Mr. V.o Meyers and Mrs. Kay Johnson, botn of f attle. Service will bs held Monday. Octo. ber 31, at 8 p.m. In the C!outh-Brr - k chapel, with Rev. William Van M'ler of- -ftciatlng. Interment in Belcrest Memorial -park. Christine Schaeffer Christine BcJiaeffer. at iter residence at 3119 McCoy avenue, October 31. 6irvmd by her husband, Carl Schaeffer of 6a lem: two daughters. Mrs. Mary Becker and Mr. Christine MeLane. both of Salem. two sons, Carl J. Schaeffer of Salem and John Schaeffer of Eugene; two brothers, Joseph SardoU of Salem and Nick Bar- . dots of Portland: and aix grandchildren. Member of St. Vincents Catholic church. Recitation of the rosary at the Howell-Edwards chapel Wednesday, November 2. at 8 pm. Service wilt be held at the St. VI n- cent's Catholic church Thursday, Novem ber 2, at 9:30 a.m. 1 Miss Alda Seavell Miss Alda Scovell. law resident of o-, - lem, at a local hospital, Monday, October r Survived by two sister, Mr. Lola Gray snd Mrs. a. A. Nye, both of Salem. Announcement of servlc later by the V:rgU T. golden Mortuary. OBITUARY Hester McKay Crane Turner Hester McKay Crume, ait -67 rears, died at the home of her sister, Mra. Robert Schaffer on the Battle Creek road October 30. Happy" Hester McKay was the oldest daughter of Phillip and.. Elltabeth McKay. The McKay family ar rived In Turner from Canada on Oct. 30, . 1891. Outside of short times of employ ment In other places Mrs. Crume com pleted her 58 year at Turner when t'.it heard her master's call at mldniclit. Kne was a member of the Order of E;Mern Star at Turner, Rebekah Ideal lodte at Turner, a member of SurprL" Grange P. of H., up until the surrenderina of . their charter. Her husband. Oeor Crume, died several years atro. Sur vived by three sisters, Beatrice Ott. Ro.e burg. Carrie Mitchell, Grayland, Was1,.,,' Elizabeth Schaeffer, Turner. Geore Al- ' bert (Bert). McKay retired mail carrier,, Pendleton, many nlecea, grand nieces, nephews and grand nephews. Father,' mother and Bertha Susteck and WlUUm" McKay, a brother, are deceased. Mrs. Victor Godfrey Dallas Funeral services for Mr. Vis tor Godfrey. 39, who dlrd In Yak:ir.a, Wash.. Monday night of Injuries rreetv ed when hit by an automobile on the high way near Naches. will be held from the Hen Isle and Bol) man chapel here at 2 o' clock Tuesday afternoon. Besides her hus band she Is survived by four sons and three daughter, all of Dallas; father. A. Chrlstensen. Rexburg. Ida.: two broth-. ers. El wood, Lay ton, Utah, and L. C. Chrls tensen. sparks, Nev and a sister, Mr. Betty Ling el, Lompoc, Calif. John T, Schaeta t. Paul Funeral service for John Theodore Schuetz, 69, farmer of this com munity, were held from the St. Paul Cath olic church Thursday with burial In the St. Paul cemetery. He Is survived by his widow, Mra. Catherine ScUuetx. Ksymond F. Eadmaker Che-halls, wuh. Graveside arrvle for Raymond P. Radmaker, 40, former resident of Klanmber. Wash., who was killed at Sultan. Wash.. Wednesday, while unload ing a donkey engine from a truck, were held in Chehall Saturday. He was born at Klaber Oct. 16, 1909, snd had spent moat of his life In Lewis county. He served In the navy during the war. Bur- i viving are hi widow. Mrs. Florence Rad- , maker and two sons. Buddy and David, alt of Aumsvllle; daughter, Christine, of Sul tan. WaAh., parents, brother and three--sisters. Burial wa In the CI aqua t a ceme tery. Albert M. Woods McMlnnvllle Funeral services for Al. . bert M. Woods. 89. of Amity, were held . nere Friday alternoon. He was a Spanish-American war veteran. Surviving are hta widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Woods and two grandchildren. Edwin and Ruth Welch, Sausallto, Calif. Committal wa at the Portland crematorium. Edward Larry Klttrore Silverton Edward Larry Kiln ore, 12 year pupil of the Evans Valley school and' a resident of the Ablqua community, died 1 at the hospital here Sunday after several weeks Illness and three operations. He was horn at Tyler, Tex., Feb. 14, 1937, and had lived In the Salem area with hi parenta for ten years, Including three at Lyon.i, before coming here about a year and a half ago. Surviving are Ills parents, Mr., and Mr. W. E. KiUore, of the Ablqua. community: twin brother. William Leon, -, and the following brother and alsters: Clifford D. Kilgore and Mn. C. L. Cax tleman. both of Marlon. 111.: Mrs. C. B. Calkins and Mrs. William Bunting, both ' of Silverton: Mrs. Eugene Voelsch and Clinton RHgore. both of Salem; Claire and Claude Kilgore. both of Amity gnd Ar- ' dith Kilgore, at home. Funeral service will he held from the memorial chapel of the Ekman funeral home at 2 o'clock Tues day, Rev. Charles Arthur Bate officiating. Mr. Sarah WlloA s-" WHIamine Funeral service were held-' October 27, at Dallas for Mrs. Sarah Wll- son, with Interment In the Park 'ires cemetery tn Sheridan. Mrs. Wilson as born July 30. 1868 at Pleasant Plain. Iowa. Her husband died June 28. 1894. She Is sur vived by .a dau inter Mra. Oraca Veach. . Mrs Wilson was raised In the Quaker faith, and In 1898 became a member of the Methodist church In Lew is ton. Nebr. . She died after a long illness. Albert H. ffovendnn Woodburn Albert Henry Rnvenden. 68. life long resident of this viclnttv. died suddenly Saturday morning of a heart at tack wtiiie in tne waiting room of the local hospital. He was the son of the late Amos and Elizabeth Whitney Hovenden, Pioneers oi and liven an or nia lire a part of the original Hovendrn D L C. on the Boone's Ferry road 2li mile north of Woodburn. He was born on the old home place near hi late res idence aJnuary 20, 1883. Survivor are his wife Mae Hovenden of Woodburn: sons. Floyd Hovenden of Vancouver, Wash., and, Kenneth Hovenden of Woodburn: daugh ter Delia Mae oJnc ot Lebanon and ridel t rude Jones of Manila, P. I.; a hr other, Edwin Hovenden of Woodburn! sister. Eftle Woodruff ot St. Paul and eight grandchildren. Recitation of the Rosary Wednesday, Nov. 2. at 7:30 p.m. t tin RlnRO chapel and funeral servlc will be from St. Luke's Catholic chunrt at 9 a m. Thursday. Nov. 3. with Inter ment in St. Luke's cemetery Advert'.sementl GreatChristopher For over Four Decade Anuncu' Finest Hard and Soft Corn or Cal loug Remedy. It Remove where others Peel. Instant Relief, Does not Evaporate. 60c end 35c Adv. SALEM DKUG CO. 333 State St., Salem PHHTOMS tjftf New Treatment If V Gets Real Results Don't let vntir ehtlrl aurTer tfia IafmimI nt Pin. Wi.rmal Get Jayn P-W Vermlfvee. P-W'e tiii ingreuirni la a mediCwUiy-Bpiinvd di tnat acientilically destroy Pi a-Worms aui removes inem irura ina body. So watch for the warning; tign tn your family, entiet-ially the ambarraatiing rectal itch. Then mIc your druggist for F-W, the smsll, eaay-to-fake tablets perfected by the lamou Jayne Co.. aperiahata in worm remedies fur over 100 years. Destroy those Plo-Worma.,. relltrve that itrh. Jvvt Rememberi P-W A fa PltwWarrMt Why Suffer Any Longer ffnen ewers tall, use eu Chinese remedies Amasine success for rears id China No matter with what ailment you are afflicted- disorder Inualtl Bean lune Itoer kidney ga. Loostlpation utters, diabetes rneumatlsm gall and bladder, fever akin. tmale complaint CHARLIE CHAN cntvEst nru co Office Rear I b I Tie and Rat Only 9M N Ceaanaeretal rtiene 8 1 KM ALIM. OKI