IS Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED AD VI ft Til IN Ql Pat Un IM Pt Line I it DIM ,,A09 Per Lin time 60 Per Lini 1 month 13.04 Outald of Salem 11 per Un pf div Min. loct I times mlo. tot time min 11.20 No Refunds READERS In Lor ft 1 New Col Only. 10c per lint To Place an Ad Phon X-I406 FOR SALE HOUSES $7350 Lat built I BR home H I. Ph. BY OWNER CHOICE LOCATION tjw.w new 9 bdrm. home. AH eleetrle Fully insulated. Cloie to school. Beit workmanship and material. F. H. A. terms. 935 Cross St. Ph. 4-3821. a259 WHY PAY RENT? w a br hnmi. hdwd. floors, approx. H acre lot. Very low down payment. Ph. 3-9812. awr IT OWNER Hew. modern 2 bedroom home. Pecan floors, fireplace, V. blinds. Attached garage. Low down payment. Ph. 2-3027. Neighbor's phone. a360 a RnRM Pletur. Window, east vie lane living-dining r. Large kitchen. Auto. heat, insulated, weather etrlpped, iitiiitv At sarag. Landscaped. Ph. 3-5642 or 3-3173. a25B BEAUTIFUL VIEW 2 barm. 'lome. Full basement, hardwood floors, double fire olace. Will sell at real sacrifice. Pli. 1-5x78. "' Enriewood's Best Buy 110.000. Nice living room, oak floors, kite hen -dinette, 2 bed r. plus stairway to attic. Very clean basement, oil lur nace. food play-yard for children. Shrubs, 'lawn, flowers. Call Omer Huff. Eve. Ph. 2-6942. Investor's Notice 15600. No. 3 business xone. 3 bed r. home. Llvina r.. frplce. In den, dlnlni r., kitch en, bath, 60x150 lot on paved st. One of the better older type homes. Call Omer Hun eve. Ph. 2-6942. West Salem's Best Buy If you are looklna for a 3 bedroom home don't mis this nearly new. Large rooms priced to sell for 16500. 11000 dn.. 150 per mo. Immed. poas. Call Mr. Greer. Eva. Ph. 3-2451. V. OMER HUFF 361 Chemeketa Ph. 2-6001 a259 BY OWNER. $5,000. S rm. home. Plast ered. Enalewood dlst., partial basement. Large back yard. 812 N. 20th. a269 GRAND VIEW $8000 Owner moving, saya drop price and tet It sold. We do not believe this home can be duplicated anywhere for the money. It combines a substantial, attractive 2 Bd. Rm. modern home, on a big lot. With a real view of valley, mountains and city. G. I. MUST SELL Clean 1 yr. old bungalow. Larte carpet ed living rm. Kitchen St dinette. 14 A 15 ft. bd. rms. Car port. Corner lot. Close to bus. schools Ac store. 11000 down, bait nee like rent. Price 17900. Call Bon Cleary Walter Musgrave. Realtors 1311 Edgewafcr Ph. 3-5109 Eve. 1-9939 a260 BUY NOW 1 ACRE 2 bedrm. unfinished house. Oar age. Price only 13850. Call Mr. Voorhees. CLOSE IN. Beautiful setting among large trees: lots of shrubs. 4 bedrm. house. Large Iv. rm, with fireplace, din ing room, breakfast nook. Cement base ment. Price 114.000. Call Mr. Voorhees. ASK TO SEE this 3 bedrm. 2 yr. old home. Nice and clean. Lv. rm., dining rm.. kitchen, elec. dish washer and gar bage disposal. Att. garage. Large lot. Price only 19460. Terms. Call Mr. jedcr strom. ALSO VERT NICE 2 bedm, home with den. Fenced In back yard. Close to bus. Call Mr. Scderstrotn. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 244 State St. Ph. 2-3663 Eves, call: Mr. Voorhees, a-4007a259; OWNER leaving town must sell. l'A acre good land. Lovely small nome, eiec. wa ter heater and range Inc. Large garage and small one room house. Family fruit and berries. Price reduced ror quick snle. Only I6B00. 480 Elma Ave., Four corners. DRIVE BY 25TW St LRE ST. New 2 BR home, lie. rooms, utll., oil heat, bus. school, 38950, Terms. Owner. Ph. 1-7031. 339 AMAZING If your family would Ilka a new beaut 1 ful 2 bdrm. home at the best of terms then don't miss this at only 17875. Pos sibly $600 down, bal at 165 per month. F.H.A. pending. Wa have the key. Ph. Mr. Reins. $800 DOWN Where else ean you buy a 4 year old modern 3 bdrm. home with a large liv ing1 room. Also has nice sire dining rin, for only 16750. This Is located on a quiet street north suburban near Hayesville dlst. Call Mr. Tlbbetts. $1000 DOWN This nice 3 bdrm. home, plastered, Ten. blind, electric cooking Si water heater, attached garage. Will trade for suo urban property. Only 37100, Call Mr. Rawlins. RAWLINS REALTY "HOLLYWOOD DIST. Office Ph. 3-4664. Eve. Rawlins 1-8011. Tlbbetts 2-7486, Hrlna 3-7138. aJ19 10,000. VERY attractive suburban home, east on bus line. Very well built 5-rm. home with unfln. attic, garage, trees, lawn, shrubs. A good home. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 133 S. Highest. Ph. 1-4111. a250' BY OWNER: Beautiful modern 1 room house, finest construction, hdwd. floor thruout, all la. rooms, with extra lie kiteh, full bsmt., St lge. fully finished party room. auto. heat. 1420 Market St. 3A0 3 Bdrm. Home 1730 ft. of floor apare. Beautiful view. Open Sunday 3 to 5 p.m. 2645 Scopel. Candalarla dint. Call builder owner, Roy Pence Son. 3-8994. e.260 LOOKINO EAST fl.too. 'i A. 5 rm. modern home 3 years old. 11375 down. tiMW. 1 A 6 rm. home. 1 bedrooms down. 1 up. Take car for part down pay ment. lUMiin. 1 brirm home all on 1 fir. Hdwd. firs, thruout Fireplace Eler. heat. Lane lot. Can be handled for I1OO0 down. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 46 B. Commercial Phone 3-4590 Kve. 2-9338. aJflO OPEN HOUSE " Immediate Possession Tmmedtate possesion rn my 1 year old room home. Must sell, leaving it tie Well arranged 3 bedrooms, large tvini room, dining room At kitchen with breakfast nook. Kitchen has lots of tvip hoard counter spsre with tile loor. Beautiful hdd. firs thruout. Coved cell ing. Lse. Iiwide utility rm. Att. garage Nice fenced In lawn. tarse lot. Oood location with city A school bus at rttwr Can be seen at 3330 Sunny view Ave. B260 strMOnEt.Et) A redecorated. Pi ory house. 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen utility room A bath down. 1 bedroom A etra room up,, Nice lot -2 walnut trees 1 Blng cherry tree, Gravel driveway A attractive car-port. Near trade A par ochlal schools. Terms. Ph. 1-5020. el 33 NORTH Me t Bdrm.. Din. Rm., fireplace piast er, hrdwd. firs, attch. gar., paved at., unfinished upstairs, Irg. lot. Only I MM) 00 down will handle, bal. Ilka rent. Evening phone 1-7983, Abrams & Skinner Inc. t 411 Masonic Bldg., Ph. 1-1111 Insurance. Mtg. Loan a 160 OWMTm MOVED to CaMf. Sacnflcint al most new 6 rm. home. Breeieway a' taohed aarace. Larae lot. Cily water A bus. Low down payment, F H.A. terms Prjie S. 1 mi. outside city limits on 91 to Kwald turn right to 113 Iwald. , 'aJ63 YOU WILL LIKE IT Business dlst. New horm. llvlnc room, dining room, I bdrma., fireplace, nard Wnad floora thruout. large utility room, attached garage. t500 Ph. 1-12M. General Real Estate M Oentec ftl0 Ore, Monday, October 311949 FOR SALE HOUSES R9M. NEW unfinished house In 4-Cor- ners dtst. Has attacned garage. lx idox 180. Terms. 14 7 AO. VKRV attractive 1 bedroom noma North. El. heat, hdwd. firs. Lot 4010. I7BIMI. new home in Keiier out. ei. nea hdwd. firs, unfin. attic. Not completely finished. Small down payment. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 133 S. High St. Ph. 1-4131. 259 FOB SALE BT OWNER: Desirable I bdrm ranch style home in excellent condition. On North 23rd St. Coved cellint front room dining room. Ven. blinds screens thruout. Full basement with fireplace it double plumbing. AC auto matic oil heat. Large corner lot well landscaped. Close to school, bus St store. Apply 1735 Market St. a360 FOR SALE BY OWNER On N. 22nd Near Center New 2 Bdrm. Home COMPLETE WITH OARAOE, OUTSIDE PATIO it PIREPLACE. FENCED IN FRONT YARD. LARGE LOT. IN BEST RESIDENTIAL AREA. PRICED TO BELL. PH. 2-5348 OR 3-3734. a- Near Willamette "U" Two bdrm., full basement, furnace, fire place; near shopping center and bus. Price 17975. about 12750 cash required. Phone 2-6605 SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 149 N. High St. Phone 1-7660 260 1 ACRE, ft rm. house, partly furn. Oood lo cation, pn. s-iQZO. s S7BM. LATE built 1 story 1 bedroom home. HW floors throughout. Dining room, utility room, garage. 100x180 lot on pav ed road. Located In 4 -Corners district. Terms. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High. Phone 1-4131. a262' NEVER LISTED BEFORE Owner moving to Oallf. 4c now offer this fine 3 B. R. home for sale. Drive by 2215 Chemeketa At look It over. elec. stove, elec. refrlg. Se breakfast nook set goes with sale. Very nice distr. among nice homes. Priced to sell at 18500. Please do not disturb owner, but phone for an appointment. PURT PICHA, Realtors Office: 2-3649 379 N. High St. Eve. 2-5390 or 3-7451 aSSl' SI 100. BEAUTIFUL building lot on W. Ewald St. 100x160. city water avannoie. 17AA. BUILDING lot In 4-Comer Dlst. 100x180. Has several large cherry trees. Cull O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High. PnonJL 1-4121. 262' OARAOE- HOUSE 24x32. Concrete floor Lot 66x188. City water In front. 1350 down. Balanre 135 Der mo. Ph. 19X1 Turner or call for Mr. Wm. Noble at Burkland Sawmill, Turner, Ore. 261 Near Senior High School $11.000 Attractive I bed room home only 3 yrs. old, extra aewlna room or den, hardwood floora, excellent heat Ins ayatem. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 6. Commercial Ph. 23649 Eve. 25260 a260 Near Leslie Jr. High 110,500 3 bedroom Eng. style home with dry basement, sawdust furnace, hwd. floors & fireplace. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 23849 Eve. 25260 &260 FOR BALE house 1 year old 8 bedroom lk acre attached garage. Adam M. Wert. OUlls St. Mt. Angel, Ore. a264 OWNER must sell, 2 bdrm., 1 year old Automatic oil lurnace, electric oisn washer, automatic washing machine. Fenced-lnbaclt vard. 45nS.18th. 264 2 BDRM. 1500 DOWN 340 MONTH Nice 2 bdrm. home for the price of 13930. Full bath, LR, kitchen wired for range, plastered, fenced back yard, gar age. Located on 8. 17th street. bEE Mr. Lamparter. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552. Eves. 2-3931 a 260' Moo. 14 ACRES with clean late built 3 bedroom home. East. All on one floor. Close to school. Terms. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 8. High. Phone 3-4121. aJ63 Worth Your Money Imagine 4 bdrma.. a large lot with beau tiful trees and a real view for only 18000. This Is not a new house but Is In very good condition and has a world of pos sibilities. Worth Your Money Completely furnished 3 bdrm. home with unf. up. 15600 Is certainly a good price. Look at this place and make an offer today. Worth Your Money En lie wood home with 1 bdrms., bsmt., oil furnace, living room, dining room, kit., bath, all clean as a pin. You have ,n't seen this house so make an ap pointment now. CALL D. L BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 130 N.. High St. Ph. i-4iw.aa MSAO. NEW modern 2 bedroom home, pav ed street, close to school and bus. Hard wood firs. Living room, dining room, at tached garage. Immedlnte possession 11000 down, balance FHA. Celt Stanley Brown with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Hlth. Phone 3-4131. all? FOR SALE LOT LOT FA lit MOUNT HILL Beautiful bulldtna spot. Ph. 3-3389. General Real Estate 355 Center a260 LOTS 313 DOWN Bultd your own home Lots 118 down 115 month with water A lights, close to school A bus. nice location. Pit. 3-32R9. General Real Estate 351 Center aa360 WOOnrn LOT on paved street, 635 Rat cliff Dr Cleared and leveled. F H A. City water bus line. Ph. 3-4284. aa LAROE view lot on Klngwood Av. 317MV terms. Ph, 3-1513. a 4.160 $10 DOWN! I.ota with wnter, bus service, fruit trees, close to HsyeeviUe School. 811 per month REIMANN FOR . REAL ESTATE 3fll South High Street Ph. 3-9303 Eve. A Sun. 4-2874. 3-1337. 2-3903. 3-3731, 3-3533 al64 FOR CHOICE residential tracts In King wood His A Cascade Terraces, at mod erate prices A very low monthly terms tee the original owner A developer C A Robertson. Ph 3-8413 aa?59 FOR SALE FARMS 10 ACRES Twft bdrm. hntise. barn, garage, two acres young bearing cherry trees, good we Hand water system. A good buy at 17500, SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 10 N Hlah Bt. Phone . Eve. phone, l-MOA . I-4.S91 baao 34 ACRE SPECIAL Oood modern bdrm. house, fireplace sun room, basement, oil furnat- view good barn, ehlck house, brioosr, 3 acrea pears, rest tn oats. wen. very good aott. bargain at IIOSOO. Call Ray Pi vis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 60 8. Commercial Phone l-364 Ere. l.38, b?3l To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE GRABENH0RST SPECIALS APT. HOUSE Clos, to Capital Shopping Center T unit, ateanl heat, class -A" loea. tion. S X business ion,, suitable for donor or dental clinic, Insurance lllo, .to. Income HtO pr mo. CTLL ROY PERRIB. LOCATED SOUTH Extremely well built I yr. old home. I lee. bdrmi. fireplace, hdwd. lira, lull burnt, auto-oll furnace, lie. lot, aaraie. CALL PETER OEIAER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 1-3471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl West 2-0601 . Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-9961 OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Just Right For You An attractive 1 bedroom home, aevertl tlant oalu, lane garage, 7 year, old 16300. (1700, down. Drive By and See A neat 2 bedroom home with oil floor furnace and attached garage, attrac tive fenced-in back yard priced at 37000. Drive by 2336 S. 13th, then let us show you thru. East of Town Sbuurban About M acre with good 3 bedroom home (unfinished upstairs), ell floor furnace and att. garaice. very neat & clean, Insulated and weather stripped, nearly new Oood buy for 18600. Needs Redecorating But WHAT a bargain Located In Manbrln Oardins 4 bedrooms fireplace, oil furnace, v. blinds, lot Is 70133 DON'T BE SORRY YOU MISSED THIS ONE Only 19500. One of Our Finer Homes Besutiful setting with lovely yard and shrubbery, excellent 3 bedroom home with double plumbing, In top grade condition throughout, A-l district South The price Is right. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 24115-34111 Eve. phone Ralph 23488 Dan 35630 Warren 35996 Henry 33632 FOR SALE FARMS 11 Acre Special 18000 Buys this 11 acres good black garden soil with modern 3 bed rm. home, on one fl,or, Very large living rm with fireplace, basement Si furnace, on pave ment, bus service. Terms. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 8. Commercial Ph. 23849 Eve. 28.658 b20G 10 A. So. Soma berries. Nice bldg, site, 11500. 1 ACRE With large old bids. Well located, S1200. 8 ACRES 11000 down. 5 rm., bath At toilet. Small 2 rm. hse. Barn. Chicken rise. Gir Elec. W. system. Oood spring. Va under cult. Fruit. Telephone share. Close to school. 7 ml. SW Salem. Price 14950. C. W. Reeve Realtor 17500 10 acres, 3 bdrm. home., good barn At chlx house, 300 ft. well, lots of fruit & berries, some terms. SALE OR TRADE 18 acres, 4 bedroom home, good barn A outbuildings. O. A. VICARY REAL ESTATE 818 N. Com ! St. Ph. Day or Eve.;-(,42: b260 800 ACRES of farm land. Eastern Oregon. Also water. Lays good. 2 miles from town. Good producer. Will trade for residential property In good location or for good store or good building. 170 Acres of one of the best diversified farms in the valley. Highly improved. Free water rights. Ideal for Hardening, dairy or stock raising. 4 miles from Walla Walla. Consider trade for residen tial property, farm or good store. Write 4641 S.W. View Point Terrace. Ph. B-5027 Portland, Ore. b2fi0 FOR SALE ACREAGE l ACRES on paved road. Cross road from school and Clear LaKa store. lnt. at Clear Lake Store. bb2f9 REAL ESTATE FURNISHED 2-bedroom plastered and Insulated home located eAst. Furnishings Include ratine, and washing machine. Move right in for 11,450.00. No. 287-A 3 BEDROOMS near McKlnley school. Hardwood floors In living and dining room. Price 16,500 with 32,000 down. No. 263 10 ACRES!! 8 -bedroom home with basement. Hard wood floors. Beautiful yard. Boysenber rles. filberts, family fruit. Paved road 110,600 will trade for 3 -bed room home in city. No. 830 UNUSUAL 3 -bed room home with den, located northeast. This home has many features not found In the ordinary house. Fire place, patio, hardwood floors, 110,500. No. 297 SACRIFICE!! one of Candalarla Heights beauti ful view lots 73x120. Street Improvements paid. Only 11.8H5. No. 11 REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 301 South High Street Ph. 3-9203 Eve. A Sun.. 2-373B, 2-1327, 4-2874. 3-5905. 2-2532 c2.19 FOR YOUR !UVINO investment buy a tint mortgage on real estate Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself Amojnts 1500 to several thousand dol lars, net investors ftv We make all col lections for you it desired STATE FINANCE CO 153 8 High e ATTRACTIVE NORTH SALEM HOME 112.000. FULL DRY BASEMENT. SAW DUST HEAT. HAS UNFINISHED UP STAIRS. 2 NICE BEDROOMS DOWN. DINETTE. NOOK. FIREPLACE. PRE WAR BUILT, PAVED ST. A WALKS. NEAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL 9300. A OOOD BUY IN THIS ALMOST NEW TWO BFDHOOM HOME. INSU LATED A WEATHER STRIPPED HOME. HAS DINETTE. LARGE UT1L. ROOM, ELECTRIC HEAT A ATTACHED GAR- AUK. 12440 DOWN. 4 BALANCE. WALNUT PARK 110,500. CLOSE TO DOCTORS' CLINIC YEARS OLD. VEHY LIVEABLE 2 BEDROOM HOME, BASEMENT WITH S PLUMBING. OIL FURNACE. FULL BATH UP. FIREPLACE. LARGE NOOK. HOME IS FULLY INSULATED, COR NER LOT. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL IMMl. NEW WELL Rl'IlT CUTE 4 RM. house with attached garage, utility room, creek lot. in the country 111 500 well located, north. 15 minutes to down town salem lots op fruit trees, new 3 kfi room home. Large unfinished upstaihs automatic oil piped heat. also large 4-car oarage or work shop. new 4 bedroom 111 soo. in fnolewood, 1 up and 1 down. large plate glass win dows, brick flower boxes easy terms. ed luk1nbeal re at estate 433 N, HIGH ST. PH 3-6HR0 IVENINO PH. 3-1704 4-3331 WANTED REAL ESTATE VI 4R In need gooc houses to 'sel la or aeat Salem If voo wlab to its' your propert for sale aeo ORABKNHOMT BROS.. REALTOR ea WANTED to buy: 3- or 4 -room modern house. 1100 down, no month. Ph 3-3317 ta371 LISTINGS W ANTED nn a tew good homes ana Business Opportunities. C A. OIKS Realtor. Ph. 3-7812. ci$ OTi 8! If tout rpen u tor aaie rem or etchanie tut tt with tie. We ha ah itnds of cash uver TAXI FIN A NCI CO UALTOBJ 1U ft. AlSfe 84, REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS $1,000 Down 3 bdrm.. 806 sq. ft. of floor space, oil heat. 50x108 ft. lot. Suburban north. To tal price only 14950. Would trade for larger home In city. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 2-3558. $1,500 Down Almost new 3 bdrm. home. Could easy be made Into 4 bdrm. home. Northeast Enslewood. Automatic heat. 1000 sq. ft. floor space. Very good condition. Bus 'a block. Paved street. Total price $9500. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. Fishing Tackle Bus. Large stock of flys Se spinners. Equip ment for manufacturing. Well trained employes available. 175 wholesale acc. Disability of owner forces sale. Will take home as part payment or a lv 11 trace, i otai price 114,000. Eve. Pn 2-7674 or 3-3558. $500 Down 5 acres. Modern 3 bdrm. home. Sevral oui ouiiaings. 2 acres In atrawntrrie.-;. 15 minutes from down town. Good well. Roll In K land. School bus. Total price oniy ie.-)uu. &ve. rn. 3-903 or 1-3558. Chicken Farm Close in east. 5 acres. Modern horn. 22x60 chicken house. 14x20 brooder house. Family fruit A brrles. Deep well. 5 acres. Well worth 39500. Eve. Pli. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Pit-. 3-7820 or 2-1' 06 cv:59 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE CLOSE IN. Lovely 5 room home. Hardwood floors thruout fireplace, V shades, full basement, garage, nut trees. 19400. Trade for acreage At home. Wha.t have you? Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 2S5 Center cb2B0 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LUNCH COUNTER tor sale. Call at 1536 State or Ph. 3-6570. cdJjO' GROCERY STORE and meat market. Well located in a prosperous valley town. 6 year lease on 50x100 modern concrete bldK. at 165 per month. Dolna cash busi ness. Price 16500 plus Inventory of about 15,000. Call o, V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High PhoneJl-4121. cd262 MANAGER WANTED Responsible man or woman to manage and service a genuine Hershey Candy, Wrlnley Gum and Life Saver candy vending business in this area. No sell ing. No sue limit. Reliability more Impt. than past experience. 11380 invest, re quired. Fully secured. No. speculators wanted. Excellent earnings up to 180 weekly profit. State If can start at once. Write fully. Box 255 Capital Jour nal, cd262 RELIABLE man take care store route, Dis tribute. Collect. New product. Protect ed territory. Earn Excellent Weekly in come. B. A W. Nut Co., St. Paul, Minn. cdJaB COMPLETELY equipped garage and body hop for lease. 3250 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7110. cd201 N. COM'L, bldg. A S Ilv. hm., $13.000By owner, terms. Ph. 2-9829. cd277 BUSINESS bldg. on coast. 1150 month In come. Trade for Salem property. Phone owner j- (dou or z-eeos. M2001 N. COM'L. store bldg. TRAILER court, 16.000, terms. By owner Chas. H. Moore, 1730 N. Water St. Cd277 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MUriUSI l MKUUUH MG DAY SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P. M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES-HIGH EST QUALITY EAHIETS TERMS - FREE DELIVERY YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION H & H FURNITURE CO. 15M1 Fairground R1 Ph. 3-37,7. d2i9 wanted furniture'""" IT'S YOUR MISTAKE- If you srll used furniture, appliances, snorting goods, household effects with out first getting my price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRKJFS Ph. S-M10 for Immediate Resultj da AUCTIONS AUCTION ' at Sweet Home, Ore. FRI. EVE., NOV. 4 STARTING PROMPTLY AT 1 P.M. This is a consunment sale. Bring anv. thing you want sold, bale will be held every Frt. fit. starting promptly at 7 p m.. Dealers Invited. For information phone S eft home 3883. E. N. Edwards A Son. Auctioneers. H. M. Pal Edwards, nur. Mrs. II. M. Edwards, clerk. We aell farm and business sales, farm and business sales. dd35t Ft RNITI RE APPLIANCE auction every Tues.. 7 30 p. m., Olennwood Bullrootn 1 pv cash or sell on commission. Glenn Woodry, auctioneer. Ph. 3-3110. dd FURNITURE A APPLIANCE" auctlorTf vtry Tues.. 1 p.m.. Glenn wood Ballroom I pay rash or sell on commission. Olenn Woodry, auctioneer Ph S-3U0. dd- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK lt YEAR hl.ll bay saddle mare. MorVan tvpe. well broken, used to children, fix crllcnt dtsposllion. Phone Monmouth 103 before 1 tvm. and 714 after 7 00 eaw BONDED AND "LICENSED llTesfocfc buver E. C. McCandllsh, U27 . 31. Ph. 1-1117. PETS rocRER, buff, male, 4' month. A K C o. IU.ll tJ. 3fli N. 33rd. c2S9 KITTEN. PRICE OOOO HOME' 157B wrd nrivt. Neat Nareavtll Lunch on KorU H. sjcMl (AUCTIONS EXTRA LARGE FURNITURE & APPLIANCE AUCTION Tues. Nov. 1 7:30 P.M. GLENWOOD DIVINO ROOK BEDROOM LlVISCi ROOM LAMPS 6EWINO MACHINE DINETTE NEW AND USED ALL KINDS GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER SELLS ON COMMISSION OR PAYS CAJBH PHONE 3-5510. IMMEDIATE RESULTS PETS PEDIGREED collie months old. 470 3-3013. pups. Female. Wayne Drive. FUEL DRY 1" alab ti edgings. Ph. 3-1433, ee' SAWDUST Wood. Ph. 13(01. 0,373 PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, asb A maple, lab and edgings. Ph 31458 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreen Edging 15.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE' SHELL STOVE A DIESEL OIL. Ph, 3-3186. Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor ee275 TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 10" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR 8&B GREEN STAMPS CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry 81 ab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood. Ph. 88444 ee1 West Salem Fuel Co. W IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IM. CLEAN NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OH Phone Filem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St.. West Salem ee FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Order Fry or Hens now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockers. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 22861. Lees Hatchery. f HEAVY red hens 31.25 each. Rt. 6. Box U8. 4 miles out State St. 1260" SEW HAMPSHIREchlct.i for Immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery, 3830 Stat St Ph. 3-4969 PRODUCE DRIED prunes 10c lb. E. R. Blankenship. t. 3, box 960. Ph. 2-0050. II260 FILBERT-WALNUT drying. 1 mile E. Lan caster ur. AUDurn Road. Claude Mc Kinney, Ph!3-1632. f(264 SPITZENBERG A WINTER BANANA ap ples. Phil Asplnwall. 645 Market St., Ph. 3-9419. If275 FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special ervice lor aman iota. rnone 3-2861 Lee's Hatchery. ff HELP WANTED MALE PERMANENT resident of Salem. Age 25 to a to learn eiec. appliance business. Must be a permanent worker ami will. Ing to make evening calls. Past sales work helpful, but not essential. Will given course In training. Good oppor tunity and luture for right man. Salary, commission A service car furnished. Ap ply A.M. only. E. Schacher, Singer Sew ing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. Ka260 SAW Yf.R and millwright. Must be able to set nis own ratchet. 11.00 per M and extra pay lor day work. Write P. O. Box 368 or call 181 Toledo. Ore. ga264 NATIONAL CORP. offersprofitabiebus ness opportunity to middle aged or older men with car. Writs Bog 464 Capital Journal. ga261" HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, with gen. "office exper ience, capable of taking responsibility. Box 253 Capital Journal. gb259 LADY to sell lovely guaranteed Nylon Lingerie, Hosiery. Ties direct to friends, neighbors. Big earnings. Our 27th year. Write THOGERSEN HOSIERY CO., Wil mette, ill. gb259 WANTED Young woman for full-time housework. Live In. Ph. 2-7581. gb261 WANTED women nufshellers. AlPwlnter worlt. 460 N. Front. Klorfeln Packing Company. gD employment agencies" COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 3M stnt, strrpt Phon. a- 14fta tr WANTED SALESMEN WANTED: Salesman to sell new cars, also used cars. Good opportunity for ,m bitious and honest salesman. State ire vious experience in first letter. Write Capital Journal Box 254. s280 THREE SALESMEN wantedfor Tnsulat Ing contractor concern: must be hard work ers. See Holly Whitman between 9-11 morninns. 1 132 Broadway. gs260 WANTED POSITIONS TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice, rormrr phone opr. Ph, 3-5073. IY2&3 I'STOM work Plowing, disking. Job or hour. Ph. 31121. Springer. 1.20-4" FOR SALE or Trade for house in Salem nrat 2 bedroom hou.e in Albany. Liv-lns-dlnlng room 14' X 26", knotty pine watnscote. Large kitchen with dinette space, full bsth, garage, shrubs, flowers Aj garden. I3.S00 State O. I. Loan 135.50 mo. outstanding, balonce cash. MAke offer. Chas-. Rossi. Albany. 1121J or c o Arts Photo 174 N. Commercial. 1.364 COLLEGE girl wants full time empl. bk- wpa.. cashiering, typing, srlling exp. Will work out of town. Ph. 287B3. h261- NANCY'S Nursery. Day or hr. Ph, 2-4940. ham YOt'NO woman, college graduate, seeka 4 to hours daily employment. Will con sider anything of honorable and remit tiv character. Please call 3-6356. h360 REMODELING and carpenter work, will take part In furniture. Ph. 2-7480, h2i CARE FOR elderly person or invalid In puiiem s nome. uo some housework 1100. Dial 1-6519. h2i EXPERIENCED carpenter will do new work or remodeling reasonably. 3345 silverton Road. Ph. eve.. 1-9457. 1.251 IRONING. Ph. 34767 after 1 p.m. h0 TREK WORK, topping, (rimming, remoy- John Payne. 248 h360 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. l-67Mt h27 CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th?Ph. 26876 h!73 WOODSAWINQ PH.1-IB71 . n!rft BART SITTING. Ph 1M33. hJ69 CARPENTER work. New. repair 1.365 CEMEN1WORK Wanted Ph 1-4850 n BABY SITTING. Night rtltl.Ph lOMO hJ5 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing Ins. op Work guar W H McAllis ter, 140 Trade. Ph 1-1496. h361 Mimeographing-Typing POES 665 North llth phone l-.tMl h259 440. h3M NI'RSERT dav or hr, Ph. Journal Want Ads Pay AUCTIONS BALLROOM REFRIGERATOR WASHERS ELECTRIC HANOI RUOfl MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING rm. Ph. 2-4335. MEN'S WARM sleeping room. Prlv. ent. rn, isob N. Capitol. Jk278' SLEEPING RMS. Refrlg. 2131 Center. Jk273' VERY close la sleeping rm. Ph. 2-7817. 1263 NirE WARM room. In modern home. No onnaers. vo . cnurcn. Jk269' ROOMS 448 Ccnttr Rear Woodrow'i Jk279 BCSINKSS DIST. sleeping room. Heat and nuoia water, aao center. Jk361' SLEEPING ROOM for ladies with full wiciirn privnegs. Heated, private en trance. Two blocks from Medici nn. ter A Hospital. Close to grocery store, on bus line. Ph. 3-9589. Jk250 HOLLYWOOD, 3035 McCoy. Ph. 3-8093 , )k283 QUIET WARM sleeping room. Men. 185 "iiikt, rn. a-ns3a. JMoT SLEEPING rm. 370 Bellevua. Fh. J-1477. Jk259 LGE. 1st floor sleeping room. Hot A eolc water. oi n, nign, Jk259' LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for aentlo- msQ. iiosa in. norm. Phone 3-3028. jk2fll FOR RENT APARTMENTS SMALL t RM. furnished apt. for working muy or man, wa. aiso 2 rm. well furn ft. ior coupic. no peis, Jn. 3-2532. JP2S01 partly turn. 1 room apt. In private uwriung. no oringers. 1343 Waller St. Call after 4:30 evenings. Jp360 3-RM. FURN. apt. Elec. range, auto. heat. rn. piu. une diock to bus and store. .-u BiuuKcrs or annKers. pn. 3-7943. JP361 FURN. 1-RM., 123. Com'l, 3-rm., 130, 1387 N. 1P3591 2-ROOM FURN. apt., las. 2210 Haiel. JP258 ONE-ROOM APT. Second floor. Lady pre- 3-RM. UPSTAIRS furn. ant. .lnt ri. orated, private bath and entrance. 187 4-RM. FURN. apt . elec. heat, prlv. ent. """ -upo. jpzer 1-BDRM. APT., private hath. working couple preferred. Ph. 2-1422. 4-RM. FURN. apt. 770 8. Commercial. JP264' I-RM. FURN. apt., elec. kltch., prlv. bath. umuieg mrn. J30 Mission. Jp259 NICELY FURN. 2-room apt. 165. Ambas- ouor pis aau h. Bummer. Jp261 S Rm. Furn. apt., ground fir. private bath. close m downtown north, inq. Burt Picha, Realtors, 379 N, High fit. Phone " J P259 S RM. FURN. APT, Rent to quiet COUPleT 785 N. Capitol. JP260 BIG l rm. furn. apt. for 4. One small apt H5mo. 160 Union. Ph. 2-9835. Jp2o9' FURNISHED cottage, 3215PorUand rd FOR RENT HOUSES S BDRM. HOUSE "fuTnlshedriVlTph. S-ta Sat.jarSun. Jm259' SMALL 2-BR house. 1390 N. CapltoVr"55 month. Includes oil circulator. Write box 256 Capital Journal. Jm350 9 ROOM modern lurniahed cottage732B5 Portland Hd. jm283 LOVELY S BDRM. modern hotrieTln ex". elusive dist. Partly furn. Auto, oil heat. Close in. Reference required. Write Cap- ltalJournal.Box 257. Jm260 t B.R. HOUSE, $4Sper mo. Ph. 3-9659 before 7 P.m. Jm259 2 HOUSES in Silverton, unfurnished 1 bed room, oatnroom, kitchen and living room. Washing machine furnished. Come In and look at us. We are unlocked. 123A Flske St.. 345. with elect, range. 123B Fiske St., 140, no range. Call rny owner, 3-7921, Salem. Jm280 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR space on State St. Desk space on Marlon St. Ph. 3-8482. J FURNISHED cottages. Very rates. 3155 Portland Rd. U DRIVE Trucks. Ro'jlnion Shell Service center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. J BUSINESS RM. lor rent. H, L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS tor rent Montgomery Ward. j POWER TOOL rentals lor home and in dustrial use. Howser Broi Ph. 2-3646. I1 TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Bowser Bros iiu o inn. west oaiem. j' ro DO a good Job rent a good floor sand. r W eU everytahing to aomplata the 100. HOWSER BROa - Ph. 1-3646 J' lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. SUM. TRAILER SPACE at Elby's. New, modern, social rm., cniid's piygrnd., reas. rates. Next to arhl. and church. Lge. grndi. Vliltors welcome. Dallas Hwy. ph. 3-3344. J270 HINC.ER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma. en: ncs Reasonable rates. Free pick up v arnvpry sinzer sewing Machine Co 130 N Com 1 Ph 33512 r" WANTED TO RENT X BD. RM. house. North, 151. Ph. 3-3438. ROOM AND BOARD BOARD A ROOM, & do washing for el der. y peopie. na monin. rn. a-aa.B. Ji25 ROOM BOARD, cheap. 3 block from city center. Inquire 746 Mill. JJ35t) HOME FOR AGEDuier.ocatlon. Ph 3-0910. JJ264 GOOD HOME and care lor small child br week or month. Ph. 2-5174. JJ259 LOST AND FOUND LOST Would the party who took my gray Fahey-Brorkman topcoat by mis take from the Portland-Salem bus Sun day night please return It. or get In touch with Me? C. B. Nevln, 1571 State. Phone 3-7689. . k356 LOST: Plain wWteoTdeddini banL Near post office and court house build ing. Notify Gertrude Fisher. Ph, 3-5072 k259- MISCELLANEOUS LIS SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. Wt close Saturdays 13:30. m270 STEEL cot with 120 00 special built mat tress for 115.00. 1110 Cross St. m260 COMPLETE FIREPLACE MATERIALS SUPERIOR HEAT FORMS "PERMANENT MATERIALS AT' PUMILITE BLOCK SUPPLY CO. OUT EDGEWATER ST., W. SALEM ma259 POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE, 4141 SUvertoo Rd. Pb 1-2034 masi- DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY 6 EM LKR DINT I ST Adolpb B'dh state St ComnienclaJ Su SAIEM-Phone 1-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS PFBMA. STONE for fireplace and bom. Salem Perm a -9 tone Co.. 2040 H. llth St. Salem. Phon 1-0601 after I p m tna363 WRrrKING A house at 1 N. Liberty." All material for sale. ma25t EI M-TR!C"WATER HF.ATF.RS. 40 gal Bargain, fiber Ola insulation in roll blanket. Use tn wall St celling. C. O Lone Ph. 1-1U1. On nil north of Reiser. ailH- BUILDING MATERIALS SAVE ON ttOOFINO Let Warda alv. you omp:evt Oi STAIXED prle. on your roofing neoda Wld. rant, of color Call ouf outalda salesman (or free Mtlnat. FnoM 1191 UOMTOOUKRT WARD A) OO. SALJU. OREOOH ma' RED CEDAR shingles No. 1 2xl's any amount aeuvereo lowest market prices II In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall snakes. Ted Muller, 8alem-2ndep. road call 3-1196 Salem. ma ALU MA - LOCt ALUMINUM LOCK jmnttLE. The modern permanent roof ing Be your dealer 04 Call Dist. 1-601 . ma27i' Used Windows - Doors Streamline windows with frame. 17.80. 1 Panel doors 30" vide with fram 110 nunoreoa oi sun. O. O. LONG. Ph 2-3831. One mile north of Keller. maJftO DEAR CUSTOMER, insist on your con- tractor ana carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand al lmcb iweyer Lumber Co. 15 Lana Ave en jimju. rree parting ma Waterproof Wallboard 1 thickness, 4x1 sheets. Perfect for kit chen, bath, utility. Can be used sj floor aver ment nr ahinlan i- n LONG, Ph. l-seai. One mile nortii of vB: ma300' NOW IS the time I Call 3-9111 for free oBviaiate on appiieo rooting. Get roof' Ing weather protection before It rains. Sears Roebuck Si Co., 650 No. Capitol oi. i-nDn s-vihi. ma275' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROOFING Wlllameet Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana ave. n259 GENERAL ELECTRIC Croslej. Gibson and Mop tag Appliances at Gevurti. o USED ELEC. RANGE 129.50. Used alec. rnse useo; comb, gas wood range 139.50. 237 N. High. Ph. 2-7911. n259 LIKE NEW 8 4 ft. Gibson refrlg. with .teener Mam. tno, ra. J-1706. n259 OIL circulators at close out orlces. Y EATER APPLIANCS CO. 175 Cheme- n284 80-30 WINCHESTER. SO -06 with Scope. .a High Standard. .18 Cotx. 594 N. Lib-rt- n264 7 H. P. CHAIN SAW Fells big timber tn half the time of hand cutters. Light weight, new type chisel chain, stall-proof clutch. Priced 1100 lower than you'd expect. 36" size . . 1385. WARDS FARM STORE Trade &High fits. Salem, Ore. , n259- SEWING Machines Free We t Ing house. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Cheme-.k-et! ri284' WELLINGTON PIANO and bench. Very 25B' good condition. 1690 B. Cottage. PLASTI-KOTE the cellophane-like fin- Ish for your floors, woodworks or lin oleum. YEATER APPLIANCE OO. 375 Chemeketa. n384 ELEC. WASHING machine Ilk. new. 120 NEARLY new Gibson refrl,. Can be eeen USED Radios. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. jo unemeketa. n284 ADDING machine, ,ol. R. C. Allen. Like new, rn. 3-0,19. eve. n259 WOLLENSAK ,X telescope, coated lens '.au wnn case, senator camera Baop. 334 N. HUh. Ph. 3-3028. ,261" BABY GRAND piano. Fine eond. Left with us ror sale. A bargain for quick .ale. Sre a. 1 oilman s, a3 a. 13th. n261 USED washing machines. YEATER AP- fiAwue to. 375 Chemeketa. n284' STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, ralllnas In .iocs ez maoe to order. 1145 N. Liberty n211 Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES. PICK OP AND DELIVER uarsnrusr ph. 1-7671 n263 WALLING SANrj St ORAVRT. net CRUSHED ROCK tor roads and driveways. cement reaoy mix concrete, garden .ana nuuaozing, drainage and ditching anovej ana arag line. pa. 3-9349 SEWING Machines, electric or treadle. on an mages. Fh. 3-7971. n281 USED electric water heaters. YEATER lirruiAnvz i-u. 375 chemeketa. n384' TALLMAN'S Piano Clearance Sale RECONDITIONED PIANOS $125 TO $185 $23 down, 310 a month. REBUILT PIANOS $225 UP I3S.00 down. 1 mnnlV We need room for new pianos In transit. laiiman Fiano Store 175-305 80. 13th A mile from High Price. n351" LJSED electric refrigerators. YEATER AP- riAxnita w. 9I0 unemexeta. n284 120 BASS Wurtitier crr.rrfi. mA ...7 Excellent condition, 1245. Ph. 371 or 144 Fl8kat.SUverton. Ore. n260 SPENCER Corsettier, 3555 D St. Ph. 1-5072 n377 USED oil burners, Blowers burners. Ph. 2-8662. sawdust n275' FULLER brushes. 1745 Orant. Ph. 3-8357 n270 BARN YARD FERTILIZER 15 yd. 6 yd load 125. Arnold Phillip, p. . o. Box 261 Turner, Ph. 1X2. D2B5 USED electric ranges. YEATER APPLI ANCE COS75 Chemeketa. n284 USED OIL HEATERS 111.50, 129.50 and 139.51. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St. Phon 3-9611 MONTAG 4 burner apt. lse electric range. Like new. Ph. 3-8591. n260 loo SAVAGE, new, scope & case. Wincheu- cnesierjmagnum, new. Ph. 3-6583. ,i263 AALEM SAND a, anAVtzToOUPKNl Contract Work Road Clearing Dltcblat Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental lb B yd 10 B yd. D-7 Cat es Doier D-l Cat A Doaer D-4 Cat St Doaer See u about ditching by th ft, Phon Days 1-9409 Eras 3-83 or 2-4400 Oaten. Ore on LUMBER 34'a by Jitney load, 110 per ,.vw mi, iibui. tuaepenoence uumoer e Mft Co, Inc. Independenct, Ore PEAT MOSS fortified with turkey drop- ing. only HOC a sack. VALLEY FARM STORE 4345 Silverton Rd. Ph 1-3034 n359 CLARI S CAMERA 35 mm f-3.1 lens 11000 wc snuiier. uooa condition. 162. .0 with case. Senator Camera Shop, 24 N JLsh. Phone 3-3028. nJ6l PHILLIPS BROS. Fertiiirer. well rotted or freh, any kind. By yard or sack. Flatrork for all rock work. Cedar fence posts, telephone and elec. pole. Any length. Shingle Yew pott. Ph. 1-1451. Rt. I Box 118 SEWING MACHINES, new and Uned All guaranteed. 35 treadle, 113 up. Portable electrics. 1.19 50 up Cabinet electrlcn. V5P.90 up Term. w. Davenport, 1910 N. 18th Ph. 3-7671. nasi. MODEL It Winchester 13-gunge, equipped with pilot choke. Nearly new. Ph. 1-8273 naei SHOTGUN. IS OA.. Higglna bolt artlon 2' boxei of shells. II. 3090 Berg or Phone 3-0411 after 1pm. n26l USED WOOD furnac with sawdust burn rriier rn. 3-3109 n:l" WANTED MISCELLANEOUS rtn n tMirw pnotie i-,m aa fir STVMPAI11 and fir lot. w.n.. Shipment fan 6e made by trura or ,11 inarpfrnrnr, Lumoer A MBnu'er turln, Compan,. Inc. tndrpendenr, Oregon. Phone 43. na35, KANTrn: BtFtRIE Douala, fir pole, or tumpage. Phone 13,7 Albany or wr'te Standard Pol, at Pllln, Co., Inc. aa313 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Bros. Pitm ReilaUhlng C 3-1001. BENT OK BUY by the 1.000 eoulv, to I BU 45 donkey. Wanted immediately w.'.ii or without operation. Drop a card r letter to Tide Logging CO., Yaclnti, Oregon. v,t363 PERSONAL BROOKS NURSING HOME Under new management. Oood food, clean beds, trained nurse la attendants If needed. Both bed patient and ambula tory accepted. Best of tare. Call 1-Ull, Salem. asi MADAM MARY FORTUNE TEUJCT Palm and psychic reader. Madam solves your worries. Advice 2 a.m. to Iff p.m. dally 173 S. Com L Under new man "tj MI ST AN LEY HOME Products. Lee Hindi. una n. inn, ra. i-eaoi. a17t STANLEY HOME Product. Fh. 1-4411. j. aa. cKovaii. aunnyrlew. 210 MADAM MORA OIFTED PSYCHIC MADE Can help u wh.r. other, hav. fall fiatufaetlon assured. Advlc. n all af fair, of life. Special readme lilt. Lo j;idJ'i" """h 1"l"l on Hliha? WE. Between Woodburn an. Hubbard. Look for alan Rcadlnf Dally, 7i AVON Chrlatmaa product,. Fh. I.H14. NOT RESPONSIBLE for 'any debta h.r ...... u.7 u.o nr ,ni, .aw. Mr,. W. OTERSEAS. Loni construction Jobs. TraoN ...m, Clerical, id countrlu. la, ployeri Full Information II M. Hon, fre.. Salor, Box 4041, SeattH, H, Wash. pin ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. F.O. 114. Th. 1-5334. ,a This Man Knows ! Noted Psychic & Spiritual Adviser Known to thousands of radio lis toner. Inr a slnale quutlon h, WU1 tll y.a what you vant 10 know. OHln, namas. dates and facu, advises and helps you on all an. Irs of Ufa aueh as low. health, marrlaa. ft lifts you out of sorrow 1 mental distress. Points th. path to ,uc . ",",'"nM- Special readlnss IJ. Satlslactlon auaranteed. Hrs. 11 to I Dally Sunday. Allrma Hotel, H4I Portland Rd., Apt. . Tak, Capitol, ous rrriffiin"jj PISI AUTOMOBILES '84 CHEV. iiaater Sedan. Good tire, nd motor. Will sell .heap. 4,45 Wolf. BUICK MOTOB WANTED 1940. '41 OR '43 BUICK SO OR SPECIAL MOTOR BLOCK WITH SHAFT. PH. J-5837 FROM ! TO P M- .?( z MODEL A Ford 165, lMt H. l,th. 2,4 48 PACKARD mileage. dr. sedan. ftK. Low' ' DO DOB 4 dr. sedan. RUM. 14,000 miles, perfect condition. Pnone2-1471. Evening 3-5089. U59' . ' " P.m. 4264 MODEL A Fnrri nr,n . a V Box 236, E. E. Adams, evenin.i. -i-n- '37 OLDSMOBILE Six 4 -Door Sedan. HeaT -."-.9oA cond- 3383 N- Uberty. nasi 17.W.IHI EQUITY 1949 deluxe H-ton OhevT -v.-K. w mnes. iraoe ror 1942 1 pass. Chev.. Ford, Dodge or Plymouth. PhpjvenjngJBOBt. Ketchum. 3o CHECK THE SPOT 30 DOOR Plymouth. R.H. Oood, clean car. ,250. ph. ,MR stayton. ijj. WANTED: Clean used eari lot . ipu oomn uommerclal Eisner Motors to Sell ISO MrnnTTJvT open till lo p.m. aiT Eisner Motors to Buy NEW 1B4 Mercury pass, coops. Ha, ..T mil.. 4m ,i .TaYrc'p';1.1,0.,;', Why Buy a 1949 Model When You Can Get a 1950 NASH at MARION MOTORS S37 CENTER CHECK THE SPOT CAR ACCESSORIES tire St tubes m eosl - is, mwTTwa M U1S 1 a close-out sale Dealer welwaed R. D. Wood row Co, 450 Center. PONTIAC Good Will Cars '41 PONTIAO SEDAN, COUP R & H 46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN .., '4 DODOE SEDAN '37 PONTIAO SEDAN 11H 1KB 141 141 -JS PONTIAO COUPK Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS M0 N. Liberty pr,. 1-411,. ZEEB'S USED CARS hut SELL TERMS 520 Hood St. TRAD J LOTS Fh. 3-7714. CHECK THE SPOT aMO '3 CHEV. master coupe Tlraa. bodr motor excellent cond. Radio, awater 'i?LllLWoodlu,nr oSi Eisner Motors Fine Car "crVeVIS" "- ' bM cr-" M: alto "rv. ton hyVrdutVplekrV Zt r-r,,"f-' """"labia offer Jamea Colvln, lsoi N. Capitol. Ph. 1.343s MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTIM iJ ? Z. .. "r,"' Uw nueage. . ...,. udlhn owan. Ph. 3-4137. 0B 311 FINANCIAL IP OI) want to aell yon, property n .,n pay you to know how mmh of an Plii obtainable with yery little, tronbll 1 Do not he.itate to call on u. for ,n, ! STATE FINANCE CO. ' H"" ' T,l 14111. ,. i (Continued on Pag 17) a" r V i I