V 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Monday, October, 31, 1919 1 RADIO PROGRAMS Heart of Happiness MONDAY P.M. rwERe MAA .MS GRAND CANVON T I DONT KNOW. I Mmvhilfln thttorkr Mtrvjen. w 1 Anj upiUinj f TES L '--I xrr of a wason ntACK.eoss - sreve --somehow Xcmoker- drawsa coco maj? YrJ 5&k -y, YCCvL. 5 LAW.' THE if C!?ET THAT I I'M AFRAOJTOJBLE LJ LEFTY--HtRE5 THE "ICEBOX ff SHM.'Jj "fEB ) fSiS? IEn 4 1 CUPCAKE 15 KEEPING PROM UVHAS HER ADDRESS IT -rkshT WHERE HE SHOWED TV, . W yjfrVMA AM LIBRARY AND by PEGGY O'MORE HP f.r a, feature (Chapter 1) AU of the time the im trying on trousseau hat at Sophia's, Ar leta was rebelling. She tat like a wax model, the even How of her aunt's and Sophia' voice wash ing over her. "Now this, Mr. Alnstree, lor spec tator aporta," murmured Sophia. "The tafleta beret In pastel shades." "Smart," agreed Mrs. Alnstree, don't you agree, Arleta? Arletal" Mrs. Ainstree caught the level look Xom Arleta Langtry's dark eyes. Instantly the slim, modish figure disappeared and In Its place was a stocky little girl, teet spread wide, pigtails spread at the same angle. And the look In her eyes was the same as that In those mir rored eyes as she had said, "If be In' a lady means lyln,' count me out." Quickly Mrs.. Alnstree rose, sigh ed and nodded at Sophia, "Shall we wait until tomorrow to try the others?" She glanced at her watch. "We're really due at the airport." In the car she sat so quietly Arleta reached out a conciliatory hand. "I'm sorry. Aunt Leta, but I'll have no use for such delicate hats on the ranch.'' "If you spend your honeymoon at the ranch.' Alarm shadowed the dark eyes. You haven't heard from Cal? He hasn t telephoned you or wired? "No, Arleta. But, good gracious, child, it stands to reason. The house has been vacant for years It won't be habitable." Arleta shook her head. "You dont understand. You've never seen It. It's built of weathered log and rock. It couldn't fall or rot away." Later, as Arleta sat watching the thickening sky, Mrs. Alnstr - spoke again. "You haven't cc ..iidered Cal's preferences, Arleta. How will he enjoy a month In that remote " "It Isn't remote) Besides, he told me I could make a choice. And, Aunt Leta," the voice swelled with emotion, "I want to go home." Mrs.. Alnstree lips settled In a determined line. She must see this through. She must keep Arleta, her namesake, from learning why she had never been allowed to re turn. The girl's engagement to' caivin sneridan had been an an swer to her year-yong prayers. Once they were married she could relax her vigilance. If Calvin had only confided In her before flvlng Wesl to investigate the last of the Lang try holdings. The chauffeur had looked back "Don't think anv shins are land ing here today, Mrs. Alnstree. Fog's thickening every minute. Want I anouid turn back?" Dimly she heard her aunt tell Martin to drive on, they would check with the airport. They had quar reled before he left; his very leav ing was part of that quarrel. Like record repeating Itself over and over she heard their quarrel. "But. Leta. be reasonable. When I said it was your choice I thought well a cruise, or perhaps a hop around the States In my plane." "We can hop to the ranch, Cal." "All right. But do you want to epend your honeymoon cooking and scrubbing or however you keep the place clean? And can you cook?'' "Cal, I told you Martin's son and his wife will go on ahead. I'd like to leave them there." . "I know, I know." Cal had slid down In the seat of the car, blond head tipped back against the cush ions. "Now that young Martin's won his shepskln he wants to out-Carver Carver." Arleta could have said many things. Instead she laughed. But Cal' mind had swept on. He sat up, showing more Inter est than heretofore. "Of course you haven't seen the place for eight, nearly nine years. You were a spoiled brat. Could be your mem ory's played you tricks." "These pictures were taken four years ago. Dad Big Chips thev called him took them Just before" -she hesitated a mompnt "limt before that hunting trip." The trip from which he hadn't returned; the trip which had turned her motner unimportant heart con dition from chronic to acute. "If we keep Mnrt's son and his wife out there . . . not a bad Idea But later. We've only a month ana ft nan to mane our plans. Leta." P 'A; Felt loungers Trim these high- tying leu House suppers with bright buttons or pearls. So easy to sew you can wnin mem up in an eve nlng. These pretty house slippers mane woncienui Christmas presents Pattern Envelope No. R28H9 con tains tracing pattern, small, medium and large sires Included, material requirements, cutting charts and complete making mil finishing dl rectlon. To obtain inn pattern, send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number, your name address and rone num ber to Peggy Roberts Mission street, San Francisco 3, Call!, And because ahe'd felt If she did not force the Issue now he'd never go, they'd quarreled. As they neared the city Mrs. Alnslee broke the long silence. "Ar leta dear. I don't like to pry. bu you've never told me why Calvin decided to fly West. Was the de cision sudden?" "Yes, It was. He telephoned to ask the name of the nearest town likely to have a civil airport; then an hour later Jicky brought ft note from him telling me he'd gone on 'reconnaissance'." "Arleta," Mrs. Alnstree gripped her niece's hand, "you know I have your best Interests at heart. If when Calvin returns he makes an Issue of the locale of your honeymoon, make the concession. "And. Leta. listen closely. Cal vin come of an excellent family. Oh, I know how you feel about family, but. dear child, we do in herit the trait of our ancestors. If our environment doesn't build up a resistance to our Inherited faults " But they were at heme and Ar leta' maid was running down the steps with a message. "Mister uai- vln, he's comin' in the depot at five o'clock and will you please I to meet nim7 Arleta would have changed tot her own car, changed to wings to speed the meeting, but her aunt ob jected. "There is no reason why! Martin can I take you. And, Leta, try to bring Calvin home for a fam ily dinner." Martin gave Arleta an expressive roll of hte eyes. "That's all right. Miss Leta. Martin he cain't hear a thing; this yere glass closed." "But. Martin " "I know. Little Miss." His voice was sympathetic. "Yet you always have to figure she doln' her best for you and Mister Calvin. " Arleta settled back as the car headed into the thick gloom. (To Be Continued) 2561 SIZES .10 . 20 Good Mixers Three pieces to mix or maicn lnoenniteiv with other Items In your wardrobe No. 2&61 Is cut In sizes 10. 12. 14. 16. 18 and 20. Size 16 reauires l' yd. M-ln. for skirt. 1 vd. 64-ln. for belted Jacket; 1 yd. 46-ln. for wesklt. Would vou like to see a enllectlnn of more than 150 other Dattern styles? Just include the PALL-WIN- ter FASHION BOOK In vour pat tern order and vou'll be deliahted with the wide selection of designs I tor an size and age groups, and all occasions. You'll also aet manv suggestions for easllv marie sift inai in siretcn your Christmas ouaget. price of book 20 cents. 8end 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal. 214 Mis sion St., San Francisco 5, Calif. . nr.- f w y. rfliiJirrrvM in iTywfti. m i . .v i i..v x."Jr ; m v. ymvm i i 'si mm vwmi 5 OENTISTlM DENTIST 1ST - " an . yi i i r-a zsr ,i r . Er-v,uc xrv: L,... 11 1 1 I f"" ft lfiw1'"li'' I 1 " """HI IT vnuua M7TV Vn FmIcS. MCC BONO Mlti B6 BggKlV .1 rAM CHEAP BULLV-BIG SHCTrV 1 LI Orl ME, MISTER. I OH, YEAH? 11 I ATtD THOT TRIOSEtl MON O' HERS, W V Lj1 PHOy 1 t 1 g.HUlY1ll) JirfeTiU i I 'BUT l'CAMT YSOO WAVE TO GOTOMlGHT, Xj OK A.V, TUGM.-tLL I I LOOeiATMEl WCW ' lmgj H TAeYOU,DOeJNAJjUMIOR-ASPRESIDeslTOFTweA ( CALL POR YOU I CAM 1 TO TO A DANCL ( l-EB-Ooi'T -froPPER CLUB VOOUSEOSTRA-rS-, AT 8-.SO V lw,T1vj VSvIT T n V FEEL WELL ) CIZEO IPVOUDCWTAPPeAR pi V- .- WuE TMISfJ-7 lMOW SOKL I " I I tOU HAVE ONE LMT V I WANT A J I HHM!.'- ' Htt-H.'.r-Ht.' 1 -TH' ONLY GUV WHO 1 T' BLAME JJ I -FDR TlNKIN' MY MUDDER ! U I BEOOtST.r-WHAT'LL VlrlMV' THOUGHT laJD NOT TO BLAME I -IS MEY- FOB NOT GOIN' T' I DlDtsTT KNOW TH SCORE, I .1 i I IT BF--A CHICKEN HJ" WANT ONE LIKE f TOR ME. 3 SCHOOL, LIKE MV MUDDER TOLD I I AN' I OID.':' g . ff J 41 L TWO-DOLLAR iKl SE1TENCEO lOU-W- -J WIT' THAT TOUGH CROWD SHE 'XF fllrT J , ' - g JUNCTION ffmoH'TKHOWt 1 H" L V W mX Kf?ME.' 'VSHKNOW THE WAV TO 13 O 1 MISTER-TM A W V Irtil (P- iP 'ifl JUNK JUMCTIOH fl T ifTt stranger here ) n 1 ) S neither J . f tr.L. a JL) . E1 V- --o, fi ..... C A WCm wdao MlHHl-ilMipaM , i ,Kp0RMEp?..Ef OR YES, WE PO- AT LEAST, ( 6OOP NI6HT! CEPTAINLy MR. SANDEAL. . OH,Y6S; OP COURSE: I DO 1 WANT YOU TO V US KNOWS ABOUT MR. TATE , WILL. YOU KINDr II p VOUR GOVERNMENT HAS 6UARANTEEP I WW-WHAT CAN I COME WITH US TO WHERE f THE "FISH"' CONTACT CART. NASH ON M US CULL COOPERATION IN CAPTURIN6 DO?..WE PONT KNOW THEV KEEP THEIR V. J V THE "COMET" ANP ASK HIM l3 n THIS6AN6. SURELY YOU HAVE WHERE THESE MEN SUBMARINE, TO MAKE t XJVH1 TO PREPARE THE BRS kit SEEN INFORMED OP THIS .' A ARE! THE FORMAL ARREST ' Tll FOR SOME FRISONERS7- M "-i,t- I 1 yj&ax'-s ll 1 . Erl I I buCk-sj say -. TV lirJ'-f F X THAT'S SCOO PAY P-OQ ' VJr7& L 1 r Li-JVA out of- ; - I TMl THt COMPANY -.eAMYKOMtWITMMtfOR " I I H.A!' -t"-." WR-WKtE;3 L MKjHT LOOK OR ) ANNUM HALlOWttNPARTY A MOMINT. BUNNY?- IVt - ""'"JBEI UM' H! I M,M 0VtR AT ' .W-'KiM.--wniKint 'V A BUSINtM MATTER IHAFS .I V t; I AND ff THl KiCORDtNt AM3CL9 AkI I l r jl' P'j KGW KOIN KEX KSLM K0C0" U0 HBC t CM IM A0 13t MBC M TToo'o. IniMk Mal CIUM rt B-.r- laak. Urtba . S:15:Nm ! B-Mt- Batk. ka !. StJO v.i .r rn.ntS... ikr him r. Ml. bi. Cr 5:44 vSm .1 s' '? T- Ml. B..I.M. N.i 5:00 Mnlcal .lr.. ! Tbttf n"rtliBUrf mkiM Hum Cnlllb :15 Miiilt.l ! Th.lr Ham MIllM Ktn " S:S0 CalO IIMM TStw BM Tll T ? :45 el"! M.uSl. Tb..m K.li all s.r.a. TrwltaM 7:00 Dlr. PIV Mr Ftl4 l L.. Hum Mrer EiMHt O'Bftja 1:15 Dir.t. riw Mr Frl lr L.n. Bauir Mrr IiMrta . . JlSOTBA B.k H..k h.r. KWIh Cll.. BI4 .Ira KaUlM 7:45 T B A B.k Bwk snarl Wltk Ctum U Mm. B'trkack :00 Sln.ua, Klni, Lawrtl-Thaaaa Kala iaillk u 0 Oa It Track ! $:H Nawa I. ltk bw Kala mlk Lai Gaa, Da II Track KM j:30 Rallraa Baar Tahiti ScaaU Kala tank Ina lalat Traek KM 845 Kallraa Maar Talaal laaala M. 1. Tarlat Tha ialal rraek KM 9:00 TclMbaaa Hr." Innar Baaalaai rthar Gaatk Nawa Traeb KM t:15Ta!aabaaa Hr. Inaar taaalaa Badr aa '"a Baaa Traak 14M . a:30lHaarr Braalaa Saalab Kala faillh aaa Hariaa Sawa j:45Baar Braaaaa Clak It Kala taillk aaa Ulna H.ik Markart 10:00 Ha Baraa l-8la Float Klaktlalt Bap. 'allaa LawU r,ua mt 10:15 Carr. Cbalea Vaa aai WarU lalarnaaaa t"1 Freak aUaa 10:30 Sparta Flaal AlrNa Caaiart Baar "a Taa Wait 10:45Bak Balaa Q'al Qrcbaalra Caaearl Baar Mabi Maa. Taa Waal j.MXaati Karaaada CaaaarlBaar l" "ralan Kaalaraa J!.,, Wa. Maaaaai Cblaa.aaM Oaaaart Baar , . Naalaraa :,n Maaaaai Pralaaa Mnaaa ?!"! Naalaraa) J lis Wai Maaaaa Pralail. "t' Waalaraa 12:00 s1" " 011 felra Baar lla Oil glra Oft TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. :0OHadia Tadta Naira farai Kaa . Kawa 6'15N'aa KOIN Klark Keaa Salllai Maa. Tlmak'par 6- 30 Fam Tlma KOIN Klaak Kaea aniline Hareb Tlaa KOCO Ktacb 8j45 Farm Tlma KOIN Klaak Kaaa amlllai Niaa KOCO Klatk 700 Earlr Blr4 KOIN Klaak Sawa Nawa Taa Bltlar 7- I5014 Sanaa Nawa a.raaakr Br'kfaal Oasa Nawa 4V Stria. 79.0 Nawa CBS Nawa Bab Baaaa Br'kfaal Oaaa Taa a' Manias 7:45 Sam Hajaa Fra4 Baak Zaka Manaara Taa Tra4aa Taa ' Maralaa S -00 Eddta'Albarl Canaamar Nawa Braakfaat Club Barf. Caantar rVUdwaad Char, -5Kddla Albarl Nawa Rraakfaat Club Maralna Saaalal 3rraa Maada a:.t0'iack Barak rraa4 Slam Sraaklaat Clab Raraa af Baal Waalara Mala4r 1:45 aa Bldara Baaamarr Braakfaat Clab Haraa af Baat Flaala Tlma ?0 sacaajTca. W,J, .W MMdrad Badall N W Nawa Tlaa tar Mal dr ?5 saaw.4 C. Aanl lan.r '''f J"" ""' 9:30 Homalawoara lialan Tr.nl ' J- i"u' B . Mas j45 Nawa Our Gal Saadar rl tlnklallar Bldara Farp. . t. Ck. Thamaa 10:00 Marriaia far t BU Sl.tr lack Narmaa NW Nawa 10:15 Lara Lawlaa Ma Farkiaa Gaian Draka rVamaa af Wk. Mamar. Maata 10:30 Dick Harmaa Dr. Maiana Mr Traa Starr Or.aoalllaa Taaa Tlnta 10:45 Eaar Llatanlag Guldiac Llrbl Mr Traa Starr Wait. Saran. Sg Kara 11 :00 Deubla ar Nalb. Mri. Burtan Baltr Crackar Ladle. Flrat Ma.la Marl 11:15 Doubla ar Netb. perrr Maaaa Bldara af Sat a Ladle. Flral Msala Marl 11:30 Tadar'a Cbldra N.rab Drake 'westerner Queaa far Day Jaa Garkar 11:45 Ll.bl af Warld Brlihler Dar N'wealaraara Baaaa far Par Vaaal Varlatlaa j. 00 Life Baaatlfal Nawa Baakbata Tap Tradaa Bollrw'4 Maala 12-15 N'wl Cema Gal It New. New. Hollrwi Hub 12:30 PePPar Yaona Brltbt a Llckl Undlahr N W Nawa Nawa 12:45 Happlnea. Art Baker Meet Menjattt Bab Eberlr Para Paaala l:00BarkaUia Fflfa Barnr'd Falllae Braakfaat la Tall N.I. boar Maa'a Meladlaa 5:15 Stella Dallat Garrp Maera Hellrwaa4 Harray Mardiar Maa'a Mala4laa :30 Lerenaa Jaaea Garry Maara Kay Weet Orcaa Kayarlaa Maa'a Male4iea 1:45 Wldder Brawa Newspaper Kay Weal Bine, Slnaa Maa'a Mela4la 2:00 A Girl Marrle. Newapaper Jay Stewart Melody Matinee Mac. Meladlaa 2:15 Par. Faeee' Lite Meet Mla.a. Jay stewarl Melody Matinee Maa'a Meladlaa 2:30 Joel Plata Bill Meal Mi.ana Bride 4 Croons Tens. Jambarea Mac'a Meladlaa 2:45 Frt. T. Farrrall Tenafally Year. Brld. 41 Groom r.nn. Jamboree Maa'a Mala4laa S:00 Weleeme Tray. Nawa Talb Year Bob Poale Mae'a Meladlaa 3:15 Welcome Tray, rlhar Godfrey Way Oat Bob Poola Mae'a Meladlaa 3:30 anl Mary Arthar Gedfrey Be Seated New. Maa'a Meladlaa 3:45 Lara a Le.ra Artbar Godfrey Ted Melon. Darld Boaa Mac'. Meladlaa 4-00 Waman'a Secret Artbar Gadfrey Mod. Bomattcee Faltan Lewie Moyla Tlma 4-15 Road af Ufa Artbar Godfrey Med. Romance. Hemincway Pblleeepher 4-30 Dr. Fael Cart Ma..ey Saairrel Caaa Bebind Story B eaa be Baaaa. 4-45 More af Life Edw. Murraw Sastrral Caaa jCarm. Cayallera B C'a be Baaat, DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 AAr Manday F.M. :00, Chtldren'a P WMV- Tbeaterl 8:18, Ob the Upbeati 5:5, 5M Sparta Clabi :. New.: :1S. Dinner Maladlaai t:M. Maala af dacha .loyaklai T:18. Evmlnt Farm Bonn 8:00, Webfeet Huddle. 8:16, World la Reylawi 8:88, Campaa Beeltell 8:, Mewa Wea ther; 8:M, Maala Tbat Kndara.; 4:48, Era nine Medltatlonei 10:00. Blew Oft. lA.r rnecday A.M. S8:M, Tka T Unto Newet 18:18, Eeaecially lav Women) ll:0fl, Scboal af Alrt 11:18, Caa eert Halli 11. Newel :15. Near Farm Hoar; 11:18, Polk County Aacnti 18:88, Spot Market.: :B, O. B. Hardy! 1:0a, 1:80, Melody Lanai 8:00, Mental Hyalana at Work, Or. Irrin B1IL SaUm; 8:88, Mem err Book af Mallei 8:18, Schawl at Alii 8:00, New. Linn County Club Members Selected Albany Linn eounty'i rep resentatives In competition for national 4-H contests have been selected and their records for warded to Corvallis for judging at state level, announces H. Joe Myers, county extension agent. Linn county will be entered in four contests on a state level. Those entering are Vernon Holmes, Halsey, meat animal production; Milton Cooley, Al bany, dairy production; Rose anne Jefferson, Shedd, food preparation; Margaret Starnes, Shedd, leadership. Ray Westinghouse of Scio and Jo Ann Roberts of Shedd have also entered the Standard O" scholarship contest, which car-, ries as an award two $300 and two $200 college scholarships. ACROSS L BaptlamaJ veaaa! t. Frea 8. Gama flab 12. Scent 18. uraek letter It. 8ead covering la. sens to tne consumer 17. One of too Muses II. Efyptlaa lizard 18. Unwlllinf 20. French clerle 22. Mediterranean aalllns vessela 24. forms 24. Large ask 17. Leave 29. Some 20. The ereara 22. Edge 22. PronouB 84. Chafe 35. Impel 27. Puff a np 29. Biblical cltr 40. Thonfs 42. Color quality 44. Covered with water 45. Charged IS. llarard 49. Close flrmlF 80. Glacial snow field (1. Eons tTapIIb oat nAll'l a g a Mle hi n o nUi o o O O R tjj I D otlSLu!w mIaIItJ i DAmpjAllPiA ev D WiAllpQWjAj I N 9 A PTtf 0MMA w r iiihriMtpcB TIR ultnBlA AllN A I W E A rM0 R tsTao E E AlyiEUolAlslelsnolflt- Solution af Saturday's Puztl St Optical organ 61. Pared Lae ' a I3 I4 'is 1 I L i8 1 I"5 1" fp ;f- ' w p:3 . p;a sir W ZN!L!1 fe 1 IF 51 1 1 1 IIP 1 1 lIFl r DOWN t In ptu C 5. Poem t. Remuiubty 4. Exchanged 6. Loosen (. Pronoun T. Bast Indian flbr plant I. Small nautical cask t. Sandara treet 10. Perchei 11. Wild plum 16. Small nh 17. Smoothed 19. Border 2tx Oriental nan 21. Skeletal part S3. Eajtrleston 25. Anrel 27. Present . IS. 8ln 31. Rents 31. FaMenetJ Qrmly St.. Plat bottlea 3d. FYrtjtilke 37. Obliterate SS. Cubic meter 40 Feminine nam 41. Small branch 4t. 8tbertan rt"s a Period of ( time 46. First womaa 47. Lair . Exist Aa NewifeateftM ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Ahern W IfA APRAlD TO DAT WONT CA GUY COULD P af , MATCH ALFY WTTH W 5CAJIE ALFY W R5lN 1 'POUR-ALARM FOLEY' ft M6 BEAT pi COvE OUT ON A 1 THE FkSHTING i f ANOTHER. :f PlNE TREE WTTM V FIREMAN ONE LUMBERJACK. A LEFT HOOK. TUM O TME BOARDERS l WO HAD A I CW TRUNK TOLD ME FOLEY RECORD OF JO l BUT ALFY PUT WAS VON 29 OUT OF I S STRAIGHT S DA ANVIL 30 FISHTS BV V KAYOS vL CLANG ON tVV VI KAYOS jC0 g-IY IN DA 5TllWHlLW',ri(- I I i4bm zzS XKTtii crowdvellsj I Y i