M Mlllllll 'I .1,111.1 ii i ii i i . ij opfl'lin I i I I I I 1 f?ljfT v yw" Kf (. i 11 p rj ? K iui bAvj yJ jJy . Women Fliers Meet In Salem Pictured at the Salem air port Saturday arc five of the women pilots of Oregon who were in Salem Saturday night for a meeting of the Oregon chapter of the Ninety-Niners, national women fliers' organiza tion. Left to right they are Joyce Hoberg Martin of Lake . Grove, president of the chapter; Elsie Matherly of Salem; Kay Hoffmiller of Portland, secretary of the chapter; Evelyn Whitmaker of Salem, past president and membership chair man; and Viola "Cookie" Lyons of John Day, Ore., who with her husband, Jim Lyons, operates the John Day Flying service. Women Fliers Come by Auto When Weather Bans Flights It takes more than uncertain weather conditions to keep people who fly from getting to their destination. If they can't fly they'll drive and that is what members of the Oregon chapter of the Ninety-Niners (national women's flying organization) did Saturday. The women, holding their Oc- Indian Summer Warmth Continues Boeing Plants 4 If , a voie on union Seattle, Oct. 31 (P) Some 15, 000 production and maintenance workers at three boeing plants in Seattle and Renton will cast their ballots tomorrow in a day long election test between the AFL Teamsters union and the In dependent Aeronautical Me chanics union. The election, conducted by the National Labor Relations board, climaxes a year and a half of la bor unrest at the Boeing plants which began with a strike of lo cal 7S1, Mechanics union, April 22, 1948. The strike lasted nearly five months and the union subse quently lost its bargaining rights in the plants. During the dispute, the Team sters union began organizing workers entering the plant through the picket lines and formed the rival union, local 4S1, Aeronautical Workers and Ware housemen's union. In tomorrow's election, the un ion receiving the majority of the ballots cast will be certified by the NLRB as the bargaining agent for all production and Salem and vicinity continued to back in belated Indian sum mer warmth, Monday, following ideal weather Sunday; but t h e maintenance workers. Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Monday, October SI, 194913 Cascade Court Sold To Pendleton Couple Cascade Court, an eight-unit residential apartment house at 736-7S0 North Cottage, has been sold by Don Madison to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Christy of Pendle ton. Bowing In Elizabeth Taylor, 17-year-old film actress, smilingly adjusts the bov tie of her escort, actor Montgomery Clift as they arrive for a Hollywood premiere. Mental Deficiency Regional Meeting Admitting such a development might come some day, engineers classify "smcllovision" as "still scientifically unproven." tober meeting in Salem Satur day night with a dinner at the Marion hotel, came from as far away as John Day, Oregon, and Kelso and Longview, Wash., to attend the gathering. Receiving the report of bad flying conditions west of the mountains Viola "Cookie" Lyons, who with her husband, Jim, operates the John Day Fly ing Service, left for Salem by auto about 2 a.m. Saturday to be sure to be in attendance at the meeting, making the trip by herself. The vice chairman of the Ore gon chapter, Velma Richards, came from Kelso, Wash., arriv ing late for the meeting. Com ing with her were Betty Lou Bray, woman stunt flier, of Longview, Wash., and her hus band, Don Bray, also a flier, At the dinner meeting of the flying group, Mrs. C. A. (Leona K.) Bump of Newberg, gave the group highlights of the Portland Ore., to Portland, Me., flight made by Oregon fliers last sDrine. Mrs. Bump, a flight in structor during the war, was the only woman pilot in the group making that flight. At the con elusion of her talk, Mrs. Bump commented that the gasoline and oil for her plane, which carried four persons, came to only 1219.75 for the trip. In connection with Mrs. Bump's talk Vincent Erickson of Mulino, who with Mrs. Erick son also made the Portland to Portland trip, played a wire re cording of part of the visit to Akron, Ohio. At the business session the Oregon chapter elected Mar guerite Fenley- of Portland as the sectional . governor for the Ninety-Niners. This section cov ers Oregon, Washington, Idaho, North Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. The group decided to publish a news letter monthly and preliminary plans were made for an all-girls' air tour of the Northwest next year. weather bureau forecasts cooler temperatures for Tuesday, al though, it is expected to contin-! ue fair during the mid-day. With a maximum of 72 de grees, Sunday was the warmest October 30 since 1900 when the 30th registered an 81. How- Dl'nr niha rl nr- i OnAUnM I . . i """.i uduca in vLiuuci nave - . , . , brought higher temperatures, the f""""': , "l "i ' Inrnal mna Accnontinn nt iln i-u.j evening iu utrgi e , Delegates from Oregon, Wash- Workers I ington, California and Nevada may also vote for no union. The voting will wind up spir ited campaigning by both groups. Tonight, top officials of the two unions will give radio ad dresses Dave Beck, executive vice president of the Teamsters, and Joe McBreen, western re- on October 3, 1932 Monday's minimum slid to 36 degrees, four above the freezing mark, with prospect tomorrow morning's reading may be as low or lower. Association of Ma- will take to the air waves in final appeals. University of Arizona foot ball guard, Jim McGhee, is the school's heavyweight wrestling champion. i '4. . Salem Man Wins Awards for 'Mums' Novice sweepstakes and i majority of awards in that di vision were taken by E. A. Lin den, Jr., 2775 Linden Lane, Sa lem, at the two-day show in Portland sponsored by the Chry santhemum Study club. All "mums" in the show were grown outdoors without the aid of artificial heat or glass. Mrs. C. G. Halvorson, Silver ton, co-chairman of the show with Mrs. Stella Hutchinson will attend a regional meeting of the Association of Mental Defi ciency at Fairview Home in Sa lem nexf Saturday. The meeting, according to Dr. Irvin Hill, superintendent, will open at 9:30 a.m. Saturday morn ing and continue throughout the day with a noon day luncheon down town. Dr. Frederick Lash, superin tendent of the Ranier Feeble Minded school, president of the regional organization, will preside. Persons interested in the work of these institutions are invited to attend the session, Dr. Hill said. ft3H Portland, won first place In the commercial division with her Oconto exhibit. Other of Linden's winnings were first In exhibition with May Wallace; first in commer cial with pink cameo; first and runner-up in pompoms with Angelos; first in single, with Rona and first in spider with Mamoru. (Advert ixemrntl HOW TO PUT OUT FIRE OF STOMACH ULCER PAIN cauted by ece acid Dunt Just softer from aronizinc pain and constant burning of stomarh ulcer, indirec tion, sai, heartburn, other di strew rauaed by exce utomach aeid. Pfonder'a Tablet are guaranteed to bring amazing quick, aoothinr relief of xurh acid alomarh diftrecs OR MONEY BACK 1 Formula of F. H. Plunder, 1'h.G., contains rni-di rally -proved ingredi ent. Acid ulcer tifferem have bought over 100.000.000 Pfiinder'n Tablet in past vcara. Get Pf under TablcU today. Wrecked by Blast Firemen and vonteers search through wreckage of the Frank Russell home in Grandview, Wash., which was wrecked by a blast and flash fire. Six persons) including a one-month-old baby, were injured in the ex plosion. Note bed springs and mattress atop wreckage at right. Cause of the blast was undetermined. (AP Wirephoto) President Talks On Religious Faith Washington, Oct. 31 UP) Pres ident Truman said last night that because of its religious faith, the United States is strong enough to lead the world "in the ways of peace." He spoke from the White House as part of a radio program sponsored by the Federal Coun cil of Churches, The Synagogue Council of America and 18 oth er religious bodies. Mr. Truman said: "The United States has grown from a small country in the wil derness to a position of great strength and great responsibili ty among the family of nations Other countries look today to the United States for leadership in the ways of peace, and it is our task to meet that challenge. "I am convinced that we are strong enough to meet the chal lenge. We are strong because we have a profound religious faith. The basic source of our strength as a nation is spiritual." For Sunday night supper, when there are guests, serve el bow macaroni in a cheese sauce to which pimiento stuffed olives have been added. Tomato aspic on crisp shredded lettuce tastes good with this hot dish, aniMruit and cookies make a good ending for the menu. was I IpsS was a BEAR! She gripp- t& jll ed about everything it I mtPT SI . V?l I seemed . . and MORE J WLt C I I MISTAKES In typing J fi ?f J'J I and dictation! Life was FI m f f Is Jr , I unbearable until ...II KwMa 1 1 Jr fir I well, anyway now she's I I k IT t p MEEK AS A... Cg. jff Because I took a hint from a business associate ond bought 'her on oll-oluminum foam rubber cushioned GOODFORM OFFICE CHAIR at Commercial Book Store 141 N. Commercial OPENING THURSDAY NIGHT SALEM'S BEAUTIFUL NEW 5c, 10c and 25c STORE To those of you who hove known us in other cities in the Northwest we know this statement is sufficient, but to our new friends, a word as to what "KRESS STORES" stand for: A Kress store is something more than an ordinary trading ploce . . . it is on institution founded 53 years ago on the policy "Quality Mer chandise . . . Rightly Priced" . . . on institution in which each store is striving at all times to serve the public ... an institution that is continually searching the markets to secure new and improved items for better living to sell at 5c, 10c ond 25c. Visit our new store ond see what a modern Kress store is like. Also see our modern, clean, sanitary Sodo and Lunch Department ond Candy Deportment. OPEN FOR INSPECTION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 6:30 P. M. TO 9:30 P. M. NO MERCHANDISE WILL BE SOLD AT THIS TIME OPEN FOR BUSINESS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 9:00 A. M. jyince's Electric" Vacuum Cleaner SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS On All Types Household or Commercial Also Waxers ALL WORK Fl'LLX GUARANTEED Free Pirk-up and Delivery PHONE 3-9239 Announcement of the trans action was made Monday by Ho bart Kiggins of the Burt Picha.' realtors. The new owners will take ' possession Tuesday, but do not ! expect to move to Salem for sev eral months because of business interests in Pendleton. In the meantime the Picha real estate office will be their agents. IN THESE 6 BOTTLES Buy Pepsi 6acatime ... and five. Sparkling Pepsi lasces twice as good . . goes twic as far . . . gives tuict as much. You'll enjpy Pepsi America's favorice cola in the big. Big bottle. Pick up 6 today! WHY TAKE LESS-WHEN PEPSI'S BESTI Bottled in Salem by Ramage's t'nder Appointment from Pppsi-Cola Co.. New York ui yino nit n n rn n n -n -Nn nr-iu n y ,, i k n ii go when you smoke PHILIP MORRISI t i. j iai .anniw a I... Tight up a present brand I philip morris .rtWf.-ror:- I; W - VQU ,hL SMOKING W MO'"" J 1 NOw YOU know why YOU - Everjhody talks shout PLEASURE, but only OSF. cigarette has really done something about it. That cigarette is Pun IP Morris! Remember: less irritation means more pleasure. And Philip Morris is the 07; cigarette proved definitely less irritating, definitely milder, than any other leading brand. NO OTHER CIGARETTE CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT. yOO'lt BE CLAD TOMORROW- yOU SMOKCD PHILIP MORRIS 1 OD AY if UW MM