7 Carpenter Sparks Bevos io jo-o win over vvv. Pioneer Scores Lewis and its first , against Willamette Saturday afternoon as ' Rciiben Baisch. ZOO pound halfback goes over with no Bearcat sufficiently near to Homecoming Loss 'Cats Out of League Race NORTHWEST CONTKRENCE . t . W L Pet. PF PA Collrxt of Idaho 3 0 1.000 82 33 Pacific 3 0 1.000 58 27 Lewlt &;C!4rk 3 1 .ISO 84 36 Llnfie'.d 1 3 ,3.i0 :8 68 Willamette 0 2 .000 21 41 wltltRiim '..::.. i.;.... .0 3 .000 34 H iWealLCIMl Result: . .Lewis ft Clark 20, Willamette 7. - ..Inlie!(l. 19, whHman 0. Entirely' out of the title pic ture as the result of Saturday's 20 to 7 defeat at the hands of Lewis' & Clark, about the only thing Willamette university's Bearcats can salvage out of the thrown for losses. The Metho balance of the football season dists lost another touchdown by are wins over Linfjeld, Whitman and Pacific, scheduled for sue-! cessive Friday nights. , I The contest with Linfield will: Hp rtlavorl at MeMinnirillo ThA others on Sweetland field. j Lewis & Clark displayed an J offensive that rocked the Bear- cats back on their heels and op-j ened gaping holes in the line that enabled barrel-shaped Rube Baisch, Clarke Anderson and Stan Blair to romp almost un-' iiamptricu. lilt mull w u.- twu touchdowns and two conversions in the first period and a six pointer early in the second. Fumbles prevented-the Pio-fderson collecting 44 on a rompi woives over r-astern ureguii v-u.- turned a punt 71 yards, ana al neers . front' .adding to their! around Willamette's left flank, j lege of Education. ! though he was stopped short of score.'' I Francis Cox, an excellent The talk centered on Robin !a score, he took the ball over Coach Chester Stackhouse's A WAGON WHEEL became the trophy for which Willam ette and Lewis & Clark will strive on the gridiron when it was presented by Blue Key, service fraternity during Satur day's homecoming game on Sweetland field. The wheel went back with the "Pioneers" as a result of their win over the "Bearcats." Left to right: Bob McMullen, W.U.; representative of Lewis & Clark student body; Scotty Washburn, Blue Key; Bo Brooks, homecoming queen and Russell' Tripp, Willam ette student body president. iif A - aaa a I i rinc Wachinrifnn WV. !" ,w"versity of Washington's Don Coryell a quick stiff arm while Washington's J. R. Savage (10) comes up to stop Doff who made 10 yards on this play )n the second quarter of the game played in Seattle. I'SC won, 40 18. (Acme Telephoto) Clark scores touchdown squad returned after the inter mission to play a much better brand of ball. They scored early in the third period when Keith Sperry broke through the left side of the L & C line on the Pioneer 32, shook off half a dozen tacklers and went over standing up. Al Minn kicked the goal. The bearcat defense was much stiff er and Baisch and his fellow ball luggers were frequently a hairlash when Al Minn passed; to John Skimas in the end zone. ! The aerial was a bit too low and while Skimas had no Pioneen near him it nrnvrf t tin hnt fr,' handle. The Pioneers, particularly adept at running back punts, had the ball on Willamette's 47 after the initial kickoff. Seven plays later Baisch went the final nine for the first touchdown. The Bearcat defense was much ; riuiiccis iwft uvci uii vncii own 13 for their second touch-ling down march. They covered the 87 yards in nine plays with An - safety man, ran a Willamette I m mMmmwiu.tivK'-immrs3tfmwmt tt r-"nMiiifiiMTTT 1 .. Pat Duff t36, use gives i.i interfere. Clark Galbraith (66) center; Ron O'Brien (64) halfback and Dick Voll (62) Quarterback are Pioneer players. Keith Clabaugh (S9) and Al Minn, are Bearcats. The Pioneers won 20 to 7. Knocks pun back to the Bearcat nine shortly after the second period opened and Baisch immediate ly barreled his way through for six points. The Pioneers displayed more: speed than their rivals, a circum-i stance that enabled tne fortune;-From there Carpenter, with Bob ers to run punts back into deepjjorink blocking out the only Willamette territory. Lewis & Clark winds up con ference competition against Pa cific next Saturday in Portland and then two weeks later meets the University of Portland. The Pioneers have been beaten by the College of Idaho, now well on jts way ,0 a second title. 'Little All-American Talk Starts for OCErs Monmouth Talk of "Little! a n. Americans" beean circulat-lday , . ., r. -0-n , 11 e w"rl.. - . i -i lne uregon ollege ol u";which came on the second playi cation campus Monday on t h e j of the game. :heels of 33" victory for the, In another instance. Lee re-j Lee and Hank Decker. Lee s ; Hot- Battle Predicted For Armory 'Main Event According to tradition the Ir- ish like a good scrap. And,! not go any longer than seven judging by staterrnts issut? rounds. Jenninps. training hrrd- from rival camps. John I.. Sul- er than for any previous engage- livan of Portland and Johnny ment, believes he can stop Sul- Jennings, Boise, their 10 round-'livan in less than 10. r Wednesday night at the ar- ii i. ...j.. ,u. , .... ?. .... Jennings is under the man- mory will be an all out effort. ! Sullivan, a serious minded Corvallis, Orl. 31 Ken Carpenter ran lo two touchdowns and passed to another here Sat urday as he sparkplugged Ore- ton State to a convincing 35-6 , ,r li.,. G(n(a i - win over Washington slate in a Pacific Coast conference fame. He piled up 190 yards ol tlie Beavers' 291 net rushing gains. Carpenter broke away on the u;,4 thA oame fnr n 4Q- third play of the game lor a - yard run. Then he passed to Gene Morrow on the 15-yard line Ior a loucnnown. iwu muii i scores were added in the second. another in each of the last two quarters. The lone Washington State touchdown was in the third after Don Paul intercepted a Carpenter pass. Then Paul took in a throw from Cougar quarterback Bob Gambold and ran over from the 10. That initial Oregon State pass by Carpenter to Morrow was a sleeper. The routine is usually the reverse, with sophomore Morrow doing the passing. Boot ing ace Stan McGuire kicked the first of five conversions for the game. ' The first of the second quar ter scores came on a 94-yard drive with Stan McGuire taking in a Morrow pass on the 33. He romped across from there. The other came three minutes later. A fumble recovery gave the Beavers the ball on their own 40. A Mnrrniw nnu tn Jnhn TholTI- . a . . ,. DlunBe bv Dick Twenge picked up 22 yards. man in his way, went over. Then, after the third quar ter Washington State touch down, Twenge and Carpenter ran the ball down to the WSC homeland and Carpenter went over from the 12. The fourth quarter score was by Carlos Houck. He Intercepted one of claim to glory in the win Satur- centered on three touch- three play s later. Another UCE counter was set up by Ray Cummings of Salem who intercepted a pass and car ried it to the EOCE 15-yard line. Whitey Palmquist scored short ly after. The final OCE tally was punched over by Jim Wash. The Monmouth clan earned 312 yards for EOCE's 113, and collected 12 first downs on rush ing in comparison to the invad ers' 9, 4 on rushing, 3 on passes and 2 by penalty. Decker's kick ing average was 56 yards. FOOTBALL SCORES WEEK-END SCORFS Sunday'! Score: Eastern New Mexico 31, Nrtr Mexico State 30. San Franc Ls co 41, Nevada 11. Saturday scores: Southern California 40, Waahirmlon 1. Iowa 14, Ores on 31. Oreron State 35, Waahlmton State Idaho 49, Portland U. 31. Lmfleld 19. Whitman 0. Pacific U. 34. Brit i h Columbia 0. Southern Oreaon Collet e 31, Chico tate 14. Orevon College of Education 33, Eastern Oreaon College 0. Eastern Washington 30, Central Wash ington 0. Pacific Lutheran 2C, Whit worth 31. Wntern Washington 40, St. Martin a UwU Clark 20, Willamette. 7. boxer, slates that the affair will at one time airectea nuinvan. Caputo believes Jennings is the better man of the two, an assertion which he claims he will be able to bear out in the armory arena. The six round semi-final will feature Lou Nunes, the "Wild of the western games. Three Bull" of the northwest and Al, teams. USC. UCLA and Stanford Cliff. They have fought each, have lost one game each in PCC other four times, each one win-icompetition. However. USC ha? ning twice. been held to a tie (by Ohio I-rrv Rsar, nf H.rn.i.inn State); UCLA has lost outside and Jimmy Ogden of Portland will clash in the top four round event. Tickets are on sale at Maples. 'Advert tjemrntt How to Hold FALSE TEETH Mort Firmly in Ploct Do -our talao ttctn annoy and rn barraai bj a:ppini. dropptnt nt wobbttni hn you tat. laucn or talk1 Juit tprlnkla a uitlt rASTRRTH on your Plata. Thla alkali (non-acid powdtr ho) da falaa ttmh mora ftrmlT and mora romfortabl . No gummy, ooay, paity taatt or fltn. txa not aour. Charki "plat edor" (dm tor a ttrvathi. Ott PAflTE-tTK laday al any rui atar. Game Statistics r r down Net yard aatned rh'.nt Forward iea attempted ,o - Pom.rd.. MtinpM by ...186 ... 3 160 4 'rc'"S. ru"B" M pum:im averaae". asa To,l yards a!l kick rrturnrd 30 0ilpon,, ,um61,, r,,OVni .. o Yard it by penaitiea sa the many WSC passes at this stage of the game, and had a clear path from the enemy IS and went over. Later a Cougar drive against the reserves to the OSC 19 died when Dick Vaillancour inter cepted a pass. Lint up: WASHINGTON STATE Left nts Poljfoot, Bowtn. Left tacklra Hanaon, Doornlnk. Btmit, Left guard Thomwion, Grayton, Nl aon, Limb. Crntera Torieaon, Rlclccrt, Oepjwrt, KcUer, Uayberry. Ritht iuar Reiger, Tollef-on, Spoon r. Right tickles Houthton, James, Hol vik. Smith. Rialn erwis Koflei. Newiand. Quarterback Gambold. Uataya. Left halfback McOtilr, Roffler. Right halfback- Paul. Galloway. Fullback Croi, Bailey, Alllnrer. HobbJ OREGON STATE Left ends Thorn a. McMlckeo. Nmbleti. Lett tackle- Niemi, Clark, 7ro.iein. Hanker, Reynold. Left guards ZaroalnskL CirmirhMi Clark. Center Palmer. Sutherland. Al Gray. Right guards DeSy) via. Hog land. Right tackle Simon. Inglexby. Right ends McGuire, Rupee. Rohlff. Snider, Oibb. Quarterback Morrow. Houck. Schnei der. Carr. Left halfbacks Carpenter, Hoxie, K.1y Right halfback Gray. 8 heft old. Mul. Vaillancour. Fullback Twen.e. KnixUert Mntrw Washington State 0 0 6 1 Oregon State . , 7 14 1 7 35 Washington State xcorlni Touchdown. Paul. Oregon State c or in g Touchdowns, nr. prnter 2. McGuire, Morrow. Houck. Point aner toucnoown. Mcuuire ft. LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES si "-..rV$ & H7 rs xr w, ( ri iinrnii. run lirk F"""ck Monachino (35 uainuiiiia raw v,ui.ruof CaUf0I.nla geU ,way from two UCLA defenders after taking a pass from Bob Celerl and goes on a few more yards to rack up a 16-yard gain in first quarter of game at Los Angeles. He was hauled down by quarterback Jim Buchanan on the 39-yard line. Cali fornia won the game 35 to 21. (AP Wirephoto) Golden Bears Take Top Spot in PC Conference By HAL WOOD 'Unltrd Prexa SporiA Wrlterl San Francisco, Oct. 31 UR The University of California's Golden Bears today took sole 'padership of the Pacific coast conference, remained the only unbeaten, untied major football team in the west and held the incide trark to the Rose Bowl. They alfo assumed the unen viable nosition of beinc in jurf the ri':ht position to be knocked off their high and mighty perch. Following their resounding comeback 34-21 victory over the "little brother" from I'CLA on Saturday. Coach Lynn (Pappy) Waldorf's out fit had the top rung of the PCX all to Itself. With only three games left on the sched ule, the Bears looked like a shoo-in. Even if they lose one of their three remaining games, the Bears , till would boast the best record the conference (to Santa Clara and to Cal; and Stanford has WRESTLING Tuetdoy Night 8:30 MAIN EVENT Prank Mojatk and Jack Kiser vs. .lack O'RIley and Jark Pipscomh (IPKMH Dale Mser vs. RillT Mrtuln rirC'ONII ('rl Myers vs. Jim Gonsales SALEM ARMORY - ffi-s;-r , ,.,., J,.?. --lv.,. -frV. IiiK.i i . WAVfifc lMMW!&iift. IflWa NiilC OrPflnn Iowa's Merle Naber is brought for a three-yard gain in the University of Oregon-Iowa game in Iowa City. Oregon players in on the stop are Ray Lung (78) and Johnny McKay (43). Iowa overcame an 18-point def icit with a four-touchdown explosion to beat Oregon 34 to 31. (Acme Telephoto) Wild Rally, Webfoots' Fumbles Give Iowa Win Iowa City, Oct. 31 (& Four touchdowns in ten minutes of the last half gave Iowa a thrill ing 34-31 victory over Oregon here Saturday in their intersec tional gridiron contest. Oregon held a 10-6 half time edge and was leading 24-6 be fore the spectacular Iowa rally got under way before 37,976 fans. After an Initial Iowa touch down in the first quarter, Ore- Salem, Oregon, Monday, October 31, 1949 ;7 f-- t - 5 L a j - rT - been beaten by Michigan in non conference play and by UCLA inside the loop, while being tied by Santa Clara, 7-7. . Another long step toward clarification of the champion ship race will be taken on Sat urday when the I'SC Trojans, who had to coine from behind to whip Washington. 40-28. entertain the Stanford outfit that was deadlocked by Santa Clara. A loss in this till for cilher club would definitely eliminate it from future championship consideration. Meanwhile, Cali fornia gets one of the softest foes of the season as it entertains Washington State in Berkeley The out-classed Cougars, were roundly trounced by Oregon State. 35-6. Oregon State goes to Moscow to take on the Idahu outfit that spanked Portland. 49-21. WANT CLFANER HEAT? Let us show yuu how youi home can have hlieteU, humidified best with a Delco-Heat Gss fired Conditionair, Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway i Authorized liilflilliQifiLL fitm gon went into the lead in the second quarter with a touch down by Bob Sanders and Chet Daniels' field goal. In the last half Woodley Lew is broke away from his own 25 and went the distance. Later it was Lewis again, going 37 yards to paydirt. Oregon had a X4-6 lead at this point, but after a penalty that put the ball In mldfield. Iowa struck like lightning Page 11 V-A - 'S - a. Oregon, which lost a heart- breaker to Iowa, when the Hawkeyes scored 21 points in the last 10 minutes of play, tackles its traditional foe, Wash ington, in a Portland battle. Montana, which walloped Mon tana State, 34-12, steps outside the conference to play eastern Washington. Cleveland IIP) After the Cleveland Browns escaped 'rom Baltimore with a last-quarter 2B-20 All-America conference win over the Colts, Otto Gra ham, their T formation quarter back genius, relaxed by piloting the plane for an hour or so on the return trip. The players be gan to grumble that one narrow escape was enough for one day unitl Graham explained he was a flyer during the war. $$ MONEY $$ FHA m Keal fcstate Loam Farm or City Personal and Anto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8 High St l.lr 8-21 M-2M Dial 1 1555 i a Game Statistics ataltittca: Iowa Oreson Firat down 13 14 Nat rarda gained ruahlna ....310 33 Forward paaaea attempted .... 11 .0 Forward paaaea completed .... 3 4 Tarda forward pauea S3 34 Forwarda Intercepted by .... 1 1 Tarda gained run-back Interception 0 1 Punting average 14 3a Total rarda. all kick returned 3flS 13 Opponents fumble recovered 3 1 Tarda lost by penalties 30 33 bolts of a big mldwestern storm, Iowa senior Bob Langley re turned a punt 93 yards for one touchdown. Then just after the fourth quarter opened, an Ore gon fumble of the Iowa kickoff and a 21-yard pass by Jerry Faske to Jack Dittmer narrowed the gap to 20-24. Oregon came back to take an 11-point margin when Johnny McKay ripped around end 37 yards. But the kickoff to Iowa brought sophomore Bill Reich- ardt from his own 1 to the Ore gon goal. A few minutes later. Oregon fumbled on its own 19 and Iowa recovered. Reichardt banged over in three plays and booted his fourth extra point to put the score at 34-31. The final Oregon thrust brought the ball to the Iowa 4. A fumble by Sanders sent the ball back to the 18. Then cam a five - yard penalty. Earl Stelle tried a diagonal pass to Darrell Robinson but it was too high and fell as the gun o rinded. lanoupa: OREGON Left en Darrell RoMnaon, Una faWt. Paaton. Salter. Left tMklaDotur. RoberU. Left tuarda Danteli, Lung, Hurl. Cantara Olbaon, Patrick. I Rtcht guards Ohrobot, Daurharfer. Moanoiagy. Rhht tacklea Nevllla. Knlcarahm KMrnt erMle i,ou Ri tobtneon, AtHleraon, Oaulden. Quarler&fteJu Johneon, telle, Calder- wooa. Left HftU UcKar, CM0I1U40. Kla-nt flain uvu. Be 11. ell. SUmof- ajri. runbMk Bera. IOWA Left end Lone. McKenale. Left tae)c Wliuloa-. Buntt. Left luarda Towner. Turner. Centera LajUr, Paulaen. Peurten R1M f uardJ Perrln. Bankj. Olnafrers., Riant taeklae Oettel. Johneton. Bhfht enda lloff. Dittmer. Keteeranot. Quarterback Retthardt. Drahn. Ruck. Dennlnc. Lett ha!IaLctler, cooimack. Boetwlrk. Rlaht half, Brandt. Naber reake. Woodhouae. Pullbackj Oreene. Riley. Brlatol. Iowa 0 1 3134 Oreion 0 10 14 T 31 Iowa aeorlnt: Touchdowna. Commack. Lonfler. Reichardt 3. Dittmer. Polnta af ter touohdown. Relohardt 4. Oreson acorlna: Touchdowna. Bandera. Llnle 3, UcKay. Polnta after touohdown, DanieU 4. Field foal. Danlelj. Guarding the mails was one of the odd duties marines per formed in past years. In 1921, and again in 1928, leathernecks were assigned this task at the re quest of the post office depart ment and were highly com mended for their efficiency. WHERE'S CHARLEY? Right where everyone else is! At NEW BUFFET DINNER where you get For 99C (including choice of entrees and desserts) Downtown on State Street 5:00 r.M. to 8:30 P.M. loch Day but Sunday