10 Capllal Journal, Salem. Or.. Saturday. October 29. 1949 f AT LEAST LET US DOQD NO-I-THEV-' hrTXI O'F-WHEREVEB Jmy FBiENDS MOlTR soiUi CI IRTAKE 'ARE SENDINO . r STEVE.'- HI' HI CM NO 1 DONT TALK 6UJOGE1 fOMFTHINO.' OOVOU .KIT.'--BUT-SHE DO V LdCDav mi itrr sr tm r am uiaiT RADIO PROGRAMS DOUBLE TROUBLE k ON THE SeCONO F LOCH? J CHUCK' I WANTA 5OPO0SE 9HE3--DOUBLE -HAVe RED SPOTS ON TIMING POOR OLD SOWV'VhEI CHEEKS THAT LEfTY -,. STUDY -CMCJAtSO NEVER CAMS OUT VltoESMl' HOUSC MAP SOME Or A COMPACT SATURDAY P. M. 1 l' KSLM AF Newjfeotures By WILLIAM HOBSON DOUBLE TROUBLE Somehow Jay lound hlnLsrll walk- cnapter 30 nnr with Ellrn In the night, lead- Darkncsi had set in two niihu InK the homes down to the corral later when live people tour men, gate. He aaw the white of her and a girl approached the lower I dress, and It reminded him of the gale of Mike Kandall's horse pas ture. Joe loped anead and swung down to open It. tnen sat by the Morgans, led bv the proua headed Hover Boy, trotted through Into familiar feeding grounds. Kov er Boy raised his head and whistled shrilly Into the night as Joe closed the gate back of them. He looked over to where Harry sat beside Lucia. Something had happened to those two in a very short time. Some kind of sweet lighting had truck. Rover Boy whistled again. The men of the outfit had re turned to the roundup wagons to take up their duties. One rider had been dispatched ahead to tell Mike Randall what had happened. Jim Swinnerton was In Jail in Ash-bury. And In the settlement, back of night he had seen It once before, at this same gate, when he was leaving for the line camp to begin his part in a horse thief masque rade. He reached out and took her into his arms and held her close, and the little murmuring endear ments he uttered were no Imitation of Joe. Not this time. (THU END) College Head Speaks Lebanon The November meeting of the Lebanon PTA at the high school on Tuesday, will feature an address by Dr. Henry Gunn, president of the Oregon ashy heaps that once had been College of Education. His topic 4r. cabins and corrals, several more will emphasize the alms of nat- r..,r.....- ni.TJ o lonai education week. Th ses sion begins at 8 o'clock In the little theater of the drama de one where unfortunate Turk Pen nock slept the long sleep. Five of these men, who had surrendered slept with their necks at an odd angle. There were big cottonwoods along Antelope Creek: cottonwoods wltli big spreading branches "Come on," Joe Allison chuckled to the others. "Mlke'U hear thet stallion's wnistle an' come faunchin down here like a bear with a bug on Its tall. Let's fog It up to the ranch." They set out at a lope and the lane oi poplars loomed up, and It became a race as the five horses pounded down the lane on the hard packed earth. Iron-shod hoofs ring ing out. Doors flew open at the ranch house and the five swung down. Harry Seltzer was the first to step forward, shaggy-haired, un- snaven, dusty. "You wild man!" cried out his mother. "You you Texas cow boy!" "Ho, you men, come on inside,' boomed out Randall's voice. "We've sot a lot to talk over.1 They left the horses and went through the door Into the big din ing room, now freshly scrubbed. Jay saw Mike's gaze goinp from one of them to the other, a frown of an gry puzzlement and frustration be ginning to form on his bushy brows. He went over to Ellen. "You'ra looking well," was all he aid. She said, "I'm glad you got back ail right, jay.- "1'm glad to get back. I want you to know and like Lucia. She's had a hard time of It." "She's welcome in this home," Ellen said softly. "Which one of you," came Mike Randall's bull voice above the hub bub of talk. "1 Joe?" Joe wheeled to face him. "Me!" ha said belligerently. "That's Jay over there. Why?" Randall's lace began to turn red The red increased and then he let out a lull-lunged roar. "You young whipper-snapper!" he bawled, and moved In toward him. "Double- cross me, did you? I ought to "Now look here, you old " "Mike!" "Joe!" The first voice had been that of Mrs. Randal). The second was that of Mary Seltzer. "Joe," she said again in that quiet voice. He turned slowly and a aheep fah grin slid across his young face. "What is It. honey?" "There will be no more of that." "AU right," he said, and grabbed her. He gave her a resounding kiss and was pushed back firmly. "There will be no more of that either," she said. "'That Is, not In front of other people," she added, and blushed. partment. 3505 SIZES 12 42 j 1 Wrap-Around Washable The perfect washable Is pretty, practical and comfortable, tool This one qualifies on all three counts. Easy wrap-around styling with trim col lar treatment and one whopper oi a pocKet. No. 3905 Is cut. In sizes 13. 14. 16, IB. 20. 36. 38, 40 and 43. size 18. in yan, 35-111. Every home sewer needs the FALL WINTER FASHION BOOK a delightful, Inspiring presentation of the best In fashion. Over 150 smart, practical easy-tc-sew pattern de signs for all ages. Price just 30 cents. Send now for your copy. Send J5c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number. State size desired. Address Capital Journal, 314 Mis slon St., San Francisco 6, Calif. Baby Poll and Wardrobe Younn ftOni love dolU thfy can drtu and undress and thin adorable baby has complrt wardrobe plus a crochet tacoue and bonnet. The doll meas ures 16 inches and la made of aoft potion, the clothe are eaMly made from work bucket acrana. Pattern Envelope No. TUfUU eon tains hot Iron transfer for doll and R2632 embroidery motifs, printed pattern of garment pieces, crochet Instruc tions, atltrh illustrations, material requirements and making and fin ishing directions. To obtain inn pattern, send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number, your name address and none num ber to Peggy Roberts. 138 Mission 8treet San Francisco I, Calif, ROOM AND BOARD By Gens Ahtrn FRCMA WMAT THE BOARDERS TELL ME. FCHJR.-ALARM FOLEY, THE FIGHTING FIRE MAM, IS A FISTIC TORNADO IN THE RING ONLY ONE Of HIS OPPONENTS WENT PAST THE 4 ROUND - AND HE SINCE HAS QUIT BOXING. TO SELL TOY . 1 1 1 AOO $ VvONDSa. IP I'M RUSHING ALFY IN MATCHING HIM I FIRST WITH FOLEY.' '-.I WI MIGHT RE ' fcNIWNfafcRINb MY ! FINANCIAL FUTUR IP FOLEY SHOULD V KArO ALFY - 4t-M I ?3 Carl P r p Amobboox KGW I. K0IN I KEX 120 NBC ) Muti'il V. acrtbar4 i lnr Tltnm 1 birkrma'' i Dik PawrU I UrnnU Day Utnnu Dmr r Jadr CnT Judr Unt (iraii! OI' Oprr 1 t.ran4 OI' Oprr I Truth r t ContcqutncM ) Utt of Rllr 1 Uli il BileT I'HIl Prada tUII Farad I RUr Thoalra ilstar Thuatra I Sam Hay i Morten Oawnty Orrheitra Orchestra 10 CBS 11H ADC Rnrmbr KpMlal Etnl Hrtrn ft tonf JChlrafani Uaniar Abtai Stum FraolUr T.wa ;Raa Rtilb rrsnlitr Towa I"""' tdlllaa Um. In Haiie A Wa Rra II Dick Uajrmaa Ui Frwdom Sin. It Aialn Hollr. Bvllnt Sim II Aata Sine It Ait In Sing It Aialn IV. Monro rV. Monro (irna Aulry Grn Aulrr Wai Haaaaai Was Maacaia Was MuaaiBi Hully. B In (handu Maale K'handu Mails I.ona Ranivr Ranter Suprrman lllancbuiUrt (antbiitcra Eaeap Kir a pa h-Mtar Pinal Org antit Capitol Cloakroon Saranad Ortneilra iTreaiury Rand Traaaarr Band Sllanl Mul Talwr. CrhoM Chrlat. Brlrnrs Oulrk aa tlaib Oukk aa riaab Night ttlrtr Maht Ridrra jlfarrlda Hjyrdl Voice of Truth Voir of Truth Hawaii Call Hawaii Call Mrtt tha Prrtl Mart tha Praai Gragorr HjoU Kirrgorr Hood INa? Hoar NaF Huur ws Ira Rlua hpta. Danra Rand Ilanra Band Lat'a Danra t'a Danta Lrt'a Dant Lat'a Uanca Xtra Hour K0C0V 140 Kc. J Rhythm H .- Khlhn It -nil. Rrc'rta Vantar Candlallgbl Silver jN'awa Tim Waa Iriarhoaa Rand 50 Yard Una Nrws Harrr Jamri Rtm Morgan Rum Morgan Monica Whalan John Wohohan I Srw. Run Morgan (lprn Hou Oprn Houaa Oprn Hop Open Houa Sign Off I IDanrlni Dancing Dancing Dancing Dancing Dancing SWB Danclnr Dancing Ing Dancing Danclnr Dancing Dancing Dancing Dancing IK Ira Ofl Party Parlf Parir Paitr PartT DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 J VOU MUSTN'T HURTT pOCKYM " 1 9 HE'8 rAAOC THIS WHOLE U GPCCK POQ W 1 THirKJ POSSIBLE-HE'S THE J VOORSCLP. J 5 BEST FP1ENO WE HWE H WIFE? I TT ana an. docky' I AFTER ALL, JOHNNY 3 MY HUSSftr'Q- YEAHLE5?LU THE SAME AS THIS BMXiE IS MS. Ct LKALLV 1 T . ' BUT. O.K. CUSTOMERS ARE COMIrV WE'LL LEAVE OUR PERSONAL g BRIGHT BOYt B I SAID VOU'O I fi GO ALONG I AM 1 RELIEVED THAT VTO TALK JUNIOR TOOK MY HAIR IHIM INTO CUT APPOINTMENT i, IT A .wiLBUB rv I IT WASNT 1 VERY NICE ,OP YOU r ,ii n ?' f 9 'H , I n&ppy done. L j-' 37v, Snuck oft wip JiTiKr rrSSp5fi (wuur Hcs ) Y U6'5 YOUNG. HE CAN TAKE 1 IT -AND WILBUR HAS TO. PRACTISE ON SOMEBODY tOR WELL NEVER LEARkl WELL .THAT3 THAT, " JUNIORI HOPE VOLy f AN', NOW. MISSUS PANSV YOKUM VO' GlTS V7HUT b AM HAS BIN VtAANIN r GIVE. tO t I I HONEVHO0N I MAS vo' BIN rrvntirruvm.. ,j VEABN,N.T. i n T give me' s J since our . A K-K-K- KISS, mate Pwhut l OR WOULDN'T HE. OFV-AH'LL 1 fjEFI; I HAVEN'T 1lTS O.K. WIThLF t HAVE NOCAR ItfZ. . I 4nV4t r 4 TOMtf ' L3S- M Hang been seen the town t me-. Juuus, . 1 andi M FLAT .JTXl !!MWHm U AWAVMANV .N MONTHS LETsBUT---jgr0ViJ J, T PBOFESSOB.MV M?.SAMPI?AL.I HAvEPKlDEPmiT wwy TWiS IS f"f J. JuF Zf " B I KN0WTMTiLyHET,Mi?NEVS9RS0SEP THE TIME MAS COVE PCR ME TO I QyTE A SuPPRiSE VgSHiJ -a aSa R BLA VOO THBEE HOiP HANPS ) TO THE PABkT PROP TM6 MASOLWAP6 . I AM OC COURSE !.. OF ffl60. VZyJ, U AWD KEEP CLOSE BEHIND ME. I NOW. . A SPECIAL A6ENT OB THE U.S. I COU6!"WHAT SM066LMS. OF CaJBS? . V.S CANT USE A U6HT- TREASuPY PEPARTMENT. SINCE CAN IPO 7 . JrK0fCaiKl- S jTj 1 J ' VOO ARE THE REPRESENTATIVE V T "TT I T ' " ' "CONGRATULATION TO THE M CtAM VAIEOICTORIAN AT BARRER COlLtliE!". . iO YOU ktTTINd OUT OF PRISON TODAY?'' IMWTIKID IM .ILLY, MARTY! LET5 5I6N Off AvrPfRUAPN IIILlV I TAKETHt PUMPKIN TO - uuv Ml llirVI t , "WlETtl6MT HAVEN," HANNIAL'TH0U6HT J ittH YOU , TOMORROW, IN ACCORDANCt rf-pARKED IN "lOVtM WITH COMPANY TRA011ION, IUCIA ANO I Will DECORATE FORTH! EMPLOYEE' PARTY. YOU iHOULD SWALLOW YOUR SENILE PRIDE AND 6ET SIFOCAL V GL A?t7, H ANN I DAL. TLUI -V EYEl6HTIAT.OClOUl f I LANE. ADIIAUU" I MTA . n i n u i ' I . , mn I lOOKrDLIKF MARTV Jtl Ifnkr' rr P.M. :!. Cbll- lllni 1. r.rnd Onn Tonlfhli :, lVMV ', Thulrei :!. On lh JUKI, r.rird Oprr Tonlihll :. CakMtl l:M. M Clb: no. Newtl n Wiatluri :, Dm Prdti :0, f :1S. LndB LalUn :M, Dlnnf Mtl I 81kb Off. SUNDAY !!!? I Bait Palall Badla Palplt J. Dac-'a Hnala J. Daa'a Maile Mem. Maale Marn. Scranadt Cbarch la laar Hama Nawa Hara'a ta TaM Eternal Llfht Eternal Uctat fCtaareh ml Air Tbarrb af Atr I Chareh ( Air Cbmrcb af Air Newamakera Haward Smith 18 all Laka Tabar (Salt Laka Tabar UnrltatloR ta LearnlBf Oaaal Stan New Glenn Sheltar. oraaniai Cbleaca Basal Tabla NBC Tbaatra NBC Tbaatra NBO Tbaatra NBC Thaatra Pea. Platfaraa Pea. Platform urea. B'ndatand (Trea. B'ndatand ICbarallera Icberallcra Gallery Gaaalp New. Mr. Plill Cback Paatar Qala Kida Qali Kida Llalnc, Ifttt Llvlna 199 American. Par am Bad la Cltr Radta Cltr H'veaa af fttarii iH'Ttal af Stara Mnala afTha Maatera Rally wead Calling Band Bni Band Bas Band Boa Band Bo Revival Hoar Revival Hour Revival Hoar Revival Hour Isouthernatrra kouthernalrea Mmare af tael H'llrw'd Calllna H llrw'd CaUlna Harris- Fa ya Harrli-Fara Sam Bpada Sam Spada Theatre Golld Thaatra Galld Theatre Galld Theatre Galld Album Familiar Maale Take It ar Leave It Bar Armea Bar Armea NT Ph Unarm. NT Pfallharm. NY Philharm. NT Phllharm. NT PhlthVrm. NT Phllharm. Mr Serenade Ne Tea Are There Yea Are There iphonette Srmphonelta Pamllr Hoar Famllr Hour Boiton Blackle Boatoa Blarkla fJack Bennr Jark Bennr Amoa n' Andr 'n' Andr Berf.-MX'rthj Berr.-M C'rthr Rorkr Jordan Rocky Jordan Corllsa Art her Corltsa Arrher Horace Heldt Horace Heldt Newa Romance Sunder Veeprra Sunday Veapcra, Victor Llndlahrj Frank m Lrnst Plana Playheaaa Hour af Faith Hour af Faith Parade of Hits Parade HIU Werk'a World Week'a World Vale of Prophecy r. President Mr. President GreateU storr (rcatett Starr Lutheran Hour Lutheran Hour Melodies Mod. Here'a ta Vets lit Baptist Ch Bapllat Cb Voice Prophecr Voice Prophecy Ra. Bible Clais Ra. Bible Class Lutheran Lutheran Hoar News Cent. Lutheran Neva Your Security Mlchau Mlhaut David Reaa Canarlea ria. . I Newa iFcllo'tblp veice IFello'ahlp Voice . Chapel af Air Iato Maria Hr. ch'rch la Wild. Organ Lor Ifiaered Heart Wayne Kins Sunday Service Sunday Service Sander Service Sunder Service iNewa Guest Star Juvenile Jury Juvenile Jury Hse. af Mystery He. of Mystery Martin Kane Martin Kane Tha Shadow The Shadow True Detect Ire True Detective John Stee Jnhn Steel iNIrk Carter Nlrk Carter 1 Man'a "amlly t Man'a Family Symphony Hoar Symphony Hoar Symphony Hour Symphony Hour Dance Or eh. I Dance Oreh. Newa Mary A. Mercer Catholic Hour iCatholie Hoar INewa Wai Museum Wai Museum Wai Museum Contented Hr. Contented Hr. Tha Whistler The Whistler Mlsa Brooke Miss Brooks Berr.-M'C-rthy Bcrt.-M'C'rthy Red Skrlton Red 8k el I n Jack Bennr Jack Benny Five."" Star" Final Maht Editor iMusle for Yoa Music for Tou fVoleei tbat Live jGuest Star iHclty Clara Stop the Mu Stop the Mu Stop the Music Stop the Mutic hV'ltrr Winrhell ILnuella Pars Chance of i Liretlme Jlmmie Fidli Chapel Standby Standbv i Serenade Chlcaeoani Prel. ta Mldnlte Prel. to Mldnlte; Isirn Off Drew Pearson Headlines IW'ter Wtnchell llntermeuo FamMy Close-op Family Close-up C.uest Star Orchestra Blrht'ld Bep'tr Geo. Sokolsky Orrhestra Orchestra Drew Pearioa Noclarne Nocturne Nocturne 'Xtra Hour rNcwa ital Health Mysterious Traveler Musle for Von Music for You I.vnn M jrrar Lynn Murray Serenade far Slrlncs 1'nlted Natlana Cigy Lombardo Words A Mnsle Words Mnsle Daydream Mua. Daydream Hue. Musie Boom Musie Room Sh'wcaae Bands Sh'wcase Banda Sunday Seren. Sunday Seren. Musie for Sun. Musie (or Sun. Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart Donald Stewart DallaaMlnlit. ,Rurna Allen Salem Collete Salem Collece Secret Mission Ted Dale secret Mission Ted Dale mlly Theatre Headline Newa mily Theatre. Inside Story Medical nilltea iRallads Roy Rocera Roy Roaera Twenty O'stlons Twenty Q stions Walt. Winrhell Louella Paisi ns Sunday Satan (Sunday Salon Natarene Cb. Naiarene Ci. 'News Eflitorialiv Cunningham News Slin Off iNasarena Ch. Nasarene Cb. Frank de Vol Frank de Vol Sunday Reverie Sunday rtever'a Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie Sunday Reverie iSlrn Off 1 MONDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. S:00Hodre Fadra fa 15 Newa B: 30 Farm Time 8:45 FaraTlme 7:0fl Early Bird 7:I5rOi Soma 7: SO jNewa 7:15jSam JIayea 8:0o!Fddie Albert :15Eddle Albert iOklaek Berch 1 : 45 Bate Bldtrs 9:0okecend Cup 9:iSSeeend Cup 9:30'Homelewnera INewa IKOIN Klerk KOIN Klork KOIN Block IKOIN Block nuncan M'Leed Rob Gar red Fred Beck Consumer News Breakfast f lub Marriage far 1 !lora Lawtan iDlck Haymee Eaey Llstenlnr Doable or Nothlna IChlldren Today Llfht af World ;: 00 1 Life Baaatlfal !:lSiKneaaa Newa !:3flP. Til Family !:45fRiht ta Bappl. Farm Newa Keep Smflinr Keep Smlllnc Keep Smllint INewa Timekeeper Marrb Time News Newa Aironsky Rob II a ten Zeke Manners Dave Valla (Grand Slam IKoscmary Wendy Warren lAant Jenny Helen Trent I (Our Gal Sund'r; Bit Sister ! Ma Perklna Yr. Dr. Malona GaldlncLlcht, Bd Mrs. Barton Perry Mason Norah Drake Brighter Day I Breakfast Clu Brsakfast Cluh Breakfast Clob Mildred Bedell' Stars of Torlay Art Llnkl-tter Art Llnhlelter Jack Norman Galen Drake My True Storr Mr True Story Kews Breakfast Sana Music Top Trades Bar rain Conntr Moraine Special Musie Music Betty Crocker V.adlea First Saae Riders N westerners N 'western era KOCO Kleek KOCO Kleek Tex Bitter News rtop O Morn In a fTop O Morning V News uli Club Pastor'a Call Malta lima News kiospel Stncet Musie (Waltf Serenade M Keys CrBsaders fCrasadera West. Melodlea FleataTime Melody Time Melody Time stars Sins John C. Them, SW. News Memory Mail Tune Tims ladles first Dueen for Day Llan Garber Uueen far Day f'ocal Variety iR'wood Musto jll'wood Maale Duncan M'Leod R'hare TalklncTop Trades Come A Get It News" iNews IBrlaht Jt LltbtiVlrlor Mndlahr.N.W. Nrws Ark flhP Meat MtnUat Dlim fiM rM Ttmrm Hm.Ii iBarkatase Wlfe'Baniyi Fetllee Rr. hi Hellrw'd Ten Kelt-abet (Mae's Melodic Stella Delias Garry Moore iBr. In Rollyw'd Tlarv. Bardint (Mac's Melodies fBlnajBhiae iMac's Melodlea ' iMelody MatlneelMac's MelodieT av Stewart Metody Matinee Mac's Melodlea ride di Groom Term, JamhoieeMac's Melodlea Bride Jj Groom Tenn. Jam tin, -ee Mac's Melodies t:30Itrensa Jones IGarry Moore Kar West :4.SWidder Brawn Kirkham News. Kay Best !:00 Olrl Marries Newa Llay Stewa !:15Per. Faces Lire Meet Mlssas :30 Jast Plain BUI Meet Mlssas !:45p. Frs. FarrellTunefllr Yoars Wele. TravelerslArt Kirk. News T elk Way Out Farm -Home Mae's Melodies Wele. Travelers lArth r nodrreyfralk Way Out Bob Poole IMae's Melodies Aant Mary Art. Godfrey be Seated News IMac's Melodies Lave Ji La era Art. Godfrey rTed Malona Son as of Times IMac's Melodies DfWsa. Secret Arthar Godfrey Mod. Romances Fulton Lewie Movie Tlma I Road af Life Arthar Godlrey Mod. Romances Frnk. Hem'way Fbllaaophea 3fllDr. Panl ICnrt Massey mqulrrel case Behind Story Bvers Can 4.tOa Sunny Side d. R. Marrow Iftaulrrel Case 'News I Be Beaatlfal ACRO&S IL 8how.r J. Kind of dane j. cruel perton B LIE CIS o I. Serrjcnt IS. Greek hero 14. Eiclamatlon li. Mythical man- a tin a monster 11 Artificial lanruare IT. Poor section of city 18. Tall SO. Took food 21. Mother 22. Palm 1117 23. Italian opr It. Not of tha seal fT. Character In "UncJt Tom't Cabin" N. ia AfrlcaB irtinlne; district IL Eiirhth of a circi 17. ilaka headway cat nst It, Capital of Norway 40. Deface 41. Pronoun 42. Strlka 44. M)elf 44. Comp point 4T. tonne; dr. 44. Partainint t lova II Pntthful 63. Blent AltN a Wi'Hn 1 I Rl A lrcTAtTlsM AjHi ipj iLUH"oiPEjBf?Grie IK3e!l YHgATje COiJMANT uncut M. Attention 17. One to whom a mortyaga la fiven Sofutlon of Yesterday's Pun I a Armat!v weed DOWN L PhlMppin peasant I. Mnke mora severs 1 7 18 f 0 'f - , It W W " 3Z 4 T" 53" ti mT 7s 3 ' : T f So ; S t Uz jfj-- JZ ST" ?i" T sj si LJ I LJ I I I I I i I I. Peel 4. Exist I. Leave ont C. PerUlnlnp t So. Amerlcai mountains T. Also t. Symbol for tla Competent 10. French cola U. Small dot collotj. IS. Thaw 17. Set out 19. Assume 4 msnnert to. Christian sraf mhhT. tU Cntdy 11. Heathen ffoa J-1. Larjra invesfif Cave: arena io 21. American humorist HO, Minute partldo 12. Dutch liquid meayure S. B)lt urate . ItsJian lake l. B Ariel of gran 43. Aloft y Siii:an o.run 4T. L'raflulterated 49. Quantltr Pr unit of t to St. Othe!io"s faiae I frlenl t. Peveraxe Larpe aerpem S. Cr.nrf H. State of ta t'ntn: ahr, SI. QolBeaA, Bbbr. 11 A M'DNGHT SNACX i-e.wt