r 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Saturday, October 29, 1949 GUARANTEE OF NO BACK-TALK Movie Director Gets Contract Rights to Boss His Wife By VIRGINIA MacPHERSON Hollywood, Calif., Oct. 29 U. A movie director who drew the ticklish lob of telling his wife how to act in her next picture made her sign a legal contract today proclaiming him absolute boss from 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. What happens after that, said Nicholas Ray, is something strict ly between him and the missus.' blonde Gloria Grahame. "I'll probably wind up takinR orders as usual,' he signed meekly. But on the iob he can be roaring lion. Miss Grahame will leap to obey his slightest com mand. He's got that down in writing. And if she doesn't like his or- Does Princess Smoke Fags. London, Oct. 29 U.R The Daily Express deduced today from a photograph that Princess Elizabeth sometimes smokes in private although she never has been seen to smoke in public. The deduction was made from the first photographs of the in terior, of Clarence House, Lon don home of the princess and the Duke of Edinburgh. The photographs were pub lished in all morning papers but the Express used a cioseup of Elizabeth's cluttered desk show ing what appeared plainly enough to be a wooden cigarette box. a match-filled glass jar and a silver ash tray. The Express pointed out these Items and said: "These three things seen on Princess Eliza beth's desk will settle for many people the question does the princes smoke or not." 3 Children Burned To Deafh in Crash Spokane, Oct. 29 WP) Three (mall children were burned to death early today in a flaming traffic accident on the Fanchcr overpass. State Patrolman William Todd said a logging truck and a pri vate car collided but no other details were immediately avail able. The three victims wcra the children of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin of Deer Park, Wash. The Martins suffered only slight burns and bruises. dcrs she has to jump anyhow. There's a clause in there that forbids her to "nag, cajole, tease, or In any oilier feminine fashion, seek to distract or influence him." This guarantee of no back talk from the ball-and-chain for nine hours a day sounds like something many a husband would give up his one night out for. And Miss Grahame admitted she fought like heck. It smacked of "slave labor" to her, she said, and she wasn't having any. But producer Robert Lord is an old married man himself. Twenty-five years wed, he is. He insisted. He also said he'd seen too many director-husbands try to tell their actress-wives how to emote. He said they usually wound up getting the scenery heaved at 'em. "I told him I'd already made one picture with Nick," Miss Grahame said. "And we didn't have any trouble. Of course, that was BEFORE we got married." a Lord said how a man acts when he's a-courtin' and how he acts after he's caught were two different things and that was precisely why he wanted Miss Grahame's signature on that contract. "So I signed it." she said. "Bu". you should read it!" "I hereby agree," the contract goes, "that my husband shall be entitled to direct, control, ad vise, instruct, and even conv mand my actions during the hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ev cry day except Sunday during the filming of the production in which I co-star with Humphrey Bogart. I acknowledge that In every conceivable situation his will and judgment shall be consid ered superior to mine and shall prevail." And on Sundays . . . ah, that's different story. All bets are off on Sunday. And we'd give anything to see Director Ray toeing the line on his day off. I . I tl j Heaviest player on tlie Uni versity of Arizona football squad is tackle Larry Howard, a 225- poundcr. Classroom for Shut-Ins Confined to her Detroit, Mich., home by a muscle-weakening disease, Janet Kimball, 14, listens to class room discussion from school for crippled chil dren and awaits her turn to recite. With her are C. Harry Chisholm (left), of the Michigan society for crippled children and disabled adults, Inc., and Arthur Dondineau, superintend ent of public schools. Janet is one of nine handicapped chil dren who attend school by combination of microphones, loud speakers and phone lines. (AP Wiraphoto) Marriage Annulled Sacramento, Calif., Oct. (U-R) Superior Judge Albert F. Ross yesterday annulled the marriage of 12-year-old Thelma Lloyd Blunknall to Donald Blunknall 22, of Medford, Ore. Company B Needs 45 Men to Fill Roster Company B, Oregon National Guard company from Salem can still take 45 men before it reaches its full strength of 161 enlisted men, but the drive for enlistment of the men ends No vember 19. The company since opening of the drive has been divided into teams for recruiting of men and the winners are to have as their reward tickets to the Oregon Stale-Michigan State football game November 11. Event of the same day to be held in connection with the nearing of the completion of the drive is a dance to be given at the Salem armory by National Guardsmen with the public in vited. Playing for the dance will be Glenn Woodry's orches Club Has Luncheon Amity The Fairview Social club held a luncheon at the home of Mis. Clair Fisher, on Three Mile lane, honoring the officers of the Yamhill county' Federation of Women's clubs. Physician Testifies He Was Kicked Out of Medical Group Portland, Oct. 29 OP) The government's, anti-trust suit went into week-end recess today, after another physician and an Ore gon mayor testifed that the State Medical Society had frowned on prepaid medical plans. Dr. Wilford H. Belknap, Portland, was the second physician to testify that he was forced to re- sign from the Multnomah County Medical Society because of his association with a prepaid medi cal group. The government accuses the State Medical Society of at tempting to monopolize prepaid medicine with its own organiza tion, Oregon Physicians Service. Belknap said the County Med ical Society threatened him with expulsion unless he gave up his contract practice with National Hospital Association patients. He resigned in 1940. Later, he told the court, he applied for reinstatement, and was asked by a society official if "I had learned my lesson." Belknap replied, "I had no les son to learn." He was not re admitted, he said. Mayor Albert Flegel of Rose burg testified that the 13 em ployes of his transfer and stor age company subscribed to the Industrial Hospital Association, but could not get doctors to take the association's tickets. Flegel said he consequently paid the doctors out of his own pocket, and was reimbursed by the hospital association. Paul Youngman, McMinnville, testified that he had tried to form a prepaid health plan in Yamhill county, only to encoun ter too much opposition from the County Medical Society. Youngman said Dr. E. R. Huc kleberry offered to sell an in terest in the McMinnville hospi tal to the prepaid group, but withdrew the offer later. The group West Willamette Group Health Association w a s never able to start functioning, Youngman said. Others who testified to diffi culty in getting physicians to co operate with members in pre paid groups included Charles Wi gle, manager of Central Willam ette Lumber Co., Philomath: Sam Ritchey, district manager of the California-Oregon Power Co., Klamath Falls: and W. L. Harris, IWA business agent, Reedsport. When You Think of LIFE Insurance Think of NEW YORK LIFE And wnen you think of New York Life think of Walt Wadhams SPKriAl, AGENT 578 Rose St Salem. Oregon Phone 27930 -If i. Ilk, call at WH" $$ MONEY $$ FHA W 4Vi Real KsUte Loin Farm or City Personal and Auto Loan State Finance Co. 153 S. Hlfh St lie. 8-tU M-Ztt j IS YOUR HOME i ...or Of fie LIKE A MORGUE? Then know and enjoy thft bnrflU of new, MOIKKN LIGHTING today! Have Halem't own Hrhtlnf engineer Mrvlre Salem McMIng and Appliance Company make a nurvey of your prevent dull Ineffective lighting- . . . make lay out! for uD-to-the-min-ute IMl'HOVKI) lighting pinna for Tour home or offke WITIIOt'T COST or OBLIGATION TO DAY! i fl 3 3" T 5 to a T3 n ; n i EC w ' That phone number is , 3-3131 FOR THE BEST Hauling Storage Fuel Iral snl Nr VAN LINES CO. LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE 889 No. Liberty "Our reputation Is yonr security" Mrs. L. R. Alderman, Mrs. A. W. Newbry, Mrs. Dolph Goodrich and Mrs. William Belts were the guests. I II I . ft I Begonia society, Oak Grove Gar JO em neianrS l" lOWer JtlOW ten. Four Corners Garden Will Have 23 Clubs Entered Salem Heights The Little Garden club of Salem Heights will sponsor a chrysanthemum show Saturday and Sunday, Novem ber S and 6 at the Salem Heights community hall on Liberty road. The show will open to the public Saturday from 2 to 9:30 o'colck and Sunday from 10' to 8:30 o'clock. Tea will be ser ved from 3 to 5 o'clock and 7 to 8:30 o'clock. Entries will be received Friday evening Novem ber 4 between 8 and 9 o'clock and Saturday morning between 10 and noon. Anyone Individ ual wishing to enter the show Is asked to call Mrs. Lyle Bayne or Mrs. Virgil Sexton. Pouring during the tea hour will be Mrs. Hunt Clark, Mrs. Robert Hawkins, Mrs. Paul Ac ton, Mrs. Homer McWain, Mrs. F. P. Colgan, Mrs. A. A. Taylor, Mrs. Paul Greibenow, with Mrs. Ralph Cartwright as chairman. Mrs. Virgil Sexton is the gen eral chairman for the show. Schedule chairman is Mrs. Ed A Carleton, assisted by Mrs. Joe VanCleave, and Mrs. Floyd Mc Clellan, publicity, Mrs. Lyle Bayne, entry, Mrs. Charles Saw yer, Mrs. William Neimeyer, Mrs. C. A. Kells, and Mrs. Paul Greibenow; resister, Mrs. Rob' ert Hawkins, Mrs. Joe Van Cleave, Mrs. Homer McWain and Mrs. Virgil Sexton; staging Mrs. Lewis Judson, assisted by Mrs. Carl Harris, Mrs. L. L. Bennett and Mrs. Joe VanCleave: placement, Mrs. Joe VanClave, Mrs. L. L. Bennett, Mrs. Carl Harris and Mrs. Keneth Zwick- er. Clerks for the show are Mrs. John Douglas, and Mrs. E. O. Welling. Awards, Mrs. Ed. A. Carleton, Mrs. Lyle Bayne, and Mrs. Homer McWain, who is Palmistry Readings Will and future. teU your put prxant win advise on love, miunmtt and btulneu Amtin nl itlons Ant I worried? t be la Mf SpeoUl t la 10 p.m. Under New Management 173 S. Commercial f KAISER-FRAZER TERRIFIC DEALS "The Best Deal in Town" TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY ISSN. Liberty Phone t4KJ Salrm CLIP THIS COUPON FOR t5a viae Every watch should ba cleaned and oiled onoe a year. Bring yours in for free inspection by our experts. All our work is piaranteed. LOIN OWNtRS. iow you can get th amazing new Dura Power Mainspring for most Elgin models. Ma4 of "Elation" aaetal. Pates pending. THE JEWEL BOX 443 State Street also in charge of securing the judges. The show will be In three divisions, horticulture disbudded in the first, artistic arrangement in the second and corsages, us ing chrysanthemums as flower material, in the third. Sweep stake awards will be given hold ers of the most blue ribbons In the first two divisions. Garden clubs participating in the show are Englewood Garden club, Woodburn Garden club, Labish Garden club, Brooks Gar den club, Rose Society Garden club, Friendly Neighbors Gar den club, Lansing Neighbors Garden club. Camellia society. Garden club, Gaiety Garden club, Men's Garden club, Salem Garden club, Camellio society, club, Dallas Garden club, Inde pendence Garden club, Stayton Garden club, Scio Garden club, Riverside Scio Garden club, and Swegle Road Garden club. Insurance Man Joins Grabehhorst Firm Halbert Harvard recently moved to Salem to become as sociated with Grabenhorst Bros., and handle the insurance de partment of the firm. He comes from San Jose, Calif. Harvard, who for 20 years was in the insurance business in San Jose and in business for himself, says that he selected Salem because he "felt the fu ture was brighter here than in any other city in the Pacific northwest." He is a member of the Elks, the Masonic orders, including the Shrine, and the American Legion. Mrs. Harvard and the couple's son came to Salem with the in- Minnie Schmid Heads Congress Mrs. Minnie Schmid of Port-v land was elected president of the Oregon Fraternal congress I Friday afternoon, succeeding George H. Webber of that city. For the first time the con gress, with which is airiuatea fraternal Insurance societies, met in Salem, at VFW hall. OUier officers, all from Port land, elected for the year were: Clay Walton, first vice presi dent; Mrs. Ethel Lindholm, sec ond vice president; Rev. William Schoelcr, third vice president; Eudele Nordgard, secretary treasurer; Mrs. Ruth Drew chaplain; Newton Lacey, ser- geant-at-arms. A resolution was adopted ap proving the Hoover report tor governmental efficiency. surance man and the family is now residing at 158 West Wash ington street. REDDI-WHIP , . . AMAZING NEW WAY GLAMORIZE SIMPLEST DESSERTS - Wins Millions of American Housewives Overnight TO WftVKvV'- MADE WITH l'4fVt MOST EXCITING DESSERT NEWS OF THE CENTURY a sensational idea that is winning acclaim from coast to coast , . . Reddi-Wip is fresh, rich cream, sweetened just right especi ally processed the Reddi-Wip way it actually WHIPS ITSELF! A touch of your finger and out swirls a ribbon of the most delicious whipped cream you ever tasted fresh-whipped AUTO MATICALLY as it comes from the container. No last-minute beating, fussing or failures with Reddi-Wip. Cost per serving is very low. WOMEN EVERYWHERE RAVE about the way Reddi-Wip transforms simplest custards, pud dings and gelatin into mouth-watering party treats. Your whole family will grin from ear to ear when you serve cakes, pies and ice crnam topped with delicious Reddi-Wip. Adv. CURLY'S DAIRY Telephone 38783 1 See for yourself, hear for yourself. These are axioms of action with United Press reporters. Whatever the story they are covering a diplomatic statement or a street shooting, a scientific discovery or a baseball deal they go to the source of the news. That's one reason why more and more readers find U. P. dispatches of first interest. U. P. gets its facts at first hand. CHICAGO BAftY WW I CHtCAGO Throwgh nW Uft window, m two-gwn car 1hif trapped Inside the Northwestern Station h thootina into Hm str4. At tho right a ploindothointoft ft omwtr ing with a riot gwn. Btwn th two fWos, Ed Satnsbury, of tho United Pross. H Korvd a half-hour boot on the bandit's killing. THE WORLD'S BEST COVERAGE OF THE WORLD'S BIGGEST NEWS' UtMftess . 3 INDEPENDENCE, Mo. During on arty morning ttroH along th itrtt of hn homo town, Protidont Trvmort patriot to chat with tho ranking Whit Hosjm roportor, U.P.'i Morri NEW YOfKOn th lUpi of tho Yanktoi' dugout at tho Sta dium. Mono g or Catty Stngl outline, to U, P. boiobod oditor Carl lundquiit his strategy for th strttch drtvo for to AmorkoN Loagu ponnant. PARFA, holy Wt tngrid Bergman marry Director Roberto Rotiellini, betide her KerelU. P.'i Aldo Forte (right) otkt th guottion during an oxdusiv infer- wow with tho star. MAOttO At his private reside to out sid th city, GftroJHMia Prancisop Franco taHrt about km nation's oawt with Ralph Port, United Prets bad Spain Read United Press dispatches daily in the Capital A Journal Salem's Leading Newspaper FIRST in circulation, FIRST in advertising, FIRST in news