PLANNED for next Wednesday eve ning is the informal get-together for University of Oregon alumni in Salem and vicinity. The evening's program la arranged at the American Legion club, the social hour to be at 8 o'clock, the dinner at 7 o'clock, the program at 8 o'clock. All alumni, UO parents and university friends of this area are invited. Robert Needham is chairman for reservations. Faculty members of the UO expected to attend the gathering include Dr. Harry K. Newburn, president of the university; Dr. James H. Gilbert. Leo A. Harris, Dr. Raymond T. Ellickson, Dean Theodore Kratt. Eugene E. Laird is general chairman for the evening. By Marian Lowry Fischer "TirTirOSTESS this afternoon for an in lll I formal tea was Mrs. E. C. Cliarl-"--Mon, the event honoring Miss Vi vian Lavers of Berkeley, Calif., bride elect of Mr. and Mrs. Charlton's eon, Robert Charlton. Guests included members of a club of which Mrs. Charlton is a member The group spent the afternoon sewing on lea towels for the bride-to-be. The wedding of Miss Lavers and Mr. Charlton will be an event of early De cember in Berkeley. Miss Lavers ist the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Lavers of Berkeley. She is a formrr Itudent of University of Oregon and is working in Eugene. Mr. Charlton is finishing his work at the state univcr lity this year. Attending the tea this afternoon were Miss Lavers, Mrs. Ralph Campbell, Mrs. Russell Bonesteele, Mrs. Ivan Brown, Mrs. Edwin Armstrong. Mrs. Bertram Thomson, Mrs. Karl Heinlein, Mrs. George S. Hoffman, Mrs. John Miuto and Mrs. Charlton. Mrs. Abncr K. Kline leaves by train Tuesday for an extended trip to the mid west and south. She will go first to Hot Springs, Ark., then to Chicago to attend the annual convention of outdoor show men. Later, Mrs. Kline will visit in Kan sas City, planning to return west to be In Los Angeles for a time. She plans to be home the latter part of January, Mayor and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom entertained informally at dinner last evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Orville Corbett of Burns, Ore., who were en route to Corvallis to take in Oregon State college Homecoming. Other guests at the dinner included Mr. and Mrs. Howard Maple and daughter, Marcia, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., and son, Don, and the Elfstroms and daughter, Miss Patricia Elfstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lieuallen were hosts this week to Delbert Anderson of Yorktown Heights, NY. and Harold Brown of New York City. The two men are with the Revelers quartet touring the country on the Com munity Concert series and sang in Ore gon City, Wednesday evening. Several friends from Salem attended the concert. Including Miss Lena Belle Tartar, who was the first voice teacher for Mr. An derson. Mr. Anderson attended Salem schools, later going east to continue his musical work. He sang in the Broadway production of "Brigadoon" for 56 weeks. Mr. Brown formerly starred in "Blossom Time." Dancing Parties Tillicum and Trotters Dance clubs both have dances arranged for next Week-end. The Tillicum club party will be a din ner dance Saturday evening, November S at the Marion hotel, the club officers and their wives in charge. The social hour will be at 8 o'clock, the dinner to be at 9 o'clock. Trotters club members are gathering lor their dance on Friday evening at the Glenwood ballroom, dancing starting at S o'clock. MR. AND MRJ. H yj ,:f ' ; L j ........ fC4...- o 7 . fx t 7 I 7 f3l, TVO prominent weddings are on the calendar for Sunday afternoon, receptions to follow both ceremo nies. Laue-Ryan The marriage of Miss Sheila Mary Ry an, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Wil liam C. Ryan, to Alfred J. Laue, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Laue, is to be solemn ized at 2 o'clock in the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic church, Father Vandehay officiating. For the music, Wayne Meu sey will be at the organ. Colonel Ryan will give his daughter in marriage. Miss Leonor Sweet of San Francisco is to be maid of honor and the brides maids will be Misses Janet Brown, Mil dred McMurdo and Geraldine O'Connor, all of San Francisco, and Alice Turtle dove of Portland. Young Miss June Laue, sister of Mr. Laue, is to be junior bridesmaid. James Wachob of Portland will stand with Mr. Laue as best man and ushering will be Douglas Carter, Rodney Bright, Delmar Letherman and James Bunnell. The reception following is to be at the Ryan residence, "Holly Hill." Mrs. Lee Rudin of Oswego, Miss Mary Eyre, Mrs. Albert T. Anderson, Mrs. Earl Burch, Mrs. Eugene Grabenhorst. Mrs. Joe Power and Miss Constance Hammond of Portland will be assisting at the recep tion. This evening. Miss Mary Eyre is to entertain informally at her home to hon or Miss Ryan and Mr. Laue, the affair to lollow the wedding rehearsal, and guests will include the wedding party and the families. Cross-Kriggs Also calendared for tomorrow after noon is the wedding of Miss Beverly Bripss and Travis Cross. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mrs. Myrtle Briggs ot Long Beach, Calif., Mr. Cross the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cross of Sa lem. The ceremony is planned for 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the First Congre gational church, Dr. Daniel Schulze of Willamette university officiating In the wedding party will be Mrs. Donald Lar son of Great Falls, Mont., as attendant for her sister; voun" Miss Bonnie Mae Larson as flower rirl for her aunt; Rich ard Page as best man; Mark Hatfield, Theodore Mankerlz. Jr., Robert Skopil, and William Juza of Lebanon as the ush ers. The reception following also Is to be at the church. Mrs. James W. Anthony and daugh ter, Katherine Louise, are visiting here from Lynbrook, N.Y. as guests of Mrs. Anthony's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Windsor. Mrs. Anthony's sister, Mrs. Leighton Holler, had been in the east 1o visit at the Anthony home, Mrs. Anthony and daughter driving west with Mrs. Holler. The visitors will be here two Weeks. Mrs. Ralph Hamilton is to entertain for her bridge club Monday evening, the' event being set up a day from the usual ' Tuesday date. Members are asked for dinner and cards. Joanne Walz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Walz, observed her first birth day today. In honor of the occasion, her mother entertained a group of mothers and chil dren at their home this afternoon. In the group were the two grandmothers, ' Mrs. Joseph Walz and Mrs. Elsie Trick; a great aunt, Mrs. Sarah Scott; Mrs. A. J. Kirsch, Jimmy and Steve, of Stay ton; Mrs. E. G. Trick and Shannon, Eu gene; Mrs. R. L. Reed and Janelle, of Amity; Mrs. Virgil E. Trick and Angela of Dallas; Mrs. L. A. Walz and Susan of Albany; Mrs. Frank Walz and Sheryl, Mrs. John Walz and Barbara; Mrs. Clar ence King and Jimmy, Mrs. Sid Sher man and Dickie, Mrs. Stanley Parton, Colleen and Kenneth and Miss Helen Walz, all of Salem. Miss Jackie Johnson has invited a group to the home of her parents, the Lawrence T. Johnsons, this evening, pre ceding the Willamette university Home coming dance. A group of 16 has been invited between 8 and 9 o'clock. HAROLD MtCAULEY Five Salem Senior High . School Girls9 Organizations '. . ' ' 'J"miti 1 ;i f 'ft i. J i 1 1 U vsv L MISS LaJUNE RAHTZ Spinsters Benefit Important social event on next week's calendar is the fall benefit party of the Salem Spinsters club, the affair to be Friday afternoon, November 4, at the American Legion club. Dessert will be served at 1 p.m., fol lowed by bridge games and special en tertainment. Miss Margaret Lovell is general chairman of the party. Miss petty jelub. Jean Manoles the president of the i All proceeds will be given by the club ' lo the Salem YWCA's building fund. Ki"f rvations in Among reservations made so far for the early are those of Mrs. Linn C. Smith, Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs. Geo. A White of Portland, Mrs. Claude Stcus loff. Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs. Floyd W. Shcpnrd. Mrs. Francis T. Wade. Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley. Mrs. T. Harold Tom linson. Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs. John R. Caughell, Mrs. Leonard Hicks. Mrs. Robert F. Shinn, Mrs. Dan Johnston, Mrs. Rtisscl E. Pratt, Mrs. P. H. Schnell. Mrs. David Eason, Mrs. Donald Wooden, Mrs. Genree I-. Hill, Mrs. Douglas MrKay. Mrs. M. I). Fidler. Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Mrs. H. V. Compton. To Meet Tuesday The Spinsters club members are to meet next Tuesday evening, November 1, at the home of Mrs. Wayne Hadley, at which time final plans will be made for the benefit. Mrs. George Emigh and Mrs Rex Adolph are co-hostesses with Mrs. Hadley for the meeting Mrs. E. O. Stadter. Jr . was hostess yesterday afternoon to her knitting club, a dozen attending the event. MR. AND MRS t MR. AXI MRS. ROHtRT C. Hlort ill.irlinr just Ihry nrtt rrdv to lrve on thrlr trip (ollooins thflr wrdriinj ind rfrpption Ut Sturdar evrnmt In the Flrl (ontrrfational church. The bride is th dauthtrr of Mr. and lr. Hunirv I. Bull. Mr. Hjnrl the son of Mrs. H. J. Hjort. all of Salem. SHOWN HIRE AT THE rrrrpllon fellwinc their cddlns lat Snndir afternoon In St. raula Fplacopal church are Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCaulc llhirlc ToMi. The bride is the dauthier ot Mr. and Mr. Howard Pool, Mr. MrTauley the son of Mr. nd Mrs. IU u. MoCouloj, ail ml Slm Jrsttn-Mlller studio picture MISS EDNA MARIE HILL Party on Friday Miss Eleanor Stephens, state librarian, will speak to the Independence Woman's club Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. A short program will be given by Girl Scout troop No. 106 under the direction of Mrs. Dick Hathaway, leader. Hostess es are Mrs. Ivan Marble, Mrs. Charles Bullock. Mrs. Percy Dickinson, Mrs. Marshall Powell and Mrs. Grace Swope. Salem General hospital auxiliary is meeting Tuesday morning for its No vember session, at 10 o'clock in the Sa lem YWCA. All members of the auxili ary are invited. Reports will be given on the recent silver tea, also plans will be made for the coming rummage sale and for membership. Mrs. Carl E. Nel son is president. MRS. Mc KAY'S CALENDAR The weekly at home afternoon for Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's governor, will not be held this coming Tuesday, November 1. nor on November 8. due to her absence from the city. Mrs. McKay plans to resume the at home event on Tuesday afternoon, No vember 15. During the early part of the week, Mrs. McKay is to be in Portland with her sister, Miss Mae Hill. On Saturday, Mrs. McKay leaves with Governor McKay for Salt Lake City, Governor McKay to attend the two-day conference for western states' governors, November 7 and 8. Chief executives from 11 western states and from Alaska and Hawaii will attend the conference. The McKays plan to be back in Salem by November 10, making the trip by train. ROBERT C. HJORT Rull sre nirturrd hrre In candid The five major girls' organizations at Salem senior high school are well under way in their activities for the new school year. Presidents of the groups are pictured here in scenes in High Home, the attractive room reserved for home economics girls and girls' activities at the school. In the picture at left above are 'Miss LaJune Rohtz (left), president of the Girls League, and Miss Edna Marie Hill, president of the Vikettes. Miss Rahtz is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rahtz, Miss Hill the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. B. Hill. Miss Alice Lehman (left), president of the Girls' Letter club, and Miss Joan Lanke, secretary of the group, are pictured in far upper right candid. Miss Lehman is daughter of Mrs. Hulda Lehman and Miss Lanke is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lanke. Miss JoAnne Majek, pictured at right below, daughter, of Mr. ond Mrs. Edward Majek, is the president of the Home Economics club. Miss Lavurne Gammon, lower left picture, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gammon, is president of the Tri-Y Girls. ACTIVITIES VARIED Girls League is open to every girl enrolled in the high school and there are some 800 of them this year. This year the group is starting a student loan fund ond has been carrying on a magazine subscription drive to aid in securing funds for the project. Also, the League sponsors a "book store" to hove available typing paper, pencils, stamps, etc., as a convenience for the girls, this also being a new project this year. Girls League is a service organization, supporting in every way it can school projects and school interests, every girl in the school hoving oppor tunity to participate. Among special events, too, the League sponsors inter class rivrlry skits which are to be presented at a noon assembly this year. VIKETTES ACTIVE The school "pep" group for girls is the Vikettes, an honorary organization "made up of senior girls. This club takes part in all cheering activities t 7 tkiK ..7 "v sX5fvS? n. 7p. . Sj0HI0--r. x ' ' ' ' """ "s 7' - MISS LAVURNE A meeting of the executive board of the State Oregon State Mothers' club has been called by Mrs. Qfcar I. Paulson, state president, for Friday, November 4 in the Multnomah hotel. The luncheon meeting will begin at 12 o'clock noon. Invited to the meeting are Dr. A. L. Strand, president of Oregon State col lege; the dean of women, Miss Mary Ii iscli; the dean of men, Dr. Dan Poling; t:e prcsid"nt of Orc.uon State Dads' ciiib. F. J. Waymire of Poriland; the president ot Oregon oiate aiumni, Lloyd Certer of Portland. Those attending from Salem will be Mrs. Paulson, state president; Mrs. George Rhoten. corresponding secretary; Mrs. W. G. Eurris. area representative of district 3: Mrs. Ausiin H. Wilson, press chairman; Mrs. George W. Croisan, Mrs. Donald H. Upjohn and Mrs. Carl W. Emm-is. Kr.--crvalions should be made before November 1 with Mrs. Rhoten. Urged to attend are all s'ate officers and chair men, rcprci-cnt-itivcs and unit presidents. Mrn. George S. Hoffman and Mrs. Cliff RoMnsnn will entertain Thursday evening next at th home of the former for the meeting of Kappa A'pha Theta aluinn:ie. The literature sroup of the SMcm Wo nrin's club hay arranged a program for Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the club house. Miss Marcia Hill of the stiite library is to highlight some new books for the ;roup. Mrs. Curtis Hale and Mrs. Carl Chambers are co-chairmen for the group, Mrs. E. A. Lee also being on the committee. Ttorent guests at the George Alexan dir home were Mrs. Frank Smith of t'oos P.ay, also State Senator and Mrs. Paul Patterson of Hillsboro earlier in the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sullivan and two little daughters ot Madras are here for the week-end as guests of Mrs. Sulli van's mothtr, Mrs. Jtmu W, Motu JeAten-Mlller ftudlo plztrM GAMMON Yomarcos are meeting Tuesday after noon for luncheon at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. E. Bates, Willow Drive off 24th street. Mrs. Ronald Glover, Mrs. E. C. Rich ards and Mrs. E. B. Millard are host-' esses with Mrs. Bates for the meeting. Tlicatre Arts group is meeting Tues day afternoon, reerf to be at 1 o'clock" at the ho"-" of Mr . R-yv.on Wil'h. Mrs. .!. F. 'Ve Is to review "O Mis-u tress Mine" by U.-ttirn. s , E::-y v..:ij r'.'t.s s fcr a ...- f; y bers of Unit No. 1' ' auxiliary, the event to ship tea are mcmb American Legion au b:' '.he afrrnoon of Thursday, November 17, at the home of Mrs. Homer H. Smith, be, ween the hours ot 3 and 6 o'clock. All members of the unit are invited, each being asked to take guests who are eligible for membership. Mrs. Theodore Ullakko is geriTJl chairman and on the committee with her are Mrs. W. B. Lylle. Mrs. Jek Johnson. Miss Alice Schmidt. Mrs. George Spaur. Mrs. H. C. Saalield. Mrs Vi C. Dyer, Jr. Assisting them are Mrs. Fert A. walker, unit president, and Airs. Sam Harbison. Euh School Mothers' club met th week and made plans for a runmmiie. sale on hov mber 14 and 15. and 101 membership orive. A prize is to be giv tiie room with the largest number 4f paid-up members. James Bishop of iw 4-H club office talked to the group the organization and activities of the 4 H clubs' program. LEAGUE EVENT TUESDAY November meeting (or the Salem We- " men's Army and Navy League will he " Tuesday afternoon. J A luncheon will be served at 1 o piock at Chuck's Tavern, a short meeting"y" and then entertainment to follow. Mrs. :: Robert Brownell is chairman for tlw tnUrUinmtnt. ,, y games and rallies, os well as putting on drills and skits for other occasions and this year as president they happen to have a talented musician, Miss Hill being known for her accomplishments on the piano. ' LARGE MEMBERSHIP In the Girls Letter club are about 200 members. To join this group the high school girls must secure 100 points in varied athletic events, including ping pong, volley ball, basketball, hiking, biking, swimming, bowling, etc. The club each year sponsors the "Jym Jamboree" in the spring, sponsors a party for alumnae, and takes part in other school activities. SCHEDLULE BUSY ONE , . "Quite the most active club in the school" comments Miss Majek in telling about the Home Economics club, which this year has some 80 on its membership roll. In early October the club sponsored High Home open house. Also, the same week, the group gave a teachers' tea, honoring new faculty members, ond this week staged its annual initiation. On November 3, there will be informal initiation and the "big dinner" event of the fall, and an open house on November 15. During the 10 days before the vacation, the club sponsors a Christmas candy sale. A Christmas tea for the teachers is planned two days preceding vacation. The club also will take part in the Civic club carnival, arranges the junior ' senior luncheon each year, entertains with a mother and daughter tea, sponsors a picnic and concludes the year with a formal installation event. A series of no-host dinners for members before this year's games also is being arranged. TRI-YS ACTIVE TOO Tri-Y girls are open to all interested, this group's program being carried on in cooperation with the YWCA. The Tri-Y club also takes part in special school programs and activities and puts on an assembly program as well as . providing some social activity for its membership. MISS JoANNE MAJEK Circles of t h t Woman's Society of Christian Service, First Methodist .' church, have planned meetings as fol lows for next Wednesday, November 2: No. 1, with Mrs. L. H. Compton, 664 South Commercial, Mrs. A. E. Patton and Miss Mary Aitken assisting, meeting t 1:15 o'clock. No. 2. at the home of Mrs. John Har per, 1363 Court street, at 1:15 o'clock, ' Mrs. James Edwards, Mrs. Etta Haskell . and Mrs. J. D. Berwick assisting. No. 3, meeting at 1:15 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. L. C. Mitchell, 1565 Nor way, Mrs. H. D. Baker, Mrs. N- La Raut and Mrs. R. M. Ashcroft assisting. i No. 4. Mrs. Merlin Estep to be hostess to the group at 1:15 o'clock. 850 E street, Mrs. Merlin Estep. Jr. assisting. No. 5. meeting with Mrs. Donald Bra zie, 332 North 24th, Mrs. J. N. Van Cleve assisting, meeting at 1:15 o'clock. No. 6, to meet with Mrs. O. H. Yetter, 1010 North 18th, 1:15 o'clock. Mrs. B. F. Kumler and Mrs. Blanche Herr assist ing. No. 7, meeting at the home of Mrs. Steven Anderson, 8 p.m., 1415 South 12th street. Mrs. Ellwood Ball and Mrs. Cohn assisting. Mrs. D.-vid Scott to lead devotions, Prof. George Hocking of Wil lamette university to be speaker. Mem bers are asked to take their bazaar work to the meeting. Mrs. Alice Edmundson was hostess to the Little Garden club of Salem Heights at a dessert luncheon on Thurs day at her home on South High street. Mrs. Carl Harris was co-hostess. Final arrangements were made for the Little Garden club's chrysanthemum show to be held at the Community hall on Nov. 5 and 6. Mrs. Lewis Judson spoke on gather ing dry material for dry flower arrange, ments. and demonstrated making the arrangements. Mrs. A. A. Taylor exhibited the best flower arrangements among those brought in. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mudd were among Salemites taking In the Oregon State-Washington State game at Cor vailla today. Juten-Mlller studio picture Girl Scout Dinner The Santiam area Girl Scout council dinner meeting will be held at Emanuel Lutheran church in Silverton, Thursday, November 10, at 7:00 P.M. The fall meeting features election of officers and there will be a report and discussion on camping sponsored by the Girl Scouts last season, and plans will be laid for next season. Local talent will provide the entertainment and movies of last summer's camping at Smith Creek will be siiown. Reprcer.l:'tivcs from all organizations sponsoring troops and all friends of G.'rl Scouting throughout 'he area are invitrd. Crrds i:rc b:ing m i!-:t 'or re rva tions and t ese should be filled out and returned by November 3. Chairman of arrangements is Mrs. Gordon VanCleave of Silverton. Mrs. W. H. Woodard is chairman of the council meetings com mittee. Mrs. Frank Manbeck. Salem, district chairman, suggests that anyone needing transportation or having room in a car for additional passengers contact her at 3-4663. From Portland comes news of the birth of a son, Friday. October 28. to Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Hauset, Jr. There are three daughters in the family. Judith Margaret, Sarah Jane and Susan Gail. Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. H'user. Sr., and Mrs. R. H. Robertson, all of Salem. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn and Mrs. Henry L. Benson, all of Salem, and the great great grandmother is Mrs. Sarah Whitney of Cook, Wash. Mrs. Maylon Scott left this past week for California, preparatory to returning to Tokyo, where her husband. Colonel Maylon Scott, is stationed. Mrs. Srott has been visiting her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. James Bcding field in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Rceher are home from a week's hunting trip in eastern Ortion. MISS ALICE LEHMAN Golf Event Tuesday Annual stagette for the Salem Wom en's Golf association is a gala event set for next Tuesday, November 1, at the Salem Golf club. Some of the members plan to go ear ly in the afternoon for golf or bridge. At 4 p.m. the year's prizes will be handed out. Dinner will be at 6:30 o'clock, follow ed by entertainment. Mrs. Ralph Hamil ton is chairman for the show, and is be ing assisted by Mrs. Louis Gcrlinger, Mrs. Stephen Fouchek, Mrs. John R. Wood, Mrs. Werner Brown, Mrs. Sephus Starr and Mrs. Ivan Marble. About 100 attended the luncheon and meeting of Salem Woman's club Friday afternoon, at the club house. The luncheon honored the past presi dents of the club, 16 of whom attended. The tables were elaborately decorated with pumpkins, Halloween candles and chrysanthemums. On the table for the past presidents and presiding officer was an arrangement of gourds, squashes, fruits and leaves, and those objects and trailing ivy also decorated the other tables. Mrs. George W. Ailing, club pres ident, presided. Following the luncheon the group ad journed to upstairs where the 16 past presidents attending was each presented with a corsage of chrysanthemums by Mrs. Frank A. Doerfler. The group sang songs to them during the presentation with Mrs. W. W. Woodruff leading, Mrs. J. E. West at the piano. Following a short business session, Mrs. Lawrence Ostcrman of the pro gram committee presented Mrs. H. M. Hayles, who gave an account of her tra vels in Europe the past summer. She displayed many objects she had brought back with her, and Miss Ida Mae Smith modeled a Dutch costume which Mrs. Hayles had brought. Miss Ann Gibbons played piano numbers. The club rooms were decorated with chrysanthemums as was the tea table, Mrs. Wallace Ayres arranging the deco rations. Mrs. Howard Hunsaker was general chairman of the committee ar ranging the luncheon and event to hon or the past presidents. TTegular business session and luncheon for the Salem Soreplimist club will be Wednesday noon at the Golden Pheas ant. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mendcn'nall of Tokrl.ind, Wash., recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a family gathering for 40 in the Silverton park. Their seven children. Mrs. Eva Sumrm rs of Tokeland, Mrs. Myrla Kos tenborde of Sublimity, Mrs. Mary John son of Fairfield, Ore., Mrs. Ethel Lu12 of West Salem, Mrs Mabel Cleveland of Grayland. Wash., I.loyd Mendcnhall of eastern Oregon and Jim Mendcnhall of Woodhurn. all aitcndrri the gatherieg, as wll as 15 of the 23 grandchildren and fie great grandchildren. HOLLYWOOD LIONS AUXILIARY Hollywood Lions club auxiliary mem bers ere to be ho-tesses at a member ship soc!;il next Thursday evening. No vember 3. at the home of Mrs. M. B. C'!"tierb"ri:. poo t.ocu't. a' P o'rlori- Mrs. Harold Gillespie and Mrs Paul Purvis i re co chairmen for the evom, ard assisting them are Mrs. Clarence Greig, Mrs. Virgil Lamb, Mrs. Alfred Williams, Mrs. Ursule Wolfcr and Mrs. Carl Gies. On the transportation ar rangements committee are Mrs. Archie J. Elliott, Mrs. P. W. Hale, Mrs. C. A. Lanti and Mrs. James Tindall. Active Jp.stcn-Mlller studio p'.ctu-a MISS JOAN LANKE ARRANGED for next Friday eve ning is the 34th birthday anniver sary event for Chemeketa chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, a dinner to be served in the marine room of the Marion hotel. Governor Douglas McKay is to be the guest speaker. Governor and Mrs. Mc Kay will be honor guests for the event. Special music will include solos by Mrs. Robert F. Anderson, accompanied by Miss Alice Crary Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKeown, Hood River, and several other out-of-town guests will be here for the event. Mrs. McKeown is the state regent of the DAR, Mrs. Homer Goulet, Sr. is cha'irmin of the committee arranging the dinner and reservations may be made with her or with Mrs. Ruth A. Herndon, local re gent. ' The dinner and program are for all DAR members and their husbands and friends, also DAR members from other chapters. On the committee with Mrs. Goulet are Mrs. Homer H. Smith, Mrs. John E. Black, Mrs. H. G. Henderson. Organized in 1915, the chapter had as its first regent, the late Mrs. S. C. Dyer. The local chapter today has some 85 members. Hi-Y Mothers club plans its meeting for Tuesday in the YMCA, dessert to be served at 1:15 o'clock. Guest speaker for the program is to be Mrs. Rcgina Ewalt, dean of women at Willamette university, who is to talk on "Religion in the Home." Mrs. Lloyd Hughes is chairman for the committee. Missouri club is meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. A. Vittone, 11B5 North 4th street. Luncheon will be at 12:30 o'clock. .V:' ;. 1J&P i li .'.y I I I" I' 1 1 -i t v" ft if - v" - . 7 W V PLANNED FOR TIH'HSDAV afternoon, Novemher 17, l the memhemhlp tea of I'nlt No. 13d, American Llon aus lllarv. the event lo he at the home of Mr. Homer H. Smith. Some of the committee are shown here In meeting to plan for the tea, left to Hint: Mrs. Theodora Lllakko, general chairman; Mra. W. B. Ljtlc, Miss Alica Schmidt, Mrs. Jack Johnson, Mrs. Georia fcpaiu. CALENDARED for next Wednesday evening, November 2, is the sea son's first concert of the Com munity Concert association. The pro gram will be at 8:15 o'clock in the Salem high school auditorium for mem bers only. Featured in this first concert is the Philharmonic Piano Quartet Ada Kopetz. Bertha Melnik and Max Walmer. The quartet has been widely acclaimed wherever it has played for its versatility and virtuosity. The official musical ar ranger is Moritz Bombard, pre-war con ductor of the Princeton university or chestra and glee club, musical director of "New Lyric Stage" and composer of two symphonies, suite for strings, son atas and a score to a new play. The four-piano program is as follows: I. Overture to "Russian and Ludmilla" Mihail Glinka Variations on a Theme of Haydn, Op. 56 Johannes Brahms II. Fetes Claude Debussy Rosenkavalier Waltzes . Richard Strauss Intermission III. Russian Dance, from "Petrouchka" . Igor Stravinsky Pavane pour une Infante defunte (Pavin for a Dead Princess) Maurice Ravel Prelude. G minor Sergei Rachmaninoff Consolation, D flat .... Franz Liszt Orgia Joaquin Turina IV. Andalusia Arnesto Lecuona In the Still of the Night Cole Porter Suite from "Die Fledermaus" Johann Strauss A luncheon and surprise shower were given last week at the home of Mrs. P. J. Jensen, McArthur avenue, honoring Mrs. Norma Meyers, Mrs. Helen Drees and Mrs. Margaret Bernards. Mrs. Jackie Riggs and Mrs. Ethyl Miller were co-hostesses at the luncheon. Guests were Mrs. Edna Hanna, Mrs. B. E. Rose, Mrs. Virginia Aeschilmann, Mrs. Kathy Dean, Mrs. Lloyd Doty and Mrs. Jaunita Schafer. The evening circle of the Woman's Society for Christian Service, Jason Lee Methodist church, is to meet next Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Roberts, route 7. Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Hal Kemper are to serve the re freshments. Centralia temple, Pythian Sisters lodge, is to sponsor its annual homecom ing meeting next Wednesday, Novem ber 2. There will be a no-host dinner at 6:30 o'clock in the Knights of Pythias hall A program will follow the dinner after which the meeting will be held for formal initiation. Among club hostesses next week will he Mrs. Henry A. Simmons, who is to entertain her bridge group for lunch eon and cards on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Caley and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bowes are entertain ing a group this evening for a Halloween party, the group including members of their club. Dinner will be at the Bright Spot, after which the group will go to the Bowes summer home on the Santiam, Fir-Bowes lodge. In the group are Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mudd, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Hausmcr Siefarth, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gabriel, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shaw ver of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Caley, Mr. and Mrs. Bowes. Silverton At the Fifth Street home of Mrs. Oscar Broten and her daughter, Mrs. Cora Graden, were a sister of Mrs, Graden, Mrs. T. P. Risteigcn and her daughter and granddaughter, Mrs. Wil liam Holden and Delight, all of Oswego, and as additional guests for a day, the family of another granddaughter of Mrs. Broten, Mr. and Mrs. Everett and Anne, and a nephew, Windsor Stewart, Salem. F ' j ' i ' rm j 'v v M f o , 1 r- . i 'HE HALLOWEEN party planned jointly by Capital Post No. 9, American Legion, and Capital Unit No. 9, Amerfcan Legion auxiliary, Is to be an event for next Monday eve ning, October SI, In the American Le gion club. Members of both groups and their families are invited. The festivities begin at 7 o'clock and there will be games and refreshments. Mrs. John Woods is chairman from the unit and James H. Turnbull from the post. State Convention Due The two-day state convention for American War Mothers will be in Sa lem on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, sessions to be in the Carrier room of the First Methodist church with members of Salem chapter No. 1 as host esses. Mrs. Jennie Erixon of Portland is the state president and will preside over the meetings. For Tuesday Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Tues day. The executive board session will be at 10 a.m. Formal opening of the convention will be at 10:30 a.m., with Mrs. Bertha Smart, of Salem, convention chairman, in charge. The invocation is to be given by the Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson of Salem. Mrs. Minnadel Baker. Portland, will lead the advance of colors and flag salute. Mrs. Smart, chapter president in Sa lem, will give the welcome to the con vention and Mrs. Margaret Eubanks of Portland, state custodian of records, will give the response. Greetings from the city will be ex tended by Mayor Robert L. Elfstrom, Mrs. Freda Gray of Portland to give the response. Following presentation of the gavel to the state president, Mrs. Edith Slone, Albany, state corresponding sec retary, will give the call to convention. In Afternoon The afternoon session begins at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. Addie Curtis of Salem, state chaplain, will give the Invocation. Minutes of previous state meeting will be read by Mrs. Estella M. Rice, Port land, recording secretary; and reports will be featured from state officers and committees, Mrs. Erixon also to give her report as president. There will be greet ings from patriotic orders and installa tion of officers for the Albany and Salem chapters. A reception is planned at 6:30 o'clock in the evening preceding the banquet, which is set for 7 o'clock at the church. Reservations for the banquet should be telephoned to Mrs. A. A. Lee, 34685. Wednesday Events The convention reconvenes on Wed nesday at 9 a.m. Reports will be given from various committees, as well as from the national convention, and there will be election of state officers. The memorial service is to be con ducted at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday by Mrs. Addie Curtis, state chaplain, followed by a business session and installation of new officers. The new executive board will meet at the conclusion of the convention. French club of Salem high school hi Id its initiation this week at the school. The group is known as the Le Cercle Franca is. The menu was in French and the national French colors, which also are the colors of the club, were used in de corating. Miss Alice Waters was gen eral chairman for the event and Miss Dorothy Ladd presided. Miss Mildred Christenson is adviser for the club. Initiates include Loretta Anson, Ray Cook, Cindy Lively, Caroline Lockhart, Norma Stewart, Loyce Taylor, Nadine Taylor, George Watts, Janet Weslfall, LaVonne Terry, Bobbie Graham, Mau reen Gustafson, Joanne King, Arlene Kuhn, Jo Langrell, Sally Mitchell. Officers of the club are Dorothy Ladd, president; Alice Waters, vice president; LaVonne Terry, treasurer; Donna Sat ter, secretary. Miss Ruby Grant, organizer for Al trusa clubs, is to be in Salem Monday and is meeting with a group at dinner that evening at the Marion hotel in the interest of organizing a club here. Miss Grant is coming here from Tacoma. Jfjtrn-Mlllr Jtudlo plctura