Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 28, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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    . I
8 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, October 28, 1949
a.-, ill
Practices for
1950 Chosen
Slock Market
'Average' High
New York, Oct. 27 W) The
tock market hit a new high for
1949 this month. What does this
It means that a mysterious fi
gure called "the average" has
advanced to the highest level yet
reached this year.
"The average" has nothing to
ay about the market perform
ance of any Individual stock or
any single group of stocks, such
as steels, automobiles, railroads,
chemicals, or utilities.
"The average" does say that a
group of stocks, selected as re
presentative of the major groups
within the market, goes up or
down to many dollars or
points per share.
The idea behind developing a
stock average In the first place
was to try to determine the
trend of the market as a whole.
To compute a daily average of
all stocks would be a prodigious
Job, so a sampling was taken of
representative Issues.
The Associated Press average
of 60 stocks Is an example of a
limply constructed and reason
ably accurate barometer of the
main trend of the market.
Accuracy of an average can
be measured by comparing it
with an average of a much larg
er group of stocks or even an
average of all listed stocks.
Most stock averages, by the
way, are comprised of stocks
listed on the New York stock
and curb exchanges. Prices of
eitch stocks are available imme
diately after the close of the
market and are published.
Do You Recognise These Youngsters? A Salem Chernan
fair in 1916 featured a children's parade. Many of the young
sters were children of Cherrians of that day, and some of
the boys later became Cherrians themselves. The boy at the
left, helping carry the float Is Willard C. Brown, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown. He Is now In the real estate
business at Oceanlake. The tot in the float is Betty Bonnell.
The boy holding the handles on the right is Daryl Myers,
who is today King Bing of the Cherrians. His father before
him was a King Bing. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Myers. The little girl at the extreme right is Maxine Myers,
sister of Daryl, and now Mrs. Charles Claggett of Salem.
Mother Dies on
Trip to Son's Home
Oregon City, Ore., Oct. 28 UP)
Reese Burgin and his wife, Eva,
drove from their Centralla home
yesterday to visit their son,
Charles, at his Kellogg Park
home near here.
They spoke casually at Kelso.
After that .Mrs. Burgin didn't
say anything more.
When they reached the son's
home, Burgin found out why.
Somewhere in the 60 miles be
tween Kelso and Kellogg Park,
his 62-year-old wife had died.
Housewives Told Not
To Hoard Coffee
Portland, Oct. 28 UP) Shades
of wartime cried a coffee whole
saler today.
Please, he told housewives,
"don't try to hoard coffee."
It seems that ration-remem
bering customers started a mild
run on coffee after hearing that
coffee prices might go up. And
if the run really gets going, cof
fee might get scarce.
Spokesmen for two coffee
firms said there was plenty of
it warehoused here for normal
use, and appealed to buyers not
to demand huge stocks.
Rep. Norblad Decries
Denfeld Discharge
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 28 (P)
The discharge of Admiral Den
feld as chief of naval operations
yesterday was called "an abso
lute shame" by Rep. Walter Nor
blad (R-Ore), a member of the
house armed services committee.
A meeting of the Marion
4 county committee and the com
munity sub-committees of the
production and marketing ad
ministration was held October
21 at the Mayflower building to
choose 1950 soil conservation
wti-fV'iefi practices and arrange for elec-
. ... ,u ., u,
W t I liuprp in h 1049 nrnffram were
included in the 1930 program
with a few additions. These ad
ditional practices will be ex
plained at the election meetings.
It was decided to have elec
tion of community committee
men the week of December S to
10. The place and time for each
community will be announced
The state office of the pro
duction and marketing adminis
tration announced that the elect
ed county and community farm
er committees that administer
PMA programs in their local
areas will henceforth be known
officially as production and
marketing administration com
mittees. They were previously
called agricultural conservation
The change in name is the re
sult of revised regulations per
taining to the selection and func
tions of county and community
farmer committees approved by
Secretary of Agriculture Charles
F. Brannan on September 26.
The farmer committee system
was established in the middle
'30s to provide local administra
tion of what was then known as
the AAA program. For that rea
son they were commonly known
for many years as AAA commit
tees. However, they were offi
cially reconstituted as agricultu
ral conservation committees in
1936 by order of the secretary
of agriculture.
The activities of t h e former
agricultural conservation admin
istration were combined with
those of several other agencies
in 194S to form the production
and marketing administration.
State committees were officially
designated production and mar
keting administration commit
tees in 1947.
r:: university of
Lampus Clippings oregon
It looks as though Oregon's Bowl of Roses has disappeared.
Despite that, we Ducks are looking forward to the coming
games of the season.
Let s turn our thoughts to campus activities other than foot
More than 550 high school
journalism students and their
advisers gathered at the 23rd
annual Oregon Press conference.
Charles A. Sprague of Salem
delivered an address to those
attending the conference on
"Journalism as a Career."
Norblad said the committee
had invited naval officers to tes
tify with the understanding that
it would not disturb their ca
reers. The committee particular
ly wanted to hear frank talk
about the aimed services con
troversy, he said.
Txas School Calls
Woodburn Lynn E. Woods,
local insurance agent, has re
turned to Woodburn after a six
weeks absence during which he
attended a life insurance market
ing school at Southern Metho
dist university In Dallas, Texas.
He will return to Dallas May 8.
1950, for the senior phase of
the one year course.
Woods drove to Los Angeles
and then flew north to Portland
where he addressed the annual
banquet of State Farm Insur
ance Co., which was attended
by national company officers.
R. D. Wood row Co.
Gil Ward, Prop.
450 Center St.
Excellent Buys
As Well As
Your Every Day Needs
Open 'Til 9 Friday
Open 'Til 7 Other Nitet
Keiier Dist. Across from Cupboard Drive-In
In the Madamoiselle contest for
college fiction. She also wrote
another story, which Seventeen
has sent back to be rewritten.
Joanne Gilbert, another jour
nalism major, has been very
busy this year. Joanne has been
devoting her time to YWCA
work, Amphibians, and writing
feature articles for the Emerald.
Pi Kappa Alpha has Just an
nounced their sweetheart con
test. This is a new contest on
the campus, but is very well
known throughout the other col
leges in the United States. Cany
didates have been selected fronX
each house, and they will be
entertained at various house
"Winterset," by Maxwell An
derson has been chosen as the
first play to be produced in the
new theater. They hope to
open in December.
The Sophomore Whiskerino
committee certainly hit upon
an unusual theme for the dance
Friday evening. They entitled
it, "Stubble Stumble." All the
sophomore boys are getting a
little anxious for the dance.
They seem to feel that a beard
doesn't exactly suit their per
sonality. Barbara Bates has been
chosen as one of the finalist for
"Betty Co-d.". The results of
the contest will be given at the
dance Friday. Josephine Caug
hell has been busy working on
this dance.
Wednesday evening brought
us our first concert of the sea
son. Kirsten F 1 a g s t e d, the
Wagnerian soprano, sang in Mac
Names were released as to
the Oregana staff. Marilyn
Archibald was named to the po
sition of executive secretary.
This will be Marilyn's second
year in this particular office.
Jeanne Hoffman was assigned to
the women's sport page.
The theme for this year's
Homecoming is "Then, Now and
Tomorrow." All the living or
ganizations are busy making
plans for their signs and scout-1
ing lots of noise equipment for
the parade.
Margie Scandling, junior in I
journalism, received a notice of
acceptance Tuesday from Seven
teen magazine tor a short story
entitled, "I Just Can't Help It."
She had previously entered It
SAVE $31800
Accepting Orders Until November 1 See Us Today
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Vacuum Cleaner
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On All Types
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Also Waxers
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Make that wintry - cold
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the Sash you will need for
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ure. Porch Sash will not
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warm; it also will keep
your other rooms warmer,
and you will reduce your
fuel bills.
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Pilots Helmet
The U. S. Air Fore has
just released them ... we
just got them in time for
cold weather! It's the buy
of the year.
Brand New
sw r?r
Top Quality
Leather Outer
Fleece Lining
All Sizes in Stock
Ideal for Cold Weather
Mothers, here is a na
tural . . . the kids will
love them!
Open 'til
9 P.M.
oflfl btrecacO no nuofl gIoExe.
...those that delight
in a beer that's light
choose Sicks' Select
Thes art mellow dayt...
Burning leant...
Harvest moont..,
A tang in the air...
Like Sicks' Select...
Rich and full...
Tangy and light...
Stubbys, Quarts and Cans
by the Cas. Stubbys and
Cans in the handy 12-PAK
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for freshness . From the moment it leaves the ovens until
it reaches you, the freshness of Davidson's Sunbeam is planned!
for texture . Enriched ingredients... careful blending, mixing,
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modern baking assure the delicious Davidson's Sunbeam flavor 1
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