Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 28, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
6 Capital Journal, Salem,
Tri-Y Plans
The annual recognition serv
ice for all Trl-Y member! will
be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Octo
ber 30, at the First Methodist
church. The purpose of the ser
vice is to recognise new mem
bers in Tri-Y and re-dedicate old
members to their purpose as
members of the YWCA.
All parents are invited as
special guests. Rev. Walter Naff,
associate pastor at the First
Christian church, will give the
address and Rev. Lloyd T. An
derson of the First Baptist
church will give the closing
Miss Marcia Seeber, Tri-Y
worship chairman, is in charge
of the service. Those working
with her include Misses Bonnie
Stewart, Dorothy Cannon, Jo-
Ann Beard, Betty Andreson, Ca-
rol Welnsteln, Marilyn Lorenz
and Norma weaver.
Music will be provided by
Misses Marilyn Power and Edna
Marie Hill. Miss Jessica Kinsey
will preside at the organ.
A reception will follow the
service and will be in the Car
rier room of the church.
Shower Given
Mrs. Roth Holtz was honored
t a shower given Thursday
evening by Mrs. Fred Cords. A
late supper followed the infor
mal evening.
In the group were Mrs. Holtz,
Mrs. A. J. Biegler, Mrs. Kenneth
Zwicker, Mrs. Ardo Tarem, Mrs.
H. H. Marggi, Mrs. George
Deane, Mrs. A. W. Loucks, Mrs.
Roy Lockenour, Mrs. Jesse Jua
rez, Mrs. Gus Moore, Mrs. Carl
ton Greider, Mrs. Lyle Bayne,
Mrs. E. A. Carleton, Mrs. George
A. Arbuckle, Mrs. P. H. Brydon,
Mrs. Chester W. Hamblin, Mrs.
Robert F. Wulf, Miss Margaret
Lovell, Mrs. Harry Eyerly, Mrs.
Willard Pederson, Mrs. Tinkham
Gilbert and Mrs. Cords.
WOODBURN Miss Lorraine
Ficek, bride-elect of Edwin Pav
licek, was honored with a pre
nuptial shower recently at the
home of Mrs. Philip Zastoupll.
The wedding of Miss Ficek and
Mr. Pavlicek is planned for
November 19.
dlne Hanauska, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Hanauska of
Woodburn, has announced her
engagement to Frank L. Dul
wick. The wedding is planned
for next June. Miss Hanauska
attended Marylhurst college,
Willamette university and grad
uated from the University of
Oregon, where she is affiliated
with Alpha Gamma Delta.
WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas G. Guthrie of Woodburn
have announced the engagement
of their daughter, Mildred Lee,
to Vernone Schervem, son of
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Schervem,
also of Woodburn. The wedding
will be an event of December
Today's Menu
(Br the Aasoclatsd Prus)
mm .MMMisJiwimi MiMummmr M
Roup and Sandwich Luncheon
Vegetable - Barley Soup
Mam and Lettuce Sandwiches
with Mustard Sauce
Dessert Sandwiches of
Apricot Cottage Cheese
Dessert Sandwiches of
Apricot-Cottage Cheese
Ingredients: V cup dried apri
cots, 'i cup creamed cottage
cheese, salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, '
teaspoon grated lemon rind, nut
Method: Soak apricots in water
over night or until tender. Drain
well. Chop fine with knife. Put
In a small bowl with the cottage
cheese, sugar, and lemon rind;
mix well. Spread between thin
slices of nut bread. Makes k cup
An "encore" every time! AH SOFT center, rich with
whipping cream ... A galaxy of flavors!
Mow $1.50 1 pound-Ready for you to enioyl
Ore., Friday, October 28, 1949
After-Game Event
A group of friends has been
invited to call informally Sat
urday afternoon at the Roger
Schnell home following the Ore
gon State-Washington State
game at Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs.
Schnell and Mr. and Mrs. Rollin
W. Haag entertaining. Among
out-of-town guests expected are
Mr. and Mrs. Bland Simmons,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bower and
Mr. and Mrs. John Jerman, all
of Portland.
Many visitors are in the city
today and tomorrow for Wil
lamette u n i v e r s 1 1 y's annual
First big event to welcome
back the alumni will be the
luncheon at noon Saturday in
Lausanne hall with Ed Averill
of Portland, president of the
Willamette Alumni association.
presiding. Special guests in
clude Chester Stackhouse, head
coach at Willamette; Dr. G. Her
bert Smith, president of Wil
lamette; Russell Tripp, student
body president this year; and
Miss Bo Brooks, Homecoming
Awards will be given to the
alumni coming the longest dis
tance, also to those of the oldest
class present.
Following the football game,
which is slated for 2 p.m. with
Lewis and Clark college, a re
ception is to be given in Baxter
hall to honor alumni, the Salem
Alumni association in charge.
Ervin W. Potter is president of
the local alumnae, arranging the
event at 4:30 o'clock. Mrs. Waldo
Zeller, Mrs. Otto Skopil, Jr.,
Miss Lorena Jack are on the
committee arranging the event.
AMONG those to be in the re
ceiving line at the Reed college
reception Sunday afternoon will
be Justice and Mrs. James T.
Brand. The reception is being
given by the College Alumni as
sociation board of management
to honor E. B. MacNaughton,
president of the college, and
Mrs. MacNaughton. Judge
Brand is president of the board
of regents.
Guild Elects
Labish Center The October
meeting of the Labish Center
guild was held at the home of
Mrs. Gerald Bennett. Members
present were Mrs. Willard Mc
Claughry, Mrs. George Davis,
Mrs. Max Bibby, Mrs. Evans
Jones, Mrs. Wayne Lovre, Mrs.
Delbert Bair and the hostess,
Mrs. Gerald Bennett.
Election of officers was held,
with Mrs. Gerald Bennett
elected the new president; Mrs.
Lyle Klampe, vice president
Mrs. Leslie Klampe, secretary-
treasurer, and Mrs. Delbert Bair,
social committee.
Future meetings will be
changed to the third Wednesday
evening of each month.
DAYTON Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Aker of Brooks and Mr.
and Mrs. L. Phelps of Dayton
celebrated their 35th wedding
anniversaries October 20. The
Akers and Phelpses were mar
ried in a double wedding cere
mony in Montana, and they al
ways celebrate the occasion to
gether annually.
members of the Woman's club
met at the hall Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. Wallis read the
opening number. Roll call was
on "A Summer Experience.
Mrs. Opal Graber gave a report
on the county health meeting
and announced the mobile unit
will be in independence Novem
ber 4. All were asked to fill in
cards. Mrs. Milo Graber gave a
book report on "Cheaper by the
Dozen," after which Mrs. E. D
Long and Mrs. Susan Miller
served refreshments. The Conn
ty Federation meeting was an
nounced for November 18.
Club's Tea
Town and Gown club opened
its new year with a program and
tea Thursday afternoon, more
than 100 attending. The program
was in Waller hall, the tea in
Lausanne hall.
Mrs. Regina Ewalt, dean of
women at Willamette university.
gave the welcome to the honored
guests, mothers of freshmen girls
on the campus, and Bennet Lud
den played piano numbers. Mrs.
James T. Brand, new president
of the club, presided.
At the tea following, Mrs.
Paul Larden greeted guests at
the door and Mrs. Ervin W. Pot
ter introduced them to the re
ceiving line. In the line were
Mrs. Brand, Mrs. G. Herbert
Smith and Mrs. Melvin H. Geist.
Pouring were Mrs. E. E.
Bragg and Mrs. Philip W. Alli
son. Serving were Mrs. Wallace
Bonesteele, Mrs. Henry Carl,
Mrs. Oscar Cutler, Mrs. E. D.
Crabtree, Mrs. Earl T. Andre
sen. Autumn leaves and chrysan
themums were arranged on the
mantel and about the room,
smaller bouquets of pink and or
chid asters decking the smaller
tables. A rose satin cloth cover
ed the tea fable, and the center
piece was a copper bowl on a
copper stand, filled with fruits
and leaves. Cranberry red tap
ers in hand-carved Mexican can
delabrum stood at either side
of the centerpiece.
Miss Perrine Is
Honored at Shower
At the first meeting of the
Hazel Green Sunshine Sewing
club a miscellaneous bridal
shower was given for Miss Alice
Perrine, bride-elect of Roy West.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Virgil Perrine and he is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. O.
West, all of Salem. The wedding
is Nov. 20 at the First Baptist
church in Salem.
The club meeting was held at
the home of Mrs. F. L. McDon
ald Wednesday afternoon. Table
decorations were bronze and yel
low mums showering from a
Present were Mesdames M.
Zahare, R. Gilbert, D. Zielinski,
J. Henny and daughter Barbara,
M. Van Cleve, C. Zielinski and
daughter Luella, G. Looney, F.
Johnson, C. Andresen, H. Hob-
son, B. Kerber and daughter
Jeena, R. Hacken, H. Hacken,
A. McKay, A. McCorkle, E. Zie
linski, P. Saunders, E. Watts, F.
West, V. Helser and son Steve,
D. Walker, V. Perrine, A. Plant,
L. Zeller; hostess, Mrs. F. L.
McDonald and Miss Alice Per
rine. SALEM chapter, American
War Mothers, met on Tuesday
at the home of Mrs. George Pro
for a social.
Some of the members sewed
on afghans for the veterans hos
pital. Reports were given on
the recent national convention
at Sun Valley.
Plans also were discussed for
the state convention to be held
in Salem, November 1 and 2, in
the Carrier room of the First
Methodist church.
Those planning to attend the
convention banquet on Tuesday
evening are asked to make res
ervations with Mrs, A. A. Lee,
V 2V
Wed In Early October Mr. and Mrs. John Sugrue (Mari
lyn Murray) were married October 8 in Portland. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray of Mill City,
Mr. Sugrue, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sugrue of
Detroit, Mich. The couple are at home in Mill City. (Logan
Markham studio, Portland)
Sojourners Party
Event on Thursday
Sojourners club members hon
ored Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard, a
past president of the group, at
their meeting Thursday. Mrs.
Leonard is leaving soon for
Santa Rosa to make her home.
Halloween decorations featur
ed the dessert luncheon tables.
Honors at cards went to Mrs.
Woodson Bennett, Mrs. Richard
Denton, Mrs. Lloyd R. Smith and
Mrs. Brace Knapp.
Guests included Mrs. Richard
A. Smith, Mrs. Richard Denton,
Mrs. Lawrence M. Tate, Mrs.
Donald Huff.
Chairman of the committee
for the afternoon was Mrs. Wil
liam D. Galloway, Jr.
NEIGHBORS of Woodcrest
are to meet Friday at 8 p.m. in
the Salem Woman s club house,
460 North Cottage.
It started
with this...
& wr lb. m
' Petri Wine adds en extra helping of pleasure to any occuion.
Three generations of skill make it a finer wine- richer, more
satisfying. Get Petri Wine today!
faV -'A
VISITING at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Linn C. Smith this
week-end will be Mrs. Smith's
son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. John Jerman of Port
land, and Mrs. Jerman's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Powell of
Long Beach, Calif.
The Jermans and Powells will
be among those attending the
Oregon State-Washington State
game in Corvallis tomorrow.
HOME FROM a three months
visit with relatives and friends
in St. Paul and Minneapolis are
Mrs. Madge Mayhood and Mrs.
Johanna C. Perry of Eola
Heights. While there they took
the north shoreline drive on
Lake Superior into Canada,
also visited the famous iron
mines in Minnesota, enjoyed
fishing in the 'northern lakes,
and took other side trips.
It went
over big
with this!
Special Purchase on Sale
Saturday 9:30 to 5:30
All sizes 32-34-36-38
White with Motif
' Print Front in Dogwood
or "Old Fashion Bouquet"
Slightlv irregular ... but so near perfect you'd never know
whrre the tiny speck or flaw would be found to make these
such big bargains (regular $8 85).
Finest special quality rayon crepe . . . easy to wash and iron,
smart tailoring . . . designed to go handsomely with your
fall suits and skirts.
Short sleeves . . . high neck . . . button back styles . . . beautiful
motifs on front in dogwood or "old fashioned bouquet."
Come choose two or three and save!
In our new fashion floor near the elevator.
Party Due
Saturday Eve
Among hosts Saturday eve
ning will be Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Schlesinger, who have Invited
guests for a canasta party at
their Fawk avenue home. A buf
fet supper will follow the hours
of cards and Halloween decor
ations will feature t h party.
Mrs. J. Weiner, mother of Mrs.
Schlesinger and a visitor from
Portland for a time, will assist
at the party.
Guests will include Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Rogers, Dr. and Mrs.
H. E. Gilbert, Dr. and Mrs. Carl
W. Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Steinbock, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
H. Saffron, Mr. and Mrs. Sol
Schlesinger, Mr. and Mrs. Saul
Bloomberg, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Schlesinger, Mrs. J. Weiner and
Mrs. Max Schlesinger.
Visit Clubs
Members of the Salem Credit
Women's Breakfast club motor
ed to Eugene, Oct. 23 and to
Portland Oct. 25 to attend the
installation ceremonies held by
the two neighboring clubs. Gifts
from the Salem group were pre
sented to the two new presidents.
Salem Breakfast club mem
bers attending were Misses Le
na Blum, Dorothy Walker, Leo
ta Myers, Louise Jones, Anne
Chapman and Mesdames Bessie
Kayser, Verne Robb, and Alta
The first meeting of the new
club year for the Salem group
is being held at Nohlgren's at
7 a.m. Tuesday, November 1,
to try what hundreds of
others have tried at
where you get
For 99C
(including choice of entree
and dessert)
Downtown en State Street
5:00 to 8:30 P. M.
Every Day But Sunday
Card Club Party
In their Walker street home
Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank W. Carruth entertained
the members of their card club
at a dessert and canasta party.
Autumn leaves and bouquets
of bright yellow chrysanthe
mums enhanced by innumerable
candles, suggestive of Hallow
een, decorated the rooms.
The members are Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Southwick, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Larson, Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
McElroy, Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Larson, Mr. and Mrs. George
Penson, and the host and host
ess, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Car
ruth. CHI OMEGA Mothers club is
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Friday at
the home of Mrs. H. E. Smedley,
773 North 16th.
Saddle pockets, bridle belt on a suit that's thoroughbred
through and through. Witness the meticulous tailoring, the
toft-as-heather tweed, the loving attention to detail that goes right
down to the lining. Not less than you'd expect from Sacony
but much, much more than you'd expect from the price. It's
a wonderful buy ! Misses' and petite sises.
1 r
I' Vis hf i
11 rar-vl
.jut"! 's m..iv-'stitilm:i
6 Girls in
The six girls in the semi-finals
for the title of Slmga Chi
Sweetheart on the Willamette
university campus are announced
following selection of the final
two in the list of six last eve
ning. The girls now in the semi
finals of the contest are: Misses
Sue McElhinny and Doris Ewen,
both of Salem; Miss Jean Kell
of Burlingame, Calif.; Miss Shir
ley Griffin, Vancouver; Miss De
lores Fisher, Portland; Miss Aud
rey Bliss, Palto Alto.
The three to make up the
sweetheart court will be named
next Monday evening when the
Sigma Chi chapter on the cam
pus entertains the group.
Reg. $8.95