16 Capita Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED 1DVHT1BINQI Pr Lln. lfte Pr Lin t time 40 Per Lin tim 0c Pl Lin 1 month 12 00 Ouutd of SiImb lie per lln per day Mln. 10c: S time mln. SOc time mm II. 2u No HiliJnd HADERS In Loral New CoL Onlr: SOc per lint To Place an Ad Phone J-Z406 FOR SALE HOUSES Irw-Lau built S B.B. bom N Z. Ph. i-Mj. 2V2 Acres South Two bdrm. house not modern) good deep well, elec. water aystem. Full price 3429S. Terras SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 141 N. High St. Phone 3-760 Eve. Phone 3-451)1 . 3-6605 a257 3 BR HOME Only 16700. Very neat. Dblt. plumb inf. Business lot. B. Isherwood, Realtor 1007 N. Capitol St Office Ph. 2-3862. Eves. 2-2147 or 3-8M7 NEW 3-BDRM. house. All on 1 floor. Beau tlful fireplace, brick veneer front. Hard wood floor and Ven. blinds thruout. Kitchen. breakfast nook, dmine room and living room all face street. Dry full basement, sawdust heat. Not more than t blocks to bus, school, store and church. Can be aeen by appointment Ph. 3-6633. No agents, a 258' REMODELED ft redecorated. IV- story house. 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, utility room, ft bath down. 1 bedroom ft extra room up. Nice lot 2 walnut tree, t Bin cherry tree. Gravel drive way ft attractvie car-port. Near trade ft parochial schools. Phone 3-3020. a257 OWNER must sell, 2 bdrm., 1 year ol 1 Automatic oil furnace, electric dth washer, automatic washing machine Fenced-in back yard. 450 8. lath. a237 BY OWNER CHOICE LOCATION Lovely new 2 bdrm. home. All electric. Fully Insulated. Cloae to school. Bent workmanship and material. F. H . A terma. 935 Croat St. Ph. 4-2021. a259 WHY' PAY RENT? New t BR. home, hdwd. floora, epprox. V acre lot. Very low down payment. Ph. 2-9612. a259" BT OWNER All electrie 2 Bdrm. home. LoU of built -in, laraca and utility rm . 740 Waldo Ave. a258 BV OWNER New, modern 2 bedroom home. Pecan floor. fireplace, V. blind!. Attached garage. Low down payment. Ph. 3-3937, Neighbor's phone a2G0 BDRM. Picture Window, east view, lane living-dining r Larue kitchen Auto, heat, Insulated, wca,ther stripped, basement utility ft garage. Landscaped Ph. 3-5842 or 3-3173. a 259 BE AUTI FULL Y designed with plr.t. win dows, lona lines and wide overhand This new house Is soundly ennatr, of finest materials, sit. on an ideal a. Your choice of a number of Int. ar rant em en ta. Investigate the many adv In buying this unfln. ml. E. of Swede Bchl on Garden Rd. 13500. Owner 3-1039. 2G1 4 ROOM HOUSE with bath, garaie. H acre In orchard. HflOO. No down payment K reasonable monthly payments. Ph. 4l?6. a2r.8 $800 Down Furnished Inc. elec. range, fireplace, b. rm., llv din., bath, kit., nook, Ige, lot, close bus, 34500, vacant. 4 B. RMS. $500 DOWN An older plastered rise. In aood condi tion with fireplace. Well located In N. Salem on bus line. IR0O DOWN 2 B. RM. A new neat home with hdwd. floor, att. taraae. Close to bus In East Salem. E. M. Hunter, Real Estate 170 8. Com. Ph. 3-4648 - 2-5497 a25 BEAUTIFUL VIEW 2 bdrm. 'torn. Full basement, hit r1 wood floors, double fire place. Will sell at real sacnllce. Ph. 1- SHIB. a261" llRITRIIAN for sale. New well-constructed 2- bdrm. ranch style home. Flrmlnc", picture windows, ven. blinds ft drupes. Hardwood floors, wardrobe closet. Hi'ts tered garage. Lane lot. Paved street. Thla house has everything for com for t abla living. 113,200 F.H A. Ph. 3-2217 a25 Englewood's Best Buy 110.000. Nice living room, oak floors, kitchen -dinette, 3 bed r. plus stairway to attic. Very clean basement, oil fur nace, food play-yard for children. Shrubs, lawn, flowers. Call Omer Hulf. Bva. Ph. 3-8843. Investor's Notice I5S00. No. 3 business zone, 8 bed r. home. Living r., frplce. in den, dinlna r., kllcli n, bath. 50x150 lot on paved st. One of the better older type homes. Call Omer Huff eve. Ph. 2-0942. West Salem's Best Buy If you are looking for a 3 bedroom home don't miss this nearl new. Lnrne rooms priced to sell for 65no. inn dn . I .so per mo. Immed. pons. Call Mr, Oreer. Xva. Ph. 2-2451. V. OMER HUFF Ifll Chemeketa Ph. 3-ft091 a25Q BY OWNER, tfl.000. S rm. home, plast ered. Eniilewnod dlst,, partial basement. Large back yard. R12 N. 20th. a2!!) GRAND VIEW $8000 " Owner moving, says drop price and get It sold. We do not believe this home can be duplicated anywhere for the money. It combines a substantial, attractive 2 Bd. Rm. modern home, on a big lot. With a real view ol valley, mountains and city. G. I. MUST SELL Clean 1 yr. old bungalow. Lnrae carpet- wl llvlnsr rm Kilrhsn Jb Hin.il A Jb 15 ft. bd. rm. Car port. Corner Int. I Cloae to bus, schools ft store. 11 000 j down, balance like rent. Price $7900. Call Hon Cleary Walter Musgrave, Realtors 1111 Edcewater Ph. .1-510!.! m Eve. 2-993(1 a2H0 1820 N. 20TH Enplewood District New 2 B R. plastered home by owner Large living rm.. dm Inn rm . kiuncu. nice bath, lots of built -ins HirniiK limit Hdwd. floors, fire jil me. V blin.L-. milli on heat, ait. gar., cement driveway A walk, shrubbery, garden srot. William T. J. Foster 1550 Baker Ph. 3-9S53 a3a VERY ATTRACTIVE 3 -bedroom and den home with bt Ick trim. Very nice location Fireplace, hardwood floors. Very attractive ami un usual Interior Brick pat in Price 10.- 100 will trade for suburban. No. 397. LOOK -hodroom h-vne with full oasemr n Auto heat, nice living ft dinin rooms with hardaood Doors. Fnleood dis trict. 19.500 :th rasv ten. No. 39 GET STARTED!! hi B nice 3 -bedroom Useable. UnrinLMied home. Practically your on don p wientt Locatrd south or north. Near school, bus and stores. REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 101 South High Street P!i. 3-1203 I.e. ft Sun.. 2-1327. 4-38.4, 3-3738. 3-5903. 3-2,J2 a257 HEADLINES T didn't reellre there nere so many of our good people thinking about the noonshlning bu.lne.i tsee Vn! Acreaae Adi but we do have a lood 3 tt It. home, all on one fir., s'thurlian r.vt, nh City Bus Service close to artuvni double arage, chick house, nearl 3 Acres of ood land and Die price ol IRSiw la rltht. Then asin - If v.n rr a imxt faro I y man and l e the FriKle.ord t: trict. and would like a 4 P. II hnu nh I full baths, a laree lot 3 tirei-lares. bsmi.. auto oil heat, brick and tilt in alructlon you can buy one like II I-r around 115.000. Call Crawford for rn appointment. BURT PICHA, REALTORS Office: t-3649 Fve J-53M or J-T4M 371 N Huh St. e.VM Journal Want Ads Pay Ore., Friday, Octoher 28, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES - BUY NOW 1 ACRE 2 bedrm. unfinished house. Oar sue. Price on.y 12850. Call Mr. Voorheea. CLOSE IN. Beautiful settinf among larxe trees: Iota of shrubs. 4 bedrm. hou.se, Large Iv. rm. with fireplace, din ing room, breakfast nook. Cement base ment. Price $14,000. Call Mr. Voorhee. ASK TO SEE this 2 bedrm. 3 yr. old home. Nice and clean. Lv. rm.. dlntni rm., kitchen, elec. dish masher and ur ban disposal. Att. taratie. Large lot. Price only 19450. Terms. Call Mr. Seder strom. ALSO VERY NICE 2 bedm. home with Vn. Fenced in back yard. Close to bus. Call Mr. Sederatrom. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 2-3001 Eves, call: Mr. Voorhees, 1-4007 a239 j OWNER leavin town must sell, l'i acre good land. Lovely small home. elec. wa ter heater and ranne Inc. Lane aarage and small one room house. Family fruit and hemes. Prce reduced for quick sale. Only 16600. 480 Elma Ave., Four Corners. a259 JWOO DOWN. Owner'muit sell" New 3 bdrm. home. 3850 June Ave. One block oil Sunnyview Ave. ft Fisher Rd. aJ.iT DRIVEBY25TH ft let-BT. New 2 BR home, Ue rooms, utll., oil hf-at. bus. school. 38950. Terms. Owner. Ph. 3-7028. a2a" Immediate Possession Four bedroom nlastred home. North, Corner lot. Full basement, oil furnare. Fire place Hardwood floors. Large rocm, Nice and c.ean. II 1 500, $5800 Two bedrooms, living room, dinlne room kitchen i.nd bath. Electric heat. Close to stores and school. Double lot. Consider larner home in trade. For Information about the..-, home ask Mr. R'lber with Edward A. Dyck, Realtor 328 North Commercial Street Tel. 3-5211 Eve. 2-6688 a257 AMAZING If your family would like a new beauti ful 2 bdrm. home st the best of terms then don't muss this at only 17875. Pos s:hlv $600 do -An. bal at 165 per month. F H A, pending. We have the key. Ph. Mr. He In $800 DOWN Vhere el.se ran you buy a 4 year old modern 3 bdrm. home with a large liv ing room. Al'.o has nice size dining rm. for only B750. This Is located on a quiet street north suburban near Hayes ville dial. Call Mr. Tibhetts. S1000 DOWN This nice 2 bdrm. home, plastered, ven. blind.', electric cooking At water heater, attar tied nme. Will trade for uu urban property. Only 17100. Call Mr "rawlins realty "HOLLYWOOD DI3T. Office Ph. 2-4fJfi4. Eve. Rawlins 3-M13. Tib belts 2-7486, Heine 3-7128. a219' Vm. NFW unfinished house In" 4-Cor- ners dlst. Has attached garage. Lot lOOx inn. Terms. t7.Hi. VF.HV attractive 1 bedroom home North. F:i. heat. hdwd. firs. Lot 50x130. $7HfM. NEW home In Kelzer dlst. El. nent. hdwd. ffrs. unfln. attic. Not completely finished. Small down payment. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. Hltrh St. Ph. 3-4121. a259 SI 0.000. VERY attractive suburban home, east on bus line. Very well built 5-rm. home with unfln. attic, garage, trees, lawn, shrubs. A good home. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co., R'ltors 153 S. High St. Ph. 3-4121. a2M OWNER MOVED to Calif. Sacrificing al mas t new 6 rm. home. Breeze way at tached. Larue lot. City water At bus. Low down payment. F.H. A. terms. Drive E I ml. outside city limits on 99E to Ewnld turn rinht to 5R5 Ewald. a2H3 FOR SALE LOT WOODED LOT on paved street. 825 Rat- clllf Dr.. Cleared and leveled. FH.A. City water, bus line. Ph. 3-4284. a a FOR CHOICE residential tracts In Ktnf wood Ills, ft Cascade Terraces, at mod erate prices ft very low monthly terms, sea the original owner ft developer. O A Rohert.son. Ph 3-8413 aa259 FOR SALE FARMS $4000 DOWN 86 acres - East - 2 bdrm. home - 24 stanchion barn - fenced - all In cul tivation - Full price fl2.5ftO. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3863. Evea. 3-3147 or 3-R b358 34 ACRE SPECIAL Oood modern 4 bdrm. house, flreplar sun room, basement, oil furnace view good barn, chick house, br toder. 3 acres pears, rest In onts. wll, very good soil, bargain at 110,500. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters. Realtor 9 fin 8. Commercial Phone 3-319 Eve. 3-M58. h35 mm:' VOIR SHOW PLACE! 16 arre estate, on pavement, suburban Salem. Good prod, loam, mostly bottom, r. anrlng. All seeded. Vr-ry attractive 3 BR home. elec. heat, wall to wall runs .n L rm , 3 fireplaces. 2 car geraue, concrete floor burn tcould be good dairy set-up Your family will love the extra nice setting of trees, shrubs and lawns. IT -(ion and en.sy trrtiii. Pi imiNd ltiVEit firm 63 acres on pavement. E.ist. Ai'prox. 18 acres In VKItY H it'll bottom land. Irrigation possible from yr. stream. Bal. well drained. Wil. slit, mostly in timber, some market able. Big .tucco mod. home, basement, furnace, fireplace. 8 stanchion barn. 500 capacity poultry bid, Well S'llteC for stock or rUiry. Priced Just riaht. at 133 900. f.i.900 will move you in. Will trade for Sulrm city or suburban home Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive I.lstlnes Personal Service 164 8. Com 1. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 b3;7 FOR HALE OR TRADE. 13 acre cult, ft fenced, free water. 3 hou.ses. on- new. Out buildings, 17 miles north of (tra'Us Paxi, Ore. Write W. M, SlaWord. I. Htfhsvsiv Ave. Salem. Ore b.'R FOR SALE ACREAGE It Al'KI'H on p:i- -ar Lake store. REAL ESTATE IIOMESEEKERS' A G K N C Y SILVERTON. OR KG ON HAVE YOtl OIVFN HP HOPE OF FIND INO A tHKiI) TWO HKnH(MM home at a reasonable price' If ao, you must see this two bedrm. home of rerent con struct mn and havlna all modern con veniences Well built nicel located, ghoul 3 years old Also larte shop and earaae with cement floor. A real buy at 15.475 00. 3 Rt Ft'RNISHFD APT and a good hi..in'.iA location All in same bu:lding In Siherton business area, 14.300 00. VFRY OOOD 3 P. FORM MOD. HOME All on one floor, cement foundation, plasleied wired for iane. electric a ter tieitter. f i retrace, a big lot, close In, aee IIilb one for 17,000 00. 3'i ACRE CMICKFN FARM, Close In. 4 rm ft bath, wired for rame, elect, water heater, elc . 24 flfl' cement floored rhlcken house, otlier farm bulldmis pi u-f includes soma furnlshlnas. Price M MiO 00. M ACRES. 55 acres cultivated. I rm ft bitth and full f-et farm buildings In eond c.Midt'ion larae barn, drilled well and sprint, elect nc pressure water vt,,n. price inrlutles t tractor and farm ma chinery, 1 1 J 800 00. Term. WRITE FOR Ot'R Mil 1 lJCT BEFORE YOU BUY Ort SELL, CONTACT The Homeseekers Agency SILVERTON, OREGON c357 Mir. VOI R HYlns investment tut a firi nioris on real estate Salem ft ncinltv t a mine aecuril yourself AmoiiiU tSOC to Mverai thousand dol lar! net trvastora I. We make all col lections tor you U desired STATS riJHANCS CO, IM S. Balfe REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS CLOSE IN SUBURBAN 3 bdrrru . Inside utility, auto-oil heat, to all rm., nka yard, attached game. .s.850. 11.500 111 handle. CALL ROY FERRIS HIGH ON A HILL Located In King wood 3 yrs, old. t bdrm., unusually attractive llv. rm . basmt , elee. heat, fully insulated, beautiful corner lot, treei it shrubs, 13.000 don, bal. 175 per mo. CALL PETER OEISERs FOR TRADE 10 acre bids, sue drilled well, view proprty, good road, suitable for subdi vision. Price 14.300. CALL RICHARD B. ORABENHORST GRABENHORST BROS,. REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phono 2-2471 Ivtnlnt and Sunday Call Karl West 3-00" - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oetser 3-0fiM. c35 REAL ESTATE A l-ITTI.E MONEY will move you Into this neat small cottage on acre, owner miani use your car for dn. paym't. REALLY WORTH 12100. NEAR SCHOOL STORE BI'I. 3 BR home. HALF ACHE, tree. A tl at 14200. Easy term. THIS 4 CORNER & HOME Is lust me deal for your family. Near new school, stores, city bus. Features L ft DRs, mod. kit chen. 3 BR.s. bath, utll., ft fruit rms. garage. YOUR OLD CAR A SOME CASH will swing the deal. Good to look at lor 15400. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com ! St, Ph. 3-8389. Eva. 3-740 e3J7 i V -YEAR-OLD bay saddle mar. Morgan type, veil broken, used to ohildren. Ex cellent dlsposllton. Phone Monmouth 503 before 6 p.m. and 784 after 7:00. C2.-3 ATTRACTIVE NORTH SALEM HOME 113.000. FULL DRY BASEMENT, SAW DUST HEAT, HAS UNFINISHED UP STAIRS. 2 NICE BEDROOMS DOWN. DINETTE. NOOK. FIREPLACE. PRE WAR BUILT, PAVED ST. ft WALKS. NEAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL $9200. A OOOD BUY TN THIS ALMOST NEW TWO BEDROOM HOME, INSU LATED ft WEATHER STRIPPED HOME, HAS DINETTE, LARGE UTIL. ROOM, ELECTRIC HEAT ft ATTACHED GAR AGE. 32440 DOWN. 4 BALANCE. WALNUT PARK 110.500. CLOSE TO DOCTORS' CLINIC, 8 YEARS OLD. VERY LIVEABLE 2 BEDROOM HOME. BASEMENT WITH PLUMBINO. OIX FURNACE. FULL BATH UP. FIREPLACE. LARGE NOOK. HOME IS FULLY INSULATED, COR NER LOT. NEAR LESLIE BCHOOL 15950. NEW WELL BUILT CUTE 4 RM. HOUSE WITH ATTACHED OARAGE, UTILITY ROOM, CREEK LOT. IN THE COUNTRY 113.500. WELL LOCATED. NORTH, 15 MINUTES TO DOWN TOWN SALEM. LOTS OF FRUIT TREES, NEW 3 BED ROOM HOME, LARGE UNFINISHED UPSTAIRS. AUTOMATIC OIL PIPED HEAT. ALSO LARGE 4-CAR OARAGE OR WORK SHOP. NEW 4 BEDROOM 111.500. IN ENOLEWOOD, 2 UP AND 3 DOWN. LA ROE PLATE GLASS WIN- I DOWS. BRICK FLOWER BOXS. EASY TERMS. ED LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. HIGH ST. PH. 3-6680 EVENING PH. 2-8704 - 4-2336 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARB In need Ol gooo houses to sell In or neai Salem If you wish to list your property for gale see GRABENHORST BROS., REALTOR SUBURBAN or country, 3 bdrm. Lome with large lot or acreage that 11000 down, 150 per mo. will handle. Ph. 3-8637. eaass WANTED to buy: 3- or 4-room modern house. 1100 down. 130 month. Ph 3-3217. "31! L I STINOS WANTE D on I few good"" h om es and Business Opportunities. C. A, GIES. Realtor. Ph. 2-7812. ca263 MOTICE! tf your pro pen j la for aaie. rent or exchango, list H with US have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 163 8 High St We HAVE PARTY for 3 bdrm.' home. Near school. Basement preferred. 11.000 cash. 175 per month. CaU for Mr. LeClere J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 3-7756 CB257 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TWO BD. RM. home. Lot7Sx200 In Port land lor Salem. Prefer 'i acre or more. Write box 14410 S.E. Division. Portland . cb258 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LUNCH COUNTER for sale. Call at 1 536 State or Ph. 3-6570. cd2a9 BEST BUYS $1,000 Down 2 bdrm . 806 so. ft. of floor space, oil heal. 50x108 ft. lot. Suburban north, To tal price only 14B50. Would trade for lamer home In city. Eve. Ph. 2-7tt74 or 3-3556. $1,500 Down Almost new 2 bdrm. home. Could easy be made Into 4 bdrm. home. Nort Heist Enitlewood. Automatic heat. 1000 tq. ft. floor space. Very good condition. Bus ' block. Paved street. Total price 19500. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3556. Fishing Tackle Bus. Large stock of firs ft spinners. Equip ment for manufacturing. Well trained employes available, 175 wholesale ate. llt.sabillty of owner forces sale. Will take home as part payment or a frll trade. Total price 114,000, Eve, Pn 2- 7ii74 or 3-I.ViB. $500 Down 5 acres. Modern 3 bdrm. home. Sevral out bulldlnns. 2 acres In strawb-rrlc.;. 15 minutes from down town. Oood w II Rollm land School bus. Total (.rice only (6.00 Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-J5A3. Chicken Farm Close in east. I acres. Modern hom. 32h60 chicken house. 14 JO brooder house. Familv fruit ft brrles. Deep well 5 acres. Well worth 19500. Ete. Pn. 3- 9403 or 3-3I58 A! Isaak & Co., Realtors 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830 or 3-4-ne r:o Manager Wanted Responsible man or woman to manage and sen ire a aenume Hershev Candv, Writ ley Gum and Life Saver candy vending business in this area N sell tn No ane limit Reliability more UiPt than past experience, 11380 invesr. le quired Fully secured. No speculator wanted. Excellent earnings up to iHO weekly prol.t. State if can start at me Write fully. Box 233, Capital Journsl. ed?ft0 ANTIQUE SHOP Small capital required. Low rent. Sure monev maker t;OLl) QUARTZ MINE To lease. Except lonal deal to reliable party L. E. Khunpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 1-734: te. ft Sun. 3-0136 edStf RFI.1AB1E couple to least cafe and foun tain in good location, excellent equip ment. Couple should hai a specialty line and fminc'al means on back ma. See J Bourne Realtor . 1140 14. Capi toi Ph. 3-8J1I. Eve. 3-7217. rd357 BU1NF. bldg. on coast, liso'month in come. Trade for Salem property. Phone oaner 3-7680 or 3-6805. cd280 N. COM'I.. store bkto A t llv rms., 113 Ott Br oaner. terms. Ph. 3-9139. rd3T7 IOT 66x133. "lloo Rloex Bro'adwav St. Tots is the be.tt business property in Salem. Ph. 34843. Eve 31847 cd358 TR 411 PR court II W terms R owner Chas. H Isoort. 1730 K. Waitr St 4in I REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A KEY Mobil Gas service station. For lease In Dallas, Ore. Buy Inventory and tools at wholesale. No blue sky. Contact Warren DoolUtle. Mobil Oat Dlstr. Ph. 3-4819 days. 2-6045 eve. cd257 GROCERY ITORE ft fixtures. 3 gat pumpi ft cabins. An established busi ness for salt by owner. Ph. 24319. Rt. T Box 145. cd358 FURNITURE FOR SALE NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY SATURDAY UNTIL P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICES - HIGHEST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS - FREE DELIVERY YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS COMBINATION H&H FURNITURE CO. 1515 Fairgrounds Rd .Ph. 3-3797. d357 THERE'S A HOi'SEFi'L of furniture for sale at 640 Mill. d257 WANTED FURNITURE IT'S YOUR MISTAKE If you sell used furniture, appliances, sporting goods, household effect with out first getting my price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRICES Ph. 3-5110 for Immediate Results da AUCTIONS CAR & TRUCK AUCTION TONITE AT 7:30 P.M. CONSION YOUR CAR OR TRUCK VOW OR PHONE 3-6098. LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales Yard Located l'i Mile East of Salem 01 SUverton Road. "To Buy or Sell Call 3-6098" dd257' FX RN ITU RE ft APPLIANCE auction every Tues., 8 p.m.. Olennwood Ballroom. I pay cash or sell on commlssilon. Glenn Woodry. auctioneer. Ph. 3-51 10. dd FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BONDED AND LICENSED livestock buyer. E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S. 35. Ph. 3-8147 e257' PETS COCKER, buff. male. 4fc months. A.K.C. No. S331602, 205 N 23rd. ec259 MOORE'S tropical fish large assortment of tropical futh, equipment, plants, food, white ft micro worms, aquarium maga zine subscriptions. Visitor welcome. Rt. ft, box 483. 1 mile past Rickey School on Macleayrd. PhJI-7321. ec257 PEDIGREED collie pups. Female. 2 months old. 470 Wayne Drive Ph 2-3013. ec260 FUEL 1 slab ft editing. Ph. 3-1458. ee T ft Wood. Ph722 BoT ee273 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edalng Fresh Clean Sawdust Green Edslna 35.50 load Double S10.00 Also 16" Green Slab or 4 Phont 35533 EE- SHELL STOVE ft DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186 Shell OH Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor ee27& TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37442 18- Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 12" Inside Mil Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SftB GREEN STAMPS e CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Si Block Wood. Ph 16444 West Salem Fuel Co. 16 D4 DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRT PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN . NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone f lem 2-4031 Abo pick up wood at 1325 Edge water St.. West Salem ce PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash ft maple. C fir. 18" Mnb and ednlnra Ph 31458 ee FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chlcki every Thurs day Order Fry or Heng now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockers Custom Dressing a aped alt j Phone 22861 Lee's Hatchery f LIVE RED FRYERS S5c lb. Nor'h on 991 to lloodview Rd then l wiles ttst UP. NEW HAMPSHIRE chirks forlmmedlate or future delivery Hatches every Tues Fox Hatchery, 3830 Stat St Ph 3-4989 PRODUCE WINTER PEtRS. apples, cabbage ft wal nut. 3490 Rroadaay. If 256 CHOK E SrdtiTft W Dan. an. 3173 box" Pure rider. D. C. Snider, 3505 8. Com'l. Ph. 2-398S. m& FRANQUETTE WALNUTS. Very nice. 20e lb. Ph. 3-6387. ff258 DRIED prunes 10c lb. E. R, Blankenship, Rt. 3, box 960, Ph. 2-0050. 1(260 FIFLD TORN. 1' mile straight west of Keiter school. Rt. 2. Box 134. Ph. 3-1160. ff257 Ell BERT-WALNUT drying. 1 mtle F. Lan caster Or Auburn Road. Claude Mr- Kinney. Ph. 3-16.12. f!358 BriTINRIRG ft WINTER BANANA ap ples Phil Asplnwall, 643 Market St , Pn 3-9419. ft273 FILBERT AND Walnut drying Special ten ice for imall lota Phone 8-3881 fee Hatchery ff HELP WANTED W xNTED experienced turkev picker. Oregon Turkey Oroaera, 496 Basse It St gJMt HELP WANTED MALE NATION!. CORF offer i profitable bul ns opportunity to mkHiie aaeo or o.der men with ear. Write Boi 464 Capital Journal gaJ61 HELP WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER, with gen office expert lence. capable of taking responsibility Box 353 Capital Journal. abJ.M WANTED women nut ahellers. All winter work. 460 N. Front. Klorfem Tacking Company. ab WANTED: WOM4.N 19 or older ta h p with housework ft child "en. Room. bord A good waaes. Reft tenets -auiredPt..3-9440. t Journal Want Ads Pay I AUTOMOBILE) Shortage of Coal and Steel Will Make a Shortage of Cars BUY Them While AVAILABLE 1949 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN $1895 1948 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. HYDRAMATIC ... 1295 1947 MERCURY SEDAN 1195 1941 PO.NTIAP SEDAN 645 1941 LINCOLN SEDAN COUPE 545 1948 MERCURY SEDAN 1145 1947 FORD TUDOR 1145 1941 FORD COUPE 545 1940 FORD COUPE 425 1942 STUDEBAKER SEDAN COUPE 650 CHE APIES 1937 CHEVROLET 1938 CHEVROLET. RADIO & HEATER 1937 BUICK SEDAN 1938 LINCOLN SEDAN 1937 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE 1936 OLDSMOBILE COUPE Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER 845 CENTER SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1937 DeSOTO COUPE, PRICED TO SELL. 1937 FORD CLUB COUPE, NEW BRAKES & PAINT. 1935 FORD COUPE, SEE THIS FOR $59.00. 1935 CHEV. SEDAN. ONLY $85.00. 1935 TERRAPLANE COACH. ONLY $50.00, DROP IN AND SEE THE PRICES FOR YOURSELF. Shrock's Economy . Lot 3020 PORTLAND ROAD PH. 2-7023 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 State Street Phone 2-1488. gf WANTED POSITIONS TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN, 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h283 REMODELING and carpenter work, will take part In furniture. Ph. 2-7460. h259 CARE FOR elderly person or Invalid In patients home. Do soma nouseworK. llOODlal 3-8519. h25fl EXPERIENCED carpenter will do new work or remodeling reasonably. 33 SUverton Road. Ph. eve.I3-9457; h259 IRONING. Ph. 34767 Jilterap.m h2S0' TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 6. Church, pn. a-eui. h260 LET ME figure your butldlnng ft house framing. All of the exterior Mno'-te ready for plasterlnng Including wire lng ft Plumbing roughed In. 13.00 sq ft., labor ft material or labor 31 per aq. ft. We can furnish you a good car penter or brick layer $1.75 per hour. In city or county. L.-W. Rogers. 39133. h258 GENERAL BUILDING, repairing. I special ize In general remodeling Dricx worn, plastering, painting and paperhanging. Nothing to large or too small. Reason able, free estimate. Walton 3-5072. h258 INTERIOR PAINTING. Exp. Ph. CHILD CARE. 183 S. 18th. Ph. 28876. h273 . WOODSAWING t-1575 . . BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. repair. Ph. h265 CEMENT WORK wanted Ph 2-4850 h BABY SITTING. TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing Ins. op. Work guar W. H McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h261 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S 665 North 16th. Phone t-3643 CHILD CARE day or br. Ph. 2-49 40 FORRENT ROOMS NICE WARM room. Inqulrt home. NO. drinkers. 743 N. Church. Jk3i9 SLEEPING ROOM with private bath lor gentleman. 654 N. Church. Jk258 SLEEPING rm. 370 Bellevue. Ph. 2-1477. Jk259 LGE. 1st floor sleeping room. Hot ft colo water. 461 N; High. Jk259 HOLLYWOOD, 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-6093. Jk282 WELLrRNCaleepWttrm "Close In. H.VC water. Men only. 737 Center. Jk258 ROOM WITH BATh7 Close In. Gentleman. Ph. 3-4791. Jk38" QVKT WARM sleeping room" Men. 8?5 N, Winter. Ph. 2-8835. JUtfl LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room for gentle man. Close In. North. Phone 3-3028. , JkJel LG. PLEASANT rm. Walking d'stawe. Prlv. entrance ft bath. EmP. man. No smoking or drinking. Ph. 2-7707. Jk258 Jk274 PriT. ent. Jk278 MEN'S W 4 R M ileeping room. Ph. 33423. 1505 N. Capitol. SLEEPING RMS. Refrlg. VERY close In sleeping rm. Ph. 3-7811 Jk263 PLEASANT furnished room. Hose In. Ph. 2-449! Jk25 ROOMS 448 Center Rear Woodrow's Jk379 FOR RENT APARTMENTS S RMS. FI'RN., utll. pd. 135. Tel. 3-7370. I or 2 resp. adults. JP257 NEW COVRT apt.. 3 rooms ft bath, elee range ft refrlg. Call at 1348 S. 13th. JP358 MODERN AFT. beautifully furnished. 170 a month. Water ft laundry factMlfS furnished. Full insulated, hdwd. floors Adults preferred. Call 3-5763. lp3S t RM. MODERN turn, cottage. plO-'SU. Jp2i7! Dl' FLEX, '7ae. rm. turn,, 130. Adults. Oar. Ph.3-7377 eves. JpJSa LAROE 4 rm." apt. " Utilities furn. V. blinds. 1960 Maple. Ph. 3-679; etes. Jp338 3 RM. Et RN. apt. Will take children. 2310 N. 4th. JP23I- apt. Close In. H. L ir 3-7030. JP237 1 I ARC.R 3 rm apt. Inqulrt after p m . 373 Market St. Jp37 BIO f RM. turn apt. for 4. One smaP ant 115 mo. 160 Union. Ph.2-9835. Jp3i!f 2 ROOM 4 FT. downstairs, furnished 1"3 N Commercial. 1P357 Ft RNlsHro" cottage, 3311 Portland rd FOR RENT HOUSES t BDRM. HOl'SE on S acre. Barn, lane chicken house A double aerate Family orchard, no a month. Ph. 3-41J8. mZS' tu SMU.I. HOI sr. 150. med. ho ise. S'th f'iwe in on Wallace rd Some furnit ire Adud Inquire 430 Union. m.'i 8 BPRM HOt St furnJhed. t'i. Wi Ml" u ot Sua. JmJU . AUTOMOBILES PH. S3012 FOR RENT HOUSES S BDRM. HOUSE. Double plumbing. Close In. On bus line. Ph. 2-4950 after 7 p.m. Ac on Sunday. Jm258 t B R. HOUSE, 145 per mo. Ph. 3-9659 before 7 p.m. jnVJ59 NEW modern2 B R, home, S60. 345 Jeffer son St. Jm236 t BEDROOM home with one acre ol ground on bus line close to school, no objection to children. Can be seen 4 ml. east of Auburn school, Rt. ft, box 224 or call 2-5114. Jm35$ WHY PAY RENT? Build your own home. Lots 31ft down 115 month with water ft lights, clj.;e to school ft bui, nice location. Ph. 3-3289 General Real Estate 255 Center Jm2. NEW S RM. house ft Partly lurn. Nov. 1, bath. Electric heat. 1947 N. Church. j in:. 58 3 B.R. HSE. Elec. stove, refr.. rugs furnished. 370 per mo. Or ssle S26O0 eq uity for 11100. Includes all furnHfre. Has basement furnace. Close to school ft bus. East Pen Four Corners, last hou. on Hudson Ave. Jm258 Not mod. 62 Jm257 SMALL modern 2 bd. rm. house, south. For lease $65 per mo. Ph. 3-9310 after 6 p.m. Jm257 NEW t bedroom. Completely furnished. Oil furnace, elec. range, refrlg., washer, new lawn and shrubs. Close to bus and store. Five minutes to town. 3715 June avenue. One block north of Sunny view Ave. and Fisher road. Jm257 FOR REN1 MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR space on State St. Desk space on Marlon St. Ph. 3-8482. r LARGE Ft RN. trailer house. Lights ft water. 3225 SUverton Rd. J257 U DRIVE Trucks. Ro'jlnson Shell service. Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. J BUSINESS RM. tor rent. H. L. Stiff. 1' Uontcomerv POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Howser Bros. Ph. 3-3640 I- TO DO a good Job rent a good floor land r We acta everything to omplcto the lob HOWSER BROS. - PH. 2-8646 I' OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. I TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Bowser Bros Ulu 8 12th, West Salem. 1 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines Reasonable rates. Free pick up ft delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com I. Ph 31312 r WANTED TO RENT 3 RD. RM. house. North, 355. Ph. 2-3438. JB259 WANT t B.R. house for elderly couple. Writ box 498. Capital journal. la237 PHYSICIAN family desire-3cr 3-bdrm unfurn. house. Ph. 2-0319. Ja358 WANTEDTO RENT,hOiise and p!acefor poultry. Box 496, Capital Journal. Ja?5 Bl'SINESS man ft family desire 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house. Write box 493, Capital Journal. la357 I OR t BDRM. partly turn, house, on bus lln. Ph. 3-4844, apt. 4 Ja357 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD ft ROOM, ft do washing for el derly people. 145 month. Ph. 2-2376. JJ359 ROOM ft BOARD, cheap. 3 blocks from city center. Inquire 746 Mill. J)259 OOOD HOME and care for small child by week or month. Ph. 2-5674. J1239 BOARD and room. Ph 3-8706 1)258 L0ST AND F0UNP LOST; Plain white gold wedding band. Near post office and court house build ing . Notify Oertrude Fisher. Ph. 3-3072 k339 LOST: Yellow, brown pearled glasses, tretn leather case. Reward. Ph. 3-3856. k.il LOST: Door and mall box key. on Grey hound key ring. Between 700 and 1300 block on N. Com'l. Pauline at Senator Hotel Coffee Shop. k251 LOST or stolen: 6 mo. old cold colored Persian kitten. Called Mr. Smith. In the vicinity of Knapp. Reward. Ph. 2-8659. k257 LOST: LADY'S large plain told watch. Double cord band. Near the police bldg. on High ft Chemeketa. Reward. Sadie Longland, 1409 N. Church. k257 9TRAYFD or stolen, around 3300 block on N. River Rd.. Friday eve. Small abort haired tortolsa female cat. Reward Phone 3-1-20. k357 9TR4YrD or stolen, shaded sliver slan k:tten. S mo. old. Liberal reward Call 654R. S'aTton. collect. sUT" MISCELLANEOUS 444 Court Hi 2 70 POWER TOOL RENT 4L: VALLEY FARM rrOHE. 4345 Silver too Rd. Ph 3 -3024 B1339 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY 8 IIMIjJCR- DENTIST Adolpk Bids State ft ComiaerataJ Sti SALFM-Pnone 8-3311 an BUILDING MATERIALS PERM 4-9TONI for fireplaces and home 1 Salem Perma-Stone Co . 3P40 B tltn St. Salem. Phone 3-0403 after m Ba3f3 AUTOMOBILES Super Values at Bargain Prices YEA! THE PUBLIC HAS SO ENTHUSIASTIC ALLY APPROVED AND ACCEPTED THE OLDSMOBILE WITH ROCKET MOTOR HYDRAMATIC IT CAN TRULY BE CALLED THE OUTSTANDING CAR OF ALL TIME. WORTHWHILE TRADE-INS ARE COM ING IN, IN UNPRECEDENTED VOL UME, CONSEQUENTLY THESE BAR GAIN PRICES, TO INSURE A FAST TURNOVER! 1949 Ford Custom Club only 800 miles, all ac cessories $ 1595 1948 Pontiac Convertible very low mileage, (perfect) f 1885 1947 Pontiac Club Sedan all accessories, one owner $ 1150 1947 Pontiac 6 Torpedo Sedan (just a peach) $ 1190 1947 Studebaker Champion R e g a 1 Sedan, (perfect) 1185 HERE'S TRADE-INS ON TRADE-INS 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan f 1195 1947 Olds 66 Sedan Hydramatic drive, 2-tone blue $ 1455 1942 Olds 78 Sedan, Hydramatic radio, heater, (perfect) $ 945 1940 Packard One-Twenty Sedan a dandy ... $ 665 1939 Ford V8 Sedan very clean $ 415 1931 Ford Model A Roadster look, only $ 135 MANY OTHERS AT LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE 465 Center St. Phone 2-7978 2410 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2-1490 VALLEY MOTOR CO. PICKUPS 1941 Dodge ',4 -ton. 4-speed trans. 1941 Dodge -ton. 1937 Ford Vfe-ton. TRUCKS 1947 C.O.E. stake body, 2-speed axle. 1946 Chev., 3-specd Brownie. 1946 Chev., 5-speed trans., 2-speed axle. 1946 Chev., Hi-ton flatbed. DUMP TRUCKS 1949 Ford. 4-5 yd. box, 2-speed axle. 1948 Ford. 4-5 yd. box, 2-speed axle, 3-speed Brownie. 1940 Chev,, 4 yd. box, 2-speed axle. WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS-ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept. LIBERTY AT MARION BUILDING MATERIALS ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS. 40 gal. Bargain. Fiber Glass insulation in roil blanket. Use In walls ft ceiling. C. O. Long. Ph. 3-5821. One mile north of Kelser. ma260 WRECKING HOUSE, Chemawa irea" Building material ft plumbing for sale Also house 10x16 suitable for llvlna. t'O Must be moved. Ph. 2-6869. tna2j7 PLYWOOD Large stock, 5 thickness, your chol-e of material. Compare our prices. C. O. LONO. Pb. 3-5821, One mlla norm of Keller. mj257 Used Windows - Doors Streamline windows with frame. 17 50. 1 panel doors 30" wide with frame H0 Hundreds of sash. C. O. LONO. Ph 2-5831. One mile north of Keizer. ma260 Waterproof Wallboard 3 thickness, 4x8 sheets. Perfect for kit chen, bath, utility. Can be used as floor over cement or shlplap. C. O LONG, Ph. 3-5831. One mil nortn of Keiier. mn2no SHINGLES No. 1 17.75 so. NO. 2 .1500 sq. No. 3 S3.00 sq. C. O. LONO, Ph. 3-5821. One mile north of Keiier. m257 NOW 19 the time! Call 3-9191 for free estimate on applied roofing. Oet roof ing weather protection before It rains. Sears Roebuck ft Co.. 350 No. Cann.il St. Phone 3-9191. ma 275 RED CEDAR shingles No, 1 2x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices. IS In. No. 1 carton packed cedar wall shakes. Ted Muller, Salem-Indep. road. Call 2-1198 Sa lem. m a AH MA - LOCn AL0MINUM LOCK jHtNOLB. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer of Call Dlst 3-6401 ma272' SAVE OW ROOFINO Lei Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of eolora Call our outside salesman for (re as tl mete Phone 1-3191 MONTOOMFRT WARD ft CO. SALEM. OREOON ma DEAR Cl'STOMER. Insist on your con tractor ano carpenter using the finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber in Salem. On hand at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 31 Lana Ave Ph. 34439 Free parking. ma" NEEDLUMBER? To assure yourself top quality framing lumber, at rock bottom prices, why not let us bid on that next job. WEST SA LEM SAW MILL. 1030 Wallace Rd Ph. 3-9193. ma282 SIX M FT. TRUSSES for Immediate re- moral, pn. J.9.1S or 3-659 m'-it (fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED EI.PC. RANGE 129 50. Used elec. ranae 3J M. Used comb, gas ft ood ranat 439 M. 337 N. High. Ph. 2-7H1. LIKE NEW ft. Gibson refrlg. with treerer shelf. 1170. Ph. 3-1706. n259 WELLINGTON PIANO and bench, Verr ood condition. 1690 S. Cottage. 259 ILEC. WASHING machine like new. 73c n. i7in oi. oijg NEARLY new Gibson refrtg. Can be seen at isn't N. com 1. 1200. ni9 CLOVER ha. Gtod and ereen. Also some .est years cnesp. Phone 3-1973. Rt 7 box 264. Salrm. Ore. ti2H ADDING mach:n. 4 -col, ft. C. Allen. Lrke sew. Ph. 1-4411. tva. t.3S9 AUTOMOBILES PHONE 1-3147 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2 -TO 0 H.P. WARDS ENGINES Single cylinder, air-cooled, precision built. Quick starting In any weather. Crankshaft has double tapered roller bearings. Develops rated H.P. at low speed. 4 H P. size, only 396.54) WARDS FARM STORE Trade ft High Sts. Salem. Ore. n357 ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana art. n357 KING ALFRED SOc dox. Asaleas I for tl? Merrill's Green House, Brooks. n25l DAVENPORT bed. oh air. elctrle range, gas range ft refrtg. Automatic oil fur nace ft double sink. Ph. 3-6363. n358 WOLI.ENSAK 8X telescope, coated leni. 37.50 with case. Senator Camera Shop. 23 4 N. High. Ph. 3-3028. n381 BABY GRAND piano. Fine cond. Left !fh us for sale. A bargain for quick ale. Sea at TallmaiVs. 395 S. I2th. n361" 5 RM. SIZE even oil heater. Reasonable 1344 Ferry St. t3ll STEEL CLOTHESLINE posts, railings ta' stock ft made to order. 1145 N. Liberty. B241 Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES PICK UP AND DELIVER W DAVENPORT PH. 1-7671 D263 SIMPLEX deluxe Ironer. 230S Lea St. Ph i t.251 THERM ADOR electric heater with fan? Cost $87. Sacriflce:Ph!2-1137. n256 LEONARD refrlg. In excellent cond., I9.C Trader Louie. 3055 Portland Rd. n357 OVER-STI FFED llWngroomIUltT Rust color. Very little use. Worth 1250. Will sell for 189 50. Trader Louie, 3033 Fort land Rd. n257 BED DAVF.NO, good condition." 3295 Trl- 5Bl.f ..-? B2S1 WALLINO SAND ft GRAVEL CO. crushed rock for roads and driveways, cement ready mix concrete, tardea and Buildoilng. drainage and ditching. V-yd. shovel and drag lino Ph- 3-9349. B ONE 10-inch tlltrnt arbor table saw tW. W. 1', H P.. 3400 R.P.M. motor llftl Ph. 3M nJ81 lootl SHARES of Yamke Mining etoek. To highest bidder. Ph. 1782-J Albany or wrlteBox1740West Queens Ave. nl!7 BOY'S AND girl's bicycle. Reasonable. PhT 24731 or 1396 N. Liberty. n237" ELECTRIC ranee ft Ford panel. 3014 Lee St. Ph. 3-7947. 257 ELK RIFLE. 30-06 Sprlnef leMportVr with scope, 183. Trader Louie, 3033 Portland td rt2S7 BRYANT gas furnace, M.M0 B.T.U. used - 1 mw-.vy eheaph. 3-9414. n347 StWINO Machines, electric ortreidle"" Service on all makes. Ph, 3-7671. n261 TREADLE SEWING maehlne72 pr7wom. en's western riding boots, black m 4 brown sire 7, 1 pr. women's westrn rid-' lng pants, slit 14. 3 girls' coats i t2 Scout Master suniform. Ph. 2-4377. 2S7 I9i EVINRI DE IoVh"pwtboardnnorT Like new Sold boat, don t need motor. Cut 4276 50. first 1175 cash take it S'e Senator Oaraae or Ph. 3-4016. n3M C.4s RUNr.r Excellent e-mdltlonT ri 104 E. Wilson. fiil7 (Continued on Page 17)