Slocks Decline Up to a Point New York, Oct. 28 W) The stock market went into a slow - decline today after an early ef fort to rise. Losses were small for the most part, a few running to more than a point, and a good many issues tacked on small gains. Chrysler stood out with a rise of two points at one time, fol lowing an increased dividend and excellent earnings report. A substantial amount of bu siness was done, with turnover at the rate of around 1,500,000 chares for the full session. Among the losers were U.S. Steel, Goodrich, Lockheed, Ad miral Corp., Allied Chemical, Southern Pacific, Standard OH (NJ), and Paramount (old). General Motors and Bethle hem Steel tended upward, with Woolworth, Douglas Aircraft, General Electric, Texas Co., and Loew's. STOCKS Am Pom ft Lt Am Tel It Tel AnironcU .. Bendlx Aviation .., Beth Steel .... Boeing Airplane ... Calif Packlne Canadian Pacific. .. Caae J 1 Caterpillar , Chrysler Comwlth St Sou ... Cona Vultea ... Continental Can ... Crown Zellerbacn . Curtlae Wright Douilaa Alrereft ... Dupont lie Nem ... General Electric .., General Food ... General Uotora .... Goodyear Tire .... Int Harvester Int Paper Kennccott Llbby McN & L ... Lone Bell 'A' Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator ., Nat Dairy NY Central , Northern Pacific .. Pac Am Fish .... Pa Gas & Flea .... Pa Tel & Tel Penney J O Radio Corp Rayonler Rayonle! Pld Reynolds laetal ... Richfield .... Safeway Storea .... 6ears Roebuck Southern Faelile .. Standard Oil Co . Studebaker Coip ,. Sunshine Mining Trftnaamerlca .... Union OU Cal .... Union Paelf.e United Alrllnea ... V a Steel Warner Proa Pld . Woolworth . . . 7 . ll'i . res . SJ-ki . S9' . 23 . 41 . 31" . ta". . Ic . Si's . n . i . . . ST, . la's . IIS . n i. . 40'. . m . 4fi . S'i . 23 . 32 . 14S . 33si . 10 'i . 1IH . lJ'i . 32', .100 . 52S . U"i . 24'. . 304 ,. 20 . 38 ,. H '4 . 43 ,. 44 . ' ,. 24S .. 10i ,. 13 .. 37 .. 32 Apple Buying Slows Portland, Oct. 28 OPj The government's apple buying pro gram in Oregon and Washington will slow down next month. The U.S. department of agri culture set apple purchases at 16 carloads in Oregon and 192 in Washington during the No vember 1-20 period. This month the government bought 27 and 233 carloads. MARKET QUOTATIONS iaet lit. 00 uu 11000 1 16.00 tm tlfttitKk Mark 119 00 to rttxatir Unhl 111.00 to a ...ttl.00 tO UBITM, flOOtJ tlM-tQ IMr 119.00 to PortUatl Picflaro tOrfftt Tintltni. itiDltct to lmm- dlttc chfttiM Prtmlum qutlitj mixlmuc to .31 to 1 percent ftclalty dellvtrtd in Portland le II aeor ll-Mc lb., to corn. 61-600, SO tcore, 54c Vallay routfi Bd country point 3c ! than tint Butter FOB bulk eubei to VholeitltriL fTftcU 03 unri. Il can La : A 91 acort Ut B 90 tcor. IM lb.; C U Mora, 50c sVbova prlcH rt Otrtctly oomlnai. CbooM (Vlilnc erle to Portland whole.. alt: Ortfoo .Unfit 39-40e, Oregon I m loal U3: triplet 1 law than llDCl Ecu (Ta WhalMaHri) AA trada imci fll'-esW; A medium, 49-M'aci aradt B Uric-, 1 1 tic: mall A iradf, 42c. Portia Hi Dairy Market Butler Price to retautr9i Orade AA prlnti 17c. AA cartoni 6bc. A print 67c A eartorta Ho; B print toe. Ct Prices to rs tiller! Grade AA larie, Iflc dot.t certified A lane, 6&c; A large 18c: AA mpdlum. 80c: certified A, medtum 499: B medium, 41c i A amall 42c; carton tt additional. Cheew Price to retailer. Portlnna Oregon singlea 39-Uc. Oregon loaf, a lb loan 44'V4M lb.. triplet. i eenti lew than alngle Premium brands, single 91 9 Ik-i loaL U PaaltrF Lite tblcktna - no 1 quality fob nlinu, No. 1 broiler under 1 lb. 30-24c fryers 3-J lb.. 26c. 3-4 lbs., 2ci roasters 4 lbs and over. 27c: fowl. lASt.ortit 4 lb and under l8-I0c over 4 lbs 20c; colored fowl all weights. 32-23ei rooaUr. all welihU, 17-lBc. Rabbit Average to growers, live whites, & lb.. 18-200 ib.t 1-0 lbs.. It-lit ib.i colored 3 cents lower; old or heavy does. and bucu. twac: iresh tryera to Butchers 40-S3C. Counlry-KHUd Meat veal, too Quality JO-M n.t other grade according to weight and quality with poor or heavier, n-ise. Hoes Light blockers, 37-28c; sow. 31- J 43 Lambs Ton aualltr. springers, ll-40c; mutton, 13-14e Beef: Oood eows. Ju-22e tb.t aanners- cutters, 2022c Freah Dressed Heate (Wholesalers to reuilers per ewtj: Beef sUers. good 500-100 lbs.. 149 45: commercial, 135-39; utility, $31-33; utUlty 927-31. Cows Commercial. 131-33; utlllti. 137- 10; canners-cutters, 123-28 Beef Cuts (Oood Bteers): Hind Quarter, 194-551 rounds. 148-81: full loin, trimmed. 173-78; trlanble. 333-34: square chucks. io-42; ribs, 952-55; lorequarters, (34-38 veai ana can. uooa 937-40; commercial. 132-35: utility 128-33 Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs. 141 48; commercial, 838-40; utility I3J-3S. Mutton: Oood. 70 lb, down, 816-18 Pork cut: Loin No. 1 1-12 lbs. 850-93: ahoulder 1 lbs down. 939-40: spt re ribs. $47-50: carcaaxes. $33-33; mixed weights $3 per ewt lower. Portland Mlscellaneeas Cascara Barb Dry llt lb., green 4c lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45e lb Mohair 3m lb on 12-month growth. nominally. Hiae caives, 3oc in., acooraing to weigni, aips asc io., beer n-iac lb., duiis 8-7c lb. Country buyers pay 3a less. Nut Quotations Walnuts FranQuettes. first duality lum bo. 34 7c; large, 32 7c; medium, 37 2c; second quality Jumbos. 30.3c; large. 28.2c; medium, 20.2c; baby. 33.2c. soft shell, first quaiuy large, sv. ic; meaium. ao.ic: sec ond quality large. 37 2c; medium, 34 7c baby 23 2c. Fllberla Jumbo. 20 tb.l inrga, lte. fnnim x email. 1 jc Soybeans Lead Grains Down Chicago, Oct. 28 i A late sell-off in soybeans weakened the rest of the grain market to day, repeating the pattern of the previous session. Soybeans lost a couple of cents on the drop. Bookings of around 250.000 bushels, coupled with splendid harvesting weather, weakened corn. Wheat and oats eased with other cereals. Wheat closed H lower to H higher, December S2.13H-H, corn was Vi-t lower, Decem ber $1.1634-7i, oats were l low er to Is higher, December 7 Hi, rye was unchanged to lower, December $1.412, soybeans were 1 'i lower to 'j higher, No vember $2.22 'j-3,, and lard was unchanged to 22 cents a hundred pounds lower, Novem ber $10.05. fjXsEJ Chew Steak, pFH?j Corn. Apples! Art you unhappy becauat your falsa teeth allp? Then try 6TAZE, remarkable new cream in a handy tube. 0JTAE1 enable thousands to again bite Joyously into a Juicy steak or even eat corn on the oob without fear of plates Unpins;. STAZE holds plates tighter, longer seals edges tight help keep Sut food particles. Get economical W TA3.B. Money-back guarantee D0N7 CLOWN AImojI Stibbffv otfty Cera Cm SALEM MARKETS Caanaleted (rem rr'ts af Baleia dealere far the gaidanre af I'aaital iearaai Readers. B?lsed dally). Retail reed Price: Est Maib 14 90. Babbit Pellets 93. bslr Peed 13.70. Paallrn Buying prices -Orade A color ed hens 33c. grade A Let born bens, and up. 2T-IDC- Orade A old rowtere. l-e 18-lOc; grade A colored Irjers. three lus Cgra Baying Prltea BTitre lane AA. 84r: larte AA. He; larie A, 90-59e: mednum AA 40c; mdUm A. 89-4M: pulleu. 3I Jc. Wheletale Priees Pgg anoleiale price 8-le abort the prices: shore grade A senersllr euoled at I4ci medium, Wc. Btitterfat Premium 04-8lVe. Ne, L 03c i No 3, 87- 69r; (buying prices) Batter WboleiaJS grade A. 17c: re call 72c Pert land Uvrtleek Portland. Ore.. Oct. 38 0)i Livestock: Cattle Friday salable 90: calve 10. hold over eattle snd calven 100; moMly cleanup at weak to lower price. Hots Friday salable 10: market torn In): undertone unevenly lower. Sheep Friday salable 90; holdover 100; mostly odds and end: no early sales. W U Bonfire Fired Too Soon One portion of Willamette university's homecoming pro gram, usually the high event of the activity schedule, receiv ed a serious setback early Fri day when unidentified persons touched off prematurely the bon fire slated for firing following the noise parade. One of the largest piles of de bris ever collected for a home coming celebration which stu dents worked diligently to ac cumulate on the Bush pasture athletic field went up in smoke and flame. Somewhat cha grin ned but not at all daunted through the loss of the original pile of combustibles, students went to work gathering a new heap. It won't be as large and as hot, but there will be a fire nevertheless. President C. Herbert Smith learned early Friday morning that the freshmen had been on the Job cleaning up the campus, as directed. When he emerged from the front door of Univer sity house, official residence of the president, he found the front porch heaped high with leaves. Although the schools are only three miles apart, Santa Clara and San Jose State have met but three times on the gridiron. Cfelrar. Chicaao. Oct. IS ul Llvaaloca; mark.t: Hots salable 8.0D0: market 25 to 40 cents lower on butchers: closlna slow at full decline: sows mostly 2i cent, lower! top 17. Ta: bulk aoo4 and choice 180 to 300 lb butchers IT SO to 17.15: some food and choice 180 to SOO lb butchra IT. 50 to 11. Ts: some good and choice 100 to ISO lbs 17.2 1 to 17.50; most tood and choice sows -5 lbs down 16.35 to 17.00: a few around 17.35 450 to eoo lbs 15.00 to 11.00; Indications food clearance. Sheep sslable SOO: shipper. In market and food and choice native lambs strrtu to 85 cents hltthcr at 34.00 to 24.50: top 24.50: culla and commons 19.00 down to 15.00 and below: clearance broad: yrsr llnrc absent: sheep strona; slauchier twos S.00 to 11.00: mostly 8.50 to 10.00 on common to aood natives. cattle salabte 1.000: calves 200: slaw. slaurhter steers and heifers uneven, steady; cowa steady to wesk: bulls stead: vaiers active: lew hurt aood and choice calf club steer yearhnas 34.00 to 40 00: few lots fed steers and yearhnas 26.00 to 32.00: load lot, short fad 600 to 1150 lb ateera 19.00 to 33.00 on both killer and laeoer accounts; part load aood 850 lb mixed yeerllnaa 28.00: beef cows is 50 down: cannera and cutters 11.50 to 13.75; medium and tood aausaae bulls 18.50 to 20.00; odd head food welahty fed beef bulls 18.00: medium to choice vealeri 25 Ml to 39.10. Oregon Turk lor Inonu of Turkey Gene Malrcki's Idea to send Oregon number one turkey to the number one man of Tur key is getting national atten tion. Malecki, Salem man who Is promoting the Pacific Const tur key exhibit at McMinnville, re ports that the Mutual Broadcast ing system has scheduled a spot on a nation-wide hook-up when Malecki and th$ turkey reach New York en route to the Mid dle Eon Following the McMinnville show which ends November 18. Malecki will fly to New York. Then he will proceed to Belgium and then on to Ankara, capital of Turkey. President Ismut In onu of Turkey has promised a welcome for him. Malecki will take with him the grand cham pion gobbler of the show, plus two dressed birds for the presi dent and his secretary-general. Governors of the 48 states are also receiving Thanksgiving day turkeys from the show. 17. at the ala of U year Surviving art on dmihtfr. Mr. 'Ha Wlutr Lonlvlm,, Wah ; thrfa aUtfr. Mr. Hit lie ripe Funk, Comers Rock, Va.: Mr. Hattie Burton and Mri. Bertha Loop, botti ol Sslrrn. (our brother, Hoy Coniioy, Rembrandt, Iowa: Llda and Oreek Counoy. bolli of Elk Crrrl, Va.: Olen Connoy. Salmi: and two grand children. Donald md Carol White. bot:i ol Lonsvlew. Warn. eVrvke m be held Sat urday, October 29. at 10 am. at t?ie Cloui h-Bar rlcn rhaprl with Dr. Cne.-ter Hamblln olliciatini. Interment in Zena cemttrr. Darlnda I-arretla Brook Uonnda Lucie! B:v,kr at the re.. dence at route 1, box 111. Brooku., October jo. bi inr ate oi yrar. ourvuisi oy husband. G rover Brooke of Brooke, tlx children, Inn Hrooke and Sit a Brooke ol Kan City, Kmvaa. Mrs. Robert Huston of Brook. Vernoh Brooke and Willitrd Bnioke ol Borlnulleld. Mo., and Mrs. Troy Sw i mler of Sunklon. Calif : three ala ter. Mra. H. Buchanan. Mrs. William Murray and Mra. Cynthia Duncan, alt Freano. Caul i four brother, E. O. Wallace of Llndey, Calif.. J. ft. W Hi lar and S. J. Wallace, both of Ava. Mo., and T. A. wallaca of Bmoim. N. J.; and IS arandchlldren. Member of the First Nararene church of Salem Announcement of service later by tht Howell-Edwardi chapel. OBITU ARY Capital Journal, Salem,, Ore., Friday, October 28, 1949 15 under tha auxplcea of tht Woodbura post of tha American Lei ion. He la sur vived by three alstera: Mlaa Adele Bauer and Mra. J. C. Carney both of Elm wood Park. Ill, and Mrs. Reea Beynoti. Chicauo. a stepson, Walter La ns inc. Balem, and a stepdaughter, Mra. W. Werner, Orania, Cat. Donald Brick Plant Burned at Donald Donald, Ore., Oct. 28 Fire starting in the main building of the Donald Brick and Tile com pany destroyed the plant about midnight Thursday with fire men able to save the kiln and storage shed. Loss is estimated in excess of $10,000 with insurance. The two-story building was 250 by 100 feet and owned by Joe Fisher of Donald. The loss included all equipment in the main plant and also the mixing machinery. Fire departments were called from Woodburn, Aurora, Canby and Hubbard to aid the Donald department. Fartlana1 Grain Portland. Oct. 18 (JPi Cash tmlni Oats. No. 1. 31 Iba white lfl.10- hartev. No. 2. 49 lb B.W., K5.00: No. 1 flax 8 90. Ca.h wheat (bid) : Soft white 1.19i! soft white laxcludlni rex) J.H'i; whlta ciuo z.ib: western red unquoted. Hard red winter: Ordinary S.lBVi: 10 tier cent J.lB'ti 11 per cant 8.10 Vfai 13 per cent 3.20. Hard white baart: Unquoted. Today 'a car racelpU: Wheat 4: isrley it flour 1: corn 7; oats 1; mill fed 1; flax 3. taaan I. Snvder Aurora Funeral lervlrea for Loaan 1. Snrder, Tl, will be Sunday afternoon at t o'clock. In the Miller Funeral home. Au rora. services will be conduct ed bv Hermea lodie No. 56. Knlthta of pythtai at th Aurora cemetery. Mr. Snvder was born In Aurora. October 24. , 18"I, a son of tht lata Crtarlea and Chris tina flnyder. tarly Oreton Woneen. Tor a number of years he maintained in terest in the firm of Will Binder company. Aurora merchants, and upon retiremrnt devoted most of hia tlma in farm!ntt. Ha also aerved In the Aurora post office, for some years as aasmant clerk. Ha wax a member ol the Kniahts of Pythias lode, Pythian fltMera lodee and Maplewood Granae. He to survived by his widow, Mrs. Belle Bnvder, one son. Csrl of Aurora: two bter.v Mri. Jnnu M. lOussie' Wilt, and M:ju Emma J. Snyder: and one broth er. Earnest J. Snyder, all of Aurora. A daushter. Miu Jean Snyder, preceded hlra In death a number of years aao. Arranxe menu are m care of the Miller Funeral home, Aurora. Antaa Raaer Woodburn Service will be held Bat urday at 3 p.m. at the Rinao chapel for Anton Bauer, SB. who died Tuesday at his home after sufferini a heart attack. Interment will be at Belle Passl cemetery DEATHS Kate Smith Kate Smith at tht ratldenct at Uaclcar Oregon. October 37. Survived by a daugh ter. Dorothy Dencer of Macleay; two sons. rred smith of Tacoma and Ranee Amlth of Salem: and a aranddauahter. Mri. Grace Udeen of Tacoma. Services will be nem ai me w. t. Rladon ehapel. Saturday. October an, at 3 p.m. with concluding services In tht Claaaett cemetery. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson will officiate. Hattlt T. Tomlln Hattlt I. Tomlln. at tht resident 39b Brownlnx avenut, October as, at the a of 68 years. Burvlvlna art two ions, Gordon R. Tomlln of Salem, and Oeorte Tomlln of Reno, Navada: two brothers Archie Wolvarton of Arllnston. Va.. and naipn lomun oi rrineviut. Or won; and one trandchlld. Member of tht Calvary Baptist church. Services will h at the Howell-Edwards chapel Saturda. Oc- toDer , at 11 a.m., with Rev. Crrlea Durden officiating Concluding aerricea In Be 1c rest Memorial park. Alfred Stredwlek Alfred stredwlek, at the residence at 900 Evans ave.. October 37, at the ase of 80 years. Burvlvlnx are the widow, Mrs. Ida E. Stredwlek. Salem: three daughters, Mra. Carl Ross, Mlnot, N. D.; Mra. Prank Palm er. Laurel. Mont. t and Mrs. Rosle Palmer, San Francisco; and a son. Allen Stred wlek, Mlnot. N. D. Announcement of serv ice later by the Clout h-Bar rick chapel. John Calvin Connoy John Calvin Connoy. late resident at 481 Union at., at a local hospital, October W htm if USE BELIEF FOR PIMPIES, SKIN ITCH, RASH, ACNE IVMANTin TO MUlVt M TOUR MONCT IMS ' At All Fred Meyer QQ Druf Sections 70C $$ MONEY $$ FHA W iH Real feaUtt Koam Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 151 8. Htfta C Uf, 6-tl6 M-ttt Why Suffer Any Longer The Mber fait, use out Chinas rtmedlu Amailni succaai let I tot rears io China N matter vltb mbv tllmenta you art affiietad disorder tlnualtta bean lunaa tlvet stdneya aa, toastlpatioa ulcers, dlabetaa rhtusaaiUm fall and bladder, fever uia. ftmai aoenviaiata. CHARLIE CHAN CaTTNIil RI CO OMI.e I M r.e ..a laV M K Owaseial.1 utat oalim. oatv Palmistry Readings WlU tell your put present and future. Will advise on Under New Management 171 a Commercial Tarvatt, 17th Century masterpiece ol South Indian sculpture riir Treasure from India J. d India,'- most treasured tea f V vlxxV Slow-grown on the high slopes of the Himalayas (PjSffSJvs , 13 Bonded with choice garden Ceylons and Indias V A I B Picked at their mellow, ripened best I Jj' ' I ty) Va Ik tf! To bring you the most distinctive tea Havor I v flfl r'3fe n'' f'ee "tA toY- m bSs or packages. Itli I S&M JTSlsi I'lf 0 Pricclcii 8th Century bron AvIoIc(tctvAra from Ccvlon. Courtesy o( the aMuMum of Fine Arts, Boston India's most treasured tea PATE NTE D Bin-bottle! U. S. resent N. t SI, 807 ACTUALLY IMPROVES Mr. Boston Fine Wines i I f a ) ' MUSCAm 3 1 s ) QUART MR. BOSTON WINES OF CALIFORNIA r Mi. Boston Diititler Inc.. Boston, Mia. y Understand Your Illness By By J. H. WILLETT of the Capital Drug Store It yon don't completely vinriVr stand what the doctor means when he explains your illness, ask him to tell you again, or better than that, learn a little more about it each time you make a call. When you fully appreciate what the doctor is trying to ac complish you will naturally be come more co-operative, and just that concentrated effort io overcome illness will no far to wards making you better. Medicine is usually an im portant part of treatment. You will want the very best in drugs, accurately compounded, so take your prescription to a pharma cist you know will give that service. Copyright Tbla la the 519th of . aeries .f Editorial advertlaementa appearing In Ihla paper aeh Frldar. Capital DrugStore State ft Liberty Phone 3-31 IS Pay Later on "Elastic" Credit means just what it sayj . . . credit that stretches to meet your par ticular requirements. If you need dental plates, you can get them IMMEDIATELY and pay for them, on accepted credit, on weekly or monthly budget terms. PAINLESS PARKER laaana wi iiiiiiViiMarrV' Ijif V.ii--ii irTV Don't delay needed Dental Work! Just come in at any time most conven ient to you for an examination. Work can be started AT ONCE. No waits! No delays! Wear Smart, Modern Dental Plate while paying! Modern dental plates are lighter in weight, easier to wear. They are more natural in appearance; look more nearly like your own teeth at their best! ALL BRANCHES OF DENTISTRY PLATE WORK EXTRACTIONS FILLINGS CROWNS INLAYS BRIDGE WORK Plate Repairs While You Wait! MO MIL Dentist 125 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Telephone Salem 3-8825 Offices in Eugene and Portland also In all principal Pacific Coast cities I