H Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, October 28, 1949 DOUBLE TROUBLE Af Ntwswtrf.rwS By WILLIAM HOBSON Chapter M Rovr Boy had com mor Uia thirty miles during the night, h was full of water and unfed. Bl he reared and plumed and the Jay got him turned, sawing at th Iron laws, and the great blood e Morgan settled down to a Ion running lope and began to eat u. the distance between him and thos two horses now far out on th' plain. Jay felt the surge of hit treat muscles and watched anxious ly for the first signs of sweat tc appear on withers and flanks But Randall had already said thai Rover Boy was a cold-blooded devil in whose veins ice ran, and Jay now knew it to be the truth. He Was a "cold'' horse. They covered halt a mile and then a mile and then another mile. Jay drove him on, conserving his wind and letting him set the pace. Three hundred yards behind, Harry Beltner laid on dull spurs to try and hold the pace. . But there was no holding the pace with a horse that had begun to get warm now and work off (he water in Its sleek belly. Jay gave him his head and the Iron shod hoofs rang out and Rover Boy settled down to the Job of overhauling Blue Star. It went on mile after mile, and now the big stallion's breathing began to be Deard above the pounding of his Iron-shod hoofs. He was showing lather along his flanks and around the bit In his mouth. But the Steady drum of his hoofs never wavered and Jay Allison knew that he was riding his greatest ride astride the kind of horse he'd never race again. Two miles ahead, the plain flinneled Into a shallow draw with ridges climbing up In a V on either side. He knew that Miguel not three hundred yards ahead and rowellna Blue Star cruelly wouldn't dare try to turn aside. That would give his pursuer a short cut. a chance to catch up He'd have to go up one of those ridges and tt would be there, In the climb of winded horses, thai the test would be made. If Miguel ever got his mount over that ridge, Jay Allison had the feeling that his race was lost. Be watched them draw nearer and nearer, cedar-studded and ominous. Lily Belle was still hold ing up well because of the light weight she carried and. In that last quarter of a mile. Jay turned Rover Boy loose and gave him the spurs, roweling him hard along his heaving sides. The gap began Im eins and the race went on until, not more than a hundred Lards from the base of the ridge, Jlv Belle atunbled and fell, .jay saw a etoud of duet with four feet sticking up In It: he knew that Lucln's hands were tied to the saddle horn, and a prayer went out of him. Poor kid, he thought. I guess It wasn't In the card for her any other way. He drummed past and saw only the mare, struggling to her feet and dragging a limp figure, tied by the wrists to the horn. He wanted to stop, but there was nothing he could do now. Rover Boy was running his great race anrt everv foot counted. He saw Blue Star's heaving, lather-cov-rreA haunches start up the slope and then Rover Boy, fifty yards behind, was hitting It too. Up, up, they went, and Jay caught sight of a dark face turning back, or a gun spouting downward. The Mexican raider was shooting at the horse. Rover Boy's sides were heav ing, hi breath was labored and taming with a shrillness that told tl a warning. Jay dug In the spurs nd the great beast responded in one final burst that carried him up. Just as Blue Star's haunches disappeared over the ridge. Jay lipped the ridge, and then ducked and dived out of the sad dle as the shot slammed past his head, wild thrown. He saw Blue Star down on his side, belly heav ing convulsively, saw the man who faced him with a flaming six shooter. Jay fired twice and missed. He fired a third time and missed at a distance of thirty feet. Some thing Inside, him said, Steady, boy aim and squeere them off. He aimed and shot the horse ilef squarely In the oehy. As llguel fell Jay shot him twice .lore. A sound came from behind, and e turned. Rover Boy stood out ined on the tip of the ridge, his reat barrel heaving, nostrils flar ng; something magnificent etched n moving lire that said he was ting or an his domain. The great Iron-Jawed devil had run Blue star down on his feet Nearly an hour later Jav rode back across the flats, leading Blue aiar. ne saw two norses aneaa and two figures on the ground Harry looked ud. Lucia s head in tus lap, as Jay lumped down. "How Is she? Dead?" he asked anxiously. Shes got a Dulse but I can' bring her out of it.-" There happened to be a can teen on one of the saddles. Jay wet his bandana and began to oatne her face. Present v she opened her eyes and looked up. jay, sne wnisnerea. "How are you, Lucia?" he asked oreatnies6ly. She struggled to rise, got weak ly to her feet. "All right. I think The mare fell But threw me clear of the saddle. She went up on ner Dacx put ainirt roll over me It's my wrists. I was tied to the saddle horn,' Her wrists were a pitiful sight to .. je: raw ana Dieeaing and begin nlng to swell. She went weakly m uny jseue ana Marry lurnea "Jay, she's beautiful," he whis pered breathlessly his eyes shin. lng. "Marrv." Jav Allison said sol. emniy to cover his feelings. you tell Mike Randall that Rover uoy ran Blue star down after half-mile start, I'll tangle with you. It would break Mike's heart.'' (Te be continued) 2441 SIZES 12 40 c ififil Fuhlon Favorite Two big fash ion feature of the season are brought together In this frock! The lower out nec Kline iramea dv soft collar. And the back godeu panel which releases a swish of skirt fullness. No. 3441 is cut in sizes 12. 14. 16. 18. 30, 36. 38. and 40. Size 16. 3 yds. 39-in. Every home sewei neeas ine r all WINTKK JFAHHIOH bOUK delightful. Inspiring presentation of the best In fashion. Over 150 smart. practical easy-to-sew pattern de signs for all ages. Price just 30 cents. Send now for your copy. Send 25c for PA ITER. N with Name. Address and Style Number 3tate size desired. Address Capital Journal. 214 Mis sion St., an irancisco a. cap R2845 yWEriesSr I rSUtWMiiSE.CUPCAKP HIT AND I T I-DONT KNOW. STEVE 7 PHONE. 1 FthiS IS "CnOKES B-BftS Tl W IT WA PnMP fi v ... ll I I lUAiid TK-UCT aCi"i0 C-a1 (TU CBAH L.l'n CCBI IJIitl. E vaaiI. I tu J I .v oi..nc:rt ci Qv dn-rr-cn I v. sm . I'll aaa. a. . as a. & aa aaaa. A I 1 al I POlVOE VTJUR fTRKY LITTLE Hmt SQHH ALCI VTTH -H MRS fcWAWNSKI WE K0VE Jit OUT. FOB THE EVENINO -l T I RADIO PROGRAM. I t mmmsrP T ' ttd H buster "yj AjrowLjsal r soggy kirj jfy I I 1 1585 WhA vv?fci VI l&Mfiars M WiLM " I kgw i koin i kex i kslm koco A-ah VvK r N-fvtS WYaV'sJSfte rl, rJ' n IV MB hJti !.vj1 c d(-s. rsitr..-iii. fc- .tL., .. lgi,.:.; ...ri, .r.n,-..r t , -- , I . I I I a I ,t m- -auj (Li Z :lms.. ( WM p.c. Smith rt H.. fctr.lihl Arrow SHS . r.r.illli If I i I I I I 8:30 Orrhrtlrs Th. fi.ldh.rtl Mow rBI Wt.l th. B.n SMS C.rrtlli. I II II II C L':0j;i''i's! Th. O. Iaft.ru Tour TBI Btttl th. B.pd SMS - C.rt.llto i .-j i i i ... jv'.. ... rw r is : r : 'L K" ! ? ."i! ". " I S Y ft 1 I I 'i i - I ,',-T IXL , I -'i';'' O . 5:Jo!H.nrr M-.n B.ul.h kv..l.m Ski.. Si.. I. SHS . C.rvallU I I J 1 . I I 1 I 1 -rK? ... J T " ."V (:4.ilHir Mortis Kliih Wmtn Skl.t iMu.U M.w. . . . ivi X U ytfSt' ' Afl 10:OOh. n.r.i (Tst.r rtn.l Slrh. a.port.r rail. Lrwl. Jr. Warwick Th..l. " Ii . f Y fYi) L A (-4 VLVyili' y LjiA lOllSlcrr-jt, rhole. Sp.ru .tllsht ntrm.ii. B.I..I ft.wa vr.rwlek Tb.xl. . . . y. .1 f . . - - V rl . . . .( Jy. . y. 1 7. ' j. yf" . -7 A . A'-X? IQtSllSportl Flh Mt-IU Concert Hor N.w. Huil.ToaW.hl t i YYYYy ri) j "VVYYj SAYY 'MU VYWTv ?aM Yfr ''YVn ""rt YY io:4itrch..tr. v.. .n n.ritc.., ho ch.m. s.i. ..i. y.. w.nt u I vrf 'III w m" 1 I 1 Vjy l,i Hir7Vy viU "? I 1 J A1 M n :... 1..- s,v,t..rusii,rt.. - " 1 JX I I II "tfcf I vbAv v"Wi . ' ati !:'5" tti Lr.n. ph. r..,t n..i. NKt.ra. , S FmE Ji rSW- W tt-f SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:43 P.M. err -k m w rVf v jxs m s;P2,s:j m- ess ps?. er i X K1 rH V-rU (7A fete" Hi" !"H K"-w... Tl- ESSS 5!"! I I I M Cabi r I 5:30 Now. jNew. Ur..kr.it on Bre.kf..t G.nf Homci en L.n ,f 1 .,M..,..w...i. ..y.., iwinW- . 7:15pia" -on..m.r ..! th. Fl.. TOmu Eiton.lon S.rv. ' f i i 8:00 Fr'S W.rlns Kew. Mhoppor'a p.rraln Counter Bomlnlielnl ,-.rr-,.'J. -"rZJj''r7jJ'-- a I .J IBJ tBJL V--4I 1LJS 1 'lul -osal i:lBFr.il W.rlnl Mf rrot.n sp.rl.l klowi Brmlnlicln. D t .A T.Yi-i. --mSm m t Ef , . I r, , V ., t B 8:30 Smllln. Junior Mil. D. Af.nl H.r.a.f R.tt W.it'n MoloSiu tf-.rf r 'ii. -TW- '.J B , RGGER MAVee VOy NEED A ka, H TRV IT I AND GET I NO'NOlNO! HoConnell bunior Ml.. Et.n.rch Ad. H.r.n .1 Ba.l lel.naa aie.r. t W WHy, VOU CHEAP BUM- T JO UP I POR D THIS BUSINESS 1 SAAN'S TQycy ANO I W VEg (3BLETS tXHI 1fcKU f STOP IT T V-nn M.r. I... frhjiiro-.! bli'l'Tcan. Kth...rM... p.i.; ? tTBIBO TO KILL VOU9 WISE-- tH? WHV NOT? IB NEEDS A MAH. GUESS rrS TIME R ft ALL OUER TH- DECK I II ROTHDC vrjUM f, . i" E MSlS! wji" mS-1"" PV." .V,,.. I LEBT HER HERB FOK DEAD- WHO" GOT A I TOUCH- I VOU HAD IT- JfS .v 8:30 BeaSln. la fnngr.nd C.nlrsl Tojland Tunaa Poalor'a C.U Hail. Wllkaal " u I NOW SHE QOT A OOOO BETTER gWHT? I .. -fA T S'" ' ' 7-.- ITtr I jL'4lw'wj br.nd C.ntr.l T.yl.nd T.naa S... Bld.r. Wordj (V BUSINESS COIN , - TST7r!r5"S;k"4"' ) IV; yl ttJvQ-? f.lf",n I0ni 0.r Kara .f Nrwa Marin. B.n TXZ)r?r? lr I BTri 4 ysy)f---vr (ft r lafA I tet-V I lfl:30K'Porl Am.rle.blra and Tak. It.ra .( rroudlr i.'.n..rl r Kl 'M)MmiffuUTti KUJ I 81 I Ki'.T; fiV" II I'll IIK.II, 'in Ul,l S I fftyiWlV ( frTl WI llO:4liKoprt Earona BIT. and Tak. Tomorrow H.Hall F.Torll.a I i Mtfw 'Mi. LiM t', ;S"J3 M nTOJNMrJI Hisfea . rr tens s1 a WiiU.i iw wi Miu i l li LiWl.NWI uiiite isa is: iiissftMi! r;:r I I.IJVj Bl V II r.VBr Vi .' m ra r i Hf, . ur.1 u iu iJ D AT 7 ITir UIA I Plr"-'---- :L. 1--. - . NI'K n liTrtar' l ,'! I I ijev ll'l 1 n .11 mg s-k v-r 1Z:(KI aaara rootbaii iwi r.ia.-sHU rop Troa.a JlTVaX eanll I f llliJ& J ht! VA Clllii!.i lfr-LA'V'l 'Wl V-ci 12:15 ta.ln lot.ll Molh.r Know. r.aaa-SMU S'owa NHI aMI.' XW-LU 1 li p-f UlTzs4r In I I Sj'l I - wCii? JX. J -x TlVB 1?:?H r.iln Football Boat r.iai-SMU W Nowa tjHLSrf'm" f I If &-gfr Alii iffflitLWrl 1'K ffvynrl'y f-.)! XlLl ":5 ""'" r-aallr rrtr ri.-SMU Bob Bborlr I luVaw! .V 1IB';3 VTnwXC rJ4'4g" 1 1 II -I g r..t PjifJfJpT w21wl W jVoOEaafn Football rainllr rnrtr Toaaa-SMU Han on raria J w I LjrlVI i" 7 VnnwM-. Tf CK I:15Eaot'n roetball New.p.p.r Tpina-SMU Han on r.roi e J I I IB I JW 1 I I lH BP" VY I 1:30 E.it'n ros'.ball Nowipapar rei.a-SHU Mowa f I r"""l .1 H. kU rU MIX E 1 t r I 1 i:45 .at'a rtbhll r.rt. U.-ldaho roaaa-S51U OSC - WSO V-A f IrEErV A II Fl II K W C 11 I t:00'L...I. fun. U.-Uab. Toua-SMU OSC - wsc r .---1 1 t J ihj LnnBiSwaJ I aw Ml nw awaa nhnf aahaawmsa hwmnwl 1 .noawK 1 2:15 Toun. Port. D.-Idah. Tea Si crnaapata OSC - wsc " 1 sanawn i I mm nwawal J I'M Orrconlana Port. U.-ld.ho Toa and OSO - V.80 I VOU CAM KEEP WmAT ABOUT DONNAn-TI fANOTEUL WER X r5EC .TUA.T NI I'oKaV.POP- ILL TAKE MITTnSTI -S!?-? ?Lse-,sJ YOUR APPaNTMENTlDO VOUTWIMK jWELL.tf ITS BECAUSeVwON'tSOUNO) VOUft APPOMTMErJT ?:?? o"riai.r Kit ? '!.. jo.ti.. osc " JfsS J T I WITH WILBUR.DAD. SHE'LL ENJO VlttJUST VOL) HAVEKfT S VERV GOOD, WHAT MAVE r SoInbc ph.n Port, uind.ho (laia c.noen oso . wso H ITU I5rt WJITU- VSriklS - ITMUITUN POPAWT TUPDOirpOCk UJILI ITT . 1 arST TO lnVJLV A j S:45NBC Sraphonrir.rt.U-ldah.JaisConc.rt OSC WSC M . LT1 ; L!W. VZ. .f '"Tm 1 rV5-i)U xz'f l DIAL LISTING. KOAC 550 1 .L w I.' -I XAVI I r7 AUvJ NX Vf VS I iV'' 7 A nrJV Hovaklat 1:H, Ircnlnt Farni Bonn 8:00. 8 L ,l(!W-7r ' M ViXkAI I I L TViyrol f k W VifcjJ I AM f SM I A.V.V Roi.arch p.rti S:15, Hcra'a to Vottranai HtrW'N. L-pzlL IMLr-.- Eastern Sfar Chapter . sS3?SSi;. PAiH3L I IISs'feFrKS?!SSSisl Enlertains Visitors L goixj' im Hf.al:'--, 7 tuoi X II Y-X had some sclf- S. X iJ.n, rr to get a RISI f a 1 .ver7 l rViA COWTROC, it vmWT you 1 f rlaPlB8.. it out of you.':' J If I I the N A v. neip irau nasty ( ain't r-r-rr- xDii fl LITTLE. KIGMIE.S.':'' fifl ErTJTWINBROTHEI? JUUU. I THE KEJCT CAVl rNnufl I1TFN .TFFFI VTI I 1 Isui DFCPMRiC PAU A I Z' ll-l.- -j . 1 ' ' I I I ' ' w I IK Trtc i v mi mi 1 1 i i M I IS STAVING WITH JEFF I I AND V0UR BROTHER ARE 1 OTHER TOO MUCH 1" . 7 iC rvC..' 1 U r. UbfflM r.k. Z I- T r " 111 "'""W . IPSST-,JUiJ CONFUeiOHyESTERCiAy MAKE VPURSELF f iKrZlJ XiVu ' T All Cff'ioO I RWD HIM THE FIVE BUCKS L00K CWJVhimS - Cirt Hankies! These dainty and dl(Irent hancikerchlpl decorations will oleass the most fastidious Dfr- on on your Christmas list. Color- lui pansy, delicate sweet pea. irisn rose and deltiihtiul daisy are cro cheted In tinted cotton to match the pretty edainf. Pattern Envelope No. R3M5 con tains complete crochetinR instruc tions, material requirements, stitch illustrations and tlnlihlni directions for lour edgings and Insert Illus trated. To obtejn tna pattern, tend 10c In COINS, giving pattern number, your name address and ton num ber to Peggy Roberts. 138 Mission 8tret San Francisco 1, Callt. r . s x i OSC wsc OSC - wsc OSC - wsc iHcmmin.war ICurtaln Calla Sat. Serenada Sal. Bor.nod. Sat. Bcranad. Sal. Sarenad. At th. Onora At th. Opart S'CWS S'arr Band ai. MatinM Nat. Matlno. iat. Matin. Sal. MatinM wrj . uo wu Lac kvu Lac WO LdiC Iwt . LC l'U . LSiC nil LAC WD - LSiC kpotllta Maala Hpotllta Mual. Curtain Calla BSnawsaaSSSaaT' :itH,it.:i.lJ Of. PC Tt- GHOTrVeS&S' N I SACK .V T BOAT r r pnaiTvuT'LL wcco FVTDvanove ' ' x FINE! LETS - 1 IPLFASE CALTV- LET 1 M'eTORB VvIce THTOU6H TWE FISH IS OKAV NOW, MONK. HEX! IM SHUTT1N6 OFF THE MOTOR ANt? R E S?AVw5 Jl BUT Foi NOW I VVAMTOU TO I FLH" NEW PACIf N6 IN THE PPOPELLB?-WE M4V MivE POUSW6 THE LI6HTS. WE LL WiFT 1 iSSuiajJl HY0U yl HELP PFTCRS LOOk ATI? STUCF.N6 BOX ANP T16HTENEO THE T0 6ETOUT IN TO SHORE. I CWNT WANT no U ANPUELPI V PATTV ANDmTsS BEI 6ASKET AROUNP THE PERISCOPE OF THE ESAV J TERHlS TO BE SEEN VET. 6ET SlmCT rapw'rr pnnaMwAhoiaannn I'. l . . ' J . . ' ' ' OUR NEWCAR0J Wtr)T ) fOU, INSTANCE, MARTY 9. I 1 MEAN- LIK,t HOW DID IT ML ID 60 UP IN Jllllii MER HANNIBAL H0BB1 BETOPICAl.BUNNV.'.. -ANNOUNONTmr!TMOF M "CONGRATUIATION!, ft" roat"'W I MAMA- WITH THE PUMPKIN RtFERRIN'TOBIo QUINTUPLET" OR ON YOUR FlRT jUPINTHtAfRiOBUJlT f F0RTHE EMPLOVEEV if M -EVEN-T IN THE LIVE5 V -HOORAVlWCfbuNbAMOU-St." A, OUIGHT '.' . ! T MUfT HAVE $EN FUN TO rMV J HALLOWEEN PARTY- -ea . Of AV M O."PEE0y RfCOVtRV FROM YOUR Ms W7"M T SUV- ' V -rif I KOAC A.M. 1:0. Ncwai 1:1s. KapaaUllp l.r Woaaam Th. C.n..rt R.lli ):., Mawai 11:11. Noon Farm Boon 1:0. Bid. In Cowbori l:S V.lc. mt lb. Araart ttts, OSO - WSCl :. S.nra et Wt :, A Dayton Electa Chapter, No. 29, OES, met for regular com munication, in the Masonic hall. Members of Knowles chapter were guests for the evening. Other guests were from several chapters. Harry van Bakel of Eind hoven, Holland, gave accordion numbers. He is the nephew of Mrs. Katherine Oaks, and came here four month! ago to mak his home in the U. S.. Other entertainment was a humorous mock wedding, put on for the benefit of three new brides of the chapter, during the past summer. The honor guests were , Mrs. Robert Dorsey (Roberta Hackworth) and Mrs. John Becker (Lois Hibbs), Mrs. Fran Trusty (Phyllis Sweeney) of Cottage Grove was unable to be present. Following the "wed ding" the worthy matron, Mrs. Russell Coburn, presented each with a gift from the chapter. II. N nth Inf ti. Cut qtf 14. Expectant ACROSS L American Inrlinn , Blading fabri. ,5. L ""clpatlea . Take out 16. Epistle. II. Shoulder: JS River In comb, rorm Poland II. Th. birds 14. Frosted 15. Swamp IS. Assurance IS. Reply 10. Afaacullna nam. It. Domeatio animal 22. Shattered 19. City In Minnesota 10. Chars. WHO ass 43. Tleldliui 47. Anger 48. Turkish reft. ment 49. Bsaeball team to. Gibbon 5 I VL Ills lJE IJi k I. A P OpA'N dPo n sit T PsfnnrW' rrl"'F I I fHi mIiQaKin ep liB 6 TpRTUjT N P eTpI OlN I O NfJIII IgOW AB CN N tlC T Sflo S L O JitlImI T in. Farm bulldinf 61. Repair .0. vyur bz. Minn W. lopas num to. Tale DOWN 11. Kind at rock 1. Couch Solution of Yastarday'a Ptiula M. Catch alfht at I. So r. h S. Draft 4. Orch.atml direction aot to play 'm. p " w i IT I96 sf Ww 6&Al I 1 1 lln 1 1 wrTT AS N.wif.alvr.a I. Stat. . Br T. Oaur. X. Orients! treaa I. Old French coin to. Went ahead II. City la HollanS 17. Dacre. o( th. sultaa 19. Pal. IS. Cleanslni sirenU XL Silvers of skin on th fingers 24. Wicked 15. Valley tl. Rlnsinr In atrument 27. Medicinal plant II. Exultlnf tl. Out. Ida eovaiw In IS, Rowing Implement IT. Lukewarm IS. Medlt.rran.aa 41. Doff naiara 42. Weird 41. Rotating mechanical part 44. Pnlm lest 45. ITumsn race 46. Be the Inatta with ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Ahem I ASKED VOU ABOUT POUR.-ALARM COLEYi t IHfc ULS-M- ritoMIINO FIRCMAhJ. BECAUSE IM PLANNIrJG TO ARRANGE A AAATCH WITH HIM AND ALPY rCR ALFyS DEBUT AS A CONTENDED fOK THE HEAVYWEIGHT try i.v i Y'MEAKl THAT LUMBERJACK" SSi 1 ikii r.cc vm 1 taw ficr PERMISSION TO SET UP A TALL PINE TREE IN THE RING FOR. ALFY TO CLIMB WHEN FOLEY STARTS TO SWING HIS QUICK-FREEZE RIGHT t