Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 28, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    Dallas Methodists Observing
Centennial of the Church
Dallas, Oct. 28 Sunday tervicea in the Dallas Methodist church
will begin a week-long observance ol the Centennial of the church
here. History of the church dates back to class of Methodism
formed along the Rickreall creek in 1849 by Nicholas Lee follow
ing camp meeting in Corvallis earlier that year.
Dallas Churches
Meamaalt Brethren O. H. J ant sen,
pastor. Sunday school. 1:44. Morning wor
ship, 10:4ft. Miu meeting of Ins Dlllli
TDOftlutie Crusade In CUB church, a 30.
Plrst Christ. aa Ken nsth Johnston, pas
tor. Biblt school, 9:4ft. Mornlnt worship,
11. Messste by Mrs. Ooldlt Ferguson,
Uichcr of Bible In the schools, re How -hip
hour, Christian Endeavor, :30.
Kvenlng Mrvict, 7:30. Youth night.
Christian and Missionary Alliance O.
rnest McOarvejr. paitor, Sunday tchool.
:4ft. Mornlnt worship, 11. Meet with
Evangelistic Crusade, in 1MB at 3:30 and
First r resetter tan Earl William Ben
bow. D.D., paitor. Sunday school. f:4S.
Morning servlcs, 11. Sermon, "The Means
of Oract."
Apostolic Faith Forrest Damron, pas
tor. Sunday school. 9:30. Morning service,
11. Xvangellstic service, 7:60.
Evangrllral United Brethren B. William
Elmer, pastor. Morning pre-prayer serv
ice, 0:30. Sunday school, l;4S. Worship
service. 11. Afternoon and evening serv
ice with Evangelistic crusade hi EMB
Evangelical Mennonlte Brethren A .P.
Tosws. pastor. Pre-Sunday school serv
ice, f, with Rev. EUenbraun, missionary
to China, speaking. Sunday school, 9.45.
Morning worship, 11.
First Methodist Clark . Eni. pastor.
Sunday school, 9:4ft. Opening centennial
aervire. 11. Sermon: "They Shall Shine as
the Stars," by the pastor. Dallas vesper
hour, ft, over radio station KOCO with
centennial theme. Service honoring for
mer pastors, 1:30.
Trinity Litheran Karl A. Vttr. pastor.
Sunday school. 10. Divine service, 11. Lu
ther league and youth confirmation class,
Grace Mennonlte J. J. Regler, pastor.
Orchestra. 9:4ft. Devotions, 10. Morning
worship, 11.
Christian Selene Sunday tchool. 9:4$.
Morning service, 11. Subject of the les
son sermon for tht week Is "Everlasting
Chares mi Jests Christ of Latter Day
SaJnta Elder MUler presiding. Sunday
school 10. Sacrament meeting, 11:4ft.
Falls City Christian Charles Knot, pas
tor. Sunday school. 10. Morning worship,
11. Christian Endeavor, 9:30.
CTsarch Gad H.nrjr Logean. paator.
und.7 school, f:4S. Morning worship, 11.
Youna people, mtetlni, f:a. Evangells.
He aervlce, 7:46.
Flrss Baptist Sunday arhool. 1:45. Uor
alng vorahlp, 11. Training union, 1. Eva
Ding worship, S.
BrlSraporr l,na. 4eh..1 H. Schmidt, Sunday achool, 10,
SaTtnlh Day Ad.ntlat Sabbath achool.
t:4a. aWrmon, 11.
St. n.Hai Episcopal Cyril P. Hanney,
vicar. Church achool. u. Morntai prajer.
11. Holy baptlma, 13:30.
Falla City Seventh Day Adventiat flab
bath achool, 1:30. Preaching, 11.
Falla City Free Methodist Gilbert John
Ion, paator. Sunday achool, 10. Morning
service. 11. Young people', meeting, 7:30.
Bvangellatlc aervlce, S.
Chorea f Christ Bible study, 10.
Communion, 11.
Oak 3r, Chapel Fremont Faul, pas
tor. Morning service. 9:4ft. Sunday achool
follow.. MYF each Sunday evening.
Ttlrsreall Sunday School J. N. Thlessen,
uperlntendent. Sunday achool, 0:30.
SI. rhllip'a Catholic Maaa, 10:1S.
I'nlon Missionary" Baptist Hsrmony
lommunlty, W. A. Heard, paitor. Sunday
Khool, 10. Morning worahlp, 11. Sunday School Sunday school,
,:4i. Morning aervlce, 11.
Free Methodiit R. W. McCormlrk. pas
tor. Sunday school, I:4S. Preaching, 11.
Ivenlng service, 7:4ft.
Falla City Methodist James H. Rover,
Ksitor. Sunday school, 10. Morning wor
ilp. 11.
Charch of God Third and Orant Bts.
Ilaymond W. Hood. pasLor. Churrh school,
0. Worship, 11 and 0. Young people, 7.
Assem-aly of God Second and Lincoln
streets. Lester Oibion. pastor. Sunday
school, 45. Preaching, 11 and 1:45. Young
free Me thotllst Young and Oatrh Sts.
Mrs. Rosella B. Douglas, pastor. Sunday
tchool, :. Preaching, 11 and 1:45.
Christian East Lincoln and Doud Sts.
Eon Priest, pastor. Sunday school. 10.
rvlee, 11. CE, 1. Evening service, a.
Methodist Young and B streets. Ormal
$. Trick, pastor. Church school, 10. Wor
th lp, 11.
raarssjaare 1197 E. Lincoln street. Ar
thur Ooble. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45.
Worship, 11 and 7:43. Young people, t:4S.
Bethel Presbyterian Three miles east
on Union School road. Earl K. Penton,
pastor. Worship. 10. Sunday school, 10:4S.
Charch of Jesna Christ of Latter Day
lalnts IOOP hall. Sunday school, 10. Sac
rament meeting, 11:30.
fit. Agnes Catholic (Hubbard) Attend
ed by Woodburn parish priests. Sunday
naases, 1:30. ,,
St. Mary's Elplseopal E. Lincoln at Cu-
fld's Court. Clarence C. fllocum. vicar,
hone Main 199. Church school, 9:30. Di
vine worship, 11.
Bible Baptist Orange Hall. Settlemler
nd Harrison streets. Earl Baker, pastor,
tunday school, 1:45. Worship service, 11
and 7:41. Young people, 0:45.
frnmanael Lutheran Hsrvln N. Chrls
tensen. pastor. Doud and On w aid Sts.
Worship aervlce, 11. Sunday achool, 10.
flervals Presbyterian Ernest Tremble y,
fa tor. Sunday school. 10, Worship, 11.
Christian Endeavor, 1:30.
I. take's Cat hoi If V. L. Motfenbeter.
t as tor. Harrison between 3rd and 4th.
unday services, 1, 1:30 and 10:30. Devo
tions, 4.
The Reorganised Chareh of Jesus Christ
f Latter Day Saints Corner of Second
and Oarfleld. Oeorga Omani, paitor.
Church aehoet, 10. Preaching, 11. Zlon s
Laagua, T. Lcctura study, I.
First Presbyterian Oarfleld and Third
streets. Earl K. Fenton. paster. Sunday
tehool, 45. Divine worship, 11 and 1:30.
Toung people, 0 30.
'To Chooie
Take a Leaf from Autumn!
Dr. -four favorlta ahoM t mat.,
.our town I Handball tipart
b drtd. tool
IIS S. Liberty
The Rev. Clark S. Enz, pas
tor, will preach the opening cen
tennial week sermon at the 11
a.m. service on the theme, "They
Shall Shine as the Stars." Spe
cial music will be furnished
under the direction of Mrs. Wes
ley Sherman.
On Sunday evening, an in
formal service will honor for
mer pastors, and all living ex
pastors have been invited, in
cluding D. Lester Fields, Louis
C. Kirby, John W. Warrell,
George W. Bruce, John A. Linn,
Harry F. Pemberton and Ells
worth M. Tilton.
Banquets Arranged
Honorable Charles A. Sprague,
former governor of the state of
Oregon, will be principal speak
er at the Centennial banquet in
the church parlors on Wednes
day night at 6:30 p.m. Rawson
Chapin of Perrydale, delegate to
the annual conference for the
church, will be toastmaster.
Bishop Gerald Kennedy will
speak on "The Foe, the Fight,
the Victory, at the Centennial
service, 1 1 a.m., Sunday, Novem
ber 6. Mrs. Betty Starr Ander
son will be guest soloist. Dr.
Roy A. Fedje, superintendent of
the Salem district, will be pres
ent to conduct the service with
Rev. Enz.
At 3 p.m. on the afternoon
of November 6, J. Roscoe Lee
of Baker, grandson of the found
er of the church, will "present
an organ concert.
An old-timers' fellowship din
ner will be another feature of
the concluding Sunday at 12:30.
W. P. (Billy) Miller will be
toastmaster and guests will in
clude Mr. Lee, C. L. Starr, Mrs.
George L. Hawkins, widow of
former County Judge George
Hawkins, and O. N. Harrington,
oldest living member of the
The first Methodist church
building was constructed in Dal
las in 1858 on the site of the
present church. After a LaCre
ole circuit had been formed in
1854 and Rev. Laban Case ap
pointed pastor, the members
grew in number until they felt
it necessary to have a church
This structure served until
1889 when it was moved to a
downtown location, and a new
church was built at the time
Rev. T. F. (Father) Royal was
pastor. William Grant was the
contractor for the church. The
cornerstone was laid October 1,
1889, and dedication services
were July 27, 1890.
Some remodeling was made
on the church in 1923, but an
extensive project was carried on
in 1925 when the east wing was
added and a basement put un
der the building.
Membership Active
At the present time the church
has an active membership of 203
in addition to those affiliated
with the church and inactive
Those living who have been
members for over 40 years in
clude the following: O. N. Har
rington, 58; Addie A. Wagner,
57; Ed C. Dunn, Mrs. Belle El
liott DeHaven, both 55; Mrs.
Mina Hughes Guy, Fred West
and Mrs. W. H. Weaver, all 51
years; Mrs. Nellie Farington, 49;
Nevin L. Palmer, Mrs. Frank
Hobson, 48; Mrs. Taylor Dunn,
45; Mrs. A. M. Larsen, 44; Mrs.
Ed C. Dunn, Mrs. Mattie Syron,
Mrs. W. M. Elliott, Miss Fran
ces Dempsey, Glen DeHaven, all
43 years; and Mrs. C. L. Foster,
40 years.
The general centennial com
mittee for the church includes
Nevin L. Palmer, Joseph H.
Harland, Ross Chapin, Mrs. Ray
Gohrke, Mrs. R. G. McFarland,
Ernest W. Jacobson and Robert
A 28-page centennial booklet
has been published to commem
orate the affair and is now being
sold by members at cost.
Stitchers Entertained
McAlpin The McAlpin
Stitchers will hold an all-day
meeting at the home of Mrs. W.
Ragners. A no-host luncheon at
noon. Officers for the year are:
President, Mrs. Eric Fisher;
vice president, Mrs. Oswald
Johnson; secretary, Miss Anna
Are secret societies a
good thing for girls
or do they breed "snob
sisters"? Here o n d
there, the nicest young
sters are members .
ond here ond there,
the nastiest! Read the
provocative report on
this problem in the bril
liont October issue of
Oa Hie now at your favorite
Distributed by
Salem Newt Agency
a aw"uiji 1 UJJ U 'i-M i! J"-"'.'- J -WIS 1
Salem 6 CliurclJy CORCerl
at 1. !' I.aihci-M ( Ma. Srnad)
i No Sunday school or Bible clan. On fol
lowing Bunaay oar u our itcuiu
The. Metaphvaleal On let Wl N Cot
tage. Evening class, a. mesaey. in or. i.
Noon healing, 12:1ft. Library. 12 to 3 p.m.
Saleai Heights Com sa ani I y Liberty Road
Uadrona. Oospel teams from First
Baptist rhurrh In charge of services.
Bible school, 10 a m. Prearhini service.
II a.m. and 130 p.m. onipir;. mprmt.-
er. and a motion picture entitled "All
For Jesus," will bo shown at the evening
Plrel Charch of Christ, Scientist Lib
erty and Chemeketa Sts. Sunday school
at 11 a m. Morning service at 11. Lesson-sermon
subject: "Everlasting Punish
ment." Nursery for children up to 3
years of ate provided during mornlnt
service. Evening service at I. Lesson
sermon subject: "Everlasting Punish
ment." I nnes re nieces a i rrriy m. -nr..
Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school,
0:45 a.m. Morning service, 11 a.m. Eve
ning service, 7:46 p.m.
West Salem Methodist Third and Oerth.
O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church school.
945 a.m. Worship. 11 a.m. Sermon:
Btalrwsvs of Worsh o." I P.m.. young
adult fellowship at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. oien wyatt.
First Presbyterian Chemeketa at Wfn
r. Chester W. Hamblln. pastor. John
Ooodenbrrger, assistant pastor. 9:45
a.m., church school. B:45 and 11 a.m.,
Identical service: "The Stars Fight Against
Wrong." Sermon by the minister. 7:30
p.m., choir muslral program. 5 p.m.,
Junior high fellowship. 4: JO p.m., college
ana business group, a p.m., iujus fellow
Jeaas Name Pentecostal 1 US Lewis St.
Ronald V. Slttser. pastor. Sunday arhool.
a.m. Morning worsnip, ii. evening
evangelistic, 1:45.
First Spiritualist 348 N. Commercial.
Rev. Marry Raymond, speaker. Services
at 2:30 and 7:30. Circle at 9:30.
Wesleyan Methodist 15th and Mills Sts.
Rev. A. O. Yates, pastor. Sunday school
at 10 a.m. Preaching services 11 a.m. and
7:30 p.m. Rev. Edgar Slras will be guest
speaker at both services. Young people,
6:45 p.m.
Knlrht Memorial Centres ational 19th
and Perry Sts. Louis E. White, minister.
9:45 a.m., Sunday achool, with two adult
classes. Monthly assembly of all de
partments. 11 a.m.. mo mine worship.
Sermon, "Our Protestant Convictions," in
observance of Reformation Sunday. II
., junior church and churcn-time nur-
r-ery. 0:30 p.m.. Pilgrim fellowship groups
lor Junior high and senior high ages.
Bethel Baptist North Cottage and D St.
Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor. Sunday
school at 0:4ft a.m. Morning worship.
a.m.. with sermon by paator: The
Lord's Jewels." Evening service at 7:30
. Sermon topic: "The Love of Cod."
Reorganised Church f Jesus Christ stf
Latter Day Saints -17th and Chemeketa
Sts. Charles H. Asher. pastor. Churrh
school, 10. Preaching service. 11. F. E.
Hammei, speaker. zions league, a: 30.
Prayer service, 7:30.
Central Charch of Christ Chemeketa at
Cottage. M, C. Cuthbertson. minister.
Bible acnooi. 9:43 a.m. Radio Sunday,
KOCO, 9 to 9:19 a.m. Preaching and
worship, 10:49 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Christ Lntheran State St. at 19th.
C. R. 6c hull, pastor. Worship service
conducted by Sunday church school at
8:45. Senior and adult Bible classes at
9:50. Divine worship at 11 o'clock.
Bethany Evangelical and Reformed
Marlon and Capital Bts. Rev. Russell
Mayer, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Morn
ing worship, 11. Evening worship, 7:45.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church and Chr-
meketa Sts. The Rev. George H. Swift.
B.D., rector. Holy Communion tin the
chapel), 7:30 a.m. Junior church and
cUmcs, 9:30 a.m. Nursery school In the
Parisn House, 11 a.m. Prayer service or
Eucharist, 11 a.m. Youth vespers, a p.m.
Klngwood Bible -1125 Elm St. A. H.
Fadenrecht, pastor. 9:45 a.m.. Bible school.
10:45 a.m., morning worship, 6:45 cm..
youth groups meet. 7:45 p.m.. evening
service. Rev. Lester Spencer, guest speak
er. Christian and Missionary Alliance 5th
and Gaines. Rev. R. J. Abrams. nastor.
Sunday school. 9:46 a.m. Morning service.
11 a.m. VIsttlnK sneaker. Forrest Forbes
of Boring, Ore. Evening service, 7:30 p.m.
Leslie Methodist S. Commercial at My
ers. G. Wesley Turner, pastor. Sunday
school. 9:49 a.m. Morning service, 11
a.m. Sermon subject: '"This We Believe."
Youth Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. Evening
service, 7:30 p.m. Sermon subject: "How
Small Is Man?"
First Evaneellcal tnltrd Brethren
Marion and Summer Sis. Rev. Wilmer N.
Brown, pastor. Rev. F. E. Fisher, assist
ant. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m. Morn ins
service, 11 a.m. Sermon subject: "What
Does a Christian Look Like?" Evening
service. 7:45 p.m. Rev. Paul Shen tells
life story. Youth fellowship, 6:30 p.m.
Pilgrim Holiness 140 Carlton Way.
. G. Story, nastor. Sundav school. 9:45.
Morning worship, 11. VPS, 7:00. Evening
service, 7:30.
First BaptM Marion and Liberty Sts.
Dr. Llyod T. Anderson, otstor. Rev.
C. E. Brlckwedel and Rev. Victor L. Loucks,
associate pastors. Sunday school, 9:45
Mornlne worship. 1 1 a.m. "1 he
Believer, a Spectacle." Pastor Lloyd An
derson. Youth meet inns, 6:1ft p m. Eve
ning gospel service, 7:30 p.m. "The Par
able of the Rich Man and Hla Barns."
Poor Corners Baptist State and Elma.
Rev. Victor L. Loucks. pastor. Sunday
school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11
a.m.. pastor speaking. Evening gospel
service, 7:30 p.m.
H albert Memorial Bsptlst One mile
north of underpass on Highway 9B-E. Rev.
C. E. Brlckwedel. pastor. Sunday school,
9:45 a.m. Morning worship. 11 a.m.
Quest evanttelist. Rev. Clvde Paul White.
Young people's leaiue. 9 30 p m. Evening
goftpel service, closing service of evan
gellstic program.
Jason Lee MethodUt North Winter and
Jeflerson. Louis C. Kirby, minister. Sun
day school, 9:45. Worship, 11 a.m. Ser
mon: "The Challenge of the Extra Mile."
C j
Every watrh thould bt cleaned and oilrd onr
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All our ork it pi a ran teed.
LOIN OWNIIft. Now you ran get tht amar.ini, new
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411 State Street
slChurch Choir's
The choir of the Tirst Presby
terian church will present their
first fall music night program
next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'
clock. Charles Stowell is the dir
ector of music. He will present
Miss Hope Jaquith, violinist, a
Lewis and Clark senior, as a
special guests soloist. She has
been a violin student of Boris
Sirpo for the last four years.
Miss Jaquith has played with the
college symphony orchestra, Is
a member of the Portland Cham
bber orchestra, and has done a
good deal of other concert work.
She will be accompanied by Miss
Edith Kilbuck, pianist.
Among the numbers the choir
will sing are: "How Lovely Is
Thy Dwelling Place" by Brahms,
"Send Forth Thy Spirit" by
Schuetky, and "In Deepest
Need" by Dieterich.
Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, the organ
ist, has chosen as her numbers
"Benedictus" by Reger, "Largo"
by Pergolesi and Toccata by !
Pierne. At this service Dr. Ches
ter W. Hamblin, the minister,
will give a meditation on "Thd
Quiet Heart."
Korean Woman
Guest Speaker
Mrs Choel ByuriK Koh will
speak on the present day prob
lems of Korea at the morning
service of the Turner Metho
dist church Sunday, October 30.
Mr. Kho will sing a group of
hyms in Korean. Mr. Kho is a
political science major at Wil
lamette university where he Is
studying western political sys
tems before returning to Korea
where he is to serve his country
in its diplomatic service. Mr.
Kho's father is a leader of one
of Southern Korea's major pol
itical parties and his uncle is
foreign secretary of Korea.
Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter
Ray Saints (Mormon) Sunday achool at
evening service at 7.
Chrletlaa Science Sunday achool svt
9:45. Services at 11.
t. Paul's Catholic Father John J.
Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, I and 10.
Weekdays, 9.
Assembly of God Berrel H. Scott, pas
tor. Sunday school 9:45. Divine worship.
Young people's society at 9:45. Evan
gelistic at 9.
Church of God Rev. F. F. Nix, pastor.
Sunday srhool at 10; worship hour at 11;
evening services at 9.
Srventh Day AdventUt Elder A. D,
Chllson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, lo
cal elder, in charge. Sabbath school Sat'
urdny. 9:30: mornine worship at 11. Sat
urday. Sunday evening evangelistic service.
Pilgrim Holiness D. C. Olson, pastor,
Sunday school 9:45, Sermon by pastor,
11. Young people meet at 7. Evangel
istic sermon at 9.
Methodist Marquam and Molalla Joint
pastorates. J. 8. Kendall, minister. Bible
school and sermon forenoon. Sunday, at
Marquam, afternoon at Moiaiia.
Methodist Ben F. Browning, nastor.
Sunday school, 9:45. General worship.
sermon by Dr. Koy A. Fedie, district
superintendent. Fellowship dinner at
noon, followed by semi-annual business
srMlon. Youth fellowship, 1. Evening aerv-
8. Pastor apeaks on "Where We Oot
Our Denominations."
Calvarv Lutheran Supply pastor. Sun
day srhool and Bible class. 10 a.m. Morn
ing worship. 11. Rev. p. w. Encason,
Salem, speaker.
Trinity Lsitheran Supply pastor. Sun
day school and Bible classes, 10 a.m.
Divine worship, 11. nev, it. u. noviana.
Salem, guest speaker.
First Christian Arthur Charles Bates,
minister. Bible school, 9:45. Communion
and sermon, 11. Sermon topic: "Chris-
Ian CooDeratlon." C. E. one-half hour
early, at 9 p.m., Junior and senior. Eve
ning service also early. 7 p.m. Sermon
topic: "Dying Like a Fool."
Christian and Missionary Atllanre Gor
don T. Bratvoid. minister. Sunday srhool.
10 a.m. Morning worship, 11, Sermon
by pastor. Youth hour. 9:30 p.m. Eve
ning sermon at 7:30 p.m. Topic; "ror
1 ign Missions.'
Sunday school and Bible classes, 10 a.m.
Divine worship, 11. Sermon: "Reforma-
. tlon Day."
Evening service, 7:30. Dr. Foy Fedje,
district superintendent, will speak on:
"The Advance for Chrttt." Following his
message he will conduct the quarterly
conference. Youth lellowshlp meets at
Talbot CommunltT Talbot. Ore. He v.
R. Rosen Irwin, pastor. Sunday school,
10 a.m. Divine worship, 1 1 a.m. Mes
fRT: "Sunday or Sabbath Which Should
Ch ians Observe?" V P, group meet
at :30 each Sunday evening. Evening
service. 7:30 p.m. Sermon: "Hindrances
to Kevlval."
Staytoh Churches
allss Re, winartj Buekner. paator
Sunday achool. It. Mornlnt worship, 11
Training hour. 1:1a. Evening aervlce, A.
Chare ol Christ CUde Proems n. paj
lc. Bible achool. 10. Worship aervlce. 11
fouth Fellowship, -9:10. Eventni worahlp.
Charch of Christ L. M. Seld. minister
Bible stud. 10. Morning worship, 11. Eve
ning worship, ft.
Methodist- John Morange, pastor. Bible
school 10. Worship service. 11. Youth Fel
lowship. 110. Evening worship. S.
Assembly of GodRev. tttlrtn Stock-
11. pastor Sunday school. 10. Mornlnt
terrlce 11. Youm people's meeting, 9:49
tvenlnj evancelutla servtoe 1:49.
Isassaralale CoaeeplUa Catholic Rev
alh. Jonas, pastor Sunday services:
Masses 9, 1:10 and 9 30 a m
St. Pa Mirk's Cat hoi le fLroni) Father
Lean-tVr Schneider, pastor Winter sched
ule, 1st. 2nd and 5th Sundays, mass
10: JO a m.t trd and 4th Sundara mass at
e. 30 a m
Oar Ladr of Lea roes (JordanlPather
Leander Schneider, pastor Winter sched
ule, 1st. 2nd and 5th Sundays msA 9:30
am.; 3rd and 4th Sundays. msAs 10:30
Baptist Bruce Wakeman. castor Sun
day school 10, morning worship 11, Youth
Fellowship 7, evening service 9.
Charch of Christ Wm. P. Morse, mm.
liter. Bible school 10, morn in worship
11. Junior meeting 7, Young People's meet
ing 7. evening services 9.
Methodist eharch Rev. Fremont Paul.
pastor. Sundav school 10. mornlne wor.
hip 11, Junior Fellowship 1 Youth Pel-
iQwinip i.
Atifmbl, r G.d Wllllasa N B.arhf.
pastor. Sunda, srhool t:4a, mnrnlna wor.
hip 11, chlldr.D'a aarvloa 1:30. .v.nlDf
sarvlc. S.
Woodburn Catholics
Holding Devotions
Woodburn "Forty Hours De
votions' will be held at St.
Luke's Catholic churrh this
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
The Very Rev. Damian Jentges.
OSB, STD, professor of sacred
theology at Mt. Angel seminary,
will give special sermons at the
7:45 p.m. services. The exempli
fication of "Forty Hours" will
open at the 10:30 o'clock high
mass Sunday morning and close
Tuesday evening. There will be
services every evening at 7:45
o'clock. The children's choir
will sing the high masses each
morning with the men's choir
singing the evening services.
Jefferson to Host
District Gathering
Jefferson The Jefferson dis
trict Sunday school convention
will be held in the Jefferson
Evangelical United Brethren
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
Opening the song service will
by Rev. Jack Otto, prayer per
iod, Rev. Irwin, special number,
Scio Baptist church, scripture
reading, business meeting includ
ing election of officers. Chorus
sing, Rev. Irwin, Rev. Carl Reid
Duhrkoop at the piano. Presen
tation of tithes and offerings.
Bible quiz by the young people.
Special number Scio Baptist
church. Convention address by
Dr. Edward Hart, "The Respon
sibility of the Sunday School
Baptists Take Over
Community Church
The First Baptist church of
Salem has taken over the ser
vices of the Salem Heights com
munity church at the Salem
heights community hall. Charles
Stephens is continuing as super
tendent of the Sunday school
with R. V. Tillman heading the
gospel teams. Lee Shipley is
acting minister at both morning
and evening services. Special
music is furnished at each ser
vice. This Sunday Harold John
ston will be showing a motion
picture entitled, "All For Jesus"
at the 7:30 evening hour.
9 Dnssrv
I'TT1 Us
Child Evangelism
Meeting, Nov. 4
The Salem Child Evangelism
Fellowship announces an all-day
meeting to be held November
4 at the Salvation Army hall,
beginning at 10 a.m. A pot-luck
luncheon will be served during
the noon hour. Suggestions for
object lessons, memory verse
ideas, and other helps for the
Child Evangelism and Sunday
school teacher will be present
ed during the morning session
by Rev. Art Nickel, C E F. mis
sionary to the British Isles. A
Bible message will be given by
Rev. Orville W. Jenkins, pastor
of the First Church of the Na
zarene. In the afternoon the
weekly Teacher Training class
will be held from 1:30-3:30. Mrs.
Edwin A. Young will have
charge of the devotions. Miss
Myrna Stover, city director, In
vites all who are interested in
children's work to attend this
Loyally Crusade
Opens Oct. 30th
'Loyalty Crusade" will be ob
served in First Baptist church
beginning Sunday, Octboer 30.
The purpose of the crusade will
be to enlist the loyalty in church
attendance. The crusade will be
preceded by one week of inten
sive calling on the membership
by selected teams chosen to the
task, whose call will be fellow
ship as well as enlistment. The
crusade continues from October
30 to December 11 and includes
a drive in Sunday school for
700 in attendance, with each of
the six "Loyalty" Sundays bear
ing a designated emphasis. Nov
ember 6 is "Missionary Sunday"
November 13. Layman Sun
day"; November 20, "Sunday
School Sunday"; November 27,
Youth Sunday"; December 4
"Women's Sunday"; and Decem
ber 11, "Family Sunday".
The entire crusade will be
followed by "Eight Great Days"
of evangelism, December 4-11,
with Dr. Vance Webster, pastor
of First Baptist church, Eugene
as the evangelist.
Special Services
Holiness Church
Rev. E. G. Ritenburgh of Ow
osso, Mich., evangelist of the
Pilgrim Holiness church and re
turned missionary from the Brit
ish West Indies, will be showing
pictures of the work on the
islands, In the local Pilgrim Holi
ness church, Tuesday and Wed
nesday evening, November 1
and 2. Evangelistic services will
continue each evening through
out the week at 7:30 with Rev.
Ritenburgh bringing the mes
The church is located In tem
porary quarters at 140 Carlton
Way. Take the Capitola bus to
Carlton Way and Duncan ave
nue. Then walk two blocks to
Pilgrim Park. The public is cor-
dially invited to attend these
Mill City Churches
First FrMbvlr.ftii Dr. D. J, Tfrfuson,
minister, Sunrlsy srhool, 10. Morning Mr
vices, 11. Youth Fellowship, 6:30.
rhriiisn Thorn ss Courtney. Jr.. psi
or. Bible school, 9:4!i rtv Mornlnt wnr
hip. 11. Christian Endeavor hour, 0.30.
Evening worship. 1:45.
rslholir Rev. Mai, pastor. Morning
Free Methodist L. C. Ooulrl. pastor.
Sunrtsv srhool, 10. Morning servict, 11.
Evening service, 1:30.
rommnnilT Rev. Wayne Wstkins, pas
tor. Sunday srhool, 10. Morning worship.
r.vrning services, Trss.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cloldon and Mrs. Belle Xiles Thrown will have
llioir new funeral lioine open to llio public for Hip next several Sun
days from 2 to 5 P.M. beginning Sunday, October :Wtli. A musical
program will be featured during these hours. Our Sundav after
noon openings were prompted because we could not accomodate all
who came last Sunday. We trust you will find it convenient to come
back next Sunday.
":JaI. -i-TtoJ TtrXT " T
Ai t"!5w fjk:
rj ,""J
. .' ;.. .'SrJSe,.- 'is. 'vS :-..
605 South Commercial St.
I Capital Journal, Salem, Or.,
Lyons Church Society
Sets Date of Bazaar
Lyons Mrs. D. A. Franklin
was hostess for the meeting of
the WSCS at the community
club house. Mrs. Laurence Wal
worth presided over the business
meeting and Mrs. George Clip-
fell lead the devotions.
Plans were made for the baa
zar and the date was set for No
vember 15, to be held at the
community club house, with
various committees appointed.
At the close of the meeting Mrs.
Franklin served refreshments to
Mesdames George Clipfell, Wal
lace Power, Alex Bodeker.
Floyd Bassett, Walter Bevier,
Albert Julian, Glen Julian, Lor-
en Chamberlain, Jim Lande,
Laurence Walworth, Monroe
Walker, Mrs. Alice Huber, Mrs.
Daisy Johnston, Mrs. Catherine
Julian, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jewell
and Mrs. Hargreaves.
Lebanon Installing
Lutheran Minister
Lebanon Rev. Herbert Koeh-
linger, formerly of Ontario,
Ore., will be installed as pastor
of Bethlehem Lutheran church
on Sunday evening. The instal
lation service will begin at 8
o'clock with most of the Luth
eran pastors of the Willamette
valley circuit participating.
A reception for the new pas
tor will be held in the church
parlors following the installa
Rev. Koehlinger takes the pul
pit vacated by Rev. Fred Riess
who has been called to the pas
torate in Washougal, Wash.
Evangelicals to
Observe Men's Day
Men's Day will be observed
at the First Evangelical United
Brethren church, Marion and
Summer streets, Sundav. The
minister. Rev. Wilmer N. Brown,
will speak at the 11:00 o'clock
worship service on the subject.
'What Does A Christian Look
Rev. Paul Shen, from Hong
Kong, China will be present to
tell of missionary activities In
China today. He will also' tell
his life story in the evening ser
vice at 7:45. John Schmidt will
be guest soloist for this service.
The male chorus will sing.
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Lutheran Pastors
Silverton Visitors
Silverton Distin g u 1 s h e d
church visitors at the Immanuel
Lutheran parsonage home of
Rev. and Mrs. S. L. Almlie dur
ing the week have been Dr. H. L.
Foss, president of the Pacific dis
trict, and Dr. A. J. Aasgaard.
president of the Evangelical
Lutheran church of America, of
Minneapolis, Minn.
The guests were conducting an
educational appeal in the inter
est of better church housing and
for the encouragement of more
young men to prepare for the
Dr. Aasgaard was particularly
impressed with the rebuilding
and remodeling of Immanual
church, a photograph of which
had been used on the front cov
er page of a Minneapolis adver
tising pamphlet at the time of
completion of the extensive
church building project.
Missionary Circle
Guest Phelps Home
Dayton There were 21 mem
bers of Baptist Missionary circle
that met in the home of President
Mrs. L. Phelps. Mrs. Rose Smith
and Mrs. Ella Davis were the
co-hostesses. Mrs. Albright Sr.,
held the devotional period.
Mrs. Cora Wirfs told of the
trip she and her sister, Mrs.
Mariam Krakem took to Chic
ago and through the south. Mrs.
Grover gave a report on an in
stitute she had recently attend
ed. Refreshments were served
by the hostesses.
Polio Cases In U.S. Drop
Washington. Oct. 2R (U.PJ Th.
number of new polio cases con
tinued to decline last week. .
The U.S. nublie health erviV
reported that for the week end
ed last Saturday, there were
i,ia new polio cases, compared
with 1.207 the preceding week
and 1,078 for the corresponding
week last year. This pushed the
year's total so far to 37,087.
Chinese Student
Tell Life Story
Sunday, Oct. 30
7:45 P.M.
Guest Soloist
United Brethren Church
Summer and Marlon St.
Wilmer N. Brown, Minister
11 a.m. Message by Minister
. m