Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 28, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    Leahy Picks Beavers over
WSC, lova over Webff oots
(Head Football Coach
University of Notre Dame)
Last week's surprising upsets
throughout the nation caused
our predicting average to (all
below .800 for the first time this
fall, and It Is with added sest
that we scan tomorrow's tussles
in an attempt to raise our over
all average of .792.
. Pacific Coast conference fans
will have an opportunity to see
the teams of two of that group's
most successful coaches in action
as California and UCLA meet.
Lynn Waldorf and Red San-
,, ders are relatively new names
In the California coaching
profession, but each has prov
en that he is capable of nan-
, dling such top notch material
and we feel that the experi
ence of Coach Waldorf will
cause the Berkeley Bears to
emerge with the victory as
their record remains unspot
ted. Southern California is expect
ed to remain on the Bears' heels
by downing Washington, as Ore
gon Stat defeats Washington
State in the remaining confer
ence clash. Up and coming San
ta Clara challenges powerful
Stanford and our opinion is that
Stanford is Just a bit too strong.
San Franisoo's Ollie MaUon
should provide Nevada with
many problems as he and his
teammates score another win
Coach Joe Verducci is turning
In an, outstanding Job at St. Ma
ry's this fall and his Gaels are
favored over Drake, while one
ol the nation s best, Wyoming,
gets the nod over Brigham
Texas la still in an uproar
over the amasing victories
achieved by Rice and South
ern Methodist last Saturday,
and tomorrow is bound to pro
vide the Southwesterners with
another thriller as Southern
Methodist and Texas U. lock
horns in Dallas.
This contest has all the mark
ings of a conference title clash
J 2 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Friday, October 28, 1949
Zuppke Recounts Grange's
Wild Win for Anniversary
(Edltor't nolt: Bob Zuppkt, tO-jraar-old
V tired Unlvaritly of IlllnoU football
cimrli. tomorrow will celshraU nil 3Mh
anniversary of Harold "Rod" dranga'a
lent of a treating to lour taucnaowna in
the first 12 minutes of the 3B-U upset Of
timleteatfd MlchlKan.
" lit was the greatest irlumptl tn Zupp
ke'a fabulous coaching career.
(Tomorrow Michigan engages Illinois
again at Champaign before 11,000. With
Zupiikr, In his celebration, will be 10 of
,Ua former football captains, one for each
tot the 29 years tie served at Illinois start
'ins In 1913. ZiiDtike. In the follow Ina ato-
,ry written for the Associated Press, tell
of that memorable 11)21 game.)
' Champaign, III., Oct. 28 MP)
fl'm often asked if there wasn't
'some other game in which I re
ceived a greater thrill than the
;1921 Illinois-Michigan game.
' Now, the 1916 upset of Min
nesota was a great day in my
coaching career. Still, nothing
.could surpass that day, Oct. 18,
;1924, when Harold "Red"
'Gran je routed Michigan. The
: 19 1 6 victory was for survival
'.(when Illinois defeated a mighty
Minnesota team 16-9), but the
-.1924 game was for glory.
; The 1924 triumph over Ml
' chigan had the perfect setting.
We were dedicating our great
I stadium. It was homecoming
and there was a capacity
crowd of 67.000 fans In the
J stands. Michigan and Illinois
were undefeated co-champions
J of the "Big Ten" the year be
I fore when they did not meet
( and still were unbeaten on
r this day.
The teams appeared evenly
.matched. So the resulting 39-14
victory with Grange running
wild in the first 12 minutes was
one of those things that only
happens once in a century. From
that viewpoint this game had to
Je the greatest of my life.
I've been asked, too, why 1
took Grunge out of that game
.after he hud scored four touch
-downs on long runs in the first
12 minutes.
Well, I had two reasons.
One was fear of Injury to
' "Red." I remembered a game
! of the past when I had allow
i ed Harold Pogue and Potsy
J Clark to re-enter a game
i against the Rolls School of
' Mines when we were leading
'j by six or seven touchdowns.
' Pogue got a broken jaw and
'. Clark a couple of sprained an
; klr.
! The second reason is that
didn't want to spoil the show
After all, if "Red" had just kept
making touchdowns it soon
wouldn't have meant anything.
I remember that before the
game I had the players on the
field when the sudden thought
to remove their stockings
struck me. It was an unusually
warm day and I felt the players
might get relief by removing
their stockings.
Fielding Yost (Michigan's
coach) immediately suspeoted
a trick I was supposed to be
a sly guy you know and had
the officials feel our boys' legs
to see if they were greased. It
wasn't a trick Just trying to
make the players feel cool.
In the locker room, too, I re
member drawing a gigantic "S"
on the blackboard and stressing
to Grange that this was the way
he must run. Grange, you know,
liked to head for the sidelines.
He was taught to reverse at Illi
nois. I recall saying over and ov
er to Grange: "Reverse, "Red,"
Men's Clubbers
Name Nominators
For Annual Meet
The Salem Men's club Thurs
day night named George Hoff
man. "Wit Needham and John
Emlen members of the nominat
ing committee to present a slate
of new officers during the an
nual meeting of the organization
scheduled for Nov. 17.
With about 60 persons in at
tendance, trophies and prizes
were distributed for winners in
two events, the Salem Golf club
fall championship and last Sun
day's two ball foursome.
Ralph Mapcs passed out the
prizes for the foursome program
and Bill Goodwin acted in a si
milar capacity for the tourna
ment. Jack Russell received the
large trophy emblematic of the
club championship, the first
time he has held this honor. He
had won the Elks club tourna
ment a couple years ago. Leo
Estey won the runner-up trophy.
Dunne Pillette made his first
mapor league start for the Yan
keea in Detroit's Brings stadium
and in such an Important game
we definitely must go along with
Southern Methodist.
After hearing last week's
game with Kentucky on the
radio we became convinced
that 8MU Is the type of team
that "can't be beat because
they won't be beat" and they
have our vote.
Of equal importance is the
Baylor-Texas Christian game in
which we favor undefeated Bay
lor. Rice is the heavy favorite
over Texas Tech and Arkansas
should continue its fine brand
of ball as they outscore Texas
A li M. Moving into Kansas we
see the University of Kansas
edging out Kansas State In a
traditional game.
Michigan's victory over
Minnesota has thrown the Big
Nine title and subsequent Rose
Bowl bid up for grabs, and the
Wolverines will knock out the
next leading contender as they
journey to Illinois tomorrow.
Two other top contenders,
Minnesota and Ohio State, will
not lose any ground as they
are defeating Purdue and
Two unpredictable elevens
meet as Wisconsin takes on In
diana, and we pick the Badgers
with our fingers crossed because
we know the Hoosiers can win
if they click.
Intersectional games will
see Iowa, Michigan State, and
Marquette subduing Oregon,
Temple, and Colorado State,
as visiting teams, Missouri,
Oklahoma, and Brown over
power Nebraska, Iowa State,
and Western Reserve. The
high flying Flyers from Day
ton U. are expected to remain
as such by beating Xavier.
Southern schedules are arriv
ing at the point where the ma
jority of the teams are meeting
traditional rivals and in some of
the important games we predict
Wake Forest, LSU and Georgia
Tech will defeat Clemson, Ml.
sissippi, and Duke.
Four of the South s top teams
were upset last week-end and
we feel that Cincinnati, Alaba
ma, Tennessee, and Auburn, will
feel the wrath of Kentucky,
Georgia, North Carolina, and
Vanderbilt as they attempt to
regain their prominence. Other
important games in that area
favor Tulane, Maryland, Wil
liam and Mary, and Virginia,
over Mississippi State, South
Carolina, Richmond, and West
Eastern emperors. Army,
Cornell and Pennsylvania will
preserve their untarnished re
cords at the expense of VMI,
Columbia and Pittsburgh, with
the latter team putting up the
strongest battle before being
In New England we look for
the return to the victory column
of both Harvard and Boston
College as they defeat Holy
Cross and Villanova. Harvard's
schedule speaks much more for
the team than does Its record to
date, but we look for a turna
bout from Art Valpey's boys.
Boston's most successful team,
Boston University, should be
able to name its score with
Scranton, while the Yale Bowl
will see a close game with Yale
edging out Dartmouth. In foot
ball's oldest rivalry we are pick
ing Princeton to down Rutgers.
Realizing that this Is the
season for upsets in football,
we are proceeding into the
Navy game with the utmost
caution. No ana knows any
better than our squad, unless
It be the Army squad, how ca
pable the Midshipmen are of
stopping a winning streak.
The Jefferson grade school
touch tackle team meets Scio at
Jefferson in a return game No
vember 3. Jefferson won the
first game 12 to 0 and has won
two and lost two games this
J if I '
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I hi 1 t' - Pr ."h "
ftp- ' j i --' .r.p. . p$xp
OdE Wolves Host
East Oregonians
For Homecoming
Monmouth An under-rated
Eastern Oregon College of Edu
cation football "11" will provide
the competition for the OCE
Wolves come Saturday and the
traditional "Homecoming" bat
tle. The Wolves' record is with
out a blemish in five games,
while the Mountaineers have
yet to come through with vic
' tory.
The Mountain boys, coached
; by former Oregon State athlete
Bob Quinn, operate from the
single wing formation. They
have an excellent passer in frosh
halfback Harry Winston, who
tossed four touchdown passes
against the College of Idaho. The
Idaho gridders were nearly up
set by the EOC club, who have
had two weeks to prepare for
the Wolves. Reports from La
Grande indicate the Mountain
eers are pointing for the Wolves
and will take the field here Sat-
i urday with an upset in mind.
Coach Bui McArthur has hop
es of herding his Wolves through
an undefeated season, but he is
clearly worried as to the out
come of the Homecoming tussle.
He knows that the Mountaineers
are dead set on victory here Sat
urday, and is quite aware that
his Wolves may have a tender v
to slack off in view of the two
teams' opposite seasonal records.
Vladimir K. Zworykin, who
has played an important part
in development of electronic
television, applied for his first
patent in 1923.
175 N. High
America' Greatest
keeps Water out . . Feet dry!
With then heavy Salem rains .
why not buy mi. alternate pair?
Give your shoes a chance to dry
out! All ilies and widths.
Jim's Shoe Service
175 N. Hlrh
Oregon College of Education, Monmouth "I'll find out if
it is real," says Martha Durette, Salem's 1947 Cherry Festival
queen, as she tugs at the Homecoming Whiskerino display
on the chin of John Herbert, of Noti, general chairman of
OCE's big week-end for grads (Oct. 28-30). Others testing
the beard are Mary Swart, of Portland, a freshman, and
Phyllis Zenger, a sophomore transfer from Lewis and Clark,
whose home is in Klamath Falls. OCE's Wolves combat
EOCE in the big Homecoming game this Saturday at 2. (Ruark
(Compitu iumuiut -
Capital Alleys
Atkllns lUottrr 10) Archer 5 ID. Loktn
288. Vlttans 411. WikW 17. WhttUker
J13. Good Hosirkeepinc 131 Olney 442,
A'.brtch 447, Duncan 404, Jone 473, PraseM
Y.w.c.A. Qsrdnfr 3n. scnuessifr
140. Bchwstb 303, Mac key 331, Bull 379.
QttUrnborry'i tli McElhny 401, Evan
434. Punt! 434, Black 373. Kennedy 4B7.
Geldtn Phtaaanl (3) Clark 493. Dave
0, Uuellhaupl 468. Laird 273, Oa roar mo
460. Cnnhoard Cafe H-LlndseT 405. Kl
llott 349. peaM 384. Glodt 3Bs, Boyce 430.
Vil lard Art T i (2) Glbb 420. Lawlaaa
309. Ccwmnn, Mllford 411, Stone 37ft. Iw
on (11 358, Boy4 415, Andtraon 448, Put
man 410. Meyer 518.
Henalor Deaaty shop (li Mcclain 37V,
Scott 334. Fodakowakl 328. Cllne 444,
Adolph 433. Capital City Laundry 2)
Bay 328. Rom 361. Doerfler 311, Hillman
331. Bain 42S.
Hleh ttam at r tea: ooiden Pheasant, sail.
Hiih Individual aarlea: Charlotta Pov
aehl. 536.
Htih individual tame: Gloria Vittona.
University Alleys
V.F.W. U Parkfa 412. Valleau 393.
Wodaewoda 311, White 423. MlUer 413. lit
Nat. Bank til UorrU 415. Koltke 371,
MarfihaU 397. K. CurtU 463. Drlaaa 426.
Waatrrn Paper t Crawiord 440. An
deraen 193, Ptavy 414, Lukf 419. L. Kueb
ler 481. Dyer Soni i3i OarrUon 531,
McOlothln 451. Miller 465. Prrman 448.
Ralph Johnon 3 Coen 408, R. Bell
518. Prank 4(14. Knedler 419. A. Bell 461.
Paralllla (H Kelly 444. Llnd 520, Sheridan
n. ei wood 413, uunean oob.
Eaale 3 Pf tenon 565. Retd 441. Rlt.
man 4566, Pero 4P3. ZeUer 492. Naval Air
Pae. sia. ( 3 'Roberts 505, Ptaher 404,
Holman 475. Knedler 498. Baal 455.
Intentait Tractor (4 MorrU 819.
Shack man 435, Tannery 356, Roblnaon
307, Pearl 518. Judaona (0 Anaove 344.
Bronaon 307, Reals 354, Little 354, Hop
(Inger 487.
Cnahlnc'a union Ser. (31 Pease 489.
Parley 501. atone 494, Ocott 52B. Com-
atock 521. SAN Clothlera (H Kanea-
kl 441. Barker 483. Muelhaupt 473, 6.
Rieka 427. Naaley 470.
Htah individual tame: naf Roberu, 343
Hith Individual serlea: Peterson (Eatlea)
High team fame: Naval Atr Pac, 1010.
High team aerlei: Ralph Johnson'a, 1774.
Mr Don aid Candy Co. 2 NlckoU 506.
Bryant 428. Baxter 473. Gemmell 365,
Scott 405. Knlihti f Pylhlaa (ll eca
tur 434, Judsoo 500, Scheldel 333, K. El
wood 308. Txchlda 515. Maerz 350.
Momyer Chevron Station (1 llom-
yer 491. Shaeffer 406. Odermatt 359.
Covert 419. Miller 458. Vana Parklnt 81a
tlan ill Rogeri 476, Barnea 363. Van
Vleck 467, Keenan 476. McDanltU 337.
K.O.C.O. (3t McElroy 481, Nason 365.
Waaner 423. Wtlllama 473, Thede 430.
Smith Autn Parts (01 Clark 373, Ed-
minuter 343. achueu 451, umon 4ii,
Lee 405.
Shrerka Molora (1 Boniface 413. Sten
anek 141. Mc Par land 356, Torteion 391.
Wuuar 302. Zeaba I'sed Can (31 Zeeb 446.
Carr 454, A. Zeeb 309, Delk 478, Petenon
Individual high tame: McDanlela of
Van a Parklni Station, 324.
Individual hlfh aerlea: McDanleU of
Vana Parklni Btatlon, 531.
Htih teaa lama; Van Parkins StaUoa,
Duckpin Bowling
Tweedle Oil 4 Duane Prank 384. Carl
Plood 373. Ira Short 418, Emery Alder
man 472. Mllbert Jacober 363. Willamette
Valley Bank (Ol Harry Ewlnc 396, Keith
Kay 390. Bob Junillni 110, Carroll Maalu
314. Al Flicker 313.
Willamette Anateaitnt ( Clarence
Applesata 427. Roy Roblnaon 390, Wilier
362, Howard MtUa 447, Bye 381. Quality
Used Cart (4) Royal Pawley HI, B. B.
Snelirove 414, Moae Van Dell 114, Bill
Campbell 499, By 504.
A. 1 Cammlata HeathiK (4) Dave
Spaldkn 440, Leater Wooda 194, Wlllard
Hambly 334, Howard Smith 463, Lea Dolce
340. Gleaaon'a Bakery (0) Tom Wood 490,
Marlon Oleaaon 368, Art Woelk 335, Lew
Bononclnl 316. Harvey Andrewa 169.
Marten Elactria (1 Al Hakanaon 117.
Arlo Younc 390, Bob Griffith 331. Don
Bower 330. Eddie Ooartien 399. OMC Trnek
Ce. (3 D. N. Sermon 150, Joe Brook 116,
John Fullenwtder 167, A. L. Starr 344,
M. O Thomaa 341.
Hlth team tame and aerlea: Quality
Uaed Car, 833 and 1444.
Hlth individual fame: mom van Den
(Quallty'a) 201.
Hiah individual aerlea: Royal Pawley
(Quallty'Ji 911.
aPyTC1"! JU
F$Wt? ? SUNI!i, 'if,71"'0'
Mr. 4 z 4
lj4 illiien , .
,u.r with lb
rid? WHEaaia
rANT will lit hi
t Bmftrt nit r tap.
Pur vlriln wool
Sail, I.U.M la tll.u
In the tavern, in the home, beer
drinkers everywhere are talking
about the intriguing, delicate
flavor of Bohemian Club Beer,
It's delicious. It's a rare
experience in beer drinking.
If you crave a real taste
thrill, if you want to know
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Juti Say "iOHIMIAM"
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Want To Know A Secret?
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Truck Rental Service
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Gas & Oil Furnished
Center and Church Sts.
Phone l-600
Theres Still Time
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No down payment. 36 months to pay. 10 yr guar
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Willamette Valley Roof Co.
30 La no Ave.
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rS; Auihtriui
1 B.
Both "Men who Core"... Both prefer "CARSTAIRS"
Identical twins and moderate
drinkers, certainly do not
agree on everything.
But when it comes to whiskey
they are two men with a
single thought . . . CaVstatrs
...the perfectly balanced blend.
You. too, will find Caratairs
White Seal a matchless
blend . . . light and smooth.
You'll agree its unique
flavor is so mellow and
magnificent 1 . . . U hy don't
din-over Cantairs'
double satisfaction . . . today?
The Man who Cares. . . says
Wliite Seal