Parties for Late Week ' Several parties are on the cal endar for the late week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer H. Page re to be hosts Friday evening '.or a dinner and bridge affair it their home, guests to include Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chambers Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Schiess and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hadley. Pre-Dance Affairs Among those entertaining groups preceding the Junior Woman's club dance next Sat urday evening are Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan. Their guests include Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Reimann, Mr. and Mrs Reubin Hilfikcr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramage, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Boire, Miss Rose Ross, Robert Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Don Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Van Houten. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Stoddard also are entertaining a small group preceding the Junior Wo man's club dance, about a dozen friends being Invited to their home. Willamette Group Mr. and Mrs. Bruce VanWyn garden are to be hosts Saturday evening for a group preceding the Willamette university Home coming dance. There will be a buffet supper. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fravel and Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Wilsor assisting the hosts In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McWain, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haek and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Trumbo, all of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swen son of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Ol- he Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Doug las Olds, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tra vel, Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Wil son and Mr. and Mrs. VanWyn garden. Dinner Group A group is gathering for a dinner Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Estes L. Morton, the men entertaining their wives and guests at a din ner. Bridge will follow the din ner. The Halloween motif will feature the decorations, which also are being arranged by the hosts. In the group will be Mr. and Mrs. Guy Eades, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shflbert, Miss Mabel Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Justice and Mrs. George Rossman, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Schlapkohl, Mr. and Mrs. David Eason, Dr. and Mrs. B. F Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Johnson, Mrs. George Aiken Mrs. Evelyn Sleep, Mrs. David Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Mor ton. For Bennetts Dr. and Mrs. James B. Ha worth are to entertain Saturday evening at the American Legion club to honor Dr. and Mrs. Woodson Bennett, recent new comers to the capital from Port land. Honor Newlyweds Grande Ronde A large crowd of relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harper for a recep tion for Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Harper, newlyweds. Mr. and Mrs. Harper were married at McMinnville Friday evening. Refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gill, Bever ly and Billie, Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Barnes, Mr and Mrs. Ever ett Henthorn, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Melhoff and family, Joan Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Har per and Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs Alva Johnson and family, Mr and Mrs. George Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harper, Miss Adel lne Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Harper and children, Mr. and Mrs. Buster Wright and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Har per and Gretchen of Willamina, Pat and Frank Strome, Eddie, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parker and children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and Larry of Kcrnville. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Morrison and son of Valsetz, Mr. and Mrs. Kd Kircher of Sheridan, Mrs. David Redmond and Mrs. Bertha Moon, bride's mother, all of McMinnville. Shower Given Dayton A bridal shower was given Friday evening honoring Miss Olive Palmer at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M A. Palmer, with Mrs. Irene Clark and Mrs. Vernon Foster as hostesses. There were a large number of friends present to enjoy an evening of games. The gifts were placed on a ta ble, over which hung an um brella of pink net and pink sa tin bows. A beautifully decorat ed bride's cake, topped with a miniature bridal couple, center ed a table, which was covered with a lace cloth. The cake was surrounded by pastel flowers Out-of-town guests were Miss Elsie Herring of McMinnville. and Mrs. James Hcizcnreter, of Clackamas. Miss Palmer is the bride-elect of David Hcizenretcr of Clack mil The wedding will take place in the near future. Teeiwagcrs love a party des sert of cream puffs filled with Ice cream and topped with choc olate sauce and crushed peanut britUe. Wed fV. , ,1 .V and Mrs. f Ni Mr. Campus Clippings By MARILYN HILL A huge "welcome home" is being extended to all former Ore gon Staters this week-end as the good time for all visitors this theme, "Get The Beaver Fever" phases of the affair. As usual one of the biggest parts of the week-end will be the house sign contest with prizes for the winning men's and women's living groups. The signs will feature the slaughter of the Washington State Cou gars, which Is supposed to take place on Bell field Saturday afternoon. On Friday night alums won't have to bother to come to Cor- vallis for the festivities because the noise parade will probably be audible throughout Oregon. Floats are decorated by the women and the noise provided by the men. A drawing earlier this week decided which living groups would be paired off for the contest. Following tht , noise parade the floats will assemble at the scene of the annual freshman bonfire. Anyone who hasn't contacted the "Beaver Fever' by this time will surely pick it up here. After the bonfire, en tertainment by student talent will be shown at the Homecom ing midnight show. The show is planned to be packed full of laughs and the weak hearted have been warned against at tending. Dick Hanson, chair man of the show, expects that the torrid tempo of the matinee will give rise to the greatest epidemic since the black plague swept Central Europe in 1400. The show is also trying to in still the "Beaver Fever" .in all Staters. Saturday will be packed to the brim with activities. Alums will register In the Memorial Union in the morning, have their annual barbecue before the game, and transfer to Bell field to see the OSC - Washington State game. At halftime dur ing the game the queen of home coming will be announced from the five remaining freshman candidates for the title. A new card section featuring crimson and gray cards for WSC as well as the familiar orange and black will present card stunts. The queen will reign over the double dance to be held In the Memo rial Union ballroom and the Men's gym Saturday night. Installation of a chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma, men's social fraternity, raised the number of fraternities on the campus to 28. The group has been in a proba tionary period on the campus during the past year and has become very active in campus affairs. The Berll :-bnned play "Storm in a Teacup" has been selected as the speech depart ment play for this term. The center of action in the play cen ters around a small mongrel puppy. Patsy. The production was banned in Germany shortly alter Hitler came into powpr. but has been popular in the United States. Among the meager but spirit ed crowd at the OSC-Stanford game at Palo Alto last Saturday were Nancy Snyder and Jean Pickens, who were guests for the week-end of Ruth Holzman. Nancy and Jean left Corvallis on Thursday for the fun-packed week-end and though complete ly exhausted on their return said they had a marvelous time. They noticed Salemitel Gerry Woodruffe, Tom Brand, and Dick Fuhr In the Stanford sec tion at the game. 50 Years Davidson Oregon State College students go all out to plan a 1949 Homecoming, ine general is being followed through In all Wedding Anniversary Mt. Angel To mark the 45th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Harrahill, a fam ily reunion was held at their home Sunday, an all-day celebra tion with all the 51 descendants present but one daughter. Sister Reparata. OSF, of Chicago, wno had visited with her parents here previously. Present for the no-host get- together were the couple's four daughters, two sons, 27 grand children and two great grand children, and a few old time friends. The honored couple were presented with a silver plate flatware service by the children. William Harrahill and Mary Ann Whalen were married at St. Mary'i church in Greeley, Neb., on October 19, 1904, and lived there until they came west with their two youngest sons to re side in Mt. Angel 15 years ago. Covers at the dinner were placed for the children and fam ilies, including Mr. and Mrs. Art Purdy and daughters, Betty and Patty, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Knst ner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Harrahill and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Carpenter and daughter, Mrs. Ida Alyward, all of Vancouver, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Val Wolf and son, of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harra hill of Forest Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Purdy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Foltz and family, all of Mt. Angel. Other guests were Miss Ella Timon and Art McVeigh of Mt. Angel and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purdy of, Woodburn. LYONS The marriage of Miss Clara Gustafson of Silver ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gustafson of South Dakota, to Walter (Bud) Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Walker of Ly ons, was an event of October 19 at the home of his parents. Their only attendants were his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Martell of Lyons. Rev. C. Wal cher of the Stayton Assembly of God performed the 8 o'clock sin gle ring ceremony in the pres ence of immediate relatives. Af ter a honeymoon trip to Canada the young couple will make their home in Lyons. , folks CLIP THIS COUPON FOR I? fc T.rrrf watrb should be cleaned and oiled nam a J Q year. Bring voura in for free innpeclion by oar eipert. Ai, All our work is guaranteed. )t g IIOIN OWNItt. Now you ran gr-t the amnios new Jy rl Dural'owtr Mainspring for mmt Elgin modtla. jj) rj THE JEWEL BOX 3 Q 4 U State Street Q Couple Wed 50 Years St. Paul Mayor and Mrs. Eu gene C. Davidson are to ob serve their 50th wedding anni versary next Sunday, October 30, a reception to be given at the City hall. Relatives and friends are in vited to call between 1 and 4 o'clock. 1 Mr. Davidson, 73, was born and reared in St. Paul and has I been mayor the past 11 years. Mrs. Davidson is a native of Indiana, her family going to Nevada when she was six months i old, then coming by covered wagon to Oregon, Mrs. David son having lived here since she was 10 years old. The couple have two daugh ters living, Mrs. Albert (Edna) McKay of Salem and Mrs. Don ald (Leona) Morris of Van couver, and one son, Earl David son, St. Paul. There are seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Miss Cone and Mr. Gram Married Lebanon A romance begin ning during the high school days of Miss Patricia Cone, and Char les Gram was climaxed on the evening of Tuesday, Oct. IB. when the young couple exchang ed their wedding vows at a home ceremony at the residence of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Gram, Lebanon The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. George T. Cone, also of Lebanon. Arrangements of pastel shad ed chrysanthemums and lighted tapers in tall candelabrums made a colorful setting for the ceremony which was perform ed by Rev. Harvey J. Schmidt, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. The double ring service was used. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a gown of dove gray brocaded faille and carried a bouquet of red roses. Her only ornament was a strand of pearls, a gift of the bride groom. Matron of honor for her sis ter was Mrs. Shirley Schmidt, who wore- bronze brocade, and carried a bouqut of Talisman roses. Bob Goold, brother-in-law of the bride, was best man. For her daughter's nuptials Mrs. Cone wore a maroon suit with gray accessories and a cor sage of white carnations. The bridegroom's mother, Mrs. John P. Gram, was gowned in dusty pink with corsage of pink rose buds. r . -A reception was arranged for the immediate relatives and few close friends attending the cer emony. The bride's table, set with handsome silver appoint ments and lighted candles, was centered by the three-tiered wed ding cake decorated with yel low roses. Serving was Mrs. Marjorie Penfold, sister of the bride. The guest book was held by Miss Twyla Cone, youngest sis ter of the bride. The newlyweds are both grad uates of Lebanon high school and will make this city their home after returning from their wedding trip on Nov. 1. HOSTS Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. James R. Linn who entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gangware and Wil liam Schoeneman, visitors from Sandusky, Ohio, at the home of the Gangwares' son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gangware. The visitors leave this week, accompanied by the Robert Gangwares, for San Francisco to attend the national bankers meeting. SO EASY FOR MOTHER TO GIVE FOR CHILD TO TAKE These IV grain tablets eliminate need for cut ting, mur accurate aosajr. orange flavor makes it easy to take any way it a flvao. Uc 1 love My Temptin' 9 aeaeae. a I I St.JOStMl !, I lOlllat I 9 I fOB CHUU J Halloween Party The seventh and eighth grade troops of the Junior Catholic Daughters of America in St. Joseph's school are sponsoring a Halloween masquerade party Friday evening of this week in St. Joseph's hall between 7:30 and 9:30 o'clock. All seventh and eighth graders in the school are invited. Parents are asked to provide transportation for their chil dren to the party and home. A DAUGHTER was born Tuesday, October 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anunsen, Jr. of Me hama, at Salem General hospi tal. Also welcoming the new ar rival are two brothers, Robert CONTINUES TIL MONDAY! A STORE FULL OF E.O.M. BARGAINS NYLON HOSE NYLON UNIFORMS COATS, SUITS DRESSES SPORTSWEAR BLOUSES LINGERIE HOUSE COATS MEN'S WEAR TOWELS LUNCH CLOTHS FOOTWEAR LUGGAGE FABRICS COSMETICS JEWELRY NOTIONS 1 i I i Salem Duo Wed Oct. 15 Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Nelson an nounce the marriaKC of their daughter, Miss Beverly Jean Nelson, to Jerry Lynn Montgom ery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Montgomery, all of Salem. The wedding was an event of land refreshments were served to October 15, in Albany The couple will be at home in Coquille, Mr. Montgomery being with the Foster-Clyde Lumber company there. The bride has been employed in the secretary of state's office. Both are grad- and Roger. The grandparents are Mrs. Lloyd Dcmarest and Fred S. Anunsen, Sr., both of Salem. X iCfillQ'OOLj v I 1 0 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 27, 19497 uates of Salem high school and both attended Oregon State col lege. SUBLIMITY Asurprlse party was given in honor of Mr and Mrs. Irwin Schumaker, who celebrated their silver wed ding anniversary recently. The evening was spent playing cards the following: Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schumakcr, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Schumaker, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schumaker.Cletus Min den, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mindcn, Mr and Mrs. Mike Benedict, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Etzcl, Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Hcrby, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kremer, Miss Kate Hermans, Mr. and Mrs. Sylves- t CAMERAS GLOVES HANDBAGS CHILD'S WEAR WOOL YARN CURTAINS DRAPERY CANDY SHOP SALEM'S NEWEST FASHION FLOOR TfMeM. ter Silbernagel, Mr. and Mrs. Roman Kintz, Mr. and Mrs. Phil lip Bogstad, Miss Jane Cook, Vincent Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jungworth, Elizabeth, Darrell, Jane and Carol Ann Schumaker and the honor guest, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Schumaker. LEAVING this morning on the Shasta Daylight to spend a few days in Berkeley, Calif., were Mrs. Frank Farmer and granddaughter. Anne Farmer; and Mrs. W. E. Knower and granddaughter, Shirley Kay Clarke. Mrs. Farmer will visit a daughter. Miss Ruth Farmer, who is assistant librarian at Uni versity fo California at Berke ley, and Mrs. Knower will visit relatives in the city there.