12 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Thursday, Oct. 27, 1949 Klondike Kate; Belle of Yukon, Calm Over Latest Gold Strike By LORRY LOKKY Jefferson, Oct. 27 UJ9 -Klondike Kate, the belle of the Yukon who once earned $750 a night dancing for Alaskan sourdoughs, took a ealm view today of the new Fishwheel gold strike. "So they s found nuggets the size of peas?" asked Kate, known formally now as Mrs. W L. Van Duren. "Is that all the larger they are? Why, I've got a necklace with half a dozen nug gets larger than that." Mrs. Van Duren said there was no chance that she and her husband would follow the rush to Fishwheel where men were panning and digging for gold to day with a fever comparable to that of 50 years ago when the name of Klondike Kate was Jam eus across the territory. She said she and Van Duren were content to stay on their farm near here. But she had some expert advice for gold seekers. There are still fortunes to be made up there," she said. "But they'll hava to be made the modern way. "What you need is one bush pilot, a helicopter and some light mining equipment. There are hundreds of lakes in the Alaskan wilderness that can't be reached on foot. "A good bush pilot with a helicopter could get to those lakes and he could bring out more gold In five years than has been found in all the north In the last 75 years." Klondike Kate, now 69. was a 'teen-ager when she earned her title at robust Dawson City. It was there that the sourdoughs relaxed and spent their pokes of gold. She danced, acted and enter tained. Her dancing job and li T't"jtr commissions usually net .i her more than $100 a night. bit friends say she lost most of her fortune grub-staking min ers and other men such as the late showman Alexander Pan- tages. Pantages, with Klondike Kate's help, rose from waiter at the Savoy theater at Dawson City to become owner of a chain of theaters throughout the na tion. Informed of reports that a taxicab took a load of prosti tutes from Anchorage to the new gold rush area, Mrs. Van Duren aid: "I'm not surprised at that." She said the strike might be "good for Alaska." "The latest perennial gold strike at Fishwheel may peter out in a law months. Just like ' many others did. But if it doesn't, the Fishwheel strike surely will attract residents from the States to settle in the territory," she said. In Klondike Kate's day, the Noma strike was the most spec tacular of the far north bonan zas. Noma looked like a Holly wood set with saloons, dives, gambling houses, and usually a murder a day. "But at Dawson City there was no rowdyism," said Mrs. Van Duren. "The Canadian mounties were there to keep law and or der." Simpson Girls Get Their Men 1 ia1iw(i..f law! W a 1 1 i s Warfleld Simpson: Britain's King Edward VIII gave up his throne to wed her. dstake when you Bake a Cinch Cake Easiest to make... finest flavor cake. Cinch Cake Mix comet fully prepared and contains all the quality Ingredients delicious cakes require. You simply add wafer, mix and bake. The rich flavor and fine texture will bring you compliments galore. ADD ONLY WATER W"'-1 W .iPJ'iil.Hipieni.ii.iiiiii iaiyiBji.ilk.j Mrs. Remain Simpson: She's engaged to the Marquess of Milford Haven, of England. -ir -xr-ry f 1 Mist Sloan Simpson: Ru mor snys she'll become the bride of New York Mayor O'Dwyer. Mr P-w DIUCIOUI 1 I oivii'i rueei FLAVORS jm 1 ! 111111 11 sv, a - ty 1 - I : make a 1 , f 1 it- - ML mm November being just around the corner, many peo ple haying visited these markets during the past month are now planning to take advantage of the many outstanding features so eventfully advantage ous to the busy housewife ... not alone the econom ical features but the many shopping advantages of fered only at gSICK'S Last week we advised you to buy a liberal supply of coffee as the price was sure to advance. Well, it has. Our prices now are: ' GOLDEN WEST HILLS, MJB In IU 1 1 or MAXWELL HOUSE Schillings or Folgers c Empress or S & W 59c ib. AND THE END IS NOT YET, if our information is correct and we have no reason to doubt it. This price is about 5c to 10c per pound less than you may expect to pay in the not too distant future. Limit our option. Trick or Treat among the hundreds of such items. Can dies, cokes, nuts and a larqe assortment of goodies . . . We have selected one package we feel is especially nice for TRICK OR TREAT - good for the kiddies, too. Regular price 29c Special this Week Downy Flake Donuts They're as good as donuts can be made. . They, too, are . . . m J C Pei" 0Z' We still have a few of those delicious Pears left. No. 2 12 size cans of large halves at 25c Swift's TURKEY A LA KING: Here's an item of real merit, packed to retail at 69c. While two people could make a satisfactory meal of one can by heating and serving in pattie shell, they don't sell. Can't say that we blame anyone for not paying 69c for it, but at this special A A f(J they re a real value. Special While They Last GET W AT EITHER STORE - FOR THE YOUNG FRY Who Want To Be Ladies and Gentlemen Halloween Visit either Busick market, Marion street or Court Street and get your pledge blank. Sign it and present it at the door at the Capital Theatre Saturday at 10 A. M., and see a good show as the guest of Busick's. Just how far you can go and still be good lads and lassies will of course be up to you. We remember a few years ago (Yeah, quite a few). We had a lota fun especially wearing a mask. But after listening to some remarks and taking a peek in our big looking glass, we've discontinued the mask. Seems from all we hear, we don't need a mask any more. But lookin' this ad over, its a cinch we need an ad writer writing about a market so delightfully pleasant to shop in, getting quality foods at prices that makes setting a good table a daily pleasure instead of a task. What with the finest qual ity meats, vegetables and fruit so delightfully fresh and inviting, a cheese display absolute ly second to none on the coast, bakery department featuring fresh from-the-oven products as good as a bakery can make them and our free delivery, now a good ad, writer would mention soma these advantages. Naturally, the prices are right or we would'n be here. But shux, everyone who's ever been in one of these markets knows all that anyway. I L HUSDCEC & S INI FOR BETTER LIVING Court St. at Commercial TWO BIG STORES Marion St. at Comrrrriof