Y f par wall 'Family' Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Hale of Santa Barbara, Calif., place wreaths at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France. Watching are some of a group of 100 children from the French village of Maille, who have been "adopted" by the Hales. The Cali fornia couple brought the children to Paris for a day's outing. All of the youngsters lost a parent or relative in the German Massacre of the village in 1944. (AP Wirephoto) TRYING A COMEBACK Gloria Swanson Is a Granny But She Could Pass for 30 By HARMON W. NICHOLS Washington, Oct. 27 (U.R) The only thing I don't like about grandma is that she uses brown sugar in her tea. I tried some of the tea and it tasted awful. Otherwise, granny was a swell person. Also very pretty. This grandma happens to be one of the grand ladies of the stage and screen, glorious Glorie Swanson. At the moment, she is tangled in a two-ply mission: A comeback and a campaign for plugging the motion picture box office. Granny, who has three kids of her own and three grand-kids, is SO and admits it. She could pass for 30. At the Union Sta tion she was trim and pert in a brown wool suit. She was wear ing arm-length kid gloves, un derneath which was an armful of gold bracelets. No rings. She was in Washington to plug a picture which she likes. And Granny (she doesn't like the word) has made a few good ones herself. In all going way back she has been in 63. The last one was "Sunset Boulevard which a lot of people think was supposed to be a story of her life, "but which really isn't." Miss Swanson, when you come to know her, is folksy. What do you reckon she did at 8:30 in the morning, before she even ordered her peaches and shredded wheat in her hotel suite? She shipped out pictures of her family, just like any oth er mother or grandmother. "Here are four generations," she said, showing her own Mom one of her own children, her self, and three grandchildren. Hollywood still loves her for her many firsts. She was the first big time star ever to have a baby. She was the first to adopt one and the first grandma Also the first ever to marry a "title." Meaning royalty. She was the first American star ever to make a picture in France, the first to make a talk ing picture in England, and the first voice ever to broadcast from England to America. She's done about everything in the entertainment business including television, which she thinks needs a little revision and she remains a swell person. Miss Swanson was born in Chicago, and she doesn t give you the broad "a" on the stage. She is a serious worker, but at the same time she has a fine sense of humor. She loves to tell you about the time a fold ing bed got off its rollers and trapped her halfway up. Her mother rescued her. She doesn't know what is messing up the movie business, but she vows to find out. "I think it might be the fact that Hollywood doesn't open its arms to aspiring youngsters and give them a chance," she said. "After all, the people in other businesses give a kid a chance to show his stuff on a sort of ap prentice basis. Why shouldn't the pictures take some of the dramatic students and give them a try? If they are misfits, you might as well tell them. They'd be better off. Before the brown-sugar-in-tea incident, Miss Swanson was standing outside the station ad miring my little Austin. "I'd like a ride in it," she 'Orion' Latest Dupont Fabric Wilmington, Del., Oct 27 VP) E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & company has staked $22,000,000 on a new synthetic fiber called orlon which will go into com mercial production late next year, company officials disclos ed today. At the same time they said nylon production is "at an all time high and we shall be mak ing more and more of it." First orlon yarn will be turn ed out at a plant, now being built, in Camden, S. C. Invest ment in this plant and in re search, officials said, will add up to $22,000,000. Although the chemical his tory of orlon is not unlike that of nylon, the company explain ed, orlon is intended chiefly for use in different fields. Whereas nylon yarn is em ployed largely in the manufac ture of clothing for both women and men, the new fiber will be spun into automobile tops, tents, tarpaulins, chimney filter cloths, curtains and a variety of indus trial fabrics. "Orion's main property." a spokesman said, "is it's tremen dous sunlight resistance. Slight ly heavier than nylon, it has proved in tests to be the most re sistant fiber of all our synthet ics. " Airport Aid Bill Now Law Washington, Oct. 27 (IP) President Truman signed into law yesterday the measure to allow states increased federal aid for airport construction this year. The allotments by the civil aeronautics administration may be as much as 47.26 percent more than originally made available for the year. All Pacific coast states are in cluded in the 47 percent increase bracket. The bill, by Senator Cordon (R., Ore.) amends the existing federal airport aid law. It pass- It - , f i I Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, Oct. 27, 194931 To Tell Europe To Speed Up ' Washington, Oct. 27 (IP) Paul G. Hoffman headed for Europe yesterday reportedly armed with an ultimatum to Marshal plan countries that they speed up their recovery progress or else. Persons who snouia Know said Hoffman has ready some "get tough" proposals which would tell western Europe, in effect: "Show more self-help among vnurselves and more determina tion to achieve recovery or else risk loss or sharp cutbacks of multi-billion dollar aid now flowing to Europe under the Marshall plan." Secretary of State Acheson and Hoffman held a closed-door conference late yesterday. Officials said they huddled for half an hour on recommenda tions Hoffman will carry to Paris to lay before the 19 Mar shall plan countries when they meet next week. The economic cooperation ad ministrator is scheduled to ad dress the Canadian Chamber of Commerce tomorrow in Mon treal after which he will fly to Europe by way of New York. According to experiments con ducted by a Columbia university professor, the ten top-ranking animals, in the order of their re spective intelligence are: chim panzee, orangutan, gorilla, mon key, dog, cat, raccoon, elephant, pig and horse. Olive Queen Rosalie Cole takes a bath in super colossal olives. Both Rosalie and the mammoth olives come from Tehama county in California, which claims that it grows more than 70 pet cent of the super colossal olives harvested in the U. S. (Acme Telephoto) ed congress after seven months of wrangling. Figures for the three Pacific northwest states, with the in creased figure for 1950 under the new law listed second, in cluded: Oregon, $534,714 and $788, 509; Washington, $485,737 and $716,286; Idaho, $418,074 and $616,508. The legislation provides that all unobligated previous airport aid funds for the 1947, 1948 and 1949 construction program re vert to the treasury within 90 days. They would then be re distributed for use this fiscal year, ending next June 30. Twenty-three states stand to gain on an over-all basis with 25 said, lifting the pretty Swanson eyebrows. She got the ride. Christy, her little black haired maid, had to be satisfied to ride to the hotel in the ex pensive limousine her movie bosses had provided. AT NO EXTRA COST! TOP 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon BOTTOM V4 teaspoon and Vt teaspoon NOW PACKED IN EVERY BOX OF 4$Mmg ALL BRAN Get yours today while the supply lasts! YOURSI Accept this 4-in-l measuring spoon now in every package of delicious Kellogg's all-bran! 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