80 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, 0-t. 27, 1949 ! .i' rir"-. ...... , f . iy"? k m jBm Puerto Rieo'i M,00,000 Hotel The new ten-atory, $8,000, 000 Caribe Hilton hotel, with 300 roomi, In San Juan, Puerto Rico, ii acheduled to be opened in December. TEEN TALK y VIVIAN BROWN (AP Meufaaturea) The mora we hear about teen-agers, the more we realize that they ahouldn't ba grouped together in one big teen-age classifica tion. They'rt different eity by city, atate by atate, country by country. Their habits depend entirely on their own environment!. In Pittiburgh, for lnatancc, Elaine Kahn reporta that the current rage among high achool boya ia water piatola often concealed In hollowed out textbooka. But, aaya Elaine, one atudent, pert and pretty Marilyn Hoff man, 16, aaya the girla don't like them at all. Marilyn, a Junior t Langley high achool, aaya: "Girla try to ignore the boya who carry water piatola, but that ia about 10 per cent of the male atudent body. We'll go out on datea with the boya but we're pretty cold if they don't leave the piatola at borne." . Langley imposes a two-week suspension on anyone caught firing a water gun but the toys atill are very much in evidence. Girla carry them, too, but "just in self defenat" while the rage k on. Some non-conf ormlata load them with perfume or turpentine instead of water. Girls there don't believe in go ing ateady. They like to have fun and meet people, one reason why It is ailly to go steady. And once a ateady breaks up, it a hard to get dates afterward, they aay. Necking is out with these girls. Marilyn says: "We limit it to a goodnight kiss. We'd rather talk and laugh and have a good time Instead of all that mush. In high achool, I think a kiss is as far as it ahould go." The expressions "it's keen' and "it's sharp" cover most situations for the teen-age group. A new one is "serious up." It means "keep quiet, we want to be serious" and ia used to quell disturbance and squelch wise cracka. Favorite treat of the kids is a deluxe aundae consisting of vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, marshmallow, nuts, cher ries and whipped cream in great quantities. If you are drooling at thia point, just think of the price 65 cents, practically a whole week's allowance. Marilyn saya it isn't a regular diet with the young moderns at Langley. Usually, they have just one a month. Saya she: "It's quite a dish. If you finish one, they give you a little medal that reads, 'I was a pig at Pierce's' (the store that sells them)." Marilyn has a few medals. Some girls worry about wheth er to hold hands and kiss to be a success in their crowd. As one young high school girl writes: "Some of the boys have tried to put their arms around me and hold my hand, but so far I haven't given In. Per haps it is the wrong thing to do. Many of the boys have given up in disgust, including the boy I like. What should I do?" It would be very silly for any girl to kiss or hold hands pro miscuously Just because she wanted to be a success in her crowd. If the boys insist on this nuisance necking, give 'cm the gate. A nice boy will come along who will be willing to have dates I with a girl just because she en-' CIO Demands Denham Purge Cleveland, O., Oct 27 U.B yesterday demanded that Presi dent Truman fire Robert N. Denham, general counsel of the national labor relations board. In a press statement, Murray accused Denham of using the Taft-Hartley act "to aid em ployers bent on destroying free trade unions. He charged that Denham re peatedly haa stretched the labor law "even beyond its harsh terms" to crack down on unions. On behalf of the CIO, Murray joys his company. If she finds she wants to hold hands with him after she knows him well enough, that's for her to decide. But no girl should be forced into a romantic routine of which she doesn't approve. Boys, today, are too spoiled anyway, as most girls find . . . don't encourage it It is so easy for a girl to ruin her reputation, particularly in small town, by being too agree able in the matter of "necking.1 The funny thing about it is that after the boys have made the rounds of these romantic Janes, they look to the girls who have been aloof to become their steady dates. No boy wants to settle down with a girl who has been "best girl," some time or other, to every boy in town. I've Become a Dessert "Show-off ?di-U)ip Makes Delicious Treats Instantly Once desserts were prob lem. Then a friend told me ahout Reddi-wip. Now desserts are fun because with Reddi-wip you turn simplest desserts like gelatins, fruits, cupcakes, etc. into "glamor desserts" intftantly, and without work. Made with pure, rich cream flavored lust right, Reddi-wip whips itself. Keeps for days in re frigerator. Economical, too. From Your Milkman v Grocer "It Whips ltIP 0svtx Bcxxr ou ffiye it'll V Jr tmmAM 90 HAml MO& ' " I ljr I VAiTrT t ff A icie. so acaii oms oe hops, rtfi'i 5 IFl-VV V'TlljCVJvllll f5l ,W to firvf twp" BteR rrs otiioti vcr r-VA 1 ' JlMkJlM V ? VBStW SAnspvwe' taste, buttke hops " Vlfi O&iWK Kl'lUvar ' AMvHCN wisanco A smooth Tvwe, li'ilOfo&L5 fOK'"" W Af III j7lL I llfF TO Kit P OUT TWf SII6XTTST LV m IVtWi LfPTu f l yfLnl T v amwEss. because of acme's 6beatresoubces, iatht sam'wr torn mw rws awT' '' "sBi"'"' 71" " ' ' .-'1 eoTHtasww. m , agggT PurK'SCrrtO METHOD fU'yJ'g ; r 1 U ,' Bek it a ccucatt PROoucr. cr hio too lon ty IrfTl lffil'tfijfft ' sTi WMOUSAIWO WTll, lTCANOSTAll.SO SB si I V' jt Autlfumoo cn!EQi.iwr wuvtsft to oets. 0 "SfCT 'S'tS aiJ uit aASTiunNOx'Cit, keips ir movmo to OU W AIVT.MT W.K C HmClKM. ?lS tUff li0L- TWO ACA lATILVi Ty tOMt 1COAV. V ft said, "I call upon President Tru man to remove Denham as gen eral counsel of the national la bor relations board." Denham was appointed to a four-year term as general coun sel in the summer of 1948, short ly after the Taft-Hartley act be came law. But CIO lawyers said they were convinced that Mr. Tru man could oust Denham before hia term Is up. Murray said that "time and again" Denham haa refused to issue unfair labor practice com plaints against employers but "on the other hand, Denham has issued complaint after complaint against labor unions based on frivolous and unfounded charges by employers." Meanwhile, the rich CIO un ions prepared to follow the lead of the CIO alto workers in kick ing in financially within the next few daya to help build up a warchest for Murray's striking CIO steelworkers. I i l1"1 ill. Billy the Kid, most notorious outlaw of the old west, ia buried near Tort Sumner, New Mexico. Four varieties of trout Inhabit streams and lakes of New Mex- Milk Champion Allen Pros ser, IS, a Life Scout, drank nearly a gallon of milk in 10 minutes to beat 30 contestanta in a competition at the Loa Angelea county fair. I Looks Good! j Pjg fefu 1 1 Smells Good! I: cfc-I I "Tops for Your J p JJp--y 1 Keo L-Riiioo is ONE dog 0Vej to go fhoppinj now fhqt I food midt wilb lean, red " rr S mett-U. S. Goternmem Wt feed Bi'm Ktn-t-fiofioil." 1 I Inspected horse meet. Vet m M it costs far less than butcher meat. Supercharged with all known H "dog-health" vitamins . . . enriched with vital minerals. No wonder m dogs thrive on it! Just open can of Ken-L-Ration and fl M serve.It'sthateasy!Get3canstromyourfavoritedea!ertoday. mtm. m I FREK DOO BOOK -Nothing like it! Send name SSi" H L and address for vour Free copy today. Keol.Ration, W KAISER-FRAZER TERRIFIC DEALS "The Best Deal in Town" TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 355 N.Liberty . Phone 2-4173 Salem FORWOMixfLY MM WS AMM "XfS LOOK get 3 packages at a time. When you want it there it is I 3 times as many women prefer FLEISCHMANNS yeast has a different look- and only NUCOA has it! Every Pound of the New Measure-Pak Is Cut In lh. prints Gives You a PoaSe Short Cut! SHORT CUT TO MEASURING! Gone at last the slow, bothersome job of spoon and cup measuring when you're in the mood for cake-baking or whipping up a batch of cookies! Just use Nucoa quarters as a scale and get the exact amount your recipe calls for. So wonderfully convenient! EASY MEASURING GUIDE SHORT CUT TO BOWL-MIXING! Coloring Nucoa margarine is extra speedy now that it comes in the new Measure-Pak. Because it's already quartered, you don't have to break up the pound block before you begin coloring ... it reaches the right mixing temperature more quickly and evenly. . . and it's easier to distribute the pure color wafer more evenly right at the start. Now, more than ever, it's easy to have plenty of Nucoa always on hand, ready to serve. Smart, too because there's no finer spread for any bread than churn-fresh, energy-rich Nucoa. U a VIEW -America Largert-Sellfrrg Margarine -now in the NEW Measure-Pak