28 Capita Journal, Salem, Ore, Thursday, Oct. 27, 1949 Olirh' Southern California'! Pt Duff, right halfback, bounces E," ' V.TSWTTJI 1 VMVM off the head of Orefon'i Chuck MUsfeldt, fullback, L . . " ." . " after a (even-yard tain In the second quarter of their (ante !. '" J played In the Loi Angeles coliseum, Southern Cal won. 40-13. (Acme Telephoto) NHL Skaters Off on 70 Game Grind by JIM BECKER AP N.w.f.mr.i. IporU WrIUr New York The six teams in the National Hockey league get 10 more shots at the four play off berths this season. The league, never one to play 60 games when 70 will do, is underway with the longer card for this campaign. The boys won't be off the ice until mid- April, when a Stanley Cup win ner will be crowned. The regu lar season runs until March 26 to eliminate two teams. The other four scramble for the hardware. Toronto's Maple Leafs, who finished fourth last season, have won the Stanley play offs three straight seasons. Experts figure their chance of holding on is excellent, and also pick them to move up a couple of notches In the standings. The Detroit Red Wings, win ners by nine games in last year's regular season scramble, again are tabbed for the top. The Wings, highest scorers in the loop in 1948-49, have added front line punch in Pete Babando and Jimmy Peters from Boston. This pair will add depth to the team in the forward line, where lack of reserve strength was the chief cause of the Wings' loss to the Leafs in the cup finals. Throughout the rest of the circuit, trading has been lively. Also, a new coach, Buck Bouch er, has taken over at Boston. All four of the other clubs are depending on rookies in key spots, and behind Detroit and Toronto it will be a scramble lor the other two playoff spots. The Chicago Black Hawks, weak at goal for more than 10 years, have immeasurably strengthened that vital spot with the addition of Frankie Brimsek, since 1938 the regular goal tender for the Boston Bruins. Brimsek, although his sen sational play for the Bruins had earned him the nickname of "Mr. Zero" for all the shutouts he racked up, was unhappy in Boston. He want ed to play closer to his Eve leth, Minn., home and the Hawks obliged by shelling out -$25,000 for his contract, al though he now is 34 years old. "He still has the reflexes of a youngster," says Bill Tobin, owner of the Hawks. "And I think he has three more good years left." To aid Brimsek, Chicago has added defensive strength from their Kansas City farm, and the highest scoring minor leaguer in hockey, Ray Powell, to the forward line. In addition, Coach Charlie Conacher has the Hawks in the best early-season shape of any team in the loop. Conach er figures condition will be vital over the long 70-game stretch. The departure of Brimsek leaves the Bruins out on a limb in the nets. Rookie Jack Geli- ONLY BURNETTS Vanilla can make such Heavenly 7 all UK neau, former McGill university star, will attempt to get new Coach Boucher off that precari ous spot. The big question is: Does he have enough experience for' major league goaltending? Boucher thinks so. Boston's Babando and Peters went to Detroit for ace Defense man Bill Quackenbush, who won last year's Lady Byng trophy for gentlemanly conduct combined I with effective play. He was the first rear guard man ever to capture that title. Forward Pete Horeck came along in the deal. Several others of the old guard are gone and rookies must fill in. Montreal is the good field, no hit club of the NHL. The once-proud Canadians have been skidding downward for some time and will continue that trend unless they develop scoring punch. At the Madison Square Garden home of the New York Rangers, Coach Lynn Patrick starts his first full season with hopes of landing a playoff berth. This would be a distinct novelty in the big town, where the Rangers have been pitiful since before the war, going as high as fourth but once. The splendid Chucky Rayner is back in the Blueshirt net, and among the proven new comers is Norman (Bud) Poile, purchased from Detroit. Patrick also is high on his rookies. i WANT 1 STREAK-FREE BLUING? Rain Dropi dissolves instantly right in your suds! Never streaks or spots . . . you need no separate bluing rinse of any kind. ntIM hPAt 'SI FRANKIE BRIMSEK He's a Hawk Now gear? It's a warning when first you hear That slight transmission growl. Heed that warning and drive in hers Before it really begins to howl. OTTO J. WILSON CO. S88 North Commercial St. Phone 2-3621 U ,,.. ....... A Guoianl.td bv uom rlouitktepinf J jit youi G.Mcet'4 Vou Haven't . . Here's Your Chance! ONE DOLLAR is all that's needed to complete the Salem Community Chest Drive tor 1949. One dollar from each person who hos not yet hod a chance to moke his contri bution. Actually the Chest needs $15,000. in all to reoch the goal of $105,000. but YOUR dollar coupled with all those not yet included will do the trick. Please send your dollar right now with this coupon. Address it to: Salem Community Chest, 241 Liberty St., City And Thanks BEST SELLER Try ihM olh.r pa (Hilar Porter AT GROCERS product! Spooh.W, Hanw-tlyl EVERYWHERE l'?"- e"rt'-0' V"1"" "d Salad-typo macaroni. NAME ADDRESS Enclosed you'll find MY dollar to put OUR Salem Community Chest Over the Top. SIGNED I BORDENS COTTAGE CHEESE I rty x. r n JWrn I UUSCIOUS FRUITS " Sof AAIX60 WITH CREAMY 1 I BORDEN'S I J$ VC0TTA6 CHEESe! J I OOTOFTH6 1 sfx SfgL I CARTON ANO 1 OT fcf W "Knrderis A I Vj C ft I A M I O kJ IV CTTAGE CHEESE W Smack your lips whan you so fhf packoga. Th.ro ar (uley, dicod par, ptochtt, chor rioi and plnoapplo Intid Mlxod with smooth Bordon'a Cottago ChotM. Wonnndorfull And it's at your food start nowl J.f AyU&$ fyJthi Je W---- U,KK , MP K m x . u YOU'LL MEVEK BUY ?tttC as Autumn When the leaves turn gold. ..and the winds turn cold why not do yourself a good turn too? Turn to the superb and sure quality of 7 Crown-Seagram's finest American whiskey. $rii t Sure Siena's 7 Crava. Blended Whiskey. K4 Ptooi. U tarn NmM Ipirlla. turw-D-mUrs Corp., ChrfiHt Bldf., H.T. It's been true over 40 years . . . it's true today . . . Jt will be true in the future. YOU'LL NEVER BUY A BETTER BREAD THAN FRANZ. Finest ingredients, baking skill and every modern technical improvement are used at all times to make FRANZ the good fresh bread it is. FLAVOR 1 12 r.PLAlN OR TOASTfD