tar. V"- AtevHeV 1 ' Jii ' rmmSL Nationalist Police Disarm Chinese Nationalist police un load their rifles and discard their uniforms at a border station at Shataokok, separating Hong Kong, from China proper aft er Shataokok was taken by Chinese communists on October 14. (AP Wirephoto) Marshall Hints Coast's Danger Seattle, Oct. 27 (Pi Gen. Geo. C. Marshall said yesterday that the Facific northwest and Alaska have always been "in an extremely delicate situation In the event of war because of the comparativly easy flight dis tance across the Bering Sea." General Marshall arrived here this morning on his first west coast stop of a national tour to famllarize himself with Red Cross chapters throughout the country. He took office as American Red Cross president October 1. He said in a press conference that the Pacific northwest and other coastal states have been vulnerable to wartime attack "ever since the airplane became a major instrument of warfare." "There is no question about the delicacy of this situation," he said. "I am, however, now associated with the Red Cross, not the military, and therefore can make no comment as to whether or how these defenses can be strengthened." Marshall met with western Washington Red Cross chapter heads. He was scheduled to fly to Portland later in the day. Railroad Winner in Accident Damage Suit Cleveland, O., Oct. 27 W This time it was the railroad which was awarded damages in Develop Self-Reliance In Child Says Pediatrician By DAVID TAYLOR MARKE The other day I heard a pediatrician discussing the growth and development of infants and children. What he had to say sounded so sensible and down to earth that 1 pass his remarks on to you. The doctor was Leon Amen, associate peaiairician at xsein ns,iiH Hnsnital and adjunct pediatrician at the Hospital forand young cniidren is not desir Joint Diseases. 'able. Their habits of life are dis- aays uj. auku. , , turbed, new adjustments must be are in 1 made, and the Doss b t es nf ex. becomes the ehlld who will not and then pick him up. This is to Capital Journal. Salem, Ore., Thursday-, Oct. 27, 194927 at during his pre-chool years. loiiowea oy a nine lecture. one hour; arms and leg muscles, 4 hours; blood molecules, 18 hours; bones S days; skin, 5 days. always remember their primary goal U to develop self-reliance in the child. Nurses, governesses and teach ers have only partial views of the child. It is the parent who fhe hours of feeding, the Interval 1 ,terw or 'hr" a, "J"! ""V" ' nd' between feeding, and the number! , " ' w 15 minutes; heart muscles last 20 of feedings are matters which cannot be settled by routine orders, but must be determined by the individual infant accord ing to his particular demands. The time to start the child on self feeding is about fifteen months. At eighteen months he should be able to manipulate, however clumsily, a spoon and a fork, and should be encouraged to use them. A frequent complaint of young mothers, says Dr. Antell, is the resistance of the child to be put to sleep. To overcome this mother should lead up to bed time with her usual attentions A heart specialist. Dr. Peter J. Steincrohn, says In the Amer ican Magazine that after we stop breathing our brain survives THE STOBES OF BETTER VALUES a crossing accident. The Erie Railroad yesterday won a $100,000 judgment against the Elmer C. Breuer trucking interests because an Erie freight train rammed a Breuer truck. The railroad asked $246,622. It said a steel-laden Breuer truck was left stalled on the Erie's tracks at Ravenna for seven minutes with no attempt being made to signal the approaching train. Damages were awarded by a federal court Jury. Since 1896, approximately 400,000 automotive patents have been issued in the United States posure to infections are increas ed. Also the number of visitors in the home should be limited strictly. The psychological aspect of and affections. Then she should U lnA i U:i.. - 4U In.. in hi. neiK ..limit, must maintain an intelligent . .. .....u.. supervision, and co-ordinate the dctor, is of an importance al- but firmly and walk out of the contribution of all people who, most e1ual. t0 that ol tne foodroom- Most babl.ei wlU crv r in one way or another, care for "-" """ "i K""u iwira iwtui, muimn mu mm the child physically and men-! habits begins with the earliest go to sleep. In a difficult case, tallv " i day5 l''e' ne baby who is ' if the child becomes too hysteri- I forced to nurse, or to take his cal, it is wise to let him cry for The home sayi Dr. Antell, Is bottle when he does not want to j half or three quarters of an hour. the most intimate and enduring; environment of the child. He should have a room for himself, when possible. Walls and floors should have a smooth surface, easily cleaned. Furniture should be simple, and one must make sure that it is not painted with lead paint. The mattress should be hard but comfortable. . Fresh air is as important to the child as good food. For the first year, says Dr. Antell, a sunny room, with windows open, protected from wind and dust, is better, for sleeping than the street. When baby is awake and sitting up for part of the day. a baby carriage furnishes a method of providing outdoor life for the city child. For people who live in the suburbs or country, a play pen in the open is preferable to wheeling. Children should not be coddled, but neither should they be subjected foolishly to low temperatures or any other unfavorable climatic condition, he says. Should a baby be taken visit ing or on trips? Definitely "no" says Dr. An tell. In general, visiting or travel in any conveyance, for infants MARR RADIO Guaranteed Repairing NOW 2 LOCATIONS 2140 S. Commtrcial Phone 2-1611 17th & Market Phone 2-7763 minutes; eyes. SO minutes; ear For a picnic or a feast 0 4i tor HOOD'S CHIEZ'O POPCORN SILTED NUT MEATS Offcer Products HAS the BEST of Rom where I sit ...ly Joe Marsh Now They're Sitting Pretty Squint Miller, who's working as a telephone lineman, was telling vie about some birds that got into a fight with his company. Seams a eoupla of woodpecker! let op housekeeping in a telephone pole. Nobody minded them living there, but they kept pecking at the wires eausing one short circuit after another. Finally, the telephone people who had nothing personal against the birds just stopped ap the hole where they lived. But they kept coming back. At last, the company donated that pole to the woodpeck ers and set ap a brand-new one for their own use 1 From where I sit, we'd all be bet ter off if we were as tolerant with our own kind as that telephone outfit was with the woodpeckers. Let's consider the other fellow's point of view whether it's his right to lire where he wants, or to enjoy a friendly glass of temper at beer or ale when and If he pleases, . Copyrightt 1949, United Statu Brewers Foundation w so much richer in flavor that you can get CU CAttwl (JirO of coffee from each pound. r - ' a3q ground 3 wy Uukif--Sil-rnh , ' flavor hi oy ';, savtvptoUc ':fq $,,. roe W per ; you'll " "MK". OT " for olKof QtacwM. ' Your Ant taste ten of Golden West's extra rich ncas, YotiH And richer flavor and genuine satis faction. This luxury coffee costs less, for you get 20 extra cups from every pound. Make it as you always do, using 13 LESS. Then let that steam ing, fragrant cup prove how good coffee really can ba... at a saving of up to 18 per pound. fMeart s atom isvirmsit st IEN-HUK PRODUCTS, INC. Costumes! 9 Favors! Candies! CLEVER COSTUMES for young and old! in 69 $")) a to L BE THE HIT OF THE PARTY AS A 29 "ill CLOWN PIRATE GYPSY PEASANT and, many mora novelty characters DON'T GO TO THE PARTY WITHOUT A GENUINE LATEX LIFE LIKE MASK They're Terrific 89c BE -WITCHING BARGAINS! lor a Perfect Party! HALF MASK, vast assortment MASKS, youth & adult assort COMICAL WIGS, Astd. sizes & styles .29 PUMPKIN LANTERNS 10 BASKETS, BLOW-OUTS, HORNS 5 NOISEMAKERS, metal, all kinds 10 CREPE PAPER, black & orange Pkg. 10e PARTY HATS, metallic, colorful .5 & 10 7 .5' 10c CI a lb. lb. Colorful Paper Plates Cups Napkins Halloween Designs 15c pkg. SPECIALS rtrioi in i .... -wouiin VI i a JUMBO JELLY BEAnT CANDY mow HALLOWEEN SUCKEM S, 0 " CHOC. & VAN. COOKIES .."'bag iq 136 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. 'THE STORES OF BETTER VALUES' SALEM, ORE. Ik