IS Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Thursday, Oct. 27, 1949 Futuristic Fashion Art Goes to the Head By DOROTHY ROE fAociatl Prexj Fih:on Editor) New York Looking ahead to the rocket age, Lilly Dache pre sents "futurist fashions" for 1950. Hats that would be equally at home on a stratocruiser or at a . Broadway first night are featured in her fall and winter collec tion, together with a new idea bound for wide acceptance by theater-goers and riders in open" cars, mis is a "late nei wnicn covers the hair, shadows the eyes and is worn beneath the hat. i When a lady is asked to remove her hat in the theater, explains Lilly, she reveals a perfect coif fure held snugly in place by the s "face net," which often has a small jewel or flower decoration 1 of its own, for decorative effect. Girls who like to ride in con vertibles with the top down also will find the new net a boon, not only to comfort but also to ; allure. It avoids the usual "burst mattress" look of windblown hair and gives a sleek, well groomed and strictly sophisticat ed air to the wearer. Mmc. Dache likes little eve ning hats in pillbox shape, made entirely of pearls or rhinestones, with perhaps a yard or so of per pendicular feather. It's fun, points out the designer, to wear one of these towering creations to the theater, observe the con sternation of the people in back of you and note their relief when you remove it to reveal the flat tering and unobtrusive net be neath. Also adapted to interplanetary wear are her new coronets' and tiaras of lacquered human hair, and her sweeping angled hats which clasp the back of the head and jut forward in swirls or angles which manage somehow to look exactly right. L. -i --JLj-jsv. is u Rocket Hat Abstract de lign in black felt with "anten na" feathers, clasping the back of the head. -J Atomic Age The wind blown look is achieved by monkey fur on a black felt can, for high drama. Face Net This flower-trimmed net is worn, beneath the hat, keeps hair in place when hat is off. Moon Maiden She wears a rhinestone pillbox with tower ing feather and face net. All by Lilly Dache. CLEO KNEW MAKE-UP KIT Ancient Beauty Secrets of Egypt Could Give Tip to Miss America By ISIS RAGHEB (AP NfwsfcaturMl Cairo Miss America could learn a makeup trick or two from the ancient beauty secrets of Egypt. Cosmetics were widely used here 1,500 years before Christ. Kven today Egyptian women are credited with more effective eye makeup than their sisters over the world. Here are a few Egyptians beauty secrets. They take a good deal of work but, after 34 centuries, Egyptian beauties still believe them worth the ef fort. Kohl, an eye make up so ef fective the ancient Egyptian queens had it buried with them for use in the aftcrworld, Is worn by 90 per cent of modern Egyptian women. It is a black, soot-like pow der. Special shops sell it on famed Khan Khalil street In Cario's Mouski bazaar. Beauty hops abroad stock it. Kohl i made by burning thin ttrips of cotton dipped in cas tor oil. A smooth, concave plate is held over the fire to collect the soot. Then the soot is mix ed with ground kohl stone, placed in a special container Egyptians call a "makhala" and locked tight by a cover whose needle-like edge is saturated with the odorless, fast kohl dye. You apply kohl by carefully inserting the fine edge between closed lids. After outlining the eye, end with a tiny line which gives the eyes an attractive slanting appearance. Egyptians centuries ago bor rowed from their Turkish neigh bors a depilatory which makes them scorn modern powders and depilatory creams. It is a sticky substance called halawa oddly, that is also the Arabic word for candy. Halawa is prepared by mixing sugar with a little water and allowing the mixture to boil. Then a few drops of lemon juice are added to make a thick, trans parent syrup. After cooling, it is applied to the skin and then removed. It hurts yes. But for at least a month the rough, un ruly hair disappears. Out here most women have a "ballana," a professional who calls once monthly to provide the "halawa" treatment. Next to kohl henna is one of the most antique beauty treat ments. American women may recall an old joke that "some men like blondes, some brun ettes and some like women hen na way." The pun isn't very good but Egyptian women be lieve the beauty treatment is. Peasant women pick henna leaves, dry them and grind them. The dark green powder is then mixed with water. Henna is not only used to turn hair an orange-blonde shade. It is used to delicately tint the palms, feet and nails. Egyptian tradition says woman with henna-dyed hair never suffers from dandruff. Canned hamburgers are dell cious baked on baking rmwrfor biscuits. Make the biscuit dough out of the standard recipe and cut twelve rounds that are the same size as the hamburgers. Top each of six rounds with a hamburger, then cover with the remaining six rounds and bake in a hot oven for about 15 min utes. Serve with hot gravy or sauce. The businessman who be comes a week-end painter, land scaper or carpenter is an ex pensive menace. Practically any chore he tackles, more energy-consuming than digging up gladiolus bulbs, could be accom plished cheaper and better by acquiring an expensive professional. During the past two week ends the following events be fallen neighbors within a stone's throw of my own small house and grounds: One neighbor decided it was time to repaint his rain-gutters. The quiet of Sunday was shat tered by a hoarse male scream as the gentleman was precipi tated with considerable force on the flagstone terrace below. When he was revived, it was dis covered tha three ribs were broken and a muscle torn. He said the ladder slipped out from under him. Be that as it may, there are doctor, hospital and X-ray bills to be paid, not to mention the crutches, and office- time lost. And some one still has to repaint the gutters. Also, it was a borrowed ladder, and it's broken now, so he'll have to replace that. Last Saturday another shout ed alarm rent the air. It came from another neighbor who decided he was going to repair his house, thereby saving him self a pretty penny. Well, he had to take off some of the old paint with an acetylene torch So he set his house on fire. The damage wasn't extensive the water from the garden hose didn't help the living room fur niture much but there will be some carpenter work required. Next day, still a third neigh bor had an emergency visit from the doctor. This week-end Paul Bunyan was engaged in moving an evergreen tree alone. He $$ MONEY $$ FHA m Real fcstate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. High St. Uc. 8-218 M-JM One man tells another: SCHENLEY . . . it's richer, mellower always! From SCHENLEY the House of AGED Whiskies tlPF Rl r N nr n WHKKY Mnn'- stkight whiskifs in this phomict are a a. nr. uuhulu nnioni 5 mRS nR M0RE oto J5 straight whisky. 65 maw imim trim it. cops. ma. ichuley distributors, inc.. i. t. c ADVICE TO WIVES: 'Week-End' Handy-Man Can Be Expensive Menace By CYNTHIA LOWRY (AP NcwiftiturM Writer Women whose husbands are "handy around the house," are usually the object of envy by women whose husbands "won't lift a hand." They shouldn't be. Ladies with husbands who go golfing week-ends or who just loll around in comfortable chairs are really the lucky ones. was trying to lift it Into a wheel barrow, when something slip ped out of place in his back. He's strapped up now, so some one has to be hired anyway to finish the job. Apparently there is something about living in a small house with small grounds which leads the average person to believe that he can do just any job, from electrical work to steeple- jacking. I'd like to look at in surance figures about the num ber of accidents that befall these week-end jacks of all trades. Intelligent wives would dis courage this week-end laboring tendency on the part of eager husbands. If he feels he must play painter, set him to work at something he can do on the ground, like storm windows, screens and other removable parts. If he must garden, don't let him tackle anything more violent than a lawn mower. Let I him replace washers, but keep J him away from anything that seems like an important leak, I water or gas. And never, no never, let him fool around with electrical wires. This is a simple measure of economy, designed to save both money and health, not to men tion tempers. Why Be Fat Get Slimmer Without Dieting You may lost pound and have a more stea ler, graceful figure, you simply cat delicious AYDS (aids) Vitamin and Mineral candy be fore mals as directed your appetite la curbed, you eat leu and Iom weight automatically. A YDS are completely safe a child can eat them The AYD8 plan U easy, modern way to reduce. Try A YDS today. GUARANTEE You too must lose weight with your first box (only 12.891 or your money oaik. FREE. Scientific Weight Chart. Call lor yours. Or sent free with mall )t phone orders. No obligation, tfitrittmt Hood River Brand Apple Cider is a 'jS'"" - ' " ,aste treat tnat fi's right into the spirit ' i of full harvest moons and lighted jack- ' o'-lanterns. Serve "Oregon's own wB?'' . apple cider", brimming with fresh- Ppfe TpT g apple flavor, at your Hallowe'en party. f" J0 iS 11 Buy a gallon container for your family hu nn WW and friends to enjoy. Ask your grocer h,.s or Hood River Brand Apple Cider. fjnT- Also available in -gallon containeri. V APPLE GROWERS ASSOCIATION ' hood mvia, emooN when you buy 6A6-0's NEW Concentrated Liquid that fcnVes You. wen in hardest waterl GUM IS CCNCMTRAWl JUST ONE CAPFUL ('2TtAPOON) DOES THE DISHES! it. i 3 IT us GLIM, take bottle 0 Measure only one capful out of handy holder turn teaspoon) of GLIM Into it right tide up and replace. your empty dishpan or link. 3 Turn hot wo far on fvll fort: M Rack dishei and glosiei You'll get rich, Instant wdt. J They dry sparkling bright. Then wash and rinse. No wfpt'ng ndec Accept this offer today I While U sale units last get Bab-0 for only Iff when you buy GLIM at regular price. GUM SAVES YOU AMEYl One Bottle s Pleify for 50 Dishwashing ! Caere w4 fcA V Ce Hee.Mt.eeem J I