24 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 27, 1949 "MY DAD IS IN SCAPOOSE! SO HE WILL MISS ..'AJrfc BISHOP'S FRIDAY - S ATU RDAY - MONDAY ONLY MEN! HERE IT IS BISHOP'S GREATEST MONTH END SALE of The Year Just 3 Days Only of Most Stupendous Savings on Fine Nationally Known SUITS and TOPCOATS BOY S DEPARTMENT LLEyEELR Boys' Cords Boys' All-Wool Joe-Shirts Cream and Corn Colors Red and Black Plaids, Double Zipper Fly Yoke, Sizes Small, Medium, Large Sixes 6 to 12 b7J Valuesto$5.95 5 45 Sole Sale Boys' All-Wool Sweaters Boys' Sport Coats Pullover Style - Colors Red, All "Wool - Herringbones, Yellow, Brown, Beige and Blue Glen-Plaids and Solids Size 4-12 Value $10.95 COC fc0C Sale J.7J Values to $6.50 4 J Site 13-20 Value $15.95 QOC ' Sale Sale 0.7J BOYS BOYS Long Sleeve Sport Shirts Short Sleeve Sport Shirts Patterns and Plains - Sizes 8 to 29 Patterns and Plains - Sizes 4 to 16 Values to $3.75 51 J J Values to $2.95 51 UU Sale 1 Sale BOYS BOYS Cotton Flannel Pajamas Boys' Cotton Sport Sox Wartn 2 Yard Flannel, Sizes 4-1 (i Fancy Patterns Values to $2.95 51 4 J Values to 55c Pr. for 51 UU Sale Sale SALE OF SHOES FLORSHEIM & FREEMAN The finest in Mack and brown calf skin dress shoes and those wonderful heavy Scotch grains for winter wear. Shoes selling up to 18.9,"). Xot all sizes in every style, hut all sizes in this group of over 200 pairs of fine shoes. All go at one price . . . - . ' s- : 1: FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY ONLY Oct. 28-29-31 7 ,1 .' Z-, - y.utf- AVU "MFAV- L3v In keeping with Bishop's policy of always having the newest and finest for your selections. All odd lots must go now regardless. It is your great opportunity to buy the clothes you need for present and future at the greatest Savings in years. SITS One special group, small sizes, fine all wool Suits and Topcoats. Values to 45.00. All newest styles and patterns. Xow for this great close out, onlj SITS D One exceptional group. Men's and Young Men's SUITS AND TOPCOATS. Values to 60.00. Many of our finest makes, Michaels Stern, Clothcraft and others. All sizes in lot, but not complete sizes in patterns. Xow for this big event it's the buy of the year. 3 50 OUR FINEST UI15 and TOPCOAT In this surprising group youjll find America's finest makes. Hart Schaffner Marx,' Hollywood and others. Gorgeous patterns and colors. Reg. 70.00 to So.OO values, l-'very one the newest style. Simile and double breasted. Just for 3 days only, the greatest value in years. A slight charge for excessire alterations. 1195 DOORS OPEN FRIDAY AT 9 A.M.