AUTOMOBILES I Hudson City, t Where Chemeketa goes to Church Salem, Oregon Dear Dad: It looks as if winter is here for su re. How did Pheasant hunting go? Wanted to get out to see you, but just haven't had the time. Our business is showing quite a gain over last year at this time. Can't tell just yet what effect the Steel and Coal strike will have. We sure have been taking in the trades and darn good ones, too. What do you think of these? 1948 Kaiser Sedan, heater, and runs like new. 1948 Hudson Super 6 Sedan, R& H, and real low mileage. . 1947 Chev. Sedan Delivery. With radio, heater and lots of extras. 1941 Chrysler Coupe, R&H, tops in condition. 1941 Lincoln Sedan, R&H, overdrive. 1941 Olds Sedanette, R&H, Hydra matic drive. 1937 Chev. Sedan, one owner, rebuilt motor. Best in Town. AND a lot of others in most makes and models from $50.00 up. This is all for now as it is about lunch time. Will write more next week. Tell everyone "Hello," and Drive Carefully, won't you? . Sincerely, Your Hudson Salesman. STOP - LOOK - LISTEN YOU CAN'T BEAT THE PRICES WE HAVE ON THESE CARS Come in look them over compare them as to condition, appearance and price with any in the city! 1949 Ford Sdn. 1949 Cpe. R&H. $ 1695.00 1948 Ford Super 19" Del. Sdn.. . $ 1245.00 1947 Ford Super Del. Cpe.. . $ 1195.00 1847 1946 Ford 6 De luxe Tudor $ 995.00 1946 1947 C h v . St'lemaster 1942 Cpe $ 1095.00 1948 Pref. Eng- 1948 lish Ford $ 1095.00 1940 Buick S u - 1949 per Sedan. Good $ 425.00 1941 Dodge Se- 1947 dan Cpe. . $ 645.00 18,g 1937 Ford Tu dor. Good. $ 195.00 1938 Ford Sedan $ 245.00 1935 TERMS TO FIT YOUR PURSE THE CAR LOT OF SENSATIONAL VALUES AND CARS WITH A PERSONALITY DON'T FORGET THE LOCATION Valley Motor Mart PHONE 8-1147 mart TEAGUE'S SPECIALS WE HAVE ACCUMULATED SEVERAL LOWER PRICED USED CARS IN THE LAST TEN DAYS. IF YOU WANT A LOT OF GOOD TRANSPORTATION FOR A LITTLE MON EY, COME IN AND LOOK AT THESE: 1941 OLDSMOBILE COUPE 5 PASS., EXTRA GOOD $795 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR, CLEAN 595 1940 FORD TUDOR, NEW PAINT, GOOD MOTOR 545 1939 PONTIAC 6 SEDAN, FINE CAR 545 19S9 CHRYSLER ROYAL COUPE, NEW TIRES 445 1939 CHEVROLET 5 PASS. COUPE, EXTRA GOOD 545 1939 BUICK SPECIAL 2-DOOR, NEW PAINT, NEW TIRES 393 1939 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN, FINE MOTOR . . 325 1937 PLYMOUTH COUPE. FINE TIRES. GOOD MOTOR . . 295 1937 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR SEDAN. VERY CLEAN 325 1938 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR, RADIO & HEATER 185 SEE JOE SPURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. SS3 N. COMMERCIAL FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS RM. SIZE tvm oil heitfr. RtMoaabl. 15F?rrr St. PS STEEL CLOTHESLINE post. Millntl tn tock & mtuto to order. 1145 H. Ubtrtr. Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKFS PICK UP AND DELIVER W DAVENPORT PH 1-1871 nan SIMPLEX dclnxe lroner. M Lt St. Ph 3-9327. r2SS THERMAOOR fltrtc "hMter with fun. Con 37. baenlMc. Ph. 3-1157. J"8 LEONARD rflrif. In rxctTlfent cond.. tM. Trider LoiUf. WSS PortlamMtd. n357 OVFrTstITFED llvn tnmn uitv R-ut color. Vtt little w. Worth MM). Will Tnr M.W. Trader Lo-jW. 2055 Port land n2S1 BED OWKNO, food condition. 32M -riant. e Dr. n2U WALLING SAND ORAVEL CO CRI'SHED RO K for road and driftways, eemrnt ready ml concrtu. cardm land Bulldorlnt. dralnaae and ditch in l Via ifval and drai Una Ph 1-1349 ONE 1ft-1 NTH tminir arbor table taw M. W Ii H P.. 300 R P.M. motor IIM Pt). 39448. 1.357 1 PHARF. of Yamkt Mlnlnf Merit. To hthtt bidder. Ph. 17R3-J Albany or Write Box 1740 Went Queent Aft. n257 BOY V"a N 0 i trl ' bicycle. Reasonable. Ph 24781 or 1398 V. Liberty. ELECTRIC runte A Ford panel. 201 Lee St. Pii. 1-7947. n257 ELK MEI.E, 11-OS flprlnafleld iporter with copt. 183. Trader Loutc, JOSS Portland id. naiT BR T HTittfi rn a"c tTlwT WB T.U. ut ed i maa.yerT cheapen. 3-9414. nisi SEWINO Maftiine. electric or ireid.cj. Service on all make. Ph. t-7871.n281 TREAOIK DEWING mi-rnne. 3 pr. pw en'a wMfrn r.dirn bnou. black . brown n?t 7. 1 pr. lomm'j wtrn r;l im pan'i. aire 14. 3 urn.' coa'ji Mtt 12. Bcout Maiter'a uniform. PTv 3-83TT. n?ST Birrcl.r in rn. (or nrl or m a. Cbeapl Pa. l-UU. B2M AUTOMOBILES Ford Se dan, R&H. $ Ford 6 Su per Deluxe Sdn $ 1865.00 1095.00 1095.00 1045.00 695.00 895.00 1895.00 245.00 Ford V8 Su per Deluxe Sdn. Ford Sta tion Wagon Studcbaker Champ. Sd, Angl. Eng lish Ford . Ford Sta tion W gon. R&H. C r osl e y Pickup . . . Ford Su per Coupe, R&H Ply. Cpe. . 935.00 50.00 at center SALEM 0.237 PHONE 2-4173. .?' FOR SALl MISCELLANEOUS TALLMAN'S Piano Clearance Sale RECONDITIONED PIANOS $125 TO $185 135 down, Slo a' month. REBUILT PIANOS $225 UP 135.00 down. 113 a month. We need room for new pianos tn transit. Tallman Piano Store 373-395 So. 13th A mhe from Hlth Price. ti2W MONTAO DIESEL automatic baaenvnt furnace, cheap. Phone 3-63U. n256 I9t EVINRI'DE 10-h.p. outboard motor Like new. Sold boat, don't need motor. Coat $276.50. first S175 eah take It Set Senator Oarage or Pb. 3-40H. n258 It-GAUGE PUMP mn. 1785 Berry after 6:30 p.m. D256 OAS RANGE. Excellent condition, HJ 104 E. Wilton. 0117' SPENCER Cormtler. 3553 D St. Ph. 35fl?3 n277' PX'ILER brusnaa, 1743 Oraot. Ph. 3-8357 B370' BARN YARD FTRTILIZER $1 rd. t rd load 125. Arnold Phillip. P O 8o 381 Turner. Ph. 1X3. n35 CED OIL HEATERS lit U. 139 M bnd 139 50 OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 461 Court St. PnOM t-tlll SALEM SATO urtAVTL COMPANY Contract Work Hoed Clearing DlUftins Vwer Basement Equipment Rental Ik B H yds 10 B yds D-7 Cat Doter D-l Cat Doeer D-4 Cat Doser Be as about ditching ky ttw fl. Phone Daya t-9400 Bvaa 1-824 or I-44O0 aalem Oreaon tr LI MBER x i by jitney load. 10 per t.OOO. Teu hael Independence Lumber Si Mff Co- lae. IndepeodeocA Ore OTNFRIt rLVCTRIC Crosier OlhTor end Montag Appliances at Oevurts b Journal Want Ads Pay I AUTOMOBILE! FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PEAT MOSS fortified with turkej drop, tms Only 80c a sack. VALLEY FARM STORK. S SllrertOD Rd. Ph l-jnn nJ5' PHILLIPS BROS. Partuiters. well rotted or fresh, any kind. Br yard or sack. Platrock for all rock work. Cedar fence posts, telephone and elec. poles. Any' lenffth. Shingles Yew posts. Ph. S-1438. Rt. 6 Bos lis WANTED MISCELLANEOUS nsBn FURNITURE Phone S-S1B9 na FIR STUMPAGE and fir logs-wanted Shipment can be made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber At Manufac turing Company, Inc. Independence. Oregon. Phone 42. na259 WANTED: 1 log bunk. Ph. 22938. na257 WANTED: BARKIE Douglas fir poles or stumpage. prion. izs7 Albany or write Standard Pole At Piling Co., Inc. na273 WANTED furniture o glut rejAlr. Bros, euro tisri&iantnf t-o n t- INVESTIGATIONS CLARUS CAMERA 35 mm f-2.g lens 11000 sec shutter, oood condition. ez.)o witn case. Senator Camera Shop, 274 N. High. Phone 3-3028. nb2fil PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P.O. 724. Ph. -5234. P333 MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madam solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally 173 S. Com'l. Under new man agement. P279 STANLEY HOME Product!. Le Mlndt, p27l 1165 N. 14th. Ph. 2-4801. STANLEY HOME Product. Ph. 2-4455. J. M. Stovall, 3045 sunnyvlew. pjao- MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER Can help rou where others have, failed. Satisfaction assured. Advice on all af fairs of life. Special reading MOO. Lo cated Just south of Hubbard on Highway 99E. Between woooburn and nuoDnri Look for sltm Reading Dally. p278 AVON Christ ma product. Ph. 3-3314. pJ7' AUTOMOBILES PACKARD 1949 DeLUXE SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive, two-tone fin ish. Used wry little, sen at Big Discount. New car guarantee. STATE MOTORS INC. 340 No. High Ph. 3-5663 n2- 4 FORD Tudor. Very clean. 11400 or best 1365 N. 4th. .2j7 1939 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN. RAH. SEAL BEAM LIGHTS. EXCELLENT CONDITION. 1525.00. OR MAKE AN OFFER. PH. 3-4982 AFTER 3 P.M. 0.356 IBM CROSLET station wagnn. Like new. 1445.00. Ph. 3-5973 or 91 Evertreen Ave. q256 I9!ft OLDS 4-door sdn. 76 deluxe R&H. Seat covers. Hyd. W.S.W.. 12195. Rt. 1, box 12ft, A urns vllle. Ph. 183R. Stayton. q256 WILSON'S 193 GRAHAM SEDAN ... 1938 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR FORD SEDAN .1315 . 175 . 75 Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center MI ST SELL at once, '47 Old. Sedanette, Sacrifice 11200. Ph. 3-9200 after ft p.m. q256 DODGE 1941 DeLUXE SEDAN Fluid drive, heater, nw Urea, new mo tor, guarantee. Very easy terms. STATE MOTORS INC. 340 No. Hllh Ph S-S463 q257 1934 CHEV. Standard 2-Door. 40-amp generator, sealed beams, rebuilt trans- muMlon. new too. Call 3-4439 after 5 TV 1110 00 cash. q256 V BL'irK 4 -Door Sdn., good condlt on. 1225. Ph. 3-4936. q259 34 4 DOOR Plymouth. R AH. Oood, clean car. SM Ph. 65 4 R Slay Ion. 0,259 WANTED: Clean wefl can Bob Mart 3 ISO South Commcrcia. POR SALE 1948 Plrmouth DeLuse Coupe 18.000 mile., excellent condition, radio. beater, undercoatlng, air cushion tires, seal cover Priced fnr aukk sale 11400. Phone 2-1423. 7th and Murlatk. t Salem. Orr 3" Eisner Motors to Sell WILSON'S 1931 ORAHAM SEDAN 193B CHEVROLET a-DOOR , 1939 FORD SLDAN Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center ISO USED CAR LOT tie At rour t:d one. 12th St, Juacrn ,Opm uu il rn. aiT , AUTOMOBILES SAVE $400 1940 FORD SUPER Deluxe Sedan. Radio, heater, seat cov ers, like new. Take 34 months, small down payment. STATE MOTORS INC. 140 NO. High Ph. I-S58J qT CAR ACCESSORIES tire A tubes at coat price First come first served a this is e, close-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R D Woodrow Co., 450 Center q WILSON'S 1947 Chevrolet Sedan . $1195 NEW PAINT . A REAL BARGAIN Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT . 6LL - TRADE TERMS 333 Palrcronnd Road Phone 3-84M WILSON'S 1940 FORD CONVERTIBLE $525 Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center NEW 1MB Chev. Pleetllne deluxe 4 door sedan. Sell leu tnaa new car price. 1887 N. Winter 8L q257 1947 CHEV. Pleetmaster 6p. deluxe 4 dr. Sed. R.&H.. nerfect cond. 11250. rnone 33384. q?S7 '37 PLYMOUTH sedan. '46 motor, recent overhaul, heater, 1265. Call after 5 33 p.m. Ph. 2-6702. 0.253" 10:U STl'DKBAKER coupe. Oood tires al most new battery, lots or miles in im car or make good truck. 175. Ph. 3-1506. Call alter 6 p.m. c.257 37 CHRYSLER, convertible, good :ond.. 3110. See at Clear Lake Store. 2jB WILL ACCEPT new car for 12800 equity tn good 3 B.R. home In Hollywood clsi. Ph. 3-3370 or Inquire at 3510 Laurel Q.358 WILSON'S 1941 Chrysler Town & Country $695 BEATS NINE OR REMOVE SEAT FOR EXTRA LUQOAOE Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center 1946 MERCURY CLUB COUPE Perfect condition and guaranteed. Small down payment and balance to suit you. STATE MOTORS INC. 3(0 Ho. Hllh Ph. J-S863 nJST Pontiac Good Will Cars 46 Pontiac sedan $1145 '46 Pontiac sedan coupe 1295 46 Plymouth sedan. R&H 1195 '48 Pontiac sedan coupe, R&H 1E4J '37 Pontiac sedan 145 '38 Pontiac coupe 145 Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS 600 N. Liberty Prion l- BUICK 1941 SEDT New tires, new finish, low mileage. One owner. Ouaranteed. $293 down payment. BaL to suit you. STATE MOTORS INC. 667 So. 12th St. Ph. 3-4547. q27' WILSON'S 1941 Chrysler Town & Country BEATB NINE - OR REMOVE SEAT FOB U I HA LUUUAUli Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center ini? PLVMOI'TH special deluxe club coupe. Radio & Heater. Excellent condition. 16.000 miles. 11400. Ph. 20320. q2S7 Eisner Motors Fine Cars WILSON'S 1947 Chevrolet Sedan SI 195 NEW PAI1TT - A REAL BAROATM Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center PLYMOUTH 1947 SPEC. DeLUXE Two door. One owner, low mileage, like new. Small down payment, balance to lull. STATE MOTORS INC. 7 So. IJU St. Ph. -. alM1 WILSON'S 1940 FORD CONVERTIBLE $525 Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center J MODFL A foup. with rumble i'tt, Seal beam llshla. runs good. Ph. I-17 2M AUTOMOBILES Eisner Motors to Buy '34 CHEV. master coupe Tires, body, motor excellent cona. naoio, neater. 111). PO. box 112. woodburn. q3C0 MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS IIARLET li OH. Reasooablt. low N nth. az53" FARM EQUIPMENT KED TRACTOR TIRES, popular sixes. tb 00 and up. Montgomery Ward Ac Co.. Salem qMVJ MACHINERY H.D. 7-A-C CAT 1947 model, drum St dos- er. Tires, blocks, tooLs, power a. etc. Take car or truck a part payment. A-l shnpe. .SSP0 00. qc2S8 FINANCIAL IF YOU want to sell your property It will pay you to know now much of an FHA loan It will ttand. This Information is obtainable with very Utile trouble. Do not hesitate to call en us for any In formation you desire on FHA loans. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St. Tel. 34121. T How Many Bills! Do you pay each month and what do they mount to. add mem up , . . men pnone Personal for a loan on their "Smaller Payment" plan one loan and one month- y payment . . . generally mucn ieu man the monthly total you are now paylnn. You may spread the payments over 20 months. Borrow wisely w tie re a loan would really help. Come In or phone the 'Yes" Man. ne says "Ys" 10 i out 01 . PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OP SALEM 518 State, Rm. 125 Ph. 22484 Alien, Mgr. Lie. a-va-tn-m GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS , L1C S-13J and U-321 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 136 8 Commercial St Tel. 3-9181 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 19S0 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bang Free Parking Phone 21033 -Lie N M3A9-82S1 Floyd Kenyon. Mtr t FOR YOl'R SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy real estate first mortgages, properties Salem At vicinity. Make your own lection, nets you S percent. We take care or all collections li aesirea. Amounts $1000 to several thousand dol lars. See or rail us for particulars STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. Hllh St. Tel. Mm. r' SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR INTEREST I to 40 Years and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Jnc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone J -SMS PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Time Payments ROY H. SIMMONS 131 South Commercial St. Phone 1-9161 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 8. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. J-2457 Lie. No. M-159 S-184 FARM AND CITY' LOANS and 6 YOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estate Contracts end Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 101 Pioneer Trust Bid Ph. 1-7161 r TRAILERS 20' HOUSE trailer, sleeps 4. Butane gas stove. Ice box. elec. hU. 330& Lee hi, Ph. 3-9327. t258 TRAILER house, sleeps four, Oood con dition. 3295 Triangle Dr. SINGLE axle dual wheet trailer, vac uum brakes, good 10-ply tires, grain box. 0175.O0. Ph. 4822. 001 N. Madison. SUverton. Ore. t259 ONE WHEEL luggage trailer with cover. Nearly new. Phone 3-3856. Slot Ma pie Ave. t2" 40 MODEL 27' Universal trailer. Elec. refrls. and hot water. Seeps 6. A bar gain at Trailer Park Village, 6085 Port land Rd. ue 35' FACTOR Y-bullt trailer house, food cond.. lots of bullt-lna. I9M. tu crest Trailer Park, N. River Rd. t258 48, 20' VAGABOND trailer house. Like new. 4385 Hager St rn. w TRANSPORTATION DRIVING through Minneapolis. Minne sota. NOV. 1. 49 Hudson, lane rn 3-4510. 2" DIRECTORY tDDING MACHINES All makes tiMd machines, sold, rented repaired Roea 466 Court Pnone S-CI73 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC IIOMH appliance repair service new appliance Vlnce's Biectrle Phone Free estimates Trade ins accepted on 1-9239 137 S Liberty St o AT-I R DOOR SHARPENING Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1120 Center. 1-0833. 0 AUTO RADIOS MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlnt service day phone 1-9280, Nlgnt 3-1804 33? Center o Mike Panek. 275 8. Com'L Ph. S-5161 Brake and wheel aligning specialists. 0259 BRICK WORK Brick At block work of all kinds. Ex periences, competent masons. Call Davidson Bros.. Ph 2-8247 o358 BUILDINQ CARPENTRY Remodel, rrpalr that home now Terms Ne down payment. Phont 3-4850 o BULLDOZING Log., grnd. clear'a, carryall wk. Ph. 42383 or 11204. Oeo. Worth, 840 Plymouth Dr o274 Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg., clear ing, teelh for brush Virgil Hiukey. 10 10 Falrylew Ave. Ph. 2-3146, Salrm. 0265 Dean Robinson. Ph. 1-6537 or 3-4in c26i CASH REGISTERS The National Cash Reiister Co. Cash RetrtAters Accounttni Machines Sales Service Supplies 829 Gaines Street Phone J JS Inn tin delivery of new RCA eajih regltei Ai maau aoid rented, ee p ed Roen 458 Court Pb 3-6771 o CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair ot foundation tide waits, dnvewava patloa, curbs, walla eu Call 2-4850 chimney swi r. r Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Enalejr TT S lst.Ph. 3-7176 o35' CONCRETE WORK If It's made of concrete, let us bid on your work. Ph. 1-1136. o284 DRESSMAKING DreKmak!nff A alteration. Work rir anleed. 1290 N. 14th. Ph. I"?274' eT e r t r iTa Cc n n t r a ct t no Vlnee's Electric for eWtrlcal wiring, contracting, repairing. 117 S Liberty EXTERMINATORS Cockroach, Moth Etterm nator Service Ph. 1-1056. Lee Crofts, ISiS Pearl. 0359 Sreiihauirt for flowers Dial 3-9179 PTRNACK CIRCULATOR SERVICE ItOl'SEHnLD PROnLCTH J R Watkins Oo products Free iter; 1717 center Ph 3-5J9I To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 DIRECTORY J INFLATION Johns-Man 11U. Phone 3-3748. JANITOR tSFBVlCE Window Cleaning Janitor Service Floor W axlnf Buildings Factories Romas Eatlrrates Without ObMiatlon AMERICAN BI.DO MA INT. CO. Ph. Salem 9-91S3 4 LA Nil S(" A PT NI'ESCKY P .V. Doerfler s Sons. Ornamentals 150 N Lsneanter Dr at 4 Cor Ph 1-13?1 o DELUX BEKVE SELF Laundry. I4S Jef- ferson St. PJiom 334M. L A WNM O TVE R S Sharpened, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowers Call Rarrv W Scott. 147 8 Com'l St. o259 MATTRFSSES Capltat Bedding Phone 1-4009 MUSIC LESSONS Spanish h Hawaiian Oultar. Mandolin. Banjo, etc 152J Court St. Ph. 1-7569. 026tt okku'b n Rvitrne bcppueh Dwk chairs, ftlee and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and aupplles, desk lamps, typewriter stands brief Pierce Wire Recorders. Roea. 450 Court OIL lll'HNEB SERVICE Interior painting. C Horn. Pb. Exp. Interior painting. Wilson. Ph. 1-9732 o381 wjfstrom'a are equipped painting Phone 1-3493 PAPERHANOINO Expert Paperhanslng and painting. U. J. Wood worth. Ph. 3-5868. Free est. o279' PAINTING A PAPER HANGING Painting St papering Free est Pb 3-2S08 281 Painting and paperhnnclns done expert ly and reasonably Pit 2-8019 o268 Painting and paperhanelne Free et1-tr-te. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shplpmg 0266 PHTI'HI. FRAMINO Picture framing Hutcheon Paint Store Phose 3-0887 o Flaher 844 ConVl. Ph. 3-3019. REFRIGERATION SERVICE Miller Refrigeration Service Co. Pb. 3-1514 0265 SAND GRAVEL Garden Soil crushed rock. Shove) and dragline excavating Walling Sand At Oravel Go.. Phone 3-0249! o Valley Sand Orate. Co Silt, sand A f 11 dirt Excavating 10B ebovel St cat Tractor scoop A trucks for dirt moving Ph office 31002. rs. 37148 O SEWERS AND SErTIC TANKS Electno Roto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Razor hrp Steel Cuttlna Blade Clean Sewers, Drains. Tanks. Ph. 3-5327. 0 SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. All miike. W. Davenport, Ph. 3-787. o28l SEPTIC TANKS K. P. Ham el. Septic tanks cleaned Electric machine service on sewer and drain lines. Ouaranteed work. U43-8th St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0275 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge. Call ua collect. Todd's Septic Tank Servlce. 1445 State St. Phone 2-0734. o Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Elm 8L. W. Saem. Ph. 3-8468. 1-5327 0281 SEWING MACHINES Repairs guaranteed all makea. Ph. 35569. 1091 Edgewater, West Bftiem. OiB All makes repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co. 130 Commercial Ph. 8-3511. TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables Ail makes used machine Repairs and rent Roen. 458 Court. 0' TRANSFER STORAGE "oca) A Distance Transfer, storage Burnet oils, coal A briquets. Tracks tr Portland dally. Agent for Be kins House hold goods moved to anywhere In OS or Canada Lanner Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 o" VENETIAN BUNDS Salem Venetian Blind, made to order M KflnUhod. RainHoldt e Lawla 2-3839 Elmer The Bllndmeo. H'l'ATIIERSTRirplNO HELL DRILLING WINDOW SHADES WaaluS.. Roller Mad. to order. 1 Da Del Retnnoldt ej Lewi Ph 33639 0 WINDOW CLEANING Aero. Indo Cleaners Windows, wails as woodwork cleaned Floors cleaoed waied and polished. Ph I-U37 lO Court Lanrdoc. Culbartsoo and slather WOOD SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 8-4031. WOODSAWING Atkins A Cross, Ph. I-HK or 1-1171. LODGES Qf l.O.O-F, meets every wed- UiK.tb- vu.tu.s ... Pacific Lodge No. 80, A.P. & AM F c Dem-pe Friday. Oc tober 38. 7 p.m. 2i7' r I w- tht UtiX' J sV"'. fj. "yS fjt if - .t). . t.' 'j .'wrffKfi'W r''- -rf'f i . . A y 'V K - ? ML Kaln hntemlile Mary Jo Stephens wears a rainy-day outfit, beret, bag, raincoat and spats, desfgned by Irene Colic of Hollywood In plastic, wash able with soup and water. Wood stoves still are used in certain parts widely of the, country for home heating. I J i i m 1 r si Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 27, 1910 2$ s v : 7T r "." ' x WTi To Aid Transport in Israel The first major shipment ol automotive products for Israel is loaded aboard the SS. Ex peditor in New York harbor, en route to Tel Aviv. FAME CAME EARLY Dayton Resident Edited Newspaper When 9 Years - By MRS. EARI.E COBURN Dayton Is very proud to have in the community a lady, who, as a youngster, won fame editing Dorothy Ann Hobson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hobson of Mollala, began her Star" while living in the small Oregon coast. There had been- one other newspaper in the town but it had been discontinued, when the editor, a local time keeper, moved away. It was in 1937 and Dorothy Hobson was then 9 years old and in the fourth grade. She had al ways been interested in such thincs. so she decided to be an editor, and with a friend, Nellie Hendrickson, who was the same age, prepared a sheet. HerDeri A. Templeton, of the Templeton Lumber company in Portland, became their publisher and the sheet was prepared in his office there. When the first edition came out they were all very much excited. The girls canvassed the town and sold practically every copy. They felt they were real business women and made an ef fort to make the next issue bet ter. They used local Items, writ ten in a humorous manner; in ternational news; political is sues; and comments on the re publicans and democrats. Mr Templeton was pleased at the children's efforts and began slipping copies of the Valsetz Star in his letters, to business as sociates and friends all over the United States. In three months time the girls were receiving as many as lu letters a day, from people who wished to subscribe to the Star. They decided the subscription rate would be a dollar per year, by mail. They enjoyed the many letters received, and found it difficult to answer all of them by hand, as they were unable to use a typewriter. Not all the let ters were from people who wish ed to subscribe, but from well wishers and friendly people. These letters have been cherish ed by the girls. As the Valsetz Star began to expand, they had to replace the assistant editor, as Nellie had moved away. So Franklin Thom as, who was a year younger, be came assistant editor. The "Northwest Neighbors" radio program contacted the young editors, and asked them both to appear on the air. This being their first appearance on the radio they were both fright ened and thrilled. After this nnint in the career of the Valsetz Star, many wonderful things be an to happen. Dorothy was asked to be the honorary grand marshal! at the Portland Rose Festival in 1939. It was all so overwhelming, and it was then lhat she received her first or chid and rode for the first time in a beautiful yellow converti ble automobile. The next highlight was the story of the Valsetz Star in the christian science monitor, a ne- ""J1 luge of letters followed this ar K jp.j!tirle, approximately 50 a day. They received letters from no tables, such as Al Smith, Shir ley Temple and many others. The most sacred letter, however, was one written to them by Wendell Willkie, thanking them for their support in 1940. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt also mention ed the Star at a press confer ence. Soon after, Senator McNary had a barbeque for the press ot his home at Fir Cone, Salem Dorothy and her mother were U;kll linn -,, ThlnlA 9 ! " - - ' ,lrr". Portland, was busy barbe- nueing a meat delicacy. Dorothy ' r " ,- . rj Was introduced to Joe Martin ind Harold Slafsrn and some notable newspaper men and women of Oregon. This was a memorable day for the Valsetz Star and Dorothy. One day Mr. Templeton called Dorothy and said that "We the People" had contacted him and wanted her to appear on that program, It was almost unbe- lievable; yet within a month, a newspaper. career as editor of the "Valseti logging town of Valsetz near tha Dorothy, her mother and Mr. Templeton boarded a United Airlines plane and were on their way to Hollywood. That next week was full of many marveK ous happenings. They were) treated like royalty by "We the People." Following the trip to Cali fornia, Dorothy left Valsetz anT began going to school in Salem. It was exceedingly difficult eait me paper while living in Salem and the only alternative was to discontinue the Valsetx Star. Just as they were winding up last minute details, Dorothy was asked to be on the "Hobby Lobby" program, but because ot a case of the mumps, the assist ant editor, Franklin Thomas, ap peared on the program. With the last and farewell edi tion, the Valsetz Star said good by to all of its subscribers after four successful years. It was a sad occasion, but they had made many wonderful friends and hacf had many thrilling experiences. With the completion of grade. and high school, Dorothy con tinued her education at Willam ette university, and is now in her senior year and majoring in political science. Starting on another career. Dorothy, who has become a most gracious person, chose to become a housewife, and on August 20, 1949, she exchanged marriage vows with Fred H. Graham of Longview. At pres ent, Mr. and Mrs. Graham are living at Dayton, Oregon, where her husband is assistant coach and instructor in the Dayton union high school. Grand Ronde Holds Teachers Reception Grand Ronde A reception for teachers and parents of Grand Ronde grade school was held by the Womens club at their club rooms last Thursday night. Mrs. Herb Cowan gave the welcome message and Mrs. John Rose gave the response. Teachers were Introduced by Mrs. B. B. Walkley, program chairman. Capt Lansing of traf fic safety division of Oregon was speaker and explained the new law pertaining to school buses. The first aid and resucitntor was explained by Ellis Anders. Refreshments were served to 60 guests by Mrs. Murray House, Mrs. Ralph Hanhart, Mrs. Herb Cowan, Mrs. Robert Ross and Mrs. Quayle Knox. New Grocery Opened Willamina J. J. Robertson, who has been operating a variety store, opened his new grocery over the week-end. The store was formerly operated as a com munity cooperative. Prior to moving here three years ago he had a small grocery at Yamhill. Robertson is a member of the city council. l.l.fiAl NOTICE CKI.niTOIS in the cmcurr era II I OF the stati OF ORPGON FOR MARION COUNTY Prnh.t. Den.rtn.ent . tn the matter of tlie e.nte of JOHN H CALLAUI1AN. Derriwed ).,, ,,,, ,, t.,,t ti.e un.ier- !" br order .t ti orr-jit co-m the State of Or'ion, lor Mir. on Cwmr. probate department, me.le and .iil-red on iUl a.r IH WllUJr.. 1 - - pittnted executor of tile elste of Jlin H. ciuelian, dereasrl. "nd tint tie has duly qualified a aucn exremj. All persons hiv:n rUnns aln..t .s:d estate sre hereby n.itilied to r.-rnl th. .same, dulr venfli-d n reqilred by to him at toe M..on:e Hji:t.ln". eem. Orion, wiilv.n six isi months -f Ihs dat. of this Dated tin. 3Tth dt of etbe, 191. W. C IN.1X),V Executor of the e.'.ale of Jolm H Cal!ii(ri:i. First piihlk-stron: October .-7. Hit 0ct. 17, Not. t, 10, n, at