22 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Thursday, October 27, 1949 CLASH FlID ADVERTISING! Pf Lino 15a Per Line I timet 4o Per Lin 6 time , eo Ptr Lint 1 month 12.00 Outside ol Salem l&o per lint per day. Mtn. loci t times mln. 30c time mln. 11.30. No Refunds READERS In Local New Col Only: Mln. 30c; i time mln. 80e To Place an Ad Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES tnso Lata built 1 BJl. horn N.E. Pn. 1-9834. SM' A Safe Buy Well constructed new 3 bdrm. home near school. Hdwd. fir. Insulated weather stripped. Elec. heat In every rm. Att. gar., paved st. A iafe lifetime home for young family. Call tor ar-pt. You'll be Had you looked. Full price ' 18000. Easy terms. C. W. Reeve Realtor 4ft C. Com'L . Ph. 1-1590. Svfl. 3-P336 aaafi1 GOOD VALUES ASK TO SEE this S bedrm. 3 rr old home. Nice and clean. Lv. rm dinlni rm kitchen. Elec. dish washer and gar bage oisposai. aii. garage, name iut Price only $9450. Terms. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors lit State fit. Ph. 2-3663 Ask lor Mr. Sederstrom a3a 2y2 Acres South Two bdrm. house ( not modern! good deep well, elec. water system. Full price 34298. Terms. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS lit N. HlRh 8t. Phnne S-TBB0 Ive. Phone. 3-4SD1 - a-60 iZST Must Sell 16950 3 bed. rm. home on 'A acre, east on pavement, good barn, Iruit A nuts, will consider trade on small house 111 town. .Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 3-5260 a256 3 BR HOME Only $6700. Very neat. Dblt. plumbing. Business lot. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3863. Eves. 3-2147 or S-SflTI a238 Immediate Possession Out of state owner sacrificing almost new 6 rm. home. Hdwd. firs thruout, auto. Turn., breez-eway. attached gar age lie. unfinished upstairs, city water and bus, Ue. lot. Low dn. paym't. F11A terms. Salem Heights district. 685 EwakL NEW S-BDRM. house. All on 1 floor. Beau tiful fireplace, brick veneer front. Hard wood floors and Ven. blinds thruout. Kitchen, breakfast nook, dining room and living room all face tfreel. Dry full basement, sawdust heat. Not more than 3 blocks to bus, school, store and church. Can be seen by appointment. Ph. 2-6832. No agents. 358J! Small down-: Payment. large loan. 2 bdrm. FHA built home. By owner. 910 Ford St. 256 SemoDEI.ED A redecorated. l'a story house. 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen, utility room, A bath down. 1 bedroom A extra room up. Nice lot 2 walnut trees, I Bin cherry tree. Gravel drive way A attractvle car-port. Near (trade A parochial schools. rhone2jj020.a2.V7 OWNER must sell, 2 hdrm., 1 year ol 1 Automatic oil furnace, electric dish washer, automatic washing machine. Fenced-in back yard. 450 S. 18th. a25T BY OWNER CHOICE LOCATION lovely new 3 bdrm. home. All electric. Fully Insulated. Close to school. Best workmanship and material. F. H. A. terms. 935 Cross St. Ph. 4-2821. a359 WHY PAY RENT? New 3 BR. home. hdwd. floors, approx. Vs acre lot. Very low down payment. Ph. 2-9812. a25U- BY OWNER All electric 3 Bdrm. home. Lots of built -ins, garage and utility rm. 740 Waldo ve. B2hK BY OWNER New, modern 2 bedroom home. Pecan floors, fireplace, V. blinds. Attached garage. Low down payment. Ph. 3-3927. Neighbor's phone. B260' i BDRM. Picture Window, east view, large llvlng-dlnlng r. Large kitchen. Auto. heat, insulated, weather stripped, basement utility A garage. Landscaped Ph. 3-5642 or 3-3173. a350 3 Bdrms,, Suburban 1 acre. Good hse. with dining :m. 1 bdrm. down, 3 up. Bath A top it Bsmt. , fur., Idry. trays, gar., fruit. Close lo school A store. Priced for q'Hc sale 17400. C. W. Reeve Raltor 944 8. Com'l. ; BY OWNER I bdrm. English style. 1 blk tj M.Klnley sehool and bus. Hdwd. floors. Auto, oil furnace. Dry sealed basrment. W.ce fenced yard. Excellent cond. Consider any reasonable offer. 3-5473. a25 $4200 t bdrm. home on lame lot. lar. Paved at. Oood rental property. Also haw 3 rm. hse.. lame lot. 13 J no. C. W. Reeve Realtor 345 I. Com'l. 5 STAR HOME ' Open 4-8. 3 BR, basement, 2 f place. - double plumbing. 1060 N. 22nd. B26 BEAttTIFTLLY designed with plct. win- - dows, Ions lines and wide overhang. This new house is soundly constr. of finest materials. Sit. on an Ideal A. Your choice of a number of Int. ar- - rang em en Is. Investigate the many adv In buying this unfln. H nil. E. of Swcale 8c hi on Oarden Rd. 13500. Owner 3-1939. s-itil Near McKinley School 112 800 All on one floor, lv. rm , din ette, kitchen, 3 bod rms , bath, In rue utility, forced air oil funi.trr, iuMilstcil, living rm. Is carpeted and lias lame fireplace. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial . Ph. 3-3849 Eve. 3-?0 POSSIBLE ItSOO DOWN WILL BUY YOP 'II IKS JIFAUTTFt'I, NEW MODERN 2 BEDROOM HOME Bath A shower, llvinu room, dinlnu rn hdwd. firs., kttrhrii Willi built-irs li. jpare, attached ttnraxe. lot 60H0 l,.cni ed in the cilv. Yr, tl has niiUiiiintic oii heat. PRICE 18 RIGHT, 7!i0l. POSSIHIE 150(1 DOWN BUYS THIS FINE NFW 2 HFDitP.OM HOME. Nice rnrner lot iHliih A divi coved celling, I. It. DIt, hiuidy kitt-hm, 1 car aarsiie, hOttd. firs,, lull brm-n' With oil furnace, piped to nil room THE PHICK AND THE DOWN VY MENT CAN'T HE HEAT. COMPMlf THIS WITH ANY ON THE MARK. T AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE. POtWIHLE J5H0 DOWN ALL ELECTRIC HTUCCO HUNOALOW. 2 nice sued hrclrim.. extra lar llv - ln room, coed ceillnss. hd1. flt handsome kltrlim, ciivrt jtpuce te apsre. Lame attHcned garae, nice tur ner lot. PRICE I7RO0. COLBATII LAND CO. 4 BOOM NOCSF with hath, rarar. sere In orchard. 4ft00. No don pamt-nt I reasonable monthly pnymenU. h, il.'rtf, 1100 FEET 1100 square feet of good workmanship this home, living room Is HxJ3. real of rooms are aood sire. Plenty or clcv-et spare. hardood floors, el, heat. The price 1 r tit STATE STREET ' t story brick home, could be 8 nW 1 apartment t reasonable expense. Lot 0X330 on alley. This lot Is worth Uir avklnr price. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Pb. 1-4707 484 CviM Ev. 3-1773 t-1711 2 FOR SALE HOUSES $800 Down Furnished Itip Tan&e. fireplace, b. rm.. Uv din., bath, kit., nook, lie. lot, close bus, 14500, vacant. 4 B. RMS. $500 DOWN An older plastered hse. in good condi tion with fireplace. Well located In N Salem on bus line. 1800 DOWN 3 B. RM. A new neat home with hdwd. floor, att. aaraae. Close to bus In East Salem. E. M. Hunter, Real Estate 770 B. Com. Ph. 2-4649 - 1-5497 a2S8' SUBURBAN 3 B R. home with I A. located Southeast of Salem. Oarage, barn. Poultry House, Young Orchard, School Bus. The price Is 16500 and will exchange for farm and assume. Johnson. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. High St. Office 1-3849 Eve: 3-7451 or 3-5300 a256' INCOME PROPERTY 4 Bed Rooms A Bath upstairs. Rents for 1120. Pine living quarters, with one bed room and batn on first floor. Go this at 1775 Fir 8t. E. A. MeOLAUFLIN, Real Estate 328 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-5311. Eve. 2-3203 "6' THIS NEW house, has 2 bed rooms and attic space for 2 more; some furniture included at 15230. Possession now. E. A. McOLAUFLIN. Real Estate 328 N. Com'l. Ph. 2-3203 328 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-5211. Eve. 2-3203 a2c6' ACREi well Improved: good well; small cheerful 3 bed room home. Located at 1165 Clearvlew. 16400. E, A. McOLAUFLIN, Regl Estate 328 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-5311, Eve. 2-3303 a26' 3-Bedroom Home Beautiful home with basement, furnace. rumpus room. Lovely floors, Delightful Place reduced to 112,700. Picture Window $11,000 2 bdrm. home. A beauty, fireplace, new features throughout. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7942 Eve. A Bun. 3-012(1 a256 BEAUTIFUL VIEW 2 bdrm. iome. Full basement, hardwood floors, double fire place. Will sell at real sacrince. pii 3-5278. a261 FOR SALE LOT WOODED LOT on paved street. 625 Rat- cliff Dr., Cleared and leveled, r H.A. City water, bus line. Ph. 3-4284. aa FOB CHOICE residential tracts In King wood Hts. A Cascade Terraces, at mod erate prices A very low monthly terms, see the original owner A developer, C. A. Robertson, Ph. 3-8413. aa259 FOR SALE FARMS $4000 DOWN fi - East - 2 bdrm. h n barn - fenced - a tivatlon - Full price 112,500. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862. Eves. 2-3147 or 3-BP36 b2r8 34 ACRE SPECIAL Oood modern 4 bdrm. house, flrepr, sun room, basement, oil furnac-. view good barn, chirk house, brwder, 3 acres pears, rest in oats, wen, verr good soil, bargain at 110.500. Call Ray Davis. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 060 S. Commercial Phone 3-3849 Eve. 2-8558. b35J HERE'S YOIR SHOW PLACE! 16 acre estate, on pavement, suburban Salem. Good prod, loam, mostly bottom, yr. spring. All seeded. Very attractive 3 BR home, elec. heat, wall to wall tubs .n L rm., 2 fireplace, 2 car garage, concrete floor barn (could be good dairy set-up) Your family will love the extra nice setting of trees, shrubs and lawns. 117 -00(1 and easy terms. pnmiNIi RIVER FARM 63 acres on pavement. East. Approx. 18 acres In VERY RICH bottom land. Irrigation possible from yr. stream. Bal. well drained. Wll. silt, mrustiy in timber, some market able. Big stucco mod. home, basement, furnace, fireplace, 8 stanchion barn. 500 capacity poultry bldKS. Well suttee: for slock or dairy. Priced lust right at 123.900. i;.ooo will move you in. Will trade for S.ilem city or suburban home. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing Pernonal Service 164 S. Com'l. St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 b257 A A. IN THE heart of the Sunt lam bean country. Near Stayton. House, other bldgs. Leu thsn 2 yra. old, 17800. Terms. Rt. 1. box 125. Aumsvllle, Ore. Ph. 183R Stayton. b356 FOR SAI,KOR TRAnEr"l2 acre cult. A fenced, free water, 2 houses, om new. Out buildings. 17 miles north of OranU Pass, Ore. Write W. M. Stafford. IP Hlalmny Ave., Stilem. Ore. blW FOR SALE ACREAGE ACRES on paved road. Cross road from school and CWr Lake store. lnr. st Clear Lake Store. bb359 20 ACHES EAST NEAR FRDiTLANO. Choice aoil. Some bottom I mid, yr. creek, 4 acres new strawberries, family fruit. Older bids. Ideal home site. Price 18500. HKK Mlt PYLE WITH COLBATII LAND CO. REAL ESTATE Full" Price $8950 3 BR home. Excellent loca Ion. Full bsmt., oil furnnre. II 500 will handle. $4950 Full Price Neighborhood grovery stocked A equipt, dolna excellent business. Long lease at l.iO ior month. Ample room tor Hvlnn quarters. Near St. Vincent de Paul Lovely 2 BR home, fireplace, hnemrnt, oil heat, hdwd. floors, unfuished UP, outside fireplace. Cull Mr. Nounch.'ster with II. E. Carey Real Estate 1365 N Broadway. Ph. 2-W.52 Eve. Ph. 3-0103 - 3-3816. cfl INCOME PROPERTY Large business proprty. has perman ent rentals aiurirailer park, n..) lame tliref bedroom Imme for iwner. Hns excellent pikvithtUt les for f til ure devel opemenl. and present Income enn b" In crra.-ed. Se Mr. Hourne. Ranch Style Home Drive by the nice ranch style home at 1985 N. 2:ird street. Wonderful !ame secluded lot. excellent district, a proper ly tint Is different. 176.MI. Good City Home Drhe by the two year old home at 2119 Lee street Please do no oot ner ten ant City bus by the door end about block to irade rhrnl. If interested see its for details. Terms Acreage 4 acres, about 3 miles from down Town ftilem, all cleared, In a good dlstrli' Klitrh is biiiuiinn up rapidly. Iaw down navment. and terms to reliable party. Bee Mr. Rontne, Joe L. Bourne, Realtor IITT1E MONEY will move you Into this noil mini! rottnue on acre Owner miahl n.sr viv.ir car for ln. paym t. RELIY WO'JTII 13100. NUB M HltOI. TORE A HI'S. 3 BR limn. HAI.E ACHE, tree. A tel at m;)0. F:tJ.v terms TIIM I CttltNl Rt HUME t hist (he deal fur your !m;lv. Near new school. Hires, citv bin. Features L A DHs, mod. htt chen. 2 PR.v bath, utll , A fruit rms graue YOUR OLD CAR A SOME CASH 11t swing the deal. Oood to look at for t:.400. Larson Home & Loan Co. Elusive Listlnts Personal Service 164 S. t'cm'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Evr. 3-740 c2.7 ror. tm n navin(i investment but ftft morumi on real estate Salem A rielnlty Examine security yourself AmojnU MH to aeTtral thousand dol lars, net irvestora 1 We nake all eol lections for you U desired STATE FINANCE CO 151 a Nigh e Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS A NICE ONE In Englewood School District, also close to high school, t yra. old. 3 bdrms., llv. rm.. Diet kitchen, Inside utility, fireplace, lit. patio. SI, 500. 1.000 down, CALL ROY FERRia APT. HOUSE Close to Capital Shopping Center, t units, steam heat, class "A" location, 3x Business Zone, suitable for doctor or dental clinic. Insurance offices, etc. Income 1440 per mo. CALL COBURN L. GRABENHORST LOCATED SOUTH Extremely well built 3 yr. old home, 3 lge. bdrms., fireplace, hdwd. firs., full burnt., auto-oil furnace. 1st. lot, garage. CALL PETER OEISER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evenings and Sundays Call Earl Went 3-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 - Peter Oelser 3-9968. a2 REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS 15350 WITH ELEC. RANOE A prewar 3 bdrm. mod. home Including elec. range, V. blinds, gar., chicken hse., 3 blks. to school or bus, lot 100x159V Half cash. bal. 135 per mo. CROISAN CANYON WITH INCOME Approx. 3 ac. b of the area in well care for 10 yr. old holly trees yielding a sub stantial annual Income. A very well built 8 rm. Cape Cod home; spacious L. rm., with attractive f-place, full bsmt.. saw dust furnace, elec. W. htr., util. rm., patio with flood lights, beautifully se cluded setting with native trees A prim itive atmosphere. About 250 ft. crk. frontane. spring wtr. under pressure. Only 115.000. ea.sy terms. CLOSE IN HOME A INCOME, $10,850 3-unlt apt. hse., especially well furn ished, easy walking dist. from State Cap. Univ., Memorial hospital A S. side industry. Economical operation with central sawdust heating plant. 15000 down, $50 per mo. as n nsoti TAKE TRAILER HSE. 4 mi. out, 25 A. 18 A. good farm land, all of it good auB-aivision proper? Owner will tak trailer hse. for part. K AH. WITH CREEK 16600 30 A. in cultv., 5 A. pasture, family or chard, all yr. crk. on pvd. rd., elec. pump, 8-rm. mod. home w.ith f'place. barn, chicken hse. Good family iarm. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men who Specialize 702 N. High Ph. 3-4622 e256 1H-YEAR-OLD bay saddle mare. Morgan type, well broken, used to children. Ex cellent dlsposllton. Phone Monmouth 503 before 6 p.m. and 784 after 7:00. e2ia $6,500 Older type house. Two bedrooms. 1 up and 1 down. Living room, diqfng room, kitchen and nook. Large utility room. Lota of built ins. Quarter acre lot. Oood garden spot, lots of nice shrubs and flowers. A very neat home, will take trailer house as down payment. Eve. 2-0473. Farm $24,500 40 acres farm all In cultivation. Will, soli, fully stoxked, 13 cows, 200 chickens, ind 3 bedroom modern home. Will trade for nice home In Salem. Eve. 2-0473 Bus. Bldg. and Home $12,500 Good two bedroom house, bus. bldg. suitable for most any kind of business. No. 3 Zone. Terms available. Eve. 2-0473 Call for Mr, LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 3-7756 BUY NOW LOG BLDO. 30x50. Massive stone fire place. Furnace. Some equipment. About 8 A. land. Year around stream. Located on 99 highway. Could be used as home or nlaht club. Price only $8950. 10 ACRES. Close In. 4 bdrm. house. Good barn and ohk. hse, Year around stream. Price S9850. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 2-38H3 Evenings call Mr. Voorhees, 2-4007 c356 BEST BUYS SPECIAL $820 DOWN 3 bdrm. home. Only 1 yr. old. Close In north. Wired for range. Private wel Total price only 134.10. Payments only 130 per month. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. $5200 FULL PRICE Inside city, modern. 700 sq. ft flooi space. Large garage. Close to bus, store A school. Priced for quick aalo Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. SERVICE STATION Grocery store A modern home. 10 acres highway frontage with 240 ft. on high way. Advertised gasoline. Everything goes for 135,000. Terms. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. BUSINESS FRONTAGE 115 ft. business frontage. Modern home. Busy street. We consider this a "ery good buy for 17000. Terms. Owner will sell 50 ft. lot A home for 14750. Eve. Ph. 3-7674 or 3-3558. ACREAGE FOR RENT t acres with 6 rm. house. 2 miles from town. Double garaue. For rent at imly 130 per month. Rent can be applle.1 toward purchase price of 15500. Eve. Ph. 3-0403 or 3-3558. $2500 FULL PRICE 2 acres. 3 rm. house, older type out ery livable. Well with electric pump. Some terms. Heller hurry on this one. Eve Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Raltors ATTRACTIVE NORTH SALEM HOME 112.000. PULL DRY BASEMENT. SAW DUST HEAT. HAS UNFINISHED UP STAIRS, 2 NICE BEDROOMS DOWN, DINETTE. NOOK. FIREPLACE. PRE WAR BUILT, PAVED ST. A WALKS. NEAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL 19200. A OOOD BUY IN THIS ALMOST NEW TWO BEDROOM HOME. INSU LATED A WEATHER STRIPPED HOME. HAS DINETTE. LAHOE UTIL. ROOM. ELECTRIC HEAT A ATTACHED GAR AGE. 12440 DOWN. 4 BALANCE. WALNUT PARK 110.100. CLOSE TO DOCTORS' CLINIC. 8 YEARS OLD. VERY LIVEABLE 2 BEDROOM HOME. BASEMENT WITH 't PLUMBING. OIL FURNACE. FULL BATH UP, riREriACE, LAROE NOOK, HOME IS FULLY INSULATED, COR NER LOT. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL 1.1950. NEW WELL BUILT CUTE 4 RM. HOUSE WITH ATTACHED OARAOE, UTILITY ROOM, CREEK LOT. IN THE COUNTRY 113 SOfl WELL LOCATED. NORTH. 45 MINUTFS TO DOWN TOWN SALEM, LOTS OF FRUIT TREES. NEW 3 BED ROOM HOME. LAROE UNFINISHED UPSTAIRS, AUTOMATIC OIL PIPED HEAT, AI-SO LAROE 4-CAR OARAOE OR WORK SHOP. NEW 4 BEDROOM 111. 509. IN ENOt.EWOOD, 1 UP AND 3 DOWN. LAROE PLATE GLASS WIN DOWS. BRICK FLOWER BOXES EASY TERMS. ED tUKINBEAI, REAL EST ATI 433 N HIOH ST. PH. 3-668(1 EVENING PH. 1-ITO 4-3331 WANTED REAL ESTATE Hi ARE in need ai gooo bouses to ee In or neat Salem If rou wlab to lb your propert for tale aeo GRAflRMIOKUT BOS., BKALTOft REST 3 or 3 BR suburban home that il ooo down A 143 per mo. will buy. P.. 3-5973. caJVl itrnrRnN or country, 3 bdrm. home with lane lot or acreage that I10O0 down, 150 per mo. will handle. Ph. 8-137. cs33 WANTED to buy: 1- or 4-room modern house. 1100 down, 119 month. Ph 3-3J17. ea27l I.MTlMi WANTEnVn i few good homes ani HuAinesa Ornwtuniliea. 0. A. OiFS Realtor. Ph. 1-7113. aazaj IFOR SALE HOUSES WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE) li your property I for tale rent or exehangt, list it with us. We bav all kinds of cash buyers. TAT! FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 High Bt ea HAVE PARTY for 3 bdrm. home. Near school. Basement preferred. 11,000 cash, 175 per month. Call for Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court fit. Pb. 3-77AS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES N. COM'L, bldg. A 5 Itv. rn-j., 213,000. By owner, terms. Ph. 2-9829. Cd277 SPRINGFIELD OR EOONT AVER N Old established, well equipped, lrnt lease. 1948 grossed 16500 per month. SELLINO REASON: Owner ill and op erating with hired help, rice with terms to experienced responsible par ties 123.000 A. M. (DOC) WILLIAMS, BROKER P.O. Box 554. 447 4th St., Springfield Oregon. cd256 ANTIQUE SHOP Small capital required, Low rent. Sure money maker. GOLD QUARTZ MINE To lease. Exceptional deal to reliable party. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 480 N. Church Ph. 2-7342 EveA Bun. 3-0126. cd2j3- GIVE AWAY: YesTit actually U a give. away. Vet returning to school this fall has lowered price on this prosperous, well established restaurant to rock-bottom for a quick sale. I've made It here - so can you. Centrally located in stable val ley town. Seats 47, plus banquet facil ities. Excellent equipment and aval! able help. Fireproof building, low rent al. Must sell in two weeks, so Act now Any reasonable offer accepted. Terms available. Write Box 45 or call 5830. Brownsville, Oregon. cd256 Your Opportunity Old. well established real estate A In surance office: all equipment: down town Salem. Price 1950. Call 3-5838 or 3-6770 or 3-7534. Cd256 RELIABLE couple to lease cafe and foun tain in good location, excellent equip ment. Couple should have a specialty line and financial means on backing. See J e Bourne, Realtor , 1140 N. Capi tol. Ph. 3-82 16 Eve. 3-7217. cd25!!. BUSINESS bldg. on coast, 1150 month In come. Trade for Salem property. Phone owner 3-7680 or 2-6605. cd260 N. COM'L, store bid. A 5 llv. rms., 112.013 B y owner, terms. Ph. 2-9829. cd2 77 LOT 66x123. 1300 Block Broadway St. This is the best business property in Salem. Ph.34642.Eve. 31647. cd258' A KEY Mobil Gas service station. For lease n Dallas, Ore. Buy Inventory and tools at wholesale. No blue sky. Contact Warren Doolittle, Mobil Gas Olstr. Ph. 3-4619 days. 3-6045 eve. cd257 TRAILER court, 16,000, terms. By owner. CH as. H. Moore, 1730 N. Water St. cd277 GROCERY STORE A fixtures. 3 gas pumps ae 0 cabins. An estadlisnra Busi ness for sale by owner. Ph. 24319. Rt. 7 Box 145. cd258 FURNITURE FOR SALE ' DAVENO 130. Frigldalre 160. Washing machine 120. Rug, 9x12, new, $75. Ph. 3-3544. 3030 N. Comm'l. d256 THERE'S A HOUSEFUL of furniture for sale at 640 Mill. d257 SOLID MAHOGANY dining room set, f ehnlrs. buttet. Ph. 3-8389. d256 WANTED FURNITURE IT'S YOUR MISTAKE If you sell used furniture, appliances, sporting goods, household effects with out first getting my price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRICES Ph. 3-5110 for Immediate Results da AUCTIONS Fl RNITt RE A APPLIANCE auction every Tues.. 8 p.m., Olennwood Ballroom I pay cash or sell on commission. Glenn Woodry, auctioneer Ph 3-5110. dd FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SALE, TRADE 4 yr. old thoroughbred mare, broken. Gentle. Make offer. Ph. 3-1733. e256 BONDED AND LICENSER livestock buyer E. C. McCandllsh. 1127 S. 25. Ph. 3-8147 e257 PETS WISH TO PLACE playful kitten In adult home. Free. Ph. 2-7403. ec356 MOORE'S tropical fish large assortment of tropical fish, equipment, plants, food, white A micro worms, aquarium maga zine subscriptions. Visitors welcome. Rt 5, box 483. 1 mile past Rickey School on Macleay rd. Ph. 2-732L ec257 PEDIGREED collie pups. Female. 3"s months old. 470 Wayne Drive. Ph 2-3013 ec260 FUEL DRY IB" slab A edgings. Ph. 3-8. ee SAWDUST A Wood. Ph, 32608. ec372 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edatni Fresh Clean Sawdust Green EdHlna 15.50 load Double 110.00 Also 18" Green Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE SHELL STOVE A DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor. TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 37443 !ft" Slab Wood and Edging Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SAH GREEN STAMPS CAL1 HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove OIU FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends A Block Wood. Ph 16444 West Salem Fuel Co. 11 IN DRY OR OR FEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTB! rlock wood, u-in. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Filem 3-4031 AUe plct up wood al 1535 td water St. west Salem e PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak. ash A maple. C fir. If" tab and edelnns Ph 3UJ.8 e-e FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE eh!rk every Thurs day. Order Fry or Heni now at pe rls quantity prices for your lock en Cimtom Dressing tpeetalty. Phone 3366t. Lee i Hatchery f LIVE RFD FRYERS 3V lb. Norh on 9E to Hoodvle Rd . then 1 niie est Route 7. Box 303 1357 Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES Shortage of Coal and Steel Will Make a Shortage of Cars BUY Them While AVAILABLE 1949 MERCURY SPORT SJDAN $1895 1946 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. HYDRAMATIC ... 1295 1947 MERCURY SEDAN 1195 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN 645 1941 LINCOLN SEDAN COUPE 545 1946 MERCURY SEDAN 1145 1947 FORD TUDOR 1145 1941 FORD COUPE 545 1940 FORD COUPE 425 1942 STUDEBAKER SEDAN COUPE 650 CHEAPIES 1937 CHEVROLET 1936 CHEVROLET. RADIO & HEATER 1937 BUICK SEDAN 1938 LINCOLN SEDAN 1937 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE 1936 OLDSMOBILE COUPE Warner Motor Co. LINCOLN - MERCURY DEALER 545 CENTER PH. 33012 SAVE AT SHROCK'S 1937 DeSOTO COUPE, PRICED TO SELL. 1937 FORD CLUB COUPE, NEW BRAKES 4 PAINT. 1935 FORD COUPE, SEE THIS FOR $59.00. 1935 CHEV. SEDAN. ONLY $85.00. 1935 TERRAPLANE COACH. ONLY $50.00, DROP IN AND SEE THE PRICES . FOR YOURSELF. Shrock's Economy Lot 3020 PORTLAND ROAD PH. 2-7023 FOR SALE POULTRY CHICKENS A Muscovy ducks 50c A up. Merrills Green House, moons. ju NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery. Hatches every Tuej Pox Hatchery. 8830 State St. Pb. 3-4969 PRODUCE WINTER PEARS, apples, cabbage A wal nuts. 2490 Broaoway. CHOICE Spitz A W. Dan. bps. 11.75 box. Pure cider, D. C. snioer, aaua a. i.om i. Ph. 2-3985. tJl1! FRANQL'ETTE WALNUTS. Very nice. 20c lb. Ph. 2-6287. GROWERS UNLOADING BALE 10,000 boxes Jonathan, Spitzenbert and Delicious apples. (Oood grade, no worms) from our own orchard. 65c box. 3 boxes. 11.75. Get your winter supply now. Bring boxes or containers. PurlUn Cider Wks., West Salem. fI256' DRIED prunes 10c lb. E. R. Blankenship, Rt. 3. box 960. Ph. 2-0050. HZOU ONIONS no lb. sack delivered locally $1.25. Ph. 2-6568. FIELD CORN, l'i mile straight west of Kelzer school. Rt. 2. Box 154. Ph. 3-1 leo. ff257' FILBERT-WALNUT drying. 1 mile E. Lan caster Dr. Auburn Koaa. uiauae mc Klnney. Ph. 3-1632. ff258 SPITZENBERG A WINTER BANANA ap ples. Phil Asp in wall, 65 Mantel ot.. rn, 3-9419. ff275 PEARS Delicious late pears, Allrma Mo tel. 3845 Portland rd. Ph. 2-4510. "asT- FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service for amau lota. Phone a-aeei. Lee's Hatchery. ff HELP WANTED EVISCERATING plant employes report for work Friday 8 a.m. Oregon TurKey Orowers. g2i3 HELP WANTED MALE MAN TO BUY '42 Dodge 6 wheeler on all winter short log haul. Close In. Ph. 2-1868 evenings. ,a?56 CARPENTER, state wages, particulars. Write Capital Journal Box 2ol. fl:i NATIONAL CORP. offers profitable busi ness opportunity to miooie ageo or oiaer men with car. Write Boa 464 Capital Journal. ga261 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED: WOMAN 18 or older to lulp with housework A children. Room, board A good wages. References e quired. Ph. 3-9440. gbSifl EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS 360 State Street Phone 2-1488 f WANTED SALESMAN CAN VSE one energetic real estate sales man. Omer Huff Real Estate. 3fil Cliem eketa. gg256' RAWI.F.ir.H Dealer wanted at anc- Good opportunity. Write at once. Knwieunv, Dept. ORJ-155-105, Oakland, Call'. ag:S6 SALESMAN WANTED. Car necessary. El-- trolux corporation. 10.9 Broadway n25 WANTED POSITIONS SCHOOL CilRI., age 15. wants work for rm. A board. Also girl 17 want ori as mothers helper or care it children Will stay nUhta. Ph. 2-1347. h25(i EXP. LADY wants house work A cooking. Ph. 3-3161 Rm. 143. In or out ot town. hi 59 REMODELING and carpenter work, will take part In furniture. Ph. 3-740. na.i CARE FOR elderly person or Invalid In patient's home. Do some housework. 1100. Dial 3-8519. h259 EXPERIENCED carpenter will do new work or rrmodellng reasonably. 3245 SUverton Road. Bheve 3-9457. h259 EXPER. baby sitters. Ph. 3-8752. h256 IRONING. Ph. 34767 after 5 p.m. h380" TREE WORK, topping, trimmtna. remov- t Insured operator. John Payne. 34 Church. Ph. 2-6014. h360 LET ME figure your butldtnng A house framing. All ot the exterior ''tmo'et ready for plasterlnng Including wire Ing A plumb:nc rouahed in. 13 00 sq. ft., labor A ma tens I or labor 11 per sq. ft. We can furnish you a aood car penter or brick layer 1175 per hour. In city or county. L. W. Rogers. 39133 GENERAL BUILDING, repairing. I ipeclal- ire in general remodeling brick work, plastering, painting and pape rhannnt. Nothing to large or too small. Reason able, free estimate. Walton 3-5073. h35l INTERIOR PAINTINO. Exp. Ph. I-87M hi7- CHILD CARE. ij"8.lllh.' Ph. 26873 h273 . WOODSAWINO PB. t-1578 , BABY SITTING. Ph. IPFNTER work. New. repair Ph 3093. h265 M1M WORK anted Ph 3-4SX1 i- BABE itTlNCfcKiMraliafrpari-OMn UM I AUTOMOBILES WANTED POSITIONS TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h261 Mimeographing-Typing FOE'S. 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643. CHILD CARE day or nr. Ph. 2-49.40. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h256 FOR RENT ROOMS LGE. 1st floor sleeping room. Hot A cold water. 461 N. High. Jk259' HOLLYWOOD, 2035 McCoy. Ph. 3-60& Jk283 WELL FURN, sleeping rm. Close In. HAC water. Men only. 737 Center. Jk358 ROOM WITH BATH. Close In. Gentleman. Ph. 3-4791. Jk358 QUIET WARM sleeping room. Men. 855 N. Winter. Ph. 2-6835. Jk2bl' LIGHT7 HOUSEKEEPING room for gentle" man. Close In. North. Phone 3-3028. Jk2tl LO. PLEASANT rm. Walking d'staii'-P. Prlv. entrance A bath. Em p. man. No smoking or dringlng. Ph. 2-7707. jk258 SLEEPING rm. Ph. 3-4335. MEN'S WARM sleeping- room. Prlr. ent. fti. 1500 N. CapltOI. Jk378' SLEEPING RMS. Refrlg. 2131 Center Jk272' VERY close In sleeping rm. Ph. 2-7817. JIC263 PLEASANT furnished room. Close In. Ph. 2-4469. jk258 ROOMS 448 Center Rear Woodrow'a Jk279 SLEEP. RM. Hollywood, 2035 McCoy. Ph. JDUMJ. JKV30 FOR RENT APARTMENTS MODERN APT. beautifully furnished. 270 a month, water A laundry ia:lllttes furnished. Fully Insulated, hdwd. floors. Adults preferred. Call 3-5765. Jp256 1 RM. FURN. apt., electric range. 1 em ployed person. 535 N. Winter. p256 NEW COURT apt. 7 3 rooms A bath. elecT. range A refrlg. Call at 1348 8. 12th. Jpi.58 MODERN APT. beautifully furnished. 170 a month. Water A laundry facilities furnished. Fully insulated, hdwd. floors. AdulLi preferred. Call 3-5765. Jp2.l!S SRM. MODERN furnTcottage. PhT 2-6618" JP257 DUPLEX. 3 lge. rms. turn., Oar. Ph. 3-7277 eves. Adults. JP268' LARGE 4 rm. apt. Utilities furn. V. blinds, 1S80 Maple. Ph. 3-6797 eves. 3 RM. FURN. apt. Will take children. 2310 N. 4th. Jp357 SMALL NEAT furn. apt. Close In. H. L. Stiff. Ph. 3-9185 or 3-7030. p251l 1 LARGE 3 rm. apt. Inquire after 8 p.m., 375 Market SL Jp257 BIO 2 RM. furn. apt. for 4. One smalt apt. 115 mo. 160 Union. Ph. 2-9835. ip259 DELUXE furnished downstairs apt. in new apartment house. Hdwd. floors, lovely built-ins. prlv. bath, lae. util. room. Ph. 3-5355. Jp256 2-R. APT. part, furn., near atatehouse. Inquire 401 Oregon Bldg. Jp256 3 ROOM APT. downstairs, furnished" 1855 N. Commercial. )p357 FURNISHED cottage, 3215 Portland rd. JP277 3 RM. UPSTAIRS gpt. Elec. heat, out at door. 3205 Portland Rd. after Sim JP256 FURN. apt. 1st floor. Prlv. ent. All elec 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8706. ip25 FOR RENT HOUSES t BDRM. unfurn. house in Salem Hts dial. Near school. 157.50. Ph. 2-810 Jmi ROOMY 5-room turn, house. Adults. Write box 497 Capital Journal, Jm256 NEW modern 3 B.rC home.T6oT343 Jeffer son St. Jm358 3 BEDROOM home with one acre of round on bus line close to school, no objection to children. Can be seen 'a mi. east of Auburn school, Rt. 3, box 321 or call 2-5114. Jm35S WHY PAY RENT? Build your own home. Lots IIS down. 115 month with water A lights, cUe to achool A bui. nice location. Ph. 3-3289 General Real Estate 25S Center Jm28 NEW 1 RM. house A bath. Electric heat. Partly turn. Nov. 1, 1947 N. Church. jm253 t B.R. HSE. Elec. atove. refr., ruga furnished. 170 per mo. Or sale 13600 eq uity for 11100. Includes all turntH're. Has basement furnace. Close to school A bus. East Pen Four Corners. last hou.' on Hudson Ave. Jm358 3 RM. HOt'SE, partly furn. Not mod. 62 Williams Ave. lm257 SMALL modern 3 bd. rm. house, south. For lease 165 per mo. Ph. 3-9310 alter I p.m. Jm357 m.a. NEW 2 bedroom house. Some furn. for sale. Easy terms on furn. Ph. 4-3631 n:23 NEW 1 bedroom. Completely furniRhed. Oil furnace, elec. range. refrl.. washer, new lawn and ihrub. Close to bus and tore. Five minutes to town. 3715 June avenue. One block north of Sunnr lew Ave. and Fisher foed Jm257 3 BDRM. house. 1140 Center. Adults only Jm356 Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES Super Values at Bargain Prices YEA! THE PUBLIC HAS SO ENTHUSIASTIC ALLY APPROVED AND ACCEPTED THE OLDSMOBILE WITH ROCKET MOTOR HYDRAMATIC IT CAN TRULY BE CALLED THE OUTSTANDING CAR OF ALL TIME. WORTHWHILE TRADE-INS ARE COM ING IN, IN UNPRECEDENTED VOL UME, CONSEQUENTLY THESE BAR GAIN PRICES, TO INSURE A FAST TURNOVER! 1949 Ford Custom Club only 800 miles, all ac cessories $ 1595 1948 Pontiac Convertible very low mileage, (perfect) $ 1685 1947 Pontiac Club Sedan all accessories, one owner 1150 1947 Pontiac 6 Torpedo Sedan (just peach) $ 1190 1947 Studebaker Champion R e g a 1 Sedan, (perfect) $ 1185 HERE'S TRADE-INS ON TRADE-INS 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan $ 1195 1947 Olds 66 Sedan Hydramatic drive, 2-tone blue $ 1455 1942 Olds 78 Sedan, Hydramatic radio, heater, (perfect) $ 945 1940 Packard One-Twenty Sedan a dandy ... $ 665 1939 Ford V8 Sedan very clean $ 415 1931 Ford Model A Roadster look, only $ 135 MANY OTHERS AT LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE 465 Center St. Phone 2-797S 2410 Fairgrounds Road Phone 2-1490 VALLEY MOTOR CO. pfckups 1941 Dodge H-ton. 4-speed trans. 1941 Dodge Vi-ton. 1937 Ford Vi-ton. TRUCKS 1947 C.O.E. stake body, 2-speed axle. 1946 Chev., 3-speed Brownie. 1946 Chev., 5-speed trans., 2-speed axle. 1946 Chev., lH-ton flatbed. DUMP TRUCKS 1949 Ford. 4-5 yd. box, 2-speed axle. 1948 Ford. 4-5 yd. box, 2-speed axle, 3-speed Brownie. 1940 Chev., 4 yd. box, 2-speed axle. WE CAN GIVE YOU FAST DELIVERY ON NEW PICKUPS AND TRUCKS-ANY SIZE Valley Motor Truck Dept. LIBERTY AT MARION FOR REN1 MISCELLANEOUS) GARAGE for rent. 536 N. 31st. FLOOR space on State St. Desk space on Marlon St. pn. 3-B48?. LARGE FI'RN. trailer house. Lights A water. 3225 Silver ton HQ, jj&y U DRIVE Trucks. Ro'jlnson Shell Service. Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. J" BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDERS for rent Montgomery Ward. J POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Howser Bros- Ph 2-3646. f TO DO a good Job rent a good floor aand r We veil everything to complete the Job HOW8ER BROS. - Ph. 3-3648 J' lOOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. TRAILERS 12.00 per day Howser Bros. 141u 6 12th, West Salem. J" SINGER ELECTRIO portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates, rree pick up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com 1 Ph 33512 t WANTED TO RENT PHYSICIAN A family desire 2 cr 3-bdri unfurn. house. Ph. 2-0319. jaJir WANTED TO RENT, house and plac for poultry. Box 496, Capital Journ.il. th?tl BUSINESS man A family desire 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house, write oox 9s. Capital Journal. a35I 1 OR 3 BDRM. partly furn, house, on bus lln. Ph. 3-4844, Pt-4. lh2''ll WANTED to rent a 1 or 2 car garage tr- tween 16th A 20th, State and Center Phone 3-5426 daya; evenings 3-4430. ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and room. Ph 3-8706. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Door and mall box key, on Grey hound key ring. Between 700 and 1300 block on N. Com'l. Pauline at Senator Hotel Coffee Shop. k357 LOST or stolen: 6 mo. old gold colored Persian kitten. Called Mr. Smith, in the vicinity of Knapp. Reward. Ph. 2-8659, k257 LOST Brown change purse, currency. change and Paulus Cannery check. Re ward. Katherine Lawrence, 345 Fisher Rd. 2it LOST: LADY'S large plain gold watch. uoubie cora Dana, near me ponce oiag. on High A Chemeketa. Reward. Sadie Long land, 1409 N. Church. k257 STRAYED or stolen, around 3300 block on N. River Rd.. Friday eve. small short haired tortoise female cat. Reward. Phone 3-1-20. k257 STRAYED or stolen, shaded silver Her CU 6MR, St a ori c nj r . Kl ST MISCELLANEOUS LES SrRINGER. men's hatter. 464 Court We close Saturdays 12:30. m270" POWFR TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE. 4343 SUverton Rd. Pb 2-3014 m:ss DENTAL PLATE RrPATR t nn SERVICE IN MOST CAPTS DR HARRY SEMLER DENTIST adolph Bid -4tete A Commercial Sts SALEM Phone rs BUILDING MATERIALS WRECKING A nous at 333 N. Liberty. All material ror aaie. maasp ELECTRIC W ITER HESTERS, 40 gal purttin. rioe r uia inu;atinn in roll blanket. Vie In wail A reiltng. C O Long Ph, 2-3331. Ont mile north of Keuer. maaeo IAUTOMOBILES PHONE 3-3147 BUILDING MATERIALS WRECKING HOUSE, Chemawa trea. Building material A plumbing for sale Also house 10x16 suitable for liTlna, V0. Must be moved. Ph. 2-6869. ma2o7 PLYWOOD Large stock, 5 thickness, your choice of material. Compare our prices. C. O. LONO, Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kelzer. ma357 Used Windows - Doors StreRtnttne windows with frame, 17 50. 1 panel doors 30" wide with frame 110 Hundreds of sash. C. O. LONO. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Kelaar. mi260 Waterproof Wallboard 3 thickness, 4x8 sheets. Perfect for kit chen, bath, utility. Can be used at floor over cement or shlplap. C. O. LONO, Ph. 2-5821. One mil nor In of Kelzer. ma2fi0 SHINGLES No. 1 17.75 . No. 2 15.00 Sfl. No. 3 13.00 sq. C. O. LONO, Ph. 2-3821. One mile north of Je Izer . nu2VT NOW IS the time! Call 3-9191 for fre estimate on applied rooting. Oet roof ing weather protection before it rains. Sears Roebuck A Co., 650 No. Capitol St. Phone 3-191. ma278 PE R M A-STONE for fireplaces and home. Salem Perm a -St one Co., 2040 N. 18th St. Salem. Phone 3-0603 after I p.m. ma 361 RED CEDAR shingles No. 1 3x3'a any amount delivered lowest market price. 18 in. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall shakes. Ted Muller, Salem-lndep. road. Call 2-1196 Salem. ma ALIMA . LOCR ALUMINUM LOCK JHINOLB. The modern permanent roof in See your dealer of Call Disk. 3-3401. na273 SAVE ON ROOPTNO Let Wards five you complete CM STALLED price on your roofing needa, wide range of colora Can our outside salesman for free estimate Pboa 3-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft OO. SALEM. OREGON aa DEAR Cl'STOMER. Iniiat oa your con tractor and carpenter using the fine it old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumDer in Salem. On hand al Dick Meyer Lumber Co. II Lana Ave, Ph. 34939 Pre parking. ma N E E D LUM BER? To assume yourself top quality framing lumber, at rock bottom prices, why not let ua bid on that next lob. WEST SA LEM SAW MILL. 1030 Wallace Rd. Pb. 3-9593. Ba282 SIX M FT. TRI'SSES for Immediate re moval. Ph. 3-972S or 3-8S49. ma3M fOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS KING ALFRED 60o doi. At ale as 3 lor tl. Merrill's Oreen House, Brooks. alSt DAVENPORT bed. ehair, tletric ranieT gas range A refrlg. Automatic oil fur nace A double sink. Ph.2-636, n25t' WOLLENSAK "X telescope, coated lens. 17 50 with case. Senator Camera Shop. 234 N. Hlih. Ph. 3-3031. n261 BABY GRAND piano. Fine cond. Lett V'h us for sale. A bargain for quick ale. See at Tallman s. 395 S. 12th. p261 WARDS SUPREME LAWN SEED Makes a permanent lawn. Conwa up thick, luxuriant, bright green all year. 1 lb rovers 3 SO sa. ft. A sed you can ba sure of. Ward s low price. 13 98 for t Iba. WARDS FARM STORE Trade A HUh Sts. Salem. Ore. n3'.6 (Continued on Page 23)