-20 Capital Journal. Salem. Ore., Thursday. October 27. 1949 T MERE YOU ARE. LEFTY- NEW .WlT PLfiASURe, I ET HUM- 'CHOKCR' APCHACHTLV I Fwri i wn.i .. ixeoes ths Babv HElE VfXJ ARB LEFTY-- NEW RADIO PROGRAMS SITTeUS' MlRlNO KALL-LCHT IN IT. KeVS AND FLOOR PLANS FOB THE TCMOKERV--WE'LL DOUBLE TROUBLE too i suppose -CHuncK iu , BftRKS MANSION, PLUS HOU3C CKACK CM maps on five smaller joasiTOMoeRovv SIT UP TILL ALL MIS TODDLCK Jgi TENDERS CHICK. IN jm IH jw erve me the o-note 3r7,-sv night THURSDAY P. M. 1 KEYS AND FLOOR PLANS FOR THE ) CMOKER7; -WE'LL TtSUPPUtS 7TrfS KM tOmiLAJ I 3 MAPS ON FIVE SMALLER JOBSVI TOMORROW f I -r2nT5C8ftT4" V 3 L- ervlME THE O-NOTE NieHT J tU r-Ttl! mSI I "J'M KSLM I K0C0 By AP Nwifurn Chapter M :' aii rluht. ban." called tht out 3w'i piercing voice. "We've lot t good ten noure siari. ncuij time fer big breakfast an' a Ie drink. Then we'll haul oula here fer Dew country where we Hem; tare greener. Brad Morden haa fin -Ished hli business In Texas." They loped across the twe hundred yards of open ground aeparatlng the corrals from thi 'collection of cabins and swung "down. It wa then that the fir., -hnt came, a hinh-oitched reporl that spanged out hard and clear on the morning air. One of the : riders, his leg uplifted to dts .mount, seemed to pause for i -moment. Then he crumpled and . fell head first to the ground. : "An ambush I" roared Morden's bull voice above the panglng of 'more rifles. "Qet Inside back of them log walls I" . The Winchester chorus rose and vgrew In volume and spread out around the plain where tight-lipped 'cowDuncherfl. lying flat on their , bellies, worked the levers of their . repeaters ana single snois ana .-poured more lead Into the scrambl ing mass of men diving toward ; the front door of the larger build ing. Three men were down oi the porch, one of them trying to . raise nimsen up on nu eiDow. 1a man grabbed him and dragged him inside. Three others came running hard. They flashed past the rock cabin and dived Into the J one occupied by Lucia. The door .slammed shut. Jay heard the -sound and looked around. Lucia was gone. He heard her scream, mingled with the sound of running boot steps as Ace and the other man .' sprinted for the bigger building. '. They reached the porch, started v up, and the pot-bellied figure of Ace seemed to sag. He hauled up on his tiptoes and then sank down to lie still. Near him lay two others. .. "Open up, open upl" yelled the other man. pounding on the door. t Dust spurt were Jumping up all ' around on the crude porch and '. a splinter whirred past. He was , flat on hi race, hand still clutrh ,. Ing his gun when the door opened Too late. ;- Jay stuck his heart out of the , rock cabin, then ducked as a slug - hit slantwise and droned off with a high-pitched scream, a mls- shapen piece of lead hurtling off Into the sky. He saw four figures ' run out: Miguel and hi three ', men. dragging Lucia. I She had got bnck to the cabin J too late to get the knife. Thff broke Into a struggling 1 run across the open ground and bullets began to throw up little J dust spurts all around them. The men were shooting carefully be v cause of the woman. Then one of the dark-faced vaquerns aomer '" saulted and rolled over to lay curled up. Thev went another flftv . yards before the second fell. He got to his knees, tried to rise. then sank down and lav flat An - his face. Miguel had Lucia by the arm now and they were running '. Jay broke from the protection of J. the eabln. A shot slammed past . hi face. Another alapned the ground beside his feet. He wheeled '.' and legged It for Lucia's cabin '. and dived Inside, yelling at the , men on uie slope aoove. He heard Joe voice roaring .. eurses at him to come back and '. cut him loose. But he saw the ' gun one the girl had taken from .' Turk Pennock' body and hoed to give to him and forgot every- thing else. He opened the door. . caught his breath, and broke Into the clean morning air where tranDed J men were dying and a fight to a lulu,., wm in urtiKrena. V That two hundred yards was .- the longest mile he had ever run .- Ounflre pinned him down back : of one of the corrals and he lay -- there, panting and wiping the - sweat irom his face. He rose, and saw the lithe figure of Miguel . in me corral wun a rope. He had . never believed that a man could A catch and saddle horsex an fnsi He saw the rope go out and Blue . Star came up. trembling and snort '. Ing. Then, aa though time had ' ; fled and this were magic, two . horses broke from th corral. The ; Mexican oeatrode Blue Star and : P J ' W J i .. R2874 WILLIAM HOBSON was leading Lily Belle. Astride the mare, fier nanu. uuuiiu mi viiv wu He horn, rod Lucia. Jav learjed to hi feet and dashed .'or the corral gate, slamming It shut as snots wnizzea by. ne saw several (addles on the ground and grabbed a rope, A man Jumped over the fence and ran toward :ilm. gun in hand. "Who Is It Joe or JayT" called ilarrv Seltzer He didn't look like an easterner now. All vestiges of his former life had vanuned. He wa Iiammg laced. (unbelted, grim. "Jay I It's Jayl Joe's bound hand and foot over In that rock cabin. Orab a rope and get Rover Boy. Miguel's got Lucia," He caught the flash of resent' ment, saw the Indecision, and snatched up a rope. Hover Boy swung to face him and whistled shrilly. Jay went toward' another horse, wheeled and caught the big stud with a deft throw. Harry's rope sang out and settled over the neck of a long-legged Morgan geiaing. "I'm with you, Jay," he yelled "Whoa, now, whoa, you lron- lawed devil I" Jay called, and drew in closer. Out on the plain Blue Star and Lily Belle were run ning. Miguel's figure hunched low over the horn. Rifles were spang Ing and Jay could see the dust spurts ana ne hoped for Mike Kanaairs sake that the horses would not be hit. He got the saddle on Rover Boy and the big stallion reared, anortln, remember ing nis Bouts with Joe Allison Jav shot him out of the corral aware that Harry was close be hind. (To be continued) Back-Dipping Peplum This dress has three special features! The pert peplum, circling the waist and dipping down fishtail fashion in oack. ine Elouer closing, insur ing a smooth fit. And the collarless neckline, a perfect foil for Jewelry. No. 3403 is cut in sizes 13. 14. 16. IB. 30. 38, 38, and 40. Site 18, 3 yds. 39-ln. Every home sewei needs the PALL WINTER FASHION BOOK delightful. Inspiring presentation of uie oesi in laanion. over 150 smart practical easy-to-sew pattern de signs for all ages. Price Just 30 cenis. Bena now lor your copy. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal 914 Mis sion m., Man Francisco o, Calif. l.Urk Pinpannl Thl. h.nrf.M,. : new pineapple design Is a versatile as It Is prettv. Eauallr at home . . - on upholstered chairs, buffet a vanny laDie. ine set Is easily am quickly completed. Pattern Envelope No. R3874 con tains complete crocheting (tutrix: Hons, material requirement and finishing directions. To obtain this pattern, lend JOr in COINS, giving pattern number your name address and eon num. brr to Peggy Robert. 821 Mission I Street San Francisco 1, Calif. 2403 Wjvt. tit I (henryj I 5Ti; TIC Irs I ) DV f ,111 L. L I I Ll . I I l.irl n fej "rTt,M 'S'"ssThf ' Stf-jAi?S? W IT vIOWnW VEAH- jfflOrM A REVSONABLe, "S " T0 r)U-Rt LSNOTI HUS6AN0, V" ' ' J THIS BARGE ALL. E7 I 5ES fefe? i PAIR-MSO 3fT-TNQ 1 VBOH? g g:4jj R I EH? WELL, TWffT STILL THEN LEOOL OHO K SO-O-O? JBS J COIN' QOOO-UFPS LEOC I NO g lf m I DOESN'T MOKE VOU A BIS J THIJ WILL- I SHIP-SHAPE K: A JP- ' I "EM THOT vWOty FROM I KIOOINV- g :S P I SHOT HEBB IN yY BOOK- f- Stl3i IB ,. h- : r Tn0 UNDERSTAMO.POPJ CAN UA.VE MV A I IdATE WITH DOJMA. LQOVIKlS i ll ISKfT WITVI NICX J A: T II rTSGC THAT I SET A. SVOU MURRV-ITS A A I MICK'S RIGHT A.CTER S H WILBUR VOL) DONT.' WILBURS J -So I fuAiD-rirr Aun rr vxjrikrri at t. v tui; I 1 r nikjklpc! n "T ' K10PP.R' kjrn-crakiftTI-iDBACTisi S:4S I YOU BECOaNIZClTHt NAME OF THE"eTVirlV ) fiA M I MAD.AISTSrOO? THiaJS -JHBSTIM E.V I . kY Vol. are-a T yacht, needing) a crew of n.nety A I I TO pay a oppino wtor ) for you J a-JD II L irf-THE UPPER STORY OF A TWO-STORY HOUSE- in "".. 1 I ",7 1 K I .-n,Dcc:r, un p,.Mr.Kiri-Okir umrfM !M I I YOUR BLOODS MIUeM, i V GO AHEAD- f Vl I LEG -A ROCKET TO THE MOON -AND LOTS S ffl I I ISN'T rT-LIKE AtL 21 iS"''?" A L KlL OF OTHER TMINO EVY AMERICAN NEEDSJ I I GIVE-AWAY PROORAmJ I mOTONl )pff H"?i nFFFb-rwlNI THERE I WS TAKING MV) I T I ( UAH1Utl rWELU-AfeLAtPRS?llSlV , roA aCyrv-V PlWTV MTil CBkS k-FeF CLOSE TO 1 RIGHT! LET'fi I PROFESSOR, YOU KNOW THE I6LANP gf ptgp TeRRfi TUAT 'L-TALkYANP BE I CVNCHRONIZE BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE. AS SOON B THE BOAT'S LOWEWO tTnTi'waStTO 5Swy TORELAY MESaWfiE WATCWH tt A " ANP REAPy SALTYl 1 SEE SPRS A , TO MV CHlEP. I'LL STAMP BY J Swium 1 2r Ll U MINUTE. FOTAMESSA6E FSOM YOU X H tucm TlJrirfu 1 V fcw CVP7V HALe-kOilP I THEM. AND TAKE THEM I $ a' 1 .'"'' lid Ljyi ratu m: m : i i j 1 1 1 j i I KGW K0IN ffTt CM Maaalac Graaa ktttla . Lrtatara llarr Mkr law rtUrM bar Km VtrtfUbttri aaa Krla Hai Mail MMlr Hull Niuiil Blsafllt Blala Ferry Caaia Ftrrr Caata OrafBeH lOraiaal fnw Playhaaat CaaaUraar Tha rlavaaaM UahaaF DaUar jjatannr Dallar baia Data lllaatra-Klrilaa LawU Thaaaaa Lfcaatear lAaaUar Uaiatoar Alarita raatltT Mr. Km. Mr. Imi (Nana Palacr Kaawt iT.B.L V.B.I, baalah Club If Nana Falbtr Kaawa Beat Daiir'i Tarara Damaa Tbaalar Star riaal tToa an4 Warld Blehf'l Mart. Dowatr Inlaraiaiia Cantarl Baar Canaart Haar ttt. frt. Tioa.ll lAlr-Fla Biniwiin prchtttra Nwt Was Maataai Wai Mitaaai rtnada lOrahettra tBandtlaa! Canatrt Caoetrl New iBIlcat FRIDAY 6 A. M. Hadca Fodaa Kntaaa Newa Paria Tina farm Tine Newa KOIN Kleek KOIN Klaek KOIN Klock rarn Keep Keep Keep Early Bird mid HoBfl IKnaaai Newa San Haree Rddla Albert Kddla Albert KOIN Klock Wihb'rn Newi Newi Newa rred Back Mart. Bob Zeka IConkamer Newa Braakfaat Clab Newa Grand II ai Baeemari' Breakfait Clab Breakfait Club Breakfait Clab leek Bercb ilaia i Bldere Neeand Cap Neeand Caa Wendr Warren Mildred Bedell ft tare of Today Art Llnkleltar Art Ltnkleller Aunt Jcnnr Hrlen Trent fTraale Kehoaa Kneaai newa Oar Gal Bandar Marrlara far 1 Bli g I iter Mi Parklna Jack Narnas Helen Drake Mr Traa Btary Mr Traa btary Lara Lawlan Ueiteaa Haaaa Dr. Malana Party Galdln Light Deabla, Nolhlng 'Doable. Netblng Tad'rt Children Ind Mra. Bart'i Bettr Perry Maean Nerab Drake Brighter Day Rid. N'rth Light ar Weria N 'westerners Life Baaatlfal Kaeata Nawe P. T'Bg'e Fan. Newa B'khaca Talking News Vletar Llndlahr Icone Get It Bright m Llghl Bltbt ta Haa. Backataca Wile Art Baker MeetMenJaas Brkf. In Holly, Brkf. In Uillr. Kay West Kar Waal Barny'd Failles Btella Dallaa Laranea Janea Garry Maora jGarry Noere IT'nf Wld. Br'n Klrkban Newi Wb. O. Marrln Par. Paeaa Life1 Jaat Plata Bill Franl P. Par'lli Klrkban Newa Jay Jay Meet the Mliaae Meet the Mltaat Bride TttBCfally Tear Brlda Wele. Traveler! tVele. Travalara! Art Klrkhea Talk Talk iArthar Gedfray Aant Marr Arthar Gadfrey Ba Ted iWa Lava, Uara iArthar Gadfrey ) Wan. Secret Arthar Gadfrey' Mad. Mod. Read ta Ufa iDr. Paal 10a Sanny llda Arihar Gadfrey (Carl Matter PEdw. Marrow .Sqalrrel ISanlrrel DIAL LISTING. lAAr Thnrsdar P.M. S: Chil r vnw dren's Thesteri B:1A. On the Upbeat i SiM, SM flporta Clabi :, Newsi t:lS. Dinner Melodies i :S0, -Koand tba Campflrai 1:00, Headlines Chen li try i 1:15. Evening Farm Tataa a the Alrt S:S0, Great ftangst B:45, Nsws and Wsathori 8:00, Muile That Bn duresi 9:4S. EvSnlag Medltatlonsi 10:00, Sign Off . Census Being Taken In Monmouth Section Monmouth The taking of the census of all students of the Monmouth school district got under way this week. The cen sus is being taken by members of the Monmouth Parent-Teacher association as a money-mak ing project, with Mrs. Jean Grice as chairman. Members also helping are Mrs. Raymond Ad ams, Mrs. Eldon Riddell, Mrs. Charles Stowell, Mrs. Ted Ben ACROSS St. Broufht Into L, Collected a row S. Frequently IS. Instlgata 8. Kormsrly if. Called to 12. Operatic aorta; memory IS. Rirrr: IS. Island off Spanish Scotland 14. Anchor 40. Gone by lb. Karl? inhabl 41. Vegetablo tfint of 44. Tills of a Britain baronet 1. Lovely 45. Banter foi 18. Bustle mixing; 19. Conjunction mortar 20. Beginning 41. Joins 21. Color Si. Capital of 23. Mythical Norway Spartaa 12. Largest quesa continent 25. Brisk 82. Long, flub 28. Tissue (4. Moistens 12. Pass from cm 65. Ratify atatn Into 68. Befora another 67. Greek Cuntd la 13 i I -' s Ifc 7 " IT " u MY, Wa . " H i "&.-. A 'Wmwfr a a 27 2 3f it a EZZZZZiSIllLZZZZ . BiiL i 4 ft 44" SET T 35" 7 4 iZZZilZZll - 1 1 1 1 Yi 1 1 1 "'A 1 1 1 Af Newifeafvres ROOM AND BOARD i know you follow spobtins events Quite closelv. so WWW ABOUT THIS LOCAL. heavyweight Fighting FlRPMAN KHCMU AS ' FOUR.-ALARAA FOLEY' IS Hb ANY GQOO? ... DOWN LIKE A trST -S JsOk ' BROKEN LINE yNNJ KEX 11K ABO Haraal Itralfbl Arraw Bfarlbai Baaeh a Haraat la Ira it kl Arraw KhrlkBi Baaca Klai Cart. Mian If at iBlni Craaay Caat Miaalfkl baalnaMNavi baft. B.tf EandU Uib KaJUaa W. Htwi lUvar Hralla Tail Mawt Hasla (Trlaa rat O'Brtaa Miiii, JaahM ainiiat Itlraci With Mr Evaiya kbi(b VaatbaU rrepbel Vf ith jHr AaaikUra Haar Bar Bear Haa'lai Caail4rrrrak 14ft Uaa'laf CalarTrak 14M Mult fTraeb 1M Araubr. a-aaakrak ltM Mei-ta MavU Mtwi rrraek 1H Track 14M Mawa Mb.ib.it Nawiraal Banran Naw w Bacardi Naw la tfeeerdi: Marg. Whlttaf Freatler Taw B'lr Vail. Lawlt Jr. (LniI Mtwa Eraaliar Tawa iuata Ta Waat luiU Yaa Want Maala Haar Haar il Lava Mraterr Naelaraa Wactama Maala Raaa Marfaa Rum Marfan Mectarna Nactarna S Irn Off TO 4:45 P. M. Newa Sin Dint Mawa Bamnarr frimekeaper March Tim Newa Am Mint Smiling IKOCO Klaek KOCO Klaek Newa rrez Bitter Agrenear Urkfet. Ganf LMuila a A Sperts Haiea Manners Top a' Mornlav Top a Morning; Top Tradea (Barg. Counter King's Crasad. King's Crasad. Western Molod. Fiesta Tina una anine Blbla Inalltute Bible Inatltata W. Newa rrima far Mal'dr Ouli Clab Pa iter ' Can Time for Mal'dr Stars Sing Walti Tina Ll. Cbas Tbanaa News Geipal Hater NW News Masle Tana Tlsaa Perry Cena Walts Serenade MS Kays Craeker Ladles First Mnsls Mart . LMui-lo Marl Uan Garber af P. Bags Ladles First westerners Onsen far Day Queen far Day IVoeal V arte ties (Top Trades H'Urwaad Maela H'Uywaad Maala Newa News NW News Bab Eberlr ITed Dais Pres. rrell Neighbor Mae's Meladlea Merver Herding Mae's Melodies Mae's Msladlea Mao's Melodies (Organ Revries Blng Sings Stewart Stewart Melodr Matinee Melodr Matinee Ten a. Jamberae Tenn. Jamboree Mae's Meladlea Mae's Meladlea Mao's Maladies Mao'sMelodlea Mae's Meladlea Mae's Meladlea Mac's Meladlea Mae's Melodies Creon A Groom Way Out War Ob Bab Poole Bab Peals Bested Malana tNewa pongs af Times Bananeea Benannee raltan Lewis Movie Tina Hemlnewar Philosopher Brers Can B Case Cage Behind Starr plews Beautlfal KO AC 650 lnir F rider A.M. 10:00. Nsws and IVVJAV Woalhert 10:15, Eapaclallr for Wanam lltOd, Oresan Behaal af tba Alrt 11:15, Ceneert Halli :. Newai 11:15, Noon Farn Henri 1:00, Kids 'on Cowboy, 1:15, Oregon Scboel of tho Alri 1:S0, Tba Btary Behind the Dlacevory; 1:45, Melody Lanai t:00. The Clab worn en's Half Hoari 1:0, Memory Book af Masle, 8:00, Newsi 1:15, Mnsls af lbs Mastarst 4:00, Oregon Reporter i 4:15, Favorite Hrmnai 4:30, Proudly We Hall. nett, Mrs. Earl Conkey, Mrs. Floyd Fisher, Mrs. Melvin Elk ins, Mrs. Matt Bronec, Mrs. Matt Thompson, Mrs. Sam Suver, Mrs. Charles Barry, Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Ralph Winegar and Mrs. Palmer. Sheridan Seeks Bids Sheridan Sealed bids for the construction of the new grade school will be received until late afternoon, November 15, with the school board opening them at a special meeting that night. ANlllllelVEU0Hl R6UOMPtRUAlPlD Solution of Yesterday's Puxsle DOWN 1. tin. Cub. tobcoo a. on S. -MHIrlnaJ plant 4. Small ruf I. Alserlan seaport 5. ttrlnsfd to atrutnent 1. Also I. Jnsulns forth I. Comralta theft 10. Only U. Wnsto nilOw. anca IT Measure of length 18. First man 22. Easily moved 24. Kind of cbseao 25. Arnblan garment 28. Benk 27 Bird of tht gull family 22. One who guar antees pay ment 20. Shelter 31. Annex S4. Prevnrlcntor 17. Church festival 39. United 41. Edible tubera 42. Organ of scant 42. Fresh-water porpoise 45. Small Island 47. Singing vole 48. Director SO. English letter il. Hava osdu 40J By Gene Ahern OUT OF 30 FK3MTS- HE WON A 29 BY KNOCXOUTS TH' OTHER. ONE was with A 240 POUND GUY WO WAS SO SCARED HIS SECONDS HAD TO SET FIRE TO THE STOOL, TO BCI M1 UTr 1 1 " I MfcN MB J TOUCHED GLOVES WITH f DOWN LIKE A BROKEN LINE OF LAUNDRY -3' l l l . I i. . ' -i i. -. w Laa J sg j NKtOUItMWTrVRorOMIARiNO JiTFJVnTaRl lNVU0Pt"!J '7 ' 1 tl ) flavor ,