r " ' " Capital Journal, Salem, 0r., Thursday, October 27, 1949 15 HUNGRY JACK PANCAKE FLOUR 4 ,b 43c JUMBO AH I) U-JJMA A Free Wine at Grape Fete From this fountain flowed more than 1,000 gallons of wine during the annual grape festival at Marino, Italy, wine-producing center near Rome. Dallas Takes Counter Steps To Offset Halloween Pranks Dallas, Oct. 22 Not much malicious damage is expected in Dallas on Halloween night, Monday, October 31, because of the friendship cultivated over a period of years with the young gob lins, witches and ghosts by the local American Legion post and ,he community as a whole. Those who usually do the haunting will be organized again for the annual parade and prize competition sponsored by Carl B. Fenton post and will be too busy to "cause a rumpus" barring the usual "trick or treat" of course. Children in the Dallas schools and nearby rural schools will dress up in costumes appropriate for the season and meet for judging at the elementary school at 7 p.m., according to John Greenwood, chairman of the committee in charge. Pupils through the sixth grade will par ticipate. Prizes will be awarded to a grand champion, two grand prize winners each for boys and girls, two winners each for boys and girls in each room of the schools, and in addition all par ticipants will receive a candy bar. A division is also scheduled for pre-school children. Following the judging, the children will parade down Main street following the big new fire truck and the Dallas high school band. At the city hall, prizes will be presented with Bill Dal ton acting as master of ceremo nies. In the event of inclement wea ther, the whole affair will be held in the elementary school auditorium. On the Legion committee are Greenwood, Orlando Peters, Bob Dalton and Bill Wood. Other Legionnaires will assist with the crowds and award prizes. Prizes have been contributed by Dallas merchants. Court Halts Welfare Cut Olympla, Oct. 27 The court order temporarily restrain ing the state department of so cial security from putting Into effect its planned cuts in wel fare grants raised anew today the possibility that Governor Langlie might have to call a special legislative session to raise taxes. The proposed slash would have saved the state approxi mately $851,000 a month or roughly $14,000,000 if carried out accordingly over the remain der of the biennium. Whether the order, issued yes terday by, Superior Judge Charles Wright, will be made permanent is to be decided later. Opposing counsel and Judge Wright will confer November 4 on a date to hear the case on its merits. )Radar Defenses To Be Employed Seattle, Oct. 27 W The Pa cific northwest's newly estab lished radar screen and fighter defense groups of the area will be employed Nov. 4 to 14 in ma jor air defense exercises. Details of the large scale ma neuvers were disclosed by Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, chief of staff of the air force, to Sen. Warren G. Magnuson and Reps. Henry M. Jackson and Hugh B. Mitchell. Mitchell told the Seattle Tim es that while the exercises will not be an actual test of the de fense system, it will simulate the tactics which might be encoun tered and employed in an at tack meaning that the bomb ers will be the attackers and the fighter the defenders. High altituda B-29 and B-40 bombers of the 4th, lztn ana 15th air force will attempt to penetrate the radar and fighter air defenses. At least 200 planes and 5,000 officers and men will be sent to the Pacific northwest from widely scattered fields. Large formations of jet fight ers including F-86s and F-48s. will lead defender groups, which will include regular army, air national guard and naval reserv ist units, Vandenberg said. Operational control of the ex- 60 Polio Cases In Epidemic Eugene, Oct. 27 iP) The last count of cases handled in Sacred Heart hospital this year was made just two weeks ago and showed that about 60 cases had received or were receiving treat ment. Hospital officials expect this to be the peak month for new cases of the disease. This week the hospital re vealed that the total is 71 cases to date. And last week-end Lane county had its first polio death. ercises will be under Maj. Gen. John E. Upston, commanding general of the 25th air defense division. The planes will base at Moses lake, Paine field near Everett, Geiger field at Spokane and Portland municipal airport. ' Headquarters will be at a sta tion near Silver lake in Snoho mish county. Lieut. Gen. Ennis C. Whitehead, commanding gen eral of the air force continental defenses, will witness the exercises. yyhk bran-new rWtaaiOftft rW IMPROVED WWI flMES YOUR '6000 W0RlN6HABfT! Oood! Kellogt's new improved 40 Brin Hakes are erlsper, tastier. Kellogg-freshl Supply whole-grain vitamins, minerals, and tiUa bulk. Just what many diets need to help prevent coiuUpaUoa. Delicious way to encourage "good morning" hablu. Try KeUoes't Bran Flakes ... In the famous white, red and green package! MOTHER KNOWS BESTI ffoctrisfnhg?Yesf GoWeesYes Mode Hi gtnurnt Ke'fogg way im SPECIAL PRICES '2M53D mT;' l I bL. jT I Y. JaT Quality candy for your party favors or trick or treat. GUM DROPS ORANGE & BLACK X' 25c . For Making Party Favors FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS Pound Bag 33c The bit; Jumbo site, fresh roast ed and tasty. IGA Cane & Maple SYRUP 24 oi. Bottle 35c You'll enjoy that just right maple flavor. GERBER'S Strained or Chopped BABY FOOD CRISCO SHORTENING 3 - 23c 3 l 79c pkg. Take advantage of this special low price on your favorite shortening. NUCOA MARGARINE . 27c 53c Sunny Morn Coffee 43c frtM WoaoWuJ U. C0ffa for ttl moiwi. ptg pkg. Rich in Wholesome Food Elements COFFEE Royal Guest lb Be assured of fresh coffee. Buy Royal Guest in the whole bean, ground to order. It com' pares with the finest. tit cWTOMATO SOUP 71Q " basil J APPLES . ii ivfl I . ""o ii sav APPLET W'c,s Specials for Friday & Saturday Sunkist Oranges 2. 55c 2 19c Medium for juicing or the children's lunches. FLORIDA Grapefruit Large site, and chuck full of tangy juice. Sweet Potatoes 2 19c So good with your ham or pork dinners. Broiler Onions C ib.bag 10f For a tasty vegetable dish.' I V Radishes or Green Onions 5c Bunch ftnso30rh Anniversary Value 12 Exquirite Masterpiece Christmas Cards with Envelopes with f Rinto bo. Lop rm omr slants ami with 8otium For a Delicious Chinese Dinner BEAN SPROUTS No. 2 Con Chow Main NOODLES No. 2 Can Chop Suey VEGETABLES No. 2 Can SOY SAUCE 6'i oi. Bottles 13c 20c 27c 20c FLOUR Ku- 50 & 3.75 Shortening Sno-Kreem 3 lbs. 79c SALAD DRESSING K 27c Cocktail FG1 2 .V. 29c D D I IGA Drown Dreaa u Cherries IGA Maraschino 3Ji ox. Jar. 23c 15c Peanut Butter '".,...3 7' Mince Meat fiZ 22c CLEANS DIRTY HANDS 29c 17c SAVE EVERY DAY AT IGA STORES Highland Market Pearson's Food Mkt. 00 Highland Ave. No Commercial Broadway Grocery Model Food Market Brdwy. & Mkt.-Open Sunday 215 North Hilh st Scio Food Market scio, Oregon Orcutt's Market 4200 North River Road Quality Food Mkt. 17th and Center Central Cash Market Monmouth, Oregon Carter's Market i7th and Market st. Ronner's Grocery Gervals, Oregon State Street Market 1230 State St ... Equall s Grocery Lemmons Market wood.nn.. oref.. S9S No. Comi. Independence Ken Golliet Food Market Mehama, Ore. Open Sunday Independence, Oregon WHITE KING SOAP P0DWER GIANT SIZE... 55c m$J&JK OIT rASCINATIN N(w pSpl SWEET CLOVER PERFUME $1.00 VALUI Blri FREE! with 7t WF' IAKE SHORE HONEY III I J BOX TOP KJJ I Buy Lokt Shore Honey at Your IGA Storo noLul XtVA TENVetM VaM vtuwus ' CRACKER JACKS 5c 6 25c For Your Halloween Party White or Yellow 2 - 35c The Childrens Favorite Pkg. ANOTHER WONDtRFUL WHITE KING II lt 1 1 IRIS BULBS lOt ORDER BLANK IM IO SfCTIOM immiti irnaa LTgVw Oa.ANUlAts.0 a n 52 JLOC SIERRA PINE WHITE KING 3 bar. 23C 3 bar. 21C MARSHMALLOWS CAMPFIRE JC. Lb. Box 3 DC Four U pound packages In each box to make them stay fresh longer. NESTLES CHOCOLATE MORSELS 2.., 39c For Your Toll House Cookies SUNSHINE 6 ox. pkg. CHEEZ-ITS 17r Dainty Cheese Squares Wa 16c PARD DOG FOOD 2 ci's 25c Special Low Prica Nabisco Shredded 12 ex. pkg. Your Favorite Breakfast Cereal WHEAT 16c imm & 275 North High Sts. Salem, Oregon Model Food Market under the able management of Edw. Schunke, Sr., and Edward, Jr., has been a member of the IGA group from the beginning, recognizing the advantages of mass buying power through IGA and passing on the savings to the consumer. Model Food has a reputation of long standing for excellent service and a complete line of fine foods. A Bakery where women with the know how to produce pastries Just like the home made good ness that makes eating an enjoyment. A meat drpartment also stressing quality and produce department that brings you garden fresh vegetables and orchard frch fruits daily. So if eating is your pleasure and you want the best of food at low prices, visit the Model Food Market regularly. i