12 Capital Journal, Salem,X)re, Thursday, October 27, 1949 giving up and curtailing tneir own expensive passenger serv- les. TODAY'S BUSINESS MIRROR Auto Industry Breaks Record But Adds to Traffic Problem Br BAM DAWSON New York, Oct. 26 W) The auto Industry today breaki an other record, and addi a little more to one of the nation'i prob lem! traffic. Today the 5,358,421st vehicle of the year rolls off the produc tion line. This tops, two months ahead of time, the output record for anv one full year, atanaing lince 1929. About 4V4 million of these vehicles have been pas senger can. The new one today will Join the 32,787,100 others which R. I. Polk and Company, auto stat isticians,' report were registered In the country as of two weeKs ago. If you don't think there are that many on the streets and highways, just try taking your family out for an auto ride in or near any big city on the next sunny Sunday. Or try to park in almost any city business dis trict Traffic iami are now so much a part of our lives that one of the service radio stations offer their metropolitan listeners a periodic report on just where traffic conditions are worse dur ing holiday rushes. This is unlikely to endanger in anv way the sales chances of today's new record car. But It is a headache to a lot of peo ple besides traffic officers: to city merchants, to the oil in dustry, to the railroads, to city planners, and to city dwellers and suburbanites alike. In some cities parking is not permitted in the districts where most of the biggest department stores cluster. In others park ing is a time-wasting puzzle. Department stores try to solve this by building branches in the suburbs where many of their customers live and, more and more, shop. The oil industry Is selling more gasoline every year, but some of its leaders worry be cause traffic snarls increasing ly tend to take the pleasure out of pleasure driving. Many cars that could be using gasoline are in garages because city driving is increasingly unpleasant, and because getting out into the country over the week-end means a bumper - to - bumper train on the driver's nerves. The country folk don't like it either. Hordes of city Sunday drivers lead many a suburb to try to close its parks and beaches to any outside cars. And many a country resident gripes be cause it is no longer much pleas ure to take his family for their usual evening or Sunday after noon drive their roads are crowded with city folk he re gards as intruders. Railroads worry because more and more intercity hauling is being done by private automo biles, and less by train. The roads rail at the trucks for using tax-built highways, but there isn't much the iron horse boys can say against the family car toting the folks on their trips. There are too many car owners for that, and most railmen own and drive cars themselves. Some railroads talk about ice. Others consider offering at tractive rate for shipping cars on trains, so that you will have the family bus for pleasure use at the end of long trips. And still others already are arrang ing for rail passengers to get drive-yourself cars at the end of the train trip. Highway engineers offer varied and Intricate schemes for solving the traffic problem most of them expensive. City planners see the growing num ber of cars almost as a Franken stein's monster. Some are tear ing up and widening chief arter- Others plan huge ana ex pensive city parking garages. San Francisco a few years ago tore up a city park, built a large garage under it, and put the grass and trees and park benches back on the roof. New York has some elevated through streets, talks of more, and builds vehi cle tunnels under its waterways. That 32,787,101st car on the highway had better watch its fenders. To make a plain dessert fest ive, add coconut to vanilla ta pioca cream and garnish with maraschino cherries and extra coconut. National Guard Must Be Ready Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 27 U. Gen. Omar H. Bradley said to day that "war could strike us suddenly," and that the National Guard must be ready to move quickly into overseas battle areas. In a speech prepared for de livery at the Guard's annual con vention, he said the nation's mili tary chiefs are planning for "im mediate retaliation in kind to of fensive blows struck against us" or against our allies. Bradley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, said that "we are forced to be prepared to defend ourselves If our attempts to pre serve the peace founder upon the obstacle of Soviet ambition." School Crossings Marked Amity The city has all school crossings entering Trade street plainly marked. Parking, the full length of Trade street, has white horizontal markings, which has reecntly been completed. Navy Commissions Speediest Submarine Boston, Oct. 27 W The navy christened and commissioned yesterday the U.S.S. Grampus, a Snorkel "guppy" submarine fas ter than any underwater craft used in World War II. Mrs. Clark H. Woodward, wife of a retired rear admiral, sponsored the 1570-ton craft the first submarine to be com missioned in Boston since the end of the war. The craft can travel on tha surface at a speed of more than 20 knots. She will carry a crew of 70. Candy Being Sold Salem Heights The annual candy sale for the Camp Fire Girls and Bluebirds is under way in the Salem Heights area. Mrs. Roy McElroy, leader of one group of Bluebirds, reported that so far sales have been good. Many youngsters are participating in the candy sale. A prize will be awarded to the child selling tht I most boxes. RELIEF AT LAST ForYour COUGH Creomulsinn relieves promptly beams it goes right to the Kit of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in Aimed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays tht cough or vou are to have your money hack. CREOMULSION for Coughs, ChtstColds, Bronchitis A1v?rtU'mnt) QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptom ml Dhtmt Arising from STOMACH ULCERS we to EXCESS ACID FiBoliTllaofNomTrtmMttSMt Mwt Help r It WIN Ctst NotMnc Owr thrm mtlltoa botUra of thtt Wiujtw Tkratmbnt hY Iwa wild IW rrltrf of aTtTtptomiinfdlttmMiiriiiina from ftUmacti and Dwrinl Ulrmdur to Etc AcM- Pmt DtgMtlon, ftMt or UM StMnfwh. fiMilntu, Hartbunt, H piMmm, , due to Iictn Acid. SoWnn I ft d' tnlt Ak for "Millar,' M write full Kplftioalhta tnaUB'tti h MFD Mr.YM. VIC. Frm T. nam tTowr Why Suffer Any Longer Whan Mbtn (til. tm mi CMnw rvmadlM, A in uln summs for WWO rra ta Ohio. N mttttr with bst tllroaoU rou art fnitd dUowif r intuitu bm Iuum, lirtr, kidntT. tu, kouUpatiOB, UMra, dutxu rheumatism, fall and bladds. (?. iab itnu eotnpituitti CHARLIt CHAN OHTNVSS Mi en. orriM nm Tvn. ui Bal. Omit H. CmminIU PfcviM IIS SALS at. Oil. Constipation (Colitis) Is a symptom, not a dutut. Rectal AllmrnM Are the Underlying Factor Hemorrhoids and other eoko ailment must be corrected. Na Lots at Tim Na lloaplulliatiaa Free DncrlpUn BaakM DR. R. REYNOLDS - Proctologic Naturo-Rrctal Specialist 1144 Cantar St. tialtm. On. Party Food Time TOHa"x-mnn, s Vaii Ia.a t mTXr " py food, 1 -tvYr TO LONG GRAIN RICE 2-lb. Showboat Whit Rica. pkj. ZENITH WHITE RICE 31b. Showboat Cooks whit, fluffy pkg.. DROMEDARY DATES 7Vi-ez. Pitted fin for stuffing. pkg. Cracker Jack Us them for party prizes. These prices efefctive Thurs., Friday, Saturday JUNKET BRAND 29' 33' 25e Fudge Mix 12-oz. pkg. NESTLES SEMI-SWEET CHOCOLATE 6pkgs25c Morsels 5t 19c Deviled Ham Underwood Brand For Party Sandwiches Can ii 1 m"mmTmmmt ill. a i t 1 - 1 - - -esq? Vte 7 1 OCT. 29 NOY. 5 NATIONAL Jelly Beans BORDEN None-Such MINCE MEAT AQ Ready to usel 28-ei. ar fO ENRICHED Kitchen Craft FLOUR S.&W. CAKE MIX For delicious fruit cake. 10-lb. sack Mb. jar 85c 45c Bllii rine bn.it. feci fei parties ei ' t heat." P.r- ttick Mb. pkg. 25- GUM DROPS & ORANGE SLICES ' 19 POP CORN Jolly Tim.. 19 c.iio p.,, Mb. 25 HARD CANDY & CANDY CORN ,,b pl, 25 CHOCOLATE DROPS 0l,fl Fin. , lb Bla 25 MARSHMALLOWS FLUFFIEST CANDY BARS ftm0M u Kin(, Apple Week 19e MIPIPILISS p9 l5' 239 l-lb.plg. i-ib. pig. 29e carton 24 89c OREGON WALNUTS m. u. 35 NEW CROP ALMONDS Blu. Di.me(1). , lk, 39 BISQUICK Sava tima and wars. 40-as. pkg. 39 RITZ CRACKERS $., rl.p. ,.Lb. .i 29 CREAMED HONEY si... STRAINED HONEY ,le .... u... pkf 29 RIPE OLIVES Ebony. Standard ilia. Ne 1 taa 23 TOMATO CATSUP T n. .... 15 ZEE PAPER NAPKINS ,,. 10 KELLOGG'S 'PEP Co.d ,.u,.,. 15 INSTANT RALSTON CEREAL 27 SUNNYBANK MARGARINE ,.u ,k. 29 MRS. WRIGHfS BREAD u.,.., 14 Apple Cider Hool Bivet biand. Tn Gallon a party raectis! Jug 49 COCA COLA PEPSI-COLA RafrashSna, 25c Hits tha Spoil HIRE'S ROOT BEER Carton of bottlas lig U oi. boMU, aaeh S4 12-os. boHlaS PUEMIH Moonbeam blind. Makes perfectly giand pies. 2M5c Whole K.rn.l PINK SALMON Ffine. L.. NIBLETS CORN DEL MONTE PEAS LIBBY'S PUMPKIN FRUIT COCKTAIL H..t.u D.n KIPPERED SNACKS No. I can 35e 18 12-ot can Early Garda Fancy ,19 301 can No. 303 can l0e No. l'i can Croiwd Fish No. can jo 10 DELICIOUS I 25c JONATHANS, 5c ORTLEYS RED ROMES 2 lbs. 5c 15c 25-lb. box 25-lb. box 25-lb. box 25-lb. box Cranberries TOKAY Table Grapes NO. 1 Potatoes 10-lb. sack ib. 19c 2 ibs. 19c 39c 98c Sweet Potatoes 2lhs 25c Southern Yams Ib. IOC HALLOWEEN PUMPKIN LB. 3c GHEE) IP CM ICS ib. 39- SUGAR CURED Rath, Wilson and Cudahy brands. Popular sizts 4 to 8-pound avtrage CIa nlvct Sirloins tlb.8?Cc.r.lb.65c MICaKS Ribs t'lb.79c lb.69c Frtsh Oysttrs m.,.,., ,,.f69e Fricositt Fowl ftntiy 45e Fancy Fryort t) rttly i9c WIENERS or BOLOGNA lb. 39' SLICED COLO TURKEY WONDERFUL FOR PARTIES! Turkeys oven Fancy Toms lb. 59c READY Fancy Hni lb. 69e BEEF LIVER LI. 39 Pot Roasts Ib. 49" Beef Short Ribs Ib. 25c Ground Beefnlb. 35c Pork Sausage Ib. 49c Leg O'Lamb Ib. 79c Lamb Shoulder Ib. 59c BROCCOLI LB. 15c GREEN CABBAGE LB. 4c CAULIFLOWER LB. 17c CELERY LB. 7c PARSNIPS LB. 5c Brussels Sprouts LB. 23c TURNIPS LB. 5c Winter Squash LB. 3c SAVINGS ON FRESH COFFEES Ib. can (HMDS COFFEE 53c 2.b,l05 WHOLE UAH MVORITIS-. AIRWAY COFFEE Ml. lAft 45c Ml. ia 89c NOB HILL COFFEE 48c Ml. IA 1 11. IA 95c FRISKIES DOG FOOD Nationally Advtrtiied Brandt LB. I DIICC kJI DftATC I IUAHV a 1 I I miif a I ZflflG. APPPP vwrifcii i I I li.J: a mm- I - i . j .. . I r.r.d. A t.araa IC I trivwivn. wm mm vraiwiaTM aoa rrpn4 Bar for I ' CO, . Wa radaam Etpacially 4 QC Grade A Mrd. W7C , , I s-r... 2h.27 .w 50c GRlliiOi'VV