Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Thursday, October 27, 1949 11 n t 1 iiilfpiis,., S3 Judge Tooze to Hear Labor Case Chief Justice Hall S. Lusk of the Oregon supreme court today assigned Circuit Judge Walter L. Tooze of Multnomah county to The Dalles to hear the peti tion of the port of The Dalles for a temporary injunction against picketing of the port by the CIO Longshormen. The port of The Dalles is seek ing the injunction against pick eting of the port after apparent settlement of the recent "hot pineapple" dispute which flared into violence at The Dalles. Longshoremen say the current picketing has nothing to do with the pineapple dispute, but is in an effort to organize Longshore men at The Dalles, where they say the present pay rate is be low that at Portland and other organized coast ports. The union requested that Wasco County Circuit Judge M. W. Wilkinson be replaced for the hearing of the injunction. Just ice Lusk then assigned Judge Tooze to hear the case in place of Judge Wilkinson. The Hawaiian Pineapple comoanv sent a barge load of pineapples to The Dalles, to be unloaded for transfer to Cali fornia canneries after, its spokesmen said, AFL longshore men at Tacoma. Wash., had re fused to cross CIO longeshore picket lines to unload the pine , aoDle In that Puget Sound port, I When violence flared at The Dal les, the pineapple firm made no further attempt to unload the " barge until after terms for set- lemen of the longshore strike In Honolulu had been announced. Schoolboy Charged Killing 4-Year-0ld T.nnrinn. Opt. 27 UP) A 12- year-old schoolboy was charged today with murdering a Doy 01 four. The accused. George Crick appeared in Ealing juvenile court with his father while po lico arh(x) the Brent river shores for the body of Stanley Graves. A hearing was set for next Wednesday. Police officials gave no hint of the motive and did not say how they knew the child was dead. Young Matrons Meet "Monmouth The Young Mat rons club met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Winegar, with Mrs. Marie Jacobson as co-hostess. Re freshments were served to Mrs. Irene Barry, Mrs. Margaret Crider, Mrs. Jean Loomis, Mrs. Rose Baker, Mrs. Marjorie ' Woods, Mrs. Amy Marr, Mrs. Joyce Winegar, and a guest, Mrs. Dorothy Sugden. The next meet ing in November will be at the Van Crider home with Mrs. Bak er as co-hostess. Keizer School Double Shift Is Now Matter of Routine KpiTor Oct. 27 School at Keizer resumed Wednesday morn ing after a two-day holiday for the students while the teachers were attend ng the Institute in Salem, mere are ai presem over 260 students enrolled in the school. Double shifting of the four first grades has settled down to rou tine with the early shift yawn-- Welcome Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Y.. Vishinsky (right), a vice president of the United Nations general as sembly, shakes hands with President Truman as the .chief executive arrived at site of U.N. permanent headquarters at New York, for cornerstone laying ceremony. At left is Brig. Gen. Carlos P. Romuio, current president of the U. N. general assembly. Truman delivered a foreign policy address at the ceremony. (AP Wirephoto) ing its way to school in order to be there at 7:45. The first shift works until 12 o'clock and at 12:15 o'clock the second group and their teachers take over the school rooms until 4:30. .There are three groups of all the grades above the first with the exception of the third where, so far, there are only two grades. This makes a total of 24 classes in operation. The three buses are kept very busy transporting the students to and from their own Keizer school and to the junior high and high school in Salem. The fire department seems to like the false alarms which had plagued the district for so long and of recent date have had to drop their work and dash away for only legitimate calls. The false alarms were a nuisance and costly prank for someone and everyone in the entire fire dis trict is thankful that the volun teer fire department continues to function smoothly and with speed. Keizer Parent - Teacher asso ciation has assumed the task of taking the school census for the year 1949. They are registering all children up to and including I those who are 19 years old. In this way the school board antici-1 pates they will be better able to judge the future school needs.' If a representative has not call-1 ed at your home before October J 30, please report this fact to Mrs. C. B. Bentson, 3-1353. The P.T.A. plans a complete cover age of the district but some new families may move in who could not be contacted when the cen-1 sus-taker made her rounds. Since this record is to be the ; basis for future growth of the I school district it is important I that every family register. Strike Averted Vancouver, B.C., Oct. 27 P Settlement of differences be tween British Columbia's Lum ber Inspectors union (CCD and the Pacific lumber inspection bureau was reported last night. The ' agreement headed off strike which threatened to halt all lumber exports from the pro vince. Your Prescription Store WHEN YOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Poyi to Trade of Schaefer't" 7S99 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1949 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We have a complete line of medical needs for babies. Let us fill your prescription. Get Your Trick or Treat Candy Schaefer's Candy Scoop Fresh Chicken Bones 35c Lb. Lb. Sales Only ' SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Original Yellow .Front Drug and Candy Special Store in Salem 135 N. Commercial Phone 3-5197 or. 2-9 123 PEERLESS MARKET Quality MEATS lit North Commercial "At City Bus Stop" Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Courteous Service Phone 3-S704 Roasting Rabbits ib!y 35c 4 to 7 lb. Average We have more of those nice small plump stewinf hem same as last week. b. 45c Alto Choice Frying Chickens and Rabbits SEASONING BACON SQUARES WEEK END SPECIALS CHOICE MILK FED Veal Roasts Veal Steaks Veal Stew lb. Ib. Ib. 49c 55c 25c This Is Not Small Younf Veal SMOKED MEAT SPECIALS MorreM'i Family Site Picnic Ham 45c ib. 4 to 6 lb. Average Morrell's Hams Half or r A Whole JOC Smoktd Pork Shanks Ib. While They Last 29c Morrells Pride NO TRICKS-ALL TREATS -AT EMCKSON'S For Halloween or Daily Needs Here Are Your Best Food Buys PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI.-SAT.-SUNDAY CAMPBELL'S IOUP 25c nMrCMJZ L VEGETABLE SOUP BORDEN'S WEETE! (DENSE! 25c EAGLE BRAND .V SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK ARMOUR'S MILK TALL CAN 10c SWIFT JEWELL SALAD OIL QUART JAR 33c GRADE AA MEDIUM FRESH EGGS 51c DOZEN err- fsssa SPUM JatSe" PWrLJ MEAT AND HAM ilplDE" jllpl2., .con 39C FRENCH'S l MUSTARD VtHUNT'S SPECIAL IlMlfH t0MAT0 tMCC Large Cake gSIP Reg, can X fvf Si 0 s W bV- 1MAOIC SCOURING PADS k'rOlUSlqe. pkg. 11 HOOD RIVER APPLE CIDER GALLON JUG 49c IN BAKERY DEPARTMENT HALLOWEEN PARTY CAKE BLACK MAGIC" 98c Halloween Doughnuts 1C Specially Decorated DOZ. ' Cake Doughnuts OQf DOZEN A V Pumpkin Center Ice Cream TRICK OR TREAT! Wide Variety of CANDIES, NUTS Marshmallows, Cookies To Appease the Goblins FRESH PORK VALUES! PORK CHOPS 55c PORK STEAK 39c PORK SAUSAGE u. 29c FRESH SIDE PORK 45c PORK ROAST 39c FAT BACK . 10c FRESH FISH OYSTERS Fresh Willapa FRESH SALMON By W y Pint 49LB. CAMPBELLS CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP L cant KRAFT FRENCH DRESSING 8 oz. bor. 19c FANCY ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Jane Adair 1 Ib. box 89c TERRY'S CHOCOLATE MINTS 1 Ib. box 47c CHICKENS -ivf"r 3 149 VI II l!Llla Dressed Weight 1 each Cut Up For Your Convenience SLICED BACON 59c Mnrir Pride Eastern Lean. Selected Slicel SUNSHINE MINT PILLOWS Stuffed Mint Candies )"f 14 oz. Cello Jmi Q CRISCO 3 lb. can 79C SUNSHINE GINGER SNAPS Small, Crisp, Delicious Snaps r)Qe 1 Ib. box Jm7 JOLLY TIME POP CORN 10 oz. Qlc cans mm cans INTRODUCTORY SALE! 4 CAKES. ..only 29c (Regular price ... 10c per cake) mONrr.SAOt outtnm rcoi Libby's Garden Mixed Vegetables No. 303 Can 2 cans 25 ho Right for Stewing, Baking and Delicious Eating mm f nr.i-J UL1 box POTATOES in 39c Deschutes Netted Gems. U. S. No. 1 1 w w ORANGES 0 49c California, 252 siie, Thin skinned & Juicy doi. 1 v HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS 5C Med. Size, ea KRAUT CABBAGE Green Solid Heads, 80-90 lb. sack 89c BANANAS 14c No. 1 Golden Ripe Fruit Ih 1 1 V PEANUTS 99c t-M.h Jumhn Ih Mm 0 niniso Lc. Pkg. 28c Giant Pkc. 53c Lira FLAKES LGE. PKG T-P TOILET TISSUE 4 ROLLS SWAN CO MARGARINE it Q TOILET SOAP Golden Bantam FANCY CORN Oregon tinrst No. 303 Whole Kernel or Cream Style. 2 29c earn ' V "1 I MD TOILET TISSUE 23c 1 1 6 69c 1 1 22c 11c BACON Lean A Real Buy 69c ib. lb. 3060 For LARD $jt BARS lOt