(Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday, Oct. 2fi. 1949 Try Cheese for Zest Favorite Pancakes f-!- ,., Mr iS wms ?r 1 Km Cottage Cheese Filled Pancakes Luncheon Treat (AP Nwftiiru Good news lor cheese lovers! Cheese is one of the dairy foods now in plentiful supply. You'll find all sorts of fascinating va rieties in markets all over the country. For dessert or an eve ning party arrange grapes and pears and salted crackers on a tray with an assortment of cheese. Or arrange a tray of wedges of blue, cheddar, and Munster cheese, a baby Gouda (sliced part way through), a roll of smoked cheddar, and a pine apple cheese (in the, center), with the top cut off in a scal loped design. For a luncheon menu try the following pancakes prefaced with a hearty soup: Cottage Cheese Filled Pancakes Ingredients: For Filling 1 pound dry cottage cheese, 1 egg, dash of salt, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons finely crushed cracker crumbs or cracker meal. For Batter 2 eggs, 1 cup cold water, 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon salt. Butter for frying, sour cream, currant or suava or beach plum jelly. Method: Prepare filling; first press the cheese through a atranier, add the egg, salt, sugar, and cracker crumbs or cracker meal and mix well. To make the batter Beat the eggs well in a mixing bowl with an electric mixer or rotary beat er; add the water and beat again to combine. Add the flour grad ually, and the salt, beating to make a smooth batter. (Strain batter, if necessary, pressing out any flour lumps.) Heat about V4 teaspoon butter In a 6-inch al uminum skillet over low heat until very hot. Pour in Just en ough batter (about 2 table spoons) to cover bottom with a thin film; lift the pan from the heat with the left hand as you pour and tilt and swirl batter around bottom of pan so it will until package is set about 1 minute; it should not brown, run evenly. Cook over low heat Turn out on waxed paper, fried side up, to cool. When all pan cakes have been turned out place 2 level tablespoons of the cheese mixture in the center of the fried side. Fold lower half of pancake over cheese, fold ov er side sections next pressing them down, then fold over onto remaining section. When ready to serve put about a teaspoon of butter in the skillet over low heat, then carefully put in 4 of the pancakes. Fry slowly until they begin to get golden brown, then turn and fry on other side. Keep hot while you fry other pancakes. (Or use large size skillet and fry as many as pos sible at once.) Serve immediate ly with sour cream and jelly. Makes 12 pancakes. Honor Mrs. Pennick Gates Mrs. William Pennick was hostess at a luncheon in hon or of her mother-in-law, Mrs. N. L. Pennick on her birthday an niversary. Places were placed at the table for the honored guest, Mrs. Pennick, Mrs. Hollis Turn idge, Mrs. Burrel Cole, Mrs. Min. nie Everton, Mrs. Lewis Kelle all of Gates. From Mill City Mrs. Artie Mack, Mrs. Lionel Colgan and son, Roy and Mrs. Charles Ball and daughter, Glenda Jo. Mrs. Harold Wilson sent a gift but was unable to attend. Party for Recent Bride Honoring Mrs. James Peter son fJnan DeRoos). a recent bride, Mrs. John Chamberlain, Mrs. N. A. Nelson and Miss Lois Chamberlain were hostesses Monday evening at the Cham berlain home for a party and kitchen shower. Feting Mrs. Peterson were Misses Margie Andrus, Betty Cooley, Barbara White, Mary Polalcs, Luvurne Gammon, Dolly Wagness, Barbara Calloway, Ar- lcne Christy, Janet Hill. Gwen Fry, Lcslyn Burdette, Cheryl, Bonnie and Nelsa Wiesner, Mrs Leonard Peterson, Mrs. Bill Cox, Mrs. Kate Colvin and the three hostesses. Degrees Conferred At OES Meeting Woodburn Degrees were con ferred upon three candidates at the regular meeting of Ever green chapter. No. 41, Order of the Eastern Star Monday eve ning at the Masonic temple with Mr and Mrs. Ora F. Morris, worthy matron and patron pre siding. Invitations were read to re ceptions for grand officers from Willamette Shrine No. 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem, at Salem, October 29, from Roseburg chap ter No. 8 at Roseburg, Novem ber 5. from Mizpah chapter No. 30 at Saint Helens, Oregon, November 8, and Myrtle chap ter No. 15 at Portland November 26. Invitations were issued to Or chid chapter No. 150 at Molalla. Victoria chapter No. 76 at Turn er and Chadwick chapter No. 37 at Salem to be the guests of Evergreen chapter at the next regular meeting, November 14 when "friendship" night will be observed. The worthy matron appointed Mr and Mrs. George D. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thompson, Mrs. Betty Nix, Mrs. Bertha Wilson, Mrs. Olive Low, Silverton Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Carpenter, now of Salem, residents of Silverton for more than 20 years, are observing the golden anniversary of their wedding Sunday, October 30, at the Silverton Knights of Pythias hall fireside room. All friends are invited through the press to meet Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter between 2 and 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Ivan C. Beers and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Myers as the refresh ments committee for the eve ning. Members were reminded to bring their canned goods for the Masonic and Eastern Star home to the next meeting, and were also reminded of the Halloween dance which the social club is sponsoring at the Woodburn ar mory, October 29. Under"good of the order" re ports were given of recent visits with Mrs. Maude Scott report ing on the visit to Venus chap ter at Donald, Mrs. Dorothy Garren on the institution of the new chapter at Tigard and Mrs. Mabel Harper on the visit to Salem chapter. Mrs. Oliver S. Olson, a past matron of Ever green chapter, who has spent the past two years in Japan, spoke briefly on her attendance to chapter meetings at Yoko hama. Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Treupel, Mrs. Harold Ticknor and Frank Wright. Talks were made by the new members and others with Ora F. Morris, worthy pa tron, acting as master of ceremonies. EO.M. SALE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - Mon. 1, 2, 3 STRAND PEARL NECKLACES Sterling silver clasps, Boxed for gifts. 1 BORING OPTICAL HAS MOVED To Their New Location CORNER 12TH AT CENTER Across from Bergs ft 'i Dr. E. E. Boring USE YOUR CREDIT AND OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Now in Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER 12th AT CENTER Dial 3-6506 an - Dr. Sam Hughes Reg. $8.95 off FRIENDLY Neighbors Gar den club met last week at the home of Mrs. William Hall for a Halloween costume party. Mrs. Donald Griffith showed some travel slides as a feature of the program. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H. M. Rud. When you are preparing liver and bacon, fry the bacon first and drain it on brown paper or a paper towel or napkin. Then when the liver has been put in. Be sure it's PURE CANE A I a - . Be sure with C H to the pan and the slices have been turned once, put the bacon on top of the slices so it will keep hot as the liver finishes cooking. DOUILI-DUTY NOSI DIOM IVorte Where T.'.ost Colds Start Don't delay! At the first warning niffle or sneeze, put a few drops of VicLts Va-tro-nol in each nos tril, For if uaed In time, Va-tro-nol neips prevent many colds from develop ing. Relieves head cold distress fast. Try it! Follow di rections In package. YICKSVATRONOL GOLD, SILVER COMPACTS Reg. $5.95 up. Beautiful designing. Also cigarette cases . . jL oil HONEYSUCKLE CANDY STRAWS Made by Russell Stover. E.O.M. close out special. Per half pound kV YARN FOR CANDLE WICK RUGS 100 yard skeins of candle wick yarn for 4 Co rugs. Reg. 35c . . . X JC RUFFLED CURTAINS Odd pairs in white and colors. 45 and 54" sizes. Also 81". I V i Downstairs off CRETONNES BY YARD For drapes and slip covers. Good colors and patterns. $1.10 yd. .. 69c CHILDREN'S SLIPOVERS 100 wool slipover sweat ers for 3 to 8 year olds. Reg. $.95 Downstairs $1.98 Palmistry Readings Will tell and future. pa Will advise on love, marriage and business. Answers all questions. Are v o u worried? Why be In doubt? Special Readings. oew" open a.m. e1 to 10 p.m. Under New Management 173 S. Commercial Put A Pause For Coke On Your Program, Too JM r fa The ice cream that has Vv '""""ffiffi 1,0 "I"1' R'ch- creamy, J-pi.'f Aik -o-o delicious to eat. " A. No wonder more people gffir ' VV Ihc Northwest buy Arden than any other iA ' brand. Be sure to ask for ', Jr' "'aTOr"re5'l'''ce crwin GI.AZl.D SASH AND POORS Every building require ment for glared sash and doom can be met here EC ONOMICALLY. All our mill work is of guaranteed quality in workmanship as well a In materials. Your request for an esti mate based upon your pre sent or future needs 1 cor dially Invited. SALEM WOODWORKING CO. Ask for itititr uay . . . both trademarks mean tht samt thing. IOMUI VNOII AUTHOIIIT Or INI COCA-COl COaPANY IT COCA-COLA I0TTLING COMPANY OP SALIM, SALEM, OREGON ! MASQUE BALj 1 I f J' ; CB! i I &4 QU DOWNSTAIRS AT MILLER'S! SPECIAL PURCHASE NYLON UNIFORMS NEW SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN NYLON UNIFORMS! Here's a special purchase of 100 du pont nylon . . . a smart practical style you'll love to wear. So easy to launder ... so quick to dry ! Sewn with nylon thread, too. These come with action backs . . . deep seams. Set in belt, detachable pearl buttons . . . short sleeves. Size 12 to 20. Regular 14.98 value! Downstairs apparel sections. DRESSES . . . An E.O.M. Clearance of downstairs dresses in such famous brands as Carol Craig, Park Lane, Bouvelard, etc. etc. Sizes 12 V4 to 244. Regular S14.95. $C95 SUITS . . . 8 only. Women's Suits in 100 wool gabardine and other worsteds. Brown, grey, green and black. Reg. $29.75. Downstairs. $ i n.95 I j NYLON PANTIES ... All first quality . . . wash and dry in a flash! Sizes 5, 6, 7. Downstairs. 98 SPECIAL PURCHASE RAYON PANTIES For E.O.M. Sale! White and pink, blue, etc. First quality rayon in sizes 5, 6, 7. Downstairs. COTTON HOUSE FROCKS . . . Colorful prints in values to $1.98. Sizes 12 to 20. Downstairs. 3 for $ 1 .00 WOMEN'S COTTON FLANNEL PAJAMAS Eyelet trimmed . . . Peter Pan collars, etc. Pink, blue, peach. Solid colors. 34 to 40. Downstairs. Reg. $3.98. DOWNSTAIRS $2'25 O !". TV. Cn C 1223 Cross Cabinet Frames Ph. 3-5953