Mi ; Johmom All Five unrelated girls named Johnson are freshmen at Endicott Junior college, Beverly, Mass. From left are: Diane, Torrington, Conn.; Nancy Ann, Short Hills, N. J.; Suzanne, Grosse Point, Mich.; Susan, Longmeadow, Mass.; and Mona, Presque Isle, Me. Airport Established in Heart of Cascade Lake Area Lebanon Establishment of an airport in the heart of the Cascade lake region was announced this week by Walter Bowman, manager of Lebanon's Cascade Airways, and Aaron Ingram, local lumberman and well known pilot. The strip near Big lake at the foot of Mount Washington is eight miles from Santiam June- tion and about one mile from the Hoodoo Ski bowl and is the outgrowth of long laid plans by Lebanon airmen to establish ac cess by plane the heart of the Cascade fish and game area. After negotiations with the forest service in Salem, permis sion was obtained to clear a 4900 foot stretch through the heavy timber about a quarter of mile from the lake front. Leveling operations have since been underway on the 400-foot wide strip and before snow blanketed the region, Piper Cubs were landing on the 4900 foot runway. Only other transportation to the area is over a rough moun tain road. The field has notable safety features, the Lebanon airport operator points out, with both approaches to the landing strip, lying east and west, entirely open. A plane can arrive at the field on clear days, Bowman said, from either direction Uy flying at an altitude of only 4600 feet with entire safety. Construction will begin next summer on an administration building at the east end of the runway, the operators announce, and pilots will be able to con struct their summer cabins nearby. A limited number of member ships in the field will be made available, granting holders free landing rights and similar con cessions. Until initial construc tion costs are met, however, for others a nominal landing fee will be charged. The new port is directly on the Lebanon to central Oregon flying route may be reached in 20 to 33 minutes of most points In the central Willamette val ley, and an equally short time from central Oregon centers. Within walking distance of Big Lake are the four small Pat- Jen lakes and three Hidden lakes. During the summer the state game commission plants these smaller bodies of water with eastern brook and rain bows. Heavy stocking is also carried on in Big Lake. The project of a mountain airport was initiated by fliers at the Lebanon field who wanted a recreation spot somewhere in the hills where a man with a $700 Cub could find as much enjoyment as a pilot who owned a $12,000 ship. Oregon's youngest and most unique airport in the heart of the Cascades appears to be the answer. Sculptor Found i Missing on Ship New York, Oct. 26 (U.B Stu art Benson, 72-year-old Amer ican sculptor, disappeared at sea while aboard the Gdynia-America line motorship Sobieski, it was disclosed today when the ship docked. Capt. Jan Godecki of the So bieski said Benson was discov ered missing at noon Oct. 19 Godecki said the ship was searched for 24 hours but no trace of the elderly man was found. Benson had boarded the ship Cannes, France, and was on his way to Westport, Conn., to make his home with a brother, John Benson. Woodburn Adopts Street' Ordinances Woodburn At an adjourned meeting of the Woodburn city council ordinances were adopt ed making assessments of $32, 231.42 for improvements on six Woodburn streets, i n c luding Second, Third, Fifth and Sixth streets from Harrison to the north city limits, Fir street and a portion of Oak street. The council also passed a resolution of condolence to the family of Lyman H. Shorey. Capital Journal. Salem, Or., Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1949 S Pick Your CHRISTMAS PRESENTS During Our Watch Parade October 26th to November 7th We'll lay away ony wotch you wont until Christmas . . , stop in now and make your selections during our Watch Parade. We have assembled dozens of excitingly-styled watches for dress and sports, for women and men, for business and professional workers. A wotch makes o marvelous Christmas gift for anybody on your list. Now is the time to pick your presents ... during our Watch Parade, October 26th to November 7th. "A WATCH TELLS MORE THAN THE TIME" SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY A OCTOBIR26 "A TO NOVEMBER 7 MUM1 IXADINQ CUDIT (imUU OPTICIANS Easy Payments Of Course U.S. Troops Make 'Assault' on Oahu Honolulu, T.H., Oct. 26 (U.R) First assault wave of U. S. in fantrymen in "operation Miki" hit the beaches on the windward side of Oahu Tuesday under a canopy of strafing carrier-based fighter planes. About 13,000 troops of the army's second infantry division waded through the surf to set up beachheads at Pokai bay in a mock attempt to "liberate" Ha waii from an "aggressor." The biggest postwar army- navy maneuvers in the Pacific were touched off at 10:05 a.m., HST, when the soldiers, In full battle dress, began wading ashore from landing craft, Stephenses Are Away Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Char les Stephens are guests for a few days with relatives at Spo kane, Wash., and Heppner. Chester, Lyle and Donald Ste phens are elk hunting in the Ukiah area. Chapter Makes Call Dayton A number of mem bers of Electa chapter No. 29, OES, and the entire staff of of ficers from Holly chapter, Sher wood, went to Newberg as guests of Newberg chapter. The occasion was the 52nd birthday anniversary of Newberg chap ter of which Electa chapter Is the "mother" chapter and Holly chapter Is the "granddaughter' of Newberg chapter. Penney's i "ffm BIG DAYS Friday, Saturday, Monday We have regrouped and repriced various lines of merchandise that are mostly broken lines and sizes. All new merchan dise a ta great saving shop early to in sure yourself of a bargain value. WOMEN'S COATS BROKEN SIZES, COLORS, FLEECES, TWEEDS, COVERTS, POPULAR BOXY STYLES, GREEN, TAN, WINE. WOMEN'S SHOES 200 PAIRS OF WOMEN'S f INE QUAL ITY STYLE SHOES REDUCED. PUMPS, STRAPS, SUEDES, CALF, KID. ALL BUYS! WOMEN'S DRESSES COTTONS, WOOLENS WITH BIG SE LECTION OF STYLES, DESIGNS. BUY AND SAVE WITH PENNEY'S VALUES. 2.79 DOWNSTAIRS STORE MARR RADIO Guaranteed Repairing NOW 2 LOCATIONS 2140 S. Commercial Phone 2-1611 17th 4 Market hone 2-7763 1 ) S ) (5) DOWNSTAIRS I . I I I alike ' """ " J .A-2 j- dJhreidt i :J-::n K. kic v; ! y M :cr-;:--3'00 Mr 1 fi "dirt blues." Low in dories (lea k Ju, W9M U.,H f .OOR Jj , fcf 1 CoVt'n, otl0 f LOR J ? r ..-rTsvHt M than 50 to the slice) yet high in 00&. 5lw' 000B.;.-:fyM rAt1 001 : muscle building proteins And flavor! '- j0g00IZi,. ' f 00j0H!mt( fi I gttl thrill. M your favorite food store. t ' ' ' L l7 ? V " i ' Ss j t 'vleWT , i ' t FitlOV : 1 1 tt , AM77 LIU ' ' 1 t"" 'IL-','. I &TZ . ... h (ja- , Ui : ".X 1 '" . fUtt o'u; . 11 I" c"" , i I m mi "I : t I .cm-' ...io" B sT-U-.l ..h- r.-.iio J I . w."'" r.1iK" ,rf " 1