24 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday, Oft. 26. 1949 ONLY DAILY IN OREGON IN STUDY Capital Journal Selected : Among 100 U. S. Papers Don Cummins, Mrs. Don Sund strom, Mrs. Paul Murphy, Mrs. Harvey Marr, Mrs. Bill Diehm, Mrs. Richard Marr, and the host ess, Mrs. Fred Dornhecker. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Paul Murphy, November 15. Nut Drying Season Opened at Amity . Amity The Amity-Gaston walnut dryer has begun grading the new fall crop. The walnuts are smaller and quality not v high for tile first consignment from the orchards. It is expect ed that the quality will improve as picking progresses. The filbert crop was consid ered good, except for some wormy lots, making it necessary to do considerable hand pick ing after the nuts were graded. Most of the crop has been proc essed. The plant employs about 25 persons. Ivan Shields is man ager of the Amity plant. Halloween Festival Offered Woodburn Woodburn St. Luke's annual Halloween evening festival will be held in the parish hall Sun day evening starting at 8:30 O'clock. Hams will be awarded as prizes, with refreshments served throughout the evening. Mn. Frank Brack is the chair man of the refreshment commit tee, with Mrs. Frank Reding. Mrs. Fred Geschwill, Mrs. Louis Steffen and Mrs. Fred Schlndler as co-chairmen. The committee in charge In cludes Mr. Antnn L. Ficek, Mrs. Joseph Smith, Mrs. Lucy Kahut. Mrs. Tillie Moffat, Mrs. Bernard Smith, Mrs. Joseph Kahut, Mrs Joseph Stravens, Jr., Mrs. Rob ert Brack, Mrs. Wilbur Amen, Mrs. Clyde Bt.uman, Mrs. Frank Kahut, Mrs. Roy Stravens, Mrs. Prosper Bernlng and Miss Paul ine Buchholz. At the second card social last Sunday, prizes were awarded to Mrs. Rose Koessler, Mrs. Fred J. Kinns, Sr., Delmar Hopkins and Joseph Gamroth. Door priz es were won by Mrs. Charles Hutzler, Steve Bauman and Ro ger Pflug. Falls City The Merry Ming lers club met with Mrs. Fred Dornhecker, with a 1 o'clock The Salem Capital Journal is included In a list of 100 out of 1769 daily papers selected as "representative samples of United States newspapers." v Selection of the Capital Journal, the only daily newspaper out of 21 in Oregon to be so honored, was made in a survey conducted by the University of Wisconsin school of Journalism and the public Information divi sion of the Department of the Army. Lt. Col. Wendell J. Coats and Capt. Steve W. Mul key. represented the army in conducting the survey. The basic approach made to the study provided for the se lection of a "purposive sample" that is, a deliberate selection of the newspapers that make up the sample In such a manner as to give a representative cross section of all 1769 dailies in the United States. The process of selecting this rots-section was based upon a stratification of U. S. English language, general circulation dailies with respect to the fol lowing objective characteris tics: geographical location, size of circulation, time of publica tion, use of major news services, nearness to army Installations, and ownership. ; The army's concern In the study was to determine the re action of the daily press in the United States towards the per sonnel, organization, policies, and activities of the depart ment of the army. In making this determination, news stories, both wire and of local origin, editorials, and pic tures used, were considered. - Thirty day subscriptions were taken of the newspapers studied with classifications made of all articles, pictures, or opinion ex pressed in regard to all armed forces, including the navy and air force. ... y The report of the findings cover 31 pages, together with even more pages of charts and reproductions of front pages of the representative newspapers selected. I Incidentally, reproduction of ! the first page of the Capital Journal issued Saturday, March S, 1949, is the first of the news paper reproduction in the report. This issue carries a three-column pictorial layout of Salem's new naval and marine center: a statement for peace by Sec retary Johnson, a request of re vision of the armed forces by Gen. Eisenhower and a story from Frankfort, Germany head ed "Beseigcd Russians Roar Off to Berlin Soviet Zone." ... The Portland Oregon Journal was chosen for study but due to a prolonged printers' strike at the time the survey was in progress, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer was substituted. The latter newspaper, together with the Seattle Times and the Spokesman Review of Spokane were the only other Pacific Northwest papers, selected along with the Salem Capital Journal, In the representative list. Sen. Morse Due in Oregon Nov. 8 to be busy In his campaign lead ing up to the May primary elec tion. "At last I have been able to discard my cane and I am sure that before long I shall be as good as new," he writes. Morse Senator Wayne L, Morse leaves! was injured during the State for home next week, stopping! Fair In Salem when thrown from en route to speak at Des Moines his buggy while entered with the evening of November 4. he i his prize horse. Sir Laurel Guy, writes local friends. He has been invited to appear on the Herald- Tribune forum In New York City next Tuesday night. Morse s first address in Ore Deer Hunting Proves Costly Albany, Oct. 26 Economy of deer tags does not alway mean economy of cash, two hunters found out in justice court here. the roadsters event at the Wesley D. Montgomery of horse show. "There are some Sheridan and Chester E. Nichols adhesions but the doctor feels of Portland were fined $100 that these will clear up with each after pleading guilty each plenty of exercise. I have had to using a borrowed deer tag. Juncheon served to Mrs. Phil gon after reaching the west will, several rides in the last week To each, however, $50 of the Murray, Mrs. Dick Murphy Mrs loe before the wool growers con-1 and have driven my young mare fine was remitted gers outfielder who was a pinch hitter in the world series, was fined $10 for shooting from a railroad. He gave his address as Eugene. He was arrested by state police. Ted C. Irwin, Albany, was fin ed $50 on a drunk driving charge. Lee V. Allen, Sliedd, and Merle Githens, Salem, were ar rested also by state police on charges of hunting after hours, but both pleaded not guilty. Their hearings will be held later. Albert Van Epps was charged by state police with hunting celebrated her 11th birthday, with a party at her home. Games were played and refreshments were served to Linda Hewitt, Luella Willard, Loretta Wil liams, Janetta Williams, Shirley Pennington, Mary Paris, LaVon ne Gaer, Eunice Foster, Vernon Foster.Jr., Sue Schonhar, Betty Lee Orr, Mrs. W. W. White, head and Paula. J" ' ""ti muic jiuiuvii I10U50I1, j fharlf r I aisiler Also sure that the exercise will McMinnville, who loaned Nich- i!:,..i' -?"fl' I J arrival in be good for those muscles." the ols his tag, was similarly fined "."d T' , ' and nH vention in Portland the morning; at of November 8. lam Shortly after his Oregon he is to open his offices senator says in his letter. Morse and the man who staked Mont in the Pittock block in Portland I has some of his horses with himlgomery is being cited, and expects to be in Salem the'n the east although Sir Laurelj The arrests were made by fore part of November. From ! Guy was le't at the Morse stables I state Officer Charles Weems. then on, Senator Morse expects in Eugene. ! Dick Whitman, Brooklyn Dod- $10. Birthday Celebrated Margaret Foster D.a y t o n m CLIP THIS COUPON FOR Every vatrb should ba cleaned and oiled oooe a y ar. Bring youra io for free inspection by our eiperta. All our uork ia guaranteed. HOIM OWN Ell. Now you can get tha amazing ntw Dura Power Mainspring for moat Elgin modela. Mad af "desk" Mtl. Pascal pttdiac THE JEWEL BOX 413 State Street JVT a I WTnTuBERTY " " PHONE 3-3191 MADE TO SELL FOR 89.50! .' : 1 x ' ' NOW... BOTH FOR ONLY WPr' S A v S dxhVf!hs: uC Xli; i NOW YOU CAN ENJOY X, LUXURIOUS SLEEPING COMFORT SV' FOR ONLY $6 DOWM INNERSPRING MATTRESS ALONE, 29.88 TWIN OR FULL SIZE! HIGH CARBON PREMIER COILS! PROPER POSTURE UNIT! RAYON DAMASK COVER! STITCHED PRE-BUILT BORDER! FAMOUS FLEXOLATOR INSULATION! 8 SCREENED VENTILATORS! INNER-ROLL EDGE (NO-SAG!) 4 STURDY TURNING HANDLES! FIRM COIL BOX SPRING! 5.00 MONTHLY BUYS BOTH! SHOP WARD'S TIL 9 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Fast Elevator Service to All Floors! f