AUTOMOBILES TEAGUE'S SPECIALS .WE HAVE ACCUMULATED SEVERAL LOWER PRICED USED CARS IN THE LAST TEN DAYS. IF YOU WANT A LOT OF GOOD TRANSPORTATION FOR A LITTLE MON EY, COME IN AND LOOK AT THESE: 1941 OLDSMOBILE COUPE S PASS., EXTRA GOOD $795 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR, CLEAN 395 1940 FORD TUDOR, NEW PAINT, GOOD MOTOR 545 1939 PONT1AC 6 SEDAN, FINE CAR 545 1939 CHRYSLER ROYAL COUPE, NEW TIRES 445 1939 CHEVROLET 5 PASS. COUPE, EXTRA GOOD 545 1939 BUICK SPECIAL 2-DOOR, NEW PAINT, NEW TIRES 393 1939 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN, FINE MOTOR . . 323 1937 PLYMOUTH COUPE, FINE TIRES, GOOD MOTOR . 937 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR SEDAN. VERY CLEAN 1938 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR, RADIO & HEATER SEE JOE SPURLOCK TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 35J S. COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILES WILSON'S 1941 Chrysler Town & Country S695 Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center Pontiac Good Will Cars '46 Pontiac sedan $1145 '46 Pontiac sedan coupe 1295 '46 Plymouth sedan. P&H 1195 '48 Pontine sedan coupe, R&H i7 Pnntiac sedan 145 145 '38 Pontiac coupe Herrall-Owens Co. TRADFS N. Liberty TERMS PhoD. WILSON'S 1941 Chrysler Town & Country $695 SEATS NINE - OR REMOVE SEAT TOR EXTRA LUOOAOE Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center g.256' 1917 PLYMOl TH special deluxe club toupe. Radio 4 Hester. Excellent conation. r8ooo mll. JlWOPh-JMSOZSI FOB SALE- ig 4 Door Pontiac laauu mt!w, one o ner. Phone wiv. Eisner Motors Fine Cars WILSON'S 1947 Chevrolet Sedan $1195 NEW PAINT - A REAL BAROAIN Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center Eisner Motors to Buy A. '32 grill. Chopped top. 16 In. Reasonable. Ph. 37078. 30 FORD Tudoor. Must sell. Owd me chanically, mine. w q255 MUST SELL 1937 Dodge. Ii or best of fer. Ph. 42631. 'SO MODEL A coupe. Beal beam lights, runs good. , rn. aiuoi. - M CIIEV. master coupe Tires, body, motor exceUent cond. Radio, heat". 1225 PP. box 112. Woodburn. 0.260 WILSON'S 1940 FORD CONVERTIBLE $525 Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center q256' MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS M II AKIXV 13 O H. jjjs. FARM i-QUIPMENT L'SEITRCTOR TIKES, popular aMI, as.oo and up. Montgomery Ward & Co.. MACHINERY li D. 7-A-C CAT 1947 model, drum St doz er. Tlr, blocks. tooU. power saw. etc. Take cur or truck as Prt payment. A-l shape. 15500.00. FINANCIAL IF YOU wnnttoKir7our property It will nay ynu to know how much of an FHA loan 11 will stand. This information la obtainable with very little trouble. Do not hesitate to call on us for any in formation you desire on FHA loans STATE FINANCE CO. 151 8 HUh St Tel. ' ' How Many" Bills! Da you pit ech month tnd whit lo th amo-int to. add thtm "P p!l?"' P.r..orl lor loin on thflr Em. lei Pavmrnt' pln-on. loan nd one month U pjvm.nt . . . rn,iny midi th" Ih. montnly total you are now nsylnj. Yiu may apread Ih. PlyiP'nu ov.r Sa montha. Borrow awli -where loan wrild really hi-:p. Come In or phone u y.- Mar ..iva Vf" 1o 4 out ol 5. PEFSONAL FINANCE CO OF SALEM Sfte. R. ! ... J'! O R. Alln. Mir. OLMAL FINANCE CORP LOANS Lie S-Ul and U.S7I HOT H SIMMONS nisilRANCB AND LOANS U S Cnmrnercial S; fel 1-8HI $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1!JH6 Fs'rrtPtmds Rod K-xl Doit 10 Bank Fre Parkin Phone t;u.U Lie N M363-82II Tovd Kenron, Mjt f r6RTOI R"sviNClS INVESTMENT buy ral e'nte f tr-t mnrteaRes. properties al.w. t, .Irmrw Mnk TOUr Own S- l.cinn net. vnu 6 nrrrcnt We take .... .11 -ii.e-th-tni if desirfd. Amounts IIOMI to several thousand doi- !ir, .Ke or cii "r p ""'-' STATE FINANCE CO. I S3 A HUh St. Tel. 31121. r' a? it rs for ATTRACTIVE FA Ft SI LO" ONLY 4 OR INTEREST 6 to 10 Yyt nd No Commiasioo Leo N. Childs, Jnc. REALTORS 34 Ataw Ak Fhon 1-I6 IAUTOMOBILES 295 325 185 PHONE J-U73. Q25T FINANCIAL PRIVATE MONET 8pec) Rile and Terms On Larger Loan Long and Short Tim Payments ROT H SIMMONS 131 South Commercial St Phone S-9161 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTk CREDH CO. 132 a Church Parkin a Plenty Ph 1-2431 Lie No M-159 815 FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'a and 6 IOVR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason Cull tor Real Estate Contract and Second Mortgages CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 101 Pioneer B!d Ph 37183 TRAILERS SINGLE axle dual wheel trailer, vac uum brakes, good 10-ply tires, train Dox. 1175.00. Ph. 4823. 607 N. MadLson, Silverton. Ore. t25 ONE WHEEL luggage trailer with cove: Nearly new. Phone 3-3858. 3164 Maple Ave. x t258 ' MODEL 27' Universal trailer. Hec. refrlg. and hot water. Sleep S. A bar tain at Trailer Park Village. 6081 Port land Rd. .256 f FACTOR Y-bullt trailer house, good cond.. lots ol bulU-tm. S950. Fir Crest Trailer Park. N. River Rd. t256' '48. 5MI' VAGABOND traUer house. 4385 Hater St. Ph. 2-3907. Like new t256 TRANSPORTATION DRIV1NO through Minneapolis, Minne sota, Not. 1. '49 Hudson. Tata S Ph 2-4510. t2iV DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All make need machines sold, rented, repaired Roan 4M Court Phone 1-CH3 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service new appltanem Vines' Electric Phone Free estimates Trade-ins accepted on 1-9230 t37 8 Liberty 8t o AT-UB DOOR SHARPEN I NO Lawn mowers, scissors, knives sharp ened. Dexter. 1220 Center. 3-6833. o AUTO RADIOS HARtON MOTORS) N ABU SERVICE rowing service day phone 1-9166 Klgnt 3-IB04 33? Center Mike Panek, 27S 8. Com'l. Ph, 3-5161 Brake and wheel aligning specialists. o259 BRICK WORK Brick ft block work of all kinds. Ex perienced, competent masons. Call Davidson Bros., Ph. 2-8247. o236 BCILDINO CARPENTRY Remodel repair that horns now. Terms No down payment Phone 3-4860 o BULLDOZING Log., grnd. clear'g, carryall wk. Ph. 42383 or 31264. Oeo. Worth, 840 Plymouth Dr 274- Bulldozing, leveling, road bldg.. clear tng, teeth for brush. Virgil Kuskey. 1010 Fatrvlew Ave. Ph. 2-3146. Balem. 0265 Dean Robinson. Ph. 3-6531 Or 3-4306 0265 CASH REGISTERS , The National Cash Register Co. Casb Registers Accounting Machines Sales - Service - Supplies S2S Oalnes Street Phone J -1422 oa-ifc trutaot delivery of new RCA ei register AJ makes sold rented, oa ed Roen 456 Court Pb 3-6771 CEMENT WORK For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundation, sidewalks drivewavs. pstioa. curbs walla eta Call 3-4850 O" C HIM NET SWEEP Furnace Ensley chimneys vacuum cleaned 71 8. 21st Ph. 3-7176 0259 CONCRETE WORK If tt's made of concrete, on your work. Ph. 3-1136. DRESSMAKING i bid 0264 Dressmaklnn St alteration. Work guar anteed. 1290 N. 24th. Ph. 3-7686. 0274' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnce's Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing. 157 A Liberty J0? o' EXTERMINATORS Cockroach. Moth Exterminator Service Ph. 3-3056. Lee CroM, 1555 Pearl. o253 Breithauotr for flowers Dial 3-S179 0" FI RNACE A CIRCULATOR SERVICE !)I SMI(II.D PRODLCTS WatkiDJ Oo 1717 Center products Free Ph 3-639S. IN IHTION Johrm-Manyllle Phone S-J748 JANITOR SERVICE Window Cleaning Janitor Aenrtce Floor Wattni B'lild'.ica Factorte - Romej Ftlrr.tteai Without Oblieatlon AMERICAN BLDO MAPfT CO Ph Stlem 3-9133 e LANDSCAPE NTRSERT F Doerflr; 6i Aorta. Omamentall 150 !6 LincMter Dr at Cor Ph 3-1321 DELUX SERVE SFXF Laundrr 341 Jef ferson At Phone 3315 LAWN MOWERS Sharpened guaranteed aerrlce. Hew power and hand mowers Call Rsrr? W ott 147 A Com'l Bt Q2 SB' Cspttv nividlr. Phone 1-4066 MVSIC LESSONS " Spanish A H swell so Oultaf. Msndoltn Banjo, etc. 1321 Court At, Ph 3-7W OFFH'E FTRNITt'RE gl PPUES chair, fllee tnd filing suppliaa afea aupdeator and euppneg desk ismrj trpewnter stands briff ewu lerce Wire R-cordera. Roea 456 Court OIL Bt RNER SERVICE w tuarante our work. Ph. 3-6683. E''t. 4-3434. i?,7S! To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 EDUCATION Interior painting. O Horn. Ph. I-5MI o357 Vfstrom'a are equipped painting Phone 3-24M1 PAPFRH4NOINO Expert Paperhantini and painting. H J. Woodworth. Ph. 1-5868. Free est. 0279 PAINTING A PAPER nANG IN G Painting and paperhanglng done sxpert lyand reasonably. Ph 2-8019. lM "painting and p'aperhangtng Free estl mite. Ph. 3-9513- 851 Shplplnj. o3S0 PIC'Tl'RK FRAMINO Picture framlns Photi 1-8687 Hutcheoo Palnl Store Fisher 844 Corn'l. Ph. 3 -80 19 REFRIGERATION SERVICE SAND GRAVtl Garden Soli crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Walling Sand & Oravei Co. Phone 1-1(249 o" Valley Sand Oravei Co Silt, sahd I II dirt Excavating 10B sbovel it cau Tractor scoop trucks tor dirt moving Ph office 24002. re 17146 o SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS dec trie Roto Router Exclusive Patent Ruor iharp 8 tee Cuttlne Blade Clean Sewers, Drains, Tanks. Ph. S-5327 0 SEWING MACHINES Bought, sold, rented, repaired. EZ terms. All makes. W. Davenport, Ph. 3-7671. o281' ;EPTIC TANKS K. P. Hamel Senile tanks cleaned ilec.ric on sewer ana dram llnea. Guaranteed work. 1143-Bth St., West Salem. Ph. 3-7404. o5l5 Vacuum Pumping, no mileage charge Call us collect. Todd's Septic Tank Service. 2445Btate St. Phone l-WJ?' MtirA'a RntiA nervine Tanks ' cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers 1019 Elm 8U W. Saem. Ph. 3-9468. l-i321 0261 SEWING MACHINES Repairs guaranteed all makes. Ph. 35569 1091 Edpewater, West Salem. 0264 AU mates repaired, free estimates Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 No Commercial Ph 3-3512 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables AH makes used machines Repairs and rent Rocn- 456 Court, o' TRANSFER STORAGE ,jcal U Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils, coal & briquets Trucks U Portland daily Agent for Begin House bold loods moved to anywhere in U.8 or Canada Larmer Transfer A Storage Ph 3-3131 VENETIAN BLINDS Valero Venetian Blinds made to order or reflnlahed Retnboldt Lewis 2-3639 Elmer The BUndman. Ph. 37328. WEATIIERSTRIPPINO Free estimates. T. PULLMAN. Ph. S-5965. 0259 WELL DRILLING Fred Wymnre, Rt. J, Box JIT. Ph. 3-5133. WINDOW SHADES Washtble. Roller. Made to order. 1 Day Del Relnholdl A Lewis. Ph 2363 o' WINDOW CLEANINO Acme lndow Cleaners Windows, wails woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Ph 1-1337 141 Court Lauidoa Cuibertson and afather WOOD & SAWDUST West Salem Fuel Co. Ph 2-4031. WOOD8AWINO Atkins & Cross, Ph. 1-8674 or 3-6178. LODGES LJO.OS maet every Wea nesdav flight Vtoitora wei come Salem Lodge No. 4, A.P. & A.M., Wednesday, October 26. M.M. Degree. 7 pJn. Pacific Lodge No. 50, A.F. & AM. F.C. Degree Friday, Oc tober 28, 7 p-m. 257 LEGAL 8VMMONT, i lb Clrewlt Court ol the Stale Oregon fer the Coentj ol Marlon IS A BELLE L. RYAN. Plaintiff. fa ETTA JAMES. widow and unmarr eo. CORA SMITH. widow and unmarriea. EMMA ILER VOUtl. wiuww married. KATHRYN MEYERS nd C L MEYERS, her husband. JOYCE DKAtte. and CLAUDE M. DRAKE, her husband. IVA F. PAULSEN ana . r. rnuuo. husband. ELLEN FELLER (aUo known b Nancy E. Fcllert. a single FRED E. FELLER and CLARA E. FELLER. M. wife. MARY ELIZABETH BAAEINQKR. a widow and now unmarried. CHARLES B. FELLEH. a single man. HATTIE BARK MAN and J C BARKMAN, her husband. IDA KRAUS and A. W KRAU8 her N,. , j kixi a nnovPH and WILLIAM M. riRfiVKH. her husband. KENNETH FEL- i fo vTnr.FT FELLER, his wile, HOWARD SCHEURER and MARY JANE SCHEURER, his wile, ADAH M. RYAN. widow and unmarrira. uuuuini and PETER KUNZ, her husband, NINA c HARR and ORIN B. HARR. her husband, nuva rdrithT RYAN and EVELYN RY- am hi. it MARGARET DICKSON and mvra .iirt kkn HAYES, hrr husband, ppt.t(1 X RYAN and autkb. y nr- AN. his Wile, HAKOUIJ It YAW ana nr,.,c. RY AW, niS Wlie. r nr.ut.nii.n a 8lnKle man, ELIZABETH PARRO l r ana RICHARD V. PARRO IT, ner nusoanu, CARL LONO and IDA LONO, his wife, PI ti I1NR PONK U KAtlAM. K W1UUW e,n h rr,w .,nmBrrlnr1. MARY FIDELIA rnwe TOWRR and MILTON H. TOWER, her husband, A E. LaROCQUE, and JANE DOE LaROCQUE. his Wile, me unanown nt A E. LaROCQUE. deceased, HE' MAN B. CONE, a sliiltle man, REBECCA thamfh ft winnw ana now unnir' rifrt JESSIE J. MURRAY, a wiaow ana nn iinmsrrlrd. MAY SMITH and DON ALD R. SMITH, her husband, MARJORIE MURRAY, a single woman. HAROLD MUR RAY, a tingle man. JACK MURRAY and tj-iTB uiiRw ay. nu wire, iaiii. 4. i-y-iu, widower and now unmarried. jEBHih LONO. a widow and now unmarried, OLADYS RICK TUFT and ELtCK TUFT, her husband. REBECCA RICE 8IEOER and JOHN DOE, nrr nuinuio, MOFE RICE and LOTTIE RICE, his wife. JANE DOE RICE, widow and now unmar ried. ALICE CONE, a Widow inn now un named, EARL CONE and VERNA CONE, his wife. OFRALD CONE and OPAL CONE, hit Wife. ELDON CONK and LO LA CONE, his wife. HAZEL PEPPER and VERNON PEPPER, her hushand, LITHA DOL&EN and FRED DOLSEN. her hus band. ELMER E. JOLLY and EVA E JOLLY, his wife, and also all other per sons unknown having or claiming any right, title, estate. ll-n or Interest in and to the real property described In the Complaint herein. Defendants. TO: EMMA ILER VOOET. a Widow and unmarried. ANNA OROVER and WILLIAM M. OR OVER, her husband. HOWARD SCHEURER and MARY JANE SCHEURER, his wife, A. B. LaROCQUE and JANE DOE LaROCQUE. his wife, the unknown hrlrs of A. K. LaROCQUE, deceased. JESSIE LONO, a widow and now unmerrld. OLADYS RICE TUFT and FLICK TUFT, her hunand. RERFCCA RICE SIEOER and JOHN DOE SIF.OER, her husband. MOSE RICE and LOTTIE RICE, his wife. JANE DOE RICE, a widow and now un married, HAZEL PEPPER and VEHNON PEPPER, her husband, ELMER E JOLLY and EVA E. JOLLY, his Wife, CHARLES E. FELLER, a single man. and also all other persons unknown having or claim ing any right, title, estate. Hen or inter est In and tn the ral property described in the romolalnt herein. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREOON: You are hereby required to ap. pear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, as to those of ynu wiLain the United States of America, within tour weeks from the date of first puhtleatlon of th:e Bum -non which u 8epmtr Ifl'h, 1949. and aa I to tho of you who are w.thnut the Unit ed stives of Amerlra, within sli weeks from the data of first publication f this Soybeans Lead In Grain Cuts Chicago. Oct. 26 Weak ncsa in soybean! acted as a drag on the rest of the grain market today. Beans fell around 2 cents at times. The major loss was shown by the December deliv ery. Other grains did not do much. A mild buying flurry pushed prices ahead around mid-day, but the flurry faded. Wheat closed lower to V4 December $2.141-4-:18, corn was Hi lower to 4 higher, Decem ber S1.18ss-4, oats were higher, December 72 H, rye was li-lV lower, December $1431, higher Dec. $2.15 H-n , corn was November $2.26-$2.254. and lard was 3 cents lower to 3 cents a hundred pounds higher, No vember $10.45. Social Hour Club Monmouth The Social Hour club of Monmouth met at the home of Miss Clara Trotter yith Mrs. B. R. Swenson as co-hostess. Following a short business meet ing Dr. J. S. Stewart of Dallas was speaker for the afternoon. His topic, illustrated by films, was "Polk County Health Unit Program." Twenty - six members were present and Mrs. Kent Farley was a visitor. Dainty refresh ments wer$ served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. D. R. Dewey as co-hostess November 2. SALEM MARKETS Completed from reports of Balem dealers lor trie guidance or Capital Journal Readers. (Revised dally). Retail Feed Prices: Eft- Mash 14.80. Rabbit Pellets $4.30. Dairy Feed 13.70. Poultry Buying prices -Orade A color 1 hens 22c: grade A Leghorn hens. and up, 37-29c. Orade A old roosters. 15c 18-19c: grade A colored fryers, three lbs. Ecus Buylnr Prices Extra tarie AA. 6lc; large AA. 60c; large A, 58 -60c; medium AA 47c; medium A. 45-47c: pullets. 3 4 -38c. Wholesale Prices Ebb wholesale prices D-7c above these prices: above (trade A generally quoted at 65c; medium 52c. Butterfat Premium 64-65c. No, L 63c: No. 3. S1 69c; (buying prices). Batter Wholesale trade A. 67e: re call 72c LEGAL Summons, which la September 28th, 1949: and li you fall so to appear and answer, then, tor want thereof. Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the ComDlalnt filed asalnst you herein. succinct statement of which relief la as follows: For the decree of this Court adjudging the Plaintiff to be the owner in fee sim ple of that real property described as: Beginning at tne most easterly corner of land conveyed to Oeorge Herren by Deed recorder October T. 1887 In Volume 29, Page 498, Marlon County Deed Rec ords, said point being also the South east corner of land conveyed to the Buttevllle Farmers Warehouse Associ ation, a corporation by deed recorded July 6, 1B91 in Volume 42, Page 300, Deed Records; thence North 65 Degrees 30 Minutes West along the division Una of the above noted tracts 4.00 chains more or less, to the high water mark of the Willamette River; thence North 344 Degrees East down said river's high wa ter mark 8.70 chains to the Northwest corner of said Buttevllle Farmer Ware house Association tract; thence South 05 Degrees 45 Minutes East along the Northerly line of tald tract 3.30 chains to the center of the County Road; thence South 31 Degrees West 8.70 chains to the place of beginning, containing 3 acres, mora or less, and being a part of the Joseph La forte d.l.c. no. 39 ana situated in Section 32, Township 3 South. Range 1 West: and also that certain right-of-way ease ment described as: The Right-of-way for a water pipe from the creek East of the warehouse of Buttevllle Farmers' Warehouse Associ ation to the engine house belonging to said Association, together with the riRht to place one hydraulic ram on said creek and also the right to use the wa ter of said creek In quantities sufficient to run one No. 5 hydraulic ram and no more and construct trenches and dam In said creek necessary for the proper con struction of said nydraullc ram and also the right and privilege of keeping the same In order, the said right-of-way and right and privileges being those convey ed by Instrument wherein A. E La Rocque is the grantor and Buttevllle Farmers Warehouse Association Is the grantee dated August 11th. 1893, and re corded tn the Deed Records of said Mar lon County. Oregon, as of January la, 1911, In Volume 112 at Page 402 there of: and that the Defendants herein have not. nor has either of them, any right, title. Interest or estate whatsoever In or to such real property and easement rights; and decreeing that the title of Plaintiff In and to such real property and such ease ment and easement rights be forever qui eted as against the Defendants herein, and each of them, and all persona claim ing by, through and under them, or either of them; and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem Just in the premises. J. S. MIDDLETON Attorney for Plaintiff 1035 Pacific Building. Portland. Or Sept. 28, Oct. 5, 12, 19. 28. NOTICE OF EXAMINATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Olvll Service Examination for FIREMEN sub ject to the rules, regulations and pro visos of the Civil Service Commission of Salem, Oregon, (as amended! will be held at the City Hall, Salem, Oregon, as follows: Thursday, November 10. 1949. 9:00 a.m. FIR KM EN Fire Department OENERAL SCOPE OF EXAMINATION. In addition to physical examination by the city Physician: keenness of observa tion, reading comprehension, ability to follow direction, relations with others, physical ability to meet fire department requirements. PAY: 1323 00 a month for beginners. Physical tests as would be ordinarily used In fire lighting. REQUIREMENTS: Applicant must have been bona fide residents of the city of flslem. Oregon, for at least one year immediately previous to the date ot the examination and must be registered vot ers. AOS LIMITS: 21 to 31 years. Applicants wit) be required to take a Physical examination from the city phy .vclan. Each sddI leant shall causa to be filed with the Secretary of the Com mission a statement from the elty phy sician certifying that the applicant is mental! and Dhrslcaliy fit for the posi tion or fireman. In the absence of such a certificate an applicant will not be permitted to take the examination. APPLICATION BLANKS may be ta;ned at the office of the City Recorder, must be filed in person, and will not be accepted for flllnc after tha following dates- Friday. October 2. 199, 1.00 p m. DATED AT BALEM, OREOON, October 19. 1919. ALFRED MUNDT, C.vii service Commission: Bt: Alfred Mundt, Secretary and Chief Examiner. Oct 20-21-22,24-25-26 The School Board of Union High School District No. I. Marion County will re civs sealed bids on 347 steel lockers, sue 1 ft , 6 inches hlth, 12 Inches wide, end tS inches deep. Thee sre recess locker to be wt In the hallway. Oive price on key lorlw, psdloco and combination locW. Submit sample locker if poaslble. R:o win be opened at a o'clock pm, Tua day, November 1, IMS, st thg Donald Cltf Hall, Donald. Oreson. The board reserve tha right lo reject any snd all b:d. R-yi'rt Ooete. Clerk Union Hlvh flrhool District N, I Rt 1, B- 5A Woodburn Oreioo. October 21, U4. MARK E T QUOTATIONS lalesi Uveitis Market (By Valley Packing Company Lambs 119 00 to f 10 00 Feeder lambs 111.00 to 116.00 I've ! : 0 to t 00 Cutter eows 17.00 to I9.0 Fst dairy eows fio.oo Bulls 1U 00 to 116.00 Calves, good (300-450 lbs) 115.00 to 117.00 Veal (150-300 lbs.) top 117.00 to 121.00 Portland Eastslde Market Delicious apples sold for 93 00 to 13 16 a box. loose packed, on the For 'land Easulde Farmer's Wholesale Produce mar ket today. Other apple prices, all for loose p .irked boxes, were Klnis, 11.25 to 11.50; Jona thans. 11.25 to 11.75: Spltzenbergs. 1133 to 11.50, and Homes, tl.75 to $3.00. Com brought 11.65 to 12.00 a crate. Cauliflower was 11.75 to 82.00 a crate, good feeders salable 17.00 to 16.00; good Portland Predaea But terras Ten tarn, subject to Imme diate change Premium quality maximum to .35 to t percent acidity delivered in Portland S3-86c lb.. 92 score l-64e lb.. 90 score, 57-800. 89 score, 55e Valley routes and country point 2c less than first. tier Wholesale rou bulk cuoes to wholesalers: grade 93 score, 62 cents; A 92 score 61e; B 90 score, 59c lb.; C B9 score. 56c. Above prices are strictly nominal Cheese Selling price to Portland whole sale: Oregon singles 39-40c: Oregon ft loaf 43-43C. triplet l, less than singles Esse tTa Wholesalers) AA grade lar-t. 6l'i-63l; A medium. 49-50ac: grade B large, SS-as'ic; small A grade. 42.. Portland Dairy Market Butter Price to retailers: Orada AA print 67c; AA cartons 68c i A prints OTc. A cartons obc: o print s-ie Efgt Prices to retailers- Orada AA larse. 69c do.: certified AA larse, 68c: A large, 65c: AA medium 54c: certified A, medium 52c; B medium 50c; A small 43c. cartons 2c add It ion aL Cheese Price to retailers Portland Oregon singles 39-42c . Oregon loaf. 5 1b loirs 44'a-45c lb . triplets, l' cents iess than singles Premium brands, singles 51'tc lb.: loaf 63Sio Poultry Live thickens - No 1 quality run Plants. No. 1 broilers under 2 lbs. J 4c try era 2-2 l&.. 24-26c: 3-4 lbs . 37 ro&sters 4 iba and over. 27-28c: fowl Lee horn 4 lbs and under 18-10c ovt-r 4 lbs 20c; colored fowl all weights. 23-23C roosters, all weights 18-I9c Rabbits Average to growers, live whites. I 4-5 Ida.. 18-20O lb.; 5-6 lb.. lfl-18o lb.: colored 2 cents lower; old or heavy does. and bucks, 8- 12c; fresh fryers to butchers. 50-53c. Country-Killed Meats Veal, top Quality. 30-310 lb.: other grades according to weight and quality with poor or heavier, 22-zbc. Hog Light blockers, 27-28c; aowa. 23- 24c Lamb.1 Top quality, springer. 38-40c; mutton. 12-14o. Beef: Oood cows. 20-22a Ib.t eanners- cutters, 20-22e. Fresh Dressed Meats (Wholesalers to retailers per cwtj: Beef steers, good 500-800 Its.. 143 45: commercial. 135-39; utility, 131-33; utUlty, m -as. Cow commercial. 131-33: utility. 127- ); canneu-cuttera, 123-26. Beef Cut (Oood Steers): Hind quarters. S54-55: rounds, 148-51: full loin, trimmed. 173-78; trlanble. 132-34: square chuck. 140-42; ribs. 552-55; forequarters. 134-38 Veal and call: Oood. 131-40; commercial. 833-35: utility 128-32. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs, 141 1; commercial. 136-40: utility. 133-35 Mutton: Oood. 70 IDS. down. 816-18. Pork cuts: Loin No. 1 8-12 lb.. 150-52: shoulder 18 lbs. down, 139-40; spare- rlM, 147-50: carcasses. S33-33: mixed weight 52 per cwt. lower. Portland Miscellaneous Caacara Bark Dry 12'fce lb., green 4c lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair 25e lb. on 12-montb growth. nominally. mats caives, sue id- Becoming to weight, kips 25o lb- beef ll-12e lb., bulls 6-7C lb. Country buyers pay 3o less Nut Qootatlons Walnuts Franquettea, first quality ium bo. 34.7c: large. 32.7c; medium. 27.2c second quality jumbos. 30.2c; large. 28.2c; medium, 26.2c; baby. 33.2c ; solt shell, tirst quality large. 3.ic; medium, 26.3c; sec ond quality large, 27.2c; medium, 24.7c: baby 22.2c. filberts Jumbo, 20e lb.) large, 18c medium, lflo; small, 13c. Chicago Livestock Chicago, Oct. stock: (U.B (USDA) Live- Hogs: Salable 10,000. Market active, IB to mostly 35 higher on butchers; cow fully 35 cents higher; top 18.25 quite free ly; bulk good and choice ISO to 330 lb butchers, 18.00 to 18.25; most good and choice aowa 425 lbs down, 16.75 to 17.5'J; few choice 17.75; 450 to 550 lbs malniy 15.50 to 16.50; few around 600 lbs and heavier, 15.00: good clearance. Sheep: Salable 3,000. Slaughter lamb. Steady to 23 cents lower; top 25.00 on choice native wooled skins; 24.50 on choice clippers: most slaughter Iambs 24.00 to 24.75; owes stead w; most 8.00 to 10.90. Cattle: Salable 11.000. Calves 500 High choice and prime ateera 50 cents to ;.50 higher; average choice strong to iO cents higher; kinds grading low-choice nd be low, steady to 50 cents lower: heifers steady to weak: choice scarce: cow steady to fully 23 cents lower; bulls strong; vcai era steady to 50 cents higher: top highest since Sept. 1948. for a load ot prime 1200 lb steers; several loads choics to prima 1050 to 1300 lb weights, 40 25 to 41.00; most high good and choice steers, 33.00 to 40.00: load to average good grades. 27.00 to 32.50; medllum grades. 49.09 to 25 00: load of choice to prime 1065 lb fed heifers. 36.00; most good heifers, 26 00 to 31.00: common and medium beef cows 14.30 to 16.50; canner and cutters. i200 to 14.54: medium and good bulls, 13.50 to 20.00; bulk medium to choice vealera, 25.00 to 28.50; top 29 00. Portland Livestock Portland. Ore., Oct. 26 BJF3 Livestock: Cattle salable 350; calves 100: market opening rather alow; generally steady but very little done canner and cutter cows; som bids weak to lower: few medium grass ers 19.00 to 21.50; commons 16.00 to 18 00; odd medium feeders 17.00; medium heifer 17.00 to 18.50: commons 13.50 to 16.00: light cutter dairy type heifers down to 10. oo: tew canner and cutter cows 9 00 to 10.50; shells down to 7.00; common end medium beef cows 12.00 to 14.50; good young cows 15,50: odd good bulls to 17.25: common and medium sausage bull 13.30 to lo.oo; ngnt veaiers scarce; good salalls 22.00 to 23.00 or above; medium heavy calves 16.0 Oto 18 00. Hoks salable 300; market active; mostly steady; early top 23 cents higher: good and choice 180 to 230 lbs 20.50; few choice 20.75: 250 to 280 lb mostly 18.50 to 18.73: good 350 to 300 lb sows salable around 16.00 to 17.00; good and ?hlce feeders salable 20.00 to 20.50. Sheep salable 600: market alow: few early bids and sales slaughter Iambs venk to 50 cents lower; good and choice ihorn lamb 20.30; wooled lambs above 31. SO: good feders salable 17 00 to IB 00: rntd ' 6.00 to 6.50; lightweights quotable to 7.00. Portland Grain Portland, Oct. 25 JP) Wheat: Cash grain: Oat No. 2 SB-lb white 56 50. Barley No. 2 45-lb B.W. 54 50. No. 1 flag 3.90. Cash wheat (bid): Soft white 2 194; soft white (excluding rexi 2.19't; white club 3.19'i: western red 2.191!. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 ; 10 per cent 2.194; 11 per cent 2 20; 12 per cent 2 22. Today car receipts: Wheat 13: barley 4( fiour I; corn 6; oat 1; mi 11 feed 10. (Adve.-Ms-neitt Smooth Away Discomfort of Chafed, Itchy Skin Yea. it's simple as that! Bathe with mild Real no) Soap, then spread on medicated Reamol. Wonderful how quickly and gently the? toothing ingredient in thit famous) ointment givt blissful relief. WALNUT MEATS WANTED WE NEED 10,000 POUNDS AT ONCE Top Cash Prices Paid ORCUTT'S MARKET 4200 No. River Rood Salem, Ore on Phone 2327 J I-, a ..a- a. e,a-a.B a a a a. Stocks Advance Up to 2 Points New York, Oct. 26 (Nu merous key stocks edged up to new highs for the year In a gen erally improved market today. Gains ranged from fractions to an extreme of around 2 points. Most additions were a point or less. Some quarters In the financial district linked the improvement with what had the earmarks of a revival of efforts to settle the steel strikes. Turnover hit a rate of around 1. 500,000 shares for the full ses sion . Highs for 1949 were hit by among others U. S. Steel. Gen eral Motors, and Du Pont. Wcstinghouse Electric slipped a bit, in the face of news that a 65-cent dividend would raise 1949 payments to $1.40 a share from $1.25 paid last year, but later rallied. Higher prices were paid for Bethlehem Steel, Chrysler, Studebaker, Goodrich Tire. Boe ing, Zenith, American Tele phone, Mclntyre Porcupine. Standard Oil (NJ) Barnsdall Oil, and Celotex. Railroad slocks were inclined to hold b?.ck. STOCKS Pnw Hi I.I .... Am Tel it Tel ..... Anaconda .... Henri Ix Aviation ... Reth Steel .... Boeing Airplane ... Calif Packing Canadian Pacific ,. case J 1 , Caterpillar ... Chrysler 314 . 54 MS , 34H . 2?'.; . 7 A SOU ... Cons Vultee ... Continental Can . ... Crown Zellerbach ., Curtlss Wright uousias A ire rait ... Dupont de Ncm ... Oeneral Electric ... General Pood .... Oeneral Motors .... Goodyear Tire .... Int Harvester Int Paper Kennecott Llbby McN te I ... Long Bell 'A" 2rn 48 Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvtnator ... Nat Dairy . . MY Central Northern Pacific .. Pac Am Fish ..... Pa Oas A Fleo .... Pa Tel & Tel " in!? ..100'i ,.. 52'i ... 13s Penney J C ....... uanio torp Rayonler Ravonter Prd , Reynolds Metal ... Rlrhfleld Safeway Stores .... Scars Roebuck Southern Pacific .. Standard Oil Co. ., Studebaker Corp .. Sunshine Mining ., Transamerlca . . .. Union Oil Cal .... Union Pacific United Airlines ... U S Steel ..... ... i ... SB ... 2SS ... 10 .... .... :r''j .... 8!; .... us .... 2S Warner Bros Plo 134 Woolwortti Heads Roadside Council Portland, Ore., Oct. 26 U.R) Mrs. Lela L. Lambert of Oak Grove yesterday was elected oresldent of the Oregon Koaa side council at the annual meet ing here. She succeeds Mrs. Dan iel Heffner. DEATHS n.. Tafl ft hull Oscar Tait snutl, at ine reBKinu 1146 Saginaw sireei. ijciQoer age of 95 years. Survived by a daughter, Mrs. Ethel M. Hale of Salem: a grandson. Paul A. Hale of Salem: a sister. Mrs. C. O Dalrymple of Los Angeles; a brother, Ahntt nt Wrvttnrla. Ohio: six great grandchildren and one great great grand child. Service will be held Irom tne Clough-Barrick ahapel Thursday, October 27 at 1:30 p.m. with Kev. onesier n. m ttfnhiifi Af delating. Ritualistic services by Alnsworth lodge No. 201, AF At AM. Please omit flowers. .h. Wmrl rim rk Robert Earl Clark, at his home at 1995 South Commercial stKot. October 5. Survived by his daughter. Miss Mildred r. n.f-k nf Salem: ana a brother. Rar Clark ot Balem. Services will beheld from the Virgil T. Golden Mortuary i ntiriKv rtvh.!- 11 at 1 t m with Rev. W. H. Ly man officiating. Interment in tha City View cemetery. Carl K. Martin Carl B. Martin, at tha residence at Brooks, October 25, at the age of 63 years, a.irvivavl h his wife. Mrs. Alfreda Msrtln, of Brooks, and two sisters and a brother in Sweden. Minuter of Assembly of Ood church. Service will be held at the Howell-Edwards chapel Thursday. October 27, at 1 p.m. with Rev. Howard Hollar offic iating, interment in neicreai mmonai cai. rharloa Lewis Wrlsht Charles Lewis Wright, lata resident of 243 Chemeketa street, at a local :ioipltal October 25, at the axe of 75 years. Surviv ing are tha wife, Mrs. Margaret WrUht el Salem: five children, Lloyd Ernest Wrnht nf Lebanon, Oeorge E. Wright of Sin An tonio, Texas, and Mrs. Cora Smiley, Mickey Wrlaht and Thomas Wright, all !n Arlxona: and several grandchildren. Serv ices will be held from tne W. T. Rlgdon chapel Thursday, October 37, at 1:30 p.m. with interment in the IOOF cemetery. Hatlle I. Tomlln Hettle I. Tomlln, at the residence tt 395 Browning avenue, October 26. at the aire of 68 years. Surviving are two eons. Gordon R. Tomlln of Salem, and Oeowe Tomlln of Reno, Nevada: two brothers Archie Wolverton of Arlington, Va and Ralph Tomlln of Prinevllle, Oregon: and one grandchild. Member of the Calvary Haptlst church Announcement of services later by the Howell-Edwards chapel. PILES IHIMOMHOIDSI RECTAL AND COLON AILMENTS STOMACH DISORDERS tlllM tltHlt lllltM IflllttH to 5 p.m. Evam.nai! Mon, oTT".. Wd and Frl., until S i,,ut,l Writ. Of coll ta, "Ml dncrlptlv booHM The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Year M t. CfMt I. V.m,l. n. Qrana1 Ava T.l.pfcon lAat J9I1 rtt.ti. 14, Ot. 4 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Soule Held by Chinese Reds Washington, Oct. 28 VP) Sec retary of State Acheson said to day that Chinese communist authorities are using a "flimsy pretext" to prevent the depar ture from Nanking of Gen. Rob ert B. Soule, American military attache to China. Acheson said In a statement that Soule has been refused an exit visa because of a demand by Chinese employes of the U. S. government that the general re main on the scene until their de mands for "exorbitant servants pay" are settled. Acheson said this government "will nnr ftitthnri it rpnrppnJIDW' cnapel. Matins and Lauds of tne win noi auxnorize us represen-ldead oa T9Citf4 b?fope tht pontif:cia tatives in China tO submit tO m of wquiem sung by Rt. Rev. Thoma .,,,t, j Meier, O.S.B., abbot of Mt. Angel abbeyv SUCn pressure. Father Bede had suffered prevlou hear nulp harl nlannfri trt sail Oft t,ac ut waa In good health for tha - &ouie naa piannea 10 sail uci.,t month, and d(,atn came unexpected. . 19 On a British Ship from Shang-, He retired about a year ano from trio hal in Hrtntt Knno Anhocnn nP"'ncy at uueen or Anteia convent in nai tO HOng iS-Ong. ACneSOn re- ut. Anel but Just recently returned there - nnrtfrl that thrpR mpmhers nf u AmH;nn the American Consulate general Staff in Shanghai also ran intO such delays that they were un able to sail on the same ship, OBITU ARY Anton Bauer Wood'jurn Anton Bauer, 66. late resi dent of Woodburn. died .suddenly of a heart attack Tuesday at his home on the Pacific highway where he lived alone. He wa born at Akron, Ohio. May 30, 1883, and was a retired railroad man. He came to Oreiion from California In 1930 and to Woodburn five yv:ir.s aao. Was a member of the Disabled American Veterans' post n Salem, the American Lesion at Wood Sum and the Woodburn Farmer's Union. Survivors Include three sisters in Illinois. Funeral announcements later by Rmga, Wlnfred Edward Toney Silverton Funeral services for Wlnfred Edward Toney, S. who died at the hos pital here Tuesday noon after a short Illness, will be held from the memorial chapel of the Ekman funeral home Fri day at 3 o'clock with Interment in Valley View cemetery. Rev. BenJ. S. Browning officiating at the chapei and Rev. 8. L. Almlle at the graveside. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Toney, among the early pioneers of Baker county, and was born at Haines June 38, 1893. He had farmed for a number of years and then went to Vancouver, Wash., where he was In tha restaurant business for nine years before coming here In the same business 16 years aao. Toney was active in civic affairs and a lifetime member of the Bap tist church. He was married to Hazel I Wash.. Sept. 30. 1912.' Surviving are hla ioow: two oaugniers, Mrs. rieien Muraw tl. Vancouver. Wash., and Mrs. Alice Lund. Silverton; two grandchildren, Tom and Jerry Murawskl. of Vancouver: broth er, Fred Toney. Haines and a sister, Mra. tserina ai cocoa, uunsmuir, tun. Ed W I linn Falls City Ed Wilson, resident here for 15 years, died from a heart attack Tues day. He la survived by his widow. Mrs. Ora Wilson, Falls City; three sons. Wil bur Wilson. Seattle: Delbert Wilson. Mon- mouin ana oranviue Wilson, rails City: daughter, Mrs. Ida May Scott. Falls City; grandson, James Wilson, Monmouth, and a great granddaughter. Kathy Wilson, Monmouth. Funeral arrangements In charge of Henkle and Boll man mortuary at Dallas. Adrla Anderson Albany Mrs. Adrla Anderson. 62, 1136 . Ninth Ave., a lifelong resident of Al bany, died at her home Tuesday. Funeral arrangements will be announced later trom the Fortmlller-Freder cltson funera home. Mrs. Anderson was born at Dayton. Ore., November 16, 1B86, and cs,me to Al bany when she was a small :lilld. She was married at Portland to Fred Ander son, who died in 1041. Surviving are son, Edwin J. Anderson and a daughter. Jean Anderson, Albany; a grandson, Dav id Anderson. Albany; three brothers, Cecil and Wllber Burkhart. Albany. Wallace Burkhart, Cnrvallls, and a sister, Mrs. Adeline Quick, Portland. David Sanford Webnter Albany David Sanford Webster. 75. died at his horn In Brownsville Tuesday. P'in eral arrangements are being made at the Fisher funeral home for later announce ment. Webster enlisted September 3, i599 at the age of 20, In the U. S. army, and served with Company H. 39th Voluneera Infantry regiment. In tha Philippine Isl ands during the Spanish -A merle an war. Following his aisoharge In 1901. Mr. Webster went to Tennessee, where mar ried Bertha Edwards, March 2. 1913. ihey cam to Eugene, and later lived at Monte aano. Wash., four years, at Sandy fr -.tne year, going to Brownsville In 1933. Sur viving are the widow, five children. T.eo D. Medford: Mre. Velma Miller and Cird well Webster, Denver, Colo.; Ned Ardell Webster. Mill City and Marvin Weister, Philadelphia; a brother, John C. Web ster, Vancouver, Wash., and six half br others Id Tennessee. Mrs. Sarah Wilson Dallas Funeral services for Mrs. A rah Wilson, IS. will be Thursday at 1:30 pm from the Henkle and Bollman chapel with Rev. Charles Davenport officiating. Burial ne in ureen crest Memnn Pa. it Sheridan. Mrs. Wilson died Monday In Dallas. She waa born July So. 1866 at Pleasant Plain. Iowa, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones. On aJnua-v 30. 1887, she was married to Hugh M Wilson at Layton, Kansas. She had lived In Des Moines, Iowa, from 1888 to 1897; tn Oase county. Nebraska, from I87 to 1940; and In Polk county since it time. A member of the Methodist church since lArtVi.t'a.nnnu HOW TO PUT OUT FIRE OF STOMACH ULCER PAIN cau ted by excess acid Oin't Jut suffer from agonising" pain and constant burning' of sUimarh ulcers, indiges tion, gas, heartburn, other di-.trtna r mined by excess etomnrh acid. I'funder's Tablets are Kuaranteed to bring amaxin quirk, soothtnr relief nf nurti arid stnmarh d if tress Olt MONEY HAt'K I Formula of F. H. Wander. 1'h.Q., contains m-di rally-proved Ingredi ent. Ae(d ulrpr sufferers have bought rrrrr 100.000.11)0 rfumWa Tablet In past t years. Get I'funder's Tablet today. M-r ROOFING Now Is the time to order that new roof before the roiny winter season. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material. Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 255 No. Commercial Street Solem - WANTED - Walnuts Filberts Nut Meats HIGHEST PRICE CASH ON DELIVERY FOR ORCHARD RUN . . . SEE US BEFORE VOU SELL. MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 4A0 N. Front Street Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1949 23. IMS, lira. Wilson was a Sunday school" teacher and held varloua offlcea la church a long at her health permitted.. Survivnlg are a dauihtr, Mrs. John Veacj, ' Sheridan; two grandsons: a granddaugh ter; and five great grandchildren. ' Mrs. David Wall 1 Dallas Mrs. David Wall, M, a resi dent of Dallaa for the past 11 year, dlrl In the Salem Memorial hospital Tiws day after an lllnau of IS years. uucrM '- services will be Saturday at 3 p.m. In tn. ' SvangelicaJ Mennonite Brethren churtn with Rev A. P. Toews and Hev. D J t Schulti officiating. Interment w,U bj 'n , tha Dallas Odd Fellow cemete-y. M.iXz fa ret ZacharU was born July 4. 1891, m Marlon county, Kansas, the daiif.v.r ST- -Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ZacharU. She wJ married to David Wall October 2, 19i,V. . at Corn, Oklahoma. From 1903 to 1914 ha, lived at Wetherford, Oklahoma, aid lived In Nebraska for IS years before coming to Dallas. She had be n a memb-r of the Evangelical Mennonite B.-eLhrri'' church for the past nine years. Surviving are the husband, David Wall. Dallis; four' daughters. Hulda Flaming. Madrid. Neb-' raka. Viola Wall, Rood house, Ullr.als. Selms Krause. Salem, and Lave ma Kraust of Peoria, llUnoLs; and five g'an-lchlklrejjv I Bev. Fr. Bede Resa Mt. Angel Funeral service for Father' Bede Rose. O S B , s. of Mt. An el abbey. who died Sun-day morning aftr a heart attack, will be held Wednesday In tha to take up residence and begin work on two new volume of theology he had con- tracted to trana'.ate for the B. Herdwr Book company of . Louis. Father Berfe theology at Mt. Angel seminary, am trans lator of the theological worts from Latin and French and for the laat ten years aa chaplain at the Mt. Ansel convent. John O. Rose was born In Italy. December 1880, of an Italian father an1 an vn rrr mother. Moving to Fn:lnn. ?s a child ' received an excellent education and eradi ated from Oxford with a bicl'e.or of arts decree. He enme to Canrtdi tn 1301 nji :m: and linnVrctv In 1309 he enief'd Joined the far.ilt cam ot the far weM. the United States and Jo or Mt. Ansel college a. Aftrr a short teaching term In C.iht he returned to the ?bh-'y and entered the clerics! novitate. He made his monas tic proftwlon on Fobr.nry 10, 1H3. In the tall ot the same year he wn.t snt to the Bened:cltne collne in Rome for hi Micr .studies In thro'o Whn the .school c'oa ed during 'Vorid war I li? trnnslerrcd to the Dominican Ci;" Anielico sir.'l ic--cetved his doctor of divinity de -ree ' in 1918. He was ordained July 16. 1916. . m Rome and said his f lr.-.t msw at Monle. Ca.sslno. Returntri to the abbey he assigned to vnrloua teaching prvita rtpsd1. tausht, at different tlmw. al jcbr.. vei metry, rhetoric, literature, ane'ent hblory, English, Latin, Christian doctrine, phiUj-i f sophy and dogmatic thculosy. He a'-'o sLsted for short periods In several nrth parts he. Father Ilede wrote a nura ber of articles for The Homlletic and P. toral Revetw and for St. Joseph Maasrlne, It was in the 'Jus that he beian the work; for which he la mnst widely known. translating the theoloelcal worka of cm' of his old Roman professors, the Domtn lean Father Oarrlnou-Lasrange. Five larva volume have been published and a nittti work of nearly 1000 pages win appear la ter this year. They are "God. Hla Exist ence and Nature" 13 vol.) "Providence, "Predestination." "The One Ood" and (still unpublished! "Christ, the Saviour.'! Other monk who participate in the fu neral aervice besides Father Abbot Thorn- were Rev. Martin Pollard. O.S.B., as sistant priest: Rev. Clement Frank, OS3. and Rev. Justin Rellly, O 8.B., assistant deacons: Rev. Dominie Broxmeyer. Ofl.B., deacon of tha mft-sa. and Rev, Bonffaca Aicher, Oa.B.. subdeacon: Rev. Thomag Broc'.:haus. O.S.B., and Rev. Riohard OaJT us a., masters oi ceremonies, inwx- ment will be tha abbey cemetery. i (Advertisement) Scabies) li highly ean- STCHiE .ailoos and weil4 can life If net stepped. Us sale came Is the Itch - tnlte which la Imnnni ta ordinary treatments. EX sORA kills the Itch-mite almost Instantly. Only three days IXSORA treatment la required. "Mall orders given prompt attention. . At all Fred Meyer Drag sections and out er CIO OH Drag Stores." - Advertisement) , , Gas Almost- 1 Choked Him For 90 years. Bill Shaw of 541 Flab ra Bt., Frasno, has worked as a brick layer, but In recent years hi health failed. "I had awful Indication al most blew up with gas, I waj terrlbir constipated had dizzy spell and pain couldn't do a day's work. I tried aU kinds of medicine but 1C AL-O-UKJC really ilied me up. Since taking O-DEX Medicine X aan eat heartily with out suffering. 7 I've completely lost that tired feel ing and can work hard evry day lay ing brick. No mors gas, bloating, dlair splls since KAL-O-DEX made my brjw- wor regular a sun-up and .run down. I tell every one you can't so wrong taking KAL-O-DEX It costs so little and does so much." KAL-O-DEX Is a proren formula wltft medicinal Juice from s Oreat Hero that cleanse bowels, clar a a from stom ach, act on alugguih Intestine tod as . a diuretic on kidney. Your money Me turned If you're not delighted after taking KAL-O-DEX. Oet a bottle today from your drugs Lit. Money Back Guar antee. (AlY.) Advertisement mmm NOW CAN Bt mm 'S A new, srfentlfle treatment now offers reil relief to the millions who suffer from th mnd- dening rectal itch and other miseries caused by rin-Worms, And einvrta report that at least one out of etwry thrte persona is Infected witb theee. ugly pt-flts. Whole families may have Pin-Worms and never even know it, - But now you can and thoitld do sometl.frtr about this common condition. Jayne's P-W Vermifuge Contains a special, medically-an- proved ingredient that sttarka Pin-Worms Id' the intestine and removes them from the body. Flay it aafel At the first sign of Pin-Worms, ask your druggist for P-W, the small, oasy-to" take tablets perfected by the. famous Jayna Co., specialists in worm remedies (or over 1'.0 years. Destroy those Pm-Wonus ... relieve that Itch I Just Rememben P-W for Pin-Wormil X Phone 38478 7t SALEM Telephone 3-76.13 4 4