22 Capital Journal, Salem, CUlUniD ADVEETIIINO.I T Un IM Per Lin I tloiM .....40 Per Un. timet a Per lib 1 month 13.00 OuUM f eUlea 16 ptr Un pel . 4J. Mln. Met time mm. toe tim mln. 11.30. No Refund lUDIM-li Local Ne Col OnlPS Mln. 10c; s timet mln. Me To Place an Ad Phone 1-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES srt&o Let l-OUi. bum I BR bom ME. Ph. 35S' A Safe Buy Wn tonatructed new t "xlrm. home maar x-hnol. Hdwd. Mr. Insulated ft weather trlppd. Etc. ht in every rm. Att. gar., paved t. A f .Ifetlm horn for young family. Call for appt. Tou'U b tlad rou looked, fall price 19000. Eay term. C. W. Reeve Realtor it a. Com'l. PS. MHO. IV. t-H ion' GOOD VALUES ASK TO SEE this J bedrm. 3 yr. old horn. Nit and elean. Lv. rm.. dining rm.. kitchen. Elee. dlh washer and gar bage disposal. Att. garage. Lara lot PiLe nnl 19450. Terms. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors IM .tet St. PH. 3-.SD3 Aek for Mr. Bederiitroni 35B' HOME OR INCOME . OWNER. EAST SALEM. GOOD LOCATION. Must sacrfllc lovely, clean, furn. or nnlurn. 2-bdrm. home. Dug td death In family. Younaatown equip. V. bllndi. Xniul. Approx. A. fruit, nut tree? and berries. Ph. 3-5387 for appt. a25fi Immediate Possession Out of atat owner aacrlflclng almost saw rm. home. Hdwd. lira mruoui. .lit furn breeieway. attached far- ui. ice. unflnUhed u pit air, city water and bm. Ice. lot. Low dn. paym't. FHA Wnn. flalem HeifhU dlatrlct. 585 Ewald. 256 3fEW t-BDRM. house. All on 1 floor. Beau tiful fireplace, brick veneer front. Hard wood floor and Ven. blind thruout. Kitchen, breakfat nook, dining room and 11 vine room all face itreet. Dry full basement, sawdust heat. Not more than S block to bua, school, tore and church. Can be een by appointment. Ph. 3-8833. No agents. 258 if MALL DOWN PAYMENT. Lara loan. 3 bdrm. FHA built home. By owner. 910 Ford at. "6 REMODELED a redecorated, VM atory house. 1 bedroom. living room, kitchen, utility room, ft bath down. 1 bedroom ft extra room up. Nice lot 2 walnut - i Rinff rkerrv tree. Gravel drive' way ft attractvle car-port. Near grade ft parochial choola. Phone 3-5030. a257 vurNiTB miiat sell 1 ndrm.. 1 rear oil Automatic oil furnace, electric dish washer, automatic washing machine. Fenced-in back yard. 450 8. 18th. a357' $1250 Down 162 per mo. 4 A. East. Neat starter home. Pine Ice. barn auitable for chlck- nj. (5350. consider larger nome. $1350 Down 80 per mo. 2 BR. City lot 82x130. 16900. Consider acreage. $750 Down t"T0 per mo. 2 BR. East. Lot 60x111. 17500. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3802, Eve. 2-2417 or 2-8836 a255 BY OWNER CHOICE LOCATION Lovely new 2 bdrm. home. All electric. Fully Insulated. Close to school. Beat workmanship and material. F. H. A. term. 935 Cross 8t.Ph. 4-2621. a259 foit RALE by owner, new 2 bdrm.. dlnlnc room, llvinc room, kitchen, bath and utility room. Hardwood floor. Yen. blind, attached caraae. Lot 81x178. 87,150. Fa. 3-1300. 3396 Livingston St. a255" WEST SALEM Nice elean t bedroom home, living room, kitchen, nook, bath, utility, att. garage, den up with apare for another bedroom. Lot 100 x 100. 81850. Very easy terms. LESLIE SCHOOL Brand new, beautifully flnlahed 9 BR home. Hdwd. floor-, Inlaid linoleum, large windows. $9000 with 81500 Down. CALL D. L. BISHOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS M N. High Bt. Phone J-4129 a25o WHY PAY RENT? Brew I BR. home. hdwd. floors, approx. H acre lot. Very low down payment. Ph. 2-9812. i a359" It OWNER All electric 2 Bdrm. home. Lota of bullt-lna, garage and utility rm. 740 Waldo Ave. a258 BY OWNER New, modern 2 bedroom home. Pecan floors, fireplace, V. blind. Attached aaraxe. Low down payment. Ph. 3-3927. Neighbor's plume. a!60 I" BDRM. Picture Window, east view, larce living-dining r. Large kitchen. Auto, heat, insulated, weather stripped, basement utility ft garage. Landscaped Ph. 3-5642 Or 3-3173. B359 3 Bdrms., Suburban 1 acre. Oood hse. with dining :m. 1 bdrm. down, 2 UP. Bath ft Inl'.'i Burnt, fur.. Idry. trays, gar., fruit. Close 10 ichool ft store. Priced lor quick sale 17400. C. W. Reeve Raltor IM .. Com'L Pb. t-tsm. tvt. !" e236 BY OWNER t bdrm. English style. 1 btk 1 1 Mt-Kinley school and bus, Hdwd. floors. Auto, oh furnace. Dry sealed basement. H re fenced yard. Excellent cond. ConoUlf r anr reasonable oiler. 2-5473. aJ.)0 $1200 2 bdrm. home on large tot, Tar Paved at. Good rental proirt v, AUo hnvo 3 rm. hse . la rite lot. 12:' On C. W. Reeve Realtor 941 8. Com ). Ph. 3-4590. Ev- J-9116 2M 5 STAR HOME Open 4-6 3 BR, basement, fplacea. double plumbing. 1080 N. 32nd. ,tf6 BE lrTl FITLY designed with plctr'ln dow, long lines and idr overhang. Tnis new house is soundly const r. nf finest material. Sit. on an Ideal tfc A. Your choice of a number of int. ar rangement. Investigate the many adr In buying this unftn. ml. E of Sweat 8c hi on Garden Rd. 13500. Owner PH. 3-1939. aJtO ENGLEWOOD J -bedroom home with full basement. Auto heat, nice living and dining room with hardwood floor. 19.500. 12.000 down! No. 289 STUCCO I -bedroom Ranch Style home on H acre of ground Lares lartu-e Cement patio. Price 16.500 with 11.400 down. Will trade lot Pendleton prniiert. No. 391 RANCH STYLE f-bedroom home with brick front, cov ered patio, all haxdwoiMl floors, and fireplace. Double garate. .79 of an acre Of ground. Will trade for entailer home. 914,000. No. 143 : . REIMANN FOR ' REAL ESTATE tl South High Street Ph. S-9201 . Ivt. ft Sun.. 3-1327, 1-3731, 4-3174. -MS- -2"2 a35 . Near MeKinley r School . HI 600 All on one floor, lv rm., m tte, kitchen, I bed rm , bath, large Mlitr, forced air oil furnace. Insulated, living rm. 1 carpeted and has large fireplace. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 84) 8. Commercial Fit. .34S Ig. 1-830 tJla 1 Ore., Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES 22 Acres South Two bdrm. house ( not modern) good deep well, elec. water ytem. full price 14295. Termj. SALEM REALTY CO. REALTORS 14 N. High At. Phon 1-7660 Eve. Phone 2-4591 - 3-6404 a 257 Must Sell 86950 t bed. rm. homt on H acre, east en pavement, mod barn, fruit A: nuu, will consider tradt on msli house la town. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 3 BR HOME 6700. Very neat. Dole. I 1. lAf B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capitol At. Office Ph. 2-3863. Evea. 2-3147 or 3-8817 S258' BEAl'TIFl'L SL'BI'RBAN HOME Lara 3 BH, larae llvina rm. with grand fireplace ft mirror, nardwood floors. lovely kitchen with bar, mil. rm.. car porta, 3 rm. rental in back. Will con' aider aome eioe-:n acreage in trade. General Real Estate Ph. 3-3289 255Cenr B23V POSSIBLE 1600 DOWN WILL BUY YOU THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW MODERN 3 BEDROOM HOME. Bath ft shower, llvina room, dlnlnc hdwd. firs., kitchen with bullt-lna tc J pa re, attached garage, lot 90x90. Locat ed in the city. Yes. it has automatic oil neat, fhuje is rioht, jtsoo. POSSIBLE 1500 DOWN BUYS THIS FINE NEW 2 BEDROOM hume. Nice corner lot 'High ft dry) coved celling, LR, DR, handy kitchen, 2 car garage, hdwd. fir., full basemen' with oil furnace, piped to all rooin THE PRICE AND THE DOWN PAY MENT CAN'T BE BEAT. COMPARE THIS WITH ANY ON THE MARKET AND BEE THE DIFFERENCE. POSSIBLE 1500 DOWN ALL ELECTRIC STUCCO BUNGALOW. t nice alaed bedroom, extra lares Jiv ing room, coved cellins. bdvd. 1 handsome kltcnen, closet apace spare. Larae attached caraie, nice cor ner lot. PRICE J 7800. COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-41 Eve, ph. 2-8651 or 2-6923. a25l FOR SALE LOT $10 DOWN!! IIS per month. Lots with water, elec tricity, bus service, near school. Two location north. - REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South Hldh Street Ph. 3-0303 Eve. ft Bun.. 3-5005, 4-2874. 2-1327. 2-3738, 2-2532 aa355 WOODED LOT on paved street, 635 Rat cliff Dr., Cleared and leveled. FHA, City water.bus line. Ph. 3-4284. a- WHY PAY RENT? Build your own home. Lot 118 down. $15 month with water ft lights, close to school ft bus. nice location. Ph. 3-3289. General Real Estate 255 Center Bt. aa2S9 FOR CHOICE residential tract in King- wood HU, ft Cascade Terraces, at mod erate price A very low monthly term, see the original owner A developer, C A. Rohert."!on. Ph. 3-8413 a259 FOR SALE rARMS $4000 DOWN 56 acre - East 2 bdrm. home - 24 stanchion barn fenced - all In cul tivation - Full price 112.500. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2007 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 2-3862. Evea. 2-2147 or 3-HM6 b258' HERE'S VOIR SHOW PLACE! 16 acre estate, on pavement, suburban Salem. Good prod, loam, mostly bottom, yr. spring. All seeded. Very attractive 3 BR home. elec. hent, wall to wall rug in L rm.. 3 fireplace. 2 car tarane, concrete floor barn tcould be good dnlry set-up. Your family will love the extra nice setting of tree, shrub and lawn, f 17 -000 and easy terms. PliDDINU HIVER FARM 63 acres on pavement. East. Approx. 18 acres In VERY RICH bottom land. Irrigation possible from yr. stream. Bal. well drained. Wll. silt, mostly In timber, some market able. Big stucco mod. home, basement, furnace, fireplace, I stanchion barn. 500 capacity poultry bides. Well s-iitec for stock or dairy. Priced Just right at 123.900. f.VWK) will move you in. Will trade for Salem city or suburban home. Larsen Home & Loan Co. - Personal Service . 3-8389. Evt. 3-7440 D257 A. IN THE heart of the Santlam bean country. Near Stavton. House, other bldg. Less than 2 jrr. old, 17800. Terms. Rt. 1. box 135, Aumsville, Ore. Ph. 1H3R StaTtnn h256 FOR SALE ACREAGE A LITTLE MONEY will move you lntothis neat small cottage on acre. Owner might use your car for dn. paym't. REALLY WORTH 12300. NEAR SCHOOL STORKS A Bt S. 3 BR home. HALF ACRE. tree. A steal at J4300. Easv terms. THIS 4 CORNERS HOME I just the deal for your family. Near new srtioot. aiires. city bus. Features L A DRs, mod. kit chen. 3 Bits, bath, utll , ft fruit rms. garage. YOUR OLD CAR A SOME CASH will swinx the deal. Oood to look at for $5400. Larsen Home & Loan Co. - Personal Service 3-8389. Eve. 3-7440 Db2:i7 20 ACRES FAST NEAR FHU1TLANI). Choice soil. Some bottom land, yr. crerk. 4 acres ne st ra berries, famllv fruit. Older bid Ideal home site. Price 6.iiKl SEE Mil PYLE WITH COLBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 3-4552. Eve. 3-ftffM 'iblW It ACRES on main hi ay 13 mile north. 7 rm. olnVr home A 3 rm. rental S0 month. Berries A fru;t. Price ITB.Vl. Pb J-32BS. General Real Estate 255 O nter bb25V $650 CASH RUYS The most worthies IT. 73 A. It Is pos sible to find wltt) In 6't miles of Salem. - ome timoer A iniit, lot or Brush drain ditch. Would make a good moon- shiner's hideout. I'll he ashamed to show It to you at the low price of 837 an acre, - Crnn ford BURT PICHA, REALTORS REAL ESTATE "INCOME TROrERTY" Large business prorrty, ha perman ent rentals and trailer park. a.i larae three bedroom home for ner. Has excellent ptwlhllltte for future de el opement, and prevent Income can be In creaed. See Mr. Bourne. Ranch Style Home Drive by the nice ranch stvle home at 1985 N 33rd street. Wonderful !arie secluded lot. excellent district, a proper ty thai U different. I7t"0 Good City Home Drive by the two year old ho tie at Lee tfee. Please do no ootner ten ant. City bus by the door and about block tn eratle achool. If Interested gee u for details. Terms. Acreage 6 acres, about m:ies from down 'own Salem, all cleared, in a tood din'rii which is building up rapKllv. to- down payment, and term to reliable part. See Mr. Bourne. Joe L. Rourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph 9-6316. Ee. 1-7317 or 3-847S rig To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS LOCATED SOUTH 4 bdrm. home, loaded with' extras, wall to wall carpeting, upstair V dowi, wea then tripped, plumbing la baimt., auto-oil furnace, load of storage ft cupboard space. 11,500 down. LOCATED EAST 1 acre tracts, bus In front, 11,600. i down. Clear t bdrm. home, all electric. Inside ultility, dole, garage. V acre of ground. Price 16,700. TERMS. CALL PETER OEISER AMERICAN COLONIAL I bdrm , )g. liv. rm., 27x18, din. rm., hall. dble. plbg., pen staircase, oil fired steam heat, dble. garage, beautiful setting among oak tree. l acres land on edge of city limit. CALL ROT FERRIS SPECIAL eVe tht S gc beauty spot, located 6 ml. out. beautiful wooded spot with I princ. ft stream. 8 rm. home ft barn. See this before you buy. Price 15,500. CALL O. H. ORABENHORST, JR. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 South Liberty Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sunday Call Earl West 2-0608 - Roy Ferris 2-8010 . Peter Oelser 1-9968 REAL ESTATE $6,500 Oder type house. Two bedrooms, 1 up ai.d 1 down. Living room, dirj'ng room, klU-.n and nook. Large utility room. Lot of built In. Quarter acre lot. Good garden pot. lot of nice hrub and flower. A very neat home. Will take trailer house as down payment. Eve. 2-0473. Farm $24,500 40 acre farm all In cultivation. Will, soil, fully stocked. 13 cows. 200 chicken. and 3 bedroom modern home. Will trade for nice home In Salem. Eve. 2-0473 Bus. Bid?, and Home $12,500 Oood two bedroom house, bus. bldg auitable for most any kind of business. No. 3 Zone. Term available. Eve. 2-0473 Call for Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrlch Co., Realtors 117 Court St. Pb. l-7ise C256' BUYN0W LOO BLDO. 20x50. Massive it on fire place. Furnace. Some equipment. About 6 A. land. Year around stream. Located on 99 highway. Could be used as home or night club. Price only 18950. 10 ACRES. Close In. 4 bdrm. house. Oood barn and chk. ha. Year around stream. Price 19850. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 state St. Ph. 2-9BS9 Evening call Mr. Voorhees, 2-4007 c256' BEST BUYS SPECIAL $820 DOWN 2 bdrm. home. Only 1 yr. old. Close tn north, Wired for range. Private we I. Total price only 13450. Payments only 930 per month. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. $5200 FULL PRICE Inside city, modern. 700 q. ft. flool space. Large garage. Close to bus. store ft school. Priced for quick sale Eve. Ph. 2-7074 or 3-3558. SERVICE STATION Grocery store ft modern home. 10 acres highway frontaae with 240 ft. on h.gti WBy. Advertised gasoline. Everything goes for 125,000, Terms, Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. BUSINESS FRONTAGE 118 ft. business frontage. Modern home. Busy street. We consider this a very good buy for $7000. Term. Owner Will sell 50 ft. lot ft home for 24750. Eve. Ph. 2-7674 or 3-3558. ACREAGE FOR RENT T acre with 8 rm. house. 3 miles from town. Double garnne. For rent at only t30 per month, Rent can be applle.i toward purchase price of 55O0. Eve. Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. $2500 FULL PRICE 2 acre. S rm. house, older type out ery livable. Well with electric pump. Some terms. Better hurry on this one. Eve Ph. 3-9403 or 3-3558. Al Isaak & Co., Raltors 3035 Portland Rd. NELSON NEWS PLASTERED 2-BDRM. HOME $4950 Comb. LR A DR. elec. wtr. htr., 3 blk. - to school, ' to bus, gar., ge. lot, good soil. CITY OWNER WANTS FARM LR. kitchen with dining area. 3 Ddrm.. bath, lot 54x70, pvmt., sidewalk all pvd . easy walking dist. to Capitol, Univer sity A hospital. Price 17350. CLOSE IN HOME A INCOME I10.8S0 3-unlt apt. house especially well fur nished, easy walking dlst, from State Cap., Univ., Memorial hosp., ft 8. lde Industry. Economical operation with cen tral sawdust heating plant. 15000 down 150 per mo. 10 ACRES EQUIPPED MONEY MAKER A OOOD HOME Mod. comb. LR ft DR. wall to wall ruff. 3 Ige. bdrms., kit. with lots of ouilt-in. Ixe. dining area, unfinished upstair with rm for 3 bdrms. A bath, extra house keeping rm. on 1st fir. 300 capacity lay ing hse., 2-story barn ft other Did. good well, about 3i A. In orchard prin cipally In cherries, some filberts, wal nuts, etc., 6' A. In 1st das hops that yield about 15000 this yr. 4 ml. to grade xch.. bua to Salem ft Air. hit:!. Asking price 115 000. Machinery. 150 laying pullets A aome household good at bantam price. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Llstntc Realtor Personal Service by Men Who Specin'txe 702N. Illnli. Ph. 3-4622.255 FOIl YOUR SAVING investment buy m flMt mortgage on real estate Salem & vicinity. Examine security yourself Amojnl 1500 to leveral thousand dol lar, net Investor b-, W make all col lections for you 11 desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8 Rlb e- ATTRACTIVE NORTH SALEM HOME 112.000. FVLL DRY BASEMENT. SAW- PI 'ST HEAT. HAS UNFINISHED UP- STAIRS. 2 NICE BEDROOMS DOWN, DINETTE, NOOK. FIREPLACE. PRE WAR BUILT, PAVED ST. ft WALKS. NEAR HIGHLAND SCHOOL 19300. A OOOD Bl'V IN THIS ALMOST NEW TWO BEDROOM HOME. INSU LATED A WKVUIFH STRIPPED HOME. HAS DINETTE. LA HUE ITT II. . ROOM. ELECTRIC HFAT A ATTACHED GAR AGE. 12440 DOWN. 4 BALANCE. WALNUT PARK 110. 500. CLOSE TO noCTORS' CLINIC. t YEARS OLD. VERY I IVEABLE 2 BEDROOM HOME, BASEMENT WITH PLUMBING. OIL FURNACE, FULL BATH UP. FIREPLACE. LARGE NOOK, HOME IS FULLY INSULATED, COR NER LOT. NEAR LESLIE SCHOOL VVt NEW WELL BUILT CUTE 4 RM. HOl'SE WITH ATTACHED GARAGE. UTILITY ROOM. CREEK LOT. IN THE COUNTRY IIS 00 WELL LOCATED. NORTH. IB MINI' 1 ES TO DOWN TOWN SALEM, IATS OF FIU'IT TREES, NEW 3 BED ROOM HOME, TARGE UNFINISHED UPSTAIRS. AUTOMATIC OIL PIPED HrT A1J0 I AHClE 4-CAR GARAUE OR WORK SHOP. NEW 4 BEDROOM II! VMl, TN FNOLEWOOD. S UP AND 3 DOWN. LARGE PLATE Gl ASS WIN DOWS. BRICK FLOWER BOXES. EASY TERMS. ED LUK1NBEAL RFAL ESTATE 4J3 N. HIGH ST. PH. 2-680 EVENING PH. 2-9704 4-2331 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED NOW!! 1 ranch style J-bedroom view home for around 113.000 Call us todavl REIMANN FOR REAL ESTATE 201 South Huh Street Ph. 1-9?0S fJ5 ME . SI In need ei gooe bouse M ee. la or near Salem It row vie la l your pfrprt tor lale -09aA8NHOESt 8808, 8EALTOU )F0R SALE HOUSES WANTED REAL ESTATE BEST 2 or 2 BR uburban 11000 down ft 146 per mo. ' 2-5973. home that rill buy. Ph. ca25V WANTED to buy: 3- or 4-room modern house. 1100 down, 130 month. Ph. 3-3217. g271 LISTINGS WANTED on a few good home and Business Opportunities. C. A. OIES. Realtor. Ph. 2-7812. ca263 NOTICE! If your property is tor sale, rent er exchange, list H with us- We have all kind of cash buyer STAT8 FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8 High St e WE HAVE buyers for farm Ust with us, now. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 179 N. High Bt. Phong 2-3649 ea255 Eve: 3-3649 HAVE PARTY for 3 bdrm. home. Near school. Basement preferred. 31,000 cash, 375 per month. call for Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. ph. 2-7756 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE LOVELY 8 rm. home, hard floor, fire place, full basement, garage, fenced back yard, quiet street, clone In. Trade for apt. house of about same value. What have you? Ph. 3-3389. General Real Estate 255 Center cb255 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES N. COM'L, bldg. 5 Hv. rrr.., 112,000. By owner, terms, Ph GIVE AWAY: Yes, It actually Is a give away. Vet returning tn school this fall ha lowered price on this prosperous, well- esiaoiisriM restaurant to rock-bottom for a quick aale. I've made It here - so can you. Centrally located In atable val ley town. Seats 47. plu banquet facil ities. Excellent equipment and avail able help. Fireproof building, low rent al. Must sell In two weeks, so ct now Any reasonable offer accepted. Terms available. Write Box 45 or call 5830, Brownsville, Oregon. cd256 Your Opportunity Old, well established real estate ft In surance office: all equipment: down town Salem. Price 1950. Call 3-5838 or 3-6770 or 3-7534. cd256 RELIABLE couple to lease cafe and foun tain in good location, excellent equip ment. Couple should have a specialty line and financial mean on backing. See J-e Bourne. Realtor , 1140 N. Capi tol. Ph. 3-8216. Eve. 3-7217. cd257" BUSINESS bldg. on coast, 1150 month In come. Trade for Salem property. Phone Owner 3-7660 or 2-6005. cd260' N. COMX, atore bldg. By owner, term. LOT 66x122. 1300 Block Broadway St This Is the best business property It Salem. Ph. 34642. Eve. 21647. cd258 SERVICE STATION, grocery store ft bur depot. Living quarter on main :.igh way, 7 yr. lease 18500. General Real Estate J"h. 3-3289 255 Center. cd255' KEY Mobil Gas service station. For lease in Dallas, Ore. Buy inventory and tool at wholesale. No blue sky. Contact Warren Doollttle. Mobil Gas Dlatr. Ph 3-4619 day. 2-6045 eve. cd257' TRAILER court, 86.000. terms. By owner. Chas. H. Moore, 1730 N. Water St. cd277 NEIGHBORHOOD grocery. Good stock snd fixture. Priced to sell. By owner. Ph. 2-1818. cd255 GROCERY STORE A fixtures, 2 gas pumps a o cabins. An estabiisnea Busi ness for sale by owner. Ph. 24319. Rt, ', Box 145. cd258' FURNITURE FORJALE DAVENO 120. FrigldaTre 160 7 Washing machine 120. Rug. 9x12, new, $75. Ph. 3-3544. 2030 N. Comm'l. d256 NOW Open Eves. Until 9 p.m. MUMMY THKOUtlH fnlUni SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS LOWEST PRICFS-HIGHFST QUALITY EASIEST TERMS - FREE DELIVERY YOU CANT BEAT THIS COMBINATION U&H FURNITURE CO. 1550 Fairground Rd. Ph. 3-3797. d255 THERE'S A HOI'SEFl'L of furniture for sale at 640 Mill. d2.V7 WANTED FURNITURE ITS YOUR MISTAKE If you aell used furniture, appliance, porting good, household effect with out first getting my price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRICES Ph S-SU0 for Immediate Result da AUCTIONS FI'RNITI'RE Auction tonight. 7 p.m. Lane Audtell Auction Sales Yard, located 1 'i miles east of Fairground on Sil ver ton ltd. Ph. 3-6098. dd3.5 Fl RNITl'RK ft APri.lANCE "auction every Tue., 6 p m , Glennwood Ballroom I pay cash or aell on commissi ion. Olenn Woodry, auctioneer Ph 3-51 10. dd FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SALE, TRAnE 4 yr. I mare, broken. Gentle. 3-1723. Id thoroughbred Make offer. Ph. C256 BONDED AND MCENSFD livestock bnver E. C. UcCandltsh. 1137 8 29. Ph. t-6147 PETS WISH TO PLACE Playful kitten In adult home. Free. Ph, 2-7403. ici6 MOOR r , tropical fish large assortment of tropical fish, equlpmewt. Plants, food, white A micro worms, aquarium maea fine aubscnptlon. Visitors welcome. Rt 3, box 41. 1 mil past Rickey School on Maclayrd. Ph-TIJL ec3.7 rintc.RIED collie pups. Female"" 3H months old. 47t Wayne Drive Ph 2-1011 erlfl FUEL DRY 1" slab edilncsPh. 3-1459. ee SAWDI'ST A Wood. Ph. 33608. ee2T2 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab er Dry Edging Freh Clean Sawdtist Green Fdilnc 15 50 load Doub'e 110 641 Also 16' Green Slab or 4 Phong 35532 EE KH1 1.lTsTO E ft "DIE "V L OIL. Ph" 1-116 Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor eeJTS TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 97443 16 Slab Wood and Pdetrea Fieert Cul Screened Sadal II Inside MUl Wood Dry Wood A8X rOR 8AH ORAXH tTAMPS REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS BETTER THAN RENT A new 3 BR home with living room, dining room space, auto olt heat hardwood floor located clot to Leslie School. FHA Comm. 86500. Full price only $7700 00. CREEK PROPERTY Close to new shopping district and schools. I Bedroom lome. double plumbing, large living room and dining room, full basement, oil furnace Extra large lot. 112,500. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Furnished I BR home clean and neat. Large lot. 11980. LOOK WHAT $7000 WILL BUY ! t Bedroom home very clean throughout, good location. Nice fenced In yard. DUPLEX NORTH SUMMER Close to capltol bide, and new shopping area. Would trad en smaller home. 8 la price lis, 500. GROCERY STORE Oood location 4 year leas. Equipment I3S0O. Stock at Inventory. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve. 23488 25996 33632 Phone 2411824116 FUEL CALL HIOHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH COT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer End ft Block Wood. Fh 16444 ee' West Salem Fuel Co. 1 IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD, 16-IN. CLEAN . NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OH Phone Filem 3-4031 ALio pick up wood at 1535 Edge water St.. West Salem ee PHILLIPS BROS Old fir, oak, ab ft maple, slab and edclnes. Ph 3145S FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thurs day. Order Frys or Hens now at spe cial quantity prices for jour lockers. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 22861. Lee's Hatchery. NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for Immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tuns Fox Hatchery. 9830 State St. Pb. 1-4969 PRODUCE WINTER PEARS, apples, cabbage ft wal nut. 2490 Broadway. ff256 GROWERS-UNLOADING SALE 10,000 boxes Jonathan, Spltzenberg and Delicious apples. (Good grade, no worms) from our own orchard. 65c box. 2 boxes, Sl.75. Get your winter supply now. Bring boxes or containers. Purlun Cider Wk., West Salem. ff256' DRIED prunes 10c lb. E. R. Blankenhip. Rt. 2. box 960. Ph. 2-0050. II260 ONIONS ito lb. aack delivered locally $1.25. FIELD CORN, li mile straight west of Kelier school. Rt. 2. Box 154. Ph. 3-1160. II257 FILBERT-WALNVT drying;. 1 mile E. Lan Claude Mc 11258'' caster Dr. Auburn Road. Kinney. Ph. 3-1632. SPITZENBERG ft WINTER BANANA ap ples. Phil Asplnwall, 645 Market St.. Ph. 3-9419. ff275' FILBERT AND Walnut drying. Special service for small lots. Phone 2-2861 Lee's Hatchery. HELP WANTED MALE MAN TO BUY '42 Dodge 6 wheeler on all winter short log haul. Close tn. 2-1868 evening. ga256 NATIONAL CORP. offers profitable bust nes opportunity to middle aged or older men with car. Writ Box 464 Capital journal. gaaei HELP WANTED FEMALE LADY with sales ability to work on tel ephone. Good Income. Mueller' Studio. 229 N. Com'l. b2a5- HIGH school girl for part time work. Vi cinity of White's Drive In. Ph. 20555. gb255 LADY FOR general house work, child. Private room A Some cooking. 1 Ph. 34704. bath. Kb255 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS If stst, str..t Phone 3-14S8. irf" WANTED SALESMAN CAN I'SF. one energetic real estate sales man. Omer Huff Real Estate. 361 Chem eketa. gg256' SALESMAN WANTED. Car necessary. ' E-c-trolux corporation. 1079 Broadway. 256- WANTED POSITIONS SCHOOL GIRL, ate IS. want work for rm. ft board. Also girl 17 want. ort as mother helper or care of children. Will stay nights. Ph. 2-1347. h25. CHILD care by day or hour, 1090 N. isth. REMODELING and carpenter work, will takejartjn furniture. Ph. 2-7480. h259 CARE FOR elderly person or Invalid In patient' home. Do some housework 1100. Dial 3-8519. h259 EXPERIENCED carpenter will do work or remodeling reasonably. Silverton Road. Ph. eve.. 3-94.S7. new 3245 h2.i9 EX PER. baby sitters. Ph. 3-6752, "h256 EXP. LADY wants house work A cooking Ph. 33161 Rm. 143. In or out of town. h255 IRONING. Ph.34767 after 5 p.m. h280 THEE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Insured operator. John Payne, 248 S. Church. Ph. 2-6014. h260' LET ME (leu re your buildlnng ft house framing. All of the exterior ;-nuVte readr for plaster In ne including wire Ing ft plumbing roughed in. 13 00 sq. ft , labor A material or labor II per sq. ft. We ran furnish you a good car penter or brick layer 81.75 per hour. In city or county. L. W. Rogers. 39133. h258 CIRTAINS I.At'NDRIED I nr! stretched. Straight panels 25c. Ph. 34th. 34613. 196 N. h2&5 GENERAL BI N DING, repairing, t special- Ire In general remodeling brick work, plastering, paint in and paperhnnnnf . Nothing to large or too small. Reason able, free estimate. Walton 3-3072. h2 INTERIOR FAINTING. Exp. Ph. 2-6736 HUD CARE, 183 8. 18th. Ph. 36876. h373 . WOODSAW1NO FH. NTT" SITTING. Ph. 2-6822" nJ4 "h269" IFENTER work. New, repair. Ph. 2093. h265 CEMENT WORK Wanted Ph 2-4850 ft TREE WORK, topping, trimming remov mi In, op Work guar W H McAllis ter, 840 Trade. Ph 2-1496 b261" Mimeographing-Typing FOE 8 668 North 16th Phone I-364S h359 CHILD CARE day or hr Ph. 3-49 40 TF19PIIONE CAMS TAKEN 24 hr arv- lee rormft plione opr. Ph 3-5072 h2.s8 BABY SITTING. Night rel'ef. Ph. 3-050 FOR RENT ROOMS LOR. 1st floor sleeping room. Hot A cold ater. 461 N. Huh. Jk3.V9 HEEPING rm Ph. 1-4315. Jkl74 I RGE room c'ne In 1 or 3 employed per- n. Ph. 353M jkilS5 Ml U it 4SM i'fepie room, priv .--t Fh. 13428. 1KI N. Capita. JkSTI (REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING RMS. Refrlg, 3131 Center. Jk272' VERY close In sleeping rm. Ph. 2-7817. Jk26S' PLEASANT furnished room. Close tn. 2-4469 Jk258 ROOMS 448 Center Rear Woodrow's Jk279 SLEEP RM. Hollywood, 3035 McCoy Ph 36093. Jg358 FOR RENT APARTMENTS MODERN APT. beautifully furnished. 170 a month. Water ft laundry facilities furnished. Fully insulated, hdwd. floors. Adults preferred. Call 3-5765. Jp256 S RM. FI RN. apt. WU1 take children. 3310 SMALL NEAT furn. apt. Close In. H. L. Stiff. Ph. 3-9 185 or 3-7030. km. r CRN. apt- electrte range. 1 em ployed person. 535 N. Winter. Jp255 3 RM. Ft'RN. apt. 827.50. Ph. 28424. JP255' 1 LARGE 2 rm. apt. Inquire after 6 p.m., 375 Market St. Jp257 BIG t RM. furn. apt. for 4. One amairapt 115 mo.160 Union. Ph. 2-9835J Jp259 DELl'XE furnlahed downstair ' apL in new apartment house. Hdwd. floors, lovely built-in, prlv. bath, lge. utll. room. Ph. 3-5355. Jp256 -H. APT. part. furn.. near statehouse. Inquire 401 Oregon Bldg. Jp256 3 RM. FURN. Apt. 1 or 2 employed. 1480 Broadway. Jp255' NEW COURT Apt. TJnfurn. except range. 3 rooms ft bath. Panel ray heat, utility room. 1465 HI nes. 850. Ph. 22597. Jp255 APT. OR duplex, grnd. floor, prlv. entl front ft back. 3 rm. ft bath. L.R., lge. bdrm. with very lge. closet, kitchen with built-in, priv. bath, all furn., elec. heat, garage, neai high school ft shop ping center. Ph. 28559. Jp255 3 ROOM APT. downstairs, N. Commercial. furnished. 1855 JP257 FURNISHED cottage, 3215 Portland rd. JP277 S RM. door. UPSTAIRS apt. Elec. heat. us at 3205 Portland Rd. after 6 ;m . JP256 FURN. apt. 1st floor. Priv. nt. AH elec. 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8706. Jp256 eerets4esessses. FOR RENT HOUSES BDRM. unfurn. house In Salem Ht. dlst. Near school. 957.50. Ph. 2-4810 Jm2i6 SMALL 4 room house partly furn., 136 per month. 2650 S. Summer. Jm235 SMALL modern 2 bd. rm. house, south. For lease 165 per mo. Ph, 3-9310 after 6 P.m. Jm257' WO. 00. NEW 2 bedroom house. Some furn for sale. Easy term on furn. Pti. 4-2631 ' jn:256 NEW bedroom. Compfetely furnished. Oil furnace, elec. range, refrlg.. washer. new lawn and shrubs. Close to bus and store. Five minutes to town. 3715 June avenue. One block north of Sunny- view Ave. and Fisher road. Jm257' 3 BDRM. house. 1140 Center. Adults only Jma.'iB FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR space on State St. Desk space on Marion St. Ph. 3-8482. J LARGE Ft'RN. trailer house. Light ft water. 3225 Silverton Rd. J257 U DRIVE Trucks. Ro'jlnson Shell Service" Center at Cottage. Ph. 29103. J BUSINESS RM. for rent. H. L. Stiff. Montgomery 1 POWER TOOL rentals for home and In dustrial use. Howaer Bros. Ph 3-3640. I" TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand r We aell everything to complete the Job HOWSER BROS - Ph. 9-3646 J "-OOD L'SED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Howaer Bros Hlu S 12th, West Salem. J HINGE R ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chine. Reasonable rate. Free pick up A delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 110 N Com 1 Ph 31512 r WANTED TO RENT PHYSICIAN ft family desire 2 cr t-bdrm unfurn. house. Ph. 2-0319. Ja258 MIDDLE aged couple need 2 B.R. house or apt. in W. Salem. Reas. rent. Write box 494, Capital Journal. Ja255 BUSINESS man ft "family desire 2 or 3 bdrm. unfurn. house. Write box 495. Capital Journal. Ja257 1 OR t BDRM. partly furn. house, on bit lln. Ph.-4844, apt. 4. J257 t BDRM. unfurn. house or apt. Contact asst. manager, Montgomery Ward. Ja255 I NfTrn. MODERN 2 bdrm. house? From 950 to 160. Ph. 35072. J255 WANTED to rent a 1 or 2 car garaxe tie. tween 16th ft 20th, State and Center Plione 3-5426 days; evening 3-4430. at b WANT TO RENT acreage with living quarter and chicken house, will pay 115 month. 510 N. 17th. Apt. 4, Salem. Ph 2-l4fi8 j2S5 ROOM AND BOARD ROIRD and room. Ph 3-8706. LOST AND FOUND LOST or stolen: 6 mo. old gold colored Persian kitten. Called Mr. Smith. In the vicinity ol Knapp. Reward. Ph. 2-9659. k257 LOST Brown chance purse, currency, chante and Paulu Cannery check. Re ward. Ke therm Lawrence, 345 Fisher Rd. k256 LOST: LADY'S large plain gold watch. Double cord band. Near the police bldg. on High A Chemeketa. Reward. Sadie Lonaland, 1409 N. Church. k257 STRAYED or stolen, around 3100 block en N. River Rd.. Friday eve. Small short haired tortoise female cat. Reward. Phone J-l"20. k2S7 STRAYED or stolen, shaded silver er man kitten. 5 mo. old. Liberal reward OH 654R. Stavton. collect. iH" MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men' hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12 30. n.270 p7WI Tobl. RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE, 4345 8U virion Rd. Ph. t-2T74. m259 DENTAL PLATE B FT A IB t HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER DENTL8T Adoipb Blda Stat ft Commrclal It SAIEM-Phone 3-3111 BUILDING MATERIAL WttFCKING A houae at 632 N. Liberty. All material for sale. maz&v E1FCTRIC WATER HEATERS. 40 gal. Bargain. Fiber Glut insulation in roll h'.anket. Ue in wall A celling. C. O. lore Ph. 3-5831. One mil north of Keiier. ma2M WRICRIVO HOI sf, Chemaaa rea B itldinc material A plumbing for . 'j i house 10x16 suitable fr Uvtna, 'i Must be attovt. Fft. 3 -. 9ft27 AUTOMOBILES Pontiac Good Will Cars '46 Ply. Sedan. R& H... $1245 '42 Ply. D.L. Sport Coupe $595 '48 Pontiac Sedan Coupe, Has everything. No. 497 $1695 '37 Pontiac Sedan $165 '38 Pontiac Coupe $145 '36 Dodge $195 '31 Model A ' $145 HERRALL-OWENS CO. TRADES . Liberty BUILDING MATERIALS PLYWOOD Large stock, 5 thickness, your choloe of material. Compare our prices. C. O. LONO. Ph. 3-5821. One mile nortn .of Kelter. - m25T Used Windows - Doors Streamline windows with frame 8750 1 panel door 30" wide with frame 110 Hundred of sash. C. O. LONG. Pb 2-5831. One mile north of Keixer. ma260' Waterproof Wallboard 3 thickness, 4x8 aheetn. Perfect for kit- chen, bath, utility. Can be used a floor over cement or ahiplap. C. G LONO. Ph. 2-5821. One mile nortn of Keiier. ma3(i0' SHINGLES No. S 13 00 a. O. G. LONG, Ph. 2-5821. One mile north or iteizer. m.rtYr NOW 18 the timet Call 3-9191 for free estimate on applied roofing. Get roof ing weather protection before It rain. Sears Roebuck ft Co., 550 No. Capitol St. Phone 3-9191. ma275 GOOD used flooring ft siding. See Chris at 1288 Ferry St. ma255" PER MA-STONE for fireplaces and home Salem Perm a -Stone Co., 2040 N. 18th St. Salem. Phone 3-0605 after 6 p.m ma263 RED CEDAR shingle No. 1 2x3' any amount delivered lowest market price. 18 In. No. 1 carton packed cedarwall ahake. Ted Muller, Balem-Indep. road. Call 2-1196 Salem. ma ALUM A - LOCB, ALUMINUM LOCK JHINGLB. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer of Call Dlst 3-6401 ma272 SAVE ON ROOFING Let Ward give you complete l"N STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of color Call our outside salesman tor free estimate Phone 8-3191 MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO. SALEM. OREGON ma DEAR CUSTOMER, Insist on your con tractor una carpenter using me Tineot old growth vertical grain yellow fir fin lined lumber In Salem. On hand' at Dick Meyer Lumber Co. 25 Lana Ave Ph. 349.19 Free parking. ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ROOFING Willamette Valley Roof Co., 30 Lana ave. A255 ONE 10-INCH tilting arbor table saw $80. W. ' H.P.. 3400 R P.M. motor 870. Ph. 3944P. n257 HMO SHARES of Yamke Mining atork. To highest bidder. Ph. 1782-J Albany or write Box 1740 West Queens Ave. n257 BOY'S AND glrl'7 bicycle. Rea'sonabieTPhT 2478Ior 1398N.Llberty. n257" PIANO, Kohlcr-Campbell,-beautiful tone" 1125. Can2-3327. n255 ELECTRIC ranee ft Ford panel. 2016 Lee St. Ph. 3-7947. n257 100 GALLON HIGH-PRESSURE SPRAYER Mounted on skids, spray large area at 350 lb pressure. Equipment Include 25 ft. hose, spray gun. Complete with 2 H.P. enxlne 1426.50 WARDS FARM STORE Trade & High St. Salem. Ore. n255 ELK RIFLE, 30-06 Springfield sporter with scope, 185. Trader Louie, 3055 Portland rd. n257 BRYANT gas furnace, 90,000 B.T.U. used 3 mo. Very cheap. Ph. 3-9414. n257 SEWING Machines, electric or treadle. Service on all makes. Ph. 3-7671. n281 TREADI.EsiwiNGmachVner2 1 pr7"wom eii's western riding boots, black itxe 6. brown size 7. 1 pr. women westrn rid ing pants, sire 14. 3 girls' coat lre 12. Scout Master' uniform. Ph. 2-8577. n257 TALLMAN'S Piano Clearance Sale RECONDITIONED PIANOS $125 TO $185 125 down. 810 a month. REBUILT PIANOS $225 UP 135.00 down, $12 a month. We need room for new pianos In transit. Tallman Piano Store 375-395 So. 12th A mile from High Price. n.259 BICYCLE In good cond. for gjrl or wom an. Cheap! Ph. 3-5355. n256 MONTAO DIESEL automatic furnace, cheap. Phone 2-626C basement n256 1919 EVINRI'DE 10-h.p. outboard motor. Like new. Sold boat, don't need motor. Cost 1276.50. first 1175 cash takes It See Senator Garage or Ph. 3-4016. n258 tS-OAUC.EPI.lMP gunr"l785"Berry"arte7 6.30 p.m. n256 USED EASY washer. 827.50. PhT"34098. n2S5 NEW PHILCO car radio cheap. Ph. 42611 B255 WESTERN Auto refrl77Vift Excellent cond. 1100, Ph. 2-3283. Rt. 7 Box 428. n255 GAS RANGE. Excellent condition, lis 104 E. Wilson. n257a SPENCER Corsettler, 2555 D St. Ph. 3-5072 n277 I'SED oil burners, blower burner. Ph. 2-6662. FULLER brushes, 1745 Orant. Ph. -3-8357 n270 BARN YARD FERTILIZER 13 yd. rd load 925. Arnold Fnililp. F O Bx 261 Turner. Fh. 1X2. b265 USED OIL HEATERS 119 50. 129.50 and 139 50 OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court SL Phone S-9611 SALEM SAND a, ofLAVlTL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Dltcbint Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 19 B S yds 10 B A yd D-T Cat ft Doter D-l Cat ft Docer D-4 Cat ft Dozer See ma about ditching bt tht ft Phone Day 1-9409 Eves 3-826 or 1-440 Salem Oregon a' LUMBER 2x4i by J it tie load. 110 per i.ooo. tou naui. independence Lumber Uff. Cow Int., Independence. Ore GENFR AL ELECTRIC Crosier. Gibson and Montag Appliance at Gevurtx. rt FFAT MOSS fortified with turltev dron ing Only 90c a nack. VALLFY FARM STORE. 4345 Silverton Rd. Ph. t-3 2 n259 PHILLIPS BROS. Fenniaer. well rotted or freah. any kind. By yard or sack. Flat rock for all rock work Cedar fence Post, telephone and elec pole. An leneih. Sn:ni !' Yew pom. Ph. $-1458 BL f Box i: Journal Want Ads Pay AUTOMOBILES TERM. Pbooi 1-411J fOH SALE MISCELLANEOUS Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKES PICK UP AND DELIVER. W. DAVENPORT PH. 1-7671 nl CHEAP! Oil circulator, bassinette, stroller, high chair, crib ft play pen. Ph. 31263 B358 WALLING SAND A GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for road and driveway, cement ready mix concrete, garden land Bulldozing, drainage and ditching. 4 -yd. hovel and drag Una. Ph. 1-9349. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS USED FURNITURE. Phone 1-916 oa FIR STUMPAGE and fir logg wanted. ompmcnt can oe made by truck or rail. Independence Lumber ft Manufac turing Company. Inc. Independence, Oregon. Phone 42. na259 WANTED: 1 log bunk. Ph. 22938. na257 WANTED: TO buy a AutoHarp" ZitherT m. 4-ooD.f aiter a p.m. or oerore a a.m. naSSS WANTED: BARKIE Douglas fir poles or suimpage. rnone 1287 Albany or writ Standard Pole A Piling; Co., Inc. na273 WANTED furniture vo glue ft repair Los did, r urn ni in Lining i-O n s-TOOl, na PERSONAL MADAM MARY FORTUNE TETAER Palm and psychic reader. Madam solve your worrle. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. dally 173 8. Com'l. Under new man agement. jJ79 STANLEY HOME Products. Leo Mindt, nes n. Mtn. rn. 3-4801. p379 STANLEY HOME Products. Ph. 2-4455. J. m. etovall. 3045 Sunnyvlew. p280 MADAM MORA GIFTED PSYCHIC READER Can help you where others have failed. Satisfaction assured. Advice on all af fair of life. Special reading 12.00. Lo cated just south of Hubbard on Highway 99E. Between Woodburn and Hubbard. Look for sign Reading Dally. p278 AVON Christmas products. Ph. 1-5314. P375 AUTOMOBILES '49 FORD Tudor. Very clean. Beat offer aoove snoii. i3P5 h. h. q!54 1939 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN. HAH. SEAL BEAM LIOHTS. EXCELLENT CONDITION. 1525.00. OR MAKE AN OFrER. PH. 3-4982 AFTER5 P.M. 0.356 1916 CROSLEY station wagon.' Like new 1445.00. Ph. 2-5973 or 99 Evergreen Ave. q256 1!I OLDS 4-door adn. 76 deluxe RAH? Seat cover. Hyd. W.S.W., 12195. Rt. 1, box 125, Aumsville. Ph. 183R. Stay ton. q256 WILSON'S 1919 GRAHAM SEDAN 27 1936 CHEVROLET 2 -DOOR 175 1929 FORD SEDAN . Yi Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center MUST SELL at once, '47 Old. Sedanett. Sacrifice $1200. Ph. 3-9200 after 5 pm, q25 1 4 CHEV. Standard 2-Door. 40-amtC generator, sealed beam, rebuilt trans mission, new top. Call 2-4439 after 5:10. 1110.00 cash. que 37 RI'ICK 4-Door Sdn., good condition? 1225. Ph.3-4926. q269 M 4 DOOR Plymouth. R.ftH. Good, clean car- 6 250. Ph. 654R Stayton. q25 WANTFD: Clean used can Bob Marri" iipo muiir) commercial FOR SALE 1948 Plymouth DeLux Coupt, 18,000 mile, excellent condition, radio, heater, undercoatinc, air cushion tlrea, seat cover. Priced for quick sale $1400. Phone 2-1425. 7th and Murlark, West Salem. Ore. q256 Eisner Motors to Sell WILSON'S 1939 GRAHAM SEDAN W.$ 1936 CHEVROLFI 2-DOOR 1 15 1329 FORD SEDAN 75 Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center 150 USED CAR LOT 150 ft your old one. 13th Bt, Junction. Open till 10 p.m. q267' CAR ACCESSORIES tires ft tubeg at coat price Firu come first served a this is a close-out sal Dealers welcomed R. D. Woodrow Co., 450 Center WILSON'S 1S47 Chevrolet Sedan . $1193 NEW PAINT . A REAL BARGAIN Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center ii7 moM.ET. moo. F. itemer. tin OarcVn Rd., 8,l,m. ,2 ZEEB'S USED CARS BtTT . SELL . TftADI TERMS 331 Fairground Road Phono 1-6454 WILSON'S 1B40 FORD CONVERTIBLE $525 Otto Wilson Co. Commercial at Center NEW 1919 Chev. Fleetllne deluxe 4 door aertan Sell ies than new car price. 1887 N. Winter St. ,35? isl CHEV. FleetmaMer Pp. deluxe 4 dr. Sef R H , perfect cond. 11350. Fhnn (Continued on Page 23)