t tO Capital Journal. Salem. Ore Wednesday-. Oct 26, 1919 MATTER OF FACT THIS 15 YOUR MS5 APPLETOWN TLJTTUT SUCH AN IDEA HELLO LEFTY? 3TO BY just cor in SHARE OF TONIGHTS SEEMED TO Be GIVE ME YOUR HOUSE PLAN RADIO PROGRAMS WITH THE IOOO RUGS '" I HAVE DOUBLE TROUBLE FROM A DATE, FEE--HOW 01 0 .AFRAID I WAS TO FILE AND TODDLE ON THE PACKAGE FOR YOU MRS. BSAWNSKI , IT GO f HTWF DFABIP.' WEDNESDAY P.M. 2AM--IntheffP I of v.hoksr' Bibbs- I ITl M GLAD 1 1 1 YOU'&C STILLN SbssV H EKE. MR BtBoS.r7 l , . . - w - - 1 1 .. V AP NtwtlnH vrai By WILLIAM HOBSON i.. Cbapwr 37 : i Divliiiht broke over the settle- menl, cool and quiet. Not a sound :duturbed. the eriy riling ol uie rdark curtain In the eau. Jay cross rirt the creek, hli horse stumbling Mind alrnott tailing with him. He had hddden It down. He saw tne aoz Mng remounu In the corral, watered " and fresh, and he looked back again J"t the horiion. Three miles behind fc.Jlm there showed a dust haze, s... The Morgans were coming. Jay Ljooked at the skyline, but there 41dn't seem to be a breath of lile anywhere. It wa forlorn, dead deserted. But he knew that out I there in the brush grim-lipped , men with Winchesters lay flat on t (heir Denies ana watcnea ine on . coming dust haze. i ' He waa riding into a holocaust, J" death trap, where the Ufe of his Brother ana a oeauuiui nan opan. lsh alri waa at stake. Forlorn Lu oia! He hoped that tome kind of ruel fate would not, at the last ' moment, send her to follow Turk Pennock In a fresh grave dug up On the slope back of the cabins She was young, beautiful, lntelil- nent. pretty well educated. - He swung In back of the willows and then unsaddled, turning loose "-the played out horse. He stole for : vara on foot, slipping from cabin npa cabin, Jim Bwlnnerton's big rock cabin came into view and Jay moved toward the back. He opened - the door cautiously, slid in, and felt Tior the gun at his Dacic. "Easy. Jay," Ace's mild voice ., said. "Ill shoot. Let me have the run." -' - Jay gave It to him, a shudder - going through his young frame - This Just about ended It. He was sure of it when he saw Joe, bound hand and foot, on the other bunk. Ace was saying In his drawling -.fsroice, "I heard a couple of forty fives go blam right after we left ' an' I figgered you'd either got kilt or got away. But I wasn't takln' ' no chances. I knowed that If you i. got free you'd burn the breeze In here arter Joe. I was watchln' when you slid In around them cabins. Hate to do It, Jay, but you mow uraa. "Did you see Mike?" Jot asked from the bunk. Jay nodded. what dm he say?" demanded "'the other. ,.i "He hit the roof. He almost tore .-the house apart." He quoted words Ace had said to him only a short J time previously. "Boy, I Just nat "Urally wouldn't want to be in your ... boota "Why, the old coyote I" Joe 1 roared, rage making him tug at " his bonds. "That ungrateful old "moss-backed son of a polecat! Just . you wait till I get my hands on" "That's what he said about you." Jay said, and somehow managed - to laugh. He told of what had hap pened at the ranch. Ace chuckled a little pleased found. "So you got Jim. eh? Thet's good news to me. I never did cot- -ton to the idea of thet law sharp beln' in this outfit. Me, I'm a host thief an' never expect to be any thing else, I like to be among my own kind. But now he'll find out what It means to do a long atretch. An" you got Peg Smith, too, huh? Oood. I never liked thet aneakln" back-shooter. I've killed a man or two In my time but I never done It from the back. Too bad about Hank. He was the best brand blotter I ever knowed. I suppose you boys know what this means fer you both when Brad lita In. Nothln' personal about It. boys. You puts down yore money an' you take yore choice, them's alius been my sentiments. An' I guess thet goea for you. too, Lu cia." he added. "Mlg will be back with the boys." "No." she aaid quietly, "not for me Ace. I have a knife hidden away In my cabin. I Intended to It the other night, when Miguel was there. I will kill myself be fore I'll ax with him." Tha other guard looked out the open doorway. Tha edge of the aim was peeping up, for It had taken Jay some time to get from the willows to the back door of the cabin. "Here they come," he announced. Jay stepped forward and looked out, saw the first thin point of Dlack drop down toward the creek pe saw Blue Star and Rover Boy still out in front." Tha dark line came on, hit the creek, spread out In the water, the thirsty horses sucking themselves full. Blue Star raised his magnm cent head, water dripping from his muzzle, and whistled his de fiance at the horses in the corral before moving on across, leading the way. Morden and his men put them into a big corral, closed the gate, and togged toward the store (To be continued) Juniors at Lyons Guest Jewell Home Lyons Mrs. Jewell was host ess for a party honoring a group of Juniors from the community, hold at the community club house. Games and refreshments furnished the entertain ment. Present were George Johnston, Jerry Mohler, Don ald Calloway Shirley Mohler, Jerry Hubbard, Jerry Heineck, Cleo Dysinger, Dorothy Grimes Jack Jones, Mary Shupe, Shirley Calloway, Gloria Carr, Kathryn Carr, Larry Hubbard, Beverly Dysinger, Jeanette Huffman and the hostess Mrs. Jewell. 2818V l SIZES . J l Vj' 2962 J jr, Suit Keasoners JSuit season calls for plenty of blouses: Action-back nnirtwaist no. JW2 is the tailored type that can be worn for so many occasions. Scalloped peplum style No. 2818 takes you charmingly from day to date. (Two separate patterns). No. 3962 Is cut In sizes 12, 14. 16. 18, 20. 36, 38, 40. 42, 44 and 46 Size 18. 2 yds. 39-ln. No. 2818 is cut in sizes 12. 14. 16 18. 20, 36. 38. 40, 42 and 44. Size 18, 2 yds. 39-in. Every home sewer needs the PALL WINTER FASHION BOOK a delightful, inspiring presentation of tne oesi in iasnion. over i.w smart practical eauy-to-sew pattern de signs for all ages. Price Just 20 cents, eend now for your copy. Bend 2Jc for PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State size desired. Address Capital Journal. 214 Mis jJon St.. San Francisco 5. Ciilif. E I I I Take-le-Bed-Tcddr Here Is the perfect take-to-bcd toy. Lovable Teddy is crocheted In simple loop stitch and stuffed with cotton, or better yet, old nylon stockiiut.il Pattern Envelope No. R2RH.S con tains complete crocheting Instruc tions, stitch Illustrations, material requirements and complete making and finishing directions. To obtain this pattrrn. send 0r in COINS, giving pattern number your name address and tone num ber to Peggy Roberts. 8.'8 Mission Street San Francisco . Calif. i i v n r WELL. SO YOU DECIDES TO TRY THS earn' OUT HERE AFTER CLL, EH ? HEY. VOU - DON'T PUT THAT STUFF THERE-OVER HERg--THBN GRAB ft MOP AND GET THAT DECK SWABBEO f EH? WATT II 1 A MINUTE- I I WHERE D-VOU GET THflT STUFF? WHERE OYJ0y BT IN HERE? I I FIT M HERE 1 I PERFECT. CHUMP-rM l I JUST LENA'S HUSB6N0. II j CAPTAIN JCHN KHOK. II KGW 10 NIC i:00Bnnn7 SIS. IrlSN.w. l:30Sonf. r Tim. k45Clncr f.ler.ea 1:00 Vo.r Lit. :lllii Ul. 1:3(1 Mu. I. C'oekUII i :4S Mmu twtull ilOOBIf Sl.rr IllJIlIf Sl.rr f:?0puruia Tint !:4SPiirUli Tim. SM lnilr.-Klr.liD :1ft V. .1 World 8:30 Qlld.r.lHft 8:4S ulld.r.l.... -9 :00 Br..k th. B.nk 9;lSBr..k th. Bak fl:Snl.t. Attorn.r l:45jDi.t. Alurn.y 1:15 tnrr.nl A Ck. SOiPlfc rinsl 4ftT WUII.M. I K0IN 70 CBB Knox Msnntng Littlfl Shaw KM Hullir Newt GroQfb Mirt fUroHch Msrs inf Crsibj JBiDf Croibr (Burnt M AlltfT (Burnt AlltS HollTwood U oil r wood Lowell Thomu Uck Smith Dr. Christian Or. Christian rank Race rank Base iBcnlah lab 18 KEX 1 1M ABC Lhallenf ! Yukon Jark Armslranf Jack Arsuliviki FlrtflcbUrt iHomt Edition Author Cvltlo Author Critin jLon Eanfer Lono Ranger Mr. Ma Ion Mr. Halona :MNwi tl.lWai Mumum ; 30 Wat Miiiibi . :4Wai Musaam 12:00'gn Oft Star Final You, tha World tr.fla rchtstra Brenada Jrrhettra rroaa. Band Nawa Silent KSLM 1390 MBC B-Bar-B Ranch 8-Bar-B Ranob 1 Mil Tom Mis (iabrlrl Ntntar N W Ntwa Tall Toaft Musla Coast la Ant. Co ait In Auk Cite Kid Clsce Kid Bhar. Holmta Holmta borla Karlofr Boris Karlofl Trouplor rrouuler fOrcbtitra Drchastra Rehfld. Reporltij untarncsso ICon art Hour Concert Hour Concert Hour Concert Hour Me met Ton or. iMcmea Tomor. (Xlra Hour K0C0 , 1490 Re. k fthylhaa Ranch (Rbrtftn Ranch iBIng Craoby Bualnaaa newt Candle Light and lUvar ewa (Tronlaann tat O'Brien ualcal JacbneA velrn Knight Grant IperU Nana af Thai Sonr Ray Block Ray Black News David In Samblert nblert iFultoo Lewis Lacal Nawa News Cddia Howard Love Mr it err Music . M or tan Ittut Morten film Off hTraek 1490 fTrack UM rrraek 149ft Traok 1490 frraek 1490 (Track 14M Mows Jack Berth frank Baoa Naetnra Kaetarnn HMtirM Noclurnn feign Off THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. ?0Hodga rodfo 5,News 30 Farm Time 45 r'arm Time News IKOIN Klack IKOIN Klock IKOIN Klock flOOlEarly Bird f:15!oid Sons-a :3nNcwa 1:45 JSamHay an l:0oEddla Albert" 1:15 Eddla Albert t: 30 Jack Berch l;45 Sage Rldera Farm News Keep Smiling Keep Bmllfng Keep Smiling KOIN Klock News (News red Beek News rTlmekteper March Tim news News A gr on iky Rob Hasen Zeko Manners Consumer Newt Breakfast Club t Hreakfast Club rand Slant tote mar y 9:00 rhe Second Cup Wendy Warren 9:loThe Second Cup-Aunt Jrnnj Helen Trent pal Sunday I -J A HAIRCUT ANVVrVAV T 5URGLV WILBUR ICAN TRIM THAT FRIKI6E ONJ CKJUH HE AO AS WELL AS iANYOnF. else THAT'S HOW MUCH VOU KKJOW V ABOUT ITi 1 CAM ISE DIS- V PISURED POR WEUKS IP HE DOES A BAD JOS 1 I'HI , POLKS 1 VASK VOUR FATHER WHY ALL HE'S ALL UP5ET THE ai BECAUSE WE HAS, 5H0UTIN&!)TO GET A HAIRCUT L 5H0UT1N&I1TO GET A THAT'S PUrJMY.SOAM 1!) 1 NEED A HAIRCUTi BUT I CAWT GErfWELL-WELL: ONE THIS WEEK PERM APS YOU BECAUSE I'M AMD 1 CAM PLAT BROKE! yMAXEADtAU, SON. EMERGKNCY CAIxTfUM)" TH' UNITCO FCATURSS fiy ndicatc rush one ) i KIGMV. DRESSED AS Al, cAPPr , , y C BETTER PUT IN ) ( -S? E1tTRV. 'S rXjfiD SOUNDS ' df-r V "" UfLBLTSS'' 1 1 . ni rcr ww - a '.V E V TO fiOOT?- AHrS THAT'S what capp was MADE ' roorr AND. BV GOSH, from THIS ANGLE-IT LOOKS I OUST UKI HIM- here I is-th-same .as S Lapp- 1 OUST UKI HIM-- iff I ah M-H.r-WHAT nev WOULD A RELIEF.T" vummv.T THERE ARE MILLIONS I Oimrrie fl l of people who yilsr of em would LOVC r7 and tell to oo this.' ) I nm all to QwO WEEKS AGO Jtrr RECEIVED A WIRE FROM SIR SIONEy YO.;,,sD."'o THERE MUST BE y NO MISTAKE.' SOME MISTAKE.' j VOOR BROTHER T WIRED ---(JULIUS IM LION! SIR SIDNEY TO SEND MY BROTHER. JULIUS.', hELLO.V JULIUS J RIGHT WevV, fff ( BROTHER! ) IS WL sgi -V. 60LLX SALTY ! we'll have to make a bold J.r3pIr' K STROKE. THE I9LANP IS NOT U.S. 2,7B!r uc WAS n TERHlTOeV. ANP THEREFORE I AM ArLI3.pl u NOT AUTWttl7EP TO MAKE ARREST5 K. I S HEBE. WE'VE 60TTO HAVE THE rW . - j HELP OP THAT WAN y'J SANDRAL! 6cco heavens! HE'S OME OP THEIR RIH3- LEAPESS ! PONT TELL ME HE HAD THE EFFRONTERY TO CALL HIMSELP AN A6ENT OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT J HE DIP. .AND I INTEND TO CALL HIS BLUFF ! COVEHOW WE MUST DELAY THEM UNTIL REAL AUTHORITY ARRIVES! rusty, tell spar jo 6ETA WALY-TALlO INTO A BOAT-A BOAT VTH BifiMT A 600P, FATCT 00 Marriaa far t etc Slsfer :15 Lorn Lawlon Dick Haymea Easy Listening 1;?! Ma Perkins M alone Kiuidlnf Light Double ar Notblna Children I Lltht of World Life Beantlfnl News Penper To use Happiness Rackstara Wife IMieiia uailaa fid Mrs. Burton Betty Crocker ;30 Lorcma Jones Garry Moore Kewa llrkfst. Oanf rkfst. Ganf lop Trades Bara'n Counter! Morn. Special Haven ol Rest HaTen ml B-U Nesra Quit Club Paatar'a Call Newa Htara of Today Ltrl Llnkletter krt Llnkletter (Saie Riders Jark Norman Kialen Uraka Mr Trna Story (My True Story Perry Mason Norata Drake Brighter Day News (Come Get II1 Bright A Light Urt Baker I Barnyard Fol. kiarry Moora Moneymakers rlhwest-srnera Baukhaga INewe Noon Dreams Meet Menjoua Breakfast in I Hollywood Kay West Kay West htOCO Kloeh KOCO Klock hToi Bitter (News Sports Top Morning frop Morning News Kltchem Ullea Walls Oh. In eVUdw d jOrtan Moods IWest'n Melodies. Fiesta lima Melody Time Melody Tin Stara Sins V J. Ch. Thome) V News ' Musis Tuna Tima MS Keip lad lea first ILadles First Klueen for Day KJneen for Day Top Tradea mews Iv. W. News Hob Lberly rrell Y'r Neigh. lHarve-y Harding Hirgan Rerenas IBIng Sings Melody Matinee Melody Matinee iiWIdder Br own Kirkhm Nb :00 A Girl Marries Klrkham News.Uay Stewart :15?ort. Facea Life Meet th MUiuiJar Stewart :30llust Plain Bill Meet th' Missus Bride Groom Ten n. Jamhnrre :45;Frt. Pg. FarrelkTune. Yours jBrlde A Groom Ten n. Jamboree :00Wlooma Travel. Art Klrkham lack Kirk wood mob Pools :lf Welcome TrareUArthur Godfrey! Vera Vacua iBob Pools ;30 tnt Mary Ltrtbur Godfrey Xadlcs Be Seat' News :45jLoTe and Learn Arthur Godfrey Ted Malons Dav Boss :0fl Woman's SceretArthur GodfreySlod. Romances'Pulton Lewla :15Road of Life Arthur Godfrey plod. Romances Hemlnaway ;30 Dr. piul Curt Massey Rqulrrel Cars Behind Story :45 More of Life Edw. R. Murr'wrSqulrrel Cage Car. Cavallero Musla Marl Musla Marl Jan Garbar Vocal Varieties Hollyw'd Mnsls Hollrw'd Musis Headline News Ted Dale Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies iMac'a Melodlea Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodlea Mac's Melodies Mat's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac'a Melodies Mac's Melodles Movls Tims Philosopher Brers Can Bo Beantlfnl DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 frkf Wednesday P.M. 11:00. Chll IXWAV dren's Theater) 6:15. On the lrAf Thursday A.M. 10:00. New si e IWnv 10:15, Upbeat t 8:50. BMI Sports Club. 0:00, Sewsi 0:15. Piano Portraits! 6:30. Priends Worldt 0:45, Invitation to iteaa; l, . Farmere' . Union i .1:15, Evening Farm Houri 11:00, Radio Shorthand Contest) 8:30. Great Songst 0:00, Mu sic That Endurest :, Evening Medita tion 10:00, Sign Off. Especially for Womeni 11:00, School of Alri 11:15, Concert Balli 12:(K), News, 12:15, Noon Farm Hoori 1:00, Ride 'em Cowboy; 1:15, School of Alri 1 -AS, Melody Lanei 1:00, Home Garden Houri 1:80, Memory Book of Mnalet 1:15, Excursions In Scleneei 8:00, Newst 1:15, Muvle of tha Masterst 4:00. University Hour. Gervais Altar Group Guest Manning Home Gervais Mrs. Fre8 Mann- ings home was the meeting place of the St. Rita Altar so ciety with 15 members attend ing. Final plans were made for the fall social and dinner. Get well cards were sent to their two hospitalized members, Ma rie Mangold and Mrs. Victor Vi-gill. Mrs. Anthony Duda, Mrs. John Henny, Sr., and Serene Manning served refreshments. The November hostess group will be Mrs. Frank Eder, Mrs. Frank Nosack and Mrs. Stanley Seguin at a place of meeting to be announced later. Tuckers Buy Farm Gates Mr. and Mrs. Charlei Tucker have purchased tha ( farm east of Gates on the Linn county side of the river known as the Lawson place. This is on, of the larger farms In this locality. ACROSS t. Container . Flah t. Period of tlm. IS. Solid watir 13. Weird It. Anger 15. Lament 17. Rtannas 19. Exlnt 50. Fertalnln to the Saltan Pranks 51. Touritt guides 21. Troublo 35. Ketld is. Diminishing 50. Make amend! 51. Hold back 52. Tear's record li. Large body of water It. Kind of tree S7. Oriental Sv. Reward 40. Make a mis take 41. Branches ot learning 4S. Outer cover ings 44. Alternative 45. Hits 47. Reluctant 61. Chinese dynast? SS. Pa a rone through aa anerture s4. Electrified partlclo 65. Unit of work Rf. Of greater ass 67. Put with DOWN 1. Child's napkin la I iInUoLIrSoIcLUL) v ArfaPiO i seQa6 o e c r uHr t eBfs t e p Lie ABNjsiriPg i sIrT Si I NiglwiTtjuiC L 1 fe R ul iEgpft (tna e r e 6 A Dfij A IN A L H Rj A M A 1 B M I A rTT N E ' r a Mos eWum TFt es Solution of Yesterday's Puzzla 1 Playlns card S. Muffin 4. Line of Junc tion s. Fowl 6 1 - eV 11 fit? MASSE Wl ' ,flVV X - eouca TWIST MASSSUra OT A KISlK. hf4 vntjfa. lTVfsT rr our! IMPORTANT MANNIPOL Jim A.IrflI PR0ucHT mi air 'i'J'A!;' or 1 ivriiy ton ha IT, MRMV0R1H! R 5QUANPERS . NVNi'M WELL!--THE DEAR BOYREAlirt, IT' NOT GOOD FOR A MAN TO UVE ALONE AND LOOK. IT.'- nt. 7 rur4- fOR Hl VACATION..!! I ( l 1WA WRONG 'NOT k EVENA&RtATACTRE i-enjLU ris.t mm n JOYFUL ANTICIPATION ' . 2 3 S 6 7 0 f ft IS . iy; 'T wmw mm. 23 W ;'3o 3S Vt' 37 38 3? p . "Y" m!lZ!LZZtfZL fS 44 T 14 if So t. Metric land measur 1. Competitor 1 Lowest part of boat 9. On who reveala 10. Exist 1L Worrl of content 16. Hop kiln 18. Tumultuoua disorder 20. Signatories 21. Tills of ad- drR 22. Humble 23. Cod dim 24. Uaosachutafta cape 28. ShiRKlab 27. College offlcerf 29. Gaelic form of John 1 10. Island oft Jutland 31. Swiss rlvt 36. Redact SR. Weed 40. MavcuMn name 41 Roman em peror 44. Above 45. Pronoun 46. Spoil 47. Hall and f are well 48. Inlet 49. Turf 50. Fln1h S3. End In if of tn paat tens ROOM AND BOARD By Gene Ahtrn THERES A LOCAL HEAVY WEIGHT fighting fireman CALLED rOUR'ALARrlA rOLEY WHO HAS BEEN DROPPING ALL HIS OPPONENTS INTO THE PICKLING VAT BY KNOCKOUTS SO WHY DONT YOU TRY TO GET A MATCH FOR. ALFY WITH HIAA? m. JOVH.Y6S LOOK INTTJ WE HAS RECORD. WM-M-TT'D SENSATIONAL START FOR ALFY IF HE COULD STOP THE FIREMAN ON HIS CLIMB UP THE TITLE LADDER. "Sgg? JOVE, YES -I'LL Ygf LOOK INTO THKT ll 1 I UC UAC A If AVO 1 .( RECORD. EH? 51 MM-AA'-IT'D BE A ( ' I r 1 r 1 I v- i