ITAKES BEATING OVER WHISKERS Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1949 IS aC';i Versatile Art lit Bill Pahle, 19, San Joie, Calif., high school senior, works on atatuettc. Ht has won sculpture, painting and ceramics awards at Carnegla Institute, Pittsburgh. Four Corners College Club Serves Dinner to Big Crowd Four Corners, Oct. 26 Honor guests were the "Dads" when the Oregon State Mother'! club were hostesses at a covered dish dinner in the Community hall. Covers were laid for 75. Mrs. H. Henry was chairman. Following the dinner Dean Maser from the School of Business and Technology at Oregon State college presented the topic, "A Parent'i Part in Higher Educa tion." Girl Scouts troop 42 met on Monday afternoon with their leader, Mrs. Raymond Hough, 4140 Beck avenue, Mrs. Earl Thulin as co-leader. The Hal loween party scheduled for Fri day evening was the main busi ness discussed. This is to be a costume party and the hours even to 10 at the Community hall. Mothers of troop mem bers are invited. New girls at this meeting for the first time were Norma Hammond, Nancy Barker, Betty Futrell and Bev erly Wright. There were 18 girls present with Anita Hough as hostess for the day. Hosts to the Krazy Kard Klub on Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chrisman, 410 S. Lancaster drive. Pinochle was the diversion and members and guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales, Mr., and Mrs. William Fiester, Mr.' and Mrs. Stan Bra den, S. H. Cable, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Osborn. Honors went to Mrs. Stan Braden and S. H. Cable. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Walker, 4045 Mahrt avenue had as their house guests, their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shuette of Seattle. Mrs. Walker who has been ill is recovering. Tiny Feather Proves Undoing of Hunters Yakima, Oct. 26 Wi A tiny feather proved to be the undoing of a pair of Yakima hunters. When James Layne handed a punch card to game department inspectors a grouse feather dropped out. It led to discov ery of three grouse in the hunt ing car of Layne and Clarence Patrick. The Yakima men were fined $35 each for possession of grouse out of season. V 1 I ACROSS TOWN OR I THI NATION PACTOSI EES Wbother you're moving In town cr to diitant city, wt offer the finest in worry-froa moving eerr ice. Our local storafo and mov ing faciUtiee are uneicelled. And aj repreeentatiTea for Allied Van Linee we can place at your ditpoeal the know-how of the world's largest long-die tance moving organisation. Allied 'a e i pert pecker, handler and driver safeguard your poesee ion every step of the way Call us for eafimatee. Ellsworth Asks for Car Shortage Probe Roseburg, Oct. 26 W Rep. Harris Ellsworth said yesterday he would ask the interstate commerce commission to probe the freight car allocation policy of the Southern Pacific. He said Oregon sawmills and other shippers have received on ly one-third of needed cars in recent weeks. He said the rail road had failed to keep its freight car supply at the level required for the region's expan ding economy. "Since the transportation act forbids discrimination by a rail road, the congressman said No Action Taken on Courthouse Exterior The courthouse building com mission meeting Tuesday aft ernoon took no action toward approving exterior of the build ing as shown in the proposed plans but did generally express approval of the interior arrange ment. The commission Tuesday met without Pietro Belluschi, archi tect, being present. Another meeting will be called for the near future with Belluschi pres ent when, it is understood, the matter of the exterior will come up for further consideration. Wearing Beard Earns Him Money, but Displeasure of Wife Hollywood, UR Whenever you see a man in the movies with a fancy beard, the chances are its KODert Adler. Adleri been cutting, trimming and re-growing his beard to so many specifica tions that he feels like a French poodle being clipped for a dog show. Adler has been bearded con stantly since 1946, when he first sprouted for "Captain From Cas tile." The bosses liked it so well they haven't let him shave since. "My roles have been getting better and better," he admitted, "and mv beards have, too. I don't grow just ordinary beards. They have to be plucked and trimmed to definite specula tions. "My first beard was supposed to be a copy of one worn by an aide of Cortez named Verry de Mendoza. That required a full growth with a scooped out, scal lop effect on each cheek. And I had to shape it with a tweezer! A razor might have cut off one hair too many." Hatchery Output Of Chicks Increased San Francisco, Oct. 26 WPI Production of baby chicks by commercial hatcheries in the three Pacific coast states is run ning about 25 percent ahead of last year. State and federal departments of agriculture report the total hatch for the first nine months I 'of the year at 101,352,000 chicks shall request the interstate com merce commission to investigate the freight car allocation policies of the Southern Pacific system." U. S. Marine Dan Daly had the rare distinction of twice winning the congressional me dal of honor, the nation's high est award. He received the first award for service in China in 1900 and 15 years later won the medal again for action against Haitrian bandits. The famed leatherneck died in 1937. This compares with 80.121,000 in the similar 1948 period. California hatcheries produc ed 71.131.000 chicks, Washing ton. 20.224,000, and Oregon, 9,997,000. There were six marine com bat divisions of approximately 20,000 men each; five marine air wings; defense and anti-aircraft battalions, service and de pot supply units as well as ships' detachments in World War II. Ever since that beard, Adler has been growing them in 20th Century-Fox films like "Fury at Furnace Creek," "Yellow Sky" (in which his beard made a na tional picture magazine), "Bro ken Arrow," and now "Ticket to Tomahawk." "I'm wearing an uncomplicat ed full 'bum's beard' in that," he added. "I hope the director like it. I'm tired of being pluck ed like a fowl." Whether the director likes it or not, Adler is sure of one thing. Mrs. Adler will not. "We celebrated our 14th wed ding anniversary recently," Ad ler said "Sue insisted on stay ing home, didn't want to go out. She says she can't stand the tit ters that follow me in public." His son, Robin, 10, doesn t like the beard either. "The first time I took him to the school bus was also the last," Adler observed. "The other kids made some penetrating com ments on my appearance. Things like 'weed face.' . As a result of his beards, Ad ler never has to take the little woman out nights. She won't go with him. "She won't even let me go shopping with her any more," he said. "Two years ago we went shopping together so she could pick her gift for our wedding anniversary. We went to a pret ty expensive store. While we were going up in the elevator someone whispered: " 'He must be an Eskimo gold miner on a big city spree!" And as for kissing her hus band with his whiskers on, Mrs. Adler's statement is: "It feels like those metal mesh sponges I scrub the pots with." Picture or no, Adler says, his wife has demanded that he be 14 Injured in Apartment Blast Dallas, Tex., Oct. 26 Fourteen persons were injured, three seriously, when an explo sion late last night ripped apart a four-apartment building in a housing project. The blast and what residents of the stucco structure called a flash of flame left it a mass of debris caved-in walls, smashed furniture and crazily crumbled roof. It threw some persons in nearby units in the Cedar Springs housing project in North Dallas out of bed. Every one in the building was hurt. Battalion Fire Chief J. W. Owens said he had no idea what caused the explosion. Leroy Shannon, 28, said the blast occurred in his apartment. He said he had smelled gas for several days and had reported it to the maintenance man. Shannon said "workmen re paired the stove In Mrs. Bal lard's apartment today." Mrs. Herbert Station, another of the less seriously injured, said she had been smelling gas for Several days in the housing unit. Eight of the 14 injured were children. V 11 if I 1! 1 1 1 ' Ex-Film Director Looking for Job Clerk 22 Years Charles El more Cropley, who has served the U. S. Supreme Court for 41 years, 22 as Clerk, leaves his office to attend a session in Washington. Reading Club Hears Oregon History Bits Dayton The Pleasant Hour Reading club met at the home of the president, Mrs. Lloyd Hollywood, Oct. 26 (IP A Shawver. There were 18 present, man who once made a half-mil- Mrs. A. J. French had charge of lion dollars a year in the movies 'the lesson which was Oregon now is advertising for a job. He is B. P. Schuhjrrg. who be tween 1925 and 1932 was man aging director of production for Paramount Studios. He ran full page ads in filmland trade pa pers yesterday, citing his third of a century service to the films and adding: "Industry loyalty is a two-way street." In one ad he said: "Some of my friends who are not top ex history. She chose southwestern Oregon as she had lived for ma ny years in the Coos Bay area. She gave a book review of "Destination West" by Mrs. Lockhart, who spent most of her early days in that section of the country. As conclusion, Mrs. French read her own original poem, "Coos Bay." Following the club collect, re freshments were served by the ecutives tell me that doors are hostess. The next meeting will closed because I have in mv time be wl,n Mrs- Vernon Foster No- talked back to some of the hie vember 4. boys. Asked about his financial sta tus, Schulberg told a reporter: "I'm not broke. But I need to start being active in business and right now, too." Because of the TREMENDOUS popularity of this toniest . . . The GREAT bt t? vA. . WHITE MAGIC SOAP TELEPHONE QUIZ is IsCJr extended for ANOTHER 8 WEEKS I I A A wtsriNOHOUSi uunohoma? - 1 J J II AUTOMATIC WASHERS INSTAI1ID IN YOU HOMET. Imrnal I WITH 4 MONTHS' SUPPLY OP 5 WHITI MAOIC SOAP. THI IAUNDP.OMAT (rsim ,1 MOUIAP.IT SELLS TOP Sln.tS. Yy I AA WISTINOHOUSI PIlPIOfPATOH WITH PPOZIN , laj ny Z II FOOD STOP.AOI TOP II IIS. OF FOOD. 7.04 CU. I llTI FT. FUll SIZE. IT TAKES LITILI SPACI. SELLS (iivyO REGULARLY AT S!! tJ. fHL3 t WHITE MAGIC TELEPHONE QUIZ Just aniwer 2 easy question if the White Magic Soap Quix Man calls you on the phone. t-a qutiHon which will p.rtoln to torn portion of tht printtd tnalttr on e patkott of Whllo Magic Soop, I j I October 31 to November S I Eg Q II H I HARIOI IN 1941 OR 142 T 1 -Jf 100 QUESTION OP THI WEEK Que. fie for Next Week Ottobot it to November J WAS THE ATTACK ON MARL 60 Weitlrtghoute do lu vocuvm C'tonen with 7-piece attachment et, headlight and 8 foot flexible WISTINOHOUSI RADIO-MONOGRAPH COMII. NATION SETS WITH AM AND PM, AUTOMATIC RECORD CHANCER, OR TELEVISION SET (MOO II H.J 33), SELIS REOUIARV AT SIH.fS. Weitlnghouie rooilef evens. It-quart Cepocitv. Roattt, baket, ttewt, ceoVi complete meal ell at one time. Retail t S39.95. Wedlrtghouie electric lead miter. Streamlined dot i on and eov t keep clean. Sails regularly ot $39.94. 80 State Treasurer Divorced by Wife Oregon City, Oct. 26 Eliz abeth C. Pearson was granted a divorce in circuit court here yes terday from State Treasurer Walter J. Pearson. The decree was issued by Judge E. C. Latourette. Property settlement calls (or sale of prop erty in Portland with the first $10,000 being awarded to Mrs. Pearson. She will also receive $280 a month alimony until Jan uary, 1953. clean-shaven by next June 14, their 15th wedding anniversary. Otherwise, she said, he'll be single on June 15. "I've requested my annual va cation," he said, "for next June." To Ask New Trial on Boat Accident Verdict Sacramento, Cal., Oct. 26 U.R Phil Davis, wealthy auto deal er, said today he would seek to overturn his conviction for ne gligent operation of a speedboat which allegedly severed the legs of 14-year-old Imogene Wittsche of Lake Tahoe last summer. Davis, of Oakland, Cal., said he would ask for a new trial or appeal the verdict. Davis was found guilty Mon day by a Jury which took only an hour to determine that he was negligently operating the boat when its propellor cut off both legs of the young girl while she was swimming. Talmadge Zoning Bill Defeated 47 to 12. Independence, Ore., Oct. 26 By a margin of approximately four to one the proposed Tal madge zoning district was de feated at a special election Tues day. The tally was 47 to 12. I The district involved property bounding the Independence Monmouth highway for a dis tance of 1000 feet from each side of the highway and between the city limits of each town. On ly land owners living in the pro posed area were eligible to vote. Approval of the district would have brought regulation of fu ture construction. Timber-cut Receipts Up Eugene, Oct. 26 UP) Willam ette National forest timber-cut receipts increased in the third quarter, but slight decreases in volume and appraisal on timber sold during the period were re ported. Ending Sept. 30, tim ber cut this year totaled 66,426. 000 board beet with a valuation of $747,079. Last year's totals for the same period were 69.985,000 board feet valued at $715,329. Know This Name! Remember This Name! Salem Lighting t Appliance Your assurance for the best In UP-TO-THE-MINUTE LIGHTING for YOUR HOME OR OFFICE! Consult them on your present lightinf prob lem . . . for layouts of IMPROVED Hlhtinr... estimates on new Instal lations . . . Yes! All these expert services WITHOUT COST OR OBLIGATION! Dial 3-9412 Today! ID 3T - 5' 5 i n THREE'S A CHARM... but four's mora fun, espe cially if it's the fourth trip to NEW BUFFET DINNER where you get Ccuia For 99C (including choice of entrees and desserts) Downtown en State Street 5:00 to 8:30 P. M. Every Day But Sunday Look what our neighbor went and did to celebrate our 63 years of whiskey making! don't mind tall ins you whan all our well wishing neighbors luggad that handsome horseshoe to our front stoop, 1 couldn't hardly speak up to say thank you. Even our dog Jessie never let out the least little She only just looked kind ot proud, like maybe she understood .gar i , i ? A..r, - it: -7 ox - jryr, ! 1 vj 1 I don't mind t.llinf Too wh.n all our well wiihinf f t U fj fi i I f LI PPifv - MS" T You folks sure act grateful for getting extra tasty whiskey! Weitlnaheuw awtemotic pop up teaiteri. sfjutifull designed. ..foam bread even tr. SelU el $20 95. Weitlnahouie Adluit-O Motif waffle bohen. Moket perfect wof f let. light or dork, ewromotkelly. Sells at $16.95. Wa meka this ntlonl ffer you may discover this rt, Nw Mogic teas that works wonders In either soft or the hardest water. Scientific wishing tests prove White Mtgic Soap washes clothes cleaner than any nationally advertised waihing product in Sofc,Medium or Hard Water. Compare this New Magical Wonder Soap, cup for cup, for all the qualities you want for wishing things to your home... and compart tht feel of White Magic 200 Stltcttd (.mp.roiwrt it fnatntoiiwo...vtfl hat .t.,bt.. s.ii tn.ty Soip on your hindi. AND TIT WHITI MAOIC SOAP COSTS YOU HIS. Prove iti superiority. If rou are not completely satis fied with White Magic aoap just return the remaimn portion in the carton, to the Safeway Store from wh ning hicfa Red Star Transfer Liberty Belmont fh. I 1111 aoint roi WINNERS FOR LAST WEEK MRS. H. f. VICKERY, Portland, Oregon; Laundromat MRS. ORIN 0. FELTHOUSE, Harmiston, Oregon; Refrigerator MRS. DONALD G. KAUFFMAN, Portland, Oregon; Vacuum Cleaner MRS. ALBERT S. IVIE, Castle Rock, Washington; Automatic Iroi MRS. OLA JONES, Klamath Falls, Oregon; Automatic Iron MRS. MARY S. BURKETT, Portland,.Oregon; Roaster Oven you bought it ana tne pur chase price will be returned. HERE'S ANOTHER BIG OPPORTUNITY TO WIN I It tor te have WMta Mek teee ta veer heeie. It arfU help vee h at t Wlaatr. BE SURE TO GET COMPLETE CONTEST RULES AT It's the selfsame whiskey a ut old time distiller enjoy amongst ourselves. It looks like folks just can't get over how this tasty Family's Recipe of ours has took hold. I know us Wilkens never dreamed that getting this extra tasty whiskey would mean so much to rich folks, poor folks, and all manner of folks irregardless of how much spending money they've got in their wallet I don't care if it's folks that are mighty well fixed, or folks that have to be forever v atching out they don't spend too free they're all of the same mind when it comes to enjoying Our Personal Recipe. Well-that's what comes out of our sixty odd years of distilling experience I expect. Ever since Grandpa Wilken's day we've been picking up a little here and a little there concerning everything that puts extra tastiness into a whiskey. And in Our Personal Family's Recipe, you've got all that those sixty or so years of distilling taught us. I'm plumb cer tain when you taste it, you'll almost feel like hugging yourself for having stopped to buy a bottle! ml SAFEWAY Imjjs1 ill iHlK PlMIiT BLENDED II PROOF. 71 CHAIN NCDTIAL SPIRITS. Til WIU! T A MILT CI., WWKiCtlUM. III.