( ,; TIP is IP- 0 4 fT;--..'. Speaks at Ceremony President Truman (right) deliver! foreign policy ipeech at cornerstone laying ceremony for United Nations permanent headquarters at New York. High above musicians is the cornerstone which was lowered Into place over receptacle containing a copy of the U. N. charter and the U. N. declaration of human rights. (AP Wire-photo) Aurora Church Opens Membership Campaign Aurora The Aurora Presby terian Sunday school began its annual membership drive, this year a contest between two groups headed by Mary Barbara Wettstein and Bob Diller. The contest will continue a month, until mid - November, when the losing side will treat the winners at a party. The Sun day school is also making plans for managing a booth, probably a fish pond, at the Ladies Aid bazaar, to be held November 13 in the Pythian hall. Mrs. Wil liam Jensen, assistant superin tendent, Is in charge of the Sun- FIRST EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT Canton Returns to Normal After Red Army Occupation (Editor's Note: Radio communications from Canton fell silent October 15 with Chinese Communist troops marching Into the south China metropolis. A number of American missionaries and social workers remained In the city, (One of them, Edward H. Lockwood, secretary of the Canton YMCA, managed to get out the first eyewitness account of Canton nnder Red occupation. His dispatch was relayed from Hong Kong.) Canton, Oct. 22 (Delayed) OP) Canton each day goes a step further toward normalcy, but it is still far from normal. More shops are opening. Restaurants and motion picture theaters are open, but there is martial law after dark. It is both difficult and dangerous to be on the streets at night. Some communist soldiers are- stationed in Shameen, the old foreign concession. The British consulate is func tioning in repaired buildings. (The American charge d'affaires left Canton for Hong Kong be fore the communists took over the city from the nationalists). The British vice consul called on the office of the general in charge of communist forces to report the loss of one jeep be longing to the U. S. consulate and two Jeeps belonging to the British consulate. The vehicles were taken from a garage near Shameen by men representing themselves as communist sol dires. Communist military au thorities promised to trace them. The red soldiers are poorly dressed. Most of them are north erners from Manchuria. Ba nanas, which are in season here, are a treat for them. The sol diers pay for everything they get. I asked a pedicab driver how he liked the communist soldiers. "They are better than the Ja panese," he said. "Even if you offer to let them ride free, they insist on paying." The chamber of commerce is supplying food and fuel for the communist troops on credit with the understanding it will be re paid as soon as the currency rate is established. One of New York's first tel evision stations used the ex perimental call letters of W2xbs. That was in 1028. day school in the absence of the superintendent, E. C. Diller. Bids for Highway Building Up Nov. 7 For the second time the state highway commission will open bids for the proposed five-story office building in Salem. The new proposals will be reviewed at a meeting of the commission November 7. The first bids for the building were above the engineer's esti mated and rejected by the com mission. The building will be constructed on a block just north of the new state office building. In additioi. to bids for the building the commission will open bids on 15 highway proj ects scattered throughout the state. Woodburn Quartet Sings at Jefferson Woodburn Twenty-two members of the Woodburn Pres byterian church motored to Jef ferson Sunday afternoon to at tend the Christian Endeavor convention. The boys' quartet of the Woodburn church gave two numbers on the program. Mem bers of the quartet are Sam Van Arsdale, Robert and Edward Bauman and Dwaine Rogers. Mrs. E. Kay Fenton is accom panist. The Rev. George Rich ardson, former pastor of the Woodburn Christian church, is pastor of the church at Jef ferson where the convention was held. Monmouth IOOF Normal lodge and Agate Rebekah lodge are planning a masquerade r w fx ) Capital Journal, Balem, Or., Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1949 13 Unionvale Community Club Opens Season Unionvale More than 150 pa trons of the Unionvale district attended the first Community club of this season, following several months' vacation during eUe.iBatas& busy season. Mrs. Adolph Hraba and Mrs. Louis Steinlicht won In the doughnut eating contest. Guess ing games were also held. A skit by seven students of the primary grades and a reading completed the program. Calf Love Beverly Brennan. queen of the Grand National Livestock Exposition, plays with one of the calves to be ex hibited at the San Francisco Cow Palace when the exposition opens on Oct. 28 (Acme Telephoto) dance and Halloween party to be held Monday evening. Octo ber 31, in the local IOOF hall. A dance and kiddies' party with games and refreshments are planned. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are invited to bring their families. Degrees Work Given For Euclid Chapter Jefferson At the October meeting of the Euclid Chapter of O.E.S., Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Swartz had charge of the pro gram. Chapter officers put on an autumn degree and Mr. and Mrs. Swartz showed pictures they took at grand chapter in Portland. Another degree honored the birthday of Mrs. Virginia Plag man, worthy matron, Mrs. G. C. Mason and Mrs. Irvine Wright with birthdays occuring October 12. Guests present were from Blue River Chapter, Marilyn Chapter, and Acacia Chapter. Refreshments were served fol lowing the meeting. DO NOT SELL YOUR BIRTHRIGHT OF LIBERTY... For POLITICAL MEDICINE draunl up "Social SKuritr feat which is rMlitr would turn out to bo low or oundirdi of modicol practical low health; rofiinantod patiula doctor, ajid dantiata hajnpocod by rad tapo rogimontod workara, nuraaa, drusgiata, employ art and hundreda of thou, eanda ia health fieldi. The shifting undi ot Frdrral and Stale politicf ia no place for the adstlniMtatiofl of personal medical service, rn freedom-loving America. ... In all countriea where COMPliLSORY Health Insurance Taaea are levied on workers, tba quality of medical service suffers, oon-medical bureaucratic rulea and regulations haraaa both doctor and palienl. Any such system of Political Medicine as is proposed by bills new in the bsndl ot congress, would pull more than three BILLION dollara a year out of workers' pay envelopee, rum it over to a "Medical Dictstor" and siva you exactly the "mess of pottsge" pictured. America no, has the highest level of health on earth, and youf doctor end hit fellow physicians are doing everything poesihlc ro improve every phase of medicine, god extend its bcncou 10 aii i.wliw. aaV vaor Deeter eb.vt rh. a". oaid Meairal and Heiairel ei.s NOW aveilaaU. Sura VOIUN. Taar heefra la. eel. ta loo.. eoo.000 ee Y l 1 mm Capital Drug Store State and Liberty "On the Corner its LEON'S No refunds . . No Exchanges ... All sales final! FOR 4 DAYS ONLY! j - i , A . . . A ill; v m i a 'it s a Again it's Leon's Month t v Vy Ender... the terrific sale V V tnat always packs them in because everyone knows when Leona say "MONTH ENDER" ... it really means values with a punch ... at mid-season . . . Leons gives you these breathtaking savings . . . SHOP EVERYWHERE AND COMPARE THE VALUES . . . THEN SAVE FOR YOURSELF. days only! (DOORS OPEN 9:30 A. M. THURSDAY . . . Briefs!... 9 Fain too Perfectly tailored Hol lywood briefs . . . white . . . maize . . . tearose . . . blue . . . Sold everywhere at 59c ... a steal! Dress Shoes! 699 A terrific se lection of bet ter trade dress shoes . . . black ... brown ... hi shades ... in suede or calfskin materials . . . sandals . . . open pumps . . . closed pumps are in cluded . . . values are to Cashmeres! 500 Every single thread is gen uine imported cashmere . . . short-sleeved pullover style in 4 colors . . also included . . . famous Lush Lunas by Tissue knit ... a steal for sure at Nylons! 51 Gouge Selected irre gulars in new fall colors . . ultra sheer . . 15 denier . . from a famous maker . , . whose product you know. While they last . . . only 83c f Saddles!... 499 Famous pearl colored e 1 k skin . . . with tan calf saddles and brick red soles . . . also all white buck saddles included . . . regular $7.95 for four days only d Jackets!... 499 Parker Wild er all wool flannel . . . loafer style . . . wear either with belt or lounge style . . 4 colors . . . regular $7.95 value . . . Month Ender special. Shoes! 2oo About 400 pair of better aualitv shoes . . . some dressy types . . . some casuals . . . some flats ... all colors and styles in cluded ... all sizes . , . but not in each style . . . values to $14.95 . while theylast. Slips!... 99 Famous "Lucky Girl" and other na tionally known brands , , . White only . . . lace or tailored , . . very special. A Bags!... Brand new . . . high shades . blacks . handles , zippers a cordayi , sellers. 269 blues . . . top , vanities , . . calfsted and , regular $3.95 Angoras!... Anklets with UC the genuine Jf angora cuff ... 12 sweater colors . . . Regular $1.50 ... 4 days only. Dresses!... 499 Selected from Fall stocks . . some cottons . , , some gabardines , , . some crepes . . both dressy and tailored types are in cluded , . , values to $14.95. Gowns.'... 299 A beaut I f u 1 group of sat in and crepes . . , Tailored or lace trims . . . White . . , pastels . . . $4.85 values. Jerseys!... Pullover Jer- J ey blouses . . L with Peter Pan collar ... 4 new col ors . . . the season's most popular blouse . . while they last Blouses!... A whole 69 counter full L of the love liest, frilliest suit blouses ... or shirt styles you ever ssw , . , plenty of whites . . . patterns ... or pastels ... a high spot of the sale . . . values to $8 95. ay. . 11 ...... ..111, tn.w.jsi eiy Sweaters!... 99 Short sleeve pullovers in fine 12 gauge Zephyr wool , ous colors . rue Knit" . . . Regular $3.95 . . . sizes 34 to 40 . . . 21 gorge- , Famous "Tis- Skirts!... 199 Straight line chalk stripe hard finish skirts ... in either grey nr brown colors , , , Ideal for school wear . . . crease re sistant . . . sizes to 30 . . . 3.95 value. stomt (boo 111 Announcing The Sensationol New HOME SHOP SKIL-SAW For Homeowners Carpenters Farmer! Has 6-inch Blade Cuts Hi" Deep The only law In the low price field that bevel cuts end adjusts for depth of cut. PRICED at ONLY ' 5950 no nattli IV--..J ,v-r Pm man pi roar kobbr, Mkt hon repairs w with this bky mtw Drill. Light uitt comptict, il'i fty to handler. Hm plenty of power for ia. drill ion ia mti, H in. ia htrdwoo!. Hltfjl aad ban ia a aaadnd wtj. Aik for H ia- -, .SKIL Horn V I 2145 Handy Pattarn Masons' Trowels 10" length 25c Red Devil Liquid Soot Remover Clean! out seat and tank iludfa In all ail burning furnace!, heaters and stores. A Manay Saver To be sure of getting the best values ( QUALITY PIUS PRICE) rot ft Msgs, El 1 I I ms weers FBATURB VALUE U. S. Electric CORN POPPER t 1 1 I With hot plote that can I be used for athar cook- I cry. I I 4W jl Oo First To Your Noarby Hi. to Hm Hjrinb. mt ferw 4apf4 la lh iltni of thjMiMi. f Independeat hard warvmcm Ihrotiihoiil th nation your aMiir anea of neighborly,, paraanallaed aa paralloa la keeping your family aaatto aapplled. Ba, lah for this aiald dlaplayed hr ate la your aoaroat a hop ping avatar. Aad foe lh at moat la aallefaalloa buy hem ware and hardware need ihera. tf) 1141. tltl. llttMM MTM ffWIwUI IMCIlTai Weather Strips for Doors 12" bottom Pert Mai with brass binding, ee. 35c Pump Specials Vi H. P. McDonald Pump & Tank 119.50 1 H. P. Johnston Pump & Tank 175.00 225 Gal. Shallow Well Pump & Tank 69.00 230 Gal. Shallow Well Pump and 30 Gal. Tank 89.00 These Prices Include Installation Terms if Desired DOMINION ILECTRIC Corn Popper With heat resisting glasi sorer Requires na stirring ar shaking. May Usad In Making Candy, French Fries, Stews, Hot Cereals, etc. 645 97c i 7 118 N. Commercial St. it-'