4 Children lo See Airfii McNary field Is to be visited Thursday, November 4, by the fourth grade pupils at the Inde pendence grade school and their teacher, Mary Plagakis. The class, numbering 26 pu pil, will make the trip to Salem via school bus. During their stay at the field the youngsters will visit the Naval Air facility, United Air Lines and private op erators at the airport, as well as the control tower. The visit to the Salem airport is being made as part of a class project. Arrangements for the visit were made this week with the airport manager, Charles Barclay, by the teacher, who formerly was a weather observ er and is a member of American Women Fliers. Several of the pupils in the class have been making model airplanes. Eight members of Alabama's football squad answer to the first name of "Bill". Fines Imposed On Manesco Carl Manesco, proprietor of Carl's place at Detroit, who early last Saturday was picked up in a raid on gambling and li quor charges, was sentenced by Judge George R. Duncan Mon day afternoon to pay a fine of $250 on an indictment charging gambling after his plea of guil ty. From there he went to dis trict court to plead guilty to a charge of unlawful sale of li quor as well as charges of con ducting a gambling game and playing an unlawful game. He was fined $250 on one gambling charge and a $250 fine on an other gambling charge was sus pended. For sale of liquor he was sen tenced to a year in jail, sentence was suspended and he was placed on probation for a year under condition he obey all laws, seek gainful employment, avoid vicious habits and support his dependents, this including seven children. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, October 25, 1949 9 Mechanic Killed by Target Practice Shot Juneau, Alaska, Oct. 25 P A target practice session ended tragically yesterday with the death of Willis W. Roff, 56. Roff, for 22 years chief me chanic for the public roads ad ministration here, was shot and killed while with a friend on Douglas island. The friend, Ed Kibby, told police his gun dis charged accidentally and the bul let struck Roff in the chest 'Purple Man Sought Cardiff, Wales, Oct. 25 WV Police are looking for a purple man. Tired of repeated burglaries, sculptor T. A. Jones resorted to a school-boy's prank to trap hit man. He balanced three jars above a door. The intruder came and left empty-handed. The jars tumbled and spilled a vivid purple dye. Youth Weeps At Inquest Richard Elliott, 15, breaks into tears while sitting besides his weeping father. Dr. Harold M. Elliott, at an inquest at Los Angeles, Calif., into the death of Richard's brother, Robert, 10. Richard told juvenile officers he shot his brother accidentally, then killed him with a mercy shot "to end his agony" The jury found the death to be "accidental and homicidal" and recommended that Richard be held for further questioning. (() Wirephoto) USO Again Organized to Help Men in Armed Services The USO is back in Oregon again and operating over the world to be another home for more than 16,000 young Ore gonians in the armed forces, now serving their country at home and in foreign ports. Already one of the United Service Organizations centers has a fine setup at Astoria. And early this month a camp show, complete with Hollywood stars, made one-night stands at the veterans1 hospitals in both Med ford and Roseburg. In charge of the program in this state is Robert R. Boardman of Salem, who headed the war time USO in the capital city, backed by a state-wide commit tee of prominent citizens. Oregon people, veterans and civilians alike, will remember the hospitality, happiness and help that service men gained from USO centers during the World war II. That's what it's doing again in some 200 spots over the globe, and what is plan ned soon for Portland. The idea is to meet the needs Of the soldiers, sailors and air men. Considerably younger on the average than their war time counterparts, - they are mostly "civilians in uniform" and five times as numerous as the service men of a decade ago before the war. Veterans hospital camp shows one phase of the program which will come more and more to Oregon carry on the wide spread tours of war years. Now they're doing the job among men who gave their service and are under treatment. That job is to give the best of entertainment to match the veterans' administration goal of the best of medical care. The sponsors, 27 show business or ganizations, and the USO-set up the units that bring a new show every three weeks to each hos pital. Thy're designed to stage a full-scale show in an auditorium or to bring the acts to the boys who can't leave their beds. Hunter Gets 'Big Game' Lander, Wyo., Oct. 25 U- A hunter from Rock Springs left his horse and proceeded cautiously when he reached a big game hunting area near here. Circling slowly, he stalked his prey in the heavy foliage, took a bead, and fired. The "big game" was his horse, which was killed by the shot. Hearing Aid Center Zenith Aurophone Superphonic Batteries for all makes of hearing aids . . . cords for most instruments. Let us know your needs! Mail orders Filled Promptly Morris Optical Co; 414 State St Phone 3-5528 Salem, Oregon Sit in it and Really Relax Perfect for con versation groups, or just plain re laxing Long weoring no sag springs New covers, Modem colors See it today. it Rocks 1 1 it Rotates Tapestry Covers 3950 Other Covers 49.50, 59.50, 79.50 it TV I " l :,f'Bi.V.ttv Worthwhile savings are easy at Safeway, because every item is priced low every day. On each shopping trip you can add to your savings. Right down the line on each shelf and in every section of the store you'll find quality foods . . . priced to save you money. Compare prices. You'll discover your food dolla? buys more at Safeway. Prices effective Tues.-YVed.-Thurs. Safeway stores Salem-Silverton and Dallas Pancake Flour Suzanna Brand 2 Dalewood Margarine Favorite Matches Mb. Pkg. I Moonbeam Lji 2 - & I Carton 6-Boxes 2e laby Foods 3 Navy B G El BIS Sma" White Pink Salmon Apple Juice Hood River Quart 15c Grape Juice Church' Quart 29c Tomato Juice Sunny Dawn 46-ox. Can 19c Prince Leo "Choice" Beets White Tog No. 2 Cans 3 f.r 25c cans 5-lb. Pkg. Tall Can 2 v W Brand frown Bread '-ox. - c " i 25c 9c 3Se hi! Beans J i ", 25c 1 SAFEWAY FRESH PRODUCE a b ananas ib. ijc Potatoes 50ib,93c Oranges ib. 10c -0H Sizzling from the pan. ..with all the rich flavor you enjoy so much.That's when you'll appreciate the fine quality of Safeway ground beef. Be cause it cooks the way good cooks want it, and eats the way food lovers like it, we can guarantee complete satisfaction or money back. It's se lected beef, freshly ground and sold fresh . . . perfect every time. Apples P fZ3p Carrots o I Turnips u Parsnips n JJ Radishes B i i Gr Onions u J Beets n Mustard c ml I Greens h V J GROUND BEEF Specially Priced This Week! lb. Beef Pot Roast . 49c SIRLOIN STEAKS, Grade ' QQ Good Ib. 07C comm Ib. 65 c Beef Swiss Steak ,. 79c Pork Loin Chops . 69c P- Short Shanks QQ- ICtllCS Medium Siies Ib. JVC Skinless Franks ib. 35c Pork Loin Roast Rib or Loin End .b 59c