Robert E. Clark, Sexton, Passes In (ailing health (or some time Robert Earl Clark, former sexton at the IOOF cemetery and later at the Lee Mission cemetery, died Tuesday morning at his home at 199S South Com mercial street. Clark, who was born In Iowa, October IT, 1882, and was the' son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Clark, for a long time served as ship ping clerk at the Spaulding Log ging company. Later he was sex ton at the IOOF cemtery and in recent years until ill health forced his retirement was sex ton at the Lee Mission cemetery. Mrs. Clark preceded her hus band In death about three years ago. Surviving are the daughter. Miss Mildred L. Clark of Sa lem, and a brother, Ray Clark of Salem. Services will be held from the Virgil T. Golden mortuary Thursday, October 27, at 1 p.m. and interment will be in the City View cemetery. j Valley Knew River Victim ; Silverton A Salem and Sil verton local interest angle of the', illustrated article appearing in the Capital Journal Oct. 19 re vealed by Mrs. Charles Amos of Silverton. The story concerns danger and final tragedy "which may . lock secrets of the raging Colo rado river system" perhaps for ever, written from Mexican Hat, Utah, and concerns two fearless adventurers, Bert Loper, near 80 years of age, who boated the ' Colorado for 58 years, perishing in a cataract of the river, July 7 and the late "No. 1 river man," Norman Nevills, who is more the subject of the local phase. . Mrs. Nevills, the former Doris ! Drawn, was a niece of Charles j Amos of Silverton. Her mother ! is now Mrs. Bert Dingledime oi Santa Cruz, Calif. Mrs. Nevills was reared in Lebanon, lived fot a few years in Portland and went to Utah, later, after her marriage. Surviving the Nevills are their two daughters, 8 and 12 years of age, and their grand mother, Mrs. Dingledime. Though it was Nevills who op ened the treacherous river to tourist traffic, and since the early thirties had never lost a passenger tourist, many movie actors included in his patrons. He and his wife lost their lives September 19, near their home in Mexican Hat, in an airplane crash. The couple was well known throughout the valley, especial ly in Salem and Silverton, where they visited frequently. History states that the Major John Wesley Powell in 1869 first traversed the river downstream, and although since then around 40 persons had been killed Ne vills had a perfect record against fatalities. Only 61 Days Until Christmas Astoria, Oct. 25 UP) It is still 61 days until Christmas, but five-year-old Ruth Jurgen sen is taking no chances on Santa Claus overlooking her. She wrote to radio station KAST, for relay to the North Pole, asking for a "trlke," and a camera (or her brother, David. Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, October 25, 1949 S Kaiser Gets $10 Million More Washington, Oct. 25 UP) The Reconstruction Finance corpora tion today granted a $10,000.00 loan to help (inance distribution of Kalser-Frazer automobiles The new credit follows by 18 days a $34,400,000 RFC loan to help (inance production of new Kaiser-Frazer models which may include a new low-cost car. VAN UNIi CO. LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE At Your Service! OR YOUR . . . Storage Hauling Fuel . . . NEEDS DIAL 3 3131 OR SEE US AT . . . 889 N. Liberty "OCR REPUTATION IS TOUR SECURITY" Announces a Sensational Special Purchase and Sale of those famous Cum or tsmn Tfafc k a Wast Ttraar Cbt uu nlctf In immd characw it fcv dtcatwd by m wliHi wtftx above or pwett ki tt addnak S r V wmt. AmacuTB awecBn-iuNS ywatt rra patboms gonckbming raa i WESTERN UNION SIONS DL-DwLaur M-NlchtUtur NLT-CibWNtfaL ShtolUdkwaa I rmmmmmm tiawm nm o mmmt mem 1 f I - i i. I - rr " "! ' I ' -r- '- - TTimitiw Recaimdt r NL PD NEW YORK, N. Y. 17 SALLY'S UPON MY ARRIVAL IN NEW YORK TODAY I HAVE PREVAILED UPON THE HOUSE OF SWANDOWN TO GIVE FOUR TO FIVE HUNDRED COATS AND SUITS AT A SPECIAL PRICE FOR SPECIAL CUSTOMERS. WIRE OR CALL ME UPON RECEIPT OF THIS WIRE AND ADVISE. MAURICE SHER HOUSE OF SWANIDOWN and (Mf! ATM sesGasnoMa psoas m Mffaotss cnaxnimn. m taawicc CuMi OP Savwca Tbii b a taaVnaa Taiqjan or Cabk inm odIcw ta W ferred character b ttv dicaccd by a sotombk tifti above oc pncHaU ing the midnm. WESTERN UNION r t s 51QMS DL-DtUi Hl-WKilUw LC-DftidCtUi Shi p s g THE HOUSE OF SWANDOWN 500 SEVENTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. ATT. MAURICE SHER AS PER OUR TELEPHONE CONVERSATION SHIP 200 COATS AND SUITS AIR FREIGHT AT PRICE QUOTED US FOR SPECIAL PROMOTION. MUST HAVE THESE GARMENTS IN OUR STORE IMMEDIATELY FOR OUR SPECIAL PROMOTION STARTING MONDAY. SALLY'S BOXY! FITTED! DRESSY! SPORT! In Coverts, Broadcloths and Tweeds We're proud to be able to offer the women of Salem this amazing sav ing on such famous brand Coats and Suits I . . right at the height of the fall season! This is sparkling fresh new fall merchandise from those notable houses that are creators of Coats and Suits out standing in their styling, quality and tailoring! m 1 1 Value Sensation of the Season! COAT COLORS Sizes: 8 to 20 Black! Brown! Green! Wine! Grey! Charge Accounts Invited I Ml Corner Court & Liberty