18 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday,' October 25, 1949 CUUIITJBD ADVERTISING! rw um ik Per Line I times ...40e Per Lint time ..CM Per Uni 1 month 83.00 Outside at Salem 13a per Una pr dsr. Mia. Met I tlmM mln. lot tlmai mln. 11.30. No Refunds BKADEKH lo Local Hew Col Onlfl Mln. 30c; l tlmM mln. Me To Placs an Ad Phons Z-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES trrtoa Lata buUt I Bit. bom NJL Ph. 9295 BROADWAY Wa feet we have a Terr food buy to this 6 rr. old borne for someone, plenty f elbow room, bu li. unfln. uwUlri, all ftnsl. overhead, a nice nr. noos, m. rm., fireplace. Mwd. floora, full dry hum with ext. sawdust fur- pvd. t. walks, eloae to arade achl.. Catholic Sen. CD u reft. A vary attractive aomm (The price U right. Ph. 2-6680). fn LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 4)33 M. Huh fit. Eva. Pa. 2-8T04 Y OWNER Leaving " town, must sell knmod., lt sere. ioveiy nu nw, new elec. riui and water heater Inc. Larva faraga and am all on room house. Family fruit, nuU and berries. Har new Four Cornara achool. A food buy at 16900. 480 Elma Avt. a254 Doll House Fur. or Unf ur. 1 BR. homa, corner lot. fireplace, ther mostatically controlled on neat, an euc. Outjiandine and congenial neighbor hood, close to Leslie and McKlnley schools. Furniture optional. Supervisory personnel Standard Station, Inc., belne iransierreu to (.ajuornia. ivvu a. nun, Ph. 3-3983. e254 HOME OR INCOME OWNER. EAST SALEM. GOOD LOCATION. Must aicrf ilea lovely, clean, fum. unfurn. 3-bdrm. home. Due to death Id family. Youniatown equip. V. Blinds Inaul. Approx. A. rault. nut trees and berries. Ph. 2-3381 for appt. a255 An Excellent Buy 18800. One of the better older type 2 BR. homes. Llvlnf R-, dlnlm R., lee. kitchen, den with frPlc. Lot 50x160. No. MM. Near Englewood School HO MO. New FHA financed I bed R. llvlnf R., dinette, kitchen, frplce. Hwd. flra. Suburban ati um. I A. Very aood 3 bed R. pre war home. Nice llvlni R.. dining R.. kitchen, full bsmt. Furnace, sm. barn, chicken rue. Consider home In Salem aa trade-in. 37500. New FHA financed 1 bed R., Ut- ftif R.. dinette, a dream aiicnen, owu. firs. Attached earaire. Beautiful Floor Plan I1S.0OO. Nearly new 3 bed R. home with atalrway to attic, toon sue living n., dinlna R-. kitchen, hwd. firs., flreplce. Full slae bsmt. Oil furnace. FHA terms. V. OMER HUFF 361 Chemeketa St. Vh, 1-3091 Eve. 2-2451 or 3-6942 a254' Immediate Possession Out of state owner aacriricinf almost new $ rm. home. Hdwd. flra thruout. auto, furn., breeseway. attached er aee. ue. unfinished upstair, city wjter and bus, lee. lot. Low dn. paym't. FHA terms. Salem Helfhta district. 583 Ewald. a256 HEW 3-BDRM. bouse. All on 1 floor. Beau tiful fireplace, brick veneer front. Hard wood floora and Ven. blinds thruout. Kitchen, breakfast nook, dinlna room and livlnt room all face street. Dry full basement, aawdust heat. Not more than 3 blocks to bus, school, store and church. Can be seen by appointment. Ph. 2-6833. No aaents. a58 SMALL DOWN PAY MENT. Large loan. 2 bdrm. FHA built home. By owner. 910 FordSt. a256" REMODELED ft redecorated. 1'4 atory house. 1 bedroom, llvlnf room, kitchen, utility room, ft bath down, 1 bedroom ft extra room up. Nice lot 2 walnut tree. I Bin cherry tree. Oravel drive way ft attractvle car-port. Near arade St parochial schools. Phone 2-3020. a357 Poor Man's Opportunity Just completed, I room modern home, taraee, paved street, rood location near achool. 25 year FHA loan pay 143.56 month. Will take aood car, lot, or what bava you aa part payment. State Finance Co., R'ltors 151 S. Hieh Ph. 3-4121 a3S4' fclTPLEX. Nicely furn. Good Income. Ph 2-5463 or 3-9458. a254 OWNER must aeU. 3 bdrm., 1 year oil Automatic oil furnare, electric dish washer. automatic washing machine. Fenced-in back yard. 450 S. 18th. a357 $1250 Down ttt per mo V A. East. Neat starter home. Fine lie. barn suitable for chick ens. 15350. Consider larger home. $1350 Down fjM per mo. 3 BRs. City lot 53x130. 10900. Consider acreage. $750 Down r per mo. 3 BRs. East. Lot 00x118. 17500. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Canltol St. Office Ph. 2-3863, Evea. 2-317 or 2-8836 BY OWNER CHOICE LOCATION Level new 2 bdrm. home. All electric Fully Insulated. Close to school. Beat workmanship and material, r. m. a terms. 933 Cross St. Ph. 4-3136. a258 For BALE by owner, new 3 bdrm.. dlnlne room, living loom, kilrhrn. bath and utility room. Hardwood floora. Vcn. blinds, attached garaie. Lot 81x178. 17,150. Ph. 1-1390. 3395 Livingston St. a255 WEST SALEM Nice clean 2 bedroom home, llvlnf room, kitchen, nook. bath, utility, alt. garage. den up with spare lor anotner Deoroom. Lot 100 X 100. 37850. Very eav terma. LESLIE SCHOOL Brand new. beautifully finished 2 RR home. Hdwd. Ilnor. Inlaid linoleum, large window, fttooo with t)M)0 Down. CAM. D. L. H18HOP Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 150 N. High St. Phone 3-4129 a355 WHY PAY RENT? " . New 3 BR. home, hdwd floors, approx acre Int. Very low down paynirnt Fh. 2-9313. a29 5r OWNER All electric 3 Bdrm. home, loin of built-in, faraaa and utility rm JM0 Waldo Ave. a28 BY OWNER New, modern 3 hd. rm home. Pecan floors, fireplace, V. blinds Attached eamte. Low down payment. Ph. 3-1937. Neighbors phone a3.'t 1 BDRM. Picture Window, east trw, lane living -din ini r Lane klU-lirn Auto. heat. Insulated, weather stripped, basement utility At garage. Landscaped Ph.3-5643 or 3-3113. ai 3 Bdrms., Suburban 1 acre. Oood hse. with dining ?m 1 bdrm. down. 3 up. Rath A tni'. Rmt. fur.. Idry, trays, ear., fruit. Cloae 10 achool A store, priced for ruc aale 17400, C. W. Reeve Raltor M a. com I. ru. i-sm. M. -' BY OWNER t bdrm. English at Or 1 blk tj MKmler achool and bus. Hdwd. floors. Auto oh furnace. Dry sealed basement. rt fenced yard. Excellent cond. Consldtr any reasonable oiler. 3-53. a 3 3. $1200 t bdrm. home on large lot. "ar. Fated at. Oood rental property. AUo hav 3 tm. hse . larK lot. 13200 C. W. Reeve Realtor II (. Com 1. Ph. l-40. Kr. J FMB 11V 5 STAR HOME fpan 4-0. 3 RR, basement. 3 f'placea double pluenbiM. lost K. 32nd, aJM FOR SALE HOUSES A Safe Buy Well constructed ntw 2 drm. homt near achool. Hdwd. lira. Insulated it weather stripped. Elec. haat In every rm. Att. far., pavtd at. A afe lifetime home for youni family. Call for eipi You'll be glad you looked. Full price 19000, euj termi. C. W. Reeve Realtor ttb S. Com ). Ph. 1-4590. Ev. 3-9536 aSM GOOD VALUES ASK TO SEE this 3 bedrm. 3 rr. old home. Nice and clean. Lv. rm.. dining rm., kitchen. Kec. dun washer and far baae disposal. Att aaraae. Lara lot Price only I94S0. Terms. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors FOR SALE LOTS WOODED LOT on paved street, 633 Rat cllfl Dr., Cleared and leveled, r h a. City water, bus line. Ph. 3-4284. aa WHY PAY RENT? Build your own home. Lots 31S down. 813 month with water & lights, close to school A bus. ntc location, pn. s-iasa General Real Estate 253 Center St. a3S5' VIEW LOT In exc. )oc. Will sell or trade for city lot or part payment on small hoose. Ph.3-409l. aa354 FOR CHOICE residential tracts In King wood Hts. Si Cascade .Terraces, at mod. erate prkea St very low monthly terma. see the original owner St developer. O A. Rohert-ion. Ph. 8-8413 aa259 FOR SALE FARMS T A. IH THE heart of the Santlam bean country. Near Stayton. Houac, other bldas. Less than 2 yrs. old, 17800. Termi. Rt. 1. box 125, AuniAvillc, Ore. Pb. 183R StaytoiK b256 DUCK HUNTERS ATTENTION 33 Acres. Near Rlckreall. Livable 2 bdrm. house. 8 stanchion barn it poul try house. Old lake bed floods In winter. For one of the best duck St goose spots In the valley. Drains In spring tor on ions and araln crops. Illness forces owner to sell. For 19500. Terms. Immed. posi. Call Bon Cleary. WALTER MUSGRAVE R'LTOR mi Edi.w.ur. Ph. l-iios. Eva. j.n b254 FOR SALE ACREAGE CLOSE IN. 3'4 acres wltn highway front age on 99E south, 4 rooms newly decor ated, barn, shop St faraae, young orch ard. Ideal for chickens, etc. Terms I! drjtlrfd. Call 20103 mornings. bb254 REAL ESTATE INCOME PROPERTY Large business proprty, has perman ent rentals, and trailer park, aino large three bedroom home for ?wner. Hm excellent po&AlbtHtlea for future devel opment, and present Income can ba In creased. See Mr. Bourne. Ranch Style Home Drive by the nice ranch style homa at 1985 N. 23rd street. Wonderful large secludrd lot. excellent district, a proper ty that Is different. 37650. Good City Home Drive by the two year old home at 2359 Lee street. Please do no botner ten ant. City bus by the door and about a block to grade school. If Interested aee us for details. Terms. Acreage 4 acres, about 8 miles from down town Salem, all cleared, in a good district which Is building up rapidly. Low down payment, and terms to reliable party. See Mr. Bourne. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol .Ph. 3-6216. Eva. 3-7217 or 2-8476 C254 NELSON NEWS 390 8. 16th. 33500 Hod. plastered home with lee. LR St DR. 3 bdrms. all on 1st fir. Oil hen t -part bsmt., corner lot. on pvmt., blk. lo bus. 4 Bdrm.. Hollywood Dlt. Oood extra well built home, nand picked materials, beautiful Philippine ma hoc. trim, hdwd. firs, thruout., n't. m alios. Si tile f Place, Ige. Lit St DR. 3 bdrms. bath, 2 bdrms, St bath up-iUIm full bsmt.. air cond., oil furnace. W. etnpped, Insulatrd, beautiful landscaping, far., lot 65x135. Price 315,000. 8ILVERTON RD. ACREAGE HOME LOE. SHOP BLDG. About 2 A. on Sllverton Rd. with 35x6 up-to-date reinro.-ced concrete aide. 2ftx 40 addition: 12x16 paint shed; 20xJ4 ear. Equipped with heater, litvaiory etc., 3 bdrms., deluxe L. qlre., 2 fire places, W stripped, insulated, tit v. :m rus cost 13000 1. Priced 331.500 or trade for rental property. 10 ACHES 33500 One bdrm. home, sm. barn, chicken hse. good well, OOOD VIEW ACREAOE 17801 3 Sk A. all In cult. 3 bdrm. home wired for elec. ranne. elec. W. htr. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listing Realtors Personal Service by Men Who Specialize 702 N. Hiah Ph. 3-4)33. eil54 BUY NOW LOO BI.DO. 30XS0. Massive atone fire place. Furnace. Some equipment. About A. land. Year around stream. Located on 99 highway. Could be used aa home or niaht club. Price only jhhmj. 10 ACHKS. Clone In. 4 bdrm. house. Oood barn and chk. hse. Year around stream. Price 19850. Leo N. Childs, Inc., R'ltors 344 State St. Ph. 3-5J Evenings call Mr. Voorhees. 3-40O7c256 BEST BUYS " $1500 DOWN Almost new 3 bdrm. home with unfin ished upstair. Northeast. Run ' block This home la prlred right. 19500. Eve. Ph. 37674 or rv 3 HOMES Excellent rental property. Close In north. Income 3170 nrr month. 100 x 311 lot. flout to school tm. Terms. Total price only 316.000. Eve. Ph. 27674 or OREGON G. I. SPECIAL Clone rn est. 3 bdrm with unfinished upstair, fireplace. Insulated, attached Rnmur nice yard St Mi rubs. If you a ri ft n Oreaou vet we ran armniie a very (lidd load for von Total price only 7500. Fvr. Ph. 37874 or .1.1556. 11 ACRES, $1000 DOWN Oood home St outbuilding. All equip ment for. 3 acrea herrles, good writ. About 9 milea Irnm Salem. Total price only P7O0 Eve, Ph. W403 or .1.1556. 1 ACRE, LANCASTER Very clean home. Rnllt In 1919. Nice yard Several outbuilding s. Room tor buMne building facing l,nrater. To rn) price : Terms arranged. Eva. Ph. 1940.1 or 11556 Al Isaak Co., Realtors 301ft Portland Rd. Ph. 37620, 24596 cJ54 $6,500 Older tpf house. Two bedrooms, 1 up and I down Lhtng room, dii)?ng room, Ritchrn and nook. Large utility room Lot of built 1ns Quarter acre lot. Oood Harden spot, lota of nice ahruhs and flowers. A very neat home Will take trailer hnuse as down payment. Eve. 3-0473. Farm $2-1.500 40 acres farm all in cultivation Will soil, lullv ninrked. 13 cows. 200 chickens, and 3 bedroom modern home. Will trade for nice home in Sstem. Evr 3-0473 Bus. Bidfr. and Home $12,500 Oood t n bedroom house, bus bide, sullahlr (or mnM hit kind of bualness No. 3 Kone Terms available. Eve. 2-0473 Call for Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St. Ph. 3-7756 i:O0 ONE ACRE Havestm Put . nice 3 B R. home. Excl soil, fine location, hard surface road. 111 500 ON CHFMAWA HD. Attractive new home built by owner that kn"s how lots oi fruit trrts, aood sol), forced air oil tit, elect., f. -place. 3 Iff. Ft R , unfln alt . house b full ins). Also mall house that cmilrt be as fuest houe or work shop. Ph 3-6M0 m LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Pb. 4-334 1-1704 14 FOR SALE HOUSES GRABENHORST SPECIALS 1940 VIRGINIA Back yard of this place Joins Englewood School. 3 bdrms.. open staircase. 3 full set plbg.. with colotyle walla, master bedrm., full baamt., with auto-oil haat, finmt rumpus rm. In town, beautiful yard, fish pond, outside fireplace, dole, aaraae. 100 ft. frontaee. Priced below replacement coat. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL ROY FERRIS 3980 N. RIVER ROAD Attractive 3 bdrm. home, lovely setting, beautiful lawn shrubs, lota f far den apace. Just the place for a gardener. Price I7,M0. CALL PETER OEISIR GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty Phone 3-3471 Evenings and Sundays Call Karl Wt 3-0606 - Roy Ferris 2-6010 - Peter Geiser 3-9B63 a35 REAL ESTATE FOR YOUR RAYlNOh mvastmant buy first moruace on real estate Salem vicinity. Examine aeeurlty yourself Amojnts 1500 to aeeerai thousand dol lars, net Investors . We make ail se lections for you U desired. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S. Ruth e WANTED REAL ESTATE BEST 3 or 3 BR suburban home that liooo down As 145 per mo. will buy. p i 3-5973. Ml WANTED to bur: 3- or 4-room modern house. 3100 down. 130 month, pn. 3-3217. ca271 LISTINGS WANTED on a few good homes and Business Opportunities. C. A. uit-a. Re a Itor. Ph. 2-7612, C a 263 NOTICE! If your property la for sale, rent or exchange, list U with us. we bate all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS WE ARE In deed oi fooo bouses to eel) your property for sale ass CRARENHORRT BROS.. REALTORS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HEAVY EQUIPMENT BUSINESS Dissolving partnership. Here la a real deal for someone. Well equipped and a vry good location. Less than Vt actual value. Klgxlns. BURT PICHA, REALTORS 173 N. Bixh St. Phone : 3-3649 Eve: 2-5390 or 3-7451 cd254 N. COM'L, bldg. Sz ft llv. rms.. 112,000. By owner, terms. Ph. cam S. COM'L. store bide. St 5 llv. rms., 1 12,01 By owner, terms, rn. i-votv. ' LOT 66x123. 1300 Block Broadway St. This Is the best business property in Salem. Ph. 34642. Eve. 21647. cd358 rrXEY Mobil 6as service station. For lease In Dallas. Ore. Buy Inventory and tools at wholesale. No blue sky. Contact Warren Doollttle. Mobil Oas Dlstr. Ph. 3-4619 days. 2-6045 eve. Cd257 TRAILER eourt. 16.000. terms. By owner. Chaa. H. Moore, 1730 M. water at. cd277 OROCERY 116.000 IIBO.OOO Yr. Gross, stock St equipment worth the price, dissolving partner ahtp. located In Salem on busy st. Ph. 3-6680. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 4-2326 J-6704 Cd254 DIN1NO AND DANCINO Setup and beer license, beautiful Lf. Llvlnf quarters upstairs: lower floor has 2500 Sq. Ft. floor space. Auto, oil Ht. Building Is less than S yrs. old, lo cated on Hlway 99 close to Salem. Lf. frontage, aale Includes property, stock, equipment, ft business. Ph. 2-6660. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 4-3326 3-8704 cd254 NEIGHBORHOOD grocery. Good stock and fixtures. Priced to sell. By owner. Ph. 2-1818. Cd255 GROCERY KTORE Sc fixtures. 3 fas pumps St 9 cabins. An entablthed busl nesa for aale by owner. Ph. 24319. Rt. 7 Box 143. Cd258a 122.000. APT. HOUSE 300. Mo. Income from 5 Lf. roomy Fur nished Apt. Building In Excl. Cond. Lo cated 4 Blks. from cnpltol Build, m Apt. Hse. rone. Ph. 2-6830. ED. LUKINBEAL REAL ESTATE 433 N. High St. Eve. Ph. 4-2126 2-R704 Cd354 FURNITURE FOR SALE SOLID MAHOGANY dining room set, 6 chairs, buttet. Ph. 3-8389. niw WANTED FURNITURE IT'S YOUR MISTAKE If you aell used furniture, appllancea. sporting goods, household effects with out first getting my price. GLENN WOODRY PAYS TOP PRICES Ph. 3-5110 for Immediate Results da AUCTIONS FI'RNITTRK St APPLIANCE auction every Tues.. 8 p.m., Olennwood Ballroom I pay cash or sell on commissi ion. Olenn Woodry. auctioneer. Ph. 3-3110. dd Furniture & Appliance Auction TUESDAY 35TH Glenwood Ballroom 4 miles north of Salem on 99E. Large lota of new Sc used furniture. LOT NO. 1 4t) New daveno 4 occasional chairs 3 floor lamps Bedroom suites Desks f Table lamps A Door chimes Rakes ck Electric heaters Wood dinette Chronic dinette St 9x12 wool rues Inner spring mattresses St Box Mrlnss 3 Linoleum rugs Buoy cribs Twin else bed e ten's LOT NO. 9 61 Swing rocker 0 4 oak chairs Stove hoard m 6 dining chairs 3 piece chrome set a) Wardrobe chest Prejvser base A Lare hassock fa Table radio ft F.rescreen Drop leaf table F.nd table j Camp cot Hot plate Club chair 6 Suit case Rook cases 9 5 piet'e dinlne set 2 Plate mirrors LOT NO 3 Universal vacuum cleaner Cadilac vacuum A Apex Mruum Binoculars :0 F Roasier Electric Irons dj Thor washer Walnut buffet aa Daenport chair R'Vher Sk Prr.vrr 4ft Ha.sock Corner Cupboard S Wood ranae 6b Many other Items not listed. Re there and buy at your arte. We buy oulrieht or sell en commission. GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WAIF. TR4.DF 4 vr. o'd thoroughbred mare, broken. Gentle. Make offer. Piv 3-1733. 3.M RONltrO AND llCFNarn DvesToek buver. R. C. MeCandlun, .137 V n. Fh. 3-6147 337" FOR SALC HOUSES AUCTIONS Livestock & Furniture AUCTION WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26 AT 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. ST 1948 Montgomery Ward relrif. Decker upright piano Blue davenport and chatr 5) 3 piece breakfast set Treadle sewing machine 6) New ft drawer chests Davenoa and Davenport 4 awing rockers 1 typewriter like new Box springs St mattresses A Jennie Llnd bed dft Spark oil circulator with 3 drums d 9x12 rug :2 5x7 linen rugs 3 piece bedroom set 9x13 new linoleums 4R 6' Orunow refrigerator Norge refrigerator 4) Wood ranges Estate oil circulator with fan 6) Apples, onions and potatoes Chickens and rabbits A Calves and veals Feeder St Weaner pigs Cows, heifers and bulls Lane SudteLTs Auction Salesyard Located 1 miles east of Salem on Sllverton rd. Ph. 3-6098. dd354 PETS WISH TO PLACE playful kitten In adult home. Free. Ph. 3-7403. ec2 56 Collie puppy, 315. Ph. PEDWRF.ED collie pups. Female. 2H months old. 470 Wayne Drive. Ph. 2-3013. ec260 FUEL H?1 fi" glat & d"""- Ph. 3-1458. ee' SAWDUST St Wood. Ph. 22608. ee272 Oregon Fuel Co. Dry Slab or Dry Edging Fresh Clean Sawdust Oreen Edging 35.50 load Double 110.00 Also 16" Oreen Slab or 4' Phone 35533 EE- SHELL STOVE DIESEL OIL. Ph. 3-3186. Shell Oil Co. L. T. Maxwell, distributor. ee275 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Dry Plainer Ends Block Wood. Ph. 36444 ee West Salem Fuel Co. M IK. DRY OR OREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS OLD OROWTH BLOCK WOODk lf-XH. CLEAN - NO BARK SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone filem 3-4031 Alio pick up wood at 1525 Edcewater 8t West Salem e" PHILLIPS BROS Old fir. oak, ash St maple. fly. 16" slab and edgings. Ph 31458 ee TRI CITY FUEL PHONE 27442 16" Slab Wood and Edgings Fresh Cut Screened Sawdust 13" Inside Mill Wood Dry Wood ASK FOR SdtH GREEN STAMPS FOR SALE POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE chicks every Thuri- aay. uraer irys or Hens now at spe cial quantity prices for your lockera. Custom Dressing a specialty. Phone 32861. Lees Hatchery. f HENS 31.50 each. Ph. 22796. f254a SEW HAMPSHIRE chicks for immediate or future delivery Hatches every Tuns Fox Hatohery. 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969 f- PRODUCE WINTER PEARS, apples, cabbage Si wal nuts. 3490 Broadway. If 256 O RO W ER8U N LOADING SALE 10.000 boxes Jonathan. Spltzenberg and Delicious apples. (Good grade, no worms from our own orchard. 65e box. 3 boxes. $1.75. Get your winter supply now. Bring boxes or contalnera. PurlUn Cider Wks.. West Salem ff256 FRANQl'ETTE WALNUTS. Very nice. 20c lb. Ph. 26287. If 255 FIELD CORN, 1 mile straight west of Keizer school. Rt. 2. Box 154. Ph. 3-1160. rf257 Fli.RERT-WALNUT drying. 1 mile E. Lan caster Dr. Auburn Road. Claude Mr Kinney. Ph. 3-1632. f!258 SPITZENHEROS WINTERANlwAap Ples Phil Asplnwall, 645 Market St.. Ph. 3-94 19. ff275 PEARS Delicious late pears. Allrma Mo te) 3645 Portland rd. Ph.. 2-4510. ff257 FILBERT AND Walnut drvlng. Special service iot email iota, rnone 3-zssi. Leea Hatchery ff HELP WANTED MALE 5IAI.E BOOKKEEPER. Some knowledge of heavy construction bookkeeping. Pay 3173 mo. to start. Contact COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 360 State St. Ph. 2-14-8. aa254 MAN TO BUY '43 Dorie 6 wheeler on all winter short log haul. Close in. 2-1K68 evmings. fa356 CARPENTER, state waaes. particulars Write Capital Journal Box 251. ga366 NATIONAL CORP offers profitable bust- ness opportunity to middle ased or older men with car. Write Box 464 Capital journal. gJGi HELP W ANTED FEMALE TYPIST Some bookkeeping knowledge. Age 25 to 35, Permanent position, pleas ant working conditions. Pay 8150 mo. Contact COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOSNCY 360 State St. Ph. 3-1468. ab331 LADY with sales ability to work on tel ephone. Good Income. Muellers' Studio. 239 N. Coml. b3'SS HIGH school girl tor part time work.-Vicinity of White's Drive In. Ph, 20555. ab35S LADY FOR general house work, Soma cooking, l child. Private room bath, Ph 14704 fh255 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY ornn and clerical positions 1S9 State Utreel Phone 3-14M gf WANTED SALESMAN OPPORTUNITY -Additional man wanted for business of your 0n Need car Oood profits See C. J MartsfieM. 1397 8 13th St . Phone 3-R5T4 or write Raw lelah. Dept. 153. Oakland 20. Cal. gi24 CAN UE one enereettc real estate sales man. Omer Huff Real Estate. Jfl Chem eketa. aeJW SALESMAN W 4NTFD. Car necessary. tW troiux corporation. 109 Broad a WANTED POSITIONS SCHOOL GIRL, aae 13. wants wotk fu rm. At board. ALso girl 17 want or as mothers helper or care M children Will stay nights. Ph. 3-1347. l2sn CHILD care by aay or hour. 1090 N. i Ft h hJWI RFMODEITNO end "carpenter wort, take part la furniture. Fh. 3-140. hJSi REAL ESTATE OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS BETTER THAN RENT A new 3 BR home with living room, dining room spare auto oil haat hardwood floors located close to Leslie School. FHA Comm. 16500. Full price only $770000. CREEK PROPERTY Close to new shopping district and schools. I Bedroom loms, double plumbing, large living room and dining room, full basement. Ml furnace Extra large lot. 112,500. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Furnished 2 BR home clean and neat. Large tot. 88950. LOOK WHAT $7000 WILL BUY! 3 Bedroom home very clean throughout, food location. Nice fenced la yard. DUPLEX NORTH SUMMER Close to capital bides, and hew shopping area. Would trade an smaller home. Ssle price 113,500. GROCERY STORE Oood location 4 rear lease. Equipment 13500. Stock at Inventory, OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 47T Court St. Eve. 33488 35996 33633 Phone 3411934118 WANTED POSITIONS CARE FOR elderly person or Invalid In patient s home. Do some housework. 1100. Dial 3-6519. h359 EXPERIENCED carpenter will do new work or remodeling reasonably. 3245 Sllverton Road. Ph. eve.. -9457. h259 EXPEH. baby sitters. Ph. 3-6752. 1)256 LET ME figure your butldlnng St house framing. All of the exterior :-tmpicti ready for plasterlnnx including wire tng St plumbing roughed In. 13.00 sq. ft., labor St material or labor 31 per sq. ft. We can furnish you a good car penter or brick layer 81-75 per hour. In city or county. L. W. Rogers. 39133. h3 58 CURTAINS LAUNDRIED and stretched. Straight panels 25c. Ph. 34613. 196 N. 24th. h253 RESTAURANT WORK wanted by exper ienced St O I trained chef or pastry decorator. Best of references. Phone 3-9322, ask for Donald Rodewald. h254 GENERAL BUILDING, repairing. I special ize in general remodeling bricx wora. Plastering, painting and paperhangini. Nothing to large or too small. Reason able, free estimate. Walton 3-5072. r h258 FAMILY man wants work on truck or dairy farm. Housing furn. Good worker Sc mechanic. Willing to go anywhere. Write Art Schroth, Falls City, Or; h254 MALE SECRETARY-STENO. with exper ience In payroll, collections St legal or technical office work. 15 years ex perience. Phone 2-9322 for Mr. Knox. h254 CHILD CARE. 183 8. 18th. Ph. 26876. h273 CHILD CARE 1 day. 170 W. Bust). Ph. TREE work. Topping, trimming, removing. insured operator. John Payne, 248 a Church. Ph. 2-6014. h254 DANGEROUS trees removed. Topi trimm ed or cut bar. Free estimate. Fully covered by Insurance. Pb. 6281 McMinn vllle. D254 WILL CARE for your child In my home. 31.35 per day. Will pick up and deliver. Ph. 2-8291. Out S. 12th. turn left on Hoyt, come to the Mortarkss Blocs Plant St turn left, go to Willing Sand b Oravel Plant St turn right. 3rd house on left. h254 . WOODSAWING PH. 3-1579 . . n2)9 BABY SITTING. Ph. 2-6822. CARPENTER work. New. repair. Ph. 2-2093. n265 CEMENT WORK wanted. Ph. 3-4850. h TREE WORK, topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. McAllis ter. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. h261 Mimeographing-Typing POE'S. 665 North 16th. Phone 3-3643 CHILD CARE day or hr. Ph. 3-49.40. TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN. 24 hr. serv ice. Former phone opr. Ph. 3-5072. h256" FOR RENT ROOMS LGE. 1st floor sleeping room. Hot St cold water. 461 N. High. Jk25fl' SLEEPING rm. Ph. 3-4335. jk274 SINGLE SLEEPING room. Hot ft coM water. Steam heat. 472 N. Liberty St. jk254 LARGE room close In 1 or 2 employed per sons. Ph. 352a. JK255 MEN'S WARM sleeping room. Priv. ent. fh. 33425. 1505 N. Capitol. JK27B HEATED SLEEPING ROOM for 1 or 2. Ph. 2-0468. 2075 University. Jk254 SLEEPING RMS. Relrlf. 2131 Center. jica.3 VERY close In sleeping rm. Ph. 2-7817 1 Jk263 ROOMS 448 Center Rear Woodrow's Jk279 SLEEP. RM, Hollywood, 2036 McCoy. Ph. 36093. JX250 FOR RENT APARTMENTS MODERN APT. beautifully furnished. 370 a month. Water At laundry larilltiee furnished. Fully Insulated, hdwd. tloor.i. Adults preferred. Call 3-5765. Jp2o6 1 BR FURN. apt. Including heat St hot wtr. Redecorated. 155 month. 776 N. 14tn. Ph 2-6992. jp26 BIG t RM. furn. apt. for 4. One small apt 315 mol0 UnionPh. 2-9835. jp259 S ROOM partly furnjapt. Ph. 3-6598. Jp354 DELUXE furnished downstairs apt. In new apartment house. Hdwd. floors. lovely built-Ins. prlv. bath, Ige. utll. room. Ph. 3-5355. Jp256 I RM. AND kitchenette. Utilities furnT 790 N. Commercial. Jp256 t-R. APT. part. furn.. near state house. Inquire 401 Oregon Bldg. jp256 TrM. FI'RN.APT. J597 N. Liber'.?. Jp2i4 NICELY FURN. apt. Utilities furn. 3eas- onable. 365 8. 16th. Ip2S4 3 RM. FURN. Apt. 1 or 3 employed. 1480 Broadway. Jp255 NEW COURT Apt. Unfurn. except ranpe. 3 rooms Ar bath. Panel ray heat, utility room. 1465 Hines. 850. Ph. 22597. Jp355 APT. OR duplex, grnd. floor, prlv. ent. front Ar bark. 3 rmi. St bath. L.R., Ige. bdrm. with very Ige. closet, kitchen with built-lna, priv. bath, all furn. elec, heat, garage, neat hleh school At shop ping center. Ph. 28559. Jp255 S ROOM APTTVownstalrs," furnished. 1855 N. Commercial. 1P257 NFWLY decorated 3 room furn. apt. Call after 3 p. m. side enntrance. 776 8. 13th. JP253 FURNISHED cottage, 3215 Portland rd JP377 1 RM. furn. apt. Close In. Ph. 3-9396 JP354 3 RM. UPSTAIRS apt. Elec. heat, ous at door. 3203 Portland Rd. after 4 m JP236 FURN. apt. 1st floor. Prlv. ent. All elec" 1075 N. Capltol. Ph. 3-8706. Jp2.' FOR RENT by the week or month. S.ntle St double how ekeepina cot tages. Also sinele cottages mo cooking), attract ivelv priced. North Salem Motel. h. 3-68 or 3673 Portland Rd. Jr?M FOR RENT HOUSES 3 RPRM. unfurn. house in Salem Mis dlst. Near school. 137.30. Pi. J-sl0 JmJ6 Sew oe. NEW 3 bedroom hoiLf. Some furn. for sale. Easy terms on turn. Ph. 4-?:tl in:25i 3 BDRM. house. 1140 Center. Adult onlv jmJ6' SM M L l-RM. house, partly furnled. Inquire 1341 N. Commercial, ph. J-MM Jm356" 1 R R. HOt'tF. ranee, refrte. A auto, washer furnished. 6J. Available Nor. 1 1583 Market St. Ph 3-909 jmJM CI FIN. ATTRACTIVE 1 PR modern house" oil heat, rttult.ns. V blinds, tarase. lsjfl Mill St Plirne 2-7C3J 0 ner at 630 Nfr man Ave. John T. Frarer JmJ54 SMS.1 1 "HOI F pa-tlv furn Not siorfem 8J2M a sno. S3 Williams Att. Jm354 I REAL ESTATE FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FLOOR space on State St. Desk spsce on Marion St. Ph. 3-8482. J V DRIVE Trucks. Robinson Shell Service. center at Cottage. Ph, 29103. J FOR RENT or lease. Business bids, about 6000 sq. rt. Locstion 347 Kearney. By owner or call at 2010 8. Cottage. Ph. 3-8342. . J254 BUSINESS RM. lor rent. H. L. Stiff. FLOOR SAXDER5 for kdL Montgomery Ward. J POWER TOOL rentals for home and in dustrial use. Howser Bros. Pa. 3-3646. 1 TO DO a good Job rent a good floor aand r We aeli everything to complete the job. HOWSER BROS. . Fh. 3-3646 j "-OOD USED PIANOS. H. L. Stiff. TRAILERS 12.00 per day. Bowser Bros. 141u 6 12th, West Salem. 1 SINGER ELECTRIC portable sewing ma chines. Reasonable rates. Free pick up St delivery Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N Com l. Ph. 33512 r WANTED TO RENT PHYSICIAN Sc family desire 3 cr 3-bdrm uniurn. house, pn. 2-0319. Ja3a8 MIDDLE aged couple need 3 B.R. house or apt, in w. Salem. Reas. rent. Write box 494, Capital Journal. Ja255 3 BDRM. unfurn. house or apt. Contact asst. manager, Montgomery Wards. ja255 UNFURN. MODERN 3 bdrm. house. From 850 to 860. Ph. 35072. ja255 WANTED to rent a 1 or 3 car garage be tween 16th St 20th, State and Center. Phone 3-5426 days; evenings 3-4430. .a2n6 WANT TO RENT acreage with living quarters and chicken house. Will pay 335 month. 510 N. 17th, Apt. 4, Salem. Ph. 2-3468. Ja255 ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and room. Ph. 3-8706. LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown chanee purse, currency. change and Paul us Cannery check. Re ward. Kathertne Lawrence, 345 Fisher Rd. k256 LOST Pink plastic frame glasses in tan leather case. Ph. 3-9173. k254 STRAYED or stolen, shaded silver Per sian xitien, a mo. old. Liioerai reward. Call 654R. Stayton, collect. k257 MISCELLANEOUS LES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 464 Court. We close Saturdays 12:30. m270 POWER TOOL RENTAL: VALLEY FARM STORE. 4343 Sllverton Rd. Pb. 3 2024 m2i9 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State St Commercial Sts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m BUILDING MATERIAL PLYWOOD Large stock, 8 thickness, your choice of material. Compare our prices. C. O. LONO, Ph. 3-5821. Ona mile north of SHINGLES No. 1 $7.75 sq NO. 2 15.00 sq. NO. 3 13 00 sq. C. G. LONO, Ph. 2-3821. One mile north of Kelzer: na',,7 WRECKING HOUSE, Chemawa Area Building material St plumbing for sale Also house 10x16 suitable for living, U9. Must be moved. Ph. 2-6869. magjT NOW IS the time! Call 3-9191 for free estimate on applied roofing. Get roof ing weather protection before It rains. Sears Roebuck St Co.. 530 No. Capitol St. Phone 3-9191. ma275 GOOD used flooring St siding. See Chris , at 1288 Ferry St. ma255 PERMA-STONE for fireplaces and home. Salem Perma-Stone Co.. 3040 N. 18th St. Salem. Phone 3-0601 after P.m. ma263 RED CEDAR shingles. No. 1 2x3's any amount delivered lowest market prices. IS In. No. 1 carton packed cedar wall shakes. Ted Muller, Salem-lndep. road Call 2-1196 Salem. ma' ALUM A - LOCK ALCMINTJM LOCK jHINOLE. The modern permanent roof ing See your dealer of Call Dlst. 3-6401 ma373 SAVE OW ROOF1NO Let Wards five you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phone 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. SALEM, OREGON ma' DEAR CUSTOMER. Insist on your con tractor and carpenter using tne finest old growth vertical grain yellow fir finished lumber In Salem. On hand at Dick Merer Lumber Co. 3ft Lena Ave Ph 349.9 Free parking ma FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PIANO, Kohler-Campbell, beautiful tone. 1125. Call 2-3527. n253 TALLMAN'S Piano Clearance Sale RECONDITIONED PIANOS $125 TO $185 3 down. 110 I mmh. REBUILT PIANOS $225 UP 335 00 down. 313 month. We need room for new pianos In transit. Tallman Piano Store 373-393 So. 12th A mile from HlthPrlcee. l239 BICYCLE in good cond. for girl or wom an. Cheap! Ph. 3-5355. n336' MONT o DIFSEl" automatic basement furnace, cheap. Phone 2-6280. n236 191 t. V I N R I DE lO-li p ou t board m ot or . Like new Sold boat, don't need motor. Cost I3T6 50. first 1175 cash takes It See Senator Oaraae orPh. 3-4013.n238 it-r.AUGK PUMP fun. 1783 Berry after 6 30 p m. tti56 STANDARD ROTARY SCOOP Low priced . . . yet ruieedly built. Fin gertip load control sanies depth of cut and sire of load. Bulldoaes backward. 4 rt. bowl holds 13 cu. ft. of earth. Priced at only 1110 WARDS FARM STORE Trade and Huh Sis. Salem. Ore. n254" WILL SM'RJFICE alerting Uverwa. Made bv West Marland. Pattern Me.born Rwe. Settlnc for 6. plus salad set and salad forks. A!so including buffet rav wr.l sell all or by pmce set tins Ph 3-7036. nJ54 NEW PHUTO car radio cheap. Ph. 43611 i3e FRII nuTeVirUu"ba3W aVlltsu 35f AUTOMOBILES Pontiac Good Will Cars '46 Ply. Sedan. R& H $1245 '42 Ply. D.L. Sport Coupe $595 '48 Pontiac Sedan Coupe, Has everything. No. 497 .' $1695 '37 Pontiac Sedan $165 '38 Pontiac Coupe $145 '36 Dodge $195 '31 Model A $145 HERRALL-OWENS CO. TRADES U N. Llo.ru FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WOOD cook stove St heater for sale. 845 Hoyt St. n258 CHEAP! OH circulator, bassinette, stroller. man cnair, crio & piay pen. Ph. 2lZt3 WESTERN Auto refrlg. 6 ft. Excellent Cond. 1DU. fa. 2-3288. Rt. 7 BOX 428. n255 GAS RANGE. Excellent condition. fS 104 E. Wilson. n257 We HAVE A VERY nice variety of furn., ranges, wood, sas, elec. oil heaters. New O.E. refrlg. Hipboots. 22 rifle. Radios. Car radios. Car chains. Alcohol tester. New balls, tires, car heaters St misc. Items. Everything' priced to save you dollars. Hardman Bros., 4li mi. north of Salem on Port, hlway. Open from 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. T days a wk. n254 USED oil burners, mowers St sawdust burners. Ph. 2-8662. n2ia FULLER brushes, 1743 Grant. Ph. 3-8357 n270' BARN YARD FERTILIZER 15 yd. 6 yd. load 825. Arnold Phillips. P. O. Box 261 Turner. Ph. 1X2. n265 USED OIL HEATERS 319.50. 129.50 and 13V. 30. OOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 467 Court St. Phone 1-9611 SALEM SAND A. ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road - Clearing - Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental 15 B V yds 10 B yds. D-7 Cat ft Doxer D-6 Cat & Dozer D-4 Cat ft Dozer Sea ua about ditching by the ft. Phone Days 3-9408 Eves 3-8248 oi 2-4400 Salem Oregon n LUMBER 2x4'a by Jltnev load, 810 per i.uw. xou naui. inaepenaence L,umoer ft Mfg. Co, Inc.. Independence. Ore. GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley. Gibson and Montag Appliances at Gevurti. n PEAT MOSS fortified with turkey drop- ines. only 90c a sack, valley farm STORE. 4345 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 3-2024 n259 Washing Machines Repaired Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Sewing Machines Repaired ALL MAKFfl PICK CP AND DELIVER. W DAVENPORT PH. 3-7671 D263 SEWING Machines, electric or treadle. Service on ell makes. Ph. 37671. n254 WALLINO SAND ft GRAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways. cement ready mix concrete, garden land Bulldozing, dralnane and ditching fc-yd. shovel and drag Una. Ph. 3-9249 PHILLIPS BROS. Fertilisers, well rotted or fresh, any kind. By yard or aack. Flat rock for all rock work. Cedar fence posts, telephone and elec. poles. Any length. Shingles. Yew posts. Ph. 3-1458. Rt. 3 Box 118. SPINET PIANOS Just arrived, a large shipment of beautiful new pianos. From $395 up Baldwin . . . Wurlitzer Haddorff . . . Cable STONE PIANO CO. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS USED FURNITURE. Phone I -91 S3 na FIR 8TUMPAGE and fir loss wanted Shipment can be made by truck or ran. inaepenaence mmoer Manuiac turlng Company, Inc. Independence, Oregon. Phone 42. na259a WANTED: TO buy a Auto. Harp Zither. rn. a-eeoa arter p.m. or oeiore a am. na255' WANTED: BARKIE Douglas fir poles or stumpage. Phone 1287 Albany or write Standard Pole ft Piling Co., Inc. na273 WANTED furniture to flue ft repair. Lee Bros, rurs tteiinianinf vo q e-iuoi PERSONAL MADAM MARY FORTUNE TELLER Palm and psychic reader. Madam solves your worries. Advice 9 a.m. to 10 p.m dally 173 S. Com'L Under new man agement. P279 STANLEY HOME Products. Lee Mindt 1165 N.14th. Ph. 3-4801. p279 STANLEY nOME Products. Ph. 2-4453. J. M. 8tovall. 3045 Sunnyvtew. P2&0 MADAM MORA OIFTED PSYCHIC READER Can help you where others have failed Satisfaction assured. Advice on all at fairs of life. Special reading 12 00. Lo- rated lust south of Hubbard on Hhrhway 89E. Between woodburn and nuDoaro Look for sign Reading Daily. p378 AVON Christmas products. Ph. 3-5314. PJTV AUTOMOBILES QUICK SALE: 1937 Chrysler Roval. Good shaoe. Runs swell. Owner 892 N. Wlnte Room 5. W. H. Pryor. q2l4 It FORD Tudor. Very clean. Best c above 31400. 1365 N. 4th. q2M; 1939 MERCURY 4-POOR SEDAN. RA-H. SEAL BFAM LIGHTS. EXCELLENT CONDITION 1535 00. OR MAKE AN OFFER. 3-4982 AFTER 5 P.M. q256 1916 CROM.FY station waeon. Like new. 3445.00. Ph. 3-5973 or 93 Everareen Ave qiaS' 1919 OLDS 4-door sdn. 76 deluxe RAH Seat covers. Hvd WSW. 12195. Rt. 1, box 123. AumsMlle. Ph. 183R. Stayton q3S6 MUT SELL at once, 47 Old. Sedanette. Sacrifice 11300. Ph. 2-bzoo aiier pm q256 198 CHSV. Standard 3-Door, 40-amp. generator, sealed beams, rebuilt trans mission, new top. Call 2-4439 after 5 10. 3110 00 cash. 1236 37 RUICK 4-Door Sdn., good condition. 1235. Ph. 3-4936. q:-9' TRtDE CHEV. spec, deluxe 4door. clur for I's T truck In good shape K-n-neth Lund, 1333 Cross, Ph. 3-9720 ;t?M ilT DODC.F 4 dr. Town Sedan. 10 00 m .. RAH. Excellent cond:tion. Ca l 3-5089. "48 CHEV. 5 yd. dump truck w.tn Job. "VJ take trade. 1369 Center St. i3'4 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 IAUT0M08ILES TERMS POOI1. l-llll AUTOMOBILES '31 .MODEL A coupe. Good mechanically. Good rubber. 8125. Can be seen alter 6:30 p.m. Ph. 2-3928 q254 M 4 DOOR Plymouth. R.A-H. Good, clean car. .'3U. fn. odik euayion. FOR SALE 1948 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe, is.uou miles, excellent condition, radio, hater, undercoatlng, air cushion tires, seat covers. Priced for quick sale 81400. Phone 2-1425. 7th and Murlark, West Salem. Ore. e.256 Eisner Motors to Sell 350 USED CAR LOT ISO ft your old one. 12th St. Junction. Open tlU 10 p.m. q267 CAR ACCESSORIES tires St tubes at cost price, l-lr.st come first served as this la a close-out sale. Dealers welcomed. R. D Woodrow Co, 450 Center. . MODEL A. '32 grill. Chopped top. 13 In. MucL-ia. ncBeoiiRDie. rn. jruio. qias M FORD Tudoor. Must sell. Oood me chanically, tklrta. 2590 Simpson St. q25S Ml'KT SELL 1937 Dodge. 1175 or best of- ler. fn. 4Z631. a7i so MODEL A coupe. Seal beam lights, rune gooa. t-n. num. qJ6S ZEEB'S'USED CARS BOY SELL . TRADB TERMS 333 Fairgrounds Road Phono 3-6454 FOR SALE 1947 4 Door Pontiac 13000 miles, one owner. Phone 24902. q253 Eisner Motors Fine Cars SALE OR TRADE '41 NASH 5 pas. coupe. 40 Pack, alz ae dnn. '37 Chev, sed. '34 Ohev. sed. '33 Cliev. Sed. '35 Dodge Sed. '29 Model A sed., rebuilt motor. These cars are all priced low. Hardman Bros, 44 ml. north of Salem on Port, hiway. Open from a.m. till 9 p.m. seven days a wk. q254 Eisner Motors to Buy MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS 1917 SALISBURY scooter. 3150 or take trafle. lsea Center St. qa354" FARM EQUIPMENT PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. Like new Bears Garden tractor. Bradley David son. With cultivator, weeder, mower at tachment. 2 new 600x16 recap, tires. 1100. Ph. 2-6200. b4" MACHINERY H D. 7-A-C CAT 1947 model, drum ft doa. er. Tires, blocks, tools, power saw. etc. Take car or truck as part payment. A-l flinpe. S500 00. qc2SV FINANCIAL IF YOU want to aell your property It will pay you 10 snow now mucn or an rnA loan It will stand. This Information la obtainable with very little trouble. Da not hesitate to call on ua for any In formation you desire on FHA loans. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. High St. Tel. 34131. r How Many Bills! Do tau pay each month and what do they r mount to, add them up . . . then Phone Personal far a loan on their "Smaller Payment" plan one loan and one month ly payment . . . generally much less than the monthly total you are now paying. You may spread the payments over 20 months. Borrow wisely where a loan would really help. Come In or phone the xr.t Man. ne says "Yes" to 4 out oi . PERSONAL FINANCE CO. OP SALEM 518 State, Rm. 126 Ph. 33484 O. R. Allen, Mgr. Lie. S-122-M-165 r2M" GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lie. S-133 and U-138 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOAMS 136 S. Commercial St. TeL 3-3131 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. I960 Fairgrounds Road Next Door to Bank Free Parking Phone 27032 Lie N M369-4U31 Floyd Kenron, Mgr. r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 & Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-3437 Lie. No. M-153 S-114 FOR YOl'R SAVINGS INVESTMENT buy reai e?iie ursi moriaafrt, properties Salem ft vicinity. Make your own se lection, nets you 8 percent. We take care of all collections If desired. Amounts 61000 to several thou nand dol lars. Srr or call us for particulars. STATE FINANCE CO. 153 8. Hlxh 8t. Tel. 34131. r PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Tlma Payments ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial 8L Phone 1-3181 SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 44-V INTEREST I to 40 Yeara and No Commlasloa Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 141 8T,t. St PhOTI. I-IHI I- FARM AND CITY LOANS trol ' own terms ct npumnl viuim rruon Cuh for R.l bull Contrftcu .nd S.cond M.rUftt... cAprrot sEcuRrrm oo 1 Plnwr TruJit Pn. I.11M r- TRAILERS SINGLE ax dual wheel trailer, vac uum brakes, good 10-ply tires, grain box. 1173.00. Ph. 4823. 607 M. MadUon, 8;herton. Ore. t253 '18 MODEI, 37' Universal trailer. XleeT refrii. and hot water. Sleeps 6. A bar as n at Trailer Park VUlaae, 5086 Port I land Rd. t3S6 1 7V F CTORYbutlt trailer house, aood cond . lota of built-in. 8950. Fir Creat Trailrr Park. N. River Rd. t336 SM4I.L i ralle rehouse for sale!" Charles H Moore.1730 Water S. Ut4 18. S V GAHOND traUer house. Like new. 4385 Hater St Ph. 3-3907. U53 TRANSPORTATION DRIVING throuth Minneapolis. Mlnne tn. Nov. 1. 49 Hudson. Take 3 Ph. (Continued on Page 19) i