If 18 Capital Journal, Salem, Or Tuesday, October 25, 1949 ' f OKAY ROPER" SUPPOSE ALL I DOMT KNOW, 1 1' WHAT ASE VOU H5E?3 Y 1 "EAP Tun- OP CXSe. 0ARr . THE ROBBERY VICTIMS OO J CHIEF MAYBE j .DOING, LADY t JIM OH.' jOF A LONG, LON$ LONO RUN BACK UPSTAIRS HAVE SMALL CHILDREN ? -THE TOT3 ARE Vie.". J Trln'JIjf Tvll- LONG STORY.' UNT1E WAS JUST FIXINO I 7 SO WHAT? f FENCING MAMAS V y-l Ti5r-l')nl -t-hp HER5CLF A CUP OF TEA 1 ' , m ( PEARLS TO BUY J,, V'sV-tv LjM5l l " tf 4Wimmi&&m TH: RADIO PROGRAMS DOUBLE TROUBLE ffiMMi By WILLIAM HOBSON r .t TUESDAY P.M. KGW 30 NBC K0IN 10 CBS KEX 1190 ABC KSLM I K0C0 Chapter It In the big dining room of th ranch home the long table, coveret by a while tablecloth, was loadet with about everything the foui women had been able to prepare Mike Randall sat at one end, Belt ler at the other. On one side Mrs Randall wat betide the older wom-ian. Jim Swlnnerton aat between the jftwo glrle. He wae Immaculately dressed, full of laughter, debonair. "Heck," grunted Smith to his i companion. "Brad tald as how we wasn't to go In unless there was 'trouble. But I'd aorta enjoy beln' 'Inside eatln' some of thet food, an' i dxinkln' wine. It'd be fun to gloat lover Mike. Bo he fired me, did a he? Well?" a "Better not do it," Hank ad " vised cautiously, "You know what Brad" , The shots came. Two of them, -.faint in the distance, smith wheel ed, atarlnt off Into tne nliht. "Thev ave got the horses but something has shore gone wrong. If they heard that shot inside come on Hank I" He opened the door and pushed In, gun In hand, followed by Hank. The laughter stopped and Mike Randall rose from the table, his face apoplectic. "What In tarna tion Is going on here. Peg?" he roared. "You sit rlsht down attain. Mike. Smith said woodenly, the killer In stinct strong in him now. "Brad Morden has just run off yore herd of blooded Morgans. It was Joe Allison who framed It. He hit the other night guard over the head an' tied him up. We're goin' to hold you here till davllght to give 'em about ten hours' start, so you might as well be comfortable an' git set fer a long night. There ain't a man except Mexican barn hands on the place, an' there ain't a hoss left either." A kind of strangled sound came from the rancher. He started to rise again, then sat down weakly This time he groaned. "Peg. this will get you Into some very bad trouble." Jim Swlnnerton said smoothly, and Smith almost Jaugned as he thought he detect ed a sly wink. "As a lawyer " "As a hoss thief." Smith cut In grinnlngly, "I'd advise you to shut up. loure an atayin' right here till Hank an' me burn the breeze outa here in the mornin'." He reached over the table with his left hand and picked up a cut, wolfing; It. "Help yourself, Hank," he Invited. They began to eat, guffawing and winking at each other. Outside In the night. Jay had swung down, gun In hand, and moved from the corrals toward the house. He stepped close to the door, left hand on the knob, then step ped Inside. "All right. Peg," he said quiet ly. Gunfire filled the room; the crashes were deafening. Jay stood there In the lamplight, half crouch ed, thumbing the slxshooter as fast as he could work It. He shot Smith once, a snap shot that went home, and then drove three bullets Into Hank before he saw him drop, threshing amid the screams of Mrs. Beltser. Jay straightened and swum the muzzle of the smoke-wlsplng Colt on jun owinnerion, nan out or nis chair. "Th game's up, Jim," Jay said miletly. "Joe. what's the meaning of all this?" Randall yelled. It was Ellen Randall's voice that cut In quietly before he could re ply. "His name Is not Joe, Dad." "He his what?" "His name Is Jay Allison. He's Joe's twin brother." There was dead silence In the room. Jay was looking at her, ac tually staring at her. "Ellen," he finally got out, "how did you know?" She said calmly, "Joe and I used , to go swimming together. He wore an old shirt with the sleeves cut "off. He had a long bullet scar on ahls right forearm. It wasn't until after we got you home and I took 'ears of you that I saw there was no sear. So I wrote to your moth- er " "So that's why you treated me tike you did" he began, but never Inlshed, for Randall was roar ng around the room like a mad lull. Again It was a quiet word from drs. Randall thai caimea nun a own. j.v went on to exDlaln everything: that Joe had plotted the whole thing, that Harry and the rest of the outfit would have the settle ment surrounded at dawn tor a wlrjeout. that Joe and Lucia "Then Joe will be trapped there . . ." She faltered. Jay looked at the lawyer. His pale face told Mike Randall every thing he wanted to know. Jay said, "Mike, w had to fool you that way Because Joe lost nis neao and got mad at you and tried to help steal your Morgans for spite. He didn't mean It. Chances are, had the deal gone through, he'd have gone right out and got his head shot off trying to get them pack. Ho I had to come in and take his place to keep you and Ellen from getting suspicious. I'm taking Peg Smith's horse and burning the breeze for the settle ment, I don't know whether I ctn beat them there or not. They've got a good head start and they're pushing the Morgan fast. Ill try to free Joe and Lucia. 11 I can. II we get back, all bets will have to at oil between you and Joe." He was out the door, running past the unarmed night guard. and hit the saddle. He thought he heard the voice of a woman call' ing after him either Mary or Ellen but the drum of his horse's hoofs drowned out all sound and left It behind. (To Be Continued) Dress-Alike Doings Here's a dress-alike Idea that's new and dif ferent! Tall rag doll No. 214 has a dress that buttons from square neck to swinging nemune just nice little girl's style No. 21331 (Two separate patterns.) no. 214 is cut in one sue. uou. 39 Inches tall, requires 1''3 yd. 35-ln.; dress, 1 yds. 35-in.; panties, H yd. 35-ln. No. 3123 Is cut In sites 2. 4, 6 and t. Slse 4 dress, 3 yds. 35-ln.; panties. n yd. ao-in. Every home sewer needs the FALL WINTER FASHION BOOK a delightful, Inspiring presentation of tne ceil in lasnion. over isu smart, practical easy-to-sew pattern de signs for all ages. Price Just 30 cents. Send now for your copy. Bend 25c tor PATTERN with Name, Address and Style Number State slse desired. Address Capital Journal. 314 Mis uon m., can rranctsco 5, cam. 1 rs.NWBi- 0 "fig R2849 I FH 1 L tie fm Children's Prayers Children will be eager to memorize the words of these well-loved prayers when they are attraclvely embroidered, then iramea and hung on the nurserv wall. Done In French knots, satin outline and lasy daisy stitches, the pictures make deilghtlul Christmas Pattern Envelope No. R284 con tains hot Iron transfers for 3 pic tures. each measuring 9 by 13 inches, material requirements, stitch Illustrations, making and finishing (lirmions. To obtain this pattern, send JOc in COINS, giving pattern number your name address and sons num ber to Peggy Roberts. 82s Mission ntraei, san Francisco I, Cent. i ii i ' 'ii 'kg. 1 1 : . ..rJ Vfr rlerJBY'S.BARBIR SHOP Ml I haircut I . r "-fe1 I I l ul- PflicES r i; m as! nm " nm . . I V iS I mm. I sWI II V: I' r n i II V T 1 U II H V VJI II :lf. """" !m tm 1,,, w4 ien AMpenCow ft W NONE O'TOT1 r DONT COUfOTnw'TM l:3n' rC'MON,YUH OLOUOCk! I ( MAT-LECK up JUST M3U WAIT 1 rr. KtO-HEXL OO fj TO 6nHtW6 S:45 R STORT OPSMN THOSB J H060W f YOH UTTL6 PlUK- TILL ROCKY SHOWS I WHOT I 6fl AND I HB COMES HOW- I 9:00 YOU'RE A. PIM6 1 WILBUR'S RIGHT'. WE'Ll DRAW I f IT A1MT FAIR! I GO'I f I T OLD K WUEM DO 1 . hiss 1:32 BOICWOFPALS. STRAWS AND TH ONE WHO SCARS TO PROVE HE 1 I ISWORT-EMD-WOU WAMT"" , 'HOW CAM! LEARKl 6ETS TH SHORT STRAW WILL , PR ACTI SEO CM ME J I THAT'S AW APPOINTMENT, T (TO 66 A BARBER IF VOU HAVE TO LET WILBUR CUT, AlREiDY. L ME1., RUDY? 3:30 V wont let met rv my . , jis uAiR 5 -sn A rsi rmr r Sl. -S a -am. m m 1 1 .... 1 I A r J fr-WHUT-S THET ) IT'S A KIGMY. ORAMNV. IT'S TH' 1 I TH' SAME AS LII. ABnER. I fHnei. 'T DOES MAH ) . f I z. COORIOOS Li'L tAlit AS art. ABMCR HISSELF.:''I I HISSU.F IS IT ?- TH' 8AM( ) 1 I OLE HEART r J. fn I I CRITTER yA SO, NATCH ERLY, AM HAIN'T GOT J I SELFISH REFOOZAL T' 11 fY OOOD TShCM Is' jul)? I w Jit Y 7RFI IVifuiM' TU' Mr APT T' IJ..I.I j 71 I "'Ae aliT 1 HyoWHOT AH Jjfr ifQj I W OH DEAR, IGOTAWIRE NwHATCHA)i'msENDIN& I TWO WEEKS LATER... I of'cSA X-NO MISTAKeTVn.oJ M FROM SIR SIDNEY" IT SEZ:- NH WsWfcVA SIR SIWEV) . IT, 1) SEND 'OM BOJOj "XXJR TWMBROTHER.JIM.IUS 'WIRe ASKIIHIM T ) A PUSf, Ti 3 f5 PRK5f?l KLLEDi.KVHUftntfG. r Y5)J(T0 SEND JULIUS fiST )L glTrTSVf LrZ-. i f0t TyX ' 3 " m4TIS THE MES946B I If THIS IS FOM MYCHIEP..IT WEANS V BY 6E0B6E A WU WERE EXPECTIN6 I I fca AT THEY W FOUNO THAT THIS THAT'S 6001 p EXCUSE ME, WHILE 1 1 FROM YOUR CHIEF. I II, 1"ntl ' SMU6SUN6 OUTFIT HAS MEN RI6HT I NEWS, FOR " 0ECOPE THIS MESSA6E. A SUPPOSE. IO Vk. I WffH OUR PARTY. "SOUTHERN I I'M SURE THE1 tl . X- I a Jre. ,J MIGRATION OF SEA BlfPS" MEANS ARE ABOUT Tt j . ' rr-i f fZfi HE IS SENPiNfi US HELP BY PUNEact ! Y IS r , I I L-LJI " F I I l Tuesday II fT IT M IV R I I II B II If, l I III LJ,. II I f " . . I JtP6IN' FROM All THEM FURRINyoH..vt,u ur am I VUP!--ONLY. -Y'KNOW TH l."- I P5MAW.'4HE COULD HIRE Jyrc, I Aiuri KNEUI Tl TPKTROMTHAT,llTTt"WTHtAR7? hTl-Aa.MMFi'atT'aAM SnWA"1! AvVaTIN' AT MJM'T t0NE'HE1 Sirui'lT.Sri U A-UOUNTRY TtN0 EMi; BUT IT1 HARD TO AVIAT1N f ElLtR! JV V "BUK'HANNIBAL! lJthtln"--U ? BTsU KUEVE BUNNY WOULD- J tp 15 Nwi SO Ml Jftnit Bo Ht VIcfltM Holly NiGh HoUr Uollvw-4 Th. HollTwood Tht, Pto. rt rannr Poo. rt Funny Bfntlrft, KlMitT INowt of World Cftvalcodo Cavftkado ULnoi Mannlag pill 8bow rooiaro' lurr Nowa Mcdttalloa II I Mr Bollof Llfo Hlth Lolil jl.110 With Lull. Hit tha Jaekaot Hit th Jarkpot! C. Thorn hill C. Thornhlll Low. Thomaa Jaek Imllb Mra. North Mr., Mn, North IGraoa Honial Gttta Horaal Sky Kins Iky -Kim Flrnblr Homo Edlllaa Bop't U lfooIo Moil Ronald Colrm'n konald Coloi 30 Bi Tawa 45iBlc Tawa Ha Hayoa Mori. Dowaar Haarta Paia Band Wafoa Nowa Wai Haacaat 30Wai Haaoaaa 45 Wax Mnmaai QO'sim Off Myotorr Tha, Myatory Tkoa. Ifioalata klab II H-8tar Final Toa d. World lAlrflo lOrcbaatra Rcronado Drcbratra rTreaaarr Banal Ncwa HI loot Lltralchl Arrow alralibt Arrow raau Mldnlabt kaaL Mldaliht rOabrltl Boator Narlhw'at Ntwi rr.iio Toot UHaalo Coantoraay Coantorapr Rax Maapla Bex Ma ii pin IDpfemo Tlma Dtfonao TIbo Town Moollna Town Mtollnf D root a of Mod nlnilng Itrlnga Rldara la Bky Jlldora la Sky Towa Moat lag Towa Mtollnf iNawa Wo Car Rich hold Rtr Intarntaaa Conacrt Hoar Conaert Boar Conacrt Boar Canoorl Boar 1390 MBC IKhrlhxa Ranch Rhythm Ranch Blng Craaby BaalnaM Kowg Candlol'l flL Caadlol'l g) IU. Ncwa Usaak WalUa Connt M. Crlato Koanl M Carlo IMuala Muila Nowa baaala lrorito Story pBTorlto Starr Paltaa Lowta Sol. Loo. Nowa Nowa OaaaU Lava Mratorrl Hora'a To VcU at, Morgaa Or. L Morgaa Or. lra Off 14M Ko. Pat O'Brlaa Maaleal J'akaat Lctaira Kaighl S Making Spta. Track UN Traok laav Track KM Track 14M (Traek UN Track UN Ntwo (Taaiaiy Doraoy Ffaallor Towa" Frontier Towa Maa. yoa Waal Mas. yoa Waal Naetaraa Noclaras ISlga Off WEDNESDAY 4 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. HcdflO roast Nowa Farm Tins Farai Tlma Early Bird Old Sansa News I fJayos iKddla Albort Cddla Albert Jack Borch Sasa El dors 4ccond Can Second Caa HoaiotawBOTa Nows iNtwi WOIN Kloek IKOIN Klack KOIN Kloek Frod Back IConauaaar Nows Nowa Grand llass Rosemary IWondy Warraa Aunt Jenny Helen Trent Oar Oal Band'y Uarrlaso far S Lara Lawtoa Hostesa Hoaaa Hoatosa Ho boo Big Slater Ma Perkins ITg. Dr. Malsat Gnldlng Light Double ar Notb. Double ar Noth. T'day's Cblldon Llsht af World Ufa Boaatlfal Nows Pepaor koaag Happiness Backataga Wife Htciia Dallas iLoronsa Jonas IWldder Browa A Girl Par. Faces Life 'Jait Plain Bill IFr. Pago Farroll IWolcama Tray. iWeleomo Tray. lAant Mary Lava a Lcara I Woman's Sooret IRoad of Life Dr. Paul unny Side Farm Newa Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Nowa Asrsnsky Bob Hasoa Zeka Manners Braakfaal Clab .Breakfast Clab iBrcakfaat Clab Breakfast Clab Mlldraa Bodall Today'a Stars Art Link letter Art Uoklsttar pack Nerssaa Galea Draks My Trao Story My Trao Stary nd Mra. BurVa Parry Maioa Norah Drake Brighter Day News Corns Got It Bright Light Art Baker Rarny'd Foil lea Kiarry Mooro Garry Moore Newspapor Marries Newspaper Meet Mlaaaa Meet Mlaaas rrnnofally Yo'rs News Arthar Godfrey I Artnar uoarrcy Arthar Godfrey Arthar Godfrey Arthar Godfrey Curt nassey Ed K. Murrow Morn. Newa Maale. Tlmk'py. iMarca Time News News Ulr'kfast Gang Rise and Shlaa Tap Trades Bargs Coanter Rise Shins Bible Iaatitata iBIbls Iaatitata Mei-tow'st Hals Clab pastor's Can Walts Tlma Nowa Gospel Singer Maale Walts Seran. Betty Cracker Riders af Saga N'wsataraers N'wettorncra Baukhaga News Victor Llndlahr Meet MonJoas Braakfaat In Hollywood Kay Waal Kay Weal Jay Stewart Jay Stewart Brlda a Oreo Bride Groa Talk Way Oat Talk Way Oat Be Seated Ted Maloa Mod. Romances Mod. Romances Squirrel Case Sqnlrrel Cage KOCO Kloek IkOCO Block Tex RlttOf Nowa Sparta Tap O Moralag Tap O' Moralag King's Crasadrs Ktag's Crasadrs nvest. Melodies Flcala Tlma News Time far MaUd mat iar Mei'dy Ura Slag U. Ch. Thaasaa W. Nows Mam'rabla Maa. Tane Tlma B8 Kays Ladles First Ladles First klassa for Day kjuaen far Day Top Trades News iNorthw'at Newel Eberly Show ITHI Neighbor Harvey Harding prsan Reveries Blng Slnga IMelody Matinee1 (Melody Matinee a. Jamboree, rTcna. Jamboree IBob Poole Bob Poole LNews honge af Times IPalton Lewis If. Hemingway Behind Story News Mnsle Mart Maale Marl Ian Garbor Vocal Varietlss tHoIlyw'd Maale fflollyw'f Masla News Ted Dais Pros. Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mao's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies Mae's Melodies Mac's Mclodlsa movlstlma Friendly IB san be Boaaa. B saa be Baaat. lAAs Tuesday A.M. o:00, Chldron's lVn Tbcatrsi 6:15, On tbs UP beati 6:50, SS0 Sports Clabi 6:00, Newai :1B, Orgam l:S0, 'Round lbs Campnrsi 7:1B, Evening Farm Bonn 8:00. srrana af Mercy i S:1S, V.N. Review i 1:80. Great Bengal t:B, Nows and Wealhsri t:00. Ma sla Thai Indarasi t:4S. Bvenlng Medita tions. 10:00. Sign Off. DIAL LISTING, KOAC 550 ls f a f Wednesday A. M. 10:00, Nowa lNS.r--t-- and Weather i 10:15. Eapee lally for Women i 11:00, Oregon School af Alrt 11:15. Concert Hallt 12:00, Nowot lt:13. Noon Farm Hoart 1:00, Ride 'Em Cowboy: 1:15, Oregon Sehool af tbs Alrt 1:46, This Day; z:00. Freedom to Grow S:S0, Memory Book af Muslci S:45, Ore gon School af the Alrt S 00, Newel S:1B, Muls af ths Masters, :M, Oregon Ro. porteri 4:1S, Kern Sloop; 4:80, Romas oa the tandi 4:48, Song at the Islands, . School Gets Movies With PTA Sponsors Butteville Mrs. Daniel Clark presided at the first meeting of Butteville PTA. At the business session It was voted that the PTA would sponsor the moving pictures for the school this year. Teachers of the grade school, Miss Loretta Gooding, Mrs. Eli zabeth Sonnen and Mrs. Anna Schenck were honored at a reception. Reports were made by the 4-H club members who attended summer school at Corvallis last summer were given by Jack Ras mussen, Evelyn Hostetler, Bon nie Hathaway and Angela Km picka. Mr. and Mrs. John Ras mussen, program chairmen, pre sented the following program: Guitars and songs by George and Junior Parsons. Vocal solo by Mrs. Harry Lizer and piano solo by Patty Wahl Mrs. Daniel Clark. Mrs. R. Beard, Mrs. Harold Hove and Mrs. Robert Clark were in charge of refreshments. ACROSS L Principal 7. Demand 13. Closer 14. Try to hear 15. At tioma 16. Support for an oar It. Artificial languago II. Large tub Zl. Balance 22. Gona by 11. Pala brown 25. Femala sand- SR. Stair S7. Memorizes 19. Dentccatora II. Small fish Everything Muscles Mora unslfhir) On a for whom a a tilt u brought Equality Dry Miner's chisel Hackneyed Male sheep Sloth Sailor Short for a man's nam Branched Connecta Molds Sworda l M A 1T E nTTC k" o a n o o cIJa fJ IT (F if NNO C glN T 8UF J g N 6 NjN O T Alt E D 8 A HBJIMS S I N TJ ISlPlAlO H B T T TQNpaiel 0 A FfflE P I S TT1er Wffl ep w g 0 E Solution sf Yesterday's Puzil. t. I DOWN t. Whin, and Z ZZ1ZZZZZ - 'MiL izz?iiz srpr ifft ZZiiZZ ZJZJUl Si t f 7, S3 54 , "11111 IN 1 1 1 1 Af Newa'Mfvres Broken card run . Hawaiian lava Golf Instructor Bound Mistake Shut Faraettfo Insect Inquire Pronoua Union Pries Recline Prepared foff a contest Studio Keyahapedl heraldry HorlxontsJ tlmbere Norsl Kind of mosa Sweetens Hebrew , prophet Bowling corea Planet Rubber Negligent Tropical btrtl Ignoble Siberian river Gwab Side piece) Mother Symbol for tellurium ROOM AND BOARD By Gent Ahern HONEST T'M TELLIN' YUM ALFY THROWS A ROCKET RIGHT TMATO POP DS RIVETS ON A BOH.ER7-I WAS SPAR.R.IN' NMTH HIM WHEM US CLIPPED ME ON DA CHIN AN" FOR. A WEEK I HEARD PAR.-AWAY CAAAEL BELUS . THERE? A HEAVY WEIGHT FIGHTING FIREMAN HERE IN TOWN WHO'S BEEN PLANKING ALL THE LOCAL BiG SLUGGERS SO MAYBE THE JUDGE CAN ARRANGE A MATCH WITH HIM FOR. ALFY V A HATS FOUR-ALARM r FOLEY-,, 'ft 4 t )