Three Staggs in Grid Coaching Act P The Stagg family forms a football coaching trio at Susque hanna University. Amoi Alomo Stags Sr., Is advisory coach to his son, Amos Jr., and Mrs. Stags helps out too. 14 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore, Tuesday, October 25, 1949 SCORES in the ALLEYS University Alleys -' LADIES OPPICE LEAGUE Capllol City Laundrr (1) Anaove 94.9, Kufncr 363. Lomen 289, Seltlemetr 203, optlnEtr 347; 1705. Oreion Statesman f2) Talmadae 373, Green 369. Cordler ft. White 388, Bower 313: 180S. Chuck Steak Home 0 M. Rath lbb, OurtU 377, LewU 380. Bennett '84, Rod rrnel 383: 1088. Stop-Lite Cafe (3) Lock en 363, Mark 307. McWalo 348, Frederick ton 333. Kunke 393: I860. . Top Hat (0) Welch 301, Dlaney 333, Oould 348. Cheney 380. Hamilton 351; 1703. Brewn'e Jewelers (3) Furrer 330, Smith Ml, Houiham 377, Relnke 37S, Hauien 204: 1903. ' Cariy'i Dairy fll OwenJ 334. P. Rati. 403, MaeatrfUl 395. Vlbbert 396, Carper HO; 1734. Ma-dower Milk ID R. Settle in ier 301, Craven 384. Scharff 384, Plautr J3. 8. Delaney 379: 1764. Metropolitan Rtoree (0) Bllck 261, Ore or t 341, Jonej Sift, May 394, Dow S3fl: 1S09. Wealern Paper S I Pur via 103, Fleck 389, Sramiter 300, OoaraweU 3)8, Otto 368: 1707. . Hlih Individual tarn: Lillian Reinke, Brown'i Jeweler, 173. "High Individual wrlej: Pat Rath, Cur Ir'a Dairy, 403. High team aerie: Brown' Jeweleri, Iffll. j (Complete fteanlta) - " MERCANTILE LEAGUE NO. 1 Montgomery Ward (St Fleet 490, art ham 5W, Cauaey 487. Cllna 484, Olrtman 466. Teametere Union 0) Slmona 493, Oodkln 403, B. Thlea 464, R. Thlet 430. I Pohl 464. Poht 418. ! Aeca Barber Baatncen Market '01 Baalnier 399, Randall 331, Memann 3f0, Aahbr 485, Cuihtna 4S3. Brown e Jeweler. (3) Parker 483, E. Hauien 450, Nratrom 137. 71. Hauien 480. V. Hauien 614. Doollttle't (1 Dutolt 307. Wtlken 199, Hurton 393, Xaent 386. Belief fe 301. State ft 14th (3) Corfman 380. Croaaler 371. Cox 3J60, Hern 4(17. Weatphal 378. South Salem Pharmacy (0) Keckfer 438, Merrltt 398, Hlnkle 451, Rlordan 604, Hyatt 400. State St. Market (3l Rneldler 410, Prima 369, Erler 436, XHenko 496, Bauer 471. Hleh Individual tame: Knaldler of State ft. Market. 308. Hlih Individual terlti: Y. Hauien of Brown' Jeweler. 914. Hub team tame: Montiomerr Ward, K8C 463. Alderln 469, Bllke 939, Rtchej 106. Orval'e Deed Car 13) Crawford 479. MeClary 403, Oabel 443, Rosa 473, Boyce 837. Stettler Supply 0t Kltzmtller 41. Hendrle 370. C. Stettler 388, Hart wall 399. W. Valdet 636. Rnlihta of Columbu 9 Blckler 482. Albrlch 678, Link 453, M. Miller 489. .1. Miller 639. Starr Foodi ft) Scale 486, Leniren 516, B. Powell 959, Arena rt 630 Allen 647. Huh Individual tame: Whiter Stratton Of Nleholaon'j, 244. Hlih Individual aerie r Joe Miller of Knliht'a of Columbu, 639. Hlih tam tame: NlehoUon'i Insur ance, 1030. Hlch team terlaa: Mailer Bread, 2964. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. f Valley Oil ID A. Zeeb 144. Lutt 48. Zeeb 405, Vestal 430, Warner 410. B Delk 337, Sound Contt. Ce. (1 1 Bud Strew 544, L. Baylor 439. H. Nuttlni 409, Bob Straw 452. H. Slmmondx 470. Hoffman Conet. (1 Crawford 507, Em berton 403, Miller 405. Hanxon 491, Clark 863. Dirk Merer Lmbr. Co. 2i Hattt-n 506, Llvlniaton 507, Shtpman 919, Breinta 478. Lacy 517. Wood burn (II Steele 532. Perd ?18. Pe- kar 498. Deaien 499. Hick 631. Rod Con Clob (3 Miller 460, Mellany 359, Fytrell 400. DeBow 476, Moore 415. Jewel Box (1) Cowan 469. Tachlda 659. Mllford 404. Boyea 639. Wall 436. Nalley't Potatoe Chlpa (3) Thompaon 535. John eon 349. J. Row 910. Owynn 429. Me- Cunt 519. Capital Alleys COMMERCIAL LEAGUE NO. 1 Sonater Bodle Jh -hole (8 Cady ISI, Bolton 400. Wlluey 809. P. Valdai Ml. Duffuj 451, Goldlee of ftllyorton (01 Brant 810, J. Herr 480, Frank. 800, O. Herr 489, Spencer 488. Nlrholaon'e lniar.nrl ft Slretton lit. Bralller 438. Gannon 8S8. Mllford 103, HcClueeey 899. Marlon Creamery (It Ooror.rlno 800. Pelter 884, Davenport 480, Kanyon 838. Klni Ml. Mr.etor Brood (II Walloon III. Prlem S84. Cooml.r 811. M. Powell 4M. Parmer 19 Walton Brown (01 Perry 491. Slncfr Duckpin Bowling LADIES HAGUE Boodle Oil (ll Olenya Anael 184. Helen Rendle 170, Jo Mill 380, Olodya Wol 849. Dee Oauthlar 410, Dirk Meyer Lumber II) Rita Hanneean 380. Helen Nolan 387 Evelyn Thompson 330, Marfarat Holmes 337, By, 378. Hiibbe Real Eateto (0) Lucille Allen 391. Mary Polln.'lr! 377, Betty Cla.w laubl 388. Hlehland Market 141 Elva Brirorer 380, Jean Zeeb 359, Ruth Harmon 388, Cle ona DeHut 371, Gertie Carr 414. Mailer Bread (31 Vlda Flood 143. Bon. le Malum 381. Shirley Studebakir 381. Oertle Cox 348. Charlotte Huenea 488. Memorial Hoapllal 131 Dorothy Denn'o- ton 407, Alma. Creaawell 348. Dorothy Walker 383. Anno Chapman 337, Sparkle MeCerroll . Sere Ur Self Laundry III Lorana han- an 131, ma Snharf HI. Marth reies 347. Hutn Powell 381, Alma penny B. Ladd ) Bueh Bank (II Pecty Short 319, Joan Vovea 348, Sybil 985, June Moort 371. Don na Greene 333. Hlih team aerlai: Serve Ur Self, 1938. Htth team lame: Hlahland Market. 091. Hlih Individual aerlea and lame: Alma Penny (Serv Ur Belh 841 and 189. Only five of the 45 members of the University of Miami's 1940 football squad are seniors. By BEN FRENCH (AP Nowafaaturaa) Selinsgrove, Pa. Coaching the Siuquehana University foot ball team is strictly a Stags family affair. Amos Alonzo Stagg, 87, who is In his 80th season as a col lege grid coach, joined with his son, Amos, Jr., two years ago to form what Is believed to be the only father-son comoination in coaching ranks. But there's a third member of this team Mrs. A. A. Stagg, Sr. The wife and mother of the two coaches takes an active hand in the running of the grid team at this small Lutheran 1- lege in the hills of central Penn sylvania. In fact, the men ' oth feel she's essential. "Mother points out the mis takes and charts all the plays both our's and the opponent s." Amos, Jr., says. "I'd say at least a fourth of dad's greatne&i is due to her." The elder Staggs met when he was the head coach at the Uni versity of Chicago and she was a coed. One night the coach gave a talk on football at the girls' dormitory. An 18-year old senior came up to ask a question after the talk and a romance started. A year later they were mar ried and for 35 years they've been working out football plays. "But be sure to point out that I courted her," the Grand Old Man of football says with a chuckle. Mrs. Stagg turns out a com plete set of charts and full re port on each game the team plays. At one time she went off and scouted opponents when her husband was knocking off west coast grid giants with his Col lege of the Pacific eleven. An other time she made charts for the Chicago Tribune. "Her charts and reports are just as good as movies," Stagg boasts. While her son and husband are down on the field, she sits in the press box diagramming plays, noting mistakes and mak ing suggestions which are sent to the locker room during half time. In fact, the couple get so in volved in football that they're liable to forget everything else ven wedding anniversaries. 'It was 10:30 one night last month when Mrs. Stagg turned to me and said "Lon, this is our 55th wedding anniversary," Stagg said. Both Stagg, at 87 and his wife. at 74, enjoy good health. They spend the non-football months at their home at Stockton, Calif. working out new plays to spring on the opposition in the fall. Only Amos Alonzo, Jr., has a full-time job of coaching. He's head mentor of football, basket ball and tennis at Susquehanna as well as doubling as athletic director. His father is listed only as advisory coach on an hono rarium. "But I take a backseat when Dad and Mother come east," he says. Passes to New Marks Syracuse, N.Y., W) Although he is only a Junior on the Syra cuse university football team, every time Bernie Custis com pletes a forward, he establishes a new Orange record. Stewart (Stu) Tisdale, Yale's passing quarterback, was co- captain of the freshman football team in 1047. Steak and Vie or your Old age Social Sewtriry benefits help relieve old age financial strain, but gener lly speaking it is bread and butter standard of living. The steak and pie standard can come only through careful planning. IN 1AIIM Pacific Buildino 518 Stati Strut Ask the Prudential man in your community about the new "Dolla Gimde." It will help you decide for yourself how much insurance you ac tually need for adequate retirement income and other family needs. THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCt COMPANY Of AMI RICA A M irvaW Lift Imimrs 9ft Ce-vAf ny Weueea Maw OwWe lee Awtetot, CoHoralQ) , c , y rK( , k . f- " ?tS ? 4f .J W 1 'X t i- , a - fiii. 7-.. ji i 4.fp Not So Slow Auto dealer S. 8. Bayers pushes his 28-fool speed boat, Slo-Mo-Shun IV, across Seattle's Lake Washington on a trial run. Although Its speed has been kept secret, the craft goes consid erably faster than its name might Indicate. She outran a plane doing 110 mph. Designed by Boeing airplane plant supervisor Ted O. Jones, the boat Is being groomed for a crack at Sir Malcolm Campbell's world record of 141.74 mph. A 12-cylinder aircraft engine de veloping 1800 hp. at 3000 rpm. powers the erift.. Step-up gear turns the props at three times engine speed. (Acme Telephoto.) Horse Loses To7 After Prance in Walking Contest Harrlsburg, Pa Oct 25 m A horse got the horse laugh at the Pennsylvania National Horse show last night. Wilson's Grey Boy, a five-year-old gelding, finished a walk-around in a class for stallion or gelding walking horses. Then oops! its tall fell off, leaving nothing but an undersized stump. As it turn ed out, the tail was a switch of tied on horse hair. Judges disq a a 1 1 f I e d the steed. It is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Byron D. Kuth, Chester land, O. OREGON TIDES Correct for Newport Him ' Low Oct. 31 4:01 a.m. 1.7 9:38 a.m. I.I 3:30 p.m. 8.9 10:31 p.m. -1.4 Oct. 38 4:S8 a.m. 8.4 10:19 a.m. 8.0 4:09 p.m. I.I 11:38 p.m. -0.1 Oct. 37 1:37 a.m. 8.3 11:33 a.m. 3.4 8:05 p.m. 7.8 Oct. 31 7:03 a.m. 8 1 0:18 a.m. -0.1 8:13 p.m. 7.0 13:40 p.m. 3.8 Oct. 21 l:od a.m. 0 3 1:38 a.m. 0.1 7:2j p.m. 8 0 1:39 p.m. 3.4 Oct. 30 9:05 a m. 1.8 1:39 a.m. 0.4 8:40 p.m. 1.4 3:10 p.m. 2.9 Oct. 31 9:53 a.m. 7.0 3:35 a.m. 0.8 9:41 p.m. 8.4 4:09 p.m. 2.2 Carries Now Fayetteville, Ark., OP) Alvin Duke, Drumright, Okla., Indian who is captain of the Arkansas football team this season, has charged out of the obscurity of a blocking back post into the limelight Duke for three seasons was Arkansas' blocking back and de fensive stalwart but the switch to the T from the single wing put blocking backs out of busi ness. Hard-running, 180-pound Duke quickly caught on as a halfback. G TTf.WsTIiTl.jIiJil I II I III 111 il il III d ill af vil I Hi) Jf. 4 t'.W'l miyiiuui.i,.. LaChopellednd Stojack Rassle In MatMainer Frank Stojack and Maurice LaChapelle have been assigned the job of providing the main event entertainment of the week' ly professional grappling pro gram at the armory. The winner is due to meet Tony Ross. One of the hooded variety of ring showmen will be introduc ed in the preliminaries. Known as the "Saint," the man with the mask will tangle with Al Szasz as 8:30. Jack O'Riley and Ernie Piluso will meet in the semi-windup. College Newsman Pays Promise With Buttermilk Pullman, Wash., Oct. 25 (U.R) Athletic news director Dave Sti dolph of Washington State col lege is a man of his word as JIM'S SHOE SERVICE 175 N. High ETONIC America's Greatest SHOE VALUE With NO-SEAM HI-WELTS . . keep Water out . . Feet dry! With these heavy Salem rains . . why not buy ai. alternate pairT Give your shoes a chance to dry oat! All sites and widths. c 3 Jim's Shoe Service 175 N. High 3 the Glendale, Calif., quarterback club will find out. Stidolph told the club recent ly that "the drinks are on p.e if USC beats Washington 3Ut " The Trojans did just that, 35 7. Yesterday, he air-expressed a package to the club with a note saying, "These are the drinks from the cow college at Pull man." The case contained butter milk. Fifteen stakes, the most in winter racing, are slated for the coming campaign at Hialeah race track. Roufbon i. i wtv tJwK) a. . .W IX.. .,r Taste... Compare... Enjoy... Today enjoy truly delicious. delightful, (ieiux Kentucky flavor! KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY A BLEND National Distillers Products Corporation, N. Y. 86.8 Proof 51 Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiikay 49 Grain Neutral Spirits SEE and HEAR OtSB.V and JOMXBOX,B FIHBBALL rVX-FOK-Ati. every Thuriday on TeUviiio " 'Naaigji-aliiia-ii'ian n V - A fff:'t : m r .wtras a !g "v iififflion,iilii'lriiiiilll..,..1:;4l 1 oji a urn mwiiiiamin. Taeo lo HfNr I. 7ALOt. A0C Norwork, rerreWoy ovoalag. This One's Changing a Lot of Minds MOST people have a habit of letting their sights on cars of a certain "price level" and making a choice on the basis of what they can afford to buy. Then, on the scene, came this stunning beauty and in a few short weeks turned a whale of a lot of decisions in a brand-new direction. Why not folks figured get really fresh style lines and that stout bumper-guard grille that can take any normal impact yet won't "lock horns" with cart ahead? Why not get good, substantial roadweight and lot more interior room when they come in a car that's shorter in bumper-to-bumper length for easier parking, garaging and handling in traffic? And why, the shrewd shoppers asked, take anything less than this itraight-eight thriller when it wears a price tag that any new-car buyer can reach, and actually costi less than many sixtsT Truth Is, this spanking-new Buick SPECIAL turns a searching light on every car in its price range on many above and below too and look the better for it every day. Better in its advanced styling and amazing interior roominess and traffic-handy size. And certainly far better in the lift and life of its valve-in-head Fireball power the level going steadiness of its buoyant Buick ride the silken luxury of Dynaflow Drive, optional here at modest extra cost So why not set your sights on this beauty of a buy and let the facts of hardpan shopping comparison open your eyes to a new oppor tunity? Your Buick dealer will gladly let you sample it sparkling action on the road and give you SPCCMUV NOW the newt on how quickly delivery can be made. Go see him and get your name on the dotted line. TE-STltlKEt Omlg Bmick SPECIAL ha mlf thetm Ftatmrrat TtAmC-HANOt SUf e MOM SOOM KM 7X1 MONfT o OYNAFtOW DftfVT oprewf of eitra cow . JeT-UNI SmiNO o NON-tOOriNO lUAtm-tMMW OMties MOH-mssun nSAU muom-BGMi maim , con tMmama au ASCHMD o lOyV-MBSUtl riMJ ON SAfffTY- tax tiMt a oMAnt wsnrurr ton and m sej-iocxma iuooam ids a rriAor. Mwra rotouf-ruif dmvi rrta smact Atcotu wm toor ir mum Kxtgirto MOtTOAOl SIOIXPTION IAMIIT INCOMI PIOTICIION SAIAST IXtlNSION IOUCATIONA1 PIANI If IIIMSNI INCOMI ANNUItllloiHVINIll PIOTICIION UtlNIIIINIUIANCI COVIIAS)! hrtfr mmlomobllei mrm built BV1CK will bull thrm ta . j l M K"w"ftl" MtJ"1 -- rTim.iii 1 miiim ii 3 OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY 388 N. Commercial St. Salem