10CapHaI Journal, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, October 23. 1949r.. A L..x Ci' f C.'f... Fake Fronts as Old as History TAXES HELP VETERANS (,800.000,000 $2 ,000,000,000 $733,000,000 $100,000,000 U.S. BENEFITS TO VETERANS HAVE COST TAXPAYERS ABOUT 7 BILLIONS A YEAR. SINCE 1946 GAYS TAX FOUNDATION. Chart shows some ofihe large annual bllfx An A, NwfawrM PI 3 Dr. CUude H. Barlow CTfD 4S HffiO N MEDICINE Snail Killer Proposes Idea To Bring Health to Millions fAP Nrw.fe.turu) Cairo For the last nine years Dr. Claude H. Barlow has had one aim In life to kill snails. They harbor a tiny larva which is more destructive, up to now, than the atomic bomb. ' Dr. Barlow says the disease caused by this larva ii one of the most widespread and destructive human ailment known to i man. Since earliest history it hai af flicted hundreds of millions of men and women working in the streams and flooded fields of the middle and far east. Half of Egypt's 19,000,000 people suffer from it today, and the loss of productive power in all affected countries is beyond calculation. The disease is known as bilharziasis. Dr. Barlow first became In terested in it as a medical mis sionary in China. Coming to Egypt in 1929 with the Rockefeller foundation. Dr. Barlow ipent the next ten years studying snails. In 1940 the Egyptian government asked him to set up the first public health department In the world devot ed solely to the destruction of bilharzla snails. It is this section that he now operates. In 1948 President Truman gave Dr. Barlow the certificate of merit in recognition of "one of the most heroic and unselfish acts in the history of medicine." The act occurred during World war two, when a number of American soldiers suffering from bllharziasis were invalided to the United States from the middle and far east. The ques tion arose as to whether snails in the United States would car ry the disease from one human being to another. To find out, It was necessary to have eggs of the bilharzia worm from a hu man patient. Dr. Barlow exposed himself thoroughly to bilharzia larvae, which melt their way through unbroken human skin and at tack the liver and other organs inside. He was flown to the United Slates and refrained from taking treatment until months after his infection had reached dangerous and excruti- ating proportions. Finally he un derwent treatment, which he says Is so prolonged and disgust ing that most victims will not take the required number of in jections. "Don't let anybody tell you the treatment isn't nauseating,' he says with a grin. "I have in side information." He 1 1 i 1 1 stumps around his laboratories and workshops on legs slightly crippled by the ordeal. Auto Crash Fatal Klamath Falls, Oct. 25 (Pi His second automobile accident In five weeks was fatal yester day to Clarence C. Loudon. 27. crushed under an overturned truck in a ranch field. Two Suits Filed In Strike Row Portland, Oct. 25 ") A con tract dispute that has idled the Doernbecher Hinulic turing plant since October 11 resulted yesterday in two suits being tiled with the national labor re lations board. The CIO Furniture Workers union and the company accuse each other of unfair labor prac tices. The union charges the com pany repudiated an Oct. 3 con tract, reduced wages without consent of the union, refused to deal with union agents, and in listed on a reduced wage scale as a condition of further bargaining. Doernbecher's suit asserts un ion agents violnted the Tuft Hartley labor law by calling 125 men off the job October 11 with out first giving 30-day strike notice. The union has not picketed the plant, however, and argues the work stoppage Is not a strike Region CIO Director Chester Duston said last night the com pany refused to bargain in good faith. He said it signed the con tract and then Immediately de manded the terms be changed. Company President Hurry A Green said the change of work assignments was pcrmlssahlc under the contract. He said the reason only 12.1 of 550 workers were called back October 11 was poor buslnesi eonditioni. Green laid civil damage suits may also be filed against the union. Ort. 25 Coplnn, To Interrupt Percy's Fast Birmingham, Ala., JR Huge Percy more than halfway through a proposed 100-day fast in a lit tle house atop a ateel pole, will make a forced landing on Nor. 3. Coplon, who has slimmed down from 357 pounds to a mere 280 In the first 5S days of his fast, has been subpoen aed as a witness In a trial In volving hit mother-in-law, 8ha la being aued on charges f nonpayment of a debt Perry aald he would go back to his perrh and finish the tut after the trial. Furniture Mart By VIRGINIA MacPIIERSON Hollywood. Calif., Oct. 23 (UP) All this fuss about falsies is downright silly, a theatrical costumer sniffed today. What makes Hollywood glamour gals think THEY discovered the things, anyway? Fake fronts, according to Paul Berman, have been going on or out for thousands of years.' For all he knows, even the cave woman fluffed an extra hunk of fur inside their prehistoric sar ongs. "Women have been building themselves up since time imme morial," Berman declared. "Nowadays, everybody acts like it's something Hollywood thought up. 'Believe me, the cinema queens are about 2000 years be hind the times." Berman qualifies as an expert on thli kind of thing. He's head of the Berman theatrical cos tuming firm and he, or his fath er, or his grandfather have been duding up entertainers here and in England since 1884. His Hollywood warehouse has authentic costumes as far back as anybody can remember, and he'll defy you to browse around the racks and find a female out fit that doesn't require some kind of stuffing in the bosom department. "They even had falsies back Cleopatra's day," Berman said. "They called them breast plates but all they were, actu ally, were tin falsies. They came in different shapes and mater ials, but invariably they were larger than what was underneath." Along about 1820, he went on, skimpily endowed maidens were improving on nature with mus lin and cotton filling inside their chemises. And even the Victorian ladies, well aware they'd be ostracized socially if anything ever slipped, risked all to build out their corseted sil houettes in the right spots. In the 1920's, Berman admit ted, the girls called everything off and flaunted chests with about as much appeal as silk- covered washboard. 'But a few of them saw the light In the 1930s," he grinned. And before anybody ever thought of actually manufactur ing a falsie, girls were stuffing their lingerie with men's sox or rolls of'cotton or wool." The only new development In the structure of female fronts, according to Berman, has prac tically nothing to do with moth er nature. "Girls just don't mind talking about their falsies now," he said. "Back through the ages it was all very hush-hush. Many a hus band didn't even know his wife stuffed.' "Nowadays girls even b their gay deceivers in assorted shapes and sizes and switch around for sweaters and bathing suits and formal gowns. "And everybody knows it. With these plunging necklines you can't be fooled for long." First use of a coaxial cable for a regular television program came at the Republican conven tion in Philadelphia in 1940, the relay being to New York. Lower Meat Prices In 1950 Predicted Washington, Oct. 25 U.R) Meat prices will be slightly low er next year because of trends toward increased production, according to an agriculture de partment forecast. 'The prospect for 1950." the department said, "is that these trends will continue and that an increase in meat production will result In lower prices for meat and meat products." But the department pointed out that any price reductions probably will be "moderate" as long as demand remains heavy. Discovered How To HEAR AGAIN IN 20 SECONDS COMMIISIONEB'8 COttT Thi following la th official publication of th record of claims be lor tht Marlon County Comtnualoner' court for the Sep umber term for 199. with tht amount al lowed, bill continued, etc.. according to the record in the office of the county clerk. Ml. Public employee retirement ays- tern, retirement, IOI1.14; Ladd St Buh, Salem Br. VA. Nat'. Bank of Portland, withholding. S3.3S1.95: State Ind. Accident Comm., Insurance, 1507.92. Attestor's Of- rice C. A. Lewie, deputy, 1315.98 Ray Lick, deputy, 1181.93; J. L. flif round, de puty, 1180.18: Grace N. Babcock, deputy, 1187.43; Ida M. BaUlIe, deputy, 1154 80; May Holtorf, deputy. $79.55; Helen Snyder, deputy, 8144.73; Alice V. Cummin as, clerk 1183.85; Mary Strayer, clerk. 1148.50; Gor don K. Tower, draiteman, 1227.78. Circuit Court A. A. Richard, court reporter, $288.10; Ruby Hughfj, court reporter f288.75. County Clerk M. Reanicjek, de puty. $153.15; P. Crasby, deputy, 1183.13; Howard, deputy, 8194.20; Dora Barrett, Jeputy, 8168.14: Vernon Windsor, deputy. 1310.47; Helen L. Mulkey, deputy, $182.40: U. omord, drputy, J161.12: R. j. Stan ton, deputy, 162.60; D. Brown, deputy. 150.36. County Court M. Reznlcsek, clerk, d. u Brown, a ten OS., iso. Court Home Edw. Brasher, Janitor. 1163 83; W. Orltton, Janitor. $161.57; Wm. Morlar Janltor. (150.97; Edwin Booth, jani tor. 1153.10; Ruth Hutchliu, elev. oper.. M. E. Llndaey, elev. oper.. 181.10. District Attorney Oordon Moore, deputy. 1217.74; Doris M. Albln, secretary, $139.13. District Court Clurus Brown, deputy clerk, $171.37; Barbara Smith, deputy lerk, $169.75. District Court Constable Oloria Robinson, deputy, $159.58. Health Department w. j. Bione, m.u., pnysi- clan, (530.94; W. B. Qutnn. aanltarlan. 1242.10; I. O. Lermon, aanltarlan. $252.94; t. Coleman, aanltarlan, $252.78; Batty Cooper, aanltarlan, (253.40; Bern ice Yeary, nurse, $234.13; Merwyn Darby, nurse, 1207.81: Helen Wanasaard. nurse. (218.70: Jane Dotnkowakl, nurse, $159.48; Evelyn I Schrader, nurse, $131.63; Jean M. Wright. nurae. $205.70; H. Steyaert. nurse. $113.18; Joan Schnteder, nurse, (211.13; Erna Ber- tec her, nurse, (190.10: Leslie L. Stone, nurse, (183.56; Oertrude Flnnemore, nurse. 1209.40; Evelyn Krueger. nurse. $218.20; Franc! Relerson, health educator, (191.04; rence, labor. (330.46; Virgil Long, labor. Howard P.. pyfer. health educator. $238 99; Vera Wood. dark. (190.20: Odessa Melby. clerk. (189.50; Alice Bcrgmann. cerk. 1134-3$; Mona E. DavU. clerk. $142 50; Dane! Lee. clerk, (130.05: Dolores Frier, clerk. $134 30: Lucille Lukens, nurse, $119.23. Breiteabasb J eat lea Court Edaon Vlckera, justice of peact. (89 10: J. O. Fowler, constabl Uulyi, 8173 25; J. C Fowler, constabl (Aug.i, (173 35. Jeffer Jaallr Cosrt E E. Howell, justice. 1121.(3; Oeo. F. Armstrong, conMable, 114.83. Ml. Aniel Juatlc Court N. M. Lauby, Justice. (9 90: Peter J. Buraer. con stable. $9.90. Urertoa Juatlc Caarl Alf. O. Nelson. Justice, (176.46; F. N. Burch. clerk. (49 50: E. J. Jackson, con stable. $74.2$. Marian J utile Cart W. H. Belt. Justice. 1173 35: Henry Smith, constable, (19.80; Leona Peterson, atenot.. 129.70. Weadbara Juille Court T. C. Oorman. Justice. (222 55: W. C. Miller, constable, (49.50: Mary V. Oorman. clerk. 134.65. Juvenile Court Nona White, pro bation officer. (215 77: D. J. Jensen, as sistant, (313.40: L. M. Johnston, stenog., ivi.iw. Microfilming D. w. Ramaeyer, clerk. (167.80. County Recorder Adella Qiekman. deputy. (170.20: Virginia Orlt ton, deputy, (168.21; Ramona Evaru, de puty, (151.33: Irene Johnson, deputy, 1150.30; Joan Lanke. clerk. 1155.55. Regis tralfon and Election Giadya White, dep. county clerk, (186.02. County School Su perintendent J, F. Remington, deputy, 1169.65; Vivian 8. Hoentg, supervisor, (207.80; Marguerite R. Burton, supervisor. 1232.20; Christine V. M or ley. secretary. (149.59. Sheriff Office Cecal A. I. Malstrom, deputy, (210.40 Wm. D?Vall. deputy, (203.30; B. R. Smith, deputy. 1210.80: John Harger. deputy, $219.10. M. R. Wood, deputy. (219.10: E. O. Scott. deputy, (190.84; S. R. Tlce, deputy. 1201.40: Olenn Conk I in. deputy. (168.60. Sheriff' Office Tax H. F. Domoaalla. deputy, (228.37; H. T. Evans, cashier. (208.04; Vloletta Wot. bookkeeper, (189 23; Lydia Mattaon. deputy, (179.10: Evelyn Mean is. deputy. 172.13; Marian Ma as. deputy. $147.25; Oeraldlne Whit, deputy. (155.33. Surveyor's Office Nell 81mm. secretary, (154.40. County Treasurer Au drey H. Ewlng, deputy, (150.13. Veteran Bervle Office H. c. Saalfeld. service of ficer. $2(3.10: Lillian Klip pert, secretary, (66.36. County Engineer H. 8. Swart, county engineer, 1305.89: A. M. Presnall, secretary. $130.40: Mildred Boweraox. clerk, 837.10. Dog Control Fond Ervln A. Ward, dog control enf. officer. 1201.80; R. J. Stanton, clerk. (100. County Proper ly H. William Thtelssen. land agent, (112.30: L. M. Johnston, stenog., (50. Brel tenbuth Justice Court John M. Fidel, dep. constable. (24.75; John M. Fidel, dep. constable, (12.37. Mite. Helen L. Mul key, clerk, (9.15: Wilson J. Wilt, tnultl sraph oper., (132.51: M. Reznlcsek. clerk, (18.21; Alice J. Balllle, clerk. (168.30; Francis Rierson, health educator, $79.36: Floyd L. Sleitmund, watermaster, (192.70: J. P. Asplnwall. labor, (220.87; Delbert J. Balr. labor. (227.70; J. A. Burna. labor, (143.80: Wm. H. Ficke, labor. (181.28; Har ry H. Lawrence, labor, (275.81; H. A. Mar ttin, labor, $224.90; Harold L. Martin, la bor. (221.27; Edward Schmitt, labor. $218.60; M. J. McCormlck, labor, $218.76; Leo A. Andreas, labor, (207.92: David Du bois, labor, $183.08: Virgil R. Fahey, labor, $213.34: 8. M. Martin, Inbor. $222.05; Cecil R. Royston, labor, (223.68; Delbert C. Shelllto, labor, (37.19; E. J. Richards, la bor, $126.05; Arthur Blackburn, labor, 1216.64; A. A. Richards, labor, $203.82; Chas. Tucker, labor. 1152.05; Kenneth Watts, labor, (91.84: Clarence Williams, labor, $45.51; Ted Kuenzl. labor, (254.34; Wm. R. Brenner, labor, (238.55; Menno Dalke, labor, (221.40; Lloyd Jarman. la bor, (197.21; C. J. Miller, labor. (23B.64; Tom Rltchey, labor, (220.41: Joa. A. Robl. labor, $187.07: W. Shelley, labor, (230.40 Oene Shilling, labor. (233.70: Arthur J Jackmler. labor, $185.52; Ted Wagoner labor. (122.63; L. W. Webber, labor. (217.59; W. O. Williamson. labor, (202.15: Frank Woelke, labor, (332.07: O. D. Bin ear, labor, $289.03: Henry Bower. labor. 1244.07; Lawrence Bower, labor. $199.14; Wm. P. Croker. labor, $229.63; Wm. Duch ateau, labor. (206.91: Orvllle L. Dunlgan. labor, (313.44; S. K. Ely. labor, (242.10; Harvey M. Girod. labor, (209.79: Eric Ous tafson, labor, $252.01; Roy Hatfield, la bor. (245.75, Harold K. Kepplnaer. labor. 1287.69; Ben Kerbf-r. labor. $289.80; R. W. Kinney, labor. (324.20: Barney J. Kropp. labor, (213.89; Laurel Lamb, labor, (292.12: Floyd Lauber. labor, (381. 12: E. A. Law. (303 93: W. It. Maiaer. labor, 138 $1: John McAllister, labor. (261.33; Ralph McAl lUtcr. labor. (282.1$: Wm. Nafuger. labor. 1286.30; D. P. Scharf, labor. (307.22; Wm. Snaw, Jabor. (247.88; August Smith Jr.. labor. (2U.H: Robert Smith, labor. (300.73: O. h. Spencer, labor. (249 64; Earl D. Standley. labor, (3H.49; Lloyd I. Tay lor, labor. (274.37: A. M. Theut. labor. 1365.65; Nick Tbeig, labor, (294.59; Ray mond Titus, labor. 1 193 05; Orvllle L. Trussell. labor. (275 09: Hugh Webb, la bor, (333.1$: Sam Wees, labor. (265.04; Leo Well, labor, 134 47, Tony Woelke, la bor, 1308.48; J. C. Cumutt. labor. (227.33; J. Anderson Jr., labor. $343.65; Wm. Bunt ing, labor, (334.53; L. R. Cooper, labor. (356 61; E. J. Coover. labor. $204,34: Axel Johnson, labor, (204.34: J. R. Patten, la bor. (223.03; H. J. Peterson, labor, (343.65; C. O. Ross, labor. (223 65: A. B. Rostad. labor. (214.33; D. W. Sclfned, labor, 1207.93; Raymond Syveraon, labro, (251.5$; E. H. Busby, labor, (197 32; C. A. Corbine. labor, (191.17; Tom Bowden. labor. (269.98; Oeorgo Fraudendlener, labor, $2 1 1 .43; Warren Hicks, labor, (1190; Floyd Mudd, bailiff, (58-90; Robert Slmmj. bailiff, (8.90; L. M. Wright, dep. aherilf, $14.25; Harry Becker, hauling rock. $882; L. M, Cue, hauling rock. 1908; Cleo Keppinier. haul ing rock, $924; John Nag, hauling rock, 19U3; Steve Annderson. atty. fee, (43; H. J. Bratxel. reporter. $10: Hank's Park ing Lot. Jurors' cars, parking, (5; Maxln Hill. Jurors' cars, parking, (2.25: Louis Lesley, jurors' cars, parking, 13 35; Law rence Osterman. atty fee. (135; Salem Parkins Service, Jurors' cars, parking, 13; Ruth Staab, Jurors' cars, parkin. 11.75: Ralph C. Cox he ad Corp.. sups., (3.71: Your Town, sups., (3$ 25; Dept. of Agriculture, cherry fruit fly control. $33.98: Assoc. of Oregon Counties, public lands comm., 1130; Leston W. Howell, per diem, etc. (82.82: Bureau of Labor, permit. 12: East- erday Supply Co., sups., (9.60; Otis Elev. contract. (8.50; McOUchrlat Jc Song. sups., 13.84: Salem Ins. Aaent Assoc., Ins., $69: Salem Willamette Supply, reps., (40.75: Vibbcrt Electric, repa.. $1.73: Sam B. Harbison, T.E., (16.30: Albert C. Oragf, postmaster, postage, (6: Dr. Theodora Stuckart, exam., $10; Sybil C. Catlln k Frank H. Spears, rent. (100: Earl Adams. T.E., (289.82: John Schmid. garbage dis posal. $100. Health Dept. Dr. M. K. Cro thera, med. serv.. (41.66: Doctor's Supply Co.. sups., (81.68: Dr. Margaret Dowell. med. serv., (10; Dr. Lucille Fortner, med. serv., no; A. C. Orate, postmaster, post age, 835: Hendrle Medical Lab., lab. ser vice, (125; Dr. Robeert Joseph, med. ser vice, (36: Dr. B. I. Knapp, med. serv., $10: Helen Melby. labor. 140.50: Dr. Oeorae W. Paeth, med. serv., (225; J. C. Penney Co.. sup., (9.96; Perry's Drug Store, sups., 123.74: The Qulsenberry Pharmacy, sups.. $29.93: Salem Med. Lab., lab. serv.. (33.37: Salem Masonic Temple Assoc., rent, (250: School Dist. No. 4, tele., (1.13; W. J. Stone, petty cash, (17.73; Todd'a Camera Clinic, sups., (20.36. Mine. John W. Han- ranan, rees, lija.ag; t rc-a w. Lange, lees, 418: K. J. Peterson, fees. (363.23: A. W. Simmons, fees, $105: Laura E. Havernick, indemnity, (a; cnaries B. Jayne, indem nity, 37.50; Adlore A. Paquln. Indemnity, 18; Alvln L Pool, lnndemnity, (8: Dr. Hor ace Miller, exam., 125; Dr. Roscoe C. Wil son, exam., (20: Dr. Paul Wolfe, exam., $10: Jacob A. Braunberger, care. (24.13; Mrs. Mary Halvorsen. care. (50: Mra. Stewart Miner, care, (43.45; Dr. Estill L. Brunk. sups., (7.30; Fingerprint Equip. Lab., sups., $20.65; Painless Parker Den tist, med. serv., (7.50: Sanitary Service Co., Inc.. removing garbage. (1.90; Denver Young, meals. (1.043.04; J. C. Fowler, T.E.. 14.85: E. E. Howell, rent, etc., $20; Emery J. Jackson. T.E., etc., (44.11: W. H. Bell, rent, etc., (35; Henry Smith, T.E., $6.40; Woodburn Independent, sups., (37.95: T. C Oorman, rent. (15; Albertina Kerr Homes, court comm., (9.03; The Boys Sc Girls Aid Soc. of Ore., court comm., $30: Catholic Charities Inc., court comm., (40.65; Chil dren's Farm Home, court comm.. $27.10: J. H. Turntdae. court comm., (30; Keep Oregon Green Assoc., contribution. (100: Agnes c. uootn, i.e., iiw.ib: state Dept. of Education, sups., (45; Dept. of Agricul ture, sealer, $32.82; Consolidated Freight ways, frt.. $32.63; H. F. Domoaalla. T.E.. $6.48; DARCO Inc. Business Forms, aupi.. 1757.53; Burke's Camera Shop, sup., 116.83; Capital City Transfer Co., frt.. 13.35; Don's Union Station, sups., $1.30; Denver Young, postage, $9; Denver Young sups.. (30; A. D. O rah am, T.E., $1.92: Sa lem Blue Print Co.. sups.. (13.50; Sam J. Harms, sups., (5.30; A. C. Oragg, postage. M0: K. C. Saalfeld. TE, 125 10: Mrs. It K. Bates, chickens killed, (1135; H. E. Bennett, sheep killed. (37: Ralph D Vil lus, hep killed. $11: F. R. Fortune, tur key killed. (4.50; O. P. Olven. sheep killed. (15: The K eyes-Da vis Co., sups.. 19-80; Henry R utile, sheep killed, $34; Err in A. Ward. T E (79.20: Denver Youni. liquor law enf.. $09.15: The American Law Book Co, law. $10: Bancroft-Whitney Co.. laws, $330: West Publishing. Co., laws, 110; Oeo. E. Alien Hardware, sup.. $3.60; Amerclan Brush Co., sups., $53 90; Ames Hardware 4r Purn. Co., sups., (3693; W. L. Anderson Inc., reps., $2: Arnvco Drain age Aj Metal Products, sups.. (4.483.20; Asbury Transportation Co., frt., (54.79: Th Atco Co., sups.. $157.73: Ballou k Wright, sups., (92 93: Bearing Master Sales. Inc.. sups.. (1.7$: Birkemeier and Sarema, sups., (3.300 46; Bostltch-North-wast Co.. sups., (39.21: E. H. Burrell, aup., (31.70: Burrouih Adding Mach. Co., aup., (4.05: Canby Sand and O ravel, sups., (3a 0: Capital Auto Parts, reps., (30.04: Capita City Bindery, sups., (17.30: Capi tal Journal, adv., (3; Capitol Lbr. Co., sup., (75.60; Monroe S. Cheek, sups.. 1123.90; City of Salem, cutting grass (8.10: Ctly pf Salem, reps., (20.67; City Water Dept.. water, $98,10; Joe Clark, labor, (638.75: Clyde Equip, Co., reps., (7.43: Colyear Motor Sales Co., sups., (104.96; The Commercial Book Store, sup., $196.40; Doom tie Master Service Sia., sup., (343.12: Douthton Hardware, reps., 19.35; Engineer Sand Ac Gravel Co., aup., $500.90; Ray L. Farmer Hdw, Co., sup., 14.99; Firestone Stores, sups., (273.43; W. Possholm. sign. 14.60: Frerea-Frank Lbr. Co., sup.. $21.60; J. A. and E. C . Frla- : refund. $132.44; General Petroleum: Corp., sup., $46.1$; The J. K OU1 Co.. sup., 110.29: Dr. John R. Ooldsmlth, : exam., $20; The B. F. Goodrich Co., aup.. (119.70; A. C. Haac and Co.. sups., (1; J. D. Hart well. sups.. 124.50: J. E. Hasel- : tin it Co.. aup., $197.96: Herrold-Philip- : Pi Motor Co.. sup., 13.201.89: The Haloid Co., sup., (794.95; Home Fuel Oil Co., up., $134.40: Howard Cooper Corp., sups., (722.46; Chas. H. Hoyt, gravel, 113,044.70; Industrial Supply Co. of Salem, ten.. 1485; Interstate Tractor St Equip. Co., . sup., (6.133.49; Johnson, Slewert fc A'.d- rich, sup., $40.48; J. o. Jones, gas, (4 36: Ira Jorgensen, sup., 1221.87: H. A. Judd, peetty cash, 118.98; Kay Typewriter Co.. husk.. (14.50: Keiczer Sand it O ravel Co.. sups.. 132.73: Lloyd Ketchum, ups.. 1431.90: Kubll-Howell Co.. suus.. 12.50: Claude Lewis, rent, (25: C. J. Lewis, gas. (33.26; Loxger St Contractors Mach. Co., reps.. (2.43; James H. Maden Co.. rep.. 1107.67: R. H. McColly, hauling gravel, 1966.69; M. J. McCormlck, sups., 13.70; McKay Chev. Co.. sup.. (166.79; A. B. Mc Lauchlan Co.. reps.. (3.50: Mill Supply Corp., sups., (58.24; W. C. Miller, T.E., (15.30: Harvey O. Moen. hauling crave, 1789.26: Montgomery Ward Si Co., sum.. 1122.70: Mountain States Power Co., LitcP. (60.50; Needham' Book Store. sups., 1152.42. Alf. O. Nelson, rent. HQ: Nnrris Se Walker Chemical Co., sups., (1.750; Northwest Ind. Laundry Co., laundry, 15.76: Oregon Elec. Co.. frt.. $1,903.16: Oregon Oravel Co., gravel. (8,048.10; Ore con Physicians Service, dues, 1385.10; Ore- on State Highway Comm.. on Indepen dence bridge, (119,336,25; Bent Otjen St Son, use of equip., (1.366.25: Pacific Bids., rent, ioo: pacutc Tele. & Tele. Co.. te e. St tele., 1387.89; Peck Bros., tups., (346.66; L. V. Petersen, labor. (87; L. V. Peterson, equip., 13.000: Phllippl Tire Service, reps.. $2.03: Pierce Auto Frt. Lines Inc.. frt.. $1.25; Pltney-Bowe Inc., sup., $5,12: Portland Gen. Elec. Co.. LAP. (167.81 ; Quoruet Oarage, reps., (21; Remington Rand Inc., sups.. (525.70; J. H. Rigdon, oil rock. (1,730.73: Roen Typewriter Co., rent. (2.50; Saffron Supply Co., sups., (34.35: A. Sahll, wood, $884.50: Salem Auto Parts Co., reps., (5.17; Salem Hard ware Co.. rups, (14.66: Salem Iron Works, rep., (1.25: Salem Navigation Co., frt., $1.29: Salem teel St Supply Co., rep.. 1181.71; Salem Welding Supply, aup., $13.51; Santlam Oravel CO., gravel. (55.62; Shell Oil Co.. gas. etc., $33.18; Silver Wheel Motor Freight, frt.. (123: H. A. Simmons, gas, etc., (2,363.06; H. A. Sim mons, gas. 1138.38: Smith Auto Parts Co.. sups., $1.76: R. Old Smith Jr., hauling rock. (956.81: Snap-on Tools Corp., sups.. $2.73: Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gas, (239.30: State Public Welfare Comm.. care. (63.244.50; State Tire Service, aup., (9.67, Statesman Pub. Co., adv., $280.72; A. C. ! & Mary F. Stowell, rent. (125: E. O. Se Ronald H. Byron. sups.v ($79.89: Tide 1 Water Assot?. Oil Co, gas. $158 97: Union, Oil Co. f Calif.. ias. etc.. (22,007.34; Un ion Title Service Co., check RW, (10; Unruh-Knapp Printing Co. sup., $5$. OS; Valley Motor Co., sups., (173 0$; Valley Motor Co., reps.. (IT M Valley Welding Supply Co.. sups., (33 60: Walling Sand St Oravel Co., travel. j,ojd; western Auto Supply Co., up , (0 96: We tern Un. ton Tele. Co . tele.. (24 53; John Whttten, labor. 116.50: Willamette Valley Trans. V Co. frt., $9.68: Woodbury Co.. -up., (77.37: R. D. Woodrow Co.. up.. $11.1$: ellerbach Paper Co.. aup., $99 9$; Walter H. Zoacl Co., sups., (219. 37. riOCEEDINClR Sept. 1, 1949 Permit to haul logs. E. Q, Neal; pip line permit, Gltn F. Beumgaru ner and Wm. B Duda. 3 for City of Salem water departmnt: pole lln permits to Portland General Electric Co., J. F. SchnU der. Sept. 3, permit to haul loas. Wagner and Bevler; order appointing viewers and setting hearing on petition for way of n culty In Sec. 10. 8-3-W., and order notify Int property owner of meeting. Sept. t, regulation No. 34 by Oregon Liquor Control commission; indemnity claim oi Austin A. Kyle, final hearing 93049; dance hall license. Frank Wilson; deed from Robert Norrt et ux to Marion county lor dedicated road In Ewald Fruit Farma plac ed on file only. Sept. 6, county engineer report on work on Llvlnaston avenue in Harlands subdlv. In Sec. 13. 1-3-W. Sept. 7, approval of plat of "Brewster Addi tion": petition of Bernlce L. Varner t al In RE: changing name of Chemawa. road, hearing set for Oct. 7: Indemnity claim of Clifford H. Kuenzl, final hearing et for 9949: permit to haul log. Capitol ILumber Fuel Co. Sept. 8, quit claim deed to E. W. Burns t ux: petition to estab lish a county road out of Grant st. and James ave. In Sliverton, Indefinitely post poned; resolution for deed to United States for .3 of an acre In Detroit dam rea. Sept. 9. final hearing on indemnity claim of Laura E. Havernlck; order by atat tax commission removing 40 acre In Sec. 36. 7-1 -E from reforestation act. Sept. 10, permit to move a Cyclone, Fre res and Frank Lumber Co, Sept. 13. peti tlon for Incorporating city of Detroit, or der setting date, etc., also notice of elec tion and order to post notice. Sept. 13, beer llecnse, J. T. Jun et al, Herman F. Breitensteln et al: permit to haul log. Wallace Bevler. Sept. 14. permit to haul logs. Walter L. Rak. Henry Query: peti tion opposing inclusion in Liberty-Salem- Hel his fire district; Lone oak Mutual Telephone Co., pole line permit; proposed formation of Lioerty-saiem Heigrtu rural ftre district taken under advisement, re- alignment to made and submitted to court. Sept. IS, permit to haul logs, Frank pokornr: petition oi a. a. Larsen et al to be excluded from proposed Liberty-Sa le m Heights fire district. Sept, 16, permit move combine, W. J. Kloft; resolution aet tint out the policy of the court on vaca tion and sick leave granted road employ ees; two petitions to preserve present Marlon County court house; list or addi tional Jurors for circuit court. Sept. 17, pole line permit, Portland Oeneral Electric indemnity claim or Tom L. weoo. final hearing 93049; report on Cherry Fruit fly control work. Sept. 19. Indemnity clal mof Frank M. Boen; final hearing 9 '3049; Harold F. Wlltse, permit to haul lots; Sent. 30. beer license. Frank P. Mar shall: acceptance of option for purchase ay united States of .3 of an acre In De troit dam area: permit to haul log, Don ald Crockett and Freddie Crlte. Sept. 21, regulation No. 7 by Oregon Liquor Control commission; quit claim deed to Mary E. Alexander; .indemnity Claim oi Andrew J. Colyer. final hearing set for 10 '849. Sept. 23. permit to haul log. J. V. Spoel- Ktra: pipe line permits 3 to Salem Heights water district. Sept. 37, Indemnity cliam of James R. Linn, final hearing set for 10 '8 '49; report on Twelfth street traf fic survey; permit to haul log. Maurice More and Boyd L. Hilton. Sept. 28, beer license. Dallas and Una Drink ill: pole line permit 2) to Portland General Electric Co.: order aettlng speed limit on portion of Market road 91 at 40 miles per transfer of funds pursuant to can cellation of seven year warrants. Sept. 39, permit to haul logs, H. A. Russell; indem nity claim of James R. Linn, final hear ing 101049. Sept. 30, final hearing on Indemnity claim or Austin A. Kyle, Clif ford H. Kuenzl. Tom L. Webb. Frank U. Boen: indemnity claim of H. Ml k kelson and Bon, final hearing set for 103149; transfer order. fib the, gg& oftteiws... S for yourself, hear for yourself. These are axioms of action w'rth United Press reporters. Whatever the story they are covering a diplomatic statement or a street shooting, a scientific discovery or a baseball deal they go to the source of the news. That's one reason why more and more readers find U. P. dispatches of first interest. U. P. gets Its facts at first hand. For Builrwell Davenport Suites 1978 N. Capitol Since 1941 was In deualr when I bensn to lose my hearing. Then one day In lust 20 seconds I discovered how to hear again. Thanks to the new Bellone Phantomold, there's NO BUTTON IN MY EAR. Discover how you, too, can hear again. Come In, phone or write for FREE booklet that tells all the (acts. James N. Taft AND ASSOCIATES K Oregon Bldg. Salem, Oregon WALNUT MEATS WANTED We will Fay Top Prices for WALNUT MEATS Depend On Vt For a Square Deal Willamette Grocery Co. jw so. lottage it. SALEM, OREGON Phone 14144 4 it, I CHICAGO MKT NCW I CHICAGO Through the. WH window, a two-gun car thief trapped Irttid rite Norrhwaittrn Station It shooting Into Hie itr.l. At the right a pioinclorh.imon It oniw.r. ing with a riot gun. Between rhe two fires, Ed Soimbury, ef the United Press He scored e half-hour beat on the bandit's killing. THE WORLD'S BEST COVERAGE OF THE WORLD'S BIGGEST NEWS' INDEPENDENCE, Mo. Dur,A9 an orly morning itroH along fh ttrsot of his horn town, Prviidvnt Truman pausai to chat with m ranking Whit Houm rttoortor, U.P.'i Mrri man Smith NEW YOrK On ft Hepi of it Yank' dugout at ft Stadium, Manager Caity Stangol outlinai to U. P. bat boil adifor CoH lundquitt hit tit otogss far lha ttratch drtva fa FAWA, Hofy Will Ingrta Bergman marry Director Roberto RotteMint. betide her heretU.rVi Aldo Forte (right) oikj the question during on exclusive Inter view with me star. MADttD At kn private ratiaWe owe side the city GeneroKiiimo Franctiee) Franco tofts about his notion's ooire with ftatph Forte, United Frets head ' Spain. Read United Press dispatches daily in the Capital jiJournal Safem's Leading Newspaper FIRST in circulation, FIRST in advertising, FIRST in news