Miss Bull, Mr. Hjort Wed Saturday The F i r 1 1 Congregational church was the scene for a wed ding Saturday evening when Miss Darline Grace Bull, daugh ter ol Mr. and Mrs. Barney L. Bull, was married to Robert Carl Hjort, son of Mrs. Halfdan J. Hjort ol Salem and the late Mr. Hjort. Lavender, yellow and bronze chrysanthemums decorated the church for the wedding. The service took place at 7 o'clock, Dr. Seth R. Huntington officiat ing. Mrs. ' Jack Brown In an Ice blue gown and Miss Mavis Beck wearing a peach formal, lighted the tapers. For the music, Miss Beverly Kenney sang, Jean Hob son Rich at the organ. Mr. Bull gave his daughter in marriage. The bridal gown was of white satin, fashioned with long sleeves and a train. The double veil was- edged in lace and was arranged from a pearl ized crown. For her flowers she carried an arrangement of white chrysanthemums with an orchid. Mrs. Robert Guthner was hon or attendant for her sister. She wore yellow and her flowers were lavender chrysanthemums and she wore some of the same flowers in her hair. Miss Jeannie Bull, sister of the bride, and Miss Winona Breuninger of Seattle, both in lavender formals, were the bridesmaids. They wore yellow chrysanthemums in their hair and carried bouquets of the same blooms. Dennis R. Guthner, nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. Ronald Bartlett was best man for Mr. Hjort. Roy Rice and Ralph Lisle were groomsmen and the ushers were Raymond Crumme and William Ferlich, Jr. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Bull wore a brown after noon dress and the bridegroom's mother wore a cinnamon brown afternoon dress. The reception was in the church parlors. Mrs. Raymond Crumme, sister of the bride groom, served the bride's cake, Mrs. Earl Bull presided at the coffee urn and Mrs. Glen Rob erts was at the punch bowl Serving were Miss Barbara A Birthday Week jirl scouts of Salem and vi cinity are making plans for their annual national birthday week, October 31 -November 6. Events and other details for the celebra tion will be announced later. A meeting for the Salem dis trict council will be held Thurs day evening of this week. Ensign Hindes Is Wed in California Stayton Announcement is being made of the marriage of Miss Donna Jean Haag, San Di ego, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Nolder of Crestline, Ohio, to Ensign Jack Gordon Hindes, USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel P. Hindes of Stay ton. The ceremony took place Sat urday, October 1, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon in the Little Chapel of Roses at Chula Vista, Calif., with Rev. T. K. Ferguson officiating. Michael Boyd sang before the flower decorated altar. Jack M. Lydick escorted the bride, who wore a gown of powder blue lace of ballerina length with matching sweetheart hat. She carried a nosegay. Miss Margaret Penwarden was maid of honor, wearing a gown of iridescent gray nylon and she, too, carried a nosegay. En sign Robert Aldrich was best man, and Ensigns Murray Cook and Roy McLain were ushers.. A reception was held follow ing the wedding ceremony at the San Diego home of Mrs. J. Brower, a close friend of the bride. Following their return from a honeymoon spent at. Big Bear lake, near San Bernardino, Cal. the newlyweds will be at home at 1486 Sunset Cliffs, Ocean beach. The bridegroom is at tached to the naval air station. Smith, Mrs. Raymond Guthner, Mrs. Robert Pierce and Mrs. Raymond Wilson. Mrs. Edwin Fobar and Miss Joan Bar had charge of the gifts and passing the guest book was Miss Faye Crawford. For going away the bride wore a dark green suit with brown accessories, eggshell blouse and gloves, and corsage of orchids. Following a trip along the Oregon coast the couple will be at home in Salem. SHOES ODD LOTS Have been assembled in one section. This includes all leahters and styles but not all sizes. Regularly priced up to $22.50. Take any pair in the lot at only MILLINERY The greatest selection of better millinery now on display in our Mil linery Department. See Mr. Jackson. FUR COAT SPECIAL PROMOTION Be sure and see these coats made up in all the different buy. Just Received Another HUNDREDS BEAUTIFUL UMBRELLAS Which will b placed in this promotion. $6.00 to $8.00 umbrellas. While they last , Exclusive with Prices-Barbizon Makers of fine lingerie. Also Vanity Fair in the nties. Be sure ond visit our lingerie deportment, ew and foshionable creations. Slips, gowns and pan- Club Dance On Saturday Mooregon club members have planned a Halloween dance for next Saturday evening at the Salem Golf club. Decorations will feature the Halloween theme. Don MacGregor is general chairman for the party. Miss Jane Hendren is chairman for the music. Miss Caroline Miller for the decorations, Mrs. How ard Houck for the refreshments and John Voves for the prizes. The dance is set for 9 p. m. Sojourners Party To Be Thursday Dessert at 1 o'clock, follow ed by cards, is planned for the Soujourners club next Thurs day at the Salem Woman's club house. Mrs. William D. Galloway, Jr., is chairman for the committee and serving with her are Mrs. Gordon O. Leonard, Mrs. Hob art Jackson, Mrs. Howard Sarg ent, Mrs. William Healy, Mrs. Charles Haynes and Mrs. Melvin Bedsaul. 2 Entertain Hostesses Friday evening at a party and shower for Mrs. Oscar L. Donaldson, Jr., were Mrs. P. Dixon Van Ausdell, Jr., and Mrs. Donald McNeill, the party being at the home of Mrs. Van Ausdell. A late dessert was served. A gift also was presented to Mrs. Dale Esch. At the party were Mrs. Don aldson, Mrs. Willard Glaze, Mrs. Alma Cunningham, Mrs. Carl Frink, Mrs. Dale Esch, Miss Ar dell Scott, Miss Pauline Turin, Miss Clela Turin, Miss Anna Mae Webb, Miss Maxyne Smith Miss Idella McAdams, Miss Mar cella Schwartz, Miss Ruth Skin ner and the hostesses. Believe miseries fast use steam, too WICKS YsVapoRub HP M before you buy. The finest selection of better coats on the coast furs. Priced 30 below former seasons. Get our prices before f v P 1 I n r fit fMflUlW-'fcl Wed in September Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rae were married September 18. The bride is the former Margie Goss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Goss of McMinnville. Mr. Rae is the son of Mrs. Maude R. Rae of Salem and the late Roy Rae. Amity Club Lists Varied Activities Amity The Amity Civic Im provement club held the first meeting of the season last week at the Methodist church, Miss Laura Judy, the new president, in charge. The club voted to become a member of the Third District Federation of Clubs. A group of the members vol unteered their service for solic iting outlying districts in the Community Chest drive which the Lions club is sponsoring. Mrs. Edwin Morse, city library chairman, reported work com pleted at the library during the summer. Mrs. Rupert Christen sen, chairman for girl scout ac tivities, asked for more leaders. Mrs. Isaac Bontsari, public health chairman, reported on at tendance at county meetings and Palmistry Readings Will tell your past present and future. Will advise on love, marriage and business Answers all questions. Are fJy o u worried? wny oe in doubt? Special Readings. Onen 8 a.m. r to 10 p.m. Under New Management 173 S. Commercial of the finer 1A QF I We iTei? .ft Oft 3.95 Mrs. Ray Cooper, American citizenship chairman reported activities in her department. One new member was elected, Mrs. Orville Colyer. Visitors were Mrs. Earl Coul ter, Mrs. Andrew Wakeman, Mrs. Winnifred Bantsari and Mrs. Hillman. The hostesses, Mesdames, James L. Payne, H. W. Torbet, Wm. Sprval, J. Ber tino, Ray Cooper and Miss Laura Judy served a dessert luncheon. Stories of vacation trips were enjoyed during the social hour. November 17 is the date for the next meeting. If you use whole eggs in mak ing baked custards it is best to strain the mixture into the cus tard cups before baking. FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP AUTO TRUCK FIRE Month offer month ofter month our Service Savings Customer Satisfac tion has proven itself. AND our cus tomers are saving money. easonal Promotion Announcing Promoting the Famous Pendleton Jackets, Skirts and Shirts. You must see this fomous line. This is the most wanted wearing apporel for women that we hove ever ofered the Salem public. Each garment selling at 1 QC 1 QC popular prices ONLY IXiJ Iti'J and you Miss Hauth Wed Oct. 15 Mt. Angel In afternoon cere monies, October IS, Miss Rose Theresa Hauth was wed to R. Stanley Ferrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Ferrc'l of Newberg, at the St. Mary's church, Mt. Angel. The Rev. Damian Jentges, O.S.B. read the service for the double ring rites in a setting of large baskets and bouquets of chrysanthemums and lighted candelabrums Her brother. Fred Hauth, gave her in mar riage. Miss Helen Keber play ed the marches, and was ac companist for Miss Pauline Saalfeld and Miss Eustelle Bau man who sang. The bride, daughter of Mrs. Wendell Hauth, and the late Mr. Haut, wore a gown of tra ditional white satin, fashioned with pointed waistline and bas que bodice, deep yoke of mari quisette, wide French lace ruf fle at the low shoulder line, long sleeves, and a court train. A headdress of tulle and seed pearls held the tulle veil, made double, and fingertip in length She carried a white pearl rosary with a white orchid and satin streamers. Miss Mary Ann Hauth stood as honor maid for her sister and Miss Eleanor Hauth was her sister's bridesmaid. Both at tendants were dressed identi caly in gowns of orchid satin. They were styled with a three fold tailored shawl collar of matching satin on fitted bodice and floor length skirts. Their en sembles included matching mitts, satin bandeau headdresses, and gold crosses on chain. Their BILL OSKO Phone 3-5661 466 Court St. BILL OSKO Dist Mgr. ensational KMnA ami rararacra GIFT SUGGESTIONS Fine lingerie, Round The Clock Hose and the famous SAPPHIRE HOSE. LUCIEN LELONG PERFUMES in oil the new fragrances pack aged for gifts and personal use. See the Well Known Sacony Suits OQ QC Mony styles and colors to choose from. At ONLY .... Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., yellow and white fall flowers were in colonial bouquets. Charles Ferrell was best man for his brother and Frederick Douglas was the groomsman. Ushers were Donald Hauth and William Anderson. The reception was held in the St. Mary's dining hall. Mrs. Charles Deal and Miss Georgian na Hauth, sisters of the bride, cut the wedding cake. Mrs. Charles Ferrell and Miss Caro line Ferrell opened the gifts, and Miss Maxine Schwab passed the guest book. At the punch bowl were Miss Annella Bau- man and Miss Bertha Hassing. Pouring and serving were the Misses Mary Diehl, Donna Diehl, LaVonne Frcy, Phillis Wolf, and cousins Bernadettc Hauth and Marilyn Hauth. The couple will reside in Sa lcm upon their return from a honeymoon trip to California The bride chose a wine dress, blue coat and blue and grav ac cessories for her going away. Her white orchid was pinned to her coat lapel. LANSING Neighbors' Garden club has planned a meeting for Thursday at the home of Mrs. Daisy Tobin, 81 Lansing avenue Dessert will be at 1:30 o'clock. New Out-A-Sight Hearing If You Have Hesitated ecurlng better hearing beciuM Ton did not ant to be seen veerlng thai little hearing "button" In your ear bealtat no longer! U'g out of alghtl Mail Coupon Now S0N0T0NE 1933 State St., Salem, Ore. ffltbool obligation I wonto Ilk Bom front of Ineltlble Hrarlna. Please furnl.h me with further Information about lorlalbl Hear ing NAME ADDRESS CITY New Prices deductions Monday, October 24, 1949 7 HUBBARD The Hubbard Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. A. W. deLespinase for an extension demonstration by Miss Betty Ann Boettcher, as sistant county home demonstra tion agent. Her subject was Win dow Treatments. Guests of the day were the seven women teachers of the Hubbard grade school, Mrs. Roy Duncan, Mrs, J. H. Redden, Mrs. Odgers, Mrs Axtel, Mrs. Cyril McNary, Mrs. Fern Foster and Miss Ruby Ken nedy, also Mrs. Harry Scher. Mrs. Charles Vredenburg, Mrs. Wensell Donbrava and Susan Jane, Mrs. Ben Miller and a former member, Mrs. Grace Cramer. Mrs. Cramer and Mrs. Lester Keller presided at the tea and coffee urns. The club voted to have charge of the Commu nity Chest drive. ...as a women's kt -thafs nnre.TA.i Ae rUEJ IV LVVJ THE CONVENIENT, CLEAN, EFFICIENT FUa HT 'IM M CAPITOL LUMBER CO. N. Cherry Ave. Phone 38862 or 14431 135 North Liberty 1, A. A ... '